Friday, February 06, 2015

God to punish Obama for mistreatment of Netanyahu


  1. About time.

    "The mills of the gods grind slow but exceedingly fine."

    Ernest Hemingway

    1. (When I first mentioned this to Quirk he fainted dead away)

    2. .

      Skip to the last minute or so of the video.


    3. .

      Speculation is that Deuce was the guy in the crowd yelling for Jimmy to get off the stage.


    4. Sorry wasn’t me, I was so emotional, feeling the love and the power. Too choked up to yell. Waiting for the speaking in tongues part. Always one of my favorites.

  2. GALLUP CEO: Number of Full-Time Jobs as Percent of Population Lowest It's Ever Been.......Drudge

  3. Not to have concern, Obama is doing a fine job of that without god, God, G-d, Allah, Jehovah or Yahweh

  4. But the good news?

    More and more Americans, and the rest of the world, see obama and his handlers for what his and they are....

  5. We've got moslems and Moslem Brotherhood types crawling all around the White House, and today, so I read, our Moslem President told us all to get off our high horses and remember to criticize the Crusades of a thousand years ago. He has no trouble using the word Christian and Crusades but simply cannot bring himself to use the word Moslem in conjunction with terror, etc.

    I hope like hell more and more Americans are waking up.

    1. "When the political winds change I'll stand with the Moslems."

      President Obama

    2. "The future must not belong to those who slander Islam."

      President Obama

    3. Dale is rolling over in his grave.

      Poor Dale, stalled to death by the Veteran's Administration, I know he is rolling over in his grave.

  6. >>>There is a reason that the vast majority of Americans support Israel. She is on the frontlines of the war against fundamentalist Islam, she is the sole democracy in the region and a strategic ally, and she represents all of the good in God’s world. She is, in fact, a miracle, and her citizens recognize and appreciate their responsibility in ensuring her survival.

    And that includes her prime minister who is being attacked from the left in the media and in Washington for accepting an invitation from Speaker Boehner to address Congress regarding the existential threat posed by a nuclear Iran. One of the reasons that the attacks are so abhorrent is that they are based on a trumped up lie that the White House was not consulted about the invitation. But they are also wrong because Netanyahu is leading the fight against evil in the face of an American president who is bowing to it.

    The left is suffering a serious psychosis that has resulted in its inability to distinguish right from wrong.......<<<

    February 6, 2015
    Whether a Civilization Endures is Determined by How it Confronts Evil
    By Lauri B. Regan

  7. .

    GALLUP CEO: Number of Full-Time Jobs as Percent of Population Lowest It's Ever Been.......Drudge

    The 'success' being touted today reflects the dumbed-down expectations the talking heads have come to expect. Saw a guy on CNBC this morning talking that the jobs growth and improved GDP numbers as reasons the FED should have already raised interest rates.

    He offers us a sad view of today's reality. Despite a 5% growth in the 3rd Quarter, 2014 GDP came in at just 2.4%, the ninth year in a row that it has come in under 3%. Monthly job growth over 300,000 is great but how many months of that growth have we had in the last 6 years, certainly not enough. During the recovery from the recession of 1981–82, there were five quarters of 7 percent–or-higher growth, and five years averaged 4.6 percent growth.

    It was 2014 when the economy finally had as many jobs as before the recession; however, in that time the US added 15 million new people.

