Thursday, May 05, 2016

The Zionist Architecture of Deceit, Occupation, Apartheid and Violence


  1. The 14 minute mark highlights the Bulldozin Chosin.

    1. I have changed my position.

      Israel should embrace your nonsense.

      Annexation of arab lands and deportation of masses of arabs in response to any violence.

      No of course Israel cannot compete with the Syrian/Iranian/Hezbollah levels of ethnic cleansing and mass murder but Israel sure can do better.

      Maybe if Israel just deported the majority of savages (arabs) to London then Israel would be ok...

  2. You will not see this on 60 minutes.

  3. South Africa could not hold a candle to the planning and execution of Israeli Jewish-only towns, posts, forts and apartheid structures in the occupied territories.

    1. Maybe Israel should do what Nelson Mandela did?

      Necklace a few thousand savages?

      Bring the marshmallows

  4. A top Israeli general faces criticism after apparently comparing aspects of Israeli society to Nazi-era Germany during a Wednesday speech about the Holocaust.

    Speaking at the Tel Yitzhak kibbutz on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Major-General Yair Golan, the Israel Defense Forces's second-highest-ranking officer, implied there was Nazi-like behavior in Israeli society.

    “If there is one thing that is scary in remembering the Holocaust, it is noticing horrific processes which developed in Europe – particularly in Germany – 70, 80, and 90 years ago, and finding remnants of that here among us in the year 2016,” he said.

    1. Yeah show us the death camps...

      Oh yeah they are in Syria...

      Too bad

  5. The episode since Israeli medic-soldier and French citizen Elor Azarya was filmed summarily executing Abd Al-Fattah Al-Sharif has been a sobering reminder of the Israeli right-wing’s total and long-standing dominance over the Zionist left, manifesting into a display unseen since the last war on Gaza, when anti-war protesters were beaten in the streets.

    On March 24, Azarya was caught on film summarily executing a wounded, incapacitated Palestinian man as he lay on the ground in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron.

    As the video went viral, the Israeli public rallied around Azarya. A petition for his release gained 50,000 signatures in a few days, and a poll revealed that 82% of Israelis support the execution. Across the country, Israelis held public events including town halls and streets demonstrations, culminating with a rally for Azarya in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square on April 19 that drew what I estimate to be at least 5,000 supporters. From the stage, the square was full as far as the eye could see.

    - See more at:

    1. Yep israel should NEVEr execute a terrorist like that.

      better to do like America does....

      drone strikes on wedding parties.

  6. But in all seriousness Deuce?

    No one buys your bullshit anymore.

    They see the world as it is, the violence perpetrated by the USA, Russia, Iran, Yemen, Arabia, Libya, ISIS, Hamas, Fatah, China and all know that Israel doesn't do shit compared to anyone...

    Maybe Israel should be like the French?

    65,000 dead in Algeria.

    But you can continue to lie, exaggerate and distort, and hamas will continue to build 15 million dollar terror tunnels.

  7. I'm not buying Deuce's bull shit.

    I'm driving into the Casino instead.

    Cheers !

  8. On March 24, Azarya was caught on film summarily executing a wounded, incapacitated Palestinian man as he lay on the ground in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron.


    A wounded TERRORIST who had just tried to stab to death Israelis.

    Terrorists should be executed on the spot.

    What would the Iranians do? The Syrians? The Russians? The AMERICANS?

    Come on....

    Let's get real.

    Terrorists have no rights other than to die.

  9. Replies
    1. Yeah, 20% of Israel is Arab.

      More arabs are citizens of Israel today than existed from the river to the sea in 1948.

      850,000 Jews expelled from their homes that predated the arab invasion of the middle east and driven into what is Israel today.

      The architecture doesn’t lie.

      No Jews allowed in any Palestinian state

      and 99% of all jews not allowed any of the arab world.

  10. You have to admit, the forensics were brilliant.

  11. And Israel isn’t the worse but that is no holy land.

  12. Judge Jeanine says it's obvious Hillary is guilty and richly deserves prison and she hopes she gets it !!


    Put ZERO credence in this unattributed 'leak' - it comes from the State Department -

    FBI interviewing Clinton aides about private server, Hillary is next

    May 5, 2016 10:41 PM by John Sexton
    Comments »
    “…investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law.”

  13. The doves are nesting, the lightning is flashing over the mountains, one can smell rain in the air - must be spring here !


  14. Op-Ed Israel isn't, and will never be, an apartheid state

    By Michael Oren

    Israel is not an apartheid state and will not become one

    May 17, 2014, 5:00 AM |Reporting from Tel Aviv

    The war against Israel has passed through three phases.

    The first was the attempt to annihilate Israel by conventional means. It began with Israel's birth in 1948, when Arab armies nearly captured Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and ended in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, when Israeli forces came within artillery range of Cairo and Damascus.

    The next stage, starting in the early 1970s, sought to cripple Israel through terror. Suicide bombers nearly paralyzed the country, but by 2005 they too were defeated.

    That is when Israel's enemies launched the third, and potentially most devastating, campaign: to isolate, delegitimize and sanction Israel into extinction. And a key weapon in this stage is the hugely destructive word "apartheid."

    Translated from Afrikaans, apartheid means "apart-hood." It stemmed from the deeply held racist beliefs of South African whites who, in the half-century after World War II, imposed strict legal barriers between themselves and all black people. The segregation was total: separate restaurants, separate toilets and drinking fountains, separate houses, hospitals and schools. Blacks were denied the right to vote. The system resembled the American South under Jim Crow and outlived it by several decades. Thereafter, "apartheid" remained synonymous with undiluted racism, second only in hatefulness to Nazism.

    “However unwittingly, those who associate apartheid with Israel are aiding the third and perhaps ultimate stage in the effort to destroy the nation.

    Today, the word "apartheid" is wielded by Israel's enemies to delegitimize the Jewish state. Adversaries point to the separation between Israeli settlers and Palestinian residents of the West Bank, separate Israeli and Palestinian roads, and separate schools, hospitals and legal systems. Although Israelis can elect their leaders, opponents of Israel say, Palestinians cannot. They claim that Israel has erected an "apartheid wall" between Jewish and Arab areas.

    1. One gets tired of this slandering Israel with the word apartheid.

      Gaza and the Arabstinians fit the word, though.

      ('No Jews or Christians will step foot on our land' and 'Push the Jews into the Sea')

      Genocidal, and misogynist, and racist, and militant, and let us add, insane.

    2. Damn vanishing post syndrome -

      the rest of the article is here:

    3. The architecture speaks for itself. The architecture speaks truth. It cuts through the deceit, deception and lies.

      It is a brilliant piece of journalism.

    4. Yep there are MILLIONS more arabs today in Gaza that existed 40 years ago, The architecture doesn’t lie.

      They build terror tunnels.

      The architecture doesn’t lie.

      They import tens of thousands of rockets

      The architecture doesn’t lie.

  15. Trump gave a wonderful talk in West Virginia. One big topic was Ford building two new huge auto plants in....Mexico.

    Trump can't win ?

    I'm not so certain -

    May 6, 2016

    So Trump can't beat Hillary?

    By Russ Vaughn

    Those of you decreeing disaster for the Republican Party in November, Breitbart has compiled some interesting data from the Indiana primary that you may want to ponder before continuing your tirade against Trump. Various sources have been reporting that overall Democrat turnout is down this year, and of that reduced turnout, a significant portion belongs to Bernie Sanders, as it did in Indiana this past Tuesday. Conversely, the Trump movement has been ginning up voter turnout numbers since the primary season started. Tuesday’s numbers bear that out.

    According to Breitbart’s authoritative sources*, Democrat primary turnout in Indiana in 2016 was 628,433, dropping 50.84% from the 2008 turnout, when Hillary last ran there, of 1,278,355. Hillary’s share of that was a 2016 figure of 296,988, down a huge 54.05% from 2008, when she captured 646,282 votes.

    Now compare those dramatic declines in the Democrat vote with the Republican primary history from Indiana. In 2016, the overall Republican turnout in Indiana’s primary was up a whopping 73.35% from 2012, with 1,101,777 votes cast this year as opposed to 635,589 in the earlier primary. Back in 2012, frontrunner Mitt Romney garnered 410,635 votes compared to the total of 587,273 for Donald Trump this year, an increase of 43.02%.

    Looking back at state primaries from earlier this year, this 2016 Republican surge vs. a Democrat decline appears to be a trend that defies the proclamations from pouting pundits and partisan pollsters that Donald can’t do it in November.....

    Trump was a pleasure to listen to....Hillary is never a pleasure to listen to...


    Today the Lady Horses are running in Louisville, tomorrow is The Kentucky Derby.

    ***Uncle Mo***

    1. Paul Ryan turd
      George Bush turd
      Bush Senior turd
      Jeb! turd
      Romney turd

      All these turds are withholding their support from Trump, the last 4 boycotting the Republican Convention.

      Bunch of classless asses....

  16. May 5, 2016

    General election head-to-head polls appear biased against Trump

    By Sierra Rayne

    Dozens of head-to-head general election polls between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been released over the past several months. Almost all of them purport to show Clinton ahead of Trump by a significant margin.

    As noted by Thomas Lifson, during the past week, Rasmussen Reports has released a couple polls showing either a tie or a slight advantage to Trump. The Rasmussen poll sits in a sea of other recent polling data suggesting that the edge remains with Clinton.

    But are these other polls biased? A look at their methodology suggests that many of them may be....

  17. A real estate developer is an army of one. They are ruthless risk takers. It is in their DNA;

    Trump's empire is about Trump.

    The architecture don't lie. Trump would be fantastic as an infrastructure tsar.

    A real estate developer with nuclear weapons and the US Treasury as his bank?

    I'll take Sanders or anyone the Libertarian's care to run.

    1. If you're 'Anyone But Hillary' a vote for the Libertarian is a wasted vote.

      She'd be glad to see you do that.

      Trump is the only person on earth now that can stop her.

      A vote for Trump....that can hurt her.

    2. A real estate developer that is a risk taker is a fool.


      No sale is better than a bad sale.

    3. from "Sayings Of A Micro-Developer"

  18. The architecture doesn’t lie.

    The investigation also resulted in much information being gleaned about Hamas’s tunnel activities, the agency added.

    Atauna was involved in the activities of Hamas’s military wing, including planting bombs against IDF soldiers, and mostly, in tunnel activities during recent years.

    “Atauna told his interrogators much about the physical features of tunnels in northern Gaza, about techniques used by Hamas in digging them, and about the use of private homes and institutions by Hamas, from which it digs the tunnels.

    “He also provided information on the means and materials Hamas uses,” the Shin Bet said.

    “During questioning, Atauna pointed to many digging centers, and to tunnel shafts that are supposed to serve the Nuhba [Hamas’s elite unit] operatives for attacks during fighting with Israel,” the agency stated.

    “Atauna said Hamas set up a network of tunnels branching out in Gaza for the passage of fighters and weapons. The tunnel includes waiting rooms and has showers and dining tables, to improve the living conditions of Hamas fighters,” according to the Shin Bet.

    The Izzadin Kassam (Hamas’s military branch) member provided the names of “many operatives who worked with him in the Eastern Battalion of Hamas’s Northern Brigade, and received information on the use of hospitals and civilians for the storage of weapons.”

    The investigation also revealed that Atauna’s home was a storage center for many weapons, including bombs, assault rifles, and suicide bomb vests, which he was supposed to distribute before a large-scale conflict with Israel broke out.

    “Atauna is one of a series of military Hamas members who are under Shin Bet investigations at this time, and these investigations have revealed a lot of internal information on Hamas’s activities in tunnels,” the Shin Bet said

    The architecture doesn’t lie.

    Hamas is more intent on murdering Jews than providing homes for it's people.

    15 million a pop, hundreds of truckloads of concrete and steel...

    All wasted

    The architecture doesn’t lie.

  19. The architecture doesn’t lie.

    Just look at the arab occupied West bank.

    THOUSANDS of arab villages that did not exist 50 years ago.

    The architecture doesn’t lie.

    Look at Gaza City!

    The architecture doesn’t lie.

    Massive building, look at the million dollar homes that Hamas leaders live in....

    The architecture doesn’t lie.

    The top Hamas leaders are all now BILLIONAIRES.

    And yet?

    The average Joe of the Gaza Strip? More likely to be abused by Hamas than Israel.

  20. The killing of a Navy SEAL by Islamic State fighters highlights the increasing risks US troops face in Iraq and Syria as they inch ever closer toward the jihadists' frontlines.

    IS fighters on Tuesday used suicide bombers and firepower to blast their way past Kurdish peshmerga forces that US troops were supporting north of Mosul in northern Iraq.

    The fallen SEAL had been visiting a peshmerga encampment near Tal Asquf about three miles (five kilometers) from the front. Officials simply said he was killed by "direct fire."

    Arizona Governor Doug Ducey identified the SEAL as Charlie Keating IV, who attended high school in Phoenix.

    It is only the third time a US serviceman has been killed in combat since the United States launched an international coalition to fight the IS group in August 2014. Another 14 have been wounded.

    Since the start of the campaign, the US military and its coalition partners have launched more than 12,000 air strikes against the self-proclaimed Islamic State group, and the Pentagon has deployed around 5,000 troops in Iraq.


    America's deadly double tap drone attacks are 'killing 49 people for every known terrorist in Pakistan'


    49 CIVILIANS killed for every Terrorist.


    And yet deuce defends a palestinian terrorist.

    On March 24, Azarya was caught on film summarily executing a wounded, incapacitated Palestinian man as he lay on the ground in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron.

    Notice not a mention by Deuce that the "wounded, incapacitated Palestinian man" was indeed a terrorist. That he could have had a secondary explosive device on him, as common practice.

    Here is an article that puts in context WHO Israel, America, Russia and the world is fighting.

    """"A Palestinian suicide bomber has blown himself up at a restaurant in northern Israel, wounding 15 people, in the second such attack in four days.

    The militant group Islamic Jihad, immediately claimed responsibility for the blast, which tore through the restaurant in the town of Kiryat Motzkin, south of the port of Haifa.""

    On my... You mean that Palestinians attack CIVILIANS without provocation?

    To murder them??????

    Oh my

  22. Israel cuts streets thru Jenin....

    Syria, Russia, Hezbollah and Iran LEVEL the cities..


  23. O oh, Assad is a goner now - 'serious consequences'....'repercussions'....

    Secretary of State John Kerry just gave Syria a hard deadline for starting the political transition to get rid of Syrian President Bashar Assad: Aug. 1.

    Kerry told reporters Tuesday if Syria doesn’t begin the process of removing Assad by Aug. 1, there will be serious consequences, The Associated Press reports.

    “If Assad does not adhere to this, there will clearly be repercussions,” Kerry said. “One of them may be the total destruction of the cease-fire and then go back to war. I don’t think Russia wants that. I don’t think Assad is going to benefit from that. There may be even other repercussions being discussed. That is for the future.”

    Read more:

    1. August 1st.....'repercussions'.....3 months till a new President is elected in USA.....'serious consequences'.....yup, this surely is the line in the sand that Assad will take seriously.....

  24. Trying to keep it short and simple -

    +160,000 jobs in April...
    Fewest in 7 Months...
    94,044,000 not participating...
    Economic growth slows sharply...
    JCPenney taking emergency measures to stay afloat...Drudge


  25. A crappy Jobs Report, today.

    The Household Survey part of the report, the part I always reference, actually showed a decline in the employed category, as well as in the participation cohort.

    The only positives were an increase of 0.3% in hourly wages, and a one tenth increase in average weekly hours worked. The increase in wages, and hours worked, probably cancels out the loss of jobs, but I can't prove it because my new, wonderful microsoft 10 won't let me access my calculator.

    Anyway, I'd hate to try to make a living writing news releases praising reports such as this. Maybe, next month.

    1. .

      One month doesn't make a trend.

      The recent jobs trend has been decent. But this fortifies those who say things are weakening.


  26. So far, in the last 30 months or so, Israel has discovered over 32 tunnels dug by Hamas into Israel.

    at about 15 MILLION a piece that is, no matter how you slice it, a shit ton of concrete, steel and man power.

    How many homes could Hamas have built with 1/2 billion dollars????

    The architecture doesn’t lie.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. .

    Israel was born in blood and 70 years later the trend continues.

    The Israelis say, 'you act like dogs we will treat you like dogs.'

    The Palestinians says, 'you treat us like dogs we will act like dogs.'

    The Palestinians murder Israelis.

    The Israelis murder Palestinians.

    Wash, rinse, repeat.

    Everyday is groundhog day in Israel.

    Move along folks. Nothing to see here.


    1. When Israelis start murdering innocent Palestinians going to market, eating a pizza?

      Then you'd have a point.

      You still are ignorant.

    2. Despite the Israeli-Arab conflict, a Palestinian newspaper has recognized how Israel’s Hadassah Medical Center has helped the Palestinian people.

      According to Palestinian Media Watch, the Palestinian daily Al Hayat Al Jadida reported, “PA Minister of Health, Hani Abdeen visited the Israeli Hadassah Hospital.

      Nothing to see here folks, Israel treats arabs in hospitals....

      When will the Palestinians open it's hospitals up for the Jews???

      Nothing to see here folks.

    3. .

      When Israelis start murdering innocent Palestinians going to market, eating a pizza?

      Then you'd have a point.

      According to the Times of Israel yesterday, the man who tortured and murdered 16 year old Mohammed Abu Khudair, has been convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison.

      From the first page of a google search titled 'Settlers kill Palestinians'...

      NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Israeli settlers killed a Palestinian toddler and injured four others early Friday morning after setting their home ablaze near Nablus in the occupied West Bank in what the Israeli leadership called an act of terrorism.

      Dozens of Jewish settlers on Sunday forced their way into Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem, a Palestinian guard of the holy site said.
      "A group of Jewish students stormed the complex along with Israeli troops who wandered into the courtyards and verbally attacked the Palestinian religious students within," the guard, who asked not to be named, told Anadolu Agency.
      According to the guard, the Israeli police imposed restrictions on the entry of Muslim worshippers into the compound since the early hours of the day.
      In another incident, a Jewish settler ran over two Palestinian children near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. The settler fled the scene after the incident.
      One of two Palestinian girls that had been run over by the settler earlier Sunday died of her injuries, a Palestinian medical official said Sunday.

      I said the first page of the google search. As is google's wont there are numerous duplications of the same story from various sources. Rather than do going further on the search or calling up other specific to Jerusalem or Israel as a whole, I will simply put of the following Wiki link

      List of violent incidents in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, 2016

      As I said, wash, rinse, repeat. It's been going on for 70 years. It will continue.

      You still are ignorant.

      You still are blind.


    4. Fine.

      I hope Israelis start murdering Palestinians at the SAME RATE...

      Better you old coot?

      Maybe that's the solution, kill the palestinians like they try to kill the Jews.

      Rockets, without warning, raining down on palestinian civilians at markets, jews should stab a few hundred a month...

      Sure their is violence on both sides but you make it sound like it's equal.

      you are still ignorant.

      But I hope, someday soon, some crazy jihadist, attacks someone you love and you will LEARN better...

    5. .

      But I hope, someday soon, some crazy jihadist, attacks someone you love and you will LEARN better...

      You are a complete a-hole, WiO, but I still don't wish the same on you and yours.

      You are what you are. I am what I am.


    6. I wish that so you can have a "learning experience"

      As for you not wish the same on me and mine?

      You do.

      By your words and deeds, by your moral equivalence, your Israel bashing shit?

      You do.

  29. .

    Sheldon Adelson will support Trump as Republican nominee.



  30. Yom HaShoah

    “We played, we laughed
    we were loved.
    We were ripped from the arms of our
    parents and thrown into the fire.
    We were nothing more than children.
    We had a future. We were going to be lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers. We had dreams, then we had no hope. We were taken away in the dead of night like cattle in cars, no air to breathe smothering, crying, starving, dying. Separated from the world to be no more. From the ashes, hear our plea. This atrocity to mankind can not happen again. Remember us, for we were the children whose dreams and lives were stolen away.”

    – Barbara Sonek, “Holocaust”


    1. Never again.

      Get used to it.

    2. Some here still find it an affront that Israel exists.

      To them?

      They can take a flying fuck...

  31. .


    Trump will soon get briefings from U.S. spy agencies. It might not go well.

    The Republican front-runner isn’t known for discretion or nuanced views of security issues, let alone awareness of the widespread revulsion among intelligence officials over some of his positions.


  32. .

    Trump's Hispanic outreach: He had a taco salad on cinco de mayo.

    To show his authenticity, I suppose.


  33. .

    Trump applauds tow truck driver who is a Trump supporter refusing to tow a Sanders supporter.

    This is what we have come to.

    It will get worse after the conventions.


    1. I like salsa. But I hate illegals that are convicted of violent crimes...

    2. On Cinco de Mayo we should all celebrate Mexican culture by giving ICE rides to illegal aliens back to Mexico so they can properly celebrate their culture there and quite fucking up ours.

    3. "Trump applauds tow truck driver who is a Trump supporter refusing to tow a Sanders supporter.

      This is what we have come to.

      It will get worse after the conventions."

      Probably figured he'd never get paid.

      Probably had it figured out right, too.

      Don't jump to convict the poor hard working tow truck guy till you know all the facts.

    4. .

      Don't jump to convict the poor hard working tow truck guy till you know all the facts.

      The comment is understandable only if you realize this speaker is a Trump supporter.

      As for the tow truck driver,

      Ken Shupe, a 51-year-old from Travelers Rest, South Carolina, was very serious. “I’m a conservative Christian, I’ve just drawn a line in the sand,” he said. “I’m not going to associate or conduct business with them.”

      I'm all for religious freedom. I'm not really keen on religious nut jobs.


  34. .


    Trump’s Idea to Cut Debt: Get Creditors to Accept Less

    Experts cast doubt on Mr. Trump’s remarks about the national debt, which might show the limits of translating his business acumen into the world of government finance.

    The reason America is the go to place in troubling times is the illusion of safety it provides. Would Trump's plan dispel that illusion? Or, is Trump merely stating the obvious a little earlier than anyone wanted to admit?


    1. .

      Trump did make one salient statement. If interest rates go up our debt will skyrocket as interest on that debt doubles in the next few year. It's the simple mathematics of compounding and it will present another simple fact, we will owe hundreds of billions more and will end up getting zip for it.


    2. Compounding is confounding to Rufus.
      He thinks it's a racist plot.

  35. .

    The Ivory Tower Report

    The pernicious growth of PC perversity continues on college campuses. Now, the administrations plan to determine who you can associate with.


    New Rules Could Reshape Harvard’s Student Clubs

    Members of single-gender clubs will be barred from campus leadership positions, and from receiving official recommendations for postgraduate fellowships.

    Editorial opinion: Disgusting bullshit.


    1. Golf no longer has men and women's Tees.
      Haven't looked up what they are called.

    2. The S/HEETS ?

  36. .

    Mary Matalin changes party affiliation from Republican to Libertarian. Says it has nothing to do with Trump.

    For the first time in recorded history, James Carville has nothing to say.


  37. .

    Alberta wild fire growing. Half the oil flow in the area of the fire cut. Fire is currently only a few miles from two shale oil fields. Much of the oil from the area ends up in the US.


    1. So weird. Experience in California is they eventually control it.
      ...but California doesn't have 8 billion acres of uninterrupted forest.
      (Everything I saw looked like second growth that hadn't been thinned.)
      Perhaps the greatest disaster in Canadian history.

    2. What I find odd is the timing.

      Looking at my calendar I find it is May 6th.

      This seems way too early in the year for a ripping fire.

      By my clock it's not even 'fire season' yet.

      It will be forgotten about in a week.


    3. Wouldn't that be wild if the oil sands caught on fire :-O

    4. WOW !

      Neat-O idea you got there, SMUG.

      Jeepers !

      What would the oppressors do then, hehehehehe ?

    5. .

      The fire is growing and Canada is considering asking help from the US.

      I would have thought the US would have offered by now.

      Perhaps, they have.


    6. I say let SMUG smoke jump the sucker.

    7. You City Slickers make me laugh, all 'hot' about a little campfire.

      Another indicator our nation and culture is doomed.

  38. Lord Have Mercy.

    Make America Great Again.

    We'll start by Defaulting on our Debt.

    The sonofabitch is crazier than even I thought.

  39. Trump attributes Russia knowledge to hosting Miss Universe pageant there


    1. .

      And Hillary gave the Russian FM a big red 'overcharged' button.


  40. As one wag put it: Hillary negotiated the START Treaty, and the Donald negotiated the tiara ceremony.

  41. .

    Dick Cheney comes out in support of Trump.

    I assume the idea is to scuttle Trump's run.


  42. I am not related to Doug Ducey, nor have I ever owned an Ice Cream company.

    1. If I were named Danny Quirk I'd change my last name.

      Or, even just 'Danny' would do just fine.

      Damned nifty mpressive toos I'll say that.

  43. Look, I’ve said how much I admire Hillary’s toughness, her smarts, her policy chops, her experience. You’ve got to admit it, though, Hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative just signed up for Facebook. (Laughter.) “Dear America, did you get my poke?” (Laughter.) “Is it appearing on your wall?” (Laughter.) “I’m not sure I am using this right. Love, Aunt Hillary.” (Laughter and applause.) It’s not entirely persuasive.


    Albert Escape

  45. Elias
    One thing anyone can notice is the tall trees, with logging & replanting and reforesting you prevent the forest from entering into overgrowth and decay , green movement went against logging reducing it to zero, after 40 years you see this tall trees and dry undergrowth with no management whatsoever waiting to detonate as a time bomb , Canada Needs a forest management reform , and the urgent removal of certain political figures from power . Remember the Lessons from Yellowstone fires it was the same problem , not knowing how to manage the natural forest cycles brings this type of disaster.

    1. Isn't that an oxymoron; managing nature?

    2. The American Indians used to do it. They would burn prairie to move the buff around.

      If they American Indians, who, as well all know, lived by the rhythms of nature, except for exterminating to extinction by hunting the Mammuts, can do it, we can too !

    3. Name some era when nature hasn't been 'managed' in some manner in North ya can't do it.

      The American Indians, once they got the horse, would have hunted the buff to extinction too, regardless of the coming of the whites.

      Nowadays the Nimiipuu has raising buffs to sell the meat at Albertson's, and Yellowstone is Buff Central, so life goes on.

      I am hoping the scientists will one day be able to clone up the mastodon from DNA.

      Hope is a virtue.

    4. The wolves need something else to eat, having exterminated the elk.

      A mastodon skeleton was found just south of Moscow, Idaho, right by The Chinese Village, a good family owned restaurant there.

      Meanwhile out on the farm, we've never found a thing, not even an arrowhead.....except I did plow up some remains of one of Grandfather's old harrows from back in his day.

      There is Big News out this way on the Salmon/Steelhead Recovery Front.

      A Federal Judge has now given the Army Corps of Engineering and the others TWO YEARS to come up with a workable recovery plan, having finally gotten pissed off at all the foot dragging.

      This Judge is considering ordering the removal of one of the Snake River dams if no plan is forthcoming.

      If even one damn is taken out Lewiston, Idaho is no longer a 'seaport' and the wheat, peas, etc are going to be riding the railroad, or trucked, the log mill will similarly take a huge hit, and the local economy will take a huge hit.

      Nor has the Judge given much thought to what replaces the lost power. I advocate replacing with it a nuclear power plant at the same site.

      The Judge gets the power to do this from some Environmental/Save The Species Act passed without much though by the wisdom of Congress long ago, most of the Congressmen now having died.

      What do you think, City Slickers ?

      What to do ?

      What to do ?

  46. This is for Quirk.

    I wish that so you can have a "learning experience"

    As for you not wish the same on me and mine?

    You do.

    By your words and deeds, by your moral equivalence, your Israel bashing shit?

    You do

    Quirk your very actions on this blog sends a message of violence to those I care about.

    Sorry if you don't understand the power of words. Including the words you spew...

  47. Quirk was ready to accept my generous offer of a one way airline ticket to Gaza, but he wanted to do the booking.

    I saw right through this ploy immediately.

    Quirk has a high proportion of gas in his makeup.

    There is more than just one topic on which he is 'full of it'.....

  48. Mastodons:;_ylt=AwrT6VnJTS1XVNIA5KUPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTE0dDg1ZnBkBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZVSTNDMV8xBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Mastodon&fr=yhs-itm-001&hspart=itm&hsimp=yhs-001

  49. Vincente Fox has called Trump supporters 'lazy drunks'.

    If Trump did not do one thing other than build that Wall, he'd still be a great success in my view.

  50. Disregard all Rufus says about the unemployment rate....

    What's The Real Unemployment Rate ?

  51. Ash,

    Old growth forests crowd out seedlings with their canopy, keeping the trees space apart
    When they clear cut and don't thin out a bunch of the trees, they end up with a forest full of toothpicks that burn like crazy

    1. I realize the benefits of managing forests particularly regarding fire prevention. Canada has many many acres of forests where management is not feasible. On the larger scale of forestry fires have been shown to be a good thing in the evolution of forests - nature's way of managing itself. Not so good for the critters involved however.

  52. .

    Quirk your very actions on this blog sends a message of violence to those I care about.




    Here are the posts that precipitated your umbrage...starting with yours...

    But I hope, someday soon, some crazy jihadist, attacks someone you love and you will LEARN better...

    Me violence?

    You are the one who applauds the violence in the ME. Popcorn anyone? How many people here besides myself have you wished violence on. How many LOLs have we seen from you when someone is killed over there? Every post you put up about the 450,000 killed in Syria is ended with a LOL. Take a look at this stream from the beginning.

    I apologize for things the US does whenever they end up in taking innocent lives; yet, you don't berate me for that. No, the only time you get your panties in a twist is if I criticize Israel.

    You said,

    When Israelis start murdering innocent Palestinians going to market, eating a pizza?

    Then you'd have a point.

    To prove my point, I gave you examples of it. And that really pissed you off. When someone points out the direction Israel is heading, that they are locked in a struggle with no end, you get defensive but you offer up only these solutions...

    Maybe Israel should do what Nelson Mandela did?

    Necklace a few thousand savages?

    Bring the marshmallows


    If someone criticizes Israeli policy or the current right wing government, you accuse them of anti-Semitism. You rationalize and defend their actions, not just once but every time.

    To me, the points I make are obvious. You don't need architecture to see what's going on in the WB. You simply have to look at a map. You constantly spout off about the Oslo Accords but as I've pointed out you haven't a clue what's in it. I could provide you with a single map of the West Bank that would explain everything Deuce tried to show in that video above. All you would have to do is look at it. But what's the point, you wouldn't. If you did glance at it, you wouldn't immediately excuse, rationalize, and justify. You are not open to discussion.

    Here's how I responded to your post (the first one cited above)...

    You are a complete a-hole, WiO, but I still don't wish the same on you and yours.

    You are what you are. I am what I am.

    Given the vitriol you spout here daily, you can see why being called violent by you doesn't really impress me all that much.


  53. Doug, don't know if you've heard this, but the Federal Judge that made the infamous 'Spotted Owl Decision' came clean before he died (I think he has died), apologized to all those small logging communities that got wiped out because of his decision, and said it was the dumbest ruling he'd ever made in his life.

    The idea was that the Spotted Own needed all this old growth forest and was being pushed to extinction by the harvesting of same. Not that I'm for logging all old growth forests, I like them, but, but the Spotted Owl was taking a hit not from logging but from competition with another smaller more aggressive sort of owl.

    Where this owl came from and how it showed up I don't know for certain but based on my knowledge of things US Fish and Game, those morons probably brought it in.

    Here in Idaho of course all the elk are now dead because we 're-introduced' (actually introduced, they were not native to this area) the North Canadian Gray Wolf, a horror monster to other living things.

    Don't get me going on how Fish and Game totally fucked the fishing in North Idaho's major lakes....

    1. Just don't ever let them near your fish bowl...

    2. New administration rule would permit thousands of eagle deaths at wind farms

      Under the plan announced Wednesday, companies could kill or injure up to 4,200 bald eagles a year without penalty -- nearly four times the current limit.
      "There's a lot of good news in here," Ashe said in an interview, calling the plan "a great tool to work with to further conservation of two iconic species."

    3. .

      Well, it could be worse.

      Now, if they fly over a solar array they can be fried.

      But heck, who needs a bunch of old birds?


  54. Strikes in Syria

    Ground-attack and attack aircraft conducted two strikes in Syria:

    -- Near Shadaddi, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

    -- Near Manbij, a strike stuck an ISIL tactical vehicle.

    Strikes in Iraq

    Ground-attack, fighter, bomber, and remotely piloted aircraft conducted 22 strikes in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraq’s government:

    -- Near Baghdadi, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL command and control node, five ISIL rocket rails, and an ISIL bunker.

    -- Near Albu Hayat, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL vehicle bombs.

    -- Near Bashir, a strike produced inconclusive results.

    -- Near Beiji, a strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

    -- Near Fallujah, a strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL supply cache, an ISIL tunnel entrance, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL-used bridge, and two ISIL rocket rails.

    -- Near Hit, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, two ISIL vehicles, three ISIL tactical vehicles, and an ISIL weapons cache.

    -- Near Makhmur, a strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three ISIL rocket rails and an ISIL assembly area.

    -- Near Mosul, four strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL assembly areas, two ISIL vehicle bombs, and an ISIL vehicle.

    -- Near Qayyarah, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and an ISIL weapons-making facility and destroyed two ISIL vehicles, and an ISIL rocket rail.

    -- Near Sinjar, a strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

    -- Near Sultan Abdallah, a strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

    -- Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed an ISIL excavator and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. .

    From WaPo...

    U.S. forces now on the ground supporting combat operations in Yemen

    Officials said the U.S. military is also providing Emirati forces with medical, intelligence and maritime support, and is flying surveillance and aerial refueling missions.

    Man, I was starting to get worried. We haven't started a new war in months.

