Thursday, May 05, 2016

Screwing You

Donald Trump Is What Happens When You Screw the Middle Class

Indiana Governor Mike Pence’s non-endorsement of Donald Trump last week was about a lot more than resolving the 2016 GOP nomination.

“I particularly want to commend Donald Trump,” said Pence, “who I think has given voice to the frustration of millions of working Americans with the lack of progress in Washington D.C. and I am also particularly grateful that Donald Trump has taken a strong stand for Hoosier jobs when we saw jobs in the Carrier Company abruptly announce leaving Indiana, not for another state, but for Mexico.”

Taken along with Senator Bernie Sanders win over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Indiana Tuesday night, and Main Street is roaring back against Congress’s bi-partisan embrace of global free trade that for decades has put multinational corporate profits over the well being of their own constituents.
For decades now, irrespective of which political party was in power, this bi-partisan agreement molded our nation to fit the demands of globalization, which we were told was powered by bareknuckled competition between the world’s leading nations. It was just a matter of basic survival, went the argument. Let free and unfettered capital sail around the earth, looking for the most profitable place to land and watch the wave of wealth and wellbeing swell to embrace all of humanity, the boosters promised. To stand in its way would be to impede its genius.

This was a mega-trend that was as undeniably real as gravity itself, said the promoters like Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. If we chose to ignore it, we would be banished from prosperity, left cold and naked, in a sort of continent-wide fetal position. “Get with it, or be condemned to a world of want and deprivation,” went the free-trade mantra.

So it was that a nation that birthed itself into being in the 18th century by revolting against the tyranny of the British Empire would, three centuries later, willingly surrender its sovereignty to World Trade Organization tribunals, so as to insure our big corporations got their global market share, for surely their fate was ours.

For all these years, we have dutifully passed one free-trade bill after another, as our leaders cracked the whip and got paid-off to keep us in line. We chased an era of prosperity and abundance that was always just around the corner. We bet the farm on a multilateral arrangement that improved the profitability of our multinationals at the expense of the survival of our Main Streets, reckoning that we would prosper longer term as these corporations played for global domination.

Would we not all be winners?

To buy into this we would have to ignore the increasing wealth concentration at the top, the erosion of benefits, and our own growing household debt that papered over the deflation of our wages. We were told that the closing of tens of thousands of our factories was just a necessary sacrifice at the altar of a brighter tomorrow. Yes, went this logic, there would be local pain and suffering, but we would prosper in the aggregate and democracy would flourish.

And so now, all these years after NAFTA, and an alphabet soup of subsequent trade deals, our biggest corporations are global players. They have no national loyalty, having bought off the elites of both political parties, and have mastered ways to reduce their U.S. tax liability, shifting it back to America’s Main Streets, which are increasingly falling into disrepair.

In the immediate aftermath of the Wall Street meltdown, Washington spent billions of taxpayers dollars to bail out the multi-national car industry, branded as “Detroit,” while it allowed the actual City of Detroit, which had launched the industry, to fall into bankruptcy. Tomorrow has come in a 21st century America, where once-mighty industrial cities like Flint are now sad shadows of their former selves, where the public water is not fit to drink.

But this mad rush for globalization, and reckless lust for profits above all else, did not just hollow out much of our urban base, it led to the massive environmental contamination of places like China, which global capital decided should become the world’s factory.

The most recent comprehensive air-quality mapping done by Berkeley Earth, a scientific research nonprofit, documents that China’s air pollution is so toxic that it is responsible for 4,000 deaths a day —roughly 17 percent of the nation’s mortality rate.

In 2014, Chinese officials disclosed that close to two‐thirds of their sub‐surface waters were contaminated. In 2011, testing data documented that more than half of the nation’s lakes and reservoirs were so contaminated that their water was unsuitable for human consumption. Roughly half of all Chinese living in rural communities have no access to potable water.

Over the last 50 years, China lost almost a quarter of its freshwater swamplands and more than half of its coastal wetlands. This loss of water storage and recharge capacity and the wholesale short‐circuiting of the natural water cycle has increased the incidence of catastrophic flooding and chemical contamination.

Much of this industrial expansion in China, and in so-called emerging-market nations, was funded with hundreds of billions of dollars in corporate and public debt. Last year, the IMF warned that as a consequence, a $18 trillion debt bubble was now looming on the horizon, no doubt also a consequence of the Federal Reserve’s years of zero percent  interest rates, meant to re-float Wall Street.

What did the world get for all that borrowing? 553 million tons in excess global steel making capacity, equal to the weight of 11,000 Montana class battleships. So much for the ability of that all-knowing and unfettered capital to set our collective agenda.

Decades into this free-market global free-for-all, what we have is a planet worse for the wear, with grotesque wealth inequality and increasing geopolitical insecurity that has produced millions of displaced persons and refugees.
According to a 2015 report from Oxfam.

On this side of the 21st century, it looks like global free trade was nothing more than a pyramid scheme retread.

Robert Hennelly is an award-winning investigative journalist, broadcast and print reporter with more than 30 years of experience covering federal, state and local politics, public policy, the environment, public utilities, land use, law enforcement and national security.


  1. The planet is doing just fine, (what happened to the Ozone Hole ?) there has always been grotesque wealth inequality, and the world is a pretty stable place, except, these days, in the moslems areas.

    It's better to trade goods than bullets.

    Cheers !

    1. The American Indians (this is the currently correct term) however often liked to do a little of both.

      The Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) traded with the Shoshone to the south part of the year, then, just like clock work, would go a-warring at other designated times.

      When Lewis and Clark came back from the Pacific to pick up their supplies at Asotin Creek, a Niimipuu named what's his name had just come back from the Shoshone country to the south and was very proud of a necklace he had around his neck made out of Shoshone scalps.

  2. .

    And the beat goes on.

    For the upcoming sequel, the LGBT community is demanding that Princess Elsa the misunderstood character in Disney's popular Frozen movie be given a female 'friend' and be allowed to 'come out of the closet'.

    And even though the script for Frozen 2 has reportedly already been completed, I wouldn't be the least surprised to see Disney bow to this request.


  3. .

    The planet is doing just fine,


    They just keep coming, folks. They just keep coming.


    1. I'll say it again.

      The planet is doing just fine.

      In the industrialized world pollution is way down.

      Remember London in the 1800's ?

      China and India have some work to do. But even there some progress is being made.

      Reports are the Chines coastal cities are better than ours.

      Just because you live near one of the few cess pools in the USA, don't project.

      And, if you feel so strongly, GET OFF YOUR DEAD ARSE AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT !!!!!!!!

      Even you can pick up beer cans by the highway, many of which you probably threw there yourself.


    2. From Post Above"

      The most recent comprehensive air-quality mapping done by Berkeley Earth, a scientific research nonprofit, documents that China’s air pollution is so toxic that it is responsible for 4,000 deaths a day —roughly 17 percent of the nation’s mortality rate.

      In 2014, Chinese officials disclosed that close to two‐thirds of their sub‐surface waters were contaminated. In 2011, testing data documented that more than half of the nation’s lakes and reservoirs were so contaminated that their water was unsuitable for human consumption. Roughly half of all Chinese living in rural communities have no access to potable water.

      Over the last 50 years, China lost almost a quarter of its freshwater swamplands and more than half of its coastal wetlands. This loss of water storage and recharge capacity and the wholesale short‐circuiting of the natural water cycle has increased the incidence of catastrophic flooding and chemical contamination.

    3. .

      When I was going there (Shanghai), I could walk down Nanging Lu from the Portman Hotel to the Bund, a couple miles, and then take a taxi back and within a day I would come down with a bronchial infection that would screw me up for 3 weeks.

      Some days or even longer given the wind patters, Bejing can be virtually shut down due the pollution. Traffic comes almost to a standstill because you can't see the road in front of you due to the pollution. It's like driving in a dense fog.

      The water problems have been there for decades and getting worse as water is diverted to the huge cities they have been constructing yearly.

      The teams that went to India were reporting the same things.

      O'Bumble's little pc. of the planet may be doing fine other than the cow farts and the elk burbs but the world is not doing fine.


  4. Donald Trump isn't about "the economy."

    The Median Trump voter has a family income approx. 15% higher than the country as a whole. And, as I've shown repeatedly, Median Incomes have been surging the last two years.

    No, Trumpism isn't about economics.

    Donald Trump is all about White Racism. Period.

    1. That should be a family income 25% higher

    2. .

      But higher than what?

      Everything is relative.

      It's hard to party about median household income that is still lower than it was 16 years ago.



    3. Using the CPI, Real Family Income is 99.9% of what it was in 2000.

      Of course, using the Fed's favored measure of inflation (PCE,) real family income is well over that benchmark.


    4. Donald Trump is all about White Racism. Period.

      so says the Jew hater.

    5. .

      Even if true, you prove my point. There is no net gain in 16 years. However, I kind of doubt your numbers.

      Rather than your calculations, I went to the St. Louis Fed


      The official 2015 numbers will be released in December, 2016 and 2016 numbers not until 2017.

      Trying to extrapolate in some fashion to 2016, I went to the area with the highest positive slope, the 1990's, and then took the difference in the 2 year period from 1997 to 1999 (the high point on the chart) assuming that it represent the biggest 2 year growth on the chart.

      [Using the pointer, you can check out the numbers for each individual year on the chart.]

      The difference is (1997-1999) is $3400. Adding that to the 2014 number ($53,657) you get $57,057 which is still below the 2000 number of $57,724 by $667. The obvious point is whether you say today's median income is less than 2000 or equal to 2000, it still indicates the lack of progress by the average Joe in what I see as a best case scenario.


    6. .

      On the economy...

      As for Trump, you can't pin the guy down. He will say one thing one day and the exact opposite the next.

      Today, he said he would probably get rid of Yellen if elected (something I would approve given her continued advocating for supply-side solutions). He said it was time. He cited her low interest rate policy. Then, in the next moment, he says he likes low interest rates.

      On taxes, he has indicated there would be tax cuts at all levels and he wasn't keen on a general minimum wage hike. Today, he indicated there might have to be a tax increase and that he might consider a minimum wage hike.

      The man is a joke. A scary, scary joke. Worse are the people who unconditionally support him.


    7. "Donald Trump is all about White Racism. Period."

      YOU, rufoid, are the DUMBEST MOTHERFUCKER in our Galaxy.

      Donald Trump has hired more blacks than you can count.

      What the fuck have YOU done other than make an ARSE of yourself ?



  5. QuirkThu May 05, 03:17:00 PM EDT


    On the economy...

    As for Trump, you can't pin the guy down. He will say one thing one day and the exact opposite the next.

    You mean like Hillary ?

    A scary joke ?

    So far I don't see that Trump has killed anyone, unlike Hillary.

    Quirk, honestly, are you OK ?

    1. .

      You idiot.

      Does not being as bad (marginally) as one thing make one good?

      You repeat your absurd logical fallacies constantly.


  6. One thing I have noticed about Trump and the Dems......Trump says 'we never win any longer'.......and, the Dems don't deny it.....just attack Trump personally....

    This is known as silent assent to the primary assertion.

    Everyone agrees:

    We no longer win any longer.

    All the Dems ever do is squak and piss and moan and demand mo' money, mo' free stuff, like rufoid.

    1. .

      Perhaps, it is just that they don't choose to engage with a fool, something I am unfortunately guilty of.


  7. rufoid has saved 'uncounted lives' by selling insurance, and Quart has contributed to the economy and our social good by inducing folks to pay way more than they should for shit they don't need....

    1. As far as I know, neither has ever created any product, nor hired anyone....

      Knowing these two yokels, as we all do, if they had they would have bragged about it by now.

  8. Admit it, Quart.

    You don't like The Donald because he has more energy than you, is richer than you, and gets more and better pussy than you. And doesn't drink, either.


    1. .

      Right on one and two but wrong on three.

      I don't drink anymore. Can't afford to.

      Thinking of making my own potato vodka from the potatoes I am growing in my patio garden. Wife says things are so bad we probably should save the potatoes for food this winter.

      We shall see.


    2. Maybe you should quit commenting on the quality of your pussy and go back to drinking.

    3. Glad to hear you are off the sauce, and save the potatoes for food.

      Store your potatoes in a dark, dry, cool place.

    4. Potato Wine

      Wash and scrub potatoes clean. Slice potatoes and place in nylon straining bag.
      Boil potatoes in bag in hot water until tender.
      Strain potato juice from bag into the boiled water and pour all into primary fermenter. Discard potatoes.
      Add remaining ingredients, except yeast to juice.
      Cover primary fermenter.

      Wait 24 hours, then add yeast and re-cover primary fermenter.
      Stir daily, check S.G..
      When S.G. reaches 1.040 (usually 3-5 days), syphon juice into glass container and attach airlock.
      When S.G. reaches 1.000 (fermentation complete) syphon juice off sediment into clean glass container. Re-attach airlock.
      To aid in clearing, syphon again in 2 months and again, if necessary, before bottling.
      Allow the wine to age.

    5. Sorry, I misread, I thought you agreed with dirty old man Bob about skinny imported pussy.

      ...still think you should go back to drinking.

  9. Quirk, go to this page for a comparison of methods of inflation analysis.

    This Page

    1. Then you can go back to this page.


    2. .

      Thanks, Rufus.

      I copied the page into a file. It could be useful.

      However, for what we do here, most of the time it's easier just getting the numbers off the web. If you want to deflate numbers back to 2014 where we have the number already, go ahead but I think you will find it is less than the number in 2000. Even if the number was close to 2000 or even a little ahead of 2000, my point still stands.

      Growth has been anemic and standing still isn't progress.

      1. People are looking for some sense that they are moving forward not standing still or moving backwards, and

      2. The lack of progress is especially galling when you see all the gains in the economy going to a small subset of the population, and

      3. There is no clear sign that the current situation is going to change anytime soon.


    3. .

      Regarding the second link you put up,

      The Sentier Research median household income data for March, released this morning, came in at $57,263.

      This is fairly close to the seat of the pants number I came up with above

      The difference is (1997-1999) is $3400. Adding that to the 2014 number ($53,657) you get $57,057 which is still below the 2000 number of $57,724 by $667.


    4. Sentier gets their number from the census bureau, but uses their monthly numbers rather than waiting for the annual number.

      Also, you will notice that the census bureau's Annual number is calculated using the CPI-U-RS number that shows slightly less inflation that the CPI-U number. Thus, it is problematic trying to attach one to the other.

      The fact is, 2015 had very nice income growth for the median earner. That, plus the fact that Trump supporters have a much higher median income than the population at large, tells me that, generally, that's not what they're "unhappy" about.

      My particular thesis is that, like one Trumpist on this website, their main source of unhappiness is the Black guy in the White House.


    5. .


      You make me vomit?

      Seems a little harsh. IMO.


    6. .

      Also, I am just saying it's hard to party like it's 1999.


    7. .

      And by the way, I demand points for the Prince reference.


  10. ISIS arrests 200 people for refusing to join battles, 25 ISIS fighters executed

    ( Nineveh – Kurdistan Democratic Party in Nineveh Province revealed on Thursday, that the so-called ISIS executed 25 of its members on charges of escaping from the battles in Tel Skuf north of Mosul (405 north of Baghdad), while emphasized that ISIS has also arrested more than 200 citizens from the city for refusing to join the fight against the security forces.

    Kurdistan Democratic Party spokesman in Nineveh Saeed Mamousini said in a press statement obtained by, “Today, ISIS executed 25 of its fighters, including four leaders, after fleeing from the battlefield in Tel Skuf north of Mosul,” adding that, “ISIS carried out the execution by firing squad in one of its camps.”

    Mamousini continued, “ISIS members also arrested more than 200 people in Mosul after refusing to join the battles against the Iraqi security forces and Kurdish Peshmerga,” pointing out that, “The detainees were taken to an unknown destination.”

    Tough Business

    1. Strikes in Syria

      Attack and fighter aircraft conducted three strikes near Mar’a in Syria, striking an ISIL logistics facility, an ISIL vehicle bomb-making facility, and an ISIL ammunition storage center.

      Strikes in Iraq

      Ground-attack, fighter, bomber, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 15 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

      -- Near Baghdadi, a strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle bomb.

      -- Near Beiji, a strike destroyed two ISIL tunnel entrances.

      -- Near Fallujah, six strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed four ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL anti-aircraft artillery system, three ISIL tunnel entrances, an ISIL mortar system, an ISIL vehicle bomb, an ISIL weapons cache, and four ISIL bed down locations.

      --Near Kisik, a strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL heavy machine guns, three ISIL mortar positions, and four ISIL assembly areas.

      -- Near Mosul, two strikes destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, one heavy machine gun, 10 ISIL mortar systems, three ISIL rocket rails, and suppressed an ISIL heavy machine gun position.

      -- Near Sultan Abdallah, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL mortar system, an ISIL vehicle, and suppressed an ISIL heavy machine gun position and an ISIL mortar position.

      -- Near Tal Afar, one strike struck an ISIL weapons facility.

  11. Paul Ryan Says He Is ‘Not Ready’ To Endorse Donald Trump Yet

    “I’m just not ready to do that at this point. I’m not there yet.”

    House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Thursday he cannot at this time support or endorse Donald Trump, the presumptive presidential nominee of his own party.

    “I’m just not ready to do that at this point. I’m not there yet,” Ryan said in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper. “I hope to and want to. What’s required is that we unify the party.”

    The speaker said he wants to endorse his party’s nominee, but that more needs to be done to unify the GOP before he can do so. He added that the GOP needs a “standard-bearer that bears our standards” before he can make an endorsement.

    Nearly all previous GOP presidential nominees are sitting out the party’s convention in Cleveland — including President George H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush, Arizona Sen. John McCain and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who mounted a fierce but ultimately unsuccessful campaign against Trump earlier this year.

    “I think it’s possible but we’re not there right now,” Ryan added of the prospect of uniting his party.

    Eager to seize on the dramatic fissure between two of the GOP’s top leaders, the campaign of Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton immediately emailed Ryan’s remarks to reporters, adding his name to a “growing list of conservatives rebuking Trump.”

    In the immediate aftermath of Ryan refusing to endorse Trump on Thursday, lawmakers contacted by HuffPost were unwilling to give their reactions on the record.

    One conservative lawmaker, who didn’t want to be identified, offered that Ryan is smart, “and he knows how many crazy things Trump has said.”

    “It makes me respect him more,” the lawmaker said of Ryan. “Bold move.”

    Ryan’s remarks could give other vulnerable Republicans cover to follow suit.

    Missouri Rep. Ann Wagner said Thursday that she, too, was withholding her endorsement of Trump until he “is capable of stepping up to the leadership position of being the nominee of our party.”

    Asked what it would take to earn her support, the congresswoman said Trump would need to lay out “real policies and issues out there that line up with my conservative principles. And I have yet to see that on policy. And, quite frankly, I believe in calling people to their highest and best, not their lowest and least. And Donald Trump’s slurs and attacks, not only do I find them not presidential, I just don’t even find them suitable in society.”


    1. Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000-Plus Page Omnibus Bill Funds ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’

      Paul Ryan’s first major legislative achievement is a total and complete sell-out of the American people masquerading as an appropriations bill.

      Too harsh, you say? Let the programs, the spending, and the implications speak for themselves.

      (1) Ryan’s Omnibus Fully Funds DACA
      Paul Ryan’s bill funds entirely this 2012 executive amnesty for “DREAMers”—or illegal immigrants who came to the country as minors.
      (2) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Sanctuary Cities
      (3) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds All Refugee Programs
      (4) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds All of the Mideast Immigration Programs That Have Been Exploited by Terrorists in Recent Years
      (5) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Illegal Alien Resettlement
      (6) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds the Release of Criminal Aliens
      (7) Ryan’s Omnibus Quadruples H-2B Foreign Worker Visas
      A recent BuzzFeed exposé revealed how this program allows businesses to discriminate against American workers and “deliberately den[y] jobs to American workers so they can hire foreign workers on H-2 visas instead.” As one GOP aide told Breitbart News, “This provision is a knife in the heart of the working class, and African Americans.”
      (8) Ryan’s Omnibus Funds Tax Credits for Illegal Aliens
      (9) Ryan’s Omnibus Locks-In Huge Spending Increases
      (10) Ryan’s Omnibus Fails to Allocate Funds to Complete the 700-Mile Double-Layer Border Fence That Congress Promised the American People

    2. (7) Ryan’s Omnibus Quadruples H-2B Foreign Worker Visas
      A recent BuzzFeed exposé revealed how this program allows businesses to discriminate against American workers and “deliberately den[y] jobs to American workers so they can hire foreign workers on H-2 visas instead.” As one GOP aide told Breitbart News, “This provision is a knife in the heart of the working class, and African Americans.

    3. .

      G.H.W. and G.W. have both gone on record as saying they will sit this one out and will not vote for Trump. I suspect Jeb will make it unanimous for Clan Bush.


  12. Racism

    1. seem to be trying to establish some sort of relationship there....

  13. It's just come down from on high.....we are no longer to refer to criminals and felons as criminals and felons but as people who have committed a crime or been incarcerated...

  14. So much for "self-funding"

    New Trump campaign finance chairman says he'll raise a Billion Dollars for Trump's Presidential campaign.

  15. Forget the non-white vote. In the latest CNN/ORC Poll Trump was losing Women by a margin of 26% (61-35.)

    Mitt Romney lost women by 11% (55-44.)

    Admittedly, the CNN Poll looks like a bit of an outlier, but still . . . . . .
