Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dump Israel - The US needs to end this pox of a relationship

Report: Netanyahu may have leaked US secrets to hurt Iran negotiations

Updated by Max Fisher on February 16, 2015, 10:20 a.m. ET @Max_Fisher max@vox.com

1 US officials believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has authorized his government to release secret details of the US nuclear negotiations with Iran to the Israeli press, according to Washington Post columnist David Ignatius.
2 The alleged leaks would appear designed to undermine the negotiations, which Israel opposes.
3 In response, according to Ignatius, the US has decided to "reduce the exchange of sensitive information about the Iran talks" with Israel.

This would be a major new low in the US-Israel breakdown

It is important to note that Ignatius does not detail his sources for the story, and has no official confirmation from either the Israeli or American governments. The columnist is known as a non-partisan reporter with a strong track record and close links in US intelligence agencies, so his report is so far being taken seriously.

The alleged leaks are, to be clear, not highly sensitive secrets. Rather, they are technical details of the US offers to Iran in the nuclear talks, such as the number of centrifuges that Iran would be allowed to maintain. (The details of negotiations are always kept secret while they're being hammered out, so that all parties can negotiate more freely, something Israeli negotiators have done themselves, for example in reaching the Oslo Accords.)

Ignatius' sources contend that the Israeli leaks were not only secret but misleading, releasing incomplete information in a way that would make the US position on Iran appear more generous than it actually was. Those sources also point out that Israeli media began publishing these secrets in late January, just days after Obama and Netanyahu had a contentious Jan. 12 phone call over the Iran talks. Also in that window, Netanyahu announced he would visit the US to speak to Congress on a Republican invitation, undermining the White House.

The US reaction has allegedly been to reduce intelligence sharing with Israel. "US officials believed that Netanyahu's office was the source of these reports and concluded that they couldn't be as transparent as before with the Israel leader about the secret talks," Ignatius reports.

This would be bad for everyone — including people who want a deal with Iran

It is worth reiterating that, even if Ignatius' sources are correct, both the Israeli leaks and the US withholding are limited to the American negotiating terms with Iran, an important but relatively narrow topic within the wide field of US-Israel intelligence cooperation.

Still, the US and Israel have a long and productive track record of intelligence sharing, particularly when it comes to Iran, and this would be a worrying indication of the US-Israel breakdown. That should worry everyone, and not just observers who are skeptical of an Iran deal or who believe that preserving the level of US-Israel cooperation is more important.

Some proponents of a nuclear deal with Iran may welcome this news as demonstrating that Netanyahu is a bad actor who should be sidelined from the negotiations process. But this would be misguided, and even proponents of a deal should worry about this development. One reason that Iran is willing to negotiate at all is that the US has succeeded in putting enormous pressure on the country and its nuclear program — often with crucial Israeli help. That has meant both gathering intelligence and, in cases such as the 2010 cyberattack on centrifuges via the Stuxnet virus, offensive operations.

If the US and Israel cooperate less on Iran, and the pressure on Iran drops (or Tehran believes that it is likely to drop), then Iran has less incentive to make the painful concessions necessary to strike a deal, and a final nuclear deal is thus less likely to be achieved.

We are not necessarily at that point yet. But the possibility that the US might be limiting intelligence cooperating with Israel even on the narrow topic of Iran negotiations — and that Israel could potentially take actions that would predictably force the US to do so — is a worrying sign.


  1. The U.S. Congress = 535 Agents of a Foreign Power

    By MIKE | Published: FEBRUARY 11, 2015

    Now, if someone told you that the Congress of the United States invited a foreign leader to address it without coordinating with the president and seeking his approval, the natural reaction, I think, would be to respond that while such an invitation might be legal, it clearly is a case of the legislative branch arrogantly ignoring the executive’s prerogatives in the conduct of foreign policy. Even though the Obama administration does not have a coherent or commonsense foreign policy, the Congress’s action can only make the Obama-made overseas mess worse and thereby further undermine U.S. security. Constitutional prerogatives ought to be honored — in letter and spirit — by all three branches of government, and so this unilateral congressional invitation ought to set off some alarm bells.

    Now, if the same someone went on to tell you that the foreign leader invited to address Congress is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and that he is going to deliver a speech meant to promote the involvement of the United States in an unnecessary war with Iran, the ringing alarm bells ought to become a deafening nationwide clanging. Our elected interventionist representatives are giving a war-wanting foreign leader a superb platform from which to intervene in U.S. politics, and from which he will try to drag/push/force the United States into Israel’s war with Iran. If Netanyahu succeeds at some point in the future, it will be the soldier-children of American parents who will be killed fighting for Israel in a war in which the United States does not have a horse. Iran has third-rate military that is not capable of successfully attacking North America; that is, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards will not be victoriously goose-stepping down the main street of any American city. And, lest we forget, the U.S. military is still the earth’s preeminent military power and if we are attacked by Iran it could render Persia uncomfortably radioactive. If Israel wants a war with Iran, let it rip, but Washington’s only duty in the case of such a war is to stay completely away from it, support neither side, and refuse to publicly comment.


  2. {...}

    Another reason why Washington must avoid participation in an Israel-Iran is the catastrophic disaster that our immigration and border policies have wrought in terms of allowing Iran’s intelligence operatives, Revolutionary Guards, and their murderous colleagues in Lebanese Hizballah to establish a strong presence in the United States. Iran has been deploying its fighters here pretty much at will since the early 1980s, and now controls a wide-ranging set of capabilities with which to attack in the United States. (NB: These capabilities are supported by the similar ones that Iran has built in Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and parts of South America.) The odds are very much against Iran using these capabilities unless we join in Israel’s war against the Islamic Republic. In that event, Tehran probably would use its U.S. based fighters to cause damage and death in the United States at a level the conventional Iranian military could never achieve. Joining Israel’s war against Iran, then, means Americans will fight a two-front war — one in Iran, the other at home — and would certainly come out the loser in both.

    It is important, however, that Americans not misplace blame for this episode by damning either Netanyahu or Israel for taking advantage of the opportunity that the Congress has offered them. Netanyahu is responsible only for Israel’s national security, and that consideration apparently demands that the United States be on-board and fighting when Israel attacks Iran. The Israelis have an absolute right to defend themselves by whatever means they deem necessary, but the United States has no obligation — legal, moral, or security – to join them in their war on Iran. The U.S. government too has an absolute right to defend itself against perceived threats in any manner necessary, but it has an even greater duty – legal, moral, and security — never to become involved in other people’s wars in which no life-and-death U.S. interests are at stake and can only yield ruin for America.


    1. {...}

      There is much blame to be laid, however, and that blame lies squarely with pro-Israel Jewish-Americans and their organizations.

      They have been outspokenly critical of both the Obama administration’s failure to supinely do Israel’s bidding and the president’s apparent personal dislike of Netanyahu. The invitation for the Israeli prime minister to speak clearly is meant to demonstrate to the U.S. governing elite the power that the disloyal Israel-Firsters have acquired with — apparently — almost all members of both houses through their campaign contributions, their ability to arrange exclusion from the media, and their vicious eagerness to identify as anti-Semites all Americans who advocate a non-interventionist foreign policy and a resolute hands-off approach to the Middle East. The Israel-Firsters have long experience in deliberately damaging genuine U.S. national interests and silencing American citizens, beginning with their public and covert work with Britain’s information and intelligence services to push the United States into war with Germany before genuine U.S. interests were threatened, and their simultaneous defaming and ultimate destruction of the reputation of America’s last great hero, the courageous non-interventionist, Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh.

      What is on the table for Americans to see, then, is constitutional disorder — who runs foreign policy? the extraordinary hyping of Iranian power, which is a marginal threat to the United States; the criminal, multi-decade negligence of U.S. governments in regard to immigration policy and border control that has yielded a serious threat from Iran’s resident operatives in America; and the astounding, disloyal, and possibly illegal anti-American activities of so many Israel-First U.S. citizens, men and women for whom Israel is their country of first allegiance and who have no qualms about suborning 535 U.S. congressmen and senators to serve as agents of a foreign power willing to involve the United States in Israel’s wars.

  3. Want to read more about how the Lobby moves to destroy its critics:


  4. Don’t flatter yourself about having a dual loyalty. Your loyalty belongs exclusively to Israel and Zionism.

  5. Sorry for the break, but the Israeli firsters, the ones that stand with America, went totally ape with the thought of Israel getting repositioned to a more worthy and rational position in US priorities, someplace close to Paraguay seems about correct to me.

  6. Hardly, went ape, but you deleted what we wrote so how can anyone make a rational decision since you censor us when we show how libelous and full of crap you are?

    1. You can’t libel someone telling the truth. You and your Prime Minister know that the thrill of the shill is gone when the US makes a deal with Iran.

    2. what deal?

      what are the details?

      why the secrets?

      If the deal is so good?

      why not tell us about it?

      Unless it's a cuckholding appeasing deal that fucks america...

  7. ’I will not let people believe that Jews no longer have a place in Europe’:

    * Hollande’s fury after Netanyahu makes plea for ‘mass emigration' to Israel in wake of anti-Semitic terror attacks
    * Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu told Jews: Move here to stop more murder
    * Comments sparked outrage among European leaders and Jewish groups
    * French President Francois Hollande said he cannot let the comment pass
    * He said Netanyahu was ‘leading people to believe that Jews no longer have a place in Europe and in France in particular’
    * German Chancellor Angela Merkel said her government will do everything possible to protect Jewish sites
    * Danish Chief Rabbi Jair Melchior said he was ‘disappointed' in Netanyahu

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2955293/French-PM-slams-Israel-s-call-Jews-leave-amid-fears-terror-attack-tells-France-wounded-you.html#ixzz3S08sSFZa
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  8. You can’t control yourself. If you force me to delete one more comment, you will be gone for good.

    1. oh I am so scared...

      how dare I speak how I feel when you call me all sorts of names...

      i quake...

    2. You can’t libel someone telling the truth.

      And my truth?

      You call me a traitor.

      You call for Israel's death.

      You call for Jew hatred.

      You libel jews on a daily basis.

      You can’t libel someone telling the truth.

      You can’t libel someone telling the truth.
      You can’t libel someone telling the truth.

      but you can censor them...

      et tu?

    3. but keep rat posting his jew hating screeds..

      et tu?

    4. No one if forcing you to delete WiO's comments.

      Nor is anyone forcing you to leave rat's continual assaults up.

      Just sayin'.

      It's your blog, you can surely do as you like.

      I think though that many people will not take it kindly if WiO is suddenly gone. We live in a free speech country. It is irritating as hell when one listens to someone that one does not like. But it does make for an exchange of ideas.

      We have all contributed to it practically forever. I urge you to support free speech.

    5. “Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”

  9. Replies
    1. only for the jews...

      the jew haters?

      they get free passes....

      rat and his bullshit...

    2. Only one of us has advocated for mass murder, here at the Elephant Bar.

      What is "Occupation"Sat Dec 26, 07:46:00 PM EST

      Rufus: Eventually, Every Nation on Earth will have "Nukes." That's just the way it is.

      Then all the more reason to nuke those without them that are a threat asap....

  10. The U.S. Congress = 535 Agents of a Foreign Power
    By MIKE

    What total absolute non-sense.

    Don't know who 'Mike' is but he has achieved escape velocity.

    1. He is no draft dodger, not a person that advocates for bleeding out the US protecting those that mutilate women.
      Not a man that would send others where he would not do himself.

      BobSun Jun 22, 01:42:00 PM EDT

      When did I ever say I was a scholar??

      I don't recall saying that.

      I have a college degree in English Lit. from U of Washington.

      To avoid being drafted in part. ...

    2. hey Deuce

      why do you not delete Jack's shit?

    3. Not a man that would send others where he would not go himself.


    4. Merely posting his, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson's, own words.
      And yours ...

      That is not libel

  11. A Federal Judge in Texas has blocked Obama's executive order of recent date on immigration.

    This is good news.

    It is a preliminary finding that says the states are likely to win the lawsuit.

    26 states sued.

    The Government will of course appeal immediately.

    For now the Government is enjoined from going ahead with Obama's executive order.

  12. You can’t libel someone telling the truth.

    1. Sure can, "O"rdure.
      You see, this is not a wall that you can deface with graffiti.

      Not a platform where you can lie and libel incessantly.

    2. The Good News is that Google has provided you with two platforms where you can publish your libels.

      Have a great day.


    3. Jack, thanks for showing the world you are the wannabe nazi that you are.

      I hope that Homeland Security continues to watch you and your criminal and terrorist actions.

    4. What is even better news ...

      SodaStream is closed at $16.68.
      Down from its high of $56.71, which it reached before it was targeted by the Boycott, Divest and Sanction Movement.

      Striking the Apartheid State in the wallet.
      As allen said during the Gaza Massacres of last summer, the economy is Israel's weakest link.
      The attacks on that economy, truly the existential threat to the Apartheid State.


    5. SodaStream is closed at $16.68.

      Delete is

  13. I have lost the e-mail address of Mat, WiO, Quirk, and Rufus when I changed computers and server.

    I would like to recover them somehow, so I will set up a gmail address and put it up here when I have time and hope these folks will send me their email addresses.

    I like all these people and hope to exchange greetings once in a while.

    Mat, if you happen to see this, hope you are well.

  14. Poll: Blame for DHS shutdown would fall to GOP

    Republicans in Congress would shoulder the blame for a shutdown at the Department of Homeland Security if they are unable to enact a new spending bill to keep the agency running, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

    1. The survey finds 53 percent of Americans would blame the Republicans in Congress if the department must shut down, ...

  15. Talk about in your face -

    Geert Wilders to keynote AFDI’s Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Texas

    February 16, 2015 12:50 pm By Robert Spencer 24 Comments

    drawmuhammadfinal700Join us: Pamela Geller will be there, Geert Wilders will be there, I will be there, and other freedom fighters will be there, standing up for the freedom of speech and showing that we will not be forced into silence by violent thuggery and intimidation. Stand for freedom now or lose it. Join us. Go here for details on how to enter the contest and to get tickets for the event. “EXCLUSIVE: Geert Wilders to Keynote Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest in Texas,” by Bob Price, Breitbart, February 15, 2015:.........


    Pam Geller, Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer, all heroines and heroes of mine.

    1. Are they thieves, like you admitted to being, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson?

      Is that what makes them heroes, or is it their morally superiority to you that you so admire?

  16. .

    ’I will not let people believe that Jews no longer have a place in Europe’:

    * Hollande’s fury after Netanyahu makes...

    IMO, Bibi's appeal to European Jews to abandon Europe and come to Israel is based more on political rather than humanitarian considerations. The right wing in Israel has been pushing this from the get go. Bibi is pushing for it not only because it helps assure a Jewish majority in Israel in the future but also because it aids his political aspirations.

    That being said the issue of European Jews immigrating to Israel has been there since day one. I don't know much about the issue but I saw the following article that discusses the shrinking Diaspora. While many Jews may instinctively applaud this trend, it is probably not a good thing for the Jewish people.

    Recent anti-Semitic events – from France and Belgium to Argentina – are accelerating the relentless shrinking of the Jewish Diaspora. Once spread virtually throughout the world, the Diaspora – the scattering of Jews after the fall of ancient Israel – is retreating from many of its global redoubts as Jews increasingly cluster in two places: Israel and the United States.

    Seventy years after the liberation of Auschwitz, Jewish communities throughout Europe are again on the decline. This time, the pressure mainly comes not from the traditional anti-Semitic Right but from Islamic fundamentalists, which include many European citizens.

    Not all this decline is attributable to attacks from Islamic militants. Demographic factors – intermarriage and low birth rates – afflict almost all Diaspora communities.

    But large-scale migration out of Europe is something not seen since the 1950s. In France, the nation with the largest Jewish population outside Israel and the United States, the outflow of Jews doubled in 2014, to 7,000, from the year before. The Jewish Agency is now drawing up plans to attract 120,000 more to Israel...



    1. The Ashkenzai Jews, those that make up the majority of modern Jewry did not 'scatter' from Israel.
      They never were there, to be scattered.

      More agitprop from the Zionists.
      It's all in the genes.

  17. .

    Jack HawkinsTue Feb 17, 07:09:00 AM EST

    He is no draft dodger..

    How do you know? Is this just more throw away bullshit on your part?


    1. .

      Are you saying Mike is not a draft dodger based on the fact that you know him or is this simply another diversion to get away from answering the question.



    2. Check the video, that's Mike, he is no draft dodger.

    3. .

      I don't have to look at the video. I looked up his bio.

      From Wiki

      Scheuer was born in Buffalo and graduated from Canisius College in 1974...

      Scheuer was in college for a few years while we had troops in Vietnam. How do you know what motivated him to go college rather that sign up?


  18. .

    Jack HawkinsTue Feb 17, 07:20:00 AM EST
    Sure can, “O”rdure.
    You see, this is not a wall that you can deface with graffiti.

    Not a platform where you can lie and libel incessantly.

    Nonsense, rat, you do it every day.


    1. Not at all, Legionnaire.
      I am bringing up the words, the blasts from the past.

      That is not libel.

    2. It may be inflammatory, it may be divisive, it may be mean ...
      But it is not libel.

    3. .


      QuirkMon Feb 16, 01:16:00 PM EST

      Documenting your lies, misrepresentations, your false accusations and suspect quotes is merely a clerical task, rat. Easy peasy. You provide material on a daily basis. Your posts on the Kissinger’s quote and about WiO’s business just a couple you have repeated in the last couple days. They go to and beyond your lying through the truncating of WiO’s quotes on the Gaza operation. It is in your nature. We have seen that nature in the bullshit you throw out in trying to justify your lack of English language skills as when trying to explain your misuse of common idioms. It’s just second nature to you.

      You are a serial liar and bullshitter, rat. You need discipline.

      You have been given your assignment. Do it. Do it now.



    4. You are not on the list to make assignments, Legionnaire.
      So much hubris, to think you can make assignments, you have an inflated vision of yourself.

      You assigned yourself the job, get to it.

    5. .

      Again, you divert.

      I called you a liar. It is evident to everyone here.


    6. You said you were going to prove that case.
      You told us the evidence was more than ample, it was legion.

      You failed to perform

  19. How is your clerical mission coming, Q?

    1. Finish something will you, please.

    2. When at first you don't succeed, Q, try, try, again.

      You made a promise, you have failed to perform.
      I say the failure is not due to lack of effort, but to a lack of applicable content.

      Prove me wrong.

    3. It is all in the archives ... if you are correct, Legionnaire, prove it.

    4. Stories happen in the mind of a reader, not among symbols printed on a page.

    5. .


      Once again, you prove the shortfalls of practicing English as a second language. We have seen it in your unfamiliarity with common English idioms, in your deficiencies when it comes to word usage and meanings, in your poor use of grammar. Now once again, we see it in your repeated requests for an opus on your deficiencies.

      You no doubt are referring to my offhand comment that the you are a serial liar and master-baiter (go back and read your assignment for more info on the specific categories of asshole you fall into) and that my next short story would document instances which are legion. This task was already accomplished in the simple post I put up yesterday.

      QuirkMon Feb 16, 01:16:00 PM EST

      Documenting your lies, misrepresentations, your false accusations and suspect quotes is merely a clerical task, rat. Easy peasy. You provide material on a daily basis. Your posts on the Kissinger’s quote and about WiO’s business just a couple you have repeated in the last couple days. They go to and beyond your lying through the truncating of WiO’s quotes on the Gaza operation. It is in your nature. We have seen that nature in the bullshit you throw out in trying to justify your lack of English language skills as when trying to explain your misuse of common idioms. It’s just second nature to you.

      You are a serial liar and bullshitter, rat. You need discipline.

      You have been given your assignment. Do it. Do it now.


      I have to assume you know what the word 'short' means so I guess you are having trouble with the word 'legion'. Assignment 2, should you choose to accept it is to look up the meaning of legion, the adjective not the noun.

      In my short post, I listed just a few examples of your bull; however, since you repeat them over and over again like a constant loop it proves my point that you are serial liar and master-baiter.


    6. Get on with your clerical task and don't comment further until you are finished, or until you admit the task is impossible, because the content does not exist, Legionnaire.

    7. .

      You are not on the list to make assignments, rat.

      I gave you your assignment. You reported that you refused to read it. Yet, since it was the basis for the start of this conversation, you have to read it.


    8. No, Legionnaire, the discussion started with your promise to document the 'Lies".

      You failed

    9. .

      It appears your memory is also faulty rat.


    10. .

      An example of you memory lapses.

      You made a promise, you have failed to perform.

      You are big on documentation, rat. Please document ANY promise I ever made to you.

      Where I the rat, I would likely accuse you of lying again.



    11. Robert "Draft dodger" Peterson read it as a promise you would set up another 'rat free' blog.

      Fun to read the archives, seeing who was more right than wrong.

    12. .

      Bob, as an appeal to authority? Good lord.

      I didn't ask you to document what somebody thought I promised, I ask you to document what I promised. Since you enjoy rifling through the archives so much, go bust a nut and come back when you have something of interest.



  20. QuirkTue Feb 17, 09:22:00 AM EST


    Again, you divert.

    I called you a liar. It is evident to everyone here.


    I am compelled to heartily agree. It is evident to everyone here.


    So this Mike fellow that has the truly insane idea that the entire US Congress works for the Israelis was in college during many of the Vietnam years ?

    If he got a high lucky number in the draft lottery that makes him just like me, in that one regard only.

    heh :)

    out for the day......got to go work.......but not on the new hush hush secret project I don't have off the shore of Panama...

    Cheers !

    1. The draft dodging thief pops up his head, and then runs for cover.

      Har de ha har.


    2. Here is the list of members of Congress, in 2012, that have sworn allegiance to the Israeli flag.

      THE US SENATE [13]
      Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
      Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
      Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
      Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
      Al Franken (D-MN)
      Herb Kohl (D-WI)
      Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
      Joseph Lieberman (Independent-CT)
      Carl Levin (D-MI)
      Bernard Sanders (Independent-VT)
      Charles Schumer (D-NY)
      Ron Wyden (D-OR)
      Michael Bennet (D-CO)
      Gary Ackerman (D-NY)
      Shelley Berkley (D-NV)
      Howard Berman (D-CA)
      Eric Cantor (R-VA)
      David Cicilline (D-RI)
      Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
      Susan Davis (D-CA)
      Ted Deutch (D-FL)
      Eliot Engel (D-NY)
      Bob Filner (D-CA)
      Barney Frank (D-MA)
      Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ)
      Jane Harman (D-CA)
      Steve Israel (D-NY)
      Sander Levin (D-MI)
      Nita Lowey (D-NY)
      Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
      Jared Polis (D-CO)
      Steve Rothman (D-NJ)
      Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
      Allyson Schwartz (D-PA)
      Adam Schiff (D-CA)
      Brad Sherman (D-CA)
      Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
      Henry Waxman (D-CA)
      Anthony Weiner (D-NY)
      John Yarmuth (D-KY)

  21. I do not believe Rat is a liar.

    I do think Quirk is a wordy asshole - only a small step up from Bob,

    and I'll be shot dead before I will willingly give Bob my email address.

    1. As for wio: aw shit, what can you say? Some America-hating, mad-as-a-hatter, nutjob. Strikes me as, perhaps. the crazed son of a failed confectioner. Bad for digestion, to say the least.

    2. Sorry Rufus, I love America.

      As for you?

      You are just a drunk

    3. .

      An asshole translated into Rufus-speak, someone who doesn't accept his simplistic views on various subjects.


    4. Nah, an asshole is a churlish prick that's always looking for an argument, even on simple things

      (e.g. No, the sky isn't blue; it just looks that way because of refraction, and besides, it has more of a purplish tint today, anyway.)

    5. I have no problem being an asshole.

      But Rufus stands with Hamas. That's despicable.

    6. .

      Nah, an asshole is a churlish prick that's always looking for an argument, even on simple things


      Well, I can't really argue with that.

      But you have to admit some of the stuff thrown out here is pretty much over the top. I have plenty of opportunity to indulge myself.


    7. In other words: a sated asshole.


  22. If I'm a "drunk," a good night of sleep will make me sober. But you will still be a crazed asshole.

    1. But at least I am a CRAZED American asshole...

      and you stand with Hamas.

      And I am a Zionist. A person that believes Jews have a right to self determination, unlike you.

    2. Rufus IITue Feb 17, 10:19:00 AM EST
      If I'm a "drunk," a good night of sleep will make me sober. But you will still be a crazed asshole.

      Rufus, learn to read.

      I say you are JUST a drunk...

    3. You should learn to Write in English. The proper response was to emphasize the "A."

      (as in: "You are just A drunk.")

    4. Really? Please show me ANY example were it is demanded that I capitalize the a?

      Go on Professor Boozy

    5. And I am a Zionist. A person that believes Jews have a right to self determination, unlike you.

      So according to the Drunk's Guide to Proper English is should say

      And I am A Zionist. A person that believes Jews have a right to self determination, unlike you. A ZIONIST HATING troll...

    6. Now I get it…

      Rufus, the Blog's drunk also gives writing classes….

    7. Rufus, would MURDER Jews if locked in Gaza, even if the Egyptians controlled the major border. Why blame the Egyptians when JEWS as so scapegoat able!

    8. Read "English" much, asshole?

      I said "Emphasize," not capitalize.

      You emphasized, by way of capitalization, the word "Just." An English-speaker would have emphasized "a drunk," or "just a drunk."

    9. The Egyptians aren't murdering, in mass, Palestinian Women, and Children.

      Would I fight back if I were a Palestinian, locked in Gaza, and watching my women, and children being murdered? You betcha.

    10. Last I checked Israel aint MURDERING IN MASS Palestinians Women and Children

    11. But your people, were murdered in mass by the US government and you do nothing…

    12. 87.5% of my genes are European.

    13. Darn well there goes the drinking gene issue unless your are irish, polish, russian, british, scot, italian, french or spanish…

  23. Another 40 or 50 dead headcutters

    14 Strikes in Iraq and Syria

    Daid, Daid, Daid - Not Walking, Just Daid

    1. "We Can't Kill Our Way Out': State Dept Cites 'Lack of Jobs' for Rise of ISIS

  24. Voice of America

    The U.S. State Department said Tuesday it was not in the interests of Ukraine or the world to get into a proxy war with Russia over eastern Ukraine, a comment suggesting Washington is hesitant to arm Ukrainian forces.

  25. Signups for ObamaCare are surging in southern states, with increases of nearly 100 percent in some states compared to last year, federal health officials said Wednesday.

    Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina and Mississippi have each seen 80 percent more signups compared to last year, Deputy Administrator Andy Slavitt said.

    The same states are also reporting the fastest rate of growth in the final two weeks of the current enrollment period, which ends Feb. 15. Each of the states has reported 5 percent more signups over the last two weeks compared to last year.
    The trend is particularly significant given that the Republican governors in each of the states have made little or no effort to promote signups, leaving the outreach to state and national healthcare advocacy groups. State leaders, like Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, have been some of the law's harshest critics.

    “Real simply, I think word is spreading. I think word of mouth is spreading really positively as neighbors tell neighbors how easy it's been to get coverage this year,” Slavitt . . . . . .

    The Hill

    1. That's more than 1 million in Texas, around 180,000 in South Carolina, 150,000 in Louisiana and 90,000 in Mississippi. Florida tops them with 1.3 million signups.
      Which means the problem Republicans have brought on themselves—what to do if the Supreme Court waves its magic wand and kills subsidies in these states—is going to be even bigger than previously thought. Even before this year's enrollments, we knew that the people most likely to lose their insurance are white, employed, middle-class southerners, otherwise known as the GOP base. Now there's going to be even more of them set to lose the insurance they just got.

      Now, Republicans can continue to pretend that they're coming up with some big plan to fix the mess they've created for themselves, and the Supreme Court might just buy it and go ahead and end subsidies for the people in all these red states. But the reality is—and Republicans admit this themselves—they don't have a plan that could pass. Worse, they don't really care about fixing it. They'll probably start caring when . . . . . .

      Daily Kos

    2. Meet one of the millions of white, employed Southerners who are most likely to lose health insurance if the Supreme Court strikes down the part of Obamacare that provides financial help to customers buying on the federal exchange. She's Erin Meredith, a 37-year-old fifth generation Republican in Texas, who was opposed to Obamacare as just another government handout, she told The Washington Post. Then she got divorced and lost her health insurance. Her job doesn't offer insurance. She was also diagnosed with a rare blood disorder that was leaving her with headaches and fatigue and potentially life-crippling medical bills. At a friend's urging, she checked out Healthcare.gov. For $89 a month, she has coverage.

      Now that she has coverage, she doesn't want to lose it. "I can still feed my kids and put gas in my car," she said. "I'm not trying to go to Cancun or carry a Michael Kors bag. I drive a 2009 Mazda, and I'm just trying to make it in my little apartment and not be on government assistance."

      She has an important question of her state's political leadership in the event the Supreme Court rules against her.

      "If they're not going to participate in Obamacare and I'm not going to have these financial benefits, which will force me to pay $220 a month for coverage, do you know if Greg Abbott, our governor, has any plan to offer something comparable?" Meredith asked in an e-mail. "I understand and support his efforts to put Washington back in its place. I just don't want that to come at the cost of hard-working Texans and their ability to maintain medical coverage."

      That, ladies and gentlemen, is the question that the 8.2 million people who are going to lose their health insurance want their Republican leadership to answer. (As far as Abbott goes, his spokesman chose not to answer that question when the Washington Post reporter asked it.) To make matters worse for Republicans, their states have seen the highest enrollments in this second year of Obamacare, meaning there will be lots more people who have shiny new affordable health insurance that they might not be able to pay for by the end of the year. That means millions more demanding to know what they're going to do about it.
      So far, they got nuthin'. And it seems like some of them are just fine with that and don't see any problem with kicking the can down the road until after the next election. They seem to be under the impression that their constituents aren't smart enough to . . . . . . .

      I posted this, mostly, for the comments.

      Hypocritical Publican Bitch that Thou Are

  26. Rufus IITue Feb 17, 01:16:00 PM EST
    The Egyptians aren't murdering, in mass, Palestinian Women, and Children.

    Would I fight back if I were a Palestinian, locked in Gaza, and watching my women, and children being murdered? You betcha.

    ISRAEL is MASS murdering palestinian women and children?

    WOW rufus that must be some serious whiskey…

    Your people really can hold the booze…

    As for locked in gaza? I guess you could not see the BACK door to gaza is EGYPT?

    Are you blind as well as drunk?

    1. If I were an 18th Century American Indian, as 12.5% of my ancestors were, I Would fight the Europeans (even if they Did offer me a "home" in the Desert.

      I think it's probably too late to declare war on them, now (inasmuch as I'd be declaring war on the other 87.5% of myself.)

    2. So The HE-Men of Gaza shoot 10,000 rockets at Israel, kidnap soldiers and civilians, blow up restaurants and discos and spend one thousand MILLION dollars on tunnels into Israel to kidnap more Jews, (not to mention one thousand MILLION dollars on rockets) and some how when Israel shoots back and the He-Men of Gaza use their babies and chicks as human shields at GUN POINT those killed are "mass murdered" by Israel?

      Your version of history sucks

    3. Learn the history of Gaza.. Hamas took it over from The PA in a coup.

      They tossed a few hundred palestinians off rooftops and kneecapped several dozen more…

      The Israelis did not close the border until Hamas chased off the Europeans inspectors with threat of death…

      Gaza shared it's largest border with EGYPT. NOT ISRAEL

      No one is locked in Gaza due to Israel. If the door is shut? It's EGYPT that shut it as the PEOPLE of gaza are in fact nothing more than EGYPTIANS…

      Why does Hamas not shoot rockets at Egypt? (hint they aint jews)

  27. Of course, 100% of my genes, as well as yours, are Out of Africa.

  28. Rufus IITue Feb 17, 03:31:00 PM EST
    87.5% of my genes are European.

    So 87.5% of you is genetically an occupier of native american lands?

    1. But "O"rdure, 100% of your gene pool occupies someone else's native lands, unless you and they go back to Khazar.

    2. You sound like a teenage girl. I don't object to Israel on "moral" grounds. I object to our being involved with Israel on "practical grounds."

      The Israeli Government is, by and large, a disreputable bunch, bound and determined to keep us in a war with the Muslims till the end of time. I'm agin it.

    3. When your folks left the land they relinquished claim to it so they may not be welcomed, in Khazarstan.

    4. Jack, I live in Ohio…

      Just like you we occupy someone else's land..

      As for Israel?

      It's the Jews.

      Now if you don't like the fact that Jews claim it? GO fuck yourself. You being a thief have no moral grounds to speak. At all.

    5. Jack HawkinsTue Feb 17, 04:38:00 PM EST
      When your folks left the land they relinquished claim to it so they may not be welcomed, in Khazarstan.

      When your wife fled from your abuse with your child? You relinquished any claim on it….

      As for Israel, you really don't know jack about it..

  29. Got that thread located and the found the promises that were made by the Legionnaire.
    He best be getting on with his clerical chore, or it'll be a case of ...

    Promises Made & Promises Broken

    1. He said it would be time consuming, but it has been five months, already

      It may take a while to pull the piece together. ... the editing will be a bear.

    2. Writin' is work,

      and "work" is for wimminfolk, and young'uns.


    3. .

      Gee, rat. The odd line. From a guy who demands documentation. Where's the reference? And oddly enough, I don't see the referenced promise you were talking about.

      I repeat,

      I didn't ask you to document what somebody thought I promised, I ask you to document what I promised. Since you enjoy rifling through the archives so much, go bust a nut and come back when you have something of interest.

      Still waiting.


    4. Do you promise to complete the task, when you are reminded of what it is?

    5. Start the blog, I have the title of your first thread, still waiting

    6. And waiting and waiting ...
      For five months we have been waiting ...
      So if I remind you, will you get with it ...
      Or will you fail to perform, again?

    7. .

      And again, rat,you prove you are confused. What blog?


    8. The one you were starting, do you not remember?
      You make promises so rashly, that you do not remember what you've written?

    9. .

      Do you promise to complete the task, when you are reminded of what it is?

      Have you finished that assignment I gave you?


    10. .

      The one you were starting, do you not remember?
      You make promises so rashly, that you do not remember what you've written?

      No, I have to admit I don't remember it.


    11. In response to a query from the thief, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson you wrote ...

      Quirk Wed Oct 08, 12:34:00 PM EDT\

      How is the new promised Quirk's Deep Thoughts Blog coming along, Quirk?

      I will title my first blog stream, The rat, Ex-Post Facto Prognosticator to the EB.
      It may take a while to pull the piece together. The examples are legion and the editing will be a bear.

      Until that is done, you have failed to perform to Standard.

      Regardless, you still are not anywhere on the list of those that assign assignments, Legionnaire.

    12. I will ...

      But you never did

      Promises Made & Promises Broken

      Will you now?

    13. .

      Hey, rat, thanks for tracking that post down for me. I really didn't want to go to the trouble of looking it up. Thanks for doing the grunt work.


    14. .

      Regardless, you still are not anywhere on the list of those that assign assignments, Legionnaire.

      And yet, despite that, that you went back and completed the assignment I tasked you with. Very good.


    15. .

      Will you now?

      Actually, I am seriously thinking of it, rat. Of course, there is my infamous lack of computer skills to contend with; but still, considering that you did complete that assignment I gave you, when I find my 'to do' list, I am going to put this on it right at the end before adding anything else.


  30. Militants from Isis (Islamic State) have burned 45 people to death in the western Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi, according to the local police chief.

    Col Qasim al-Obeidi said the motive was unknown but he believed some of the victims were members of the security forces.

    He has pleaded for help from the government and international community and said the compound, which houses the families of security personnel and local officials, was now . . . . .

    Holy Moly - These Guys Will Be Fun to Kill

  31. Rufus IITue Feb 17, 04:01:00 PM EST
    You sound like a teenage girl. I don't object to Israel on "moral" grounds. I object to our being involved with Israel on "practical grounds."

    The Israeli Government is, by and large, a disreputable bunch, bound and determined to keep us in a war with the Muslims till the end of time. I'm agin it.

    The moslems were at war with America 200 years before the modern rebirth of Israel.

    You really don't KNOW US history do you?

    1. All of America, or just the ships that sailed the Mediterranean, the state sponsored Pirates of the Mediterranean of that era?

      The Pirates of the Mediterranean, now-a-days, are sponsored by the Apartheid state of Israel.

      When we speak of history, let's be clear how it has evolved.
      Who was attacking US ships then, not the same as those attacking US and NATO ships in the current era.

    2. Jack you are one of the main reasons this website is a jew hating, israel bashing, zionist trashing HATE blog.

      Hope you are proud Deuce, this is the garbage you ALLOW.

      It's your blog, a reflection of you.

      You have no problems censoring me. But you encourage and allow pure anti-Semitic like Jack has posted today.

    3. There is not a word in the post about Judaism, "O"rdure.

      The post alludes to the attack on the USS Liberty and the attack on Turkish flagged commercial shipping on the eastern Mediterranean.

    4. Pirates of the Mediterranean, the rogues of the Apartheid State of Israel.

    5. Slavers of the Mediterranean, too ...

      According to the study, the first-ever country-by-country survey of its kind, Israel has 7,700 to 8,500 slaves.
      Still, Israel ranked well relative to the lower standards in the Middle East, though Lebanon, Tunisia, and Egypt scored better than the Jewish state

      The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/thousands-of-slaves-in-israel-global-study-finds/#ixzz3GCi99Rck


    6. ... Lebanon, Tunisia, and Egypt scored better than the Jewish state

      The quest for equivalency continues ...

    7. Jack you suggested that one of the bloggers should "die" from cancer…..

      Might it be closer to the truth that you in fact HAVE cancer and you are dying?

      You are a bitter old piece of shit….

      No wife, no family…

      Deserted by them all…

      So that could explain your mood swings, your bitterness and your hatred of the Jews…

      A people that love life.

      Might I suggest you are dying and no one, even your Jewish doctors can save you from whatever form of cancer you have?

      Die in pain and alone Jack… Suffer…

      you deserve it all

    8. Nope?

      Hardly a VERIFIABLE answer Herr Rodent.

      But I predict, in 10 years? You will be dead of cancer.

      You will try chemo and it will fail... twice.

      You will die alone and in horrible agony...

      I predict it..

    9. let's see who's right in 10 years?

      If I am right? you will be dead.

      If you are right? Israel will no longer be...

    10. bet I am right and you are wrong and dead...

    11. and 10 years from now?

      I'll still be selling parve chocolate...

    12. That'll be bittersweet for you, to have spent a lifetime in such a, shall we say, inconsequential pursuit.

      I mean when you think about it, "O"rdure, everything you do, it just turns into shit.

    13. Same could be said to Dave Thomas of Wendy's or Archer Daniel...

      But think of the millions of happy folks I have given a moment of bliss too....

      Melts in their mouth.... not in their hands...

      Chocolate, parve chocolate... lovely dark melting chocolate

      the world loves chocolate...

      and if you want to think of the by product? well that's telling...

      You must have colon cancer...

  32. (Bloomberg) -- Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin, who have built ties as the Russian president grew increasingly isolated from most European Union leaders, sealed a gas agreement in Budapest.

  33. Voice of America - ‎

    Egypt carried out a second round of airstrikes in eastern Libya Monday, in swift retaliation for the massacre of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by Islamic State militants in Libya.

  34. Major General James Linder said that, as part of the annual U.S.-sponsored "Flintlock" counter-terrorism exercises this year in Chad, the United States would introduce technology allowing African partners to communicate between cellphones, radios and computers.

    The RIOS system would allow soldiers in the field to transmit photos from a remote location in the Sahel immediately to a central command room and can also precisely pin-point the coordinates of personnel, a U.S. military official said.

    Boko Haram killed an estimated 10,000 people last year in its campaign to carve an Islamist emirate from northern Nigeria. Amid growing international alarm, the four nations of the Lake Chad region — Chad, Niger, Cameroon and Nigeria — plus neighboring Benin are preparing a joint task-force of 8,700 men to take on the Sunni jihadist group.

    Chad's military, which played a leading role in a French-led campaign that ousted Islamist groups from northern Mali in 2013, has already led attacks against Boko Haram positions in Nigeria's border regions.

    "The Lake Chad nations are battling Boko Haram and we have a vested interest in that group of nations' collective success ... What Boko Harm is doing is a murderous rampage, about brutality intolerance and subjugation," Linder said in an interview late on Monday.

    "Our national leadership has been very clear that more was going to be done ... There is an ongoing discussion on how will we provide additional tools, techniques, and material to partner nations."


  35. So ol' Ruf is an 1/8th Cherokee.

    What's the big deal.

    My friend Jack was 1/8th Umatilla.

    I am, for god's sakes, an 1/8th FRENCH.

    I don't identify with the French.

    Jack made no big deal about being part Umatilla. Just took advantage of it when he could.

    Far as I can see there is zero advantage to being part French.

    Rufus, you emailed me. It made me think you must care.


    I am hoping to get Q's email again so that, if this place closes, I can still sling occasional insults at a guy I admire a lot.

    After all, he called me HICK.

    1. “This site is dedicated to preying on people’s vanity, ignorance, or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse.”


  36. ISIS has kidnapped another 35 or so Egyptians.

    They will behead them.

    Big mistake on their part.

    Egypt actually has a functioning Army.

    And all the Egyptians are pissed......

  37. Rufus called the Egyptian involvement, back in August.

    The thief Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, Q, "O"rdure and allen, Ash, all prophesied the total failure of US policies.

    Rufus was right, you other guys, not so much.

    1. Current US policies are failing. And Obama's policies caused the problem in the first place.

      Egyptian involvement has nothing to do with US policies.

      It is a mistake by ISIS.

      Obama supported the MB in Egypt.

      If Rufus called it, good for him.

      Way back in August ? Wow.

      The Sunni-Shia divide continues.

      Now augmented by the beginnings of an intra-Sunni divide.

      It is passing strange.

  38. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Obama administration is amending its regulations for weapons sales to allow the export of armed military drones to friendly nations and allies.

  39. Feb 17, 2025 Jack Hawkins will be deceased.

    Start your countdown..

    1. 10 years til one AZ's most infamous Jew hating trolls will pass into hell.


    2. Now I could be wrong, he's cancer COULD take him out sooner...

      Better get a list of the best cancer centers in Scottsdale so when it happens we all will know...

    3. Jack Rat, tell us, is it lymphoma? or a brain tumor? Or did you have your prostate removed?

      TELL US....

    4. Jack have you lost all of your hair?

      Wearing Depends yet?

      or do you have a "bag"?

    5. I understand you want to keep what's eating your insides out private but it's too late for that..

    6. Jack has colon cancer and they removed his asshole...

      And he can't eat chocolate anymore...


      what a fate..

    7. Never to late, "O"rdure.

      Not even for SodaStream.


    8. I guess I'd be a sick prick of a man like Jack if I had no asshole....

    9. Oh, are you back to being Chocolate Emporium or are you still denying that connection?
      Will you be selling that parve chocolate on the world wide web, or standing on the street corner, card board sign in hand?

    10. Well, yeah, at $16 per share, the break-up value of SodaStream could well be greater than the market capitalization.

    11. I deal with individuals, "O"rdure, you advocate to destroy entire countries, hundreds of thousands of people.

      That's the difference.
      Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson is a lying thief. By his own admission he has committed fraud and identity theft, on a grand larceny scale. The quotes are available, time stamped and linked.

      “Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”
      ― Benjamin Franklin

    12. It is a good change of corporate policy, then, "O"rdure.

      You have learned a valuable lesson.
      There was a time that Chocolate Emporium rejected Islamic orders.

      “Bigotry does not consort easily with free trade.”
      ― Peter Ackroyd

      You're growing, "O"rdure, congratulations

    13. The corporate history of Chocolate Emporium, when coupled with the position statements made by "O"riginal, well ...

      Even the idea of marketing to Christians, pushing Saint Valentine's Day and Easter, that is a great step forward into multiculturalism for the reinvented company.

      If they are not yet expanding into the Islamic market, well, that could well be the next step in their corporate multicultural evolution.

  40. Why do you allow him to continue endlessly with the bullshit, Deuce ?

    Why ?

    It turns this place into a sick bad joke.

    Off to the Casino here.

    Cheers !

    1. I think of Trish:

      "There's something really wrong with you, rat."

  41. .

    Well, it's comforting to see that the usual level of discourse still reigns at the old EB.


    1. :)

      Wife is back with the car. I can hear her come in the driveway.

      Cheers !
