Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Trump still trumps Clinton on a bad day

Deplorable Elites

Hillary is showing contempt for the voters.

While I have consistently dissented in this column and elsewhere from extreme versions of the anti-Trump barrage across the American and international media, he was not my first choice for the Republican nomination, and I have tried not to close the door prematurely on the election. The antics of the Democrats and their noisiest sympathizers in the last ten days have made any effort to retain a glimmer of hope that Mrs. Clinton might survive as election-worthy all the way to November 8 very challenging. Her reference to half of Donald Trump’s supporters as “deplorable” is now old news, but the analysis of the implications of the assertion has been threadbare in the almost unanimously anti-Trump media. Mrs. Clinton regretted that she had so described half of his supporters: her retraction was on her arithmetic, not her characterization of tens of millions of Americans.

This is a familiar pattern, in media treatment of the clumsy assertions or asides of candidates, and in Mrs. Clinton’s response to her own errors. In 2008, Barack Obama was inspired by a campaign trip to Pennsylvania to disparage those who in their ignorance and redundancy were sustained by religiosity and a love of firearms. The media almost uniformly failed to remark that this was a bit rich coming from someone who sat for 20 years in the pews of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, listening to his assertions that AIDS was a white conspiracy and then that the terrorist attacks of September 2001 were not an unjust chastisement of the United States; or that firearms and religion had little to do with unemployment.
In 2012, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney mentioned in what he took to be a closed meeting that the Democrats were bidding for the votes of all 47 percent of the American electorate that receive some form of state benefit, leaving only the slightest margin for a Republican victory. (In fact, he had a won election after the first debate and then managed to blow it, and not because of this utterance.) The media view of Romney was that he had insulted half the people and pitched to racist and class-antagonist impulses. He was not hated by the media as a threat as Trump is, since the latter has succeeded despite them and denounced their biases, to the approval of very many voters.

The most severe strictures the vast hallelujah chorus of the Clinton media echo chamber could muster were that “deplorables” was a poor choice of words, and a minor gaffe, not at all comparable to Mitt Romney’s heinous mass slur about the 47 percent. (Democrats should have been more grateful to have so feckless and defeatist an opponent as Romney.)

The media are so stung by the billions of dollars’ worth of free exposure they have given the Republican candidate — on the false assumption that the public would be as repulsed by Trump as the lumpenliberal and highbrow-conservative media are — that they have taken, especially on CNN, to announcing for hours that they will be covering a Trump speech, to build their audience, and then cutting out of the speech after three or four minutes. As Mr. Lincoln said, “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”

It is clear that there is no Democratic campaign except Trump-fear, and waiting for Trump blunders and relying on the media claque to tear him apart before the whole country. For several weeks, there have been no Trump blunders; they were useful for rousing the Archie Bunker vote, which increased Republican primary turnouts by 60 percent, with the added benefit of inflating Democratic overconfidence. There have been Clinton blunders and unseemly media efforts to minimize or ignore them, and ever greater recourse to the argument that neither is a good candidate but that Mrs. Clinton is reliable and capable and a reassuring personification of continuity, while Trump is nightmarishly unacceptable for reasons too well known to mention.

But there are no such reasons, now that he is taking care to be explicit, and to speak moderately and in syntactically correct sentences. It is the reverse of the old fable about the king having no clothes. The Republican candidate is fully clothed: He is not naked to his enemies and is not committing indiscretions. And with each week, Mrs. Clinton appears more firmly anchored in the quagmire of all the mistakes with which she has been complicit, these 20 years, while her opponent has been operating his business, albeit not without some controversy.

It is not possible that there is no element of accumulated public resentment of Clinton-Obama presumption, in the narrowing, now about even, polls. There was a foregone conclusion that it would be a Democratic landslide, even by a group of distinguished Democratic historians with whom I appeared on Fareed Zakaria’sCNN program on the eve of the Republican convention, who reproached the Republicans for not deserting their hopeless candidate as that party had Barry Goldwater in 1964. I suggested, to blank stares and stammered responses of incredulity, that this election was not so one-sided as they thought and that the Republicans could not be blamed for not doing all they could to ensure the eradication of their party by the Democrats. (In 1964, Goldwater trailed Lyndon Johnson in the total vote by almost 23 percent.) As the Democrats’ overconfidence melts, their desperation is becoming palpable.

The New York Times attacks Trump every day, last week stooping to a complaint that he had availed himself of some tax reductions as a developer, without mentioning that the New York Times Company had done the same to the extent of almost $30 million. Bret Stephens wrote in the Wall Street Journal on September 13 that Trump’s expressed desire to reintroduce the civil tort of defamation was a threat to freedom of expression. The right of free expression is not the right to defame and neither the authors of the Constitution nor any other civilized country in the world would hold that it is. The frenzied animosity to Trump among the ruling political and media harpies is essentially a frightened attachment to the cocoon of the Bush-Clinton-Obama incumbency, where the power elite is immovable and the most senior positions are passed around a few families for decades on end. In such a culture, propped up by a docile media, a threat to the right to defame is a horrifying assault on civil liberties.

It is a related symptom of the problem that the continuing indulgence of President Obama’s rewriting of history in a way entirely satisfactory to America’s enemies is generally overlooked by the media. There was practically no dissent at his censure of Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt over their “autocratic” direction of the Western Allied war effort, “brandies in hand,” in World War II. They snatched victory from the jaws of defeat and were the two greatest democratic leaders in the world in the last 150 years, since Lincoln. Obama even dissembled about sending back to the British the bust of Churchill that had been in the Oval Office.

Obama apologized for Truman’s use of the atomic bomb, which saved the Allies a million casualties, and Japan probably 2 million casualties. And he apologized for President Eisenhower’s role in removing Mohamed Mossadegh as leader of Iran. (Mossadegh was a lunatic who almost bankrupted the country. It was Carter’s complicity in the removal of the Shah that was disgraceful.) These disparagementsare not greatly less outrageous than Joseph R. McCarthy’s infamous claims that Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, and General George C. Marshall, all among the nation’s most distinguished leaders, in peace and war, were Communist dupes.

Two weeks ago, the president spoke in Laos and condemned the dropping of 2 million tons of bombs by the United States on Laos during the Vietnam War, more, as he said, than were dropped on Germany and Japan during World War II. The media failed signally to put this assertion into context: Under the Laos neutrality agreement negotiated by the Kennedy administration in 1962, the country was turned into the Ho Chi Minh Trail — a superhighway for the invasion of South Vietnam by the North. Richard Nixon said at the time that the Laos agreement was just “Communism on the installment plan.” Ninety-eight percent of American bombing was on the Trail, and there was no significant damage to the Lao civil population; the Lao government did not seriously object to the bombing, as it was the only restraint on the Communist Pathet Lao movement and its North Vietnamese backers.

’Deplorables’ was Empress Hillary emptying the contents of her chamber pot out the palace window onto “We the people.”

Of course, Mrs. Clinton and President Obama are not interchangeable, but she identified entirely with and was the chief executor of his foreign policy for four years, and is glued to him like a limpet now. It is all part of the practice, clearer each day, that there is no defense for, and comparatively little serious media criticism of, this long, cliquish incumbency that has produced disasters in every policy area for 20 years. With Mrs. Clinton, from Whitewater and the White House travel office, through Benghazi, the squalor of the Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play casino and the e-mail debacle, it is always deny, prevaricate, “short-circuit” (i.e. lie), and then say it’s old news — “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

There was something in the “deplorables” comment that went beyond the familiar hauteur of left and right and profoundly rankled. What Mrs. Clinton was deploring was the ingratitude to the ruling elite of these bumptious unwashed, the updated dismissal of the gun-toting, churchgoing (Republican) rabble that so irritated Obama eight years ago. This wasn’t just good-natured criticism of the wrongheaded supporters of an opponent, or FDR’s cunning assault on nonexistent culprits as “money-changers,” “economic royalists,” “warmongers.” etc. This was Empress Hillary emptying the contents of her chamber pot out the palace window onto the heads of those described in the phrase “We the people.” The entire complacent incumbent Washington leadership are inviting the same people to give them a bloodless trip to the electoral guillotine. More-unexpected events have overtaken office-holders and office-seekers less deserving of such a fate.


  1. It's always a good idea to restrain your credulity until there is supporting evidence, confirmation, or at least some measure of consensus from reliable sources.

  2. The ‘Success’ of Obama’s Trolling May Have Trump as Its Legacy

    Obama chummed the waters for so long, he pulled in a great white shark.

  3. Possible chemical attack on US forces in northern Iraq. Developing......

  4. ISIS attacks US troops at an air base in Iraq with chemical weapons.....just came over Fox.

    1. But not with pressure cooker bombs in New York and New Jersey because the Federal charges don't mention an ISIS connection.

  5. The fact that we caught Ahmad Khan Rahami so quickly is a testament to how well the FBI and the rest of the Admin are doing.

    ...not that his father warned them two years ago.

    We must win this War of Narratives!

  6. War of Narratives ?

    Let's start here:

    Trump opposes plan for USA to cede internet oversight...DRUDGE

    Vote Trump !

    1. Give what has not yet already been given away.

      Vote Hillary!

      Trump should publicly support Cruz's efforts.
      He did!

  7. Hey!
    Quirk can legally join Hillary as an Apomorphine Fiend!

    1. .

      Erections in men are generally classified into two categories: Reflexogenic erections, that is erections triggered by physical stimulus of the penis, and Psychogenic erections, which are triggered by sexual fantasies, thoughts and looking at things which are sexually stimulating. Psychogenic erections are generally gradually lost in men somewhere between the ages of 45 and 65. Apomorphine has been shown to restore Psychogenic erections in men who are otherwise unable to achieve them.

      The use of Apomorphine was a partial success for Doug. For instance, he kept having the recurrent fantasy that his Doc told him had the longest penis the doctor had ever seen in a man his age. However, the treatments were ineffective in helping with the ED.

      Snopes Verdict: Partial success but no cigar.

      WaPo Fact Checker: One very long Pinocchio.


    2. Heh, you two guys always arguing about your dicks.

      Big riot going on in Charlotte, North Carolina.

      One person shot dead.

      Thick tear gas.

      On Fox News now.

    3. Mace, mace !

      Violent standoff has been going on over one hour.

    4. Apomorphine plus your TSA fantasy should do the trick.

    5. Person shot was shot by another person, not the Police.

    6. Norman looting continuing.....

    7. Quirk claims a super long ring finger, so long he has to wear special gloves. A long ring finger is said to 'correlate' - Q's lingo - to a big dick.

      But how do we know his ring finger isn't a shorty, and he has a splint on it and is covering up?

    8. The person shot has not died, but is seriously injured and on life support.

      When Hillary was in college is worked for a student newspaper that regularly called cops 'pigs'.

      She was a big Saul Alinsky lover, for whom a riot is a tactic.

    9. Getting later, crowd getting smaller, will soon be bed time.

    10. Getting colder too.

      Riots hardly ever take place in January.

    11. The black Police Chief has said that the black man shot by a black officer was holding a gun, and refused to put it down.

      I hold Hillary responsible for much of this stuff for supporting the BLM narrative.

    12. Obama too, for 8 long years.

      Damn, how long had he been POTUS when he said the highly trained cop acted stupidly?

      Dumb, evil, asshole.

  8. A boat carrying almost 600 people capsized off Egypt's coast on Wednesday, killing at least 43, in the latest disaster among migrants trying to reach Europe.


    More and more people have been trying to cross to Italy from the African coast over the summer months, particularly from Libya, where people-traffickers operate with relative impunity, but also from Egypt.


    Mohamed Nasrawy, an Egyptian fisherman, said he knew seven people on the shipwrecked vessel, two of whom were still missing.

  9. .

    Big Day at the UN

    Lotsa lib jive talk and platitudes and a perfect stage for Canada's new premier, Justin Trudeau.

    Reagan said some of the scariest words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

    In a stark example of irony, Trudeau said, “We’re Canadians. And we’re here to help.”

    The crowd loved it. How could they help themselves? The guy is the Ricky Nelson of country leaders.


    1. Ash worked his heart out for him during the elections.

    2. His dad Ozzie was a rockstar leader, also.

      Fuckin Junker Private Planes were always taking our best.

    3. Probly luck to have burned alive:

      "By 1975, following the birth of their last child, the marriage had deteriorated and a very public, controversial divorce involving both families was covered in the press for several years. In October 1977, Kris filed for divorce and asked for alimony, custody of their four children, and a portion of community property. The couple temporarily resolved their differences, but Kris retained her attorney to pursue a permanent break.[77][78] Kris wanted Rick to give up music, spend more time at home, and focus on acting, but the family enjoyed a recklessly expensive lifestyle, and Kris's extravagant spending left Rick no choice but to tour relentlessly.[79] The impasse over Rick's career created unpleasantness at home. Kris became an alcoholic and left the children in the care of household help.[80] After years of legal proceedings, they were divorced in December 1982. The divorce was financially devastating for Nelson, with attorneys and accountants taking over $1 million.[81] Years of legal wrangling followed."

    4. Nelson told the Los Angeles Weekly he hated school because it "smelled of pencils"

  10. In Charlotte, North Carolina -

    NASCAR Hall of Fame Looted....DRUDGE

    Well that does it.

    That goes too far.

    Trump wins North Carolina.

    And maybe the Presidency.

    1. Looting - The Five Finger Discount

    2. You fuck with Football.

      You fuck with Guns.

      You fuck with NASCAR.

      You done fucked with America, Pilgrim!

    I like being fat and ugly.

  12. My guess is whoever wins Florida wins.

    RCP currently has them tied in Florida.

    Of course if the Completely Healthy Hillary suffers a medical miscue, and cannot stand for 90 minutes, all bets are off.

    ...except for some dufuses that insist she's got no more problems than allergies and pneumonia.

  13. I meant a medicinal miscue.

    Keeping all them balls in the air requires a Magician with an MD.

  14. We have had a democratic / black president and a democratic / black attorney general for 8 years. Why are black democrats rioting and protesting? Why do democrats feel the need to loot? Deplorable / Dispicable.

    1. Hillary sounds bonkers again:

      Drudge Headlines:


      Second night of chaos, violence...
      Appeals For Calm; State of Emergency...
      'Protester' smashing apartment windows on Live TV...
      NASCAR Hall of Fame Looted...
      Homeless White Man Kicked Over...
      Rush on stolen cash register...
      Attempt to throw photographer into fire...
      Victim's Brother Calls All White People 'Devils'...
      White man with gun 'allowed to drive away alive'....DRUDGE

      The event has taken a very wrong turn....

  15. Why Hillary's eves often look like those of Jean Paul Sartre -

    September 22, 2016

    Why Hillary’s eyes are out of sync with each other

    By Nick Chase


    1. There used to be a guy at the Casino whose one eye looked right at you, his other alwasy off to the right and up to the ceiling.

      He'd had the side of his head kicked in by a horse, though.

    2. In Hillary's case we know from Dr. Quirk it's the dehydration and pneumonia doing it, from Dr. Ash we know it's just that she's had a run of bad luck.

      She's got neurological problems and needs a full scale neurological exam, in my medical opinion.

    3. .

      Went out for breakfast this morning and picked up copy of the Detroit News.

      Came across and ad from a realtor.

      It had a big picture at the top of both Trump and Clinton with a banner reading "Our Choices".

      The ad itself read...

      Whatever the outcome, if you are planning on moving out of the country, call me and I'll get your house sold!

      Call Russ R------ (248) 310 ----

      I thought it was great. He said there were a few people who didn't like the ad for various reasons. Nothing new.


    4. picked up copy of the Detroit News

      Did you pay for it ?

    5. No accusation implied.

      I often get a free paper at McDonald's, used.

      And at a fancy motel I know they daily have free papers, with no sign saying 'Quests Only'.

      One can always go to the Library too.

      Since canceling our subscription we have found these alternative paths....

    6. Thursday and Sunday are the days. For her, because of the ads, for me the sports reports.

      And if you are still paying for USA Today you ain't trying.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. .

      Naw, this morning, I took a stroll down to Mickey's newspaper stand, flipped him a quarter for the paper and told him to keep the change. He gave me a tip on a nag running over at the track and I told him this new joke I heard about this horse that walks into a bar...then I moved down the street to Sam's shoeshine stand, had my shoes waxed, and caught up on the latest rumors on the street, straight from the horses mouth so to speak, none of that Drudge re-filtered stuff. Ol Sam keeps his ear to the ground and can always fill me in on the latest dirt.

      Then, I wandered over to Suzie's restaurant for a cup of joe and a couple eggs. I topped it off with a big slice of Suzie's home made apple pie. That's where I saw that ad.


  16. Hillary's Gone Missing From The Campaign Trail

    Getting her beauty sleep.

    1. Haitian Relief Money Went Missing And Into The Clinton Purse

    2. The Clinton campaign has been double, triple, multiple times charging its small donors through their credit cards.

  17. Rasmussen Reports

    With the first presidential debate coming on Monday, Donald Trump has moved to a five-point lead over Hillary Clinton, his biggest advantage since mid-July.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly White House Watch telephone and online survey finds Trump with 44% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 39%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson earns eight percent (8%) of the vote, while Green Party nominee Jill Stein holds steady at two percent (2%). Three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are still undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

  18. "Q"Nit of the Day: Stupidity Jihad at US State Department

    State Dept admits jihadis have posed as refugees to enter US, still plans to admit more

    September 21, 2016 9:03 pm By Robert Spencer 28 Comments

    What could possibly go wrong? Better dead Americans in jihad attacks than political incorrectness and a rejection of “multiculturalism” and “diversity.”

    John Kirby

    “State Department: Jihadis Have Posed As Refugees To Enter US,” by Rachel Stoltzfoos, Daily Caller, September 21, 2016:

    Islamic State terrorists have tried to pose as refugees in order to gain admittance to the U.S., Department of State spokesman John Kirby admitted Wednesday.

    “I wouldn’t debate the fact that there’s the potential for ISIS terrorists to try to insert themselves,” Kirby said on Fox News. “And we’ve seen that in some of the refugee camps in Jordan and in Turkey, where they try to insert themselves into the population.”

    He was defending President Barack Obama’s plan to bring in 110,000 new refugees in the next year, a huge increase from the 70,000 the U.S. typically admits, saying the vetting process is “good.”....

    Stop Moslem Immigration to USA Now !

    1. More than 1,000 moslems set for deportation where mistakenly give full American Citizenship just recently.

    2. A large cage.
      Overboard in Lake Michigan.
      Quirk must approve.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. .

      A large cage.
      Overboard in Lake Michigan.

      Are you talking about the Feds who allowed...

      More than 1,000 moslems set for deportation where mistakenly give full American Citizenship just recently.


    6. The Feds that did it would not require a large cage.

    7. The Feds that did it would not require a large cage.

    8. .


      You might want to visit a neurologist. This is becoming a habit.


    9. It's was the damned "back" button again.

    10. Try it yourself:

      "Hillary has Parkinson's"

      Then click the "back" button.

      Then press the b

    11. .


      Re-read what you just posted then go get a cold compress and relax for a while.


    12. I knew you'd be afraid to post "Hillary has Parkinson's"

      Now you'll never know.

    13. .

      Believe me, in this case I know.



    Which would you rather:

    Burn to death in Jerry Lee Lewis's used DC-3,
    or be beaten to death?

    1. Was I a rockstar in both cases?

    2. Canadian Premier?

      Don't be silly, they don't drag white people in Canada.

    3. Would you beg for mercy in a burning plane, or while being dragged and beaten?

  20. Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage

    Analysis contradicts widespread views about racial targets

    Nobel Prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison says she wants to see an officer shoot an unarmed white teenager in the back before agreeing that the “conversation about race” is over, but she almost certainly already has received her wish.

    An analysis released last week shows that more white people died at the hands of law enforcement than those of any other race in the last two years, even as the Justice Department, social-justice groups and media coverage focus on black victims of police force.
    “People keep saying, ‘We need to have a conversation about race,’” Ms. Morrison told the (U.K.) Telegraph in an April 19 interview.

    “This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back,” said Ms. Morrison, who also has won the Pulitzer Prize for her work, which includes the bestsellers “Beloved” and “Song of Solomon.” “And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, ‘Is it over?’, I will say yes.”

    1. I want to see an officer shoot an unarmed son of a Chinaman in the back before agreeing that the “conversation about race” is over.

  21. Recently, it has been reported that Hillary Clinton is using psychologists to prepare for her debates with Donald Trump. Apparently, some within the Clinton campaign believed that Mr. Trump seemed ill-at-ease when, during a Republican presidential primary debate, he addressed Senator Marco Rubio’s contention that Trump’s small hands likely meant his private parts were also small.

    1. Trump admits he shrivels at the thought of Hillary's private parts during one of her seizures.

  22. Trump thinks the police should be able to stop and search anyone they like without cause. Why would you support such a man?

    1. Because he can't do shit about it.

    2. "The chief said officers were searching for a suspect when they saw Scott exit a vehicle with a handgun. He said that officers told Scott to drop the gun and that he got out of the vehicle a second time still carrying the gun."

    3. As I said before:


    4. Stop and search with worked great in New York City under Giuliani and the guy that came after him.

      Brought the murder rate down from around a thousand or more to 250.

      Ash, you must be a racist, wanting more dead blacks.

      Another alternation, in Chicago, say, would be to permanently station the Nation Guard in certain areas.

      Those who value all life would approve, Ash, not caring about black lives, would disapprove.

    5. Something needs to be done.

      If you are on a public street, you need a driver's license.

      If you are on a public walkway, perhaps you should need a carry permit.

      The sidewalks belong to the people, after all.

      People are afraid to go out these days, after all.

      Particularly at night.

      But only in certain areas.

      Crime has actually come down nationally.

  23. Thiên LôiMon Sep 19, 11:38:00 PM EDT

    Đơn vị chuyên order mỹ phẩm Hàn Quốc ở tại Hà Nội – TPHCM
    Công ty chuyên đặt hàng sản phẩm làm đẹp Hàn Quốc ở tại Hà Nội – TPHCM

    Maybe the police will shoot him in the back and this conversation will be over.

  24. .

    Stop Moslem Immigration to USA Now !




    1. .

      It's in black, like this, muzzie lover:






  25. MOMET

    We have had a democratic / black president and a democratic / black attorney general for 8 years. Why are black democrats rioting and protesting? Why do democrats feel the need to loot? Deplorable / Dispicable.


    Get out the Black Vote.

    Obama doesn't call for calm, or to support the (black) Charleston Cheif while Hillary brings up Ferguson, as if Ferguson was an example of another (black) innocent victim of Racist Police Violence.

  26. "My dad was a small business..."

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. .

    State Dept admits jihadis have posed as refugees to enter US, still plans to admit more

    September 21, 2016 9:03 pm By Robert Spencer 28 Comments

    Do you have any video of Kirby saying that "jihadis have posed as refugees to enter US"?

    The only place I can find this story is at the usual suspects, the Daily Caller, frontpagemag, rightwingnews, the Washington Examiner, Jihadwatch, Robert Spencer, etc.

    I have been unable to find an article that actually has quotation marks around a statement BY John Kirby saying that...

    The only thing I could find were repetitions of the story like this...

    [“State Department: Jihadis Have Posed As Refugees To Enter US,” by Rachel Stoltzfoos, Daily Caller, September 21, 2016:

    Islamic State terrorists have tried to pose as refugees in order to gain admittance to the U.S., Department of State spokesman John Kirby admitted Wednesday.

    “I wouldn’t debate the fact that there’s the potential for ISIS terrorists to try to insert themselves,” Kirby said on Fox News. “And we’ve seen that in some of the refugee camps in Jordan and in Turkey, where they try to insert themselves into the population.”

    He was defending President Barack Obama’s plan to bring in 110,000 new refugees in the next year, a huge increase from the 70,000 the U.S. typically admits, saying the vetting process is “good.”…]

    If you look at how the quotation marks are placed in the story it appears that all these places are quoting an article by Rachel Stoltzfoos with only two sentences quoted from John Kirby (bolded) neither of which says there is evidence that jihadis HAD posed as refugees IN ORDER TO ENTER THE US but merely that there was the POTENTIAL, something that should not be news to anyone and seems hardly worthy of a headline.

    I'd be interested to see if anyone has a copy of he video or the transcript. I haven't been able to find any yet. But they must be out there.


  29. .

    Got "Low T"?


    A new systematic review primarily carried out by researchers at Georgetown University neatly summarizes the available data.

    "The prescription of testosterone supplementation for low-T for cardiovascular health, sexual function, physical function, mood, or cognitive function is without support from randomized clinical trials," the reviewers reported in the journal PLoS ONE.

    The authors evaluated 156 randomized controlled trials in which testosterone was compared to placebo to treat a variety of conditions. Testosterone did not consistently prevent or treat cardiovascular disease, nor did it consistently improve sexual function or satisfaction, with half of the studies showing positive effects and the other half not showing any effects. It was altogether ineffective at treating erectile dysfunction. The majority of studies showed no effects on psychological well-being or cognitive function.

    Testosterone did offer a few benefits. The review indicated a small boost to libido and a robust increase in muscle mass. However, the increase in mass was not accompanied by increases to strength...


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Searching for some help with your own ED problems, Quirk ?

      Why not try one of your own products that you have on the market for erectile dysfunction.

      If it's good enough for the buyer it ought good enough for you the seller, Quirk.

    3. What's the name of the one you've bee advertising lately, Quirk ?

      The one with the ground white rhino horn (fake of course), mallard duck livers, Grey Wolf urine from Idaho, and Himilayan Snow Goose droppings ?

  30. Got your ducks in a row?

    Punding is a term that was coined originally to describe complex prolonged, purposeless, and stereotyped behaviour in phenmetrazine and chronic amphetamine users, by Swedish forensic psychiatrist G. Rylander, in 1968.[1] It was later described in Parkinson's disease,[2] it has also been described in methamphetamine and cocaine users, as well as in some patients with gambling addictions, and hypersexuality.[3]
    Punding activity is characterized by compulsive fascination with and performance of repetitive, mechanical tasks, such as assembling and disassembling, collecting, or sorting household objects. For example, punding may consist of activities such as:
    collecting pebbles and lining them up as perfectly as possible,
    disassembling wristwatches and putting them back together again,
    building hundreds of small wooden boxes
    trying but failing to systematically remove the entire contents of all the drawers and shelves in the home and sort through all their contents.
    People engaging in punding find immersion in such activities comforting, even when it serves no purpose, and generally find it very frustrating to be diverted from them. They are not generally aware that there is a compulsive element, but will continue even when they have good reason to stop. Rylander describes a burglar who started punding, and could not stop, even though he was suffering from an increasing apprehension of being caught.[4]
    Interrupting can lead to various responses, including violent rage.[5]
    Dopamine overactivity results in punding. It is commonly associated with side effects of drugs used against Parkinson's disease and with the use of methamphetamine.

    In Parkinson's, punding can be alleviated by lowering the medication dose, or adding (atypical) antipsychotics, which act by counteracting the effect of dopamine.


  31. QuirkThu Sep 22, 05:27:00 PM EDT

    This comment has been removed by the author

    QuirkThu Sep 22, 05:29:00 PM EDT

    This comment too has been removed by the author

    It a seizure of some kind, even though Quirk says he dehydrated and has a touch of pneumonia.

    In the last two days I've counted about 6 or more of Q removals....

    It's getting's getting worse....


    Hillary's Pneumonia Hokum: A Timeline

    Hopefully Dr. Quirk will not only read, but reread, and concentrate on this article.

    Why/ and what, is Flashlight Man whisper in Hillary's ear out there in front of millions of viewers on that brightly lit stage, Dr. Quirk ?

    What's he saying ?

    "Don't worry, Hillary, I'll shine the flashlight on the Teleprompter....just keep talking ?"


    1. The fellow I've been calling Badge Man is now officially known in the current literature on the subject of Hillary's true medical condition as the BIG BLACK DUDE, BBD for short.

  33. "In the above freeze-frame of the Gazda video, at the moment that Hillary is heaved into the van, her knees have buckled, but her upper torso is still stiff. Christine is still trying to hold her upright as she, the Big Black Dude, and an unidentified person on the right tip her forward and lift her into the van."
    As a taxpayer, I really don't want to be held liable for these dudes medical bills resulting from trauma to their backs.
    Hillary should always be hoisted by forklift into her Scooby Ambulance.

    1. The Scooby needs one of those wheel chair access devices.


      Go Angela !

      September 23, 2016

      Angelina Jolie rips ISIS for crimes against women

      By James Lewis

      One of the most astonishing facets of politics today is the left-feminist surrender in the face of Jihadist violence against women and children. Jihadists openly glorify rape, kidnapping, slave markets and worse. The holier-than-thou Swedes have done nothing about domestic rape campaigns, and now their vaunted society is breaking down. Socialist societies seem paralyzed by PC indoctrination, even though aggressive violence must simply be crushed before it gets worse.

      The silence of the Left has been deafening. Obama is all for gay rights around the world, but apparently not enough to protect Iranian gay men pushed from tall buildings to fall to their deaths.

      Feminist Naomi Wolf sold her soul to Al Jazeera a few years ago.

      And the most famous feminist of all, Hillary Clinton, walks in that classical submissive posture with her Muslim Brotherhood escort, Huma Abedin, both with their heads and bodies covered.

      Enter Angelina Jolie, to finally denounce Jihadist horrors committed against women. So far, hers is a lone voice in the feminist wilderness, but conservatives have a moral duty to amplify her voice. Conservatism is a moral force, indeed, conservatism is the political moral voice of Western civilization.

      “For over 10 years, I had been visiting the field and meeting families and survivors of sexual violence who felt for so long that their voices simply didn’t mater, they weren’t heard, and they carried a great shame,” Jolie continued.

      "I remember distinctly meeting this little girl who was very young, probably about seven or eight, and she was rocking backwards and forwards staring at the wall, and tears streaming down her face because she had been brutally raped multiple times, you couldn't talk to her, you couldn’t touch her.

      'I felt absolutely helpless, I didn’t know what to do for her."

      What we must do is to keep such horrific crimes against humanity from happening in the first place. Jihad-mongers understand "the stronger horse," and if we --- the United States and its allies --- act firmly against them, they will back down. Or we could simply enforce basic human values, and obliterate them.

      Murderous cults around the world did back down historically, when the modern West exerted its power in support of humane values.

      I believe Donald Trump understands this very clearly.

      The Left has been utterly silent on Jihadist crimes against women and girls. Hillary says nothing, and the professional feminist establishment does less than nothing; if anything, they enable the criminals. The Clinton Foundation takes millions of dollars from Jihad mongers. As for Socialist Bernie Sanders, he avoided Jihad and its horrors.

      The silence of the Left means complicity. They know that violent sexual horror is taking place in Jihadist regimes on a mass scale. They know and do nothing.

      We may not agree on everything with Angelina Jolie, but on this supremely important fact we should speak with one voice, and very, very loudly, until the crimes stop.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Angela is single now, or soon to be, but no chance there for Quirk, what with his pro-moslem sympathies.


    5. .

      And the most famous feminist of all, Hillary Clinton, walks in that classical submissive posture with her Muslim Brotherhood escort, Huma Abedin, both with their heads and bodies covered.

      You can't make this up folks.


  34. Enter Angelina Jolie, to finally denounce Jihadist horrors committed against women. So far, hers is a lone voice in the feminist wilderness, but conservatives have a moral duty to amplify her voice. Conservatism is a moral force, indeed, conservatism is the political moral voice of Western civilization.

    FINALLY, another ALL AMERICAN WOMEN joins Pam Geller in the fight !

  35. The Scooby Van should always be parked in a Handicapped Parking spot.

  36. "Q"Nit of the Day: American Teacher Abducted in Yemen

    American Teacher Abducted By Gunmen in Yemen, as Team Obama Says: No Comment

    ByCheryl Chumley on September 22, 2016
    The Truth About Islam Yemen

    An American teacher who was teaching at an English language school in Sanaa, the capital city of terrorist hotbed Yemen, was abducted by gunmen, according to his colleagues.

    Remember, the Obama White House insists Yemen is a successful model for its counterterrorism strategy.

    The “rebels” in Yemen are Iran-backed jihadis flush with Obama cash.

    From Reuters:

    “Armed men in civilian clothes entered the school and forced the teacher into their car as bewildered colleagues and students looked on.

    “‘We were shocked when the armed group entered the building. They got to his office and took him to an unknown location,’ a Yemeni teacher at the school said.”

    Be prepared for a strongly worded statement to be issued from President Obama.

    His State Department is already issuing a hush notice, citing privacy concerns.

    “We are aware of reports of U.S. citizens being held in Yemen,” a U.S. State Department spokeswoman told Reuters. “Privacy considerations prevent us from commenting further on this case.”

    Privacy considerations?

    Yemen, torn by civil war, has been a dangerous zone for outsiders for years.

    Shiite rebels – Houthis – took over Sanaa in 2014. But as Fox News reported, it’s not yet clear if the Houthis, who’ve abducted foreigners on previous occasions, are responsible for the armed kidnapping of the American teacher.

    News from Yemen say the teacher was taken on suspicion of espionage, an accusation the Houthis have slung at others they’ve abducted in recent times.

    And there’s this:

    “The Houthis accuse the U.S. of arming and supporting the Saudi-backed coalition which has intervened in the conflict to aid Yemeni government forces,” Fox News reported. “Oman had previously facilitated the release of two other Americans held by the Houthis.”

    - See more at:

    1. Remember, the Obama White House insists Yemen is a successful model for its counterterrorism strategy.

    2. Geraldo Rivera is for stop and frisk on reasonable suspicion, Ash.

      He knows the mean streets.

      He wants to lower the number of dead blacks.

      You don't seem to care about that.

    3. .

      He knows the mean streets.



  37. .

    QuirkThu Sep 22, 05:27:00 PM EDT

    This comment has been removed by the author

    QuirkThu Sep 22, 05:29:00 PM EDT

    This comment too has been removed by the author

    It a seizure of some kind, even though Quirk says he dehydrated and has a touch of pneumonia.


    It a seizure...?

    You've already been demoted to English 'recruit'. Soon you will be receiving a BGD (bad grammmar discharge)and cast into the wilderness.

    With regard to your post, I have only three things to say...

    Idaho BobFri Sep 23, 05:33:00 AM EDT
    This comment has been removed by the author.


    Idaho BobFri Sep 23, 07:22:00 AM EDT
    This comment has been removed by the author.


    You are the dumbest hick I've ever come across.


    1. I KNEW you'd come back on that !

      Count the last week though. You've been deleting you own comments like a politician clarifying remarks....

      Geraldo Rivera is for stop and frisk on reasonable suspicion, Quirk.

      He wants to lower the number of dead blacks.

      Ash is against stop and frisk.

      What about you ?

      Do black lives matter to you ?

      They don't to Ash.

    2. You're the dumbest fuck on earth, Quirk.

    3. Either that or you're working for Hillary.

      This has crossed my mind.

    4. .

      That meandering rant shows how you have been influenced by those outre and alt-right sites you visit. Pulling shit out of your ass and posting it here (usually in broken or disjointed pseudo-English) has become SOP for you. This is the latest example but we can find numerous others every day of the week.

      When you are not making them up you are posting them from the sites you visit. The lie you posted about John Kirby saying jihadis have infiltrated the Middle Eastern refugees in order to get to the US is a great example. Your friends take two sentences by Kirby mix them together and come up with a bullshit claim about what he said.

      You guys complain about the MSM distorting the message at the same time you are perfectly willing to reject fact-checking organizations that show that what you put up here is bullshit. You, Bob, go even further in trying to make out that one of these guys was a hero for apologizing for buying into a silly urban legend backed up by a photo that was amateurishly Photoshopped. What's wrong with you?

      You guys have gone cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Your credulity itself is beyond belief.

      You're nutz.


    5. Alt-right sites ?

      I don't even know the name of one.

      You're bat shit crazy nutz, Quirk.

      RCP, Hot Air, American Thinker, Front Page....not an alt-right among them.

    6. .

      The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States.[1][2] It has been described as a movement unified by support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,[3][4] as well as by opposition to multiculturalism and immigration.[2][5]

      The alt-right has no official ideology, although various sources have said that it is associated with white nationalism,[1][2][6] white supremacism,[3][7][8] antisemitism,[1][2][9] right-wing populism,[6] nativism,[10] and the neoreactionary movement.[7][11]

      It has been said to be a largely online movement with Internet memes widely used to advance or express its beliefs, often on websites such as 4chan[7][9][12], jihadwatch, frontpagemag, American Thinker, and others. Pam Geller, Stephen Spencer, Rick Moron, and Judge Jeanine Pirro are considered to be leaders in the movement...


    7. .

      I don't even know the name of one.

      I doubt anyone has ever accused you of being self-aware.

      Bigots, nativists, and their ilk rarely realize they are bigots and nativists. They like to think of themselves as patriots.


  38. Rioting May Tip Presidential Scales in Crucial North Carolina

    Margaret Newkirk

  39. Tune in to Fox News now, Quirk.

    Judge Jeanine Pirro is soon on as a guest.

    1. .


      I found out that it was an interview with John Kirby on 'Fox and Friends' that all of those crazy sites you visited distorted and that you ended up posting here.

      No. I don't think so.


    2. She was just on. I watched her. You missed her somehow.

      No matter. She's out of your league at any rate.

      You wouldn't get away with any of your shit 'legal' moves in her court.

      She's dealt with hundreds just like you.

      She'd take one glance at you and immediately be thinking to herself:

      "Jail time"

    3. .

      I've seen her. One thing she will never be considered is "jail bait".

      She is a washed up jurist who has sold out to FOX to make a buck.



    4. She's wonderful when she get going good on Hillary, washed up ad man.

      Just drips sarcasm....

  40. 70 of those arrested in Charlotte have been identified as out of towners.

    Part of the Soros Riot Network no doubt.

    1. Not 70, 70% percent

      Charlotte: 70% Arrested Out Of State IDs...
      FLASHBACK: Soros funds Ferguson protests....DRUDGE

      They communicate over FaceBook and the Internet.

      They are the Soros funded 'urban storm troopers'.

      North Carolina now goes to Trump, however.

  41. This packin' granny knows how to deal with home invaders -


    One dead two escaped....she's doing fine

  42. Why are out-of-state Charlotte rioters not being prosecuted for crossing state lines to engage in destruction and rioting? - 9/23/16

    Has anyone heard of the statute that prohibits crossing state lines to engage in such behavior being enforced by federal authorities? More

    Mr. Soros mustn't be displeased, or Hillary either, as a BLM proponent.

  43. Hillary's goofy Sartrean eyes explained to Quirk, who seems a little cross-eyed himself these days

    September 22, 2016, 01:15 pm

    Clinton's eyes — a window into her health issues

    By John R. Coppedge, contributor

    In 2014 Conan O'Brien did a spoof of Hillary Clinton's interview with Diane Sawyer about her lack of lingering health issues following her 2012 concussion. In an obviously photoshopped version Clinton's eyes are made to oscillate crazily.

    It was a very funny piece. Now, it may not seem so funny.

    Hillary Clinton exhibited abnormal eye movements during her recent speech in Philadelphia and they were not photoshopped.

    Her eyes did not always move in the same direction at the same time. It appears that she has a problem with her left sixth cranial nerve. That nerve serves only one function and that is to make the lateral rectus muscle contract. That muscle turns the eye in the direction away from the midline.

    It comes out of the base of the brain and runs along the floor of the skull, immediately beneath the brain before coursing upward to the eye. Dysfunction of that muscle causes the striking picture of the eyes not aiming in the same direction and causes the patient to suffer double vision.

    Like all things medical, there is a long list of potential causes but in my opinion the most likely one, based on Clinton's known medical history is an intermittent lateral rectus palsy caused by damage to or pressure on her sixth cranial nerve.

    It is known that she suffered a traumatic brain injury in late 2012 when she fell and struck her head. What is also known is that she was diagnosed with a transverse sinus thrombosis — blood clot in the major vein at the base of the brain. Almost all patients with a transverse sinus thrombosis suffer swelling of the brain and increased intracranial pressure. Most have headaches, balance issues and visual disturbances — all of which Clinton was reported to have following that event.

    1. Clinton's physician reported that she was placed on Coumadin (a blood thinner) to dissolve the blood clot. Actually, that is incorrect, because Coumadin has no effect on an existing clot. It serves only to decrease the chance of further clotting occurring Clinton's physician has also reported that on follow up exam, the clot had resolved. That is surprising since the majority of such clots do not dissolve. The way it was documented that the clot had resolved has not been reported.

      If, as is statistically likely, Clinton's transverse sinus is still blocked, she would still have increased pressure and swelling and decreased blood flow to her brain. That swelling would place pressure on the exposed portion of the sixth cranial nerve at the base of her brain, explaining the apparent lateral rectus palsy. And such a deficit can be partial and/or intermittent.

      Additionally, when patients who have decreased intracranial blood flow becoming volume depleted (dehydrated) or have a drop in blood pressure loss of consciousness can occur. That could explain her witnessed collapse in New York City on 9/11.

      One thing that is taught early in medical school is that a patient's history, physical exam, signs and symptoms should usually lead to a single diagnosis.

      Crudely put "when you itch, it is probably not lice and fleas but one or the other." More professionally put, in most cases the patient's symptoms can be explained by one unifying diagnosis, not a constellation of disparate ones. The admittedly speculative scenario I propose is an attempt to understand and rationally explain what is going on, based on known facts and the observable signs exhibited by Clinton.

      Having previously written about this, I once again suggest that she undergo an independent neurologic exam and have proper studies to determine whether or not she still has a blood clot at the base of her brain, swelling of the brain, increased intracranial pressure and whether or not her 2012 traumatic brain injury was accompanied by a skull fracture with or without bleeding around or in the brain itself and if there are any residual areas of scarring of the brain.

      Critics will rightly point out that I have not examined Clinton. They will point out that I am not ophthalmologist or a neurologist. But I am a physician and the concepts discussed above are taught to every medical student early in their education. Her traumatic brain injury, transverse sinus thrombosis, subsequent symptoms, falling, passing out and now the obvious problem with eye movement are all fact, not speculation.

      It would be very helpful if Clinton agreed to an independent exam and to have the questions raised here answered. It is too important not to get this right.

      John R. Coppedge, MD, FACS is a general surgeon from Texas.

    2. Quirk, have you given any thought recently to having a neurological exam yourself ?

      It might help you get over the double and multiple 'deletion' problem you have which we here have all noticed.

      Lately, especially if one has a Doctor Ben Carson, even brain surgery can be no big deal these days.

      It might make for a better reading experience for us here at the EB.

  44. .

    It might make for a better reading experience for us here at the EB.

    What kind of nitwit sits there reading deleted comment notices?


    1. the guys a space cadet...

    2. No no no Quirk, you misunderstand.

      I read what you write that's not deleted.

      What's the oxygen content up there on Earth Proxima, anyway ?
