Saturday, September 03, 2016

Lock Her Up: Hillary either “Forgot”, “Lost”, “Didn’t Understand”, “Mishandled”, “”Was Careless” or “Was Reckless” with top secret documents while US Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton email investigation: FBI notes reveal laptop and thumb drive missing

A Clinton Foundation laptop and a thumb drive used to archive Hillary Clinton’s emails from her time as secretary of state are missing, according to FBI notes released on Friday.

The phrase “Clinton could not recall” litters the summary of the FBI’s investigation, which concluded in July that she should not face charges. Amid fierce Republican criticism of the Democratic presidential candidate, the party’s nominee, Donald Trump released a statement which said “Hillary Clinton’s answers to the FBI about her private email server defy belief” and added that he did not “understand how she was able to get away from prosecution”. 

The FBI documents describe how Monica Hanley, a former Clinton aide, received assistance in spring 2013 from Justin Cooper, a former aide to Bill Clinton, in creating an archive of Hillary Clinton’s emails. Cooper provided Hanley with an Apple MacBook laptop from the Clinton Foundation – the family organisation currently embroiled in controversy – and talked her through the process of transferring emails from Clinton’s private server to the laptop and a thumb drive.
“Hanley completed this task from her personal residence,” the notes record. The devices were intended to be stored at Clinton’s homes in New York and Washington. However, Hanley “forgot” to provide the archive laptop and thumb drive to Clinton’s staff.

In early 2014, Hanley located the laptop at her home and tried to transfer the email archive to an IT company, apparently without success. It appears the emails were then transferred to an unnamed person’s personal Gmail account and there were problems around Apple software not being compatible with that of Microsoft.

The unnamed person “told the FBI that, after the transfer was complete, he deleted the emails from the archive laptop but did not wipe the laptop. The laptop was then put in the mail, only to go missing. [Redacted] told the FBI that she never received the laptop from [redacted]; however, she advised that Clinton’s staff was moving offices at the time, and it would have been easy for the package to get lost during the transition period.

“Neither Hanley nor [redacted] could identify the current whereabouts of the archive laptop or thumb drive containing the archive, and the FBI does not have either item in its possession.”

Clinton’s use of a private email server while in office has dogged her presidential campaign. The FBI has been criticised by Democrats for taking the rare step of publishing its account of confidential interviews with Clinton and others from the recently closed investigation, which found her to have been “extremely careless” in her handling of classified information. Hopes that this would draw a line under the issue, however, appear to have been dashed.

The FBI identified a total of 13 mobile devices associated with Clinton’s two known phone numbers that potentially were used to send emails using addresses.

The 58 pages of notes released on Friday, several of which were redacted, also related that Hanley often purchased replacement BlackBerry devices for Clinton during Clinton’s time at the state department. Hanley recalled buying most of them at AT&T stores in the Washington area. Cooper was usually responsible for setting them up and synching them to the server.

Clinton’s closest aide, Huma Abedin, and Hanley “indicated the whereabouts of Clinton’s devices would frequently become unknown once she transitioned to a new device”, the documents state. “Cooper did recall two instances where he destroyed Clinton’s old mobile devices by breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer.”

The notes also contain a string of admissions by Clinton about points she did not know or could not recall: “When asked about the email chain containing ‘(C)’ portion markings that state determined to currently contain CONFIDENTIAL information, Clinton stated that she did not know what the ‘(C)’ meant at the beginning of the paragraphs and speculated it was referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order.”

Clinton said she did not pay attention to the difference between top secret, secret and confidential but “took all classified information seriously”. She did not recall receiving any emails she thought should not have been on an unclassified system. She also stated she received no particular guidance as to how she should use the president’s email address.

In addition, the notes say: “Clinton could not recall when she first received her security clearance and if she carried it with her to state via reciprocity from her time in the Senate. Clinton could not recall any briefing or training by state related to the retention of federal records or handling of classified information.”
Clinton was aware she was an original classification authority at the state department, but again “could not recall how often she used this authority or any training or guidance provided by state. Clinton could not give an example of how classification of a document was determined.”

Nor could she recall any specific briefing on how to handle information associated with special access program information. 

“Clinton could not recall a specific process for nominating a target for a drone strike,” the notes say.

According to the notes, on 23 January 2009 Clinton emailed her predecessor, Colin Powell, to ask about his use of a BlackBerry. In his response, Powell told Clinton that if it became “public” that she was using a BlackBerry to “do business”, the emails could become “official records[s] and subject to the law”.
Powell wrote: “Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data.”

Clinton told the FBI she understood Powell’s comments to mean that any of her work-related communications would be records of the government and “did not factor” the comments “into her decision to use a personal email account”, the documents say.

The release also includes technical details about how the server in the basement of Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, New York, was set up. 

Clinton’s critics seized on the latest revelations. Trump’s full statement read: “Hillary Clinton’s answers to the FBI about her private email server defy belief. I was absolutely shocked to see that her answers to the FBI stood in direct contradiction to what she told the American people. After reading these documents, I really don’t understand how she was able to get away from prosecution.”

Jason Miller, senior communications adviser to Trump, said: “Hillary Clinton is applying for a job that begins each day with a top secret intelligence briefing, and the notes from her FBI interview reinforce her tremendously bad judgment and dishonesty.

“Clinton’s secret email server was an end run around government transparency laws that wound up jeopardizing our national security and sensitive diplomatic efforts.”

He added: “Clinton’s reckless conduct and dishonest attempts to avoid accountability show she cannot be trusted with the presidency and its chief obligation as commander-in-chief of the US armed forces.” 

The House speaker, Paul Ryan, said: “These documents demonstrate Hillary Clinton’s reckless and downright dangerous handling of classified information during her tenure as secretary of state. They also cast further doubt on the justice department’s decision to avoid prosecuting what is a clear violation of the law. This is exactly why I have called for her to be denied access to classified information.”

Reince Priebus, chair of the Republican National Committee, said: “The FBI’s summary of their interview with Hillary Clinton is a devastating indictment of her judgment, honesty and basic competency. Clinton’s answers either show she is completely incompetent or blatantly lied to the FBI or the public.

“Either way it’s clear that, through her own actions, she has disqualified herself from the presidency.”

The Clinton campaign insisted that it was pleased the notes had been made public. Spokesman Brian Fallon said: “While her use of a single email account was clearly a mistake and she has taken responsibility for it, these materials make clear why the justice department believed there was no basis to move forward with this case.”


  1. Replies
    1. Trump is literally using Goebbels's playbook. It can only work during extreme national stress. There is no extreme stress occurring right now, so the GOP has to manufacture it.

  2. Pence's "Land of the Free" will tell us who to marry, what to smoke, what to say/read/do, what god to worship, and what size family to have, while Trump backs us out of NATO to keep his Russians from calling in their vigorish. But no, emails!

    1. If Hillary had a sexual predator like Roger Ailes advising her, the media would crucify her. Why does Trump get a pass?

  3. Replies
    1. Earlier this week, reporters began poring over the 2,271-word nondisclosure agreement that Trump’s campaign requires its volunteers sign. The forms are extraordinarily broad, virtually prohibiting any volunteers from criticizing Trump or his family for the rest of their lifetimes, according to Rachel Sklar, a lawyer and CNN contributor.

  4. Reince Priebus, chair of the Republican National Committee, said:

    “The FBI’s summary of their interview with Hillary Clinton is a devastating indictment of her judgment, honesty and basic competency. Clinton’s answers either show she is completely incompetent or blatantly lied to the FBI or the public.

    Either way it’s clear that, through her own actions, she has disqualified herself from the presidency

    Prince Riebus, as I like to call him, is correct, and has made the very same correct analysis as Dr. Ben Carson.

    “Either way it’s clear that, through her own actions, she has disqualified herself from the presidency.”

    1. Trump still hasn't paid at least ten top staffers, including Paul Manafort. But then again, Paul Manafort is already on the Kremlin payroll. Getting paid by Donald would amount to double-billing Putin.

  5. What would happen to an E-3 that did 1/1000 th of a similar infraction?

    1. Life in prison.

      Which is what she should get.

      When my lawyer mentioned all this, she took her right hand and put it around her neck and pulled upward, as if a rope tightening.

      She called it treason.

      This surprised me as she isn't very political, and gets along with everyone, and isn't really a Republican that I know of....what she and her husband are is practicing Catholics....

      Everyone I know just shake their heads about it, as if in dismay, folks of both parties.....

    2. All the pictures that Trump posed with his dolled-up daughter, and all the touching, made me think of your "niece" from India, Bob.

    3. Fuck you, you asshole.

      I thought you were going back to your homeland, where you belong.

    4. Need the airfare ? I got a little extra right now. I might be good for it if you don't post here again.

    5. It's smartassholes like you that bring out my anti-immigrant.

    6. "From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh." -- Jesus

      "But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God." -- Leviticus 19:34

    7. Well, first of all he'd be referred to as "Private"

    8. Ms T, why do you reference the Jewish Scriptures that you have TRASHED as garbage in the past?

  6. This is what I've been thinking:

    Huma for Acting President in 2017?
    James Lewis

    Because of Hillary's evident incapacity, her close companion Huma Abedin may represent the biggest strategic deception since D-Day.


    1. "For Heaven's sake, open your eyes before it is too late"

      Good article.

      What a totally bizarre, idiotic situation.

      Come ON, American People !

    2. COTUS Article II Section 1: In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.


    3. FBI Interview Catches Hillary Clinton In Multiple Lies

      September2, 2016 By Bre Payton

      The FBI just released notes from its July 2 interview with Hillary Clinton about her use of a private, unsecured email server during her tenure as secretary of State. Their findings don’t look good for Clinton....

    4. Immediately above this post is a demonstration of your lack of knowledge of basic American civics, Bob, so it comes as no surprise that you think the FBI releasing the notes of their interview into the wild will somehow result in a reversal of Comey's decision not to recommend an indictment.

    5. See below, Miss T(urd).

      And I've never said I thought the FBI releasing notes would result in a reversal of Comey's decision.

      Don't put words in my mouth.

      I've never said anything about a reversal at all.

      In fact I'm sure it won't result in a reversal.

      Your homeland is calling....

      Can't you hear it ?

  7. Sat Sep 03, 09:11:00 AM EDT

    The problem is her disability would not be admitted.

    Therefore it would be like an impeachment, which is hard to do.

    1. So it would be like Weekend at Bernies, but for a year or two. Okay. I'm going to start addressing you as Low Info Bobbo.

    2. If all flips were like you, I would have recommended the USA leave you to the tender mercies of the Japs.

    3. And MacArthur would have said you were FUBAR.

    4. I'll just call you Ms T...

      No rules for radicals needed to make you look stupid

  8. Off to some cursed work....

    Cheers !

    1. Eccl.10:5 The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city.

    2. Ah, back to quoting JEWISH "Writings" that you hate...

      You are one sloppy pagan... Typical of you

      this is Eccl.10:5

      יֵ֣שׁ רָעָ֔ה רָאִ֖יתִי תַּ֣חַת הַשָּׁ֑מֶשׁ כִּשְׁגָגָ֕ה שֶׁיֹּצָ֖א מִלִּפְנֵ֥י הַשַּׁלִּֽיט

      There is an evil [which] I have seen under the sun as an error that proceeds from the ruler.

      if you were trying to quote the Jewish "writings"?


      Maybe Eccl.10:15 was what you were shooting for?

      עֲמַ֥ל הַכְּסִילִ֖ים תְּיַגְּעֶ֑נּוּ אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹֽא־יָדַ֖ע לָלֶ֥כֶת אֶל־עִֽיר׃

      The labor of the foolish wearies because not do he knows how to go unto the city

      Thanks Ms T for once again showing us that:

      A. You deep down respect the fact that Jerusalem and it's surrounding lands are Jewish, no matter who squats illegally on them.

      B. You are sloppy with details. (must suck if you write code)

      C. The G-d of the Jews still out weighs all your new age bullshit you espouse....


    3. A single byte typo and we get all this. How much do you charge for rent in your head, WiO.

    4. A single byte typo cause much damage in many things Ms T.

      To say it doesn't?

      Speaks VOLUMES of your attention to detail and quality control.

      Maybe you should have just said "my bad"?

      And trust me, you are NOT in my head. Just pointing out the obvious mistake you made.

  9. .

    There is no extreme stress occurring right now, so the GOP has to manufacture it.

    Clinton requires no assistance. She is either criminally negligent or felony stupid.


  10. .

    On the University of Chicago policy on Freedom of Expression

    Higher Education Beyond Parody

    Language is a major casualty on the politically correct campus. Race becomes a four-letter word that radiates destructive heat. A student at the University of Houston in Texas was punished for tweeting "All Lives Matter" after the shooting of five policemen in Dallas. The university student government sentenced the offending tweeter to mandatory diversity training.

    At Princeton University, "man" is a three-letter, sexist word. In a four-page memo, administrators told employees that instead of using "man," it would be better to use "gender inclusive language," such as "human beings." But shouldn't that be hu-beings? Not so long ago, Wellesley College students were horrified by the realistic sculpture of a man clad only in his undershorts. "This isn't art!" one of them wrote. "It's sexual assault!" We can only imagine the damage to girly psyches when they see Michelangelo's David.

    At Columbia University, students broke down the world's greatest literature into works depicting women raped and women not raped, all to warn against trigger mechanisms in the mind. That would make reading Ovid's "Metamorphoses" (with at least 80 instances of assault) particularly dangerous.

    The sports world, usually a safe enough outlet for rougher play, isn't immune either. At the University of Iowa, a clinical professor of pediatrics wrote to athletic department officials expressing dismay over the ferocious facial expressions of Herky the Hawk. Herky, the mascot of the Hawkeyes, conveys "an invitation to aggressivity and even violence" and lacks "emotional diversity."

    The University of Chicago dean's letter to students coincides with the publication of "Fail U: The False Promise of Higher Education," by Charles J. Sykes, who counts the costs of such foolishness. Parents are paying as much as $70,000 a year to educate their children, if what they get can always be called education.

    Seeking safe places for students to shelter against troubling or traumatic "triggering" reached its nadir (so far) at Brown University, which provides a "safe room" with calming music, a video of puppies at play and trays of Play-Doh for the kiddies who are nostalgic for their lost innocence of childhood...


  11. Too bad we don't have some way of putting these candidates side by side, under stress for a couple of hours, and ask them tough questions about policy, like a debate or something . . . . . . . . . oh, wait . . . .


    1. DT will not be at any debate. Word to your mother. You heard it here first.

    2. .

      I'd take that bet.

      And while it's easy to dismiss Trump in a debate, Hillary is no sure bet. She is shrill and unprepossessing, it is easy to get under her skin, and when she gets put on the spot she offers us her characteristic nervous cackle, not a pretty thing.

      On the other hand, CNN st reported Donald Trump said that representing the party of Lincoln was the proudest thing in his life. that should guarantee he loses Deuce's vote.


    3. DT will be at the debates and Hillary will lose and lose big...

    4. If Trump wins, his supporters will try Lincoln in abstentia for war crimes against the South.

    5. Ms T, nonsense, but you seem to write stuff JUST to hear yourself talk...

      You are smarter than that, so you tell us... repeatedly

  12. Trump says in black church "I'll always defend your right to worship". Has that ever been an issue? Well, no, unless you're a Muslim.

    1. Pithy.

      But once again your are trying to hard.

      And yes it has been an issue.

      Charleston church shooting

      As for Muslims?

      Since 9/11?

      They have

      The overall number of mosques in the United States quietly rose from 1,209 in 2000 to 2,106 in 2010, an increase of 74%. The "Ground Zero mosque", a planned mosque in lower Manhattan, was the subject of controversy from 2010 on.

      Allah uAkbar at ya Ms T. I hear tell in the Philippines, moslems they treat lesbians real fine....

  13. Trump made a respectful and respectable showing at a black church in Detroit. The pool feed provided by the MSM cut the feed the moment it appeared Bishop Wayne was about to bless-or anoint Donald Trump.

    It is killing our rulers and masters that Trump has electrified the working and disenfranchised masses. He should hone his message to say to the solidly Democratic inner cities that he is a builder , not a destroyer.

    1. Trump is going direct to the people and bypassing the self appointed "leaders" and race baiting TV pundits.


    2. He was misquoted.

      What he really said was 'lazy thieving Flip/Americans, who can't control their sexuality' - he made no reference at all to African Americans.


    Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Saturday directly addressed a largely African-American audience for the first time as a presidential candidate, delivering a warmly received message of unity that focused on fixing economic hardship in the black community.

    Trump spoke to members of the Great Faith Ministries in Detroit, part of his outreach to what is typically a sizable Democratic voting bloc. His visit, however, was marked by protests outside of the church ahead of his arrival.

    Sitting in a pew at the front of the congregation, Trump took a selfie with a church member and at one point held up a baby over his shoulders. He then addressed the congregation.

    "For centuries, the African-American church has been the conscience of this country. So true," Trump said, reading from prepared remarks. He added, “The African-American faith community has been one of God's greatest gifts to America and its people."

    Trump told the audience he was there to "listen to your message" and said he hoped his appearance would "also help your voice to reach new audiences in our country." He said he would lay out his plans for economic change and school choice -- issues that he said would benefit black communities -- in the future.

    "Our nation is too divided," said Trump, who spoke in a measured tone. "We talk past each other and not to each other. And those who seek office do not do enough to step into the community and learn what's going on. I’m here today to learn, so that we can together remedy injustice in any form, and so that we can also remedy economics so that the African-American community can benefit economically through jobs and income and so many other different ways."

    "I believe we need a civil rights agenda for our time," added Trump, whose remarks were warmly received by the congregation.
    After Trump finished speaking, the church's pastor, Bishop Wayne Jackson, draped a prayer shawl over Trump's shoulders, much to the crowd's delight, and handed him a Jewish Heritage Study Bible.

  15. Why would he not be welcomed to a special planned campaign event on a Saturday at a church? Especially when he kept his remarks short. Ten minutes.

  16. Rufus:

    After leaving office, Bill Clinton started a Foundation that helped over 400M people.

  17. Teresita RedingerSat Sep 03, 08:49:00 AM EDT
    All the pictures that Trump posed with his dolled-up daughter, and all the touching, made me think of your "niece" from India, Bob.

    And yet it was you that pretended for YEARS to be a lesbian.....

    People who live in glass houses? eh

    1. Which is it, WiO, pretended, or is? Pretended here, is upthread where you bring up the treatment of lesbians by Filipino Muslims.

    2. Well you HAVE admitted that you lied to all of us for years, pretending to be a lesbian. You did tell us you were planning to retire there with your lesbian significant other....

      So maybe I just wanted to point out the treatment of lesbians in the PHILIPPINES by Islamic folks..

      Contrast that to your own words:

      Teresita RedingerSat Sep 03, 12:20:00 PM EDT
      Trump says in black church "I'll always defend your right to worship". Has that ever been an issue? Well, no, unless you're a Muslim.

      Then I also posted the increase in mosques in America since 9/11...

  18. "A Clinton Foundation laptop and a thumb drive used to archive Hillary Clinton’s emails from her time as secretary of state are missing, according to FBI notes released on Friday."


    Elusive Papers of Law Firm Are Found at White House
    January 6, 1996

    The release of the records is the latest of several instances in which the Clinton White House has declared a document search to be exhaustive, only to later stumble on important material. For example, White House officials initially said that Vincent W. Foster Jr., the deputy White House counsel, left no indication of why he committed suicide on July 20, 1993. But later, an aide found the remnants of a note describing Mr. Foster's disenchantment with Washington.

    Mr. Kendall said the Rose billing records were discovered in the White House on Thursday night by Carolyn Huber, a White House aide and former office manager of the Rose firm.

    He also said Mrs. Clinton was not aware until today that the records had been in the White House.

    1. "The release of the records is the latest of several instances in which the Clinton White House has declared a document search to be exhaustive, only to later stumble on important material."

  19. I see above Miss T(urd) doesn't know her scriptures.

    Made a fool out of herself once again.

    She's always blabbering on about her scriptures, and then gets them wrong.

    Ha ha ha

    1. I thought you were a grace-filled individual, Bob.

    2. bob, don't stoop to her levels of name calling.

      Ms T, Teresita Resigner and such are fine.

    3. But I reserve the right to go back to the old ways if she calls me Peckerwood again.

  20. San Fran Paper, LA Times, and New York Times all have this same little announcement hidden way down on their front page:

    "F.B.I. Releases Files on Clinton Email Server Investigation"

    Rufus and T are thrilled that this sort of coverage will result in greater Transparency and Integrity in Government.

    1. Correction: SF Gate reduced it to this:

      "FBI publishes notes on Clinton's use of private email"

      LA Times was most extensive:

      "FBI releases report on its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server"

    2. Most transparent Administration evah.....

      That's what O promised us.....

    3. And we already know how transparent a Trump Administration would be, what with the unprecedented refusal to disclose tax returns and the unanswered questions about Putin's influence over him.


    4. And it really is transparent, in a way.

      Sooooo transparently criminal when it comes to the Clintons......

    5. Tell you what Ms T, when Hillary discloses her Senior thesis on Sal Alensky, her speeches to Goldman Sachs, and health records, AND obama releases HIS college transcripts?

      Then you'd have a point.

      But then again, Trumo never said he'd be the MOST transparent administration in history did.

  21. Hillary spokesman: Hey, she’ll hold press conferences after she’s president

    posted at 4:01 pm on September 3, 2016 by Allahpundit

    He did use the plural — “press conferences” — so we’re guaranteed at least two. On the other hand, “the frequency of them is something that would just play out as time went on,” says Brian Fallon. So figure maybe one presser in January 2017 and another a week before the election in 2020.

    We all understand why she’s ducking the spectacle of a press free-for-all while agreeing to sit for interviews with individual reporters, yes?

    It’s been 272 days since Hillary Clinton’s last press conference. But Clinton’s lead press secretary, Brian Fallon, vowed that if elected, “Hillary Clinton will hold press conferences.”

    “But the frequency of them is something that would just play out as time went on,” he added.

    On this week’s “Powerhouse Politics” podcast, Fallon promised greater interaction between Clinton and the press on the campaign trail and said he expects the Democratic nominee to hold a press conference soon.

    “The amount of interaction can only go up,” he said, noting that the traveling press will soon be flying with Clinton on her new campaign plane.

    That’s the latest half-measure to get the press to back off of her about holding a press conference. Instead of flying on a private jet, as she’s done for most of the campaign, she’s switching to a big plane that’ll carry the media along with her as campaigns have traditionally done. If she does a five-minute gaggle with them every few days in the cabin, that’s sort of like a press conference. I guess?....

  22. Here is a link to DT's church appearance.

    1. It was real cute at the end when the Christian Bishop put a Jewish tallis on mr trump and gave him the jewish bible...


    2. And Dukakis was real cute driving that tank too.

    3. Sorry Ms T, your comparison misses the mark AGAIN..

      Keep trying. We are rooting for you. Heck even an analog clock is right twice a day...

  23. Trump Today





    Slams 'Crazy' Clinton Plan to Give Jobs to Syrian Refugees....DRUDGE

    Hillary wants to dump Syrian refugees in vacant Detroit housing, depend on them to set the city straight....

    Good Luck with that....

    1. Hillary Today

      WITHHELD 17,500 EMAILS...

  24. Life got better for pretty much everyone under Obama, Gallup poll finds

    How Americans feel about the state of their lives have improved markedly in the eight years since Barack Obama was elected president, according to Gallup data released Tuesday.

    In 2008, fewer than half of Americans said their life was good enough to be considered "thriving," according to Gallup. But that's changed: "The 55.4% who are thriving so far in 2016 is on pace to be the highest recorded in the nine years Gallup and Healthways have tracked it," according to the report.

    Not only that, members of each ethnic or racial group in Gallup's study feel better about their lives.

    "The percentages of U.S. whites, blacks, Hispanics and Asians who are thriving have all increased during the Obama era," Gallup notes. The percentage of blacks thriving has risen by about 6 points, as has the percentage of whites and Hispanics. Asian thriving has risen by about 10 points since 2008.

    Chicago Tribune

  25. .

    Better than what?

    Lordy, the friggin country was in recession in 2007 and steadily moved further into the tank over the next three years.

    Pick the right start point and you can prove anything you want with statistics.

    Heck, real median household income is still lower than it was in 2007.


    1. .

      From the CT article...

      How Americans feel about the state of their lives have improved markedly in the eight years since Barack Obama was elected president, according to Gallup data released Tuesday.

      In 2008, fewer than half of Americans said their life was good enough to be considered "thriving," according to Gallup. But that's changed: "The 55.4% who are thriving so far in 2016 is on pace to be the highest recorded in the nine years Gallup and Healthways have tracked it," according to the report.

      Sure, you might be screwed but if you 'feel good' about it, that's all that matters.


    2. Feelin' a little grouchy, today, are we?

    3. Which is true?

      Bush is the only guy that ever presided over a recession.

      Obama's the only President IN HISTORY that never had 3 percent growth.

    4. The Bush recession is the GREAT Recession.

      The rest of the developed world is still trying to climb out of it too.

    5. .

      Feelin' a little grouchy, today, are we?

      Not at all.

      We've had this discussion before. Context is important.


    6. Nah, you're just an old grouch. :)

  26. Hilarious Team Clinton (cnn) example of Quirk's picking your dates:


    Even Google links to the truth:
    (Rufus will find the exceptions, ie Quirk's "pickers and choosers")

    1. 78 uninterrupted months of job growth under Obama. A record.

  27. The upshot:

    Gallup finds people feel better off in tepid recovery than at the depths of a recession.

    Profound Fucking Shit, Gallup.

    Good stuff, according to Rufus.

    1. The last recession started in December 2007 under Bush.

      Before that, there was a recession in March 2001-November 2001 that started, again, under Bush.

      Before that, there was Poppy Bush's recession, July 1990 to March 1991.

      Before that, there was Reagan's really bad one, July 1981 to November 1982.

      Oh, finally, we hit a Democrat recession, January to July, 1980. Before that we got all the Ford and Nixon ones, but you get the idea.

    2. And the Carter one was from a global oil crisis that hit everybody. I remember getting back from girl scout camp and gas crossed over a buck.

    3. Yep and Carter put sanctions on the Iranians that Obama lifted

  28. Basically all the African-Americans who are going to vote for Trump in November were in that church today.



  29. Donald Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 penalty this year, an official at Trump's company said, after it was revealed that Trump's charitable foundation had violated tax laws by giving a political contribution to a campaign group connected to Florida's attorney general.

    Imagine if the Clinton Foundation paid off an AG investigating the emails, then lied to the IRS about the contribution. Imagine all the EB articles.

    1. .

      How do you know it didn't happen?

      If only we had those missing e-mails and machines.



  30. The 'Bush Recession' was at the very end of his term, was caused by Bwaney Fwrank and Company lending so much to those who could never pay back, which was warned about by G.W. in each of his 8 State of the Union speeches.

    We should always mention the facts.

    1. Barnie Frank diddit, or the likes of WaMu, where you'd get bonuses for every lettuce-picker you sold waterfront property on Redondo Beach for 800K?

  31. Hillary Blames Everyone For The Emails But Herself

    1. Even more incredible is Hillary saying the State Department officials should have used their judgment when emailing her classified documents. The premise of this excuse is that the State Department should not have sent any documents to Hillary on her email server that were important or classified.

      But if they had to send a classified email to Hillary, then how were they supposed to send it if not on her private email account? Carrier pigeon? Or, like in the move Goodfellas, the State Department would send a runner to Hillary and whisper in her ear?

      Thus, according to Hillary, the burden is on the State Department to decide whether to send a classified email to Hillary because the State Department knows that Hillary has an unsecured private email account. This assumes that Hillary knew that the email account was not secure for classified mail. According to this logic, the State Department should never have sent a classified email to Hillary. So if her email account was hacked, then it is the fault of the State Department for sending her classified emails.

      Read more:

    2. Sounds like Miss T explaining to Mr. Redinger how Miss Feely got in Miss T's bed.

    3. 'Someone sent her to me. It was just a matter of convenience.'

    4. Bwa,bwabwabwa hahhahaha

      Bwarny sent her, frankly.

    5. I thought Lutherans emphasized grace and the way Christ transforms lives of those who follow him.

    6. .

      Hillary forgets, she was the State Department.


    7. Telegraph Survey: Right-wing people are happier with their sex lives

  32. Replies
    1. HILLARY: Syria has--
      HILLARY: Syria--
      HILLARY: Syr--
      HILLARY: Fucking fuck.

  33. Turns out they located the Dakota Access Pipeline adjacent to Native American land because fifty rich fucks didn't want it near their McMansions.

    1. So now you have a problem with 50 successful Americans?

  34. This was Trump's first-ever visit to a black church.

    Detroit saw through it.

    80% empty

    1. Your photo has not reference point, after all you can tell DT aint on the stage nor anyone else.

      Why make up stuff?

    2. Trump’s first visit to a black church, which required tickets for entry and was heavily hyped, but did not draw a full crowd, There were rows and rows of empty seats in the back half of the church, even as the Trump campaign did not provide an opportunity for some local reporters to attend.

      Best part? Trump left before the services were over.

    3. I see you don't credit DT for going there and trying to reach out...

      Maybe you can ask Hillary what she thinks about it at one of her press conferences?
