Monday, September 05, 2016

Labor Day 2016 - Real US History of the US Government Treatment of American Workers and Servicemen


HAT TIP  Idaho Bob


  1. The establishment screwing of US citizens is nothing new.

  2. There is a fascinating historic reference to Ernest Hemingway at the 22:00 mark.

  3. The Trump campaign should take a lesson from this video.

  4. Asked to give a one-word response to a video of one part of Trump's highly anticipated immigration speech last week,

    67 percent reacted with a negative word, such as “ridiculous” and “disgusting.” Just 27 percent responded with a positive word, such as “great” and “agree.”

    ABC News

  5. The Poll Was Total Bullshit

    The ABC News/SSRS Poll was conducted using the SSRS Probability Panel. Interviews were conducted online overnight from Sept. 1 through Sept. 2, 2016, among a nationally representative sample of 228 respondents age 18 and older. The margin of error for total respondents is +/-8.5 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. Design effect is 1.71. The SSRS Probability Panel is a probability-based, online panel of adults recruited from random digit dialed landline and cell phone numbers.

    For more information, visit


    1. Panelist Data and Targeting Capabilities

      A strength of the SSRS Probability Panel is the data available on each panelist. During recruitment, we gather over 30 data points on respondents, including standard demographics such as gender, age, education, and income and also deeper data such as health insurance status, religion, political party identification, and the number and age of every child in the household. Such respondent data are included in final data files and you do not need to add costly time to your survey re-asking demographics. These data points can also be used to target specific respondent types, allow us to efficiently reach low incidence or pre-identified respondents.


      Tailgating 2016

      2016 Summer Olympics

      National Karaoke Week 2016

      Game of Thrones Season 6 is Coming

      Happy National Beer Day 2016

    3. CLIENTS

      * CBS News
      * The New York Times
      * The Annenberg Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania
      * CNN
      * The Pew Research Center
      * The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
      * The Kaiser Family Foundation

      No agenda in that group.

    4. My one word analysis:


    5. I agree; but, the fact is, ALL "online" polls are bullshit.

      If you just follow the live caller, landline and cellphone, polls you will end up with some sort of reasonable idea of the "race."

      I suggest the the "CNN Poll of Polls." It averages the ABC/Washington Post, CNN/ORC, NBC/WSJ, Fox, and McClatchie Marist polls. The next round of these polls should start hitting in a few days, and should give us a pretty good idea of where the contest stands going into the home stretch.

    6. One other hint: Weight the Head to Head numbers a little heavier than the 4-way numbers. When it comes time to fill out the ballot, most people will revert to a candidate that has a chance to win.

  6. Hey buddy, tell me you would not have been marching against the bully boy future generals with the WWI vets.

    1. The veterans against the professional lifers who were only too willing to go up against the citizen soldiers that did the dirty work. A precursor of what would happen with our mercenary forces. They would turn on US citizens with one word.

    2. Lifers is Lifers.

      And, most of them vote Republican.


  7. Coalition airstrike kills 60 ISIS members near Anbar

    ( Anbar – The Command of al-Hashd al-Shaabi in Anbar announced that 60 ISIS members were killed in an airstrike launched by the international coalition aviation, which was targeted on an ISIS convoy to the west of Ramadi.

    Intelligence director of al-Somoud brigade, Captain Nazim al-Jaghifi, said, “The international coalition aviation launched an airstrike targeting an ISIS convoy of 12 vehicles at Wadi al-Fahemi in western Haditha district. As a result of this, 60 ISIS members including the photographer of Camp Speicher Massacre Abbas Mazhar Abbas.”

    “Meanwhile, security forces identified some of ISIS casualties from Fahemi. They are Osama Tamr al-Jaghifi, Omar Alaka, Adi Abdel Razek and senior leader Falah al-Rawi,” he added.


    1. Airstrike near Mosul destroys ISIS headquarters

      ( Nineveh – A security source in Nineveh police informed that the international coalition aviation bombarded the last investment bank in Mosul that was used by ISIS as headquarters.

      Sharing details, Captain Amir Wathiq said, “The international coalition aircraft targeted the investment bank that was used by ISIS as security headquarters in al-Zohour Street, east of Mosul.”

      “The airstrike also damaged civilians’ houses and properties and the nearby shops. This attack brought the curtains down to the investment banks used as headquarters by ISIS in the city,” Wathiq added.


    2. Sept. 4

      Strikes in Syria

      Attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 11 strikes in Syria:

      -- Near Raqqah, a strike destroyed three ISIL cranes.

      -- Near Dayr Az Zawr, a strike destroyed an ISIL tanker truck.

      -- Near Manbij, eight strikes engaged seven ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions, a logistical hub, a vehicle bomb, an anti-air artillery system, and two vehicles.

      -- Near Mar’a, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.

      Strikes in Iraq

      Coalition military forces used rocket artillery and fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct eight strikes, coordinated with and in support of the Iraqi government:

      -- Near Hit, a strike destroyed two ISIL buildings and two vehicles.

      -- Near Mosul, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and a financial storage center, and destroyed an assembly area, a command and control node, a rocket system, five rocket rails, two fighting positions, a bulldozer, and a vehicle.

      -- Near Ramadi, two strikes engaged two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three buildings, two mortar caches, a vehicle, and a mortar system.

      -- Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes engaged an ISIL weapons cache and a building.

      -- Near Tal Afar, a strike produced inconclusive results.

    3. Sept. 5

      Strikes in Syria

      Attack and fighter aircraft conducted nine strikes in Syria:

      -- Near Raqqah, six strikes destroyed eight ISIL trailers, three oil pump jacks, and 42 oil tanker trucks.

      -- Near Manbij, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two vehicles and a fighting position.

      -- Near Mar'a, a strike destroyed an ISIL mortar system.

      Strikes in Iraq

      Bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted three strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of the Iraqi government:

      -- Near Baghdadi, a strike destroyed two ISIL communication towers.

      -- Near Ramadi, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

      -- Near Sultan Abdallah, a strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an assembly area, a fighting position, and two vehicles.

  8. The bloat at the top has had a trickle-down effect that hinders troops and wastes money.

    When you compare Gates' plan with the most recent data available on the number of general and flag officers, the conclusion is clear – the Pentagon isn't adhering to Gates' Efficiency Initiatives. While the number of these officers on DoD's payroll has dropped since Gates' announcement, the vast majority of those cut are one-stars – in fact, more one-stars have been cut than Gates recommended. However, reductions to the top ranks are lagging far behind Gates' plan. As a result, the Pentagon still has 37 four-star general and flag officers, or G/FOs, on its payroll, which is more four-stars than served during World War II – when the military had nearly 10 times as many enlisted personnel.

    Incredible Graph:

    1. A May 2013 GAO analysis found that the number of support staff at DoD's Combatant Command headquarters grew "by about 50 percent from fiscal years 2001 through 2012." This has created added distance between commanders and warfighters. "In some cases the gap between me and an action officer may be as high as 30 layers," Gates once stated, resulting in a "bureaucracy which has the fine motor skills of a dinosaur."

      While lifestyle costs may be colorfully wasteful, they're small potatoes compared to headquarters support costs, which GAO found had more than doubled from fiscal year 2007 ($459 million) to fiscal year 2012 ($1.06 billion).

  9. Obama's "Colorful Guy:"

    Don't Do Drugs!
    (Or piss of the thugs.)

  10. A number of Hillary Clinton’s private emails were erased weeks after The New York Times published a story reporting on her use of a private email server while secretary of State, according to notes from the FBI’s investigation released on Friday.

    The notes include an entry that says that someone mistakenly deleted Clinton’s archived mailbox from her server and exported files.
    The deletion took place between March 25 and March 31, the FBI learned in a May 3 interview. The name of the person who deleted the emails was redacted from the FBI’s notes.

    “In a follow-up FBI interview on May 3, 2016, ------ Indicated he believed he had an 'oh s--t' moment and sometime between March 25-31, 2015 deleted the Clinton archive mailbox from PRN server and used BleachBit to delete the exported .PST files he had created on the server system containing Clinton;s e-mails,” the FBI notes released on Friday stated.


  11. Hillary Clinton told the FBI she didn’t think drone strike plans were classified
    By Jason Leopold

    September 2, 2016 | 3:50 pm
    Some of the classified information Hillary Clinton discussed in emails sent on her private server appears to have centered around planned drone strikes and attacks against US/NATO soldiers in Afghanistan, according to 58 pages of documents released by the FBI Friday detailing the bureau's investigation into the Democratic presidential candidate's email practices.

    "After reviewing an email dated [redacted], with subject line [redacted], Clinton stated she did not remember the email specifically. Clinton stated deliberation over a future drone strike did not give her cause for concern regarding classification," the FBI's memorandum said, suggesting that Clinton's responses to specific questions she was asked during a 3-hour interview at FBI headquarters July 2 centered around classified information contained in her emails about the Obama administration's targeted killing program. "Clinton understood this type of conversation as part of the routine deliberation process ... Clinton believed the classification level of future drone strikes depended on the context."

    In addition to the memo summarizing the FBI's investigation, the bureau released 11 pages of notes detailing an interview conducted with Clinton. The documents were released in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, including one filed by VICE News.

    In a statement, Clinton's campaign spokesman, Brian Fallon, said Clinton's camp is "pleased" the FBI released the documents.

    "While her use of a single email account was clearly a mistake and she has taken responsibility for it, these materials make clear why the Justice Department believed there was no basis to move forward with this case," Fallon said.

    1. "these materials make clear why the Justice Department believed there was no basis to move forward with this case"

      Indeed they do: They're a corrupt bunch of outlaws.

  12. Following Doug above -

    Philippines' Duterte calls Obama 'son of a whore'...

    Stay Out of Our Business...

    Meeting cancelled....DRUDGE

    That's plenty blunt, but Son of a Whore ?

    We know O's mama was a little loose with the poontang, but Son of a Whore ?

    Even I think that'undiplomatic'....

    1. O was the only 'foreign dignitary' that didn't get the 'red carpet treatment' by the Chinese.

      They paid no attention to him.

      And Duterte calls him the Son of a Whore.

      Tough times for Bozo.

    2. Which is worse....Son of a Whore, or Peckerwood ?

  13. September 5, 2016

    CNN host flabbergasted to learn Clinton aides destroyed devices with hammers

    By Rick Moran

    The fact that Hillary Clinton aides used a hammer to destroy some of the 18 mobile devices the candidate used with her private server didn't surprise people who have been following the Clintons for decades.

    It did, however, shock CNN host Brooke Baldwin, who fact-checked the claim on the air.

    Watch Baldwin's face as the truth dawns on her.


    There are probably details from the interview that got lost because the FBI conveniently forgot to record the interview and relied on handwritten notes from agents. But what came out was bad enough. Hillary Clinton couldn't recall most details about her email server, what devices she used, and pleaded forgetfulness due to a concussion regarding other issues. But she doesn't have to worry about backlash from the revelations because of the attitude in the media, exemplified by the CNN host who couldn't imagine Clinton aides destroying devices with a hammer.

    Idiots !

    The proper way to destroy such a device is with a blow torch.

    1. Question for Rufus:

      What in the world are Clinton aides doing destroying her devices with a hammer ?

      WHY would they be doing that ?

      WHAT are they trying to achieve ?

      If doesn't sound as if they have even ever heard of recycling....

    2. Putting kindergarten kids like these up against the Russians, and the Chinese....?

      Come ON, American People !

    3. Bob, I added the video to the bottom of this post.

    4. Thanks.

      That's really bizarre, destroying the property - OUR property - used in State Department business with HAMMERS.

      That's really Third World.


    Natacha Bouchart, who has served as Calais mayor since 2008, has joined French truckers, farmers, police and others calling for the demolition of the refugee and migrant camp. Bouchard estimates 9,000 immigrants are now living in the ‘Jungle’. Locals as well as drivers moving through the area complain of regular attacks by the camp’s population.

    “We demand the fastest possible dismantlement of the camp, before the end of the year, and it should be done once and for all. We do not want to tolerate anymore these constant attacks and the negative image of Calais… We want the government to react, as so far it has not done enough to resolve our problem,” Bouchart said in an interview with RT’s Polly Boyko. She added that Calais locals are sick and tired of migrants entering their gardens every night, attacking drivers and breaking the law in various other ways.

    The protesters have blocked the road leading to and out of the port in an action that has been dubbed ‘Operation Snail’ since it is expected to cause major traffic disruption. The demonstrators’ only goal is to see the camp finally dismantled.

  15. Really interesting Video about the Bonus Army.

    I'd heard of that but didn't know much about it.

    I noticed most of the marchers were trying to wear their best clothing.....lots of hats, worn suits, ties, vests etc, both black and white.....people took dressing more seriously back then....

    The system worked, in an odd way.

    The Senate made an idiotic vote, and soon comes FDR....

    Ernest Hemingway was beginning to get really overweight....he always struggled with that later....keeping lists of his food and drink intake, and exercise, etc.

  16. Bubba Heckled During Detroit Parade: 'No NAFTA Boy!'....DRUDGE

    Maybe things are turning....


  17. 22 Years Ago, The Clintons Pulled A Colin Kaepernick On Mother Teresa

    Isn’t it clearer every day that the real alternative to the violence of our world is none other than love? The Clintons have not learned that lesson from Mother Teresa.

    By Peggy Hartshorn
    September 5, 2016

    It’s hard to overstate the symbolic power of sitting down. Today, a football player’s refusal to stand for the National Anthem has garnered headline upon headline. Twenty-two years ago, a seated couple protested one of the world’s most beloved figures.

    In a truly iconic American scene that still captures the attention—and confusion—of the Washington elite, then-President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, sat in stunned silence amid a standing ovation that followed Mother Teresa’s address at the National Prayer Breakfast.

    The applause lasted a solid five minutes after Mother Teresa’s address. Long before the days of “virtue-signaling,” however, the Clintons were sending a message of dissent loud and clear to the woman now officially canonized a saint in the Catholic Church for her “heroic virtue.”....

  18. Aha !

    Quirk would know.

    I'll ask.

    Quirk, what is the best way to destroy the incriminating evidence contained in an IPhone, a laptop, an Ipad, a Blackberry, etc., any of these communication 'devices', so that no one could ever ever get it, and one can sleep well at night ?

    What method do you use in your enterprises ?

    1. .

      It's a 3 step process.

      First, I translate all the data into English so that Doug can't understand it. I use google translator as my anti-Doug encryption tool.

      Second, I sent everything I want destroyed to Doug by UPS. I include a VHS tape with instructions, a round trip plane ticket to the Big Island, one paid night at Motel 6, vouchers for 2 pina coladas, $20 in bitcoins, and a pair of oven mitts.

      Third, I arrange and prepay for him to join the escorted tour to Mauna Loa. Then, all he has to do is follow the instructions on the VHS tape and wambo bango, no more data.


    2. That does sound like a 'fool' proof method, for sure.

      Not certain I understand the utility of the oven mitts though.

      I'll give it some more thought.

    3. .

      Why do you think I sent him to Mauna Loa, a pleasant side trip?


  19. DEATH is an inevitable consequence of life, but scientists believe they may have found some light at the end of the tunnel.


    Perhaps the most significant finding of the study is that of a 57-year-old man believed to be the first confirmed out-of-body experience in a patient.

    After suffering a cardiac arrest, the patient revealed he was able to recall what was taking place around him with eerie accuracy after temporarily dying.

    Consciousness Continues

    1. Well that's just plain silly - if he were dead he could tell us about heaven or hell or purgatory but describing what was happening aro7nd him simply confirms he was ALIVE.

    2. Well he was ALIVE, you NumbNuts..

      That's the very point.

      He had a cardiac arrest, flipped out of his body, and could describe what was going on.

      It's generally thought that if one has a cardiac arrest, one can't think or be aware of one's surroundings, as you're getting no blood/oxygen to the brain. One 'conks' in a few seconds.

      Ernest Hemingway was eating a sandwich and drinking from a bottle of wine when he was in the Italian Ambulance Corps during WWI and all of a sudden he got blown up by a trench mortar.

      He flipped out of his body, 'like you take a fine silk handkerchief out of your pocket, wave it around a bit, and then back in'.

      Changed his outlook on things.

      He wrote his parents:

      'Dying is really simple'

      The statement "believed to be the first confirmed out-of-body experience in a patient" is entirely wrong however.

      The old western purely materialistic paradigm intact from the days of the beginning of the scientific revolution is fraying at the seams.

      Join IANDS now, Ash.

    3. What is being affirmed is that consciousness and the brain are not connected the way 'science' has affirmed in the West of late.

      But this affirmation is old hat elsewhere.

      See the Hindus
      See Plato

      etc etc etc etc

      Nothing 'new' about it. Just out of style here.

    4. See:

      "The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study of Human Nature" by William James.

      You will find out that your way of imagining human nature isn't the only way, perhaps not the correct way, and certainly not the way it was imagined by most those in the past, or now, for that matter......India, etc....

    5. LIFE is the inevitable consequence of DEATH, the wiser folks say....

    6. Ash, William James theorizes that the human brain does not create conscious. Rather, t releases consciousness, it directs consciousness, focuses it, for our survival here.

      Start with William James, Ash.

      He also has great advice on how to determine what is truly valuable in behavior and life.

  20. The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution enshrines the right to refuse self-incriminatory searches, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t exceptions. Biometrics are one of them: A judge in Texas has ruled that man accused of prostituting underage girls must unlock his iPhone using his fingerprint.


    That a fingerprint is less secure than a passcode in the eyes of the law may sound a bit counterintuitive, but the case law is fairly unambiguous. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Riley v. California and United States v. Wurie that investigators can, with a valid search warrant, can compel suspects to forfeit “physical evidence.”


    The Supreme Court has yet to hear a case involving the sort of biometric encryption at hand, here. But given the relative consensus among courts thus far — the Supreme Court typically only addresses legal issues which have been interpreted contradictorily by lower courts — a decision in the near future seems unlikely.

  21. .

    Hillary Clinton told the FBI she didn’t think drone strike plans were classified


    The woman is unbelievable.

    The only reason the world knew about the secret US drone program in Pakistan was because of Wikileaks releases in 2010. And Clinton didn't suspect the info was classified?


    1. Her concussion, Quirk, her concussion.

      The poor dear can't THINK.

    2. If she were to have a cardiac arrest, flip out of her body, get her conscious untangled from the tangles of her fucked up brain.....then she would begin to think.

      That's why people in the know have often said she'd truly be better off dead.

  22. Shame poor old Jim Traficant isn’t around to do one of his five minutes followed by, ”beam me up Scotty.”


    Up to 40 percent of refugees who asked for asylum in Switzerland over the past three months reportedly disappeared from Swiss reception centers shortly afterwards, with their whereabouts unknown to the authorities.

    The country’s State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) confirmed that within the last quarter some 20 to 40 percent of refugees who have been assigned to reception centers have vanished from the monitoring system completely, Swiss newspaper SonntagsZeitung reports.

    1. Damn those undocumented! Is it time for all Americans to carry identity cards?

    2. It's past time for all those visiting our fair land to carry identity cards.

      A Passport, for instance.

      Have you ever heard of a Passport, Ash ?

      Do you know what constitutes a Passport, how to get one ?

      I need one to enter Canada. I have one. If I were in Canada I would keep it with me.

      It is standard operating procedure all over the world, Ash, in case you didn't know.

      There is sooooooooo much you don't seem to know, Ash.

    3. Americans have to carry identity cards when driving on our public ways, Ash.

      These are called Driver's Licenses.

      They show, among other things, that one has passed a driver's test so that one knows how to drive safely, and not kill other people with one's car.

      Do you have those in Canada ?

    4. Very good Bob, but all that is very different from requiring all who reside in America to have a passport or a driver's license.

    5. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that you, Bob, have neither a passport or a driver's license. You never travel and you can barely walk much less drive.

    6. Numbskull, can't you even read ?

      I need one to enter Canada. I have one. If I were in Canada I would keep it with me.

    7. AND, SMIRK I am just as active as Rufus and Quirk, even more so, I dare say.

      Earlier today I was out walking a pea field checking on the harvest, and drove 60+ miles too !!

    8. Rufus hasn't left home since Doyle's gave up on him, and Quirk walks his dog to the corner fire hydrant.

      I'm a veritable Trump compared to these two Clintons.
