Monday, February 16, 2015

This should be mandatory watching for the The US Congress



  1. Replies
    1. Obama, by taking the troops out too soon.

      You already knew my answer.

    2. Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson, you are wrong, again.
      It is a position you are familiar with, though.

      Mətušélaḥ Fri Nov 14, 12:48:00 AM EST

      Fuck, you're a dumbass, Bob.


    3. Why would Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson advocate for US troops to be subject to Iraqi laws and tried in Iraqi courts?

      Why would he put US troops at such additional risk?

    4. Q: What would have happened to the US Marines charged with murder in Haditha, Iraq, if they had been tried in Iraqi courts instead of in the US?

      A: they would have been convicted and imprisoned in Iraq.

      That is what Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson's policy prescription for Iraq would have entailed, for US soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines. Good thing that both GW Bush and BH Obama are smarter than Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson. Both care more about US troops and their well being than does Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      The Draft Dodger would have left US troops in Iraq, at the mercy of Sharia courts.

    5. Let's repeat that so it is crystal clear, what Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson is saying ...

      The Draft Dodger would have left US troops in Iraq, at the mercy of Sharia courts.

  2. The Neocons, The Israeli Lobby and the idiot Bush own ISIS.

    1. Actually the Sunnis own themselves.

      They are a reaction to the Iranians.

  3. ...and there is not a more loathsome bandit on the planet than the prime minister of Israel.

    1. The images of Bibi providing solace to al-Qeada operatives, as they recuperate in Israeli hospital, just an illustration of just how loathsome he and the people that continue to elect him are.

      Those that support al-Qeada, those that would accept them taking power in any country, are no better than al-Qeada, itself.
      Mr Oren made Bibi's and his government's position quite clear. They would accept al-Qeada operatives taking power in Syria. Israel equals al-Qeada, now and until there is a change of government there.

    2. Wow, not even the ruler of North Korea is more loathsome than Bibi.


      Not even the head of ISIS ?

      I got to get some sleep before I pass out........

    3. ...........of shock

      Wait, what about Harry Reid ?

      I find him extremely loathsome.

    4. More anti-US agitprop from a 60's era Draft Dodger.

    5. Wait one more time..........

      What about Putin ?

      He is certainly a world class bandit, and and extremely loathsome.

      Cheers !

    6. BobMon Feb 16, 03:50:00 AM EST
      Wow, not even the ruler of North Korea is more loathsome than Bibi.


      Not even the head of ISIS ?

      I got to get some sleep before I pass out........

      Netanyahu is complicit in getting more Americans killed and wounded than the head of North Korea and Putin. I notice you are smackgobbed in your inability to comment on either video.

    7. Wow, blame the Jew!

      A new day another blood libel...

      Way to go Deuce..

    8. I blame Netanyahu. Stalin was a Catholic and an altar boy. Stalin was a mass murdering psychopath. Is that a libel against catholics?

      Only Jews like you feel that you get a free pass by whipping out the Jew card. Grow up.

    9. ...and I do notice, not a peep about Netanyahu’s invaluable insight to the US Congress. No flag waving or indignation when it comes to US military casualties as a consequences of his self serving lies. Oh, I slipped again, I must shut down, after all, he is a Jew.

    10. Stand aside, lower your gaze, not a whisper, shhhhhh, he is a Jew.

  4. What is “Occupation”Mon Feb 16, 01:16:00 AM EST
    But Israel is the problem?


    Israel is a huge problem for the US. I would dump them in a heartbeat.

    1. As GW Bush said ...

      "Over time it's going to be important for nations to know they will be held accountable for inactivity," he said.
      "You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror."

      Israel, under the administration of Bibi Netanyahu, is with al-Qeada and against US.
      Their Ambassador said it, we should all believe it.

    2. Deuce, you stand with Iran and Hamas. OF course you'd dump the Jews

  5. (CNN) The Egyptian military said Monday it has bombed ISIS targets in Libya after the militant group released a video that appeared to show the mass beheadings of Coptic Christians.

    The Egyptians are with US, while the Israeli, they are with al-Qeada.

    1. Al-Marj, Libya—Libya is ready to cooperate with Egypt in striking the IS terrorists in Libya who beheaded 21 innocent Egyptians in Libya on Sunday, preferring the use of air strikes rather than ground troops.

      Major General Khalifa Haftar, Commander of the Operation Dignity, vowed to be ready to provide all support and cooperation to Egypt in the war against terrorism.

      Speaking by phone to the Egyptian TV channel Dream, Haftar said
      “Libyans are helping the Egyptian army to take revenge on these terrorist forces because Cairo is considered to be a Libyan city”.

      “We strongly support Egyptian military intervention to strike Daaesh and other terrorist groups,”

      he added.

      Haftar said the Egyptian military intervention should not be in the form of ground troops but air power intervention stressing that he would like to see such cooperation with the Libyan national army immediate, clear and not secretive.

      He also said he would be pleased to see the international coalition striking ISIS in Libya.

  6. Another vote for the Rat Doctrine

    Keep our troops out of the fighting in Syria

    February 16, 2015 12:00 AM

    We have been told there are about 800,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan alone.
    Of that number how many are able-bodied men? Are those men being recruited to take up arms and fight for their homeland?

    There are many Syrians fighting the Islamic State; however, how many of the fighting men are coming out of the refugee camps?

    I heard recently that Sen. Lindsey Graham wants to send 10,000 American troops into the area to fight the Islamic State.
    Why is it that we Americans are called on to engage in battle for other people’s homeland?

    Jordan is going to receive many millions of dollars from the United States to care for the refugees. Jordan alone cannot deal with all of the refugees. There are also refugee camps in Lebanon and Turkey.

    Perhaps training more of the refugees would be a more productive endeavor than constantly training the Iraqis.
    I don’t want to see more American men sent to fight when there are thousands of people in the area who could be fighting for their own land.



  7. Replies
    1. Sen. Lindsey Graham wants to send 10,000 American troops into the area to fight the Islamic State, to stand shoulder to shoulder with Hezbollah.

      Why should the US do that, when it could just supply them with Close Air Support?

  8. Why does Obama's newly proposed AUMF against ISIS extend for three years when the military experts here have predicted ISIS will be toast by July 4th, 2015, or Labor Day 2015 ?

    1. Because we were speaking of Iraq and the AUMF is about the entire world, and Syria.

      Mətušélaḥ Fri Nov 14, 12:48:00 AM EST

      Fuck, you're a dumbass, Bob.


    2. .

      First, rat, quotes stories from the mouth piece organization for Chechnyan terrorists and then he quotes Mat.

      How low can you go?

      A man is known by those he associates with.


    3. Since there is no association the Legionnaire is, in a word, lost.
      Perhaps he thinks that merely reading the position papers of others makes the reader complicit.

      It would explain why his ignorance is only surpassed by that of the "Draft Dodger" Peterson, who only reads the American Stinker.

      If one were to read Das Kapital, would the Legionnaire accuse the reader of being a Marxist?

    4. Does merely reading the New Testament make the reader a Christian?

      I think not.
      Legionnaire Q's statement is baseless in fact and is poor, poor fiction.

  9. Fox News was just saying that Pooty Putin is worth TWICE what Bill Gates is worth, around 200 billion I think they said, making Pooty the richest man on earth.

    Putin is the most loathsome bandit on earth, by far.

    Bibi is not even in the running.

    1. Now Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson see the accumulation of great wealth as theft.

      But he does not mention the Rothschilds amongst the loathsome bandits.
      He absolves the bankers, creating his entire list of the loathsome, fixated upon politicians..

  10. February 16, 2015
    NY Times discovers that Saddam did have WMDs after all
    By Thomas Lifson

    President Bush “lied” about Iraq’s WMDs – thus goes the article of faith among liberals, endlessly repeated by the likes of Ron Fournier and Jon Stewart as a kind of progressive catechism. Except that it is a libel, as even the New York Times indirectly acknowledges today.

    C.J. Chivers and Eric Schmitt write:

    The Central Intelligence Agency, working with American troops during the occupation of Iraq, repeatedly purchased nerve-agent rockets from a secretive Iraqi seller, part of a previously undisclosed effort to ensure that old chemical weapons remaining in Iraq did not fall into the hands of terrorists or militant groups, according to current and former American officials.

    The extraordinary arms purchase plan, known as Operation Avarice, began in 2005 and continued into 2006, and the American military deemed it a nonproliferation success. It led to the United States’ acquiring and destroying at least 400 Borak rockets, one of the internationally condemned chemical weapons that Saddam Hussein’s Baathist government manufactured in the 1980s but that were not accounted for by United Nations inspections mandated after the 1991 Persian Gulf war.

    Note that despite the firestorm of slander the Bush administration endured over its “lies” on WMD, the president never acted to declassify the information on the CIA buyback program, and as a result today it is an article of faith on the left that he lied us into war.

    At the time of the invasion of Iraq, there was no way to know that:

    These munitions were remnants of an Iraqi special weapons program that was abandoned long before the 2003 invasion,


    they turned up sporadically during the American occupation in buried caches, as part of improvised bombs or on black markets.

    American Thinker reported on the WMD evidence found in Iraq 11 years ago.

    The CIA’s program appears to have put at risk soldiers who were not warned of the risks they faced in handling these potent weapons:

    Not long after Operation Avarice had secured its 400th rocket, in 2006, American troops were exposed several times to other chemical weapons. Many of these veterans said that they had not been warned by their units about the risks posed by the chemical weapons and that their medical care and follow-up were substandard, in part because military doctors seemed unaware that chemical munitions remained in Iraq.

    In some cases, victims of exposure said, officers forbade them to discuss what had occurred. The Pentagon now says hundreds of other veterans reported on health-screening forms that they believed they too had been exposed during the war.

    Aaron Stein, an associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, said the belated acknowledgment of a chemical-rocket purchases, as well as the potentially worrisome laboratory analysis of the related sarin samples, raised questions about the military’s commitment to the well-being of those it sent to war.

    We have been fed a line of bull over Saddam and WMDs.

    1. Let's repeat it so that it is crystal clear, what Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson is saying ...

      The Draft Dodger would have left US troops in Iraq, at the mercy of Sharia courts.

    2. Let's repeat what our cowardly war criminal dead beat dad professional asshole self confessed liar and all around piece of human garbage has been saying: this criminal wants troops to answer to no authority whatsoever like in his good old days in Central America.

      Got a big day ahead criminal, so you'll have to follow someone else around.

      How is the new hush hush job off the coast of Panama coming along?

      You don't seem to be spending much time at it. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

      Out, and Cheers !


    3. The Draft Dodger would have left US troops in Iraq, at the mercy of Sharia courts.


    4. Thomas Lifson, editor and publisher, American Thinker

      calls himself a recovering academic. After graduating from Kenyon College, he studied modern Japan, sociology, and business as a graduate student at Harvard (three degrees) and joined the faculty at Harvard Business School, where he began the consulting career that was to lead him away from academia. He also taught sociology and East Asian studies at Harvard and held visiting professorships at Columbia University and the Japanese National Museum of Ethnology. As a consultant, he has worked with major companies from the United States, Japan, Europe, Asia, and Australasia at the nexus of human, organizational, and strategic issues.

      A Democrat by birth, Thomas became more conservative in adulthood as reality taught him that dreams of perfecting human society always run smack into human nature.

      In 2003 he founded American Thinker.

  11. UN: Proven Ties Between ISIS And Israel

    A new report from the UN reveals that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) maintained regular contact with members of ISIS since May 2013. The UN identified contact with IDF forces and ISIS soldiers.

    In a new report from the UN, it is revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were maintaining regular contact with members of the so-called Islamic State since May of 2013. Initial reports from the IDF stated that this was only for medical care for civilians, but that story fell apart when the UN observers identified direct contact between IDF forces and ISIS soldiers, including giving medical care to ISIS fighters.

    Observations even included the transfer of two crates from the IDF to ISIS forces, the contents of which have not been confirmed at this time. Further the UN report identified what the Syrians label a crossing point of forces between Israel and ISIS, a point of concern brought before the UN Security Council.

    This report from the UN strengthens the claims by the Syrian regime that Israel is heavily involved in operations within the nation.

    - See more at:

  12. Wow, just ... Wow
    I saw that Anonymous post and had to check it out.There is an Israeli source with the same story

    UN reveals Israeli links with Syrian rebels

    Reports by UN observers in the Golan submitted to 15 members of Security Council detail regular contact between IDF officers and armed Syrian opposition figures at the border.

    Israel is coordinating with IS.
    ISrael flys close air support operations for Daesh.

    ISrael would not only accept al-Qeada taking power in Syria
    ISrael is actively supporting the al-Qeada terrorists.

    1. Do you deny the veracity of the reports?
      Do you deny that ISrael flew close air support for the Daesh?
      Do you deny that ISrael flew strategic bombing missions in support of the Daesh?

      Bring some facts to the table, "O"rdure.

    2. "If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts.
      If you have the law on your side, pound the law.
      If you have neither on your side, pound the table."

    3. Jack, I deny you are a truth teller.

      I suggest you distort, lie, change words and cut and paste to fit whatever you think you wish to say.

    4. Bring what you consider to be the truth, supported by facts then, "O"rdure.

      But you never do that, because you cannot.
      The story of your life, at least here at the Elephant Bar, libel, lies and false accusations.

      Never supported by the truth or by factual reporting.
      It is always agitprop with you.

    5. This coming from a person that denies Israel is a nation?

      that the Jews are Jews?

      Go fuck yourself Jack.

  13. Miami's South Beach Welcomes Longines Global Champions Tour
    Sun, sea, sand and spectacular show jumping

    The very first round of the 2015 Longines Global Champions Tour show jumping championship will be staged from 2-4 April on the golden sands of Miami Beach, Florida, just inches from the rolling ocean directly opposite Collins Park. Over three days of competition, the greatest riders in the world will come together to battle for $879,000 in prizes across five 5* classes, including the world-renowned Longines Global Champions Tour Grand Prix and the prestigious American Invitational.

  14. Time to Ride invests in growing the horse industry
    American Horse Council’s Marketing Alliance grows to include 20 organizations and businesses.

    Since 2011 a group of executives representing some of the largest equine businesses and organizations have been working together to research, develop and deliver marketing initiatives to increase horse involvement. This Marketing Alliance created Time to Ride which is facilitated by the American Horse Council.

  15. Another 15 Air Strikes, in the last day.

    Another 50 (probably more, since one of the targets was a "large tactical unit) dead headcutters.

    You have to pay attention when Obama uses words like "sustainable."

    Not Walking - Not Talking - Just Daid

    1. Slowly, but steadily, drip by drip, the Daesh are being degraded.
      Where the Coalition is providing Close Air Support to the local forces on the ground, progress is being made.

      Slowly, but steadily, despite the chagrin it brings to those that do not appreciate the approach the US is taking.

    2. Yeah, whether there are 20,000 headcutters, or 40,000, hardly makes a difference. They can't survive a Sustained barrage of this type.

      They'll win a few small, temporary fights, but they'll lose the big battles (e.g. Kobane, and the ones to come in Mosul, and Fallujah.)

  16. Qatar’s Al Jazeera network got their hands caught in the proverbial felafel jar today when it recycled pictures of dead children from an accident months ago, claiming they were killed in Egypt’s overnight bombing of ISIS positions in Derna, Libya.

    The pictures were posted on both the Al Jazeera website and their Facebook page. The picture has been changed on their website and the Facebook post has been removed, but I did screen capture the Facebook posting:

    Read more:

    1. You captured the Facebook page of Al Jazeera, "O"rdure?

      That is as close to a Semite as you've ever gotten!

    2. That news means that Al Jazeera is no more reliable than Brian Williams and NBC

    3. I notice you do not comment on the substance of the post.

    4. No reason to. I have no connection to Al Jazeera, no interest in their Facebook page, no interest in their web site.

      If you depend upon Facebook for your information, well, it explains a lot about what you say.

    5. Being part of Bibi's Social Media Commando Facebook may be of importance, to you, but ...
      Facebook is not really considered a reliable source.

    6. I recall that allen sourced a Facbook report that Baghdad was under attack by the Daesh and was about to fall.

      The report and the conclusions drawn from it, a lie.

    7. The idea that a Wahhabist news source would provide false reporting, not very shocking, not even very news worthy.

    8. I do wonder, though, if you captured the screen shot, why did you not post on your own blog?

  17. Fighter jets based in Jordan belonging to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have struck oil refineries under the control of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant armed group, the UAE's state news agency has said.

    WAM said on Monday that the F-16 fighter jets had returned safely to Jordan where they were deployed earlier this month under orders from Abu Dhabi's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahayan.

    At the time, the country had said that the deployment was aimed at supporting Jordan's military in the fight against "the brutal terrorist organisation," a reference to the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

    Jordan's information minister said on Monday that Bahrain has deployed fighter jets to Jordan to support its fight against the armed group.

    "This move highlights the brotherly ties between Jordan and Bahrain, and comes in line with our belief in the importance of the war against terrorism," Information . . . . . .

    Back in the Fight


  18. Boehner: Don't rule out Homeland Security shutdown

  19. .

    Perhaps he thinks that merely reading the position papers of others makes the reader complicit.

    Nonsense, rat, you weren't merely quoting sources you were using the Kavkaz Center link to make your point about Kissenger's purported quote. In affect, you were using a site associated with jihadist terrorists as an appeal to authority. You did it either by intent or through felony stupidity.

    It's obvious.



    1. Facebook is not really considered a reliable source.


      See the post above.

      The irony is palpable.


    2. The Kissinger quote is all over the Web, Legionnaire.
      Probably a hundred different sources, all going back to the NY Post.

      If you wish to object to the quote, call the NY Post.

    3. Jack your trade is lying,,,,

      You misdirect, misquote and distort everything you post.

      NOTHING comes from you that is reliable.

      But we all now that.

      Debating with you is like debating with a 4 year old.

      Except you are a self confessed criminal, most 4 year olds have not killed like you...

    4. The NY Post never retracted the story, Mr Kissinger never said it was inaccurate, despite its wide dispersal.

    5. .

      Probably a hundred different sources, all going back to the NY Post.

      Yet, you choose a terrorist groups website.

      Telling, not only about your judgment but also about your reading habits. But then, we have seen some of the weird 'sources' you have quoted here before.


    6. Print the confession, "O"rdure.
      Post it, time stamped and linked.

      But we all know you cannot do that, because there is no such confession.
      There never was.

    7. First one I found, and it mirrored all the others, Legionnaire Q

      The content remained the same.

    8. Content is King, Legionnaire.

      How is your short story writing coming?

    9. That well, aye.
      Or did you give up on that project, as well?

    10. .

      How is your short story writing coming?

      Good. New content pops up here every day.

      Have you repeated that assignment I gave you yet?


    11. You are not on the list of folks that are authorized to assign projects, Legionnaire.

      Your failure to perform, as promised, is telling.

    12. The content just was not there, was it.

    13. And always remember, Legionnaire ...

      Content is King

    14. .

      Documenting your lies, misrepresentations, your false accusations and suspect quotes is merely a clerical task, rat. Easy peasy. You provide material on a daily basis. Your posts on the Kissinger's quote and about WiO's business just a couple you have repeated in the last couple days. They go to and beyond your lying through the truncating of WiO's quotes on the Gaza operation. It is in your nature. We have seen that nature in the bullshit you throw out in trying to justify your lack of English language skills as when trying to explain your misuse of common idioms. It's just second nature to you.

      You are a serial liar and bullshitter, rat. You need discipline.

      You have been given your assignment. Do it. Do it now.


    15. A task you cannot complete.

      The task, whatever it may be, you best do yourself

    16. A clerical task you cannot complete.

    17. .

      You waste my time, rat.

      Get back to me when you have completed your assignment.


  20. Happy Abe Lincoln Day to Deuce.

    1. The Congress stripped Abe of his holiday, "Draft Dodger", get up to speed, will you.

  21. Happy Felony Stupidity Day Every Day to rat.

    1. We do celebrate your contributions, daily, Draft Dodger Peterson.

  22. .

    Fearing leaks, U.S. 'limiting' information it shares with Israel on Iran nuke talks

    The Americans fear Netanyahu will make use of the information given to Israel for his own political needs, and will try to undermine the talks between Iran and the big powers.

    As a result of the recent tension between the United States and Israel, the White House has begun to limit the scope, quality and depth of the information it shares with Jerusalem about the progress of the talks with Iran about its nuclear program, senior Israeli officials involved in the issue have told Haaretz...


    1. What obama's excuse for not sharing it with the people of the United States?

      Afraid we will object to saying "SURRENDER" in Farsi?

  23. Evidently, they have a reason for their concerns:

    The decision to reduce the exchange of sensitive information about the Iran talks was prompted by concerns that Netanyahu’s office had given Israeli journalists sensitive details of the U.S. position, including a U.S. offer to allow Iran to enrich uranium with 6,500 or more centrifuges as part of a final deal.

    Obama administration officials believed . . . . . . .

    Washington Post

  24. Fearing leaks, U.S. 'limiting' information it shares with Israel on Iran nuke talks

    The Americans fear Netanyahu will make use of the information given to Israel for his own political needs, and will try to undermine the talks between Iran and the big powers.

    You only have to watch a four minute video of Netanyahu in his own words and you know enough to keep him out of the loop.

    1. "that Netanyahu’s office had given Israeli journalists sensitive details of the U.S. position"

      Had Given

    2. Interesting point of view Deuce, by cutting out Israel from the talks?


      Israel should be included as Iran's threats are directed at her.

      But if Israel is excluded, then Israel will determine what is right for her, regardless of any pussy appeasing deal the Iranian loving president in the Whitehouse signs.

      Israel should, at it's liking, start taking out Revolutionary Guard targets in Syria as well as bombing the Iranian plutonium plant it's building in Syria as well

    3. Israel should not advise Obama of any actions as obama has leaked to the press several times sensitive intel on Israeli actions.

    4. Israel has slowly become Deuce's white whale of evil, his Moby Dick.

      It's sad to watch.

      The lesson of that great book is life's a bitch, a mixture of good and bad, and not to get hung up, and think you can 'fix' it, and that something somewhere is all the fault, and that one should chill out a bit, and do the best with it one can with it, perhaps just at home with a warm family circle, otherwise one is liable to add to the woes.

      Monomania is a curse.

  25. Good to see Egypt bombing ISIS.

    A coalition is forming.

    ISIS is making too many enemies.

    Hopefully the old rule will still prevail, that one can't kill one's way to paradise, and evil will burn itself out, and self destruct eventually..

    1. According to The Egyptian Government ISIS and Hamas are twin feathers from the same wing of terror, the Moslem Brotherhood.

      That's why Egypt 2 weeks ago declared hamas a terrorist group.

      Hamas, the 1/2 of the Unity government of the Palestinians that America supports and funds.

      America who legally say Hamas is a terrorist organization pays it....

      In violation of US law.


  26. Try to talk about the policies we need in a depressed world economy, and someone is sure to counter with the specter of Weimar Germany, supposedly an object lesson in the dangers of budget deficits and monetary expansion. But the history of Germany after World War I is almost always cited in a curiously selective way. We hear endlessly about the hyperinflation of 1923, when people carted around wheelbarrows full of cash, but we never hear about the much more relevant deflation of the early 1930s, as the government of Chancellor Brüning — having learned the wrong lessons — tried to defend Germany’s peg to gold with tight money and harsh austerity.

    And what about what happened before the hyperinflation, when the victorious Allies tried to force Germany to pay huge reparations? That’s also a tale with a lot of modern relevance, because it has a direct bearing on the crisis now brewing over Greece.

    The point is that now, more than ever, it is crucial that Europe’s leaders remember the right history. If they don’t, the European project of peace and democracy through prosperity will not survive.

    About those reparations: The basic story here is that Britain and France, instead of viewing the newly established German democracy as a potential partner, treated it as a conquered enemy, demanding that it make up their own wartime losses. This was deeply unwise — and the demands placed on Germany were impossible to meet, for two reasons. First, Germany’s economy had already been devastated by the war. Second, the true burden on that shrunken economy would — as John Maynard Keynes explained in his angry, powerful book “The Economic Consequences of the Peace” — be far greater than the direct payments to the vengeful Allies.

    In the end, and inevitably, the actual sums collected from Germany fell far short of Allied demands. But the attempt to levy tribute on a ruined nation — incredibly, France actually invaded and occupied the Ruhr, Germany’s industrial heartland, in an effort to extract payment — crippled German democracy and poisoned relations with its neighbors.

    Which brings us to the confrontation between Greece and its creditors.

    You can argue that Greece brought its problems on itself, although it had a lot of help from irresponsible lenders. At this point, however, the simple fact is that Greece cannot pay its debts in full. Austerity has devastated its economy as thoroughly as military defeat devastated Germany — real Greek G.D.P. per capita fell 26 percent from 2007 to 2013, compared with a German decline of 29 percent from 1913 to 1919.

    Despite this catastrophe, Greece is making payments to its creditors, running a primary surplus — an excess of revenue over spending other than interest — of around 1.5 percent of G.D.P. And the new Greek government is willing to keep running that surplus. What it is not willing to do is meet creditor demands that it triple the surplus, and keep . . . . . .

    Weimar on the Aegean

    1. From you Krugman op/ed:

      "government whose leaders are, from everything I’ve heard, sincerely committed to democratic ideals."

      so, because a democratically elected government doesn't want to honor its contracts, why that's just fine?

      quirk, I'll respond re AUMF tomorrow

    2. Q will be busy with his clerical work, Ash.
      You should not disturb him, he has a hard enough time finishing, as it is

    3. .

      Have you completed that assignment I gave you, rat?

      If not, do it now.


  27. Are the Martians getting pissed ?

    16 February 2015 Last updated at 11:00 ET

    Mystery Mars haze baffles scientists
    Rebecca Morelle By Rebecca Morelle Science Correspondent, BBC News

  28. Israeli-US public sparring over the Iranian issue continued Monday, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asking, if the emerging agreement with Tehran is a good one, why hide the details? Netanyahu’s comments at the annual meeting in Jerusalem of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations came the same day that The Washington Post’s David Ignatius reported that the US had decided to “reduce the exchange of sensitive information about the Iran talks,” because of a concern that Netanyahu’s office had leaked “sensitive details” of the US position.

    Just as Iran knows what agreement it is being offered, it is only natural that Israel should know as well, since it is the most threatened by a nuclear Iran, Netanyahu said; adding that Israel’s consistent position is that the proposed accords are a danger to Israel’s security.

    “But if there is someone who thinks it is a good deal, why is there a need to hide it?” he asked.

    1. Unless Obama is selling out Israel?

      Throwing them under the bus?

      Throwing the Jew down the well.....

      Yep, peace thru genocide...

      Destroy the Jews and Israel and then have a gay ole time...

    2. The only thing consistent about Netanyahu is his lies and hoodwinking the Conga Line. The ones dying and getting maimed for Netanyahu’s lies are young Americans, somewhere between 30,000 and 100,000. I doubt 1% were Jews.

      Watch the smug prick in the video and the Republican sycophants throwing him a whiffle ball

  29. Hamas is tired of now gazans dying...

    Needs a little excitement...

    Two mortars fired from the southern Gaza Strip on Monday exploded within the Palestinian territory, a few hundred meters from the border with Israel.

    Maybe next time their rockets can kill a few Israelis...

  30. my bad

    Hamas is tired of gazans not dying...

  31. Libya is where the Islamic State group has built up its strongest presence outside Syria and Iraq. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi is lobbying Europe and the United States for a coordinated international response similar to the coalition air campaign in those countries.

    "What is happening in Libya is a threat to international peace and security," said El-Sissi.

  32. Notice the Lobby does not post a single comment on the content of the video. None to this point.

    It is all about the poor Jews being singled out by everyone that doesn’t love them. They are being thrown under the bus, setting up to be libeled, killed, destroyed, thrown down wells, hit with rockets, subjected to genocide,

    Israel has become my Moby Dick but not a peep about Netanyahu’s lies to the Conga Line and them lapping it up and the net results are US military casualties in the tens of thousands and Iraq ruined with casualties in the hundreds of thousands, but it is all about the poor misunderstood Jews. We just don’t get it.

    All of this diversion and nonsense from the two that stand tall with America and Israel of course.

    1. .

      IMO, Bush and his neocon mandarins didn't require any cheer leading from Israel to create the FUBAR that was Iraq II.


    2. Don’t underestimate the stupidity and ignorance of The Christian fundamentalists, Bush being one of them.

    3. I watched the video and found Bibi spot on...

      If you choose to rewrite history? Your call.

      Saddam had wmd, he USED them on the kurds and the marsh arabs.

      Saddam had a nuke program, so of it real and some of it bluff.

      regardless Iraq tried to build a nuke plant and it was destroyed...

  33. Every Zionist operative, Netanyahu being at the head of the claque, wants the US to fight the wars that will advance the myth and the dream. That was the Neocon plan presented to General Clark and it is obvious to all who have followed the developments since the revelation and exposition of it.

    Netanyahu wants the US to attack Iran because according to Netanyahu, “The greatest threat facing the world today is the marriage between religious fanaticism and the weapons of mass destruction.” Well said. It describes Israel, the only aggressive power in the ME armed to the teeth and with the ultimate trove of WMDs, nuclear weapons.

    1. Actually Bibi wanted tough sanctions to prevent a war...

  34. Netanyahu knows that an agreement between the US with Iran and the lifting of sanctions would end the dream of Israeli expansion, not of Israel itself but of its Zionist aggrandizement. I wish Obama well.

    1. Israel knows that the appeasement of Iran and a deal that allows Iran to enrich uranium and covertly enrich plutonium, coupled with both Iran's takeover of Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and several other arab nations will allow Iran to continue to fund and supply Hezbollah and Hamas with more and more lethal weapons.

      Israel has not expanded it's borders, it has given back more land than it now holds today.

      Iran is seeking the genocide of Israel and the jews, but you don't care, you want Israel to become the "non-zionist" entity you dream of...

      Death of Israel.

      Sorry if Bibi and the Jews don't go without a fight.

  35. Monday, February 16, 2015

    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.

  36. He makes a deal with Iran and he will leave office north of 55-60%.

  37. He may be skinny but he has a good arm with his harpoon.

  38. Americans that I know don't like to say "I surrender" to the mullahs of Iran...

    Maybe you like to appease evil?

    I dont

    1. You specialize in hyphenated Americans. I prefer mine neat.
