Saturday, September 03, 2016

Julian Assange and the exposing of the Joe McCarthy’s standards of The New York Times

Julian Assange and the New McCarthyism

Jeremy Kuzmarov HUFFINGTON POSTHistorian, intellectual, political activist

America’s newspaper of record ran a front-page article this past Thursday, “How Russia Often Benefits as Assange Reveals Secrets” that exemplifies the “New McCarthyism” at work. 

The article insinuated without providing any concrete proof that Russian intelligence was behind the leaked emails pertaining to the Democratic National Committee’s efforts to sabotage the campaign of Bernie Sanders and ensure the nomination of Hillary Clinton. 

The allegations are based on the claim by an unnamed CIA official that Wikileaks materials had the same bit of code and telltale metadata traced to previous intrusions attributed to Russian spy agencies. 

The New York Times’ article quotes critics of Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, who said he had become blinkered in his worldview while confined in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and a one dimensional critic of U.S. policy. The authors noted that Russian leader Vladimir Putin had taken up Assange’s cause and they criticized Assange for taking a critical view of Western political interference in the Ukraine. 

During the era of Joseph McCarthy critics of U.S. government policy were similarly maligned for being anti-American or pro-Russian or communist if they raised serious ethical questions about U.S. policy. Many were also accused of being spies unfairly, including Ethel Rosenberg, who was executed by the state unjustly as recent evidence has confirmed.

FDR’s Vice-President Henry Wallace, one of the victims of McCarthyism, was smeared as a pro-communist and an apologist for Soviet premier Joseph Stalin simply because he believed that the Russians did not have the capacity to attack the U.S. and could be engaged with through diplomacy like any other country. 

A trademark of McCarthy was to accuse someone of being a communist agent based on rumor, conjecture or fabricated evidence. The New York Times appears to have lowered itself to Mr. McCarthy’s standards as the article on Assange does not contain one bit of hard evidence the email leaks came from Russian government sources. There is only speculation and “belief” by U.S. intelligence agencies, which have a history of planting misinformation in the media in order to shape public opinion.

A cardinal rule of journalism is to present evidence to back up one’s story. Rumor or hearsay is no basis for charging somebody with something.

In this case, the Times employs a coy rhetorical trick. Since they have no actual evidence against Assange, they frame it that Russia “benefits” from his revelations and that the “agenda of Wikileaks and the Kremlin often overlap.” The effect is to equate Assange with Russia and vilify him, while blocking discussion about the Wikileaks revelations themselves and their implications.

Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman in their 1989 book, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, emphasize the Times‘ historical role in promoting U.S. government interests in foreign affairs and marginalizing critics of the capitalist system. The Assange case fits directly into their analysis. 

The “newspaper of record” and its pundits have supported Hillary Clinton from the beginning of the election campaign, and want to whitewash any evidence that the primary process was flawed. Fitting the interests of the military-industrial complex which needs an excuse to keep arms sales going, the Times has adopted a vendetta against Putin and supported the reckless Obama administration policies that have resulted in a new cold war.

The Nation Magazine, which has a proud tradition of standing up to McCarthyism, penned a strong editorial last month “Against Neo-McCarthyism.” It emphasized how critics of U.S. foreign policy and NATO expansion in Eastern Europe, including at varying points in his campaign, Donald Trump, have been accused of being Putin surrogates. Liberal Times writer Paul Krugman as a case in point asked in one of his columns if “Donald Trump would be Vladimir Putin’s man in the White House if elected?,” insinuating he was some kind of Manchurian candidate.  

James Kirchick in The Daily Beast meanwhile accused progressive critics of Clinton’s foreign policy of being closet Trump supporters” and by implication “Putin’s pawns.” 

This is another example of a disturbing trend whose net effect is to limit rational dialogue and debate on major social problems and to threaten revival of a political culture reminiscent of America’s dark-age.



  1. Julian Assange and Ed Snowden really are traitors, as defined by the COTUS.

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

    That these hackers should be heroes to a blogger who thinks Lincoln was a war criminal is no surprise at all. Beauregard opened fire on Old Glory.

    1. Hillary gave aid and comfort to innumerable enemies by spewing sensitive data around the World.

      But somehow she signed for a security class that she says she doesn't recall taking.

  2. Assange and Snowden deserve the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

    1. Assange's lawyer got whacked in London. Assaunge sticks his nose out of that Ecuadorian embassy it's lights out. Snowden's lifespan is exactly equivalent to that of Putin.

    2. .

      And you think those are good things?


    3. Who 'whacked' Assange's lawyer ?

      That doesn't seem a polite thing to do.

      Any guesses on who whacked Assange's lawyer, Miss T ?

      Who is gonna whack Assange when he sticks his nose out of the Ecuadorian Embassy ?

  3. Lincoln deserved to tried as a war criminal.

    1. Traditionally, the "Elephant Bar" would refer to a watering hole frequented by adherents to the party of Lincoln.

  4. Facing criticism over Melania, Trump vows that his future wives will face a much more thorough screening process before being allowed into the United States.

    1. Snarky...

      But on the other hand...

      Hillary promises to limit the number of women to be raped by her husband to 48, if elected, one per month. She will also limited the age range to 16-45.

    2. BillyGoat's gonna complain about that lower end age limit.

  5. .

    Julian Assange and Ed Snowden really are traitors, as defined by the COTUS.

    Assange seems to be a prick but he's certainly no traitor. The damn guys an Australian citizen, a private Australian citizen, not an American. How can he be a traitor for publicizing American secrets?

    What you are arguing is that the American people don't need to know the bullshit their government is doing in their name. I say you're wrong.


  6. .

    As to Russia being the source of the data given to Wikileaks...

    The allegations are based on the claim by an unnamed CIA official that Wikileaks materials had the same bit of code and telltale metadata traced to previous intrusions attributed to Russian spy agencies.

    while it's possible, from what I've read it appears to me that Russia is being made the patsy. While it could be them given the details of the hack and the signatures, if it was them it seemed way too obvious. There appeared to be no attempts to hide their identities.

    If I were to bet, I put my money on either independent hackers or one or more of the big cyber-security firms who are getting rich off the current cyber-wars going on between various countries. Just as the MIC gets rich promoting conflict in the WOT. These companies get rich promoting conflict in the cyber-wars.


  7. Quirk Sun Sep 04, 02:55:00 AM EDT


    "Julian Assange and Ed Snowden really are traitors, as defined by the COTUS." - Miss T. Redinger

    Assange seems to be a prick but he's certainly no traitor. The damn guys an Australian citizen, a private Australian citizen, not an American. How can he be a traitor for publicizing American secrets?

    True enough, he's an Australian.

    Miss T don't actually know shit.

    But, we all knew that already.


  8. Mother Teresa has been declared a Saint by the Catholic Church.

    1. Aren't Saints supposed to age and mellow out for at least a couple centuries ?

    2. The problem with Pope Francis is that he thinks he's an economist, and he kowtows to the Moslems.

      Saint Francis was no economist either, but he didn't kowtow to the Moslems.

    3. Stick to reporting on what happens at Sandpoint Church of Racial Holiness or whatever it is you attend over there in Ideeho.

    4. You don't know hit about religion, or anything else.

  9. Trump's Finest Hour

    1. Did you know that you needed a ticket to get into the church in Detroit to see Trump? No Tickee No Worshippee.

    2. it's called "security"

      DT went to the most un-friendly corner of the usa....

      If you were trying to make a point?

      you failed again.

      here is the place to get tickets to DT event.

      just click on the link for tickets...

  10. - Saudi Arabia sentences a man to 10 years in jail and 2,000 lashes for tweeting
    that he was an atheist :


    He'll be chopped liver, he won't survive that....

    1. Must be some weak-ass lashes. Two dozen'd kill ya in the British Navy two centuries ago.

    2. Always an opinion about shit you don't know or shit you do know that you choose not to share.


  11. Fox national poll: Clinton and Trump in virtual tie in 4-way race

    Politico-Aug 31, 2016
    The former secretary of state’s advantage sits within the poll's 3-point margin of error, putting her in a statistical tie with her GOP opponent.

    Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Are Tied In Latest IBD/TIPP Poll
    Investor's Business Daily-Sep 2, 2016

    Donald Trump is catching up to Hillary Clinton in polls
    Blog-Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)-Sep 3, 2016

    Donald Trump still has a path to victory, but it's a tough one, USC/LA ...
    In-Depth-Los Angeles Times-Aug 31, 201

  12. Trump has a secret cache of voters that will not admit to their support for Trump. The way he is going the past two weeks, he may not even need them.

    1. Sure. And Nixon had a secret plan to win the war in Vietnam. And Trump has a secret plan to destroy ISIS and pay for the wall.

    2. trump's plan about isis is not secret.

      and getting mexico to pay for the wall aint a secret, it's called tax the remittances

    3. Who's going to send remittances? There's going to be a deportation force ejecting every Mexican from the first hour after noon on Jan 20, 2017. If you tax Mexican-American citizens sending remittances then Mexico isn't paying for the wall, we are.

  13. The question of the day is how does Hillary have the key to the closet where Obama’s balls are stored? What dirt do they have on him?

    1. Yesterday a man who calls the first black President a terrorist reached out to black folks with a script written by a white supremacist.

    2. From Obama's POV I would imagine it is quite simple - the lesser of two evils. No skeletons need be imagined lurking in a closet

    3. Teresita RedingerSun Sep 04, 08:39:00 AM EDT
      Yesterday a man who calls the first black President a terrorist reached out to black folks with a script written by a white supremacist.

      ah, using slander.. that's "rules for radicals"

    4. Teresita is full of shit.

      She throws out little provocative blurbs and thinks she is making a point.

      What she is making is a fool out of herself.

  14. Deuce: "Trump made a respectful and respectable showing at a black church in Detroit. The pool feed provided by the MSM cut the feed the moment it appeared Bishop Wayne was about to bless-or anoint Donald Trump."

    Laura Ingraham: "How convenient that at one of the most compelling moments of @realDonaldTrump appearance in Detroit, the @CNN satellite feed dropped."

    Sopan Deb: "Totally inaccurate. I was the pool producer. We were forced to pack up our cameras and leave during this. If you want to make this an issue, please take it up with the campaign. We tried to stay and shoot this whole thing"

    Jill Colvin: "Pool was ushered out by campaign staff while Trump was still on stage."


  15. Two retired four-star U.S. Army generals stepped up on Thursday morning and endorsed the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. Gens. David Maddox and Bob Sennewald issued a joint statement to the press, saying:

    'Having each served over 34 years and retired as an Army four-star general, we each have worked closely with America’s strongest allies, both in NATO and throughout Asia. Our votes have always been private, and neither of us has ever previously lent his name or voice to a presidential candidate. Having studied what is at stake for this country and the alternatives we have now, we see only one viable leader, and will be voting this November for Secretary Hillary Clinton.’

    Trump only likes veterans who don't get captured. Trump only likes families of veterans who don't get killed.

    1. Big whoop. Two lifer generals, veterans of the military that has lost every war fought since WWII, support the war-monger Hillary Clinton.

  16. Deuce,

    I know you dislike HRC immensely but how does that translate into your support for an idiot like Trump? Why not jump on the Johnson bandwagon instead of praising the dolt named Trump?

    1. Nice to see you again, Ash. I'd be all about Johnson myself, but Trump is so bad it's all hands on deck to stop the virus.

    2. Now you are fuelling conspiracy!


      One should vote FOR someone.

    3. Johnson is a bad joke.

      His party wants to legalize drugs....

      He's a phony.

  17. .

    Trump is blatantly moronic and amoral.

    However, Clinton is an insult to the senses and the intellect and tends towards the immoral.


    1. Ms. Dana Perino (FOX News contributor and former press secretary for George W. Bush):

      "In the 2012 election, Republicans believed that the polls were skewed in Obama’s favor, and did not take conservative enthusiasm into consideration. I was one of them - I believed we were going to win. I believed the polls were wrong...On election night when President Obama easily won reelection, I vowed to never put myself in that position again. I wouldn’t simply listen to what I wanted to hear. I would instead take the numbers for what they were, because the polling involved specifically in presidential elections has been accurate since 1952."

  18. When it gets right down to it, very few people will vote for a candidate that they perceive as having "no chance."

    That's why 3rd. party candidates always get fewer votes than early polling suggests.

    1. And the ground game starts to pay off after Labor Day. Trump has next to nothing, and a reputation for stiffing anyone that might offer to help. Low Info Bobbo will post polls that are fluctuations in the noise but Trump really has no path to 270. The debates will seal the deal.

    2. If you look at Obama as the high point in african american voting participation?

      There will not be a tsunami of african americans turning out to vote for Clinton.

      Nor will there be a tsunami of "young" voters voting for Clinton and many of those young obama voters are now almost 30 and will not vote for Clinton....

      Voter turnout is the key.

      Trump wins.

      Clinton naps.

  19. I am undecided about who I will support. I am at Defcon 1 in my opposition to Clinton. Obviously, I will not vote for her. I am only one vote in a very pivotal state. Unfortunately, it is winner take all in the electoral college and Pennsylvania has 20 votes.

    There is no role for coalition parties as there is in real democracies with parliamentary representation. The US election scam is set up so that the house always wins. The media and oligarchs own the house. They control the federal police forces and the Pentagon’s mercenary forces of the empire. Their single victory is that they destroyed the citizen armies. They own the legal system and the courts. They write the laws, make the rules and fly the flag.

    The only real power of the American people is to occasionally scare the living shit out of the establishment. The last time that happened is when Nixon commandeered the buses to surround the White House. This may be one of those times.

    1. What better way to "scare the establishment " than to elect to POTUS a person who is neither a DEMOCRAT or a PUB?

  20. The Pentagon is pissing their pants the when Trump gets to see how the Pentagon burns through money, he may find out we need a 75% reduction in general officers.

    1. I agree there, Deuce. There's two stars getting coffee for four stars.

    2. Wont you cry when you are cut as useless as well from the military budget?

    3. Naw, the maritime disputes in the South China Sea and East China Sea is job security for me, WiO.

    4. If Hillary wins? China will rule those areas, you will be unemployed

    5. Nice. You don't think a woman can be the Commander in Chief.

  21. .

    The other day someone put up some silly post about Sanders using excess campaign finances to buy a vacation home. Since the headline was absurd I didn't bother reading it. However, it raises the question, of the various candidates if they were questioned on this subject which do you think would plead 'no one ever instructed me on the strict federal guidelines on this matter' or 'due to recent neurological problems I must have forgot'.

    On a completely different subject...

    Clinton Campaign Rakes in $143 million in August

    Where Has Hillary Clinton Been? Ask the Ultrarich

    ...For a donation of $2,700, the children (under 16) of donors at an event last month at the Sag Harbor, N.Y., estate of the hedge fund magnate Adam Sender could ask Mrs. Clinton a question. A family photo with Mrs. Clinton cost $10,000, according to attendees.

    And when Mrs. Clinton attended a dinner at the Beverly Hills home of the entertainment executive Haim Saban last month, the invitation was very clear. If attendees wanted to dine and receive a photo with Mrs. Clinton they had to pay their own way: “Write not raise” $100,000.

    Another advantage to choosing private fund-raisers over town halls or other public events is that Mrs. Clinton can bask in an affectionate embrace as hosts try to limit confrontational engagements.

    Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a backer of Democrats and a friend of the Clintons’, made sure attendees did not grill Mrs. Clinton at the $100,000-per-couple lamb dinner Mrs. Forester de Rothschild hosted under a tent on the lawn of her oceanfront Martha’s Vineyard mansion.

    “I said, ‘Let’s make it a nice night for her and show her our love,’” Mrs. Forester de Rothschild said...

    Very civilized and with none of those pesky reporters asking boorish questions.

    The beat goes on.


  22. .

    Presidential Debate Moderators Are Set, With Lester Holt for the First

    Lester Holt, Martha Raddatz, Anderson Cooper and Chris Wallace were selected Friday to moderate this year’s presidential debates, providing a diverse and noncontroversial group of anchors for a role that has often been a lightning rod for partisan criticism.

    Mr. Holt, the anchor of “NBC Nightly News,” will moderate the first debate on Sept. 26; Ms. Raddatz of ABC and Mr. Cooper of CNN will moderate the town hall debate on Oct. 9; and Mr. Wallace of Fox News will handle the final debate on Oct. 19. All are first-time presidential debate moderators.

    Elaine Quijano, a CBS News correspondent, will moderate the vice-presidential debate on Oct. 4.

    Looks like they came up with about as fair a group is possible. No one gets what they want and both with be faced with some tough questions. I like Holt but don't know much about Martha Raddatz. My impression of her has always been that she is kind of non-aggressive perhaps even meek. With Cooper and Wallace, both candidates should face some tough questions.

    If Trump backs out of the debates, it will be another black mark on him. IMO.


    1. It'll be a symptom of Electile Dysfunction. I suppose he'll start the Twitter war on the moderators now to have his excuse lined up.

    2. Why can't you actually discuss the issues?

    3. Because she's wrong on the issues, and doesn't want to discuss them.

      I call her Missy Disinformation....

    4. Miss T is a fraud and a phony.

      One can only lie about one's past so many times before one becomes a joke, a farce.

      She crossed that line years ago.

      You can't believe a single word she says.....

      Much like Hillary Clinton, by the way.


    Angela Merkel’s ruling CDU party has been beaten into third place by an anti-immigrant and anti-Islam party in elections in a north-eastern German state, TV exit polls suggest.

    The Alternative fuel Deutschland (AfD) party took 21.4% of the vote behind the centre-left SPD's 30.2%.

    The German chancellor’s CDU was supported by only 19.8% of those who voted, according to the exit polls.

    The vote was seen as a key test before German parliamentary elections in 2017.

    Before the vote in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, all of Germany’s other parties ruled out forming a governing coalition with the AfD.

    However, the party’s strong showing could weaken Mrs Merkel ahead of the national elections next year.

  24. Of course, we are fed the horseshit from elementary school on up that the wisdom of the founders was to keep the masses in their place with the electoral college and that the winner takes all. That rot allowed the creation of a Lincoln and the utter disaster of getting 700,000 Americans killed, the ethnic cleansing of the American West, the establishment of a policy of empire, an economic collapse that lasted the best part of fifty years and set in motion a 150 year war between the races.

    1. .

      Those damn founding fathers.

      Makes you want to change a lot of street names.


    2. the ethnic cleansing of the American West

      It is exactly what happened all over the earth, just coming late to the 'new world'......the pushing aside of the Paleolithic hunter/fisher/gatherer culture by the agriculturalists, and the resulting city builders, due to the increase in population through farming.

      By the way, out this way there are more Nez Perce/Nimiipuu than there used to be, and most drive big pickup trucks and none live in teepees, though they could if they wished.

      They no longer wish to do so. They like electricity, Iphones, and computers.....and big pickups trucks....

  25. Debate questions:

    For Trump: "What's your favorite color?"

    A. "White!"

    For HRC: "What are the 9 statutory exemptions from FOIA requests?"

    1. Hillary Clinton's #1 assistant is a shill for the Moslem Brotherhood.

      An ACTUAL Islamic NAZI group.

      Huma,her mother, father and brother? All the same.

      Hillary and Obama's ties to Islamists are all the reason I need to vote TRUMP.

    2. Trump needs to say to Hillary:

      "I donated to you, Hillary, because I'm a great businessman, do what I must, and knew you could be bought."

      When he started his remarkable campaign, he was quite up front about 'donating' to whomever he had to 'donate' as the cost of doing business.

      I truly admired that up front statement.

      A little brutally honest talk for a change.....



      Just think of the layers of environmental impacts statements of all kinds, just for starters....

  26. I don't believe for a nanosecond Miss T is in the Navy.

    Why should anyone believe that, after all her other bullshit ?

  27. WiO: Voter turnout is the key.


    Seventy six percent of Latinos say it’s more important to vote this year than it was in 2012, and of that group, a bare majority say this is because of the need to resist Trump and his views.

    GOP consultant Ana Navarro emails that Trump could indeed be hurting the GOP long term:

    “Trump’s fate has been decided with Latinos. Put a fork in him, he’s done. What we have to worry about now is that Trump does not do to the GOP nationally what Pete Wilson did to the GOP in California. He made the party brand less popular than Dengue Fever among Hispanics.”

    1. most americans don't vote.

      if you could motivate 10% of that group to vote?

      you'd have a landslide

  28. Debate question for Miss T -

    "It's obvious you are a bullshitter. Why do you bullshit so much?"

    1. Followup -

      "You were bullshitting the world about Miss Feely. Are you bullshitting us now about Mr. Redinger, and how are we to know the truth ?"

    2. (Miss T once posted a pic of Miss Feely. Hot chic. Then we were told there never was a Miss Feely. Now we hear of a Mr. Redinger....)

    3. Miss T used to be stanchly against abortion.

      That was when she was foisting the identity of 'Catholic Woman' on us.

      Now she is a 'Libertarian Taoist'.

      Now she's for gut 'em out Hillary....

      One can't believe a word she says.

      She has lied to us too many times.

      Miss 'No Cred' T....

  29. If this is the sort of blog you want to have Deuce, more power to ya.

    1. Deuce doesn't want Bob or WiO; he endures them.

    2. I'd kick your stupid lying disgusting ass out, but I'm not Boss.

    3. As you can see Bob has joined WiO 8n the habit of just mak8ng shit up in the hope someone might believe them.

    4. Ash what have I MADE UP?

      Please be specific.

    5. Fuck, dude, you do it all the time. You do it so often that it is a water of time to read anything you write.

    6. Ash, so you can't point to anything that I represented as FACT that was false.

      Now I will give you that sometimes I invent absurd shit for humor....

      But please, show me ONE instant that I made something that I made up..

      Go ahead.

    7. No need. Aside from your long history of doing so you just admitted it.

    8. Ash, and you support Hamas, something NOT made up.

  30. As always, I’ll remind you that I’ve been treating Morning Consult as more of a trends tracker than an iron-clad snapshot because of its large, consistent sample size, but the trends have been steady for a while now. Hillary Clinton’s post-convention bounce was temporary and the tide has been slowly shifting in Trump’s favor for a full month. If anyone tells you that this race is over and Hillary Clinton is winning in a landslide, exercise caution if they try to sell you a bridge.

    Morning Consult

    Extremely interesting election.

    Big clear choice.

    Criminality v Creativity
    Corruption v Bribe Paying :)
    Warmongering v Restraint
    High Taxes/Wasteful Spending v Lower Taxes/More Thoughtful Spending
    Hillary in Hiding v The Donald in Plain View
    Runaway Supreme Court v Thoughtful Cautious Supreme Court
    Confiscation of Guns v The 2nd Amendment
    Syrian Refugees....Wide Open Border v The Wall and Tough Vetting
    Moslem Friendly Foreign Policy v Sanity
    Sickness/Fatigue v Extreme Good Health

    And then there's Huma Abedin waiting in the wings, always lurking, lurking and waiting....

  31. :):):)

    Hillary's Running A Kiddie Question Special



    REUTERS: TRUMP +2...

    Rarely seen, rarely heard...

    Where Has She Been? Ask the Ultrarich...

    (((((Lets children ask her questions -- for $2,700 apiece!)))))


    $2,700 - Now THAT'S marketing !


    As Ian reports, it has now come to light that Hillary Clinton attempted to destroy about 30 emails related to the 2012 Benghazi massacre.

    They were recovered by the FBI, notwithstanding the use by Mrs. “Like With a Cloth or Something” of an advanced software program – “BleachBit” – in a willful effort to erase the contents of her servers so thoroughly that no one would be able to recover her emails
    (many of which were government records, which it is a felony to hoard and destroy).

  33. Chinese Typewriter:

    Thompson Typewriter:

    Chinese typewriters look something like a cross between a deli-meat slicer and a small printing press. There are no keys, just thousands of little metal characters arranged in a grid system.

    Because Chinese has no alphabet and no alphabetical order, the operator must essentially memorize the location of each character — about 2,500 on a typical machine.

    1. Chinese character classification

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      All Chinese characters are logograms, but several different types can be identified, based on the manner in which they are formed or derived. There are a handful which derive from pictographs (象形 pinyin: xiàngxíng) and a number which are ideographic (指事 zhǐshì) in origin, including compound ideographs (會意 huìyì), but the vast majority originated as phono-semantic compounds (形聲 xíngshēng). The other categories in the traditional system of classification are rebus or phonetic loan characters (假借 jiǎjiè) and "derivative cognates" (轉注 zhuǎn zhù). Modern scholars have proposed various revised systems, rejecting some of the traditional categories.

      In older literature, Chinese characters in general may be referred to as ideograms, due to the misconception that characters represented ideas directly, whereas in fact they do so only through association with the spoken word.[1].....

      Have fun.

  34. Top 10 Anti-Hillary Bumper-stickers

    "Pantsuits Are Flammable" isn't bad.


    As the crucial post–Labor Day period of the presidential election approaches, Hillary Clinton appears to be losing her once-huge lead over Donald Trump in national polls.

    The latest example of this can be seen in the Morning Consult poll released Sunday morning that shows Clinton leading Trump by a measly 2 points—42 percent to 40 percent—in a two-way race. That marks a 5-point narrowing from three weeks ago, when Clinton led by 7 points. And there are a lot of people still trying to make up their minds.

    That narrowing of the race has been seen in other national polls as well. For example, a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Friday showed Trump slightly ahead with support from 40 percent of likely voters, compared to 39 percent for Clinton, an effective tie that marks a huge plunge from the 8-point lead the Democratic candidate once enjoyed. This came on the heels of a Fox News poll that showed Clinton narrowing her lead to a measly 2 points. CNN’s poll of polls shows Clinton lead “has been cut in half,” with an average of 42 percent support, compared to Trump’s 37 percent. The analysis of polls by Real Clear Politics shows a similar trend, with Clinton cutting her lead to 4 points.

    As fascinating as the national horse race is though, everyone knows it’s pretty meaningless when it comes to predicting a presidential election that is not decided by popular vote. In key battleground states, Clinton continues to hold decisive leads in two “states that Trump needs to win, given his current electoral map,” notes CBS News. Clinton is up by a comfortable 8 points in Pennsylvania—45 percent to 37 percent—and has a 4-point advantage in North Carolina—46 percent to 42 percent.


    Clinton is up by a comfortable 8 points in Pennsylvania—45 percent to 37 percent,

    Clinton has a hard core of Democratic support in Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Clinton does NOT have as enthusiastic a support as did Obama. A significant part of the vote went to Sanders. Sanders’ supporters were enthusiastically opposed to Clinton. She will not get all of them. New voters will not be rushing off to vote for Hillary.

    Trump has an enthusiastic support base. I have no idea how his ground game is going but I will not be surprised to see Trump take the state.

  37. In Pennsylvania — where Democrats’ registration advantage has fallen by a fifth since the 2012 election, to 915,000 voters — more than 85,000 former Democrats have become Republicans this year, almost three times the number of voters who made the opposite switch.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

    1. voter turnout by those who don't vote is the key...


  38. A big turnout has got to favor Trump.

    Those well attended raucous rallies mean something....

  39. The U.S. said on Sunday it had not yet struck a hoped-for deal with Russia on stemming the violence in Syria’s brutal civil war, blaming Moscow for backtracking on issues it thought were settled.


    Mr. Kerry then listed two main priorities to ensure any new ceasefire holds: responding to violations by the Damascus regime and checking the rising influence of the former al-Nusra Front in the country.

  40. Good article on the differences between Judaism and Christianity on the one hand, and Islam on the other -

    Islam Is Not A Civilization

    1. And

      China More Likely To Have Hillary's Emails Than Russis

      Our dumb shit Hillary's communications were unprotected when she went to China in February 2009....

    2. I'd call her a walking disaster but all she can do is sit with a pillow these days.

    3. Analysis of FBI Reports: China more likely to have Hillary’s emails, not Russia - 9/4/16

      Using the state-contolled telephone system in China to log into her unencrypted email account with an unencrypted password was the height of recklessness. More

      Even I'd probably know enough not to do that.

    4. In her defense she can say she never attended the mandatory State Department security classes, even though she signed a form saying she did, or would....

      She might even be telling the truth for once.

    5. .

      I was intrigued by the lead in to the American Thinker article noted above so I read it. Should have known better. The American Thinker, the magazine of record when it comes to popular bullshit.


  41. Trump and Clinton Before The American Legion

    (speeded up, thankfully)


    I trust news sources from Moscow more than those from New York

    I trust Assange and Putin more than the FBI, US generals, anyone associated with the Clintons, The Bush Administration or Barack Obama

    I am not alone

    1. I'm with you.

      Don't believe anything coming from the FBI these days -


      Very damning article.

      Comey's reputation is now shot.

    2. 'Quite simply, the FBI is complicit in the Clinton e-mail scandal and is an active participant in the cover-up of obvious criminal wrongdoing.'


  43. What was the greatest headline ever ?

    Why acclimation it is:


    A runner up has always been, speaking of a Jimmah Carter speech:


    Latest Headline of the Week is:


    Headline of the Week

    1. The second lead in the Headless headline reads:


      Headline got the writer of it onto Letterman, and it became the title of a movie.

  44. What is "Occupation"Sun Sep 04, 08:55:00 PM EDT
    Ash, so you can't point to anything that I represented as FACT that was false.

    Now I will give you that sometimes I invent absurd shit for humor....

    But please, show me ONE instant that I made something that I made up..

    Go ahead.


    AshSun Sep 04, 08:57:00 PM EDT
    No need. Aside from your long history of doing so you just admitted it.

    What is "Occupation"Mon Sep 05, 08:37:00 AM EDT
    Ash, and you support Hamas, something NOT made up.

    Like I said Ash, you support Hamas, no Joke.

    No Humor, Not funny...

    You are a supporter of genocide of the Jews.

    That's all true.

    Hurts don't it Ash? To much a coward to be proud to be the genocide supporter that you are?

    1. It's funny how you and Bob spend so much time and energy trying to paraphrase what others believe. I would suggest you would both be better served by trying to express what you believe. The rest of us would enjoy the silence.

  45. .

    Joe, Say it Ain't So

    Revolution against 'rich parasites' at utopian Burning Man Festival as 'hooligans' attack luxury camp

    ...In recent years it has become popular with Silicon Valley millionaires, and billionaires. Luxurious so-called "plug-n-play" camps have sprung up which use hired staff like cooks, builders and security, and allow international jetsetters to drop in for quick visits.

    Many traditional "Burners" claim that is a betrayal of the spirit of "radical self-reliance" that is a cornerstone of the festival, which began in 1986.

    As anger boiled over one camp called White Ocean, which hosts high profile DJs on a state-of-the-art stage, became the focus of anger.

    The camp first made an appearance at Burning Man three years ago and its founders included the British DJ Paul Oakenfold and the son of a Russian billionaire.

    While the camp was holding its "White Party", at which revelers dress all in white and listen to techno music, it was attacked by vandals who flooded it with water and cut power lines.

    In a dismayed post on Facebook camp leaders said: "A very unfortunate and saddening event happened last night at White Ocean, something we thought would never be possible in our Burning Man utopia.

    "A band of hooligans raided our camp, stole from us, pulled and sliced all of our electrical lines leaving us with no refrigeration and wasting our food, and glued our trailer doors shut.

    "They vandalised most of our camping infrastructure and dumped 200 gallons of potable water flooding our camp..."

    Can the spirit of openness, self-reliance, and love ever return? Tune in next year.

