Friday, February 06, 2015

Where is Obama wrong? IMO he didn’t take it far enough and simply declare that all religion is a menace and the assertion that there is a god that wants us to do one thing or another is patent nonsense.


  1. Christians are all in a flap because Obama had the temerity to say that crimes were committed by Christians against other non-Christians.Is there a statute of limitations criminality?

    Was is a coincidence that most of those killed in concentration camps just so happened to be Jews?

    Was it a coincidence that those that killed them were not Jews?

    Were they Muslims, Hindus or Zoroastrians that selectively rounded up Jews and slaughtered them?

    They were Christians and Catholics that killed them and to be honest they were repeat offenders.

    Christians killed Christians throughout most of European history and mostly with the blessing of someone wearing a cross before they went into battle.

    What did Obama say that was not true? Was it the degree vf violence, the victim or the timing?

    1. Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest mass murderer of the 20th Century, was a Jew

      Alexander Solzhenitsyn, in his book, "Gulag Archipelago," wrote that in 1934 and 1935, Yagoda's thugs would go out an kidnap innocent people off the streets, and torture them till they died.

      "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system.,7340,L-3342999,00.html

      What if people would learn that most of the mass murderers in the 20th Century were Jewish, then the Holocaust™ schtick wouldn't work?

      And that people wouldn't be so cowed and intimidated by someone saying the word Holocaust™, since they would realize that the Holocaust™ is used to cover up Israel's crimes of ethnic cleansing and murder of the indigenous Palestinians?

    2. Israel's crimes of ethnic cleansing and murder of the indigenous Palestinians?

      How is that possible?

      Today there are 5 times as many palestinians from the river to the sea than a mere 60 years ago.

      I guess israel better step up it's "ethnic cleansing and murder" if it want to be taken seriously....

      Those palestinians, just like cockroaches, just breed and breed and breed....

      That's why there are so many of them...


      Btw, Jack? Go fuck yourself...

    3. “The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer.
      This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization.”

      ― Robert Anton Wilson

  2. Truth-telling while politicking - it'll kill you every time.

  3. Maybe someday a POTUS will speak as if not a man of faith in God.

  4. Sure. Presidents love the prospect of impeachment.

  5. Actually, more than a few Democrats hated that speech.

    Religious craziness isn't confined to one party.

  6. .

    Christians are all in a flap because Obama had the temerity to say that crimes were committed by Christians against other non-Christians.Is there a statute of limitations criminality?

    Nothing Obama said was untrue.

    And Christians (and others) are in a flap because of what he said.

    However, from what I've seen and read on the subject, their objections are not because what he said was untrue but rather because of

    1. The time frame and examples he chose. He could have chosen a more recent example to make his point, Bosnia for instance. Instead he goes back 1000 years to medieval times and the crusades. There is a reason the times were called medieval.

    2. Some seem to think he was 'stretching the point' in having to go all the way back to the crusades in order to somehow rationalize what is happening today in Islam.

    3. The high horse comment. The wording (as is Obama's wont) probably wasn't the best. He was at a religious conference. As I noted above, every religious leader I have seen today when pressed admit the crimes that have been committed in the past by Christians; however, I doubt any of them like the idea of being told they need to get off their high horse.

    4. (My opinion) While I (and most people I would imagine) can see the message he was trying to get across, to me it was a clumsy effort. IMO, he could have made his point about radical Islam simply by stating his point about radical Islam but instead he ended up creating an unnecessary brouhaha where some are insulted and others think he was going out of his way to rationalize the crimes of radical Islam.


    1. O'bozo is an oaf.

      The clumsy ill spoken Clown at any high holy ceremony you might imagine.

    2. O'bozo is a moslem oaf.

      A disgusting attempt to turn the attention away from the behavior of his fellow moslems.

      For if everyone has done things, things today being done aren't all that bad.......

    3. I think the "high horse" comment is a good one. In my view the problem is the various peoples conviction that their particular religious view is correct, is righteous, and therefore all means toward their beliefs and is good. He is, correctly, berating them for their lack of humility; they should get off their high horse!

    4. Damn phone - all means toward propagating their belief...

    5. Q’s comment. Well put. Obama was fearful of taking the step and expressing what he really thought. He is a politician.

    6. .

      He is, correctly, berating them for their lack of humility; they should get off their high horse!


      It's often true that when idioms are used it is sometimes hard to tell who it applies to more, the one it's addressed to or the one who is using it.


    7. Yes, I am righteous about my anti-righteousness!!

    8. .

      And your self-righteousness.


    9. Yep, I, myself, am right. If you disagree I shall send a drone and burn your ass.

  7. "IMO he didn’t take it far enough and simply declare that all religion is a menace and the assertion that there is a god that wants us to do one thing or another is patent nonsense."

    "IMHO" would be much better.

    The sophomoric rebellion continues.

  8. Given the atheistic sentiments expressed above, there really isn't any reason not to become a moslem. Perhaps one likes to slap women around......

    No special pleading to 'human values' will can argue forever about what those are or might be....and they generally turn out to be one's own values.....

  9. I wish Deuce would list his reasons




    for declaring that Father Abraham was a psychopath. Or at least a literary psychopath.

    1. To be candid, it would make no difference what I would write.


  10. Abraham the psychopath

    The character of Abraham in the Bible is clearly a dangerous psychopath and why three major religions would proudly claim him as their common patriarch is a real mystery.

    Surely they would want to disown a man who was so insane that he was willing to kill his own child because he heard voices in his head telling him to do so and who also advocated the mutilation of male genitalia?

    1. A poor misreading.

      It's an etiological narrative marking the setting off of this people from those surrounding who did practice human sacrifice.

      The mention of circumcision is really too silly to comment on except to suggest it's no big deal compared with the rites practiced by the abos in Australia back in the day.

      Try that and see how you like it.


    2. Poor Abraham, the Swaggart with the scabbard, another misunderstood and misinterpreted asshole hearing voices doing god’s work with his clipping and cutting, having his holy shit moments, fathering the three lovelies of the Middle East.

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