Friday, February 06, 2015

God may be giving Obama a pass on Netanyahu and rewarding him with jobs creation

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The U.S. added 257,000 jobs in January and hiring in the final two months of 2014 was even stronger than previously reported, reflecting by far the strongest pace of job creation since a recovery began more than five years ago. Economists polled by MarketWatch had expected a gain of 230,000 nonfarm jobs. The unemployment rate, meanwhile, edged up to 5.7% from 5.6% as more people entered the labor force in search of work, the Labor Department said Friday. In a good sign, average hourly wages jumped 0.5% in January to $24.75 after declining in December. That put the 12-month increase at 2.2%, close to a post-recession high. The amount of time people worked each week also remained at a postrecession high of 34.6 hours. The economy has now added at least 200,000 jobs for 12 straight months, a feat last accomplished in 1994-1995, and hiring shows little sign of slowing down despite weaker economic growth around the world. In November, the number of jobs created even topped 400,000 for the first time since the end of the recession excluding the temporary hiring of Census workers in 2010. November's job gain was revised up to 423,000 from 353,000. The government also raised the number of jobs created in December to 329,000 from 252,000. The the labor-force participation rate rose several ticks to 62.9%.


  1. 3,100,000 Jobs added in the last 12 months. Strongest since 1999.

    A lot of Construction jobs. That's a very good sign.

  2. Netanyahu on the mind?

    A trend?

    As for jobs?

    Spin baby spin.

  3. 1,051,000 Entered the workforce. That's a huge number.

    759,000 found jobs. That's Big.

    (these numbers from the Household Survey)

    1. ( – 9.5 million Americans have left the workforce during the presidency of Barack Obama, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

      this was 1.5 years ago...

    2. so you lose 10 million and you gain 1 million and you celebrate?

  4. The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment

    Here's something that many Americans -- including some of the smartest and most educated among us -- don't know: The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading.

    Right now, we're hearing much celebrating from the media, the White House and Wall Street about how unemployment is "down" to 5.6%. The cheerleading for this number is deafening. The media loves a comeback story, the White House wants to score political points and Wall Street would like you to stay in the market.

    So in fact?

    Your great workforce number?


    1. This from the fella that told us that the management of SodaStream was not responsible for that $880 million dollar loss in equity value, because the value was never 'realized'.

      A neophyte at life, our little "O"rdure.

    2. I do think he has finally realized he is a failed businessman.

      It has made his already disagreeable personality, all the more vibrant.

    3. What is "Occupation" Sun Oct 26, 11:50:00 AM EDT (2008)

      gross growth has shrunk from 40% over last year month to month (for oct) to about 25% growth rate..

      I am betting profits are slimmer (per 1k sales) due to increases in product & shipping... (make it up in volume)

      I have taken a very aggressive line to tighten our belts over increasing retail costs. I am still quite bullish about what real companies that never used the government tit to grow can accomplish...

      Since i am not a minority business in any way, shape or form I have NOT gone after ANY governmental business KNOWING that once my bids were in place someone whose check boxes LOOKED better could come in and take my contracts...

      Now with the shit is hitting the fan, those of us that actually earn a living by providing a value added service can and will do just fine..

      Funny things about the unavailable credit?

      dont really have it, never did...

      I use earnings to pay payroll....

      I take profit to pay for products

      I take profits to pay for labor

      If we have a bad week? I tell the wife DONT SPEND on anything... Usually we have enough stocked in the freezer to make it thru the 3 - 4 day crisis til the deposits roll in...



      I see marginal worthless competition failing...

      When the reality of it, "O"rdure and his little bullishit business just couldn't 'Go the Distance", he bing in the same league as the "... marginal worthless competition. "


    4. Jack, your obsession is noteworthy..

      Like your stalking of the WRONG JEW, Chocolate Emporium for almost a decade.....

      You even purchase chocolate from him, twice!!!!

      Now you are a fool...

      a deluded, lonely idiot of a man....

      No wife, no children....

      Just drugs, guns and horses....


      How funny...


  5. Netanyahu confidante suggests Boehner misled him on Congress speech

    Jerusalem Post Israel News

  6. The Unemployment Rate is Not a Lie.

    from Vox

    Gallup CEO Jim Clifton has discovered a shocking secret about unemployment: its definition.

    Those Chicago guys didn't even bother to hide this one in plain sight. It's just sitting there in plain sight, right on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' homepage: only people who don't have a job but are actively looking for one count as unemployed. That means someone who wants work but has given up looking for it because things seem so hopeless isn't "unemployed." Neither is someone who works part-time but can't find the full-time job that they want. Or someone who does whatever odd jobs they can find. Add it all up, and our 5.6 percent unemployment rate is a "Big Lie," according to Clifton.

    Okay, that's more than a little melodramatic, but he does have a point. You know who else thinks he does? Fed Chair Janet Yellen. She's emphasized that the unemployment rate doesn't show us all the slack in the labor market right now. The Great Recession put us in such a big hole that you have also have to look at the long-term unemployed, involuntary part-time workers, the participation rate, how many people feel confident enough to quit their jobs, and how much people are getting paid to get a better idea of how the economy is really doing. She's actually talked about this a lot, and so has everyone else who writes about these things ... including, you know, me.

    1. That brings us to one last question. If the unemployment rate is so flawed how come we pay so much attention to it? Well, because it's the worst stat about labor market slack except for all the others. The problem is figuring out which people who don't have jobs are really jobless. Take discouraged workers. The unemployment understates how bad things are by ignoring them, but we wouldn't want to count everyone who's not working and not looking for a job as unemployed, would we? If we did, then we'd be saying that college students and stay-at-home parents and even retirees are just as unemployed as someone who's sending out resumés everyday. But even that's not clear cut since some people go to school because they can't find a job, and some people stay at home since child care would cost more than they'd make, and some people are forced into retirement. That's why we look, for example, at the so-called prime-age participation rate—the percent of people between 25 and 54 years old who have or are looking for a job—to figure out far away we are from a real recovery. And by that measure, we still have a ways to go.

      But even that's imperfect because it doesn't tell us why people aren't looking for work. It could be that the crisis convinced more people to go to college, regardless of whether they could find a job now. That'd be good. Or it could be that wages have been flat for so long and childcare's gotten so expensive that it's not worth it for people to work now or anytime soon. That'd be bad. Or it could be both. But if either is true, it'd mean that the unemployment rate is more accurate than you might think. In other words, since we can't read people's minds, the best way we can tell what they want is to look at what they've done. That's not entirely right, but it's the least wrong.

      So the unemployment rate's not a big lie. But calling it one is.

      Matt O'Brien

    2. Here's the thing: The government publishes Six (6) Unemployment Rates.

      If you don't like the U3 Rate (the one that is used most frequently,) use a different one.

      Use the U6 Rate; that's the one that includes discouraged, and part-time workers as being "unemployed."

      That asshole at Gallup knows all this, of course. I guess he was just trolling for "hits."


  7. Jack HawkinsThu Feb 05, 11:49:00 PM EST

    No distortion, "O"rdure, direct quotes from Mr Oren, in italic.

    The headline, surmised fro hi remarks.

    If you wish to dispute either his quotes or my headline, do it detail.
    Refutable detail, because your claims are false, your accusations are lies.

    Learn it, Live it, Love it.


    Jack HawkinsThu Feb 05, 11:50:00 PM EST

    The headline, surmised from his remarks.


    surmise definition:


    suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it:

    "he surmised that something must be wrong"

    1. Exctly, Ash.
      Mr Oren did not say that Israel preferred al-Qeada over the Kurds, Christians and Alwites.

      He said that Israeli preferred al-Qeada over those aligned with Iran, which the Kurds, Alwites and Christians in Syria are.
      That the Kurds, Alwites and Christians are aligned with Iran is surmised from reading the remarks of Turkey's leadership, Kurdish leadership and stories about the Christians, in Syria.

    2. Now if you wish, Ash, we can develop the case that there are majorities in each of those segments of Syrian society that support Mr Assad's regime. We can find and link to the stories that make that case.
      We can also develop the case that Iran supports the Syrian government, too.

      Anyone that wanted to argue that the Kurds and Christians are not supportive of the Assad government could do that, it would be a difficult case to make. Feel free to, if you wish, though that would take one of us out of the editorial 'we'.

    3. Now, if you wish to argue that Mr Oren was not speaking of Christians and Kurds when he said...

      “We always wanted Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”

      But our own "O"rdure , speaking from the Israeli view point has told us, paraphrasing now, that the Christians in Syria were nothing but NAZIs.

    4. Even Mr Oren, we can surmise, thinks Nazis are 'bad guys'. If they are backed by Iran, which in Syria the Christians are, then we can further surmise that, according to Mr Oren, Israel would prefer al-Qeada to those they consider to be 'Nazi backed by Iran'

    5. When one distorts, edits, misleads and takes out of context content as Jack does to PROOF a point?

      it's a lie.

      As usual.

      Jack is OBSESSED with Jews, Israel, Zionism and such...

      wiggle wiggle wiggle...

      Mr No Life Jack, at it again.

    6. .

      Once again, we are presented with rat-supposition putting into Oren's words rat-thought and rat-prejudice. It merely represents rat-logic in rat-world.


    7. jack says:
      If you wish to dispute either his quotes or my headline, do it detail.
      Refutable detail, because your claims are false, your accusations are lies.

      When you have repeatedly been proven inaccurate, incorrect, misleading and distorting you squirm and change the topic or a definition of a word.

      That's what liars do...

      That's why there is no need to debate ANYTHING with you as you are the Court Jester. The Wormtongue, and the READERS KNOW IT

    8. Games over Jack

      We don't discuss any issue with you as you are incapable of rational, reasoned, truthful discussion.

      But not to worry Jack we will, every time you lie, point it out to the readers and LET them decide.

      Their LACK on contribution to the blog speaks volumes.

      They don't want to talk or argue with a liar like you.

    9. Yes, Jack, you have surmised many things here.

  8. Well enough fun for the morning, Just had a delightlyfully toasted everything bagel with butter and cream cheese and some very nice atlantic smoked salmon, with a little salt...

    Very good...

    Now it's time to print money legally... The old fashioned way, earn it...

    Got a stack of orders, turned on the chocolate machines, warming them up....

    When I was just a child
    My life was, oh, so simple
    And the ways of the great world
    Seemed strange and funny
    Then when I was a young man
    I learned of that machine
    That turns out all those bails of precious money

    Now you can measure you manhood by it
    You can get your children to try it
    You can bring your enemies to their knees
    With the possible exception of the north vietnamese

    It takes a strong hit from the money machine
    Sitting on top, on top of the world
    Strong hit from the money machine
    Sitting on top, on top of the world

    1. parve chocolate, what a nice thing...


    2. Maybe I should check out if Chocolate Emporium has any equipment left?

    3. If a full belly of lox and bagel and pocketful of cash is a nerve?


    4. How much cash would it take to buy that kitchen equipment?

      Obviously, more than you have left from its sale..

    5. Still delusional Jack?

      Cant admit you stalked the WRONG JEW for a decade?

      FUNNY SHIT...

      Really FUNNY...

    6. No stalking, just quoting the past statements of What is "Occupation".

      Where those statements lead, don't bother me.

    7. LOL A stalker you are...

      even PURCHASED from them!!!


      Fucking nitwit...

    8. Supporting those that supported the Elephant Bar.
      That is the real way to support those that do so much in spreading the word.

      By providing a foil, the "O"riginal allowed desert rat to garner 17,000 views to a site that was empty of content.
      Illustrating the interest in what that character was saying.

      bobal Mon Sep 01, 05:20:00 PM EDT

      Rat's a gentleman.

      With his own way of thinking about things.

      Habu has his own way of thinking about things too, but is so corrosive, that after a while you don't want to read him anymore.

      While with Rat, you are always eager to hear what he has to say.


    9. ... allowed ...
      Upon reflection, that should be revised to assisted

      Mea Culpa

  9. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has reportedly withdrawn its airstrike support for the United States-led coalition against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), officials confirmed on Wednesday.

    According to reports, UAE has suspended its support for the airstrikes against ISIS as the concern for their pilots have been raised. The announcement came days after a Jordanian pilot was burned alive by his captors in an ISIS video that was released recently.

    Read more:

  10. .

    According to NBC, Brian Williams will not be either fired or suspended.


  11. .

    LONDON -- Girls can marry from the age of nine and most “pure girls” will be married by 16 or 17, according to a lengthy treatise published by female supporters of the Islamic State.

    Offering new insight into life of women in the Islamic State, a document called “Women of the Islamic State: Manifesto and Case Study” tries to clarify the role of women in the Islamic State...


  12. In a televised announcement from the Republican Palace in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, the Houthi rebels said they are forming a five-member presidential council that will replace President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi for an interim two-year period.

    The Houthis also said that "Revolutionary Committee" would be in charge of forming a new parliament with 551 members. The committee is the security and intelligence arm of the rebel group, led by Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, relative to the Houthis' leader, Abdel-Malek al-Houthi.

    The statement in Sanaa, read by an unidentified announcer, claimed that it marked "a new era that will take Yemen to safe shores."

    It comes after political parties failed to meet a Houthi-imposed deadline on Wednesday to agree on an acceptable way forward.

  13. A sincere thanks to Jack!!!

    I never had visited the Chocolate Emporium before but I JUST did

    Site is still up!

    check out the chocolate sculpture on the home page...

    I can do that with a ballon!!!!

    How kool is that...

    Thanks JACK....

    Never would have known about Chocolate Emporium, if not for you

    1. GREAT NEWS!!

      Chocolate Emporium IS STILL OPEN! New Location!

      Just talked to them, warned them about the crazy Jew hating stalker from AZ, gave them the confidential stuff I have on Jack, to be be aware that he exists....


      SO glad they are doing well...

      SO I guess, no used equipment from them...

      Maybe I'll check out the Frain Group

    2. That is wonderful news, to bad that "O"rdure is not connected with that company, or I'd place an order.

      Hope they do well, after being closed for a year ... That is a tough row to hoe.

    3. By the way, "O"rdure had to lie about the NEW Chocolate Emporium web site ...
      Telling us ... Site is still up! ...

      While from the site, it is said ...


      Welcome to Chocolate Emporium's new website!

      Attention Customers: All Valentine's orders are only guaranteed to reach you before Valentine's if ordered before Monday, February 9.

      Attention Customers: The Easter Section of this site is currently being updated. It be re-posted towards the end of February.

      So, the site was not 'still up', it returned fro the dead.

      It is interesting to see that the Chocolate Emporium is chasing after the Christian market.

    4. LOL

      Stalking the wrong Jew for a decade Rat Jack continues...


      to the point of derangement..

    5. Chocolate Emporium has been making delicious kosher non-dairy (Parve) chocolates since 1993.

      I guess jack you don't understand that website are updated all the time...


      You just dig yourself deeper and deeper into the stupidity hole...

      you are ONE ignorant moron...


    6. Also interesting assignments of similar names at the Sec of States offices.
      Not the same company, as it once was.

      Not the same people as owners.

      That and there are now three active Ohio corporations with 'Chocolate Emporium' in their names.

      "O"riginal is out of business, hope he got paid well for the naming rights.
      Maybe he sold the contact list, too?

    7. LOL

      Still holding fast to your stalking the WRONG Jew...


  14. QuirkFri Feb 06, 10:35:00 AM EST


    Once again, we are presented with rat-supposition putting into Oren's words rat-thought and rat-prejudice. It merely represents rat-logic in rat-world.


    That is to say, we are presented with rat-gas, with rat-shit, as usual.

    "No Cred" Jack makes a fool of himself every day.

  15. Hope for the July 4th folk ? - Probably not.......

    February 6, 2015
    Will ISIS fall apart from internal struggles?
    By Thomas Lifson

    Reports are emerging from ISIS-held territory of a reign of terror, with lethal infighting among groups making up the diverse and hastily-assembled “caliphate.” It is quite possible that internal bloodletting could cripple the organization more than any response from the civilized world. Writing in The Daily Beast, Jamie Dettmer reports:

    …quarrels over a range of issues—from divvying up of the spoils of war to competition over women and, yes, the handling of foreign hostages—point to a lot of trouble beneath the surface of this terror army.

    This is according to political activists in northern Syria, including members of the a group called “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently,” who follow developments in ISIS very closely and appear to be well sourced inside the city of Raqqa, which is the so-called Islamic State’s capital. The group reported on a failed Jordanian attempt to rescue Muadh al Kasasbeh, a downed pilot from the Jordan Air Force, and his subsequent execution, burned alive, weeks before the hideous video of his murder was made public by ISIS.

    So this group has a fair amount of credibility. They report:...........................

  16. Politinerds: Ambassador John Bolton
    posted at 10:01 am on February 6, 2015 by Jazz Shaw


    This week on Politinerds, Doug and I talk with former UN Ambassador (and potential presidential candidate) John Bolton, fresh from a trip to New Hampshire where he was discussing a run for the White House. Bolton is a fascinating person to interview, and we start off by exploring his early years growing up in a blue collar neighborhood of Baltimore. We then move on to his college years, where he shares some very interesting (though not fond) memories of Bill and Hillary Clinton from when they attended Yale together. He also reflected on what it was like being in a class not only with the Clintons, but a future Supreme Court justice and others who would rise to prominence. He’s got quite a sense of humor.

    “Everybody at Yale Law School thinks that they can become president and should become president if only the peasants would agree.”

    - John Bolton

    After that we get into how he sees the current state of American foreign policy and what he would bring to the table were he put in charge. While he can’t come right out and say that he’s running due to campaign finance laws, we do get him to answer The Question… Why do you want to be president? Enjoy.

    (Please note that this replay includes the VLR daily news update ahead of the interview, so if you don’t care to hear it you can fast forward to the roughly 3:30 mark for our interview with Ambassador Bolton.)

    John Bolton is on "Outnumbered" right now.....

  17. .

    (and potential presidential candidate) John Bolton


    He’s got quite a sense of humor.

    :o) :o)

    John Bolton is on "Outnumbered" right now.....

    :o) :o) :o)

    Stop it, you're killing me.


  18. The Islamic State claimed Friday that the Jordanian bombings in northern Syria intended to avenge its immolation of a captured pilot had killed an American woman held hostage by the group.

    An Islamic State message published by the SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks jihadist activity, said the American woman was killed when the building where she was being held in the Raqqa area collapsed in an airstrike.

    “The failed Jordanian aircraft killed an American female hostage,” said the message. “No mujahid was injured in the bombardment, and all praise is due to Allah.” Mujahid means fighter.

    1. .

      “The failed Jordanian aircraft killed an American female hostage,” said the message. “No mujahid was injured in the bombardment, and all praise is due to Allah.” Mujahid means fighter.

      Said the same group that was negotiating for the release of a Jordanian pilot a month after he was killed.


    2. "O"rdure always believes the Islamic spokesman, when it dovetails with his agitprop.

      Men in general are quick to believe that which they wish to be true.
      Julius Caesar

    3. .

      Gee, rat, I didn't see any opinion expressed by WiO, merely a statement of facts that can be heard right now on most news stations. Perhaps, you are surmising again.


    4. It is not what is heard, Legionnaire, it is what is promoted, that counts.
      What is taken as truth.

      When the Israeli Ambassador speaks,, "O"rdure claims the statements are lies, false and not really true.
      When the Muslims speak, "O"rdure trumpets the message.

      That is the point, not the 'opinion' presented

    5. Ah Jack when you twist, misquote, mislead and post out of context other folks words you lie.

      When I post, in context, a complete statement from someone, without commentary it is not.

      But you have no life…


    6. .

      It is not what is heard, Legionnaire, it is what is promoted, that counts.
      What is taken as truth.


      As I said, you are surmising again. You prove me right with your own words. Your responses are hard-wired and you merely twist facts to try to make them fit your faux-reality. You offer us rat-logic as if it had anything to do with reality.

      Rat-world is a strange and wondrous place.


  19. Williams' account of Katrina is questioned

    Further scrutiny of NBC News anchor Brian Williams' other past statements began to surface Friday when the New Orleans Advocate reported that the newsman's account of his experience covering Hurricane Katrina may not be entirely accurate.

  20. The final month of Bush's final budget there were 154,006,000 souls in the labor force.

    Go Here.

    Today, there are 157,180,000 in the labor force.

    That is a GAIN of 3,174,000 in the Labor Force.

    Wio is crazy, again.

    1. I aint crazy I just provided actual stats.

    2. The Big difference, of course, is in Employment.

      Today, there are 148,201,000 People Employed in the U.S.

      During the last month of Bush's final budget there were 138,864,000 Employed.

      A Gain of 9,337,000 With Jobs.

    3. The Zionist Moron's link goes to a chart of "participation rate."

    4. And, just in case you're curious, the numbers would have been considerably Better for Obama if I'd started the comparison when he took office in January of 2009.

      Go Here for Proof

    5. Rufus IIFri Feb 06, 02:25:00 PM EST
      The Zionist Moron's link goes to a chart of "participation rate."

      SO I can now call you a 1/2 breed Indian Drunk?


    6. Yes more people can now say "welcome to walmart" than under bush..

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. .

      The latest jobs report was very good.

      But of course the participation rate IS important since in the time span we are talking the US population grew by 15 million.


  21. BEIRUT (Reuters) - At least 30 Islamic State fighters were killed on Friday in U.S.-led coalition air strikes around the eastern Syrian city of Raqqa, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said.

    Observatory head Rami Abdulrahman said the attacks targeted depots of military vehicles and tanks, training camps and a prison used by the group east and west of Raqqa, the largest Syrian city under Islamic State control.

    "At least 30 are confirmed killed. This is one of the biggest attacks. It dealt a major blow to the group," Abdulrahman told Reuters. It was not immediately possible to independently verify the account.

    Islamic State seized large areas in Syria and Iraq and declared a self-imposed Islamic caliphate last year but has come under strain after a series of defeats in Syria brought about in part by air strikes on its forces and infrastructure.

    It was forced to withdraw from the Kurdish town of Kobani after four months of fierce fighting with Kurdish militia aided by U.S. air support, and has lost ground to Syrian government and Kurdish forces elsewhere.

    Daid Men - No Longer Walking


    Rufus IIFri Feb 06, 02:25:00 PM EST

    The Zionist Moron's link goes to a chart of "participation rate."


    What is "Occupation"Fri Feb 06, 03:16:00 PM EST

    Rufus IIFri Feb 06, 02:25:00 PM EST
    The Zionist Moron's link goes to a chart of "participation rate."

    SO I can now call you a 1/2 breed Indian Drunk?


    Ruf Six Bud Tongue figgers the Jews is all white.

    He's wrong of course, but Six Bud Tongue doesn't stop to consider.....

    1. Our 'boy' Bob said ...Fri Feb 06, 04:10:00 PM EST

      ... calling for an Eugenics Program, for black citizens of the United States.

      bobal said...
      ah, hell, after having thought it over, and considerging that my brother was a doctor, and my sis a med tech, who almost got roughed up by some niggers in Oakland, California, maybe the best thing to do is let the niggers abort, abort, abort themselves.

      They do a good job of that.

      Thu Nov 13, 01:29:00 AM EST

      ... the best thing to do is let the niggers abort, abort, abort themselves.

      They do a good job of that.

    2. At least, I'm not such a dumb sonofabitch as to think that Zionism is a "RACE."

    3. Rufus, your slur against "zionists" is as good as any anti-jew slur of history..

      Your bashing the Jewish people's right to a homeland is a discrimination against Jews.

    4. Bob was thinking of his sister being mistreated by a gang of black thugs in Oakland who threatened her for no reason whatsoever.

      His sister who worked at the hospital there helping people of all colors all day long.

      That really stuck in my mind, that incident.

      Sorry for the rough language though.

    5. Though it's what that type call themselves.

    6. Martin Luther King had it right.

      Content of character, not color of skin.

      Those ass holes had zero reason to threaten my sis right on the street......

  23. The UAE is back in the anti ISIS coalition, having left a while ago.

    Folks are following a strong King.........

    1. Yesterday you were saying Abdullah II was just looking for a photo op.

      bobal Mon Sep 01, 05:20:00 PM EDT
      Rat's a gentleman.

      With his own way of thinking about things.

      Habu has his own way of thinking about things too, but is so corrosive, that after a while you don't want to read him anymore.

      While with Rat, you are always eager to hear what he has to say.

    2. That was way before I really got to know ya, rat ass.

      Seven long years ago..........

      Before I had you figured as a congenital liar that you truly are....

      Now I would say the exact opposite.

      Experience, you know.....

    3. No, just another illustration of the wisdom of Brandon Mull

      Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page.”
      ― Brandon Mull

  24. I have a friend at the Casino, American Indian guy, who is always invariably nice to me.

    His name is Elias.

    Knows his Bible too.....

    >>Elias /ɨˈlaɪ.əs/ is the Latin transliteration of the Greek name Ἠλίας, which in turn is the Hellenized form of the Hebrew: אליהו, Eliyahu, meaning "Yahweh is my God".[1] Another form of Eliyahu in English is Elijah /ɨˈlaɪdʒə/.[2]

    The name belonged most notably to Elijah, the Hebrew prophet. The Quran refers to this prophet in Arabic as Ilias (إلياس). The King James Version of the Bible also uses "Elias" in the New Testament as the English translation of the Greek name for this prophet.<< wiki

    He explained all this to me one night.

    'Bob' seems a little pedestrian in comparison.

    1. That is why your moniker is Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      'Bob' is very pedestrian

    2. But shining.

      Robert is translated as 'the shining one'.


  25. The Roosians are going after the finances of ISIS making verbal against them.....

    Smart move, shores up Pooty's international standing....

    Maybe get some sanctions lifted....

  26. Just heard on "The Five" -

    Obama is calling his foreign policy outlook "Strategic Patience".

    What this means no one seems to know for sure, but presumably it is of the 'we'll wait them out' line of thought.

  27. Basically, the United States is trying to keep the Iraqis from wading off into Mosul half-cocked.

  28. Just heard on "The Five".

    The big handsome guy whose name I can't think of - NOT Beckel - just said alligator jerky was his favorite snack !!

  29. Pope Francis says it is OK to smack children if their ‘dignity is maintained’

    Vatican defends comments about ‘disciplining with justice’ after facing previous criticism from UN over attitude to corporal punishment
    Pope Francis

    Pope Francis prepares to speak at the Fourth Scholas Occurrentes World Educational Conference in the Vatican on Thursday. Photograph: Giuseppe Lami/EPA

    Associated Press

    Thursday 5 February 2015 20.22 EST

    Pope Francis told parents it is OK to spank their children to discipline them – as long as their dignity is maintained.

    Francis made the remarks this week during his weekly general audience, which was devoted to the role of fathers in the family.

    Francis outlined the traits of a good father: one who forgives but is able to “correct with firmness” while not discouraging the child.

    “One time, I heard a father in a meeting with married couples say ‘I sometimes have to smack my children a bit, but never in the face so as to not humiliate them’,” Francis said.

    “How beautiful.” he added. “He knows the sense of dignity! He has to punish them but does it justly and moves on.”

    The Rev Thomas Rosica, who collaborates with the Vatican press office, said the pope was obviously not speaking about committing violence or cruelty against a child but rather about “helping someone to grow and mature”................

    Got to love the use of 'smack' here which is surely a very rough translation of what the Pope actually said...

    The Pope also has been of the opinion the West ought to defend itself from the Islamics. Presumably he is of the opinion that a 'just war' is in the making.

  30. .

    I would imagine that Baghdad is pushing to go into Mosul ASAP so that they are in the lead and are not seen as the weak sister when compared to the Kurds. I suspect the Kurds probably are thinking along the same lines.


  31. The Kurds have said that they will not attack Mosul sans a combined effort from Sunni elements of the Iraqi Army.

  32. The Kurds should mind to their own defenses.

    They should hold that referendum, declare independence and look to their own defenses.
