Wednesday, September 21, 2016

“When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature, they will like the strong horse”, Osama bin Laden

Trump vs. Clinton: Fighting terrorism with plain talk or policy points

Suspect arrested in explosions in New York, New Jersey
Over the last few weeks, we've allowed ourselves to indulge in the quips and quibbles of the presidential race, obsessing over things like whether Hillary Clinton lied about her health or whether Donald Trump told the truth about his role in the birther movement.
It's a shame that it took a series of terrorist attacks to bring us back to serious business.
The weekend bombings in New York and New Jersey, as well as a separate stabbing incident in Minnesota, reminded us of what's really at stake in this year's presidential election.
We all know by now that the greatest threat to our national security isn't someone trained by a foreign terrorist network flying a plane into a skyscraper in a major U.S. city. Orlando, Fla., and San Bernardino, Calif., have shown us that the newest wave of terrorists are home-grown and often radicalized over the internet. There are people living among us who want to bring our country down, and one of the most important qualities we need in a commander in chief is someone who's smart enough to figure out how to keep that from happening.
Over the last two days, Clinton and Trump have provided us with two different road maps for fighting terrorism. Neither candidate said anything we haven't heard before, but it's been interesting to watch them talk about their strategies under pressure. It's clear that both of them need to rethink their approach.
Trump's response has been nearly juvenile, revealing once again his chilling dearth of experience in foreign and domestic affairs. Clinton, on the other hand, has come off sounding like a lifelong bureaucrat who is more concerned about spouting policy than convincing Americans that they will be safer under her watch. Each technique is designed to appeal to a certain constituency. And neither is sufficient to pull anyone over from the opposing side.
At least Trump gives it to us straight, though his message is unfiltered and often premature and factually incorrect. His anti-terrorism platform is centered on capturing our emotions. He plays to our patriotism, prodding us to release our fear in angry bursts, targeting our neighbors who likely are no more terrorists than we are.
Clinton, on the other hand, presents a cooler, more controlled image. She cautions us to wait before jumping to conclusions and trust that she has the experience to address any situation that may arise with dignity and resolve.
Even with her broad experience, a recent CNN poll shows Clinton lagging behind Trump on the issue of fighting terrorism. Fifty-one percent of registered voters said they trust Trump to better handle terrorism if elected, compared with 45 percent who said they trust Clinton.
It is easy to understand why Trump came out ahead. He lays out the problems in a simplistic way and offers solutions that a 5-year-old could understand. Void of political jargon, and often without real substance, he promises to fight terrorism by giving control to the people, rather than relying on others to come to our rescue.
Many Americans find his ideas repulsive. But to the folks who want to protect our country by any means necessary, even treading on the civil rights of other Americans, Trump's plain talk is just what they want to hear.
Trump would have us believe that our immigration system is largely responsible for the terrorism. The more limits we place on who can enter our country, he says, the more likely we are to keep terrorists from setting off bombs on U.S. soil.
Certainly, we can't expect anyone to actually tell us that he wants to enter the country in order to kill Americans, so we would have to rely on his "extreme vetting" to weed those people out. To do that essentially would mean probing the minds of everyone who tries to come to America from what he calls "terrorist nations."
Trump has mentioned requiring some sort of "ideological test." I wonder if that's anything like the old literacy tests African-Americans used to have to take in the South as a means of denying them the right to vote?
Trump also apparently thinks that our police officers are wimps. He says the police in New York know who the terrorists are but are afraid to do anything because they don't want to be accused of racial profiling.
"You know in Israel, they profile," Trump said in an interview Monday on Fox News. "They've done an unbelievable job — as good as you can do. … They see somebody that's suspicious. They will profile. They will take that person in."
Never mind that racial and ethnic profiling is against the law in New York and most other states.
Whether Trump's ideas are practical, or even effective, is beside the point. Those who listen to him are looking for something concrete, something in plain English that they can point to and say, "Look, we're stamping out terrorism in America."
Clinton's ideas for fighting terrorism are more esoteric. And quite frankly, they frequently sound like political garble. Unlike Trump, who preys on our fear and anger, she tries to appeal to our strength by reminding us that we aren't a nation of cowards.
That's not a bad thing. But she never really explains how we're going to stop lone-wolf terrorists from shooting up a nightclub or walking up to shoppers in a suburban Minnesota mall.
On her website, she lays out three areas that she would focus on as president.
First, she would take out the Islamic State's stronghold in Iraq and Syria, in part, by resolving civil and sectarian wars taking place in those countries. So far, our track record hasn't been too good in that area. Next, she would work with our allies to dismantle global terrorism. Even while she was secretary of state, that didn't happen.
Third, she would harden our defenses at home. She's on to something here by promising to support our first responders, law enforcement and intelligence officers with the right tools, resources, intelligence and training to prevent attacks before they happen. But some folks would like to hear more about what those tools would look like.
Trump's supporters are very clear about where he stands, though he likely won't be able to do any of things he has promised if elected.
Those of us who like Clinton might not understand exactly what she's saying, but we trust that she knows what she's talking about.


  1. Osama bin Laden had a better understanding of real clear politics than most of the media pundits. Love Trump or hate him, he is winning this race.

  2. .

    It is easy to understand why Trump came out ahead. He lays out the problems in a simplistic way and offers solutions that a 5-year-old could understand.

    That's why the Bobbsey Twins like him.


  3. .




    1. treating complex issues and problems as if they were much simpler than they really are: "simplistic solutions" synonyms: facile, superficial, oversimple, oversimplified, shallow, ... more

    Powered by Oxford Dictionaries


    1. What's complex about this election ?

      Voting against a lifelong liar, world class corruptocrat, criminal and all her craparoo is complex ?

  4. Please Q, get a grip, everyone is trying to keep up with the Kardashians. They hardly have time to salute anymore.

  5. Trump knows his market. He is a marketing genius with phenomenal political instincts.

    1. .

      Trump knows his market.

      I don't doubt that for a minute.



    2. .

      What surprises me is that you seem to have actually jumped on the Trump train.

      Correct me if I'm wrong.


    3. .

      As for my Bobbsey Twins comments, they are justified.

      Hillary Clinton has 40 years of history in the public spotlight. That history (her temperament, her lying, her emails, her performance as senator and more importantly as SOS, her age, her health, etc., etc., etc.) provides all that's needed to disqualify her for the office of president. Instead of simply concentrating on the obvious, these two push every conspiracy theory planted on the intertubes by every tin-foil hat nut job out there.

      You can't blame me for having a few yucks at their expense.



    4. What's in the syringe, Q-Man ?

    5. To light Hillary's way in brightly lit walk ways, and to illuminate the Teleprompter.

    6. I posted two pictures that highlight the irony of the race:

      ◇ The Broken Establishment Choice

      ◇ and "I looked up and saw a white horse. Its rider carried a bow, and a crown was placed on his head. He rode out to win many battles and gain the victory”

      That is where we are.

    7. September 21, 2016

      Hillary suddenly cancels fundraiser, offering no reason

      By Thomas Lifson

      In the realm of campaign priorities, small, high dollar fundraisers usually are the last events to be cancelled when a candidate needs to rest up. Which makes the news all the more surprising that Hillary cancelled exactly such an event – one where, according to CBS North Carolina:

      contribution levels were described as $100,000, which featured “chair reception with Hillary,” $33,000, which included a “host reception with Hillary,” $5,000, which included “preferred seating” and $2,700.

      The event was scheduled to be held in a private home in Chapel Hill, in the vote-rich Raleigh-Durham area in a critical large swing state.

      Of course, at the time, Hillary would have had no idea that a police shooting in Charlotte would spark riots and anger among black people – a definite and grotesque help to Hillary, who shamelessly exploits racial resentment. So violence may accomplish the turnout help she needs as she striff arms wealthy supporters who ponied up big bucks to be in her proximity.

      Maybe she is just tired, as Donald Trump teases her. Or maybe she is having more serious health issues. If so, we wish her the best of health and a continued campaign presence.

      In the realm of campaign priorities, small, high dollar fundraisers usually are the last events to be cancelled when a candidate needs to rest up. Which makes the news all the more surprising that Hillary cancelled exactly such an event – one where, according to CBS North Carolina:

      contribution levels were described as $100,000, which featured “chair reception with Hillary,” $33,000, which included a “host reception with Hillary,” $5,000, which included “preferred seating” and $2,700.

      The event was scheduled to be held in a private home in Chapel Hill, in the vote-rich Raleigh-Durham area in a critical large swing state.

      Of course, at the time, Hillary would have had no idea that a police shooting in Charlotte would spark riots and anger among black people – a definite and grotesque help to Hillary, who shamelessly exploits racial resentment. So violence may accomplish the turnout help she needs as she striff arms wealthy supporters who ponied up big bucks to be in her proximity.

      Maybe she is just tired, as Donald Trump teases her. Or maybe she is having more serious health issues. If so, we wish her the best of health and a continued campaign presence.


      Maybe she got shot up with AA battery acid by Badge Man....?

    9. .

      Thomas Lifson seems to suffer from variations in the mental issues you and Doug share. You can't remember what's been said even a few posts down from the comment. Doug keeps repeating the same post over and over. And Lifson takes it to another level by repeating the same post within the same post.

      Odd behavior these days among the right-wing fringe.


  6. The question is: What will he do with it?

    1. When he wins...which he will.

    2. .

      As for the Giddyup comment, do I really have to go back and repost the debunking comment associated with the picture you put up?


    3. .

      Sorry, I missed the poetic allusion. All I saw was the horse's head and the horse's ass.



    4. This is the choice offered.

      Truth be told, I’ll probably be taking the George Carlin option. If you vote for either of them, you will have nothing to complain about, if your champion wins.

  7. :)

    Great of The Donald on horseback !

    1. .

      Right, great picture of a horse's head and a horse's ass.



    2. Have you ever been on horseback, Quirk ?

      Just wondering, nothing subterranean lurking under the question.

      They make one's back ache at first, but it is a lot of fun.

    3. .

      On another issue, you never answered my question on superbeets.


    4. I must have missed it.

      I favor SuperBeet drinks made only from Certified Idaho Sugar Beets, of course.

      What was your question, Sir ?

    5. .

      How do you ingest superbeets?

      Is it a pill? A drink? An Epipen?


    6. It's a drink.

      I see ads for it featuring healthy happy women on Fox each day.

      Said to boost one's energy, too.

    7. It occurred to me you might have that account too, along with THE Pillow and Red Rubber Catheters accounts.

      Kind of your signature style with the SuperBeets.

  8. NATE SILVER: Trump surges from 3% to 48% chance...

    Defiant Ohio Dems flock to Trump....DRUDGE

  9. Rahami practiced blowing up his stuff in a yard lot.

  10. Har de har har

    Get your morning chuckle by watching this short video -

    Video: Debate audience bursts into laughter when congressional candidate claims Hillary is ‘honest’

    posted at 10:01 am on September 21, 2016 by Larry O'Connor


    1. (blog readers break into laughter when Quirk claims two AA batteries are in Badge Man's syringe)

  11. My choice for President was Bernie Sanders. I will never vote for Hillary Clinton.

    1. So, will you choose Trump? The guys an idiot and you'll need take ownership of your choice. Heck, you voted for Dubya twice. At least you will remain consistent.

    2. This is the choice offered.

      Truth be told, I’ll probably be taking the George Carlin option. If you vote for either of them, you will have nothing to complain about, if your champion wins.

    3. Who will you vote for, Ash?

    4. Some of us learn from our mistakes.

    5. If I wanted to vote for Bush a third time, I would have chosen Obama twice and would certainly be voting for Hillary. The entire Bush family is voting for Hillary.

      Who will you vote for?

    6. Respectfully, that sounds like the Quirk's Easy Way Out, to me....always vote for a candidate that can't win so one can continue to complain.

      Hillary seems to have only two out and out slaves here, Ash and Rufus.

    7. .

      I offered him the choice here yesterday with Jill Stein. To me, the foreign policy stance she outlined for the ME kind of reflects that of Deuce (if I understand it correctly). I know nothing else of her positions so far and will have to check them out over the next 6 weeks.

      However, voting for her or some other 3rd party candidate would save the loss of dignity involved in voting for Trump.

      (As an aside, I saw an interview with the Libertarian candidate yesterday. Gary Johnson is cuckoo for Koko-Puffs. Fruitloops all the way. I don't mean just his positions. The guy seemed like he was high on something. It was crazy. Talking about mickey-mouse and all kinds of weird stuff.)


    8. .

      Lordy, where do we dig these people up?


    9. .

      ....always vote for a candidate that can't win so one can continue to complain.

      It's my MO.

      I voted for Bush in 2000 and regretted it by 2001. I won't make that mistake again. I didn't vote for him in 2004, I didn't vote for Obama, and I won't be voting for the current two dolts.


    10. Gary Johnson is bizarre, no doubt of that.

      I've been thinking this morning that Hillary's eyes sometimes look crazy akimbo, like those of Jean Paul Sarte.

      You've seen the photo of his looking more or less ahead, the other about 90 degrees off.

      I find it really spooky, and can't shake it....

    11. Quirk's Easy Way Out confirmed -

      QuirkWed Sep 21, 12:31:00 PM EDT


      ....'always vote for a candidate that can't win so one can continue to complain'.

      It's my MO.


      I TOLD you Quirk's nothing but a profession con man and bellyacher....


    12. There is no way I would vote for Trump - Hillary looks good in comparison but I really don't like her and I have a big beef with her foreign policy. I've thought some of Gary Johnson's policies sound reasonable (especially on the foreign policy end) but I don't really know much about him as of yet. He's got the charisma of a wet noodle. I know nothing of Jill Stein so far...

    13. 'Make my day'

      OK, I will.

      You make truly 'existential' decisions, Quirk.

  12. How about that address to the UN by our Dear Leader?

  13. "From body doubles and clones to epipens and neurologists they have been debunked. A painful life lesson but one most people would learn from. Any bets on progress with these two?"


    Lying sack of shit.
    I've not once mentioned a body double.
    We shall see about autoinjectors, but like much of what you babble on about,
    it's besides THE POINT:
    (As is the fact that Drudge links gossip and BS as well as NEWs.
    You go out of your way to read and research the gossip and BS, I read the news.)

    I simply believe Hillary very likely has Parkinson's. I KNOW she's in very ill health.
    You like to say I'm full of it for this or that reason
    to avoid addressing this central fact:

    I'm saying she's very ill, very likely from Parkinson's.

    You're saying I'm full of it.

    Time will prove you wrong.

    But you want to make it something other than if she has Parkinson's, I am right, and you are WRONG.

    Also full of shit.

    Then again, Bob says that's how you made your living.

    You certainly prove here that arguing about diversionary BS is your stock in trade.

    1. The applause and cheers rise from the grandstands.

    2. Doug wrote:

      "I simply believe Hillary very likely has Parkinson's. I KNOW she's in very ill health."

      How do you KNOW she is in very ill health?

    3. I have eyes and I can read:

      And you?

    4. Everybody freezes and has to be told to keep talking while getting a rub.

      Everybody repeats "keep talking" instead of continuing on where they left off when they froze.

      Everybody looks like Charlie McCarthy on Meth in the presence of lights and balloons.

      Everybody looks like a Madwoman when addressed by her fawning female press.

      Everybody falls down multiple times in a period of 5 years seriously injuring themselves at least 2 times.

      Everybody does what Hillary did on 9-11.

      Everybody looks halfway decent one moment, and like living death the next. (regularly)

      A picture of health.
      ...who just happens to display several classic symptoms of Parkinson's and the side effects of the drugs administered to Parkinson's patients.

    5. The "freeze" or “on-off” events:

      “levodopa-induced diphasic dyskinesia”

      ...common in patients who have been on prolonged Levadopa dosage.

    6. The majority of those events you refer to I have only heard about from you and Bob babbling away here. Do you have any decent evidence of each of those events that we could evaluate beyond your say so? A link for each one would be nice so we can see for ourselves.

    7. For example, the picture Deuce has of Hillary on the stairs for this post in and of itself tells us very little. It looks to me like she had stumbled on a step and the guys reached out and helped. Hardly a damning photo on its own. Any video of the incident?

    8. The video link has been posted several times.

      Will you watch it if I post it again?

    9. and, with respect to Parkinson's and your comment:

      "“levodopa-induced diphasic dyskinesia”

      ...common in patients who have been on prolonged Levadopa dosage."

      I take it you don't realize the Parkinson's is a degenerative disease that has very visible physical symptoms. If a person has been on prolonged Levadopa the Parkinson's symptoms would be quite evident and not simply the side effects of the treatment.

    10. What, that stupid doctor video you thought was INCREDIBLE? If that's all you got don't bother.

    11. Yeh, that's it: It shows all the behaviors I refer to:

      He pointed out the Parkinsons visible symptoms that are quite evident as well as the drug side effects.

      Some more than others, like the 9-11 event and other falls, some less obvious.

    12. She did not "faint" btw, she went down in a manner typical of Parkinson's sufferers.

    13. "The majority of those events you refer to I have only heard about from you and Bob babbling away here. Do you have any decent evidence of each of those events that we could evaluate beyond your say so? A link for each one would be nice so we can see for ourselves."


      So calling the video stupid means you cannot see what I see Hillary doing in that video?

    14. None so blind as those who will not see.

      Ash and Quirk.

    15. 9-11:
      She "fainted" but her body was rigid and she was wearing anti-seizure glasses.

    16. There are perfectly plausible explanations aside from Parkinson's for each of the events the doctor notes in his video but, yes, we can tell what you "see" in that video.

      “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
      ― Daniel J. Boorstin

    17. “To know that you do not know is the best.
      To think you know when you do not is a disease.
      Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it.”
      ― Lao Tzu

  14. I don't know if Hillary has a body double.

    What I do know is that if that was her hugging the little girl she certainly popped right back up a couple hours later fit as a fiddle after being floored by 'pneumonia'.

    1. She has her moments, depending on the disease, and how well the mix of drugs is working out.

      ...and of course the weather and the allergen count, according to Hillary and her honest as the day is long Doctor.

    2. Do you know if that little girl popping up was a spontaneous event?

      How did the SS know she wasn't a little female Muslim suicide bomber?

    3. .

      How did the SS know she wasn't a little female Muslim suicide bomber?

      When it comes to frisking little girls, the SS doesn't have the same experience and training as say the TSA.


    4. I hadn't thought about frisking little girls until you brought it up.

      Maybe you have a future in the TSA.

  15. Can you explain why Quirk takes the time to read and investigate the BS and Gossip that Drudge links?

    Oh, that's right: So he can discount the NEWS.

    AdWorld Rules

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. .

    I don't search for gossip off of Drudge, Dougo.

    It actually could be fun, like 'batboy' on the old Weekly World News; but you two actually seem to take it seriously so I'm forced to debunk it.

    For your own good.


    1. Good grief, Drudge just puts up headlines from other sources.

      I pop up the ones here I like, find interesting, or maybe will piss someone off.

      “This site is dedicated to preying on people’s vanity, ignorance, or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse.” least when it comes to the terrible trio of Ash, Q and Rufus.

      Where is Ruf, by the way....hope he is OK and just in a deep depression over the recnt polls.

    2. Designer Testicles: Rise of Scrotox....DRUDGE

      You should try to get the Scrotox ad account, Quirk.

      With your imagination you could do great with it.

      And be ever after indebted to your friends Matt Drudge and Bob for pointing it out to you.

      There must be millions and millions of men out there who would pay a wad for a new set of balls.

    3. .

      However, to help ease you off of your addition to this stuff here is one to help you through the day...


      The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reportedly confirmed that mermaids exist and that they are growing in numbers.

      The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reportedly published a post on their “Ocean Facts” newsfeed titled “Conclusive Evidence of the Existence of Aquatic Humanoids.”

      The agency went on to say that “magic females”, who first appeared in cave paintings in the late Paleolithic (Stone Age) period some 30,000 years ago, when modern humans began to sail the seas, do exist and are living in all the oceans of the world.

      Animal Planet television recently aired a special called “Mermaids: The Body Found,” that also proved the existence of mermaids...

      (See pictures)

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  17. "I don't search for gossip off of Drudge, Dougo."


    In the previous thread you list a bunch of crap Drudge linked.

    Several in the NINETEEN NINETIES!

    1. .

      Actually, that is incorrect.

      Well, unless you include the one where I said he got it right and gave him props, the Clinton/Lewinsky affair.


  18. but you two actually seem to take it seriously so I'm forced to debunk it.

    For your own good.


    I ignore it and read the News.

    You obsess about it.

    1. .

      Obsess about it?


      You are hilarious.

      You and the faux farmer have been on Hillary's health for a month. It has only intensified in the last week. The only comments I have made is on those instances that have already been debunked in the news.


  19. I get a humorous kick out of Drudge.

    I like the man's look, too.

    1. I like the fact that he links the News that the MSM and Quirk like to ignore, cover up, and distort.

    2. .


      All the news that's unfit to print


  20. Ash:

    "I take it you don't realize the Parkinson's is a degenerative disease that has very visible physical symptoms. If a person has been on prolonged Levadopa the Parkinson's symptoms would be quite evident and not simply the side effects of the treatment."

    I replied:
    "He pointed out the Parkinsons visible symptoms that are quite evident as well as the drug side effects.

    Some more than others, like the 9-11 event and other falls, some less obvious."

    I should add:

    She takes the medicines to minimize the Parkinson's symptoms. Sometimes they work well, sometimes not so much.

    The actor guy would sometimes not take his meds in his quest to get public sympathy for more research on Parkinson's.

    Hillary's goals are just the opposite:

    Hide the symptoms to the maximum degree possible.

    ...kind of tough when running for office.

    But the MSM and you two are doing your damnedest to help render the obvious invisible.

    Here's an idea:

    Call the obvious stupid !


    2. There is no way she could hide the symptoms of Parkinson's even with drugs for years.

      And you are linking to because it supports your claim that he "in his quest to get public sympathy for more research " bit of slander?

  21. .

    I ignore it and read the News.

    That's the point, Dougo. You seemingly lack the capacity to discriminate and determine what is news and what is yucks.


    1. I have no doubt you will ignore my simple, straightforward arguments presented here in my discussion with Ash. least he doesn't spend all his time and energy namecalling like some here.

    2. .

      You accept the stuff you see there without questioning it or looking for any critical review of the subject. There are few people who would say they are an expert on everything. Just because something 'seems' reasonable doesn't necessarily mean its true. It's always a good idea to restrain your credulity until there is supporting evidence, confirmation, or at least some measure of consensus from reliable sources.


    3. .

      Sorry, I interposed in your conversation with Ash. I must have been mistaken when I thought you brought me into this conversation.


    4. "It's always a good idea to restrain your credulity until there is supporting evidence, confirmation, or at least some measure of consensus from reliable sources"


      blah, blah, blah:

      If you don't think she has Parkinson's, you can sure as Hell SEE SHE IS NOT WELL.

      Unless you DON'T WANT TO.

    5. Like I said, everybody frequently suffers injurious falls, seizures, freezes, weakness, etc etc. QuirkWorld tm.

    6. "reliable sources"

      Quirk, Snopes, and the MSM.

    7. So until we achieve "some measure of consensus from reliable sources"

      we can't see Hillary has some serious health problems?

    8. .

      If you don't think she has Parkinson's, you can sure as Hell SEE SHE IS NOT WELL.

      Unless you DON'T WANT TO.

      Once again, you play the fool, Dougo.

      Instead of throwing the B.S. around why don't you start documenting the accusations you put up here. I've accused you and Bob of this before but you keep doing it. Put up ONE of my posts where I have said SHE 'IS' WELL.

      Saying I'm not convinced by the 'evidence' you and your bro have put up here to show that Hillary has had seizures or that she has Parkinson's disease does not indicate I am saying she doesn't have Parkinson's disease or has had seizures. What I have said is that I haven't seen any evidence yet that convinces me she has Parkinson's disease or has had seizures.

      The fact that I don't believe some of the fairy tale you pulled off the internet in no way indicates I think SHE IS WELL. I've indicated here numerous times her medical history and her age IMO disqualifies her from running for president.

      If anyway disagrees with one thing you guys say you automatically assume they disagree with everything you say.

      You and Bob just can't seem to get your head around the rules of rational argument. Maybe you should have skipped that zoology class and taken Logic 101 instead. Or joined the debate club.


    9. .

      If 'anyone' disagrees...


  22. Hillary is for open borders, Amnesty, and bringing in more Syrians et-al.

    A surefire recipe for security.

  23. Soros for Master of the Globe

  24. Poice officers gave a black man multiple warnings to drop a handgun before one of the officers opened fire and killed him, Charlotte's police chief said Wednesday, hours after protesters and police clashed in unrest that saw tractor-trailers looted and set on fire.

    Too bad Hillary, Obama and the MSM would rather sow division than spread the truth.

    1. "The chief said officers were searching for a suspect when they saw Scott exit a vehicle with a handgun. He said that officers told Scott to drop the gun and that he got out of the vehicle a second time still carrying the gun."



      Suicide by Cop.

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