Monday, September 05, 2016

Anti-Trump media censorship caught on tape - Reuters ordered cameraman to cut live footage of Trump being blessed by African-American Bishop in Detroit


  1. You cannot get the truth from US media.

  2. It is time to slap a biennial capital tax of $3 billion on the top ten US media corporations for the purpose of providing 100% sole source funding of US elections open to any party that can get 5% support.

    1. If $3 billion is a little shy, bitch-slap them with an additional surtax. The pricks get about 90% of it back anyway in ad revenue.

  3. It is time to slap a biennial capital tax of $3 billion on the top ten US media corporations for the purpose of providing 100% sole source funding of US elections open to any party that can get 5% support.

    That not a bad idea.

    In fact, I think it's a good idea.

    And another reason to vote against Hillary, as her Supreme Court probably wouldn't allow it.
