Friday, September 23, 2016

How Does This Play?

Mark Cuban takes front-row seat for presidential debate

When Donald Trump looks out at the crowd during his upcoming presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, Mark Cuban plans to make sure he sees at least one unfriendly face. 

The bombastic billionaire who’s been an outspoken critic of the Republican nominee will be sitting front-row when the two opponents square off for their first televised debate at Hofstra University Monday, Cuban revealed in a tweet Thursday night.

Billing it as the "Humbling at Hofstra," Cuban says he plans to watch closely as Clinton tries to "overwhelm" Trump. 


  1. I am reserving my opinion of the outcome until after the fight.

    I sure hope that Hillary gets frustrated and bleeds from her eyes.

    1. I hope to see the Big Black Dude - BBD - rush in with his injector and stab her in the ass with anti-psychotics or anti-seizure formula.

      Then I hope it takes a while to kick in and she's goofy as hell, Trump offers to help, a time out is taken, and then they begin.....until she faints from the pressure of it which point the debate is postponed until another time.

  2. .

    Judge says Clinton e-mails will not be released to the public prior to the election, this even though the final review will be done by Nov. 4.

    Judicial Watch says this shows the process is corrupt.

    There may be nothing new in the e-mails but this still doesn't look good.


    1. If there's nothing in the emails they would be released.

      By the way, where's Julian Assange ?

      He was supposed to have some hot stuff coming....

  3. EDITOR'S NOTE: The presidential debate commission settled an early flashpoint when Clinton demanded a step-stool at the podium to add height to her 5'4" frame. Campaign Chairman John Podesta expressed concern that Hillary would be dwarfed by 6'2" Trump. The request was quickly rejected. The commission is allowing for a custom-made podium, which will accommodate the difference in stature.

    1. .

      It's probably a safety issue. Both of these candidates are so old neither of them should be standing on anything higher than the floor. The liability insurance could be prohibitive.


    2. I think she should be forced to wear elevator shoes, or stand on stilts.

      I want mostly to see the candidates in regular shoes, side by side, though.

      It's just more fakaroo any other way.

    3. Yes, just have them stand on the floor side by side in regular street shoes.

      The American people want to compare these two.

    4. Besides, BBD might have trouble hauling he off of an elevated podium.

      He might slip.

      She might bump her head !

    5. .

      Besides, BBD might have trouble hauling he off of an elevated podium.

      That's it ex-English major. You're out of her.


    6. .

      You are also out of here.


    7. .

      Yes, just have them stand on the floor side by side in regular street shoes.

      The American people want to compare these two.

      Right, the main alt-right factor in this campaign? Height.


    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. She wasn't much when I was in her, so I'm not sorry I'm out of her.

      I'm staying here, however, You Paltry Thing, You Tattered Coat Upon A Stick.

  4. .

    Professor Allan Lichtman predicts a Trump win.

    Prof. Allan Lichtman uses a system of true-false statements that he calls the "Keys to the White House" to determine his predicted winner.

    Lichtman's system has predicted the actual winner in every presidential election since 1984. If it is used retroactively, t would predict every election winner going back to the early 1800's.

    The one caution he provides is that Trump is such an outlier he makes the prediction difficult. Being as far out of the norm as he is, he could be the exception to the rule.


    1. Old news, Old Man.

      I read that days ago, and probably posted it.

      Show us something we don't know.

    2. Where'd you get that, by the by.

      From one of my sites ?

      Which one ?

      Or did you get it from me ?

    3. .

      Your daily column over at Skinheads for Christ.


    4. I read, edit and do a daily column at Monomyths For Skinheads, I don't even read Skinheads for Christ. In fact I've never heard of it.

      How did your recent advertising go over at RED RUBBER CATHETERS WEEKLY?

    5. Ah, I see, you got it from Hot Air, one of mine.

      Trump is headed for a win, says professor who has predicted 30 years of presidential outcomes correctly

      By Peter W. Stevenson September 23 at 8:00 AM

    6. Or, you might have gotten it from Drudge -

      Headed for win, says professor who correctly predicted past 30 years...DRUDGE

      American Thinker ran with it too, I believe.

    7. .


      Don't be sillier.

      The guy was on CNBC this morning. They mentioned the story was also in the WaPo today.

      Your sites?

      Don't you need a secret pass word to get into those sites?


  5. She doesn't get coughing breaks, however.


    They are taking breaks every fifteen minutes, I read.

    This must be so Hillary can scoot and change the Depends if needed.

    1. God yes, if she really unloads she'll stink up the entire podium area, and maybe get to the moderator too.

  6. .

    IMO, anyone who wins this election will win by default. The voting will take place amidst a great wailing and a gnashing of teeth (not to mention a holding of noses).

    Many will vote for one or the other as the 'least revolting or offensive' choice.

    However, IMO, the decision will rest on how many people through apathy or disgust stay home.


    1. .

      There is still plenty of time for this election to shift one way or the other. Both are capable of self-destructing.

      Hillary showed her chops with her 'Basket of Deplorables' comment. Then, Trump without skipping a beat gave up the advantage of Hillary's gaffe by offering up and unforced error of his own in claiming Hillary was the one who actually started the whole 'birther' kerfluffle thus bringing up once again a can of worms he has been trying to bury.


    2. She was, via "Sid Vicious" Blumenthal.

  7. She did question Obama's birth place when she ran against him in 08. That's a fact.

    1. .

      That's a fact.

      Not according to the fact checkers.

      Politifact: False

      Snopes: False False

      Others, the WSJ, CNN, Politico, and other major outlets have also all denied the claim.

      The 2008 story centers around the e-mail sent out by a Clinton supporter; however, the story goes at least back to 2004. The Clinton campaign distanced themselves from the story when it came out and Hillary is on record as rejecting the claim in 2008.

      Associating the candidate in this case with some nut job supporter is like associating Trump with the views of David Duke.


    2. .

      Well, I guess I should have said associating Trump with ALL the views of David Duke.


  8. AND, if there was ever a bigger blowhard on earth than Trump, it's Mark Cuban.

  9. the long form certificate of live birth is a fake.

    not saying WHERE ole Obama was or want born, who his daddy is or isn't, he produced a shit document and put it on and he's still laughing at us to this day.

    The "birther" label was a sal alinsky label to tarnish and slander those seeking the facts and truth about Obama "certificate of live birth"

    Yes there were those who claimed he was born in kenya and yet there were those who claimed he was a moslem....

    but the issue of his certificate of live birth is without denial, it's a fake.

    But so what?

    So was obama's intelligence and love for America.

    America voted for Obama twice, like it or not? America is getting what it voted for...

    Let the riots continue.

    1. Deuce took one look and proclaimed the 'birth certificate' a fakaroo, too.

      My bitch is that you've got to have TWO citizen parents, not just one.

      The only way O'bozo could be legitimate is if Frank Marshall Davis was da-da.

      Which might be the case.

      Where DID O'bozo get those long spider legs ?

      Not from the short Kenyan, and not from the goofy white mom.

  10. Only the gullible like SMIRK'n'QUIRK might buy into this nonsense about Obama being legit.

    And Quirk should damn well know better.

    1. He's been losing his touch lately, has Old Man Quirk.

  11. I would not bet my life that Obama was not born in Kenya.

    By the way, lyin’ Ted is backing Trump. He knows which way the wind is blowing.

    1. start with the basics

      the certificate of live birth, that is still to this day, at is a fake.

    2. Yup, Lyin' Ted is taking a principled stand, now he's tested the winds.


  12. Trump ought to demand a step stool at the debates too !

    Everything should be equal.

  13. .

    Well, let's see, all the major fact finding services and most of the major news organizations from the WSJ to the NYT on the one side and on the other side, the faux farmer and his merry band of conspiracy theorists at the EB. Who to believe?

    Gee, that's a toughy.



    "A year ago, I pledged to endorse the Republican nominee, and I am honoring that commitment. And if you don't want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency, I encourage you to vote for him."
    "I am greatly honored by the endorsement of Senator Cruz," Trump said in a statement obtained by CNN. "We have fought the battle and he was a tough and brilliant opponent. I look forward to working with him for many years to come in order to make America great again."
    The move -- three days before Trump’s critical first debate with Clinton -- comes as the Trump and Cruz camps have moved closer in recent weeks.
