Thursday, January 12, 2012

Used Car Prices


  1. Interesting but stupid spin on used car prices going up. My experience has been that the poorer the country, the higher the price for used cars. More a sign of tough times to me.

  2. Used cars in Cuba are 1958 vintage.

  3. Jacob Lew, Obama's new chief of staff, ran Citi private equity. So the only vulture capitalism attacks on Mitt will come from Newt.

  4. “I do not want America to be a nation known for financial speculation and outsourcing and racking up debt buying stuff from other nations,” Obama said in a speech to the forum.

    WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — President Barack Obama is launching a full-court press to make it easier for companies to bring jobs back to the U.S., including eliminating tax breaks that the administration says gives advantages to companies moving jobs overseas, the White House announced Wednesday.

    The administration said it will also in coming weeks propose new tax rewards for companies that bring back jobs.

    To draw attention to the issue, Obama is hosting a group of business leaders, including executives from Ford Motor Co F +0.75% and E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. DD -0.47% to discuss “insourcing” American jobs…Alan Tonelson, a research fellow at the U.S. Business and Industry Council, a trade group of small manufacturers pushing for a tougher U.S. trade stance, dismissed the White House push as “happy talk.”

    Tonelson said that without tough trade sanctions of foreign countries, any domestic manufacturing agenda is bound to fail.

    The White House said that Ford is planning to bring jobs back from China, Japan and Mexico. The auto giant is adding work to a plant in Michigan to produce the mid-size Ford Fusion instead of adding production in Mexico, the administration said.

    And last year DuPont started up a new $500 million plant in South Carolina to produce Kevlar anti-ballistic fiber.

    Obama called on other businesses to take advantage of an opportunity to bring jobs back.

    “We are at a unique moment in our recent history where factors like rising American productivity and increasingly competitive costs at home mean the economic case to invest in America and bring jobs back home is strong – and getting stronger,” Obama said.

    The U.S. economy “has the most productive workers, best universities, and most creative and innovative entrepreneurs in the world,” Obama said.

    “So my message to business leaders today is simple: ask yourselves what you can do to bring jobs back to the country that made our success possible – and I will do everything in my power to help you do it,” he added.

    The White House also released a report highlighting what it called “an emerging trend” of insourcing.

    In the past two years, 334,000 manufacturing jobs have been created, the report noted.

    As part of the plan, Obama will propose in next year’s budget to add $12 million to a SelectUSA program to advocate at the national level for business investment.

  5. I doubt Romney is going to beat Obama.

  6. Hey, dear, I am not seeing any updates or any thing related to "Used Car Prices" here.

  7. There is a shortage of used cars because we are in a recession and consumers are keeping their cars longer than they did in past years. In addition, there is a huge demand for efficient cars and hybrids due to high gasoline prices. The recent disaster in Japan is another factor.
