Thursday, January 12, 2012

Marines Piss on Dead Taliban Parade


  1. Hey, if they deserved to be killed, they surely deserved to be pissed on. The camera confirmed that none of the squad were Mensa candidates.

    The Taliban may have been pissed on but these guys are heading into a shit storm.

  2. Unfortunately for them:

    Rule 113. Treatment of the Dead

    Rule 113. Each party to the conflict must take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled. Mutilation of dead bodies is prohibited.


    State practice establishes this rule as a norm of customary international law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts.

    International armed conflicts

    The obligation to take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled (or pillaged) was first codified in the 1907 Hague Convention (X).[1] It is now also codified in the Geneva Conventions.[2] It is also contained in Additional Protocol I,[3] albeit in more general terms of “respecting” the dead, which includes the notion of preventing the remains from being despoiled.[4]
    The obligation to take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled or the prohibition of the despoliation of the dead is set forth in numerous military manuals.[5] The despoliation of dead bodies is an offence under the legislation of many States.[6] In the Pohl case in 1947, the US Military Tribunal at Nuremberg stated that robbing the dead “is and always has been a crime”.[7] In addition, the prohibition of despoliation of dead bodies is an application of the general prohibition of pillage (see Rule 52).
    The prohibition of mutilating dead bodies in international armed conflicts is covered by the war crime of “committing outrages upon personal dignity” under the Statute of the International Criminal Court, which according to the Elements of Crimes also applies to dead persons (see commentary to Rule 90).[8]
    Many military manuals prohibit the mutilation or other maltreatment of the dead.[9] Mutilation of the dead is an offence under the legislation of many States.[10] In several trials after the Second World War, the accused were convicted on charges of mutilation of dead bodies and cannibalism.[11] The prohibition on mutilating the dead is further supported by official statements and other practice.[12]

  3. [1] Hague Convention (X), Article 16 (cited in Vol. II, Ch. 35, § 125).
    [2] First Geneva Convention, Article 15, first paragraph (ibid., § 126); Second Geneva Convention, Article 18, first paragraph (ibid., § 127); Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 16, second paragraph (ibid., § 128).
    [3] Additional Protocol I, Article 34(1) (adopted by consensus) (ibid., § 59).
    [4] Yves Sandoz, Christophe Swinarski, Bruno Zimmermann (eds.), Commentary on the Additional Protocols, ICRC, Geneva, 1987, § 446.
    [5] See, e.g., the military manuals of Argentina (cited in Vol. II, Ch. 35, § 134), Australia (ibid., § 135), Belgium (ibid., § 136), Benin (ibid., § 137), Burkina Faso (ibid., § 138), Cameroon (ibid., § 139), Canada (ibid., §§ 140–141), Congo (ibid., § 142), France (ibid., § 143), Germany (ibid., § 144), Kenya (ibid., § 145), Lebanon (ibid., § 146), Madagascar (ibid., § 147), Mali (ibid., § 148), Morocco (ibid., § 149), Netherlands (ibid., § 150), New Zealand (ibid., § 151), Nigeria (ibid., § 152), Romania (ibid., § 153), Senegal (ibid., § 154), Spain (ibid., § 155), Switzerland (ibid., § 156), Togo (ibid., § 157), United Kingdom (ibid., §§ 158–159) and United States (ibid., §§ 160–164).
    [6] See, e.g., the legislation (ibid., §§ 165–234).
    [7] United States, Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Pohl case (ibid., § 235).
    [8] Elements of Crimes for the ICC, Definition of committing outrages upon personal dignity as a war crime (ICC Statute, Footnote 49 relating to Article 8(2)(b)(xxi)).
    [9] See, e.g., the military manuals of Australia (ibid., § 67), Bosnia and Herzegovina (ibid., § 68), Canada (ibid., §§ 69–70), Ecuador (ibid., § 71), Israel (ibid., § 72), Republic of Korea (ibid., §§ 73–74), Netherlands (ibid., §§ 75–76), New Zealand (ibid., § 77), Nigeria (ibid., § 78), Philippines (ibid., § 79), South Africa (ibid., § 80), Spain (ibid., § 81), Switzerland (ibid., § 82), United Kingdom (ibid., §§ 83–84) and United States (ibid., §§ 85–87).
    [10] See, e.g., the legislation of Australia (ibid., §§ 88–89), Bangladesh (ibid., § 90), Canada (ibid., § 91), Congo (ibid., § 92), Ethiopia (ibid., § 93), Ireland (ibid., § 94), Italy (ibid., §§ 95–96), Lithuania (ibid., § 97), Netherlands (ibid., § 98), New Zealand (ibid., § 99), Norway (ibid., § 100), Spain (ibid., § 101), Switzerland (ibid., § 102), United Kingdom (ibid., § 104) and Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (ibid., § 105); see also the draft legislation of Trinidad and Tobago (ibid., § 103).
    [11] Australia, Military Court at Wewak, Takehiko case (ibid., § 106); Australia, Military Court at Rabaul, Tisato case (ibid., § 107); United States, Military Commission at Yokohama, Kikuchi and Mahuchi case (ibid., § 109); United States, Military Commission at the Mariana Islands, Yochio and Others case (ibid., § 110); United States, General Military Court at Dachau, Schmid case (ibid., § 111).
    [12] See, e.g., the statement of the United States (ibid., § 115) and the practice of Azerbaijan (ibid., § 112).

  4. At the Pentagon, Captain John Kirby said the defense department was "deeply troubled" by the video.

    "Whoever it is, and whatever the circumstances - which we know is under investigation - it is egregious behavior and unacceptable for a member of the military," said Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman.

    Ambassador Marc Grossman is due to visit Afghanistan and Qatar next week for talks with the Afghan and Qatari governments.

  5. That's my boys.

    Dumb fucks.

    That ought to be good for six months brig-time, and a dishonorable.


  6. As for the eyes. If you're playing Texas Holdem, never look at the flop, turn, or river.

    Wear lightly tinted glasses, tuned for 4 to 7 ft, and, at the last moment, as the dealer is putting out the card(s), look directly into the eyes of your opponent (or, the one you're most concerned about.)

    If he likes the card(s) he will blink, ever so slightly, and immediately avert his eyes. If you see that he, also, isn't watching the card(s), but is watching Your eyes, leave, and find an easier game. :)

  7. Now obviously, there are a number of caveats involved. More and more voters are identifying as independent, especially in New Hampshire, even though they typically behave in a partisan matter.

    And perhaps disaffection with Obama also led to a spike in turnout among Democrats and true independents. But either way, this is worth keeping in mind when you hear reports of the "record" turnout.

    From my observations, Republican events have been generally low energy both in Iowa and New Hampshire, especially when compared with what we saw on the Democratic side in 2008.

  8. The players that are the hardest to read, obviously, are the "animated" players - those that are constantly talking, laughing, yelling, drinking, and having a high old time.

    Most of your top players are high on something. Usually some derivative of cocaine. Occasionally alcohol.

    The most dangerous player is one that is half-drunk, pissed off, and out to tear you a new one. They can be incredibly hard to read. Best to take a break, until they get full-on drunk, then they're a gift.

  9. The December lull is gone. As usual Chavez used the time to make lots of noise (naming Diosdado, naming Rangel Silva, threatening this and that) but the opposition this time did not have to reply as it was busy doing the door to door thing instead of wasting time in public rhetoric.


    Since all the real action and drama is within chavismo, puzzlingly the opposition with 6 primary candidates look almost restful, so let's start with them.


    Here, as we say in Venezuela, "la procesion va por dentro". Loosely meaning that there is no public displays but that does not mean that things are not difficult inside.

    Venezuelan Candidates

  10. Your face will flush slightly if you think you're about to get laid, or if you like the cards. That's one reason the drunk is so dangerous. His face is already flushed from alcohol. Plus, he is more aggressive. And, Agression wins.

  11. The Supreme Court has sided unanimously with a church sued for firing an employee on religious grounds, issuing an opinion on Wednesday that religious employers can keep the government out of hiring and firing decisions.


    Roberts added that this particular case is based on the ministerial exception's use in dismissing the discrimination claim but does not bar other types of suits alleging breach of contract or "tortious conduct" by religious employers. The applicability of the exception to other circumstances would be dealt with separately "if and when they arise," he wrote.

    The high court's decision overturned an earlier decision by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

  12. Axelrod also claimed that the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision in 2009 had let corporations spend massive amounts of money on elections–neglecting to mention that the ruling also applied to unions, and that the case rested on principles of free speech. Conversely, he praised the administration’s efforts to push campaign finance legislation through the Senate–failing to mention that the bill only applied to corporations.

    Clearly, Axelrod’s purpose was not to inform, but to inspire. He suggested that Obama would reiterate the “hope and change” message of his 2008 campaign in 2012, and would emphasize economic equality as well as economic growth.

    Axelrod’s defense of Jeremiah Wright, however, is a sign that the Obama camp is still resisting and obscuring the degree to which Obama’s own inspirations and ideas remain outside the political mainstream.

  13. They're not going to throw Oprah's old preacher under the bus.

    Of course Mr Obama is going to fun on economic equality for the "Middle Class".

    Watch that video:

    "The Day Mitt Romney Came to Town"

    then imagine the 30 second commercials that can be harvested from it. And how the Obama Super PACs can easily produce their own version of the Mitt Romney 1%er story.

    1%ers, have always been outlaws, the American Motorcycle Association set that standard, back in the day.

  14. As for the Marines, to bad for them.

    Same stupidity as occurred at Abu Ghraib, they took pictures.

  15. Pull out them tallywhackers, guys. This'll make a Great Youtube Video.

    fucking morons.

    To paraphrase Patton: They're going to wish they'd kissed those fuckers instead.

  16. Off to Chattanooga, folks.

    Mercy run. Understand the latest Rufii done ate Chattanooga out of formula.

    Be good. Have fun. (pick one.)


  17. Poor anoni, never learned enough history to know it was the desert rats that kept the NAZI and the Grand Mufti out of Jerusalem.

    Stopped Rommel and his Afrika Korps in Egypt, in 1942 at al Alamein, they did.

    If there were no desert rats, the Germans would have gained Arabia and the Mufti would have seen to a different solution, in Palestine.

    But only one with a knowledge of modern military history would understand the depth of references when I selected the nom de guerre.

  18. But only one with a knowledge of modern military history would understand the depth of references when I selected the nom de guerre.

    o jesus

  19. I fought with the 1st British Armored Division at Marsa Matrouh. We amassed 160 tanks 'gainst jerry. 60 were the powerful Grants, I was gunner in one of them. Jesus was it hot. Rommel whupped us, but we sent a lot of jerry to valhalla. We didn't despoil the bodies, but it was a good day for the vultures.

  20. But only one with a knowledge of modern military history would understand the depth of references when I selected the nom de guerre.

    o really, sweet sweet jesus

  21. And they wore khaki shorts, tambien.

    Then there was the TV show, Rat Patrol back when smoking was socially acceptable.

  22. Sweet Jesus did not enter into my considerations for a pen name on blogger, boobie.

    Having no reason to seek that guidance in search of an anonym, but that you think that the reasoning for my choice worthy of calling the divine in praise, oh so special.

  23. They wore cool hats, too

    Though the music has certainly changed. I was not so jacked up, back in the day.

  24. Wow! Those dust caps are really really cool!

    We didn't have them.

    We tied canvas o'er the barrels at Matrouh.

  25. You sleep tight now, o great desert crapper, I'm goin' to bed.


  26. What do you expect? I thought we are at war. Does it matter how you kill your enemy? What is more disgusting, the killing of these men or their killers defiling of their bodies? This is war. This is the way it is with insult, injury, death and destruction. Certainly, a short while before this video was taken the men on the ground were trying to kill those standing. Had it been the other way around who knows what special mutilation of the Americans corpses the Taliban would have chosen for their defilement. The iretractability and ultimate futility of these events should be a warning to groups in SA whose respect and tolerance for each other is at such a low ebb due to failures of leadership. The dead know nothing of insults, just the living feel either powerfull or disgusted, victory or defeat - this is the way it is.

  27. There is more promised land out there than we thought

    Astronomers see more planets than stars in galaxy

    SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The more astronomers look for other worlds, the more they find that it is a crowded and crazy cosmos. They think planets easily outnumber stars in our galaxy and they are even finding them in the strangest of places.

    And they have only begun to count.
    Three studies released Wednesday, in the journal Nature and at the American Astronomical Society's conference in Austin, Texas, demonstrate an extrasolar real estate boom. One study shows that in our Milky Way, most stars have planets. And since there are a lot of stars in our galaxy — about 100 billion — that means a lot of planets.

    "We're finding an exciting potpourri of things we didn't even think could exist," said Harvard University astronomer Lisa Kaltenegger, including planets that mirror "Star Wars" Luke Skywalker's home planet with twin suns and a mini-star system with a dwarf sun and shrunken planets.

    "We're awash in planets where 17 years ago we weren't even sure there were planets" outside our solar system, said Kaltenegger, who wasn't involved in the new research.

    Astronomers are finding other worlds using three different techniques and peering through telescopes in space and on the ground.
    Confirmed planets outside our solar system — called exoplanets — now number well over 700, still-to-be-confirmed ones are in the thousands.

    NASA's new Kepler planet-hunting telescope in space is discovering exoplanets that are in a zone friendly to life and detecting planets as small as Earth or even tinier. That is moving the field of looking for some kind of life outside Earth from science fiction toward plain science.
    One study in Nature this week figures that the Milky Way averages at least 1.6 large planets per star. And that is likely a dramatic underestimate.

  28. The way it should be wacker, is for US to leave.

    No good will come from staying on in Afpakistan another day.

    Osama is dead and Doc Z has fallen off the face of the earth.
    Certainly he is not finding haven in Afghanistan. The drones could operate from the sea, if need be.

    The "pilots" are in Nevada, anyway.

  29. I see this urination as nothing more than a freedom of speech issue but then again it could be a new waterboarding technique.

  30. On another raw video, It sounds like a woman in the background saying, “have a great day buddy.”

    There are no weapons on the ground and a turned over empty wheelbarrow.

  31. I suspect this is an older video.

  32. Will Mitch McConnell step up and put his Country before his Party?

    Warren Buffett: I'll Match Any Republican Donation to Pay Down the Federal Debt

    Business mogul Warren Buffet is promising to match any donation Republican members make toward cutting the national deficit.

    And he upped the ante when it came to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), saying he would match the leader's donations three-to-one.

    His pledge comes after McConnell said that if Buffett is feeling guilty about not paying more in taxes, he should just send in a check.

    "With regard to his tax rate, if he’s feeling guilty about it, I think he should send in a check," McConnell said on NBC's "Meet the Press" in September.

    Buffett told Time magazine: "It restores my faith in human nature to think that there are people who have been around Washington all this time and are not yet so cynical as to think that [the deficit] can’t be solved by voluntary contributions.

    And, I’ll even go three for one for McConnell."

    Read more:

  33. Well, more than jury nullification, there is prosecutor nullification.
    Should the woman be charged, or the prosecutor?

    Not only is adultery illegal here in Arizona, but morality is legislated in half the United States as well.

    A man from Glendale got so fed up with his wife's alleged cheating, he filed a police report under the state's anti-adultery law.

    Dave Banks believes the archaic law should be enforced because he says there's nothing else being done to save families these days.

    He said more than 10 years ago, his wife started cheating on him. "She's had seven or eight affairs that I know of," he said.

    He stayed in the marriage, he said, because they have two sons. But Banks learned through Glendale's Victim Assistance Program that infidelity was not only a marital matter, it's criminal.

    ARS 13-1408 makes adultery a class-three misdemeanor in Arizona.
    He says it took years for Glendale PD to finally take his report.

    When his wife of 17 years, Traci Banks, got the call from Glendale Detective Larry Gonzales, she was amused.

    "Everybody thinks it's funny, everybody," she said.

    She says even though the couple is living separately, they are still legally married because she can't afford a divorce. She admits to having two affairs. "It's (the marriage) been over. Did I feel bad or guilty? No," she explained.

    Dave Banks says he got frustrated when the detective told him prosecutors would likely decline pursuing a conviction under the puritanical law.

    "How do they get to pick and choose which laws they can and can't enforce? They got somebody readily admitting guilt. Seems to me that's a rubber stamp right through the court system," he said.

    Banks said the detective also told him something else: "It's about time she got on with her life and you get on with yours."


  34. SANTORUM: Oh, look, I think what Newt just talked about with going after Governor Romney's record in Massachusetts is absolutely dead-on. Governor Romney's record in Massachusetts is deplorable. It's not a conservative record. It's tax increases, as he mentioned, $50 a taxpayer-funded abortions in "RomneyCare." There are a whole host of fees and things that the governor put in place that, actually, he even proposed and a Democratic legislature wouldn't go along with some of his tax increases.

    So you have a -- that's why I've been somewhat, you know, hesitant to go after his Bain Capital record. I don't want to divert attention away from his horrible record as governor and being a moderate to liberal governor in Massachusetts. That's the record I want -- as Newt said, gun control, abortion, and a very bad record on taxes and spending. Those are the kind of things that I want to talk about here in South Carolina.

    Read more:

  35. I would have shit on the bastards

  36. Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos said in a statement the behavior is "wholly inconsistent with the high standards of conduct and warrior ethos that we have demonstrated throughout our history."

    Lt. Gen. Adrian Bradshaw, deputy commander of ISAF, called the actions on the video "disgusting."

  37. Well Rat, one of the problems with our current political system is that laws tend to be made but rarely, if ever, un-made. You elect those pesky politicians, legislators, and they figure they gotta do what they get paid for and that is to legislate, legislate, legislate.

    legislate [ˈlɛdʒɪsˌleɪt]
    1. (Law) (intr) to make or pass laws
    2. (Law) (tr) to bring into effect by legislation

  38. You do not live life to the standards required of members of the United States Marine Corps.

  39. It is the result of an NCO with one or two stripes too many.

  40. Interesting thought Ash. Maybe we should limit the amount of laws, sort of like a debt limit. The only practical solution would be to give an incentive to take laws off the books.

  41. Both anoni and toshtu would, by their statements, fail to meet the Standards of the USMC.

    Ending up, as will those that violated the Marine Corps code of conduct by their actions, in the brig.

    As did those that photographed their miscreant behavior at Abu Ghraib. found themselves in the stockade.

    Lessons Learned ...
    ...leave the cameras in the ruck sack.

  42. NorKos Piss On Living

    And In Perpetuity Too

    A perpetual piss, that's a long piss.

  43. NoKo's late 'Dear Leader' to be stuffed and mounted
    Rick Moran

    Well, not really. But his remains will be on display "in perpetuity" says the new Dear Leader.

    Fox News:

    North Korea announced Thursday that the body of Kim Jong Il will lie in state in perpetuity in a Pyongyang palace and memorial towers will be built nationwide, as part of plans to honor the late leader.

    Kim died on December 17, 2011 of a heart attack at age 69 after 17 years in charge of the impoverished but nuclear-armed nation. His son Kim Jong Un has taken over the leadership.

    The ruling Communist Party, describing the late Kim as its "eternal leader," announced that his body would lie in state at the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, AFP reported.

    Kim's corpse was on display at the palace before an elaborate funeral on December 28. The embalmed body of his father, founding president Kim Il Sung, is on view to favored visitors at the building.

    The party, in a report carried by the official news agency, announced plans for a statue to Kim Jong Il. It also said smiling portraits "and towers to his immortality" would be built nationwide.

    His birthday on February 16, "the greatest auspicious holiday of the nation," would be named the Day of the Shining Star, according to the decision made by the political bureau of the party's central committee.

    Even if you're dead - when you got it, flaunt it, baby.

    You may recall they had the rotting corpse of Lenin on display in a mausoleum in Red Square for 75 years. Then Communism went kaput and they thought about moving it to someplace less conspicuous. They still might, but Putin won't budge on the issue.

    I wonder if the North Koreans will make rules when visiting Dear Leader's body like the Soviets did for viewing Lenin's corpse?

    All items capable of recording video or audio as well as taking a picture are strictly forbidden inside the mausoleum. All electronic items must be checked in a nearby building containing lockers. Before visitors are allowed to enter the mausoleum, armed police or military guards search each visitor. Visitors are required to show respect while in the tomb; photography and videotaping inside the mausoleum are forbidden, as are talking, smoking, keeping hands in pockets, or wearing hats (if male)

    I wouldn't be surprised if they make citizens enter on their knees and crawl toward the bier.

    Read more:

  44. While in Pakistan ...

    However, Talat Masood, a retired general and political analyst, said the immediate threat of a coup had receded and both sides had come out of exchange looking foolish.

    "They have stepped back from the brink," he said. "They realised they are not in a position to cross red lines."

    On Wednesday the military publicly rebuked Yousuf Raza Gilani the prime minister, after he criticised its most senior officer and the head of the Inter-Services Intelligence agency. In their statement, the generals also spoke of "potentially grievous consequences" – an ominous warning to a country with a history of military coups.

    Mr Gilani sacked his defence secretary in response.

  45. Is that Kim on top of the hearse?

    And Romney gets criticized for putting his dog on the top of station wagon.


  46. gravity, not grevity, gravity

  47. Interesting take by the talking head.

    The political debate in the US has moved beyond religion and race.

    It is going to focus on economics.
    Free & Fair Capitalism vs Laissez Faire Capitalism.

    Will the GOP still stand with Teddy Roosevelt, or will it succumb to power of Vulture Capitalists?

    Wherever in any business the prosperity of the businessman is obtained by lowering the wages of his workmen and charging an excessive price to the consumers we wish to interfere and stop such practices.

    We will not submit to that kind of prosperity any more than we will submit to prosperity obtained by swindling investors or getting unfair advantages over business rivals.

    Back to the future.
    On the train to Jacksonville.

  48. Try this for us, crapper--

    In December, 1868, Home gave what is perhaps his most famous performance. At his apartment in London, Home conducted a séance for three respected gentlemen. After some "conventional" spirit apparitions, Home began to walk around the room. His body elongated, according to the witnesses, then Home rose off the ground. Returning to the floor he then went into an adjoining room. The men heard a window open in that room and shortly after saw Home apparently floating in midair outside their window. The apartment was three stories up. Home opened the window from the outside, then "glided into the room feet foremost and sat down."

  49. We should recall that the last time the Republican Party elites rejected Teddy and his policies and proposals...

    Crashed and Burned.

    Circles and Cycles

  50. Sorry, boobie, but I do not channel the energies of the Ancient Aliens.

    Not being a new man I would need a parachute or a jet pack.

  51. We know that Mr Obama is already channeling Teddy Roosevelt.

    Both rhetorically and in policy.

    Both utilizing the US military to project power in Asia in an effort to protect the US economic interests established in China.

    Both advocating for Federal regulation to protect the common interests from the predatory practices of unconstrained Vulture capitalists.

  52. In the arousal of our ardor to prove our humane bona fides, let us not rush to judgment. No, my patriotic friends, let us pause for a few seconds and recall Major Hasan, late of the USA Medical Corps. For those who have forgotten, he is the Muslim-American terrorist who killed some number of his comrades at Fort Hood, Texas (gosh, how long ago was that).


  53. If Mr Romney is the nominee, the position of the current version of GOP will be crystallized.

  54. "Both anoni and toshtu would, by their statements, fail to meet the Standards of the USMC."

    God-damn right. Don't care.

    They'll all be smoked by each other soon enough. Good riddance.

  55. "“First they killed the Afghans with mortars, and they then urinated on their bodies,” Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said. “We strongly condemn this inhumane action by the wild American soldiers.”

    Dead Muzzie walking, piss on you. Have a pork rind.


    There, I think I got it right.

  57. I'm not sure how long it has been, since that Major was incarcerated.

    But I do know that it was immediately after the crime was committed.

    He has not been free a day since.

  58. With the speed that the military justice system operates, I hope these Marines are not incarcerated prior to judicial action is taken.

    That Wikileaks spy ...

    It has been more than 18 months since Private Bradley Manning was arrested...




  60. I hope these Marines are not incarcerated prior to WHENjudicial action is taken.

  61. Newt Gingrich seems to be thrashing around like a truly doomed, helpless, dying man.

    In those circumstances, one practices Amor Fati


  62. Newt will do what he always does.

    Bomb throwing and self promotion.

    He is going to get his payback on the spoiled "Rich Kid".
    That's what he does.

    Ask Jim Wright.

  63. Hey, jenny, wanna go disco?

    I always did love it, the way Tubbs loads that double barrel.

  64. There are still discos, aren't there?

  65. They're gonna call the remembrance day each year of Kim's death, The Day of the Shining Star, aka, The Day of the Flaming Ass Hole

  66. Pity the next poor bastard that gets captured by the Taliban. You follow rules of war, not because you are nice but with the hope that your own captured comrades will at least have a prayer.

    When you are an occupier in a foreign land, which we are, you do not want to create a political poster to support your own demise. It would be different if we were there to kill and leave but we are not. our mission is to leave a stable government.

    Thanks to these dopes and their criminally incompetent NCO, additional Americans will die and be wounded. As naive and misguided, IMO, as our Afghan mission is, these assholes made it a lot harder and wasted lives and bodies of American troops that served before them.

    Good work guys.

  67. See, boobie, the Egyptians were able to solve the blood succession challenge, while presenting a faux democracy to their electorate.

  68. The AP reports from Yemen that US policies are a continued success, there.

    The fighting pitted Shiite Hawthis against Sunni Salafi Islamists. Ten died on each side, officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity according to military protocol.

    The Hawthis fought a bloody six-year war against Saleh's government that ended with a cease-fire last year.

    Yemen's Salafis practice a hard-line interpretation of Islam similar to al-Qaida's.

    Read more here:

  69. .

    The AP reports from Yemen that US policies are a continued success, there.

    I still contend you are wacko rat if you think the US has a clue as to what they are doing in the ME.

    US 'success'?



  70. "Pity the next poor bastard that gets captured by the Taliban."

    So, what's changed?

  71. Now the Taliban will really really really hate us. They only really really hated us before.

    Fact is? Pissing on them? It's a good start, try sprinkling them w/ bacon bits....

  72. Well, Q, we've been funding the Yemen President for years.

    That non-government forces, radial Islamoids on both sides of the schism, are shooting it out.

    The US proxy is standing by, while both our foes kill each other

    That is success, planned or not.

    Falling into a good thing, certainly worked for the investors at Bain Capital.

  73. .

    Toshtu and Anonimo, you merely reflect the cultures you come from.

    Hopefully, the efforts of mouth breathing troglodytes like you will never become the norm for the US.


  74. The USA used to scalp injuns

  75. .

    Rat you take miscellaneous US actions and what you percieve to be positives as 'success' associated with US actions. You ignore that correlation does not necessarily equate to causation.

    Obama has many foreign policy policy successes he can cite. Our actions in the ME are not among them.

    The sainted Hillary has proven herself inadequate to the task there. She is not qualified by temperment, judgement, nor physical attributes to be SOS. We are lucky she is way beyond the stage were she suffers from PMS once a month or we would be in a world of shit.

    Even long time pros like John Mitchell have bailed out there.

    Based on past experiance and Occam's Razor, I at least assume any positive that comes out of the ME for the US is a matter of luck rather than skill.


  76. .

    The USA used to scalp injuns

    Yea, over a hundred years ago. It also used to hold slaves. One likes to think civilization progresses.

    Evidently not with some.

    Why don't you offer up some of the things the KKK did as part of your equivalancy argument.



  77. I did not say that the US caused the success, Q.

    Only that the reality on the ground, it is a success for US interests.
    Perhaps in spite of the intent of, or implementations of policy by, the folks that are in charge of it.

    Causation by "Ancient Aliens", perhaps?

  78. Why don't you offer up some of the things the KKK did as part of your equivalancy argument.

    Why don't you accept the deletion of that post by the author as a clue it should be dropped?

  79. Fact is? Pissing on them? It's a good start, try sprinkling them w/ bacon bits....

    Better yet, turn them into bacon bits, by remote control.

  80. Bob: There are still discos, aren't there?

    They're called raves now, and cocaine has been replaced by ecstasy (the substance, not the attitude).

  81. It has been more than 18 months since Private Bradley Manning was arrested...

    Too bad Pvt. Manning isn't in a brig run by Marines, which by all accounts is a real pisser.

  82. They are still taking scalps along with heads in the Middle East.

    I suspect Toshtu, with all his bravado, is dd-214 challenged.

  83. Obama was born in Kenya, in Kenya they speak English with a British accent, Prince Charles is British and married a lady that looks like a corgie, corgies are small dogs, the Obama's have a small dog, therefore, Obama is a Muslim.

  84. Well, the have the real life version of Leroy Jethro Gibbs on the case.

    The facts will be ascertained, with prosecution forthcoming.

    Those Marines should have respected the regulations banning photography of the dead. If they had, they could have carried on, pissin' and shittin'.

    Instead, their lack of small unit discipline will come to bite them in the ass.

  85. I suspect Toshtu, with all his bravado, is dd-214 challenged.

    That's how I nailed Habu in the BC. The first rule of CIA Club is you don't talk about CIA Club.

  86. Those Marines should have respected the regulations banning photography of the dead.

    Same principle applies for Craigslist murders and such. Don't brag about misdeeds.

  87. Quirk said...

    The USA used to scalp injuns

    Yea, over a hundred years ago. It also used to hold slaves. One likes to think civilization progresses.

    Personally i think it's all theatrics.

    After all when we use drones and hit men, women and children and blow them to hamburger it causes the same reaction.

    dead is dead.

    I hate it when the palestinians use rockets, ieds or suicide bombers.

    regardless of whether after they are dead they mutilate the bodies or not.

    I do not like when the mutilate the bodies while the Jews are still alive.

    but if you understand the jihadist mind you will find that they in fact HATE to have the bodies screwed with.


    They could care less if they are killed (ie iran iraq war, ie syria and hama 10 years ago, ie any one of 100 events taht show they could care less if they lived or die (good example is that ugly assed palestinian woman that was proud of her dead son for blowing himself up to kill jews and then proclaimed she wanted to have more to grow up and blow up)

    The solution to screw with jihadists remains is a well known method in putting FEAR into a fearless (against death) enemy.

    Pershing in the Philippines is rumored to do it, they do it to each other so why not use a method that actually works?

    Stitch the taliban bastards in a pig skin and freed them to the shark and or dogs.

    fight to win.

    fight to destroy the enemy until they say "uncle"

  88. Toshtu said...
    "Pity the next poor bastard that gets captured by the Taliban."

    So, what's changed?


    The Taliban will cut off ears, penises, burn out asses and nostrils just they have been doing for 1000 years.

    They cannot hate us MORE than 100%.

    This idea that we create MORE hatred by kicking the shit out them is nonsense.

    When we kill them and destroy them they will either learn to surrender or die.

    Just like the Japan and Germany learned after ww2.

    But you have to be willing to actually destroy them, not build them roads, schools, holding their hands and such.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Rosie O'Donnell and her family caught huge hammerhead sharks in fishing trips off the South Florida coast.

    Now the TV personality is catching abuse from environmentalists, irate at the killing of ocean predators that are considered overfished around the globe. Florida banned killing them Jan. 1, long after O'Donnell's fishing trips.

    Now that is rich...

    Rosie has been abusing the concept of womanhood for over 3 decades and not a peep out of the MSM and now they are pissed when Rosie fishes and kills her cousin?

  91. We are fighting to protect US interests, which are intertwined with Islamoids across the globe.

    It does not advance US interests to alienate our allies, with barbaric behavior that insults their creed and our law.

    Not when hundreds of billions in trade dollars, aimed directly into US aerospace manufactures, are at stake.

    Those Marines may be depending upon jury nullification, at this point in time and space.
    Not likely to happen, what with the jury pool being what it is.

  92. "But you have to be willing to actually destroy them...

    Let's get out, leave pleny of weapons, and let them destroy themselves

  93. "It does not advance US interests to alienate our allies..."

    Which allies would that be?

  94. "I suspect Toshtu, with all his bravado, is dd-214 challenged."

    I don't have bravado or a dd-214. What I have is hate.

    I Have my reasons.

  95. The Karzai', the Saudi, what ever the name of the folks in Bahrain are.

    The Army Generals in Egypt.

    The Turks, the Kurds and the President of Yemen, whoever that turns out to be.

    The Sheiks of the UAE, who have an air force capable of devastating Iranian air capabilities.

    Our allies Indonesia, that are spending hundreds of billions USD with Boeing and Lockheed. While reinforcing our policy with regards China.

  96. Our allies in Libya, who ever they are, or are going to be, they're Muslims.

  97. US allies in Saudi Arabia are spending over $300 billion USD, in our defense industries.

    Everyone over there is afraid.

    Just not of the same things.


  98. WASHINGTON (AP) – An Army officer is recommending a general court-martial for a low-ranking intelligence analyst charged in the biggest leak of classified information in U.S. history.

    Lt. Col. Paul Almanza's recommendation regarding Pfc. Bradley Manning now goes up the chain of command for a final determination. Military District of Washington commander Maj. Gen. Michael Linnington will ultimately decide whether Manning will stand trial.

    He faces 22 counts, including aiding the enemy, for allegedly giving more than 700,000 secret U.S. documents to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. Prosecutors say WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange collaborated with Manning

  99. "The Karzai', the Saudi, what ever the name of the folks in Bahrain are."

    They don't care about dead Taliban getting pissed on, wrong tribe.

    "The Army Generals in Egypt."

    They don't give two shits about Taliban. Wrong tribe.

    "The Turks, the Kurds and the President of Yemen, whoever that turns out to be."

    The Turks don't give a shit.

    "The Sheiks of the UAE, who have an air force capable of devastating Iranian air capabilities."

    They'd piss on the Taliban given the chance.

    Manufactured outrage.

  100. "Rosie O'Donnell and her family caught huge hammerhead sharks in fishing trips off the South Florida coast"

    That's odd, whale pods usually don't mess with sharks.

  101. .

    Why don't you accept the deletion of that post by the author as a clue it should be dropped?

    Have no idea what you're talking about T.


  102. It was just the other day, there were articles commemorating the first decade of using Cuba as a repository for terrorists.

    There have not been many judicial actions taken, in regards those terrorist miscreants remaining incarcerated without trial, at Gitmo.

    A political and legal quandary? Perhaps, but the practical solution remains the same.

    Incarceration continues of those assumed to be a continued threat, or in need of eventual trial.

  103. "Incarceration continues of those assumed to be a continued threat..."

    Sure about that?

  104. So glad, tosh.2, but it is not yours is not to decide the positions of our allies.

    Whether they give a shit, or not.
    The US seems to, and that is all that really matters. You can advocate that the US should withdraw from the Geneva Accords, but that won't ever happen.

    Go fight your war, any way you want. The Transitional Federal Government could use you in Somalia.

    But the US won't be tagging along.

  105. Assumptions are not always correct.

    But one never knows, I'd think that Jack Bauer and Leroy Jethro Gibbs would plant a micro-chip tracker on those they let go...

    But who know what the Shadow knows?

    I'm sure, though, that you do not.

  106. .

    but if you understand the jihadist mind you will find that they in fact HATE to have the bodies screwed with.

    I would suspect most people in the ME do.

    As you pointed pout 'dead is dead'. The four dead Taliban could give a shit if they could give a shit.

    One could accept that there might be mitigating circumstances if the marines had just come off a fire fight and the adrenalin was still pumping. As was pointed out, we won't know until all the facts are in. However, looking at the video first impressions are it was five joyboys out for some fun. Smiling and apissing. They even brought their own cameraman/woman.

    Perhaps you think this will frighten the Taliban. Laughable. I would fear a group of stone-cold killers who did their job and moved on to guys whose idea of fun is fucking around with dead bodies.

    Someone her mentioned that their is a difference between cultures. Sadly there is also a lot of similarities in some. I expect this from some cultures. I would hope it's not reflective of America's.


  107. "So glad, tosh.2, but it is not yours is not to decide the positions of our allies."

    Right back at ya', amigo.

  108. "I'm sure, though, that you do not."

    I'm sure you haven't the faintest idea.

  109. Blood Nanobot tracer elements permeating the blood stream of those to be released.

    Then they saw the light.

  110. Sure I do, judgements can be made by the lack of qualitative thinking in your positions and statements.

  111. Bugging al-Taliban with chips or Infidel nano-bots would upset Muslims around the globe, we couldn't risk that.

  112. Basically tosh.2, your positions do not well represent the best interests of the United States.

    They can use you in Somalia, though.
    They'll use almost anyone.

  113. "judgements can be made by the lack of qualitative thinking in your positions and statements"

    I couldn't care less, amigo.

  114. "Basically tosh.2, your positions do not well represent the best interests of the United States."

    I represent me, and the positions I hold concerning Islamism and Islamists.

  115. You might not risk it, but the US would.

  116. "You might not risk it, but the US would."

    I didn't say I wouldn't "risk" it, only that if discovered, Muslims would be upset.

  117. Good deal then, compadre.

    You're alone and not one of US.
    We all agree.

    Happy Days, here again.

  118. "You're alone and not one of US.
    We all agree."

    I'm cryin' a river here.

  119. desert rat said...
    So glad, tosh.2, but it is not yours is not to decide the positions of our allies.

    Whether they give a shit, or not.
    The US seems to, and that is all that really matters. You can advocate that the US should withdraw from the Geneva Accords, but that won't ever happen.

    Go fight your war, any way you want. The Transitional Federal Government could use you in Somalia.

    But the US won't be tagging along.

    Iran Contra? Fast and Furious?

    The USA is selective when and if it chooses to up hold which ever laws it wants to.

    SO the USA doesnt "tag" along. It leads which ever path is in it's best interests.

    No different than any other nation I guess.

  120. our allies..

    I thought people at this blog used to say America dont have allies just interests...

    When I said Israel was an "ally" i was scolded.

    I find it doubtful that Americans find the term ALLY useful when dealing with the Saudis, Somalians, Afghanistan or even Pakistan.

    Israel, Taiwan, England, Poland, Canada? All allies...

    The OPEC nations we help defend? Shared INTERESTS

  121. Perhaps you think this will frighten the Taliban. Laughable. I would fear a group of stone-cold killers who did their job and moved on to guys whose idea of fun is fucking around with dead bodies.

    Someone her mentioned that their is a difference between cultures. Sadly there is also a lot of similarities in some. I expect this from some cultures. I would hope it's not reflective of America's.

    Laughable? By YOU? But you really dont KNOW what you are talking about do you...

    Might I suggest, humbly, you do some research on the moslem mind and their phobias BEFORE commenting and having an opinion?

    Really you dont KNOW shit how these people actually think.

    Screwing with an islamic corpse really instills a deep fear in them that we would deny them entrance to heaven.

    Now I do understand that the belief in heaven and hell in the primitive mind is not something that you or even MOST of America can understand but you aint a Moslem, let alone a taliban moslem.

    You are just proving to all of us that your knowledge base of this subject is as extensive as Ms T's deep throating technics.

  122. .

    I thought people at this blog used to say America dont have allies just interests...

    Once again you misquote.

    There was nothing said of allies. What was said was America doesn't have friends just interests.


  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. You are just proving to all of us that your knowledge base of this subject is as extensive as Ms T's deep throating technics.

    I don't think anyone on the blog except Mel and Jenny would be interested in that, WiO. But I might have some tips for talking to the canoe driver.

  125. Allies, they are not necessarily friends. An error to conflate the two.

    The US does what those in power decide is in their best interests.

    Then they claim it is in the country's interest too.

    Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, Reagan all did the same. Nothing's changed.

    We have come to drape moral platitudes upon "Might Makes Right" and the utilization of our military, as Ralph Peters said:

    The de facto role of the US armed forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault.

    As has been the case, in Asia, since Admiral Perry went to Eido, in 1853.

  126. .

    Really you dont KNOW shit how these people actually think.

    But you do.

    As evidenced by your recent comment that nuking the black rock would instill fear in the Muslims because it would indicate to them God's disfavor.

    A bit of race memory?

    As I recall, somewhere along the line as you were instructing us gentile illiterates in Jewish lore, you posted a link which included reference mentioning the belief that the diaspora was caused by God getting pissed off at 'his people'.

    As I said, cultural similarities.

    Obviously, I am not an expert in the motivations of the Islamists; however, I do know enough that I do not want to stoop to their level.

    You obviously disagree.

    You will have to pardon me if I don't take your views on the opinions or motivations of Muslims or even the majority of US Jews too seriously.

    A man who would recommend bombing the black rock is off in his own lalaland.



  127. Obama originally planned to make this request in December, but with Congress on vacation until mid-January, lawmakers asked the president to delay his request so they could vote on the matter when they returned.

    "Washington's mounting debt is a drag on our economic recovery, and this request is another reminder that the president has consistently punted on the tough choices needed to rein in the deficit and protect important programs for American seniors from going bankrupt," said Brendan Buck, spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

    The increase would boost the debt limit to $16.4 trillion, which should be enough to allow the government to keep borrowing until the end of 2012, or just after the presidential election.

  128. China stands to be the biggest beneficiary of U.S. and European plans for sanctions on Iran’s oil sales in an effort to pressure the regime to abandon its nuclear program.


    At the same time, the U.S. is bearing most of the cost of air and sea patrols and surveillance in the Strait of Hormuz, through which transit 17 million barrels a day of crude, or 20 percent of world supplies. China, the No. 2 importer of oil after the U.S., enjoys protection for the shipping lanes without paying a cent, retired Admiral Dennis Blair, a former U.S. Director of National Intelligence, said in an interview.


    As the world’s second-largest economy after the U.S., China often gets an economic free-ride “even absent the current tensions in the Persian Gulf,” said Erica Downs, a China and energy specialist at the Brookings Institution, a research group in Washington.

  129. A gang member from Prince William County has been arrested and accused of prostituting runaway girls.


    The federal public defender representing Jamaica could not be reached for comment.

    At least five members of another gang, the notorious MS-13, have faced charges in recent months over similar prostitution operations.

  130. After a weak showing in last week's Iowa's caucuses, Rick Perry called the state a "quirky place" with a "quirky process, to say the least." After a weaker showing in New Hampshire's primary, he offered faint praise for the state on Wednesday, calling it an "interesting place."

    But South Carolina is where the Texas governor intends to make a stand. It's the state where he announced his candidacy, and one where he hopes his military background, conservative message and Southern twang will catapult him back into contention for the GOP presidential nomination.

  131. The day will be fairly front-loaded, with all of the news and action coming before trading even begins. That suggests we could be in for another low-volume drift for much of the day.

    But the likely course of that drift is higher. Even when markets were lower yesterday, cyclical stocks and financials were rising, suggesting an undercurrent of optimism that eventually pulled the rest of the market higher.

    That undercurrent hasn't gone away yet.

  132. You want to read some 'funny' comments? It seems they've release the minutes of the Fed meetings back before the big crash and our rulers and masters at the Fed don't seem to be to with it:

    "JANUARY MEETING (Mr. Greenspan's last)

    The meeting is dominated by a generally good feeling about the economy, only slight worry about housing, and a round of tributes to Mr. Greenspan. Some of the most effusive came from then-Vice Chairman Timothy Geithner and San Francisco Fed head Janet Yellen.

    However, early warnings of housing doom are already coming, noted by Atlanta Fed boss Jack Guynn.


    VICE CHAIRMAN GEITHNER: Mr. Chairman, in the interest of crispness, I’ve removed a substantial tribute from my remarks. [Laughter]

    CHAIRMAN GREENSPAN. I am most appreciative. [Laughter]

    VICE CHAIRMAN GEITHNER. I’d like the record to show that I think you’re pretty terrific, too. [Laughter] And thinking in terms of probabilities, I think the risk that we decide in the future that you’re even better than we think is higher than the alternative. [Laughter]

    With that, the economy looks pretty good to us, perhaps a bit better than it did at the last meeting.


    YELLEN: So as I look at the total picture, I would say that the overall outlook is quite positive. The economy is near full employment with real GDP tending toward trend-like growth. Core inflation is within a reasonable range but a bit on the high side. Needless to say, it’s fitting for Chairman Greenspan to leave office with the economy in such solid shape. And if I might torture a simile, I would say, Mr. Chairman, that the situation you’re handing off to your successor is a lot like a tennis racquet with a gigantic sweet spot. [Laughter]


    GUYNN: we’re now beginning to see some signs of downward pressure on prices - in some cases in the high single digits, but in a few markets substantially higher than that. As an example, we heard one report that in the Panama City area of Florida, condos that had been going for $600 a square foot are now being priced at $450 a square foot. That’s a 25-per-cent correction. I think we have to view these corrections that are taking place as healthy.

  133. MARCH

    By the March meeting, the housing picture is darkening. But nobody's overly worried. The focus remains on inflation and whether to raise rates.

    The policy makers laugh off signs of trouble in Iceland. Of course, Iceland was embarking on an epic collapse from a high that was fuelled by the same cheap credit that was feeding the U.S. housing market.

    The Fed’s trading desk, represented at the meeting by Dino Kos, raises questions about just where money is flowing, such as Iceland, and whether that can be sustained. Later, new chairman Mr. Bernanke cracks a joke that the Fed would like a "full report" on Iceland, drawing laughter.

    David Stockton, the Fed's director of research, lays out a prophetic forecast for housing that's darker than most of what the policy makers go on to state. For example, Atlanta's Mr. Guynn doesn't believe that a pullback would be a big deal. And when Richard Fisher, head of the Dallas Fed, makes a joke about condos being akin to casinos, the foreshadowing is dead on.

    STOCKTON: I’m afraid that there is still plenty of scope for surprise in the housing sector ... Right now, it feels a bit like riding a roller coaster with one’s eyes shut. We sense that were going over the top, but we just don’t know what lies below.


    GUYNN: I don’t mean to imply that a major pullback in real estate would cause a precipitous drop in economic growth - that would be inconsistent with most of our simulations and analyses.


    GEITHNER: We believe that, absent some large, negative shock to perceptions about employment and earned income, the effects of the expected cooling in housing prices are going to be modest. Of course, this view may prove optimistic.


    POOLE: To give you some examples, there’s $930-million worth of casino projects, including casinos and some casino hotels. So we’re building casinos. I guess in Dallas they’re building condos.

    PRESIDENT FISHER. Same thing. [Laughter]


    BERNANKE: Housing is the crucial issue. To get a soft landing, we need some cooling in housing. So far there is a good bit of evidence that there has been a peak, but we do not know a great deal more than that. So obviously we are going to have to watch carefully. The range of possible outcomes is quite wide. I agree with most of the commentary that the strong fundamentals support a relatively soft landing in housing.


    Skipping ahead to the December meeting, the possibility of a big housing collapse is beginning to dawn on some members of the FOMC, but clearly not all.

    YELLEN: I have to admit that this time around I found it pretty challenging to read the tea leaves on economic activity. The data are providing distinctly contradictory signals.

    The correction in the housing sector has continued, even sharpening somewhat compared with our expectations. Still, there are some encouraging signs that the demand for housing may be stabilizing, probably assisted by recent declines in mortgage rates.


    LACKER: This is notable because one way the housing downturn could spread to the remainder of the economy is through a wealth effect. So far I’m not persuaded by this gloomy view, and I think there are good reasons to doubt it. Household net worth looks pretty strong, and equities continue to advance.

  134. Quirk,

    I know you just cannot help being the EB hall-pass girl and social secretary, with an emphasis on etiquette, but if you must critique "Marines" in chastising the other two guys, would you please spell the word correctly? It “kinda” shows your lack of good breeding, otherwise. Even DR does not insult the Corps to “bitch-slap” a man.

    You wrote:
    “Someone her (sic) mentioned that their (sic) is a difference between cultures. Sadly there is (sic) also a lot of similarities in some. I expect this from some cultures. I would hope it's not reflective of America's.


    Thu Jan 12, 04:03:00 PM EST”

    Indeed, some cultures in the upper Midwest are becoming more "Orientalized" daily. Unlike hyphenation, Theodore Roosevelt did not address the idiotic notion of permitting "sharia" alongside the US statutes as I recollect, but I doubt he would (or is that "woald") agree with its practice in Michigan.

    It may be impossible to prosecute these fellows. The film could be old and these guys long-gone into the civilian sphere. Why, some of them could have been killed on subsequent 3rd, 4th, or nth tours there are elsewhere. For all we know, some may be among those multi-limb-trauma-amputees we are spending a fortune to rehabilitate. Goodness, some of them may have been commended for bravery, having actually faced the storm outside the basement bomb shelter.

    But most importantly, at the moment, they remain innocent! …Wow!...novel concept...

    At the worst, these guys are rejects, who urinated on dead enemy combatants. Major Hasan is a mass murdering traitor, who is being shielded from timely prosecution because of those who will be embarrassed when the truth of his life is known. Those who correlate, conflate or congregate these crimes are morons.

    Toshtu said...
    "You're alone and not one of US.
    We all agree."

    I'm cryin' a river here.
    Thu Jan 12, 04:33:00 PM EST

    Love ya, man!!!

  135. On this day in 1969, Joe Namath led the New York Jets of the AFL to victory over the NFL's Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III. Before that victory, it was generally assumed that AFL teams were inferior to NFL teams.

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. "I'm glad you asked about that," DeMint responded, "because I think one of the things that have hurt the so-called conservative alternative is saying derogatory things about Ron Paul. I don't agree with him on everything, but he is right about the out-of-control and unaccountable Federal Reserve.


    That could be a big job. It's an open question whether DeMint could ever coax Andrew Blanchard, the frontman of 9th State Madmen, into the GOP, at least until Blanchard comes to like politics a little more.

    But Paul's support is wider than his critics would like to believe, and he could be in the presidential race for a long time to come.

  138. There are periods when the international system undergoes radical shifts in a short time. The last such period was 1989-1991.


    The European Union and eurozone will survive 2012, and Europe's financial crisis will stabilize, at least temporarily. However, Stratfor expects Europe to continue its long, painful slide into deepening recession.


    In 2012, the Kremlin will face numerous challenges: social unrest, restructuring Russia's political makeup (both inside and outside of the Kremlin) and major economic shifts due to the crisis in Europe. The social unrest seen at the end of 2011 will continue festering throughout the presidential elections in 2012.

  139. Quirk said...

    I thought people at this blog used to say America dont have allies just interests...

    Once again you misquote.

    There was nothing said of allies. What was said was America doesn't have friends just interests.

    Please show where i QUOTED anything...

    I said: I thought people at this blog used to say America dont have allies just interests...

    Now pull that stick out of your ass and read what I wrote...

  140. Quirk said...
    Really you dont KNOW shit how these people actually think.

    But you do.

    Actually, YES I DO...

    Quirk: As evidenced by your recent comment that nuking the black rock would instill fear in the Muslims because it would indicate to them God's disfavor.

    It's a fact jack, do the research...

    Right now? The moslems have no doubt that Allah is on their side. Otherwise the west WOULD destroy their symbols, JUST AS THEY HAVE WHEN THEY COULD.

    They do not think the west CAN do that since we have not done that..

  141. Quirk: Obviously, I am not an expert in the motivations of the Islamists; however, I do know enough that I do not want to stoop to their level.

    You obviously disagree.

    You will have to pardon me if I don't take your views on the opinions or motivations of Muslims or even the majority of US Jews too seriously.

    A man who would recommend bombing the black rock is off in his own lalaland.

    I may be in my own LALA land, sure I agree...

    But tell ya what sweetie, next time the islamiods attack and are successful and take out a stadium, a small city or even maybe take down something we cant envision yet, dont come a crying to me...

    The blood of 10's of thousands is on your pussy like shoulders.

    I told ya so...

    Just getting that in now just in case you are no longer with us...

  142. Interesting point..

    America went to war (2 of them major, several minor that we dont count YET), killed 10's of thousands, spent trillions all because 12 moslems took out 2-4 building and 3k worth of Americans..

    I suggest that getting the moslem world to reform is started by the destruction of one of the 5 pillars of islam and I am the lalaland nut job...


    kill a rock? save 1 billion moslems from genocide.

    ignore lalaland WIO and engage in decades long wars, create thousands of limb-less Americans, spend trillions, create stasi-lite-like security groups within the USA>

    Yep I am the crazy one...

    DOnt listen to me...

  143. Cause what you are doing is working so well...

    The arab world is tolerant... CHECK

    Egypt is pluralistic CHECK

    Iran is really peaceful and democratic... CHECK

    Indonesia is a great free land... CHECK

    THe moslems of India respect the majority Hindu peoples CHECK

    The Moslems of the former USSR are happy they have freedom and are building their societies to look like Poland today... CHECK

    and I could go on and on...

    so to quote someone somewhere...


    Retarded idiots...

  144. A new year has begun, and some compelling statistics from 2011 may indicate the direction in which Mexico's methamphetamine trade is headed for 2012. In December, Mexican authorities reportedly sized 675 tons of methylamine, a key precursor chemical for the manufacture of methamphetamine, from a shipment bound for Guatemala.


    On Jan. 9, 13 murder victims were found in Zitacuaro, Michoacan state. All of the victims bore signs of torture and sustained gunshot wounds to the back of the head.

    Two narcomantas addressed to someone named "El Guerro," reportedly from the city of Huetamo, were left at the scene. At least one of the narcomantas reportedly was signed "FMZ."

  145. .

    Allen, once more like a pedantic schoolmarm you stoop to nitpicking over spelling, typos, and punctuation to counter the fact you have no logical arguments to offer on content. Perhaps you will garner a few pity points. Who can tell?

    Major Hasan?

    Idiot. A week or two ago you brought Hasan up as some sort of equivalancy measurement against those who disagree with you about the Liberty. Time to come up with another non-sequiter. Get a new diversion. This one is getting old.

    Major Hasan is being "...shielded from timely prosecution because of those who will be embarrassed when the truth of his life is known..."?

    Moron. The truth of his life was known the day after the shooting at least the truth you are talking about. It was all over the MSM and cable. Only and idiot wouldn't know how he was moved through the ranks despite his anti-American attitude and actions. As I recall we talked about it here on an off for about a week. He has been in jail since the day of the shooting. Those on the prosecution side have indicated that when brought to trial he will face the death penalty. I doubt anyone on this blog doubts he will eventually pay the ultimate price for his perfidy. But only our favorite real estate agent would ever try to offer this guy's criminal acts as some kind of rationalization for four dumbshits pissing on corpses.

    It may be impossible to prosecute these guys...The film could be old...Some of them might have been killed...etc., etc. etc...

    Sounds like your rationalization for torture at the time of Abu Ghraib "...assume I'm Jack Bauer..." or your justification for Moses killing the overseer "...assume he called Moses a kike...". Your and idiot.

    At the worst, these guys are rejects, who urinated on dead enemy combatants. Major Hasan is a mass murdering traitor, who is being shielded from timely prosecution because of those who will be embarrassed when the truth of his life is known. Those who correlate, conflate or congregate these crimes are morons.

    Jeez Louise, you are the only moron here that brought Hasan into the conversation to begin with.

    Love ya, man!!!

    Unsurprising on many levels.


  146. .

    dont come a crying to me...

    The blood of 10's of thousands is on your pussy like shoulders.

    I told ya so...

    Just getting that in now just in case you are no longer with us...

    You fucking retard. There's no deaths on my shoulders. It's on the shoulders of the assholes that committed to murders.

    You wallow in your victimhood to the point where there is no one you don't blame.


    I'll leave it to others to judge who is the pussy, me or some loudmouth moron who talks about the benefits of pissing on corpses and blowing up black rocks.


  147. .

    Please show where i QUOTED anything...

    Point taken WiO.

    Once again, you mis-thought.


  148. "Everyone over there is afraid.

    Just not of the same things."

    Everyone in the mid-east is afraid of Muslims.


  149. quirK:
    You fucking retard. There's no deaths on my shoulders. It's on the shoulders of the assholes that committed to murders.

    It's collective "on your shoulders" talk about nitpicking..

    Quirk: You wallow in your victimhood to the point where there is no one you don't blame.

    Nonsense. I just recognize a nitwit when i see one...

    Quick: Pussy?

    I'll leave it to others to judge who is the pussy, me or some loudmouth moron who talks about the benefits of pissing on corpses and blowing up black rocks.

    Actually I never talked about the benefits of "pissing" on corpses. And I only advocated the blowing up one ONE black rock.

    For someone that holds everyone else to exacting standards you certainly take a shitload of liberties for yourself.

  150. Quirk said...

    Please show where i QUOTED anything...

    Point taken WiO.

    Once again, you mis-thought.

    Rather than discuss the idea of friends, allies or interests you try and fail to "slam" me.

    Might i humbly suggest you still have that stick up your ass and it still needs removal...

    Try some fiber sparky.

  151. Quirk said...

    Please show where i QUOTED anything...

    Point taken WiO.

    Once again, you mis-thought.

    Rather than discuss the idea of friends, allies or interests you try and fail to "slam" me.

    Might i humbly suggest you still have that stick up your ass and it still needs removal...

    Try some fiber sparky.

  152. Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, who allegedly supervised a department at Iran's primary uranium enrichment complex, Natanz, was the fifth Iranian scientist connected to the nuclear program killed in the past five years. Given the tactics and target set, the attacks likely were carried out by local actors with foreign sponsorship.


    The targeting of scientists linked to Iran's nuclear program is a continuing trend that Stratfor has been tracking for years. It appears that the tactics for attacking these individuals have changed over the years and have settled on motorcyclists attacking targets in their vehicles -- an apparently effective method.


    Besides continuing a trend, Ahmadi-Roshan's death also revealed that Iran could be pursuing a second method of uranium enrichment.

  153. .

    Rather than discuss the idea of friends, allies or interests you try and fail to "slam" me.

    The subject has been covered here many times. You and I have participated.

    Today you conflated friends with allies and offered an incorrect thought as to what others here have said about it. I pointed it out.

    As for being slammed, face it, you are very slammible.


  154. Mr Dark Hair, White Moustache Endorses Romney

    Since I once hoped for Bolton to run, I best respect his opinion.

  155. Moslems Push Nigeria To Civil War

    Still pursuing their 1400 year program of destroying things.

  156. Boko Harem began its current escalation with the Christmas Day suicide bombing of St. Theresa’s Catholic Church in Niger state, an attack which killed over 50 people.

    Nice touch there, blowing it up on Christmas Day.

  157. Quirk,


    Quirk said...

    Allen, once more like a pedantic schoolmarm you stoop to nitpicking over spelling, typos, and punctuation to counter the fact you have no logical arguments to offer on content. Perhaps you will garner a few pity points. Who can tell?

    The spelling of "Marine" does not demand much of a man - merely respect for the service and the manual dexterity of a five year-old. Were we together for a few moments of quality time, personally, I could help you with that attitude problem.

    Just spell "Marine" as "Marine". Just hit "shift" followed by "M". If a monkey or pigeon can do it, I know you can. Why, you know that DR has mastered “isreal”? Get the picture?

    Your patriotic unhyphenated pals should expect no less.


    just a thought

    Kid Rock

  158. WiO: The blood of 10's of thousands is on your pussy like shoulders.

    You say pussy like it's a bad thing.

  159. If we were really serious in Afghanistan, we'd start by carpet bombing Kandahar and most of the rest of the south and west of the country. What we are doing now, and have been doing, is just f-ing around. Negotiating with the Taliban is a real laugher.

  160. ALlen, you hit cap locks, not shift, you dumb shit.

  161. Bob: If we were really serious in Afghanistan, we'd start by carpet bombing Kandahar and most of the rest of the south and west of the country.

    Bob, you moron, you carpet bomb industrial areas. Bombing Afghanistan is like farting in a hurricane.

  162. Well, Miss T, I'm frustrated.

  163. I remember Condi saying to Bush, 'There's nothing left to bomb'.

    Pussy b' good.

    Not sure about Condi's. Possibly.

  164. Could we spray the whole place with parathion and repopulate it with Swiss?

  165. The regime of Syrian President Bashar al Assad has relied heavily on a local mercenary force known as the Shabiha in its crackdown on protests. Because of the sectarian makeup of the Syrian military, Damascus will likely continue this approach, despite the Shabiha's deficiencies in skill and strategy and growing objections from Syria's allies in Iran.


    The Shabiha, which means "phantom-like," first appeared in 1976 when the Syrian army entered Lebanon during the Lebanese civil war. The group consisted of young, mostly Alawite men from the coastal Syrian cities of Latakia, Tartus and Banias, which have high concentrations of Alawites.


    The al Assad regime's heavy reliance on the Shabiha is not a strategy that appears to have the full endorsement of Syria's main ally, Iran. According to a Stratfor source, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) helped train the Shabiha beginning in mid-March, when the first significant demonstrations broke out in Syria.

  166. For you non-farmers, parathion is one mean mo-fucker. Last time I used it, the guys had full body and head suits on that looked like they just came back from the moon, big oxygen tanks on their backs. Skull and bone signs all over the field. Used to kill tough insects in pea fields. You walk out into the field after spraying, you will collapse from cardiac arrest. Toxicity drops off rapidly though, and you are good to go in a few days.

  167. Negotiate with the Taliban. Then get the hell out. Enough is enough.

    No more American blood for these people. Time for the freedom-loving hordes to man the fuck up.

    Here's your democracy. Do something with it. We won't even ask to bury our dead in your blood-soaked lands.

    Best. Of. Fucking. Luck, Mohamaden.

  168. Good piss. Bad video.


    Best comment of the day.

  169. Negotiate with the Taliban.

    I can just imagine the transcript of those negotiations:

    "...very same homological reason for every institutional histrionic and depersonalized Hegelian notion of the digital dialectic..."

  170. Anonymous said...
    ALlen, you hit cap locks, not shift, you dumb shit.

    Thu Jan 12, 08:27:00 PM EST

    Not if I want Marine, sweetie...

    I am glad I could help you with the spelling of "Marine". With a litte effort we may get to Corps in a week or so. Don't try the pronunciation just yet.

  171. .

    Actually I never talked about the benefits of "pissing" on corpses. And I only advocated the blowing up one ONE black rock.

    For someone that holds everyone else to exacting standards you certainly take a shitload of liberties for yourself.

    An excellant point WiO. When rushing to get a post in while doing something else I ofttimes get sloppy.

    I'll try to do better in the future.

    I got you mixed up with Anonymo who said Fact is? Pissing on them? It's a good start, try sprinkling them w/ bacon bits....

    Gee, don't know how I could have gotten you two confused.

    But let me correct my error by changing

    I'll leave it to others to judge who is the pussy, me or some loudmouth moron who talks about the benefits of pissing on corpses and blowing up black rocks.

    to the corrected version

    I'll leave it to others to judge who is the pussy, me or some loudmouth moron who talks of the benefits of blowing up a black rock and stitching the bodies of the Taliban bastards in pig skin and feeding them to dogs.


  172. --Negotiate with the Taliban.

    I can just imagine the transcript of those negotiations:

    "...very same homological reason for every institutional histrionic and depersonalized Hegelian notion of the digital dialectic..."--

    Taliban is much too smart to fall for that old argument.

  173. .

    The spelling of "Marine" does not demand much of a man - merely respect for the service and the manual dexterity of a five year-old. Were we together for a few moments of quality time, personally, I could help you with that attitude problem...

    You've caught me out. When I rush, I make typos and spelling errors. In this case, one almost as bad as failing to capitalize America.

    By the way was that last sentence a threat?


  174. tosh.2 figured it out.

    The US is best served leaving Afpakistan.

    Even if the tariff to cross Pakistan is over $1,000 a cargo container.

    ... with Pakistani officials preparing to impose steep tariffs on all NATO shipments transiting the country, the cost of Canada's withdrawal from Afghanistan could increase by more than a half million dollars.

    The Canadian Forces are trying to bring home thousands of tonnes of war equipment used during the nearly 10-year combat mission. Packed into 446 sea containers, most of this cargo is stored at an undisclosed Afghan location.

    High-priority items - such as all armoured vehicles and ammunition - have been flown out of Afghanistan on Canada's giant CC-177 Globemaster transport aircraft.

    Nevertheless, much of the army's gear remains stuck in Afghanistan, Lt.-Col. John Nethercott said. He said the remaining items are "low priority in nature," and include tools, tents, forklifts, barbed wire and engineering equipment.

    Read more:

  175. USA Today -

    In 2011, the U.S.-led coalition began the withdrawal of nearly 140,000 foreign troops serving in Afghanistan, and 10,000 U.S. service members have already pulled out. By the end of this year, another 23,000 Americans are due to depart, along with thousands more allied soldiers, reducing the coalition force in Afghanistan to about 90,000.

    The quantity of military equipment that was accumulated here by the United States and its allies in 10 years of war is formidable. Although small amounts have already been removed, the planning is complex due to inherent complications of moving so much heavy gear out of a landlocked nation with problematic relations with some of its neighbors, said the official.

    Only a relatively small number of the tens of thousands of vehicles can be flown out by air, because of the high weight of some of them, such as the as the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, or MRAPs, and its all-terrain variety, the M-ATV, tipping the scales at many tons each.

    Afghanistan's neighbor Pakistan shut down the alliance's main transit routes from the port of Karachi in November in response to a NATO air attack on a Pakistani border post that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

    The alliance has been able to ship equipment and supplies in from the north through Russia and the Central Asian nations. Additional agreements are needed to allow the two-way traffic to transport the equipment back to Europe via the northern route.

  176. Cypriot President Demetris Christofias announced Dec. 28 the discovery of 5 trillion to 8 trillion cubic feet (140 billion cubic meters to 225 billion cubic meters) of natural gas in the Cypriot sector of the Mediterranean Sea. The United Kingdom-based firm Noble Energy, which has been exploring in Cypriot waters for several weeks, made the find in the Block 12 Aphrodite field.


    Such a switch would still cost billions -- the field must be developed, a new power plant must be constructed and the two must be connected by subsea infrastructure. Cyprus' finances are going to get worse before they get better, but the natural gas discovery gives Cyprus the opportunity to independently satisfy its energy needs for many years to come.

  177. As I recall, somewhere along the line as you were instructing us gentile illiterates in Jewish lore, you posted a link which included reference mentioning the belief that the diaspora was caused by God getting pissed off at 'his people'.

    He also doesn't like ugly people.


    [18] For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,

    [19] Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,

    [20] Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;

    [21] No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.

  178. to the corrected version

    I'll leave it to others to judge who is the pussy, me or some loudmouth moron who talks of the benefits of blowing up a black rock and stitching the bodies of the Taliban bastards in pig skin and feeding them to dogs.

    that would be the USA Army that did that....

  179. .

    that would be the USA Army that did that....

    More self-delusion.


  180. The institutionalization of a new Iraqi intelligence apparatus after the fall of Saddam Hussein has been a tumultuous process. The country's underlying geopolitical imperatives have changed little since it was first created after World War I, so the roots of these services can be found in those of previous regimes.


    Since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, Iraq has been setting the foundations for its new state, including the institutionalization of a new set of security and intelligence services. Over the past eight years, Iraq has been following the mold of most nascent intelligence communities, slowly taking into account its geopolitical situation -- as well as bureaucratic, institutional and personal battles -- to create operational, analytical and decision-making protocols that will remain relatively constant even as the country's political leadership changes.


    Iraq's first intelligence agency, the General Security Service (GSS), was created in 1921 in what was then the British Mandate of Mesopotamia. Created with a domestic focus after the British crushed an armed insurrection in 1920, the GSS helped the British rule Iraq through a minority government composed of the Sunni elite.

    Intelligence Services

  181. .

    The good news for today.

    Lightning strikes on humans are down to the lowest level since they began being recorded in 1940, 26 in 2011, 432 in 1940.


  182. .

    More good news of a sort.

    Murders in the US, the numbers of which have been declining in recent years, are for the first time in nearly half a century no longer included in the top 15 causes of death in US.


  183. "tosh.2 figured it out.

    The US is best served leaving Afpakistan.

    Even if the tariff to cross Pakistan is over $1,000 a cargo container."

    Vulture capitalism.

  184. Quirk said...

    By the way was that last sentence a threat?


    Thu Jan 12, 09:23:00 PM EST

    You will take it as you please.

    In a perfect world I could apply it as I please.

    But for the ignorant, diligent application is always a threat.

    What I have found out is that you are not terribly serious. If you must lecture, by all means spell your topic/thesis correctly.

    Oh, and do recall: You are as anonymous as Quirk as bob is as anonymous.

  185. Bank of America Corp. has told U.S. regulators that it is willing to retreat from some parts of the country if its financial problems deepen, according to people familiar with the situation.

    Executives at the Charlotte, N.C., financial giant put the potential move on a list of emergency scenarios submitted to the Federal Reserve last year, these people said. While people close to Bank of America insist that no retreat is imminent, even the possibility of selling branches and losing customers it spent huge sums to lure underscores the depth of its problems.

  186. .

    You will take it as you please.

    You are hilarious.

    You pompous ass. Wasn't it just within the last day you were lecturing Deuce on how to run his blog? Warning him about the dangers of letting rogue elements go around threatening other bloggers?

    It would be interesting to see what the authorities would have to say about you were they to check out any reports about those posting here. You piss and moan about anti-Semitism on the blog yet the first time I was ever exposed to a David Duke website it was posted here by you. Same for sections of the Protocols of the Eldars of Zion. And wasn't it just a few days ago you posted an anti-Semitic blogspot here, one of many of the same type of blogs and tracts you have posted over the last couple of years.

    Then you complain to Deuce about threats being put up on the blog and yet here you are.

    Were I religious, perhaps I could quote that section from Luke about flaming hypocrites and "worrying about the mote in your neighbors eye."

    Perhaps T can help me out.


  187. flaming hypocrites

    I was called a flaming asshole here once.

    I actually rather liked that, as it reminded me of a wag in high school, that I hadn't thought of in about 40 years, who used to make everyone laugh by putting a match to his asshole in the dark, and farting, long and drawn out, and it looked like a mini bunsen burner. He told us his secret was to eat lots of some kind of special chili the night before the performance.

    He could have performed in Paris, he was so good.

  188. .

    Actually, Bob I feel kind of guilty.

    I didn't proofread my last post before publishing and I noticed I misspelled Elders. Also, I forgot the apostrophe on neighbor's.

    I worry I will give the resident spelling and punctuation officer a terminal hissy fit.

