Tuesday, February 17, 2015

ISIS, The outcome of the US destruction of Iraq - We heard in the previous post, Bibi Netanyahu lying before the US Congress about WMD’s in Iraq - Hear is what an honest man had to say at the same time

45 people ‘burned to death’ by ISIS jihadists in Iraq

Published time: February 17, 2015 23:58

Islamic State militants have reportedly burnt 45 people alive near the town al-Baghdadi in western Iraq. News of the atrocities follows the recent beheading of 21 Christians in Libya and the brutal burning to death of a Jordanian pilot.

According to local police chief Colonel Qasim al-Obeidi, cited by the BBC, some of the executed people may be from Iraqi security forces, but no precise data was given. Al-Obeidi also reportedly said the town was under attack, particularly its security forces and official buildings, and asked the Iraqi government and international community for help.

The town al-Baghdadi in Anbar province was seized by the militants last Thursday. It is located only eight kilometers away from the Iraqi air base Ain al-Asad, which houses over 300 American Marines who train local forces. The militants unsuccessfully attempted to capture the base on Friday as well, even using several suicide bombers in the attack.

About 90 percent of the territory of the al-Baghdadi district is under the control of the Islamic State, Reuters reported, citing an Iraqi official.
In another setback for the fight against the Islamic State, one of the commanders of Shia militia forces, cleric Moqtada Sadr, declared that his troops have withdrawn from a larger Shia militia group fighting the extremists. Sadr said that Shia groups not under his control were “wreaking havoc through murdering, kidnapping and violating sanctuaries.” The militia has been accused of brutality towards Sunni civilians.The news follows several acts of extreme violence committed by the insurgents. A video released on Sunday showed the beheading of 21 Christian Egyptians kidnapped in Libya. The next day, the Egyptian Air Forces hit Islamic state position in Libya.

The current crime is the second case of burning people to death this year. In the beginning of February, the insurgents released a video showing the execution of Jordanian pilot Moath ak-Kasasbeh. Al-Kasasbeh was captured by militants in late December, when they downed his jet over Syria as it participated in US-led airstrikes against the militant group. According to the video, he was burned alive in a cage.


  1. This may sound strange to someone who has never been there, . . . . but, . . . .

    I hope those American Trainers have the arms that they will need to protect themselves if that Iraqi "army" collapses around them.

    1. I think of these assholes, and I think of "Helter Skelter."

      These pricks think that if they can bring us back in, they can start a worldwide Sunni/infidel War.

    2. Umm, dude, 'you' already are back in!

    3. No, dude, you don't understand. They want the "troops" back in.

    4. Interesting move by Moqtada Sadr.

    5. Who said it did? No one really gives a fuck about Israel.

      Give it a rest.

    6. The troops going to Kuwait, from Fort Carson, that deployment has been planned for over a year, well before the dust-up with Daesh.

    7. The goal of ISIS is not to win debating points. ( e.g. dude, the U.S. already has troops in Iraq.)

      A few bombs blowin' up some folks that everyone knows are bloodthirsty assholes, anyway, and a few "trainers" stashed away out of sight in secure locations aren't going to get the job done. That won't excite the populace into war.

      They want to go back to the days of hundreds of thousands of combat troops traipsing around all over their "sacred sunni ground, pissing off the locals, and infuriating the preachers. They need their enemies right there, in plain sight, raising hell. That's how you get an uprising going.

    8. And, they know that if they can just burn up one American Serviceman, they can get their ground troops. Just one. I sure hope those guys have what they need.

    9. Rufus's point is exactly why the Iraqi government does not want US or Coalition ground combat troops deployed in Iraq.

      The Iraqi need to coalesce around the threat that the Daesh represent.
      Read the Max Boot article that Anonymous posted, he mentions the need to reinvigorate the Sunni tribesmen.
      That is already happening, albeit slower than some would like, but it is their country, their political situation. The solution to their political challenges has to be 'home grown', not imposed by US.

  2. Weapons are a function of technology and money. Israel had several hundred nuclear weapons. Saddam had four hundred chemical rockets. I recall the absurdity of the US brass trying to demonstrate the WMD’s that they were finding and doing it with a straight face. The US had everything possible. Saddam recognized the peril in showing a weak hand in a very tough neighborhood. How tough? Look at what has happened since he was hanged.

    On the previous post, we saw Netanyahu, with 200-300 nuclear weapons, lying to the US Congress to provoke them into doing his dirty work. The consequences are obvious. Ron Paul was right. Mike Scheur was right. The Left was right and the Neocons and most everyone else was pitifully wrong and a lot of good people were killed and lives destroyed.

    Netanyahu is back again, this time about Iran. He should be arrested rather than hosted. He is a war criminal.

  3. Max Boot says ...

    A reasonable goal for the United States would be neither to "degrade" ISIS (vague and insufficient) nor to "destroy" it (too ambitious for the present), but rather to "defeat" or "neutralize" it, ending its ability to control significant territory and reducing it to, at worst, a small terrorist group with limited reach.

    This is what happened with ISIS's predecessor, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, during 2007 and 2008, before its rebirth amid the chaos of the Syrian civil war. It is possible to inflict a similar fate on ISIS, which, for all of its newfound strength, is less formidable and less organized than groups like Hezbollah and the Taliban, which operate with considerable state support from Iran and Pakistan, respectively.

    Although not as potent a fighting force as Hezbollah or the Taliban, ISIS is an even bigger threat to the United States and its allies because it has attracted thousands of foreign fighters who could return to commit acts of terrorism in their homelands.

    What It Will Take to Defeat ISIS

    To defeat ISIS, the president needs to dispatch more aircraft, military advisers, and special operations forces, while loosening the restrictions under which they operate. The president also needs to do a better job of mobilizing support from Sunnis in Iraq and Syria, as well as from Turkey, by showing that he is intent on deposing not only ISIS but also the equally murderous Alawite regime in Damascus. Specific steps include:

    Intensify air strikes. So far, the U.S. bombing campaign against ISIS has been remarkably restrained, as revealed by a comparison with the strikes against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan after 9/11.

    When the Taliban lost control of Afghanistan between October 7, 2001, and December 23, 2001—a period of 75 days—U.S. aircraft flew 6,500 strike sorties and dropped 17,500 munitions. By contrast, between August 8, 2014, and October 23, 2014—76 days—the United States conducted only 632 airstrikes and dropped only 1,700 munitions in Iraq and Syria. Such episodic and desultory bombing will not stop any determined military force, much less one as fanatical as ISIS.


    1. Max Boot is an idiot. This is a different war, against a different enemy, that is dispersed in a different way, in a different country, and environment.

    2. Max Boot is right about the "defeat," and "neutralize" part of the equation.

    3. We just have to be very careful, and yes, patient in how we do it.

    4. This is why Obama has been adamant, so far, against the use of American "Troops" as spotters.

      If we ever do allow Americans to be used as FACs, I hope they have a Squad of Special Ops, or Combat-experienced Marines around them.

    5. Half facing front, and half facing back.

    6. Rufus IITue Feb 17, 11:20:00 PM EST

      We just have to be very careful, and yes, patient in how we do it.

      Hey wait a minute. I thought ISIS was going to be toast by July 4th, 2015.

    7. When the Daesh fold, they will fold all at once, just like the did in Kobane.

      Mosul is the key, in Iraq.
      Finding an "Active Partner" in Syria is key, if we refuse to partner with Assad, that will make it tougher.

  4. Whole thing sounds like a big fail for the rat doctrine so far.

    And the support for ISIS among the Sunnis is being underestimated.

  5. God rest ye, merry gentlemen, and g'nite

    Cheers !
