Friday, January 13, 2012

All things about Israel and Palestine continued:

Regardless of the post, the conversation here seems to be fixated on the continuing conflict between Arab and Jew in Israel. I freely admit that I do not have the in depth knowledge of every aspect of the history of the area because I am not that interested in the area except as it disrupts the interests of the United States.

It is my belief that the majority of the wars and violence in the Middle East are a result of the disruption of the area by colonialism and a cultural clash between indigenous peoples and European transplants. It is no different than that which has transpired in the Balkans, Ireland and many parts of Africa. The claim that the land in Palestine is the natural home to people from another continent is validated because of their ancient religion is historically absurd. If you think not, apply the same standard to North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Canada and the Celtic regions of Great Britain. No honest person can take such a claim seriously. The myths and and religious culture of the area have no more basis in fact than the myths and cultures of any other human civilization on the planet. To think otherwise is the height of jingoism and cultural triumphalism.

What is true is that might makes right. A superior technology and a political will always trump sentimentality and reason until that monopoly is lost and it always gets lost.

I found this video on the history of the area. It is interesting and helps to put the present unsustainable situation in perspective. History has not been kind or sympathetic to countries that ruled by force of arms and technological superiority. It never lasts and neither will this one.


  1. It doesn’t have to be that way. I won’t bet on it but there are so many claims made on both sides that it is worth exploring which truths or which lies you prefer.

  2. I'll fire the first shot, then go to bed.

    What is true is that might makes right.

    Good God!, man.


  3. I'll put it this way...if might makes right, then there really is no right, only might.

  4. For your information, the demon possessed House of Rothschild purchased much of the land prior to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, centuries old holders of title. When the UN legally declared Israel a state, the Muslims attempted to renege. Since this old trick of taking both our (Jewish) money and land had worked so well elsewhere (see England – Edward I), they (Muslims) were completely taken aback when we threw the squatters off and commenced to beat them in several wars. The experience we gained fighting against the fascists in WWII proved invaluable.

    Life is not fair. We will continue to beat them in warfare, Mr. Obama’s opinion withstanding. If we have a war prior to the general election, Mr. Obama will be cheering us on.

    For those interested, feel free to lecture me on the Marine Corps anytime you like. Just spell the title correctly, e.g. "Marine". A review of my posts will show me making spelling corrections a couple times a year when dealing with poseurs and buffoons. Oh, and if Deuce asks me a question, our conversation is none of your business, uninvited. Surely, you weren't all born into single-parent dysfunctional families.

    I now must prepare to have a great toenail surgically removed. Believe it or not, that seems infinitely preferable to engaging a hoard of … WiO, they’re all yours, my friend, and Shabbat Shalom.

  5. allen said...
    Quirk said...

    "You pompous ass. Wasn't it just within the last day you were lecturing Deuce on how to run his blog? Warning him about the dangers of letting rogue elements go around threatening other bloggers?"

    Deuce first laid out questions for my consideration – dares as it were. That's what the sign "?" means. I answered them, giving opinions in the process: That’s what blogging is about. Among other things, I believe he will be shut down. Others have expressed similar fears.

    You are not Deuce and I owe you nothing. Start your own blog if you want that kind of respect.

    Sorry...didn't get past your first section... For your information, "You pompous ass" is NOT a sentence.

    You know, Quirk, I really do not care. It's making you look like the semi-literate buffoon and poseur you are that counts.

    Fri Jan 13, 04:12:00 AM EST

  6. Ex-congressman gets year over links to defunct Islamic charity
    Reuters By Kevin Murphy | Reuters – Thu, Jan 12, 2012

    KANSAS CITY, Mo (Reuters) - A former U.S. congressman from Michigan was sentenced to a year in prison on Wednesday for accepting secret payments to try to help an Islamic charity get removed from a congressional watch list of relief agencies suspected of supporting terrorism.

  7. Taliban Say Peace Talks Don't Signal End To Jihad

    Palestinians say the same thing, all the moslems do in the end, all the might makes folk do.

  8. Sorry...didn't get past your first section... For your information, "You pompous ass" is NOT a sentence.

    I'll step up to the plate, and give it a try.

    Allen, you are a pompous ass.

  9. bob said...

    Allen, you are a pompous ass.

    Fri Jan 13, 05:25:00 AM EST

    That is correct.

  10. What some folks consider threats, the FBI must not.

    Another day gone by. Still no call.

    Where do they all come from ...
    Where do they all belong?

  11. The US sends two aircraft carriers to the Arabian Sea, but neither transit the Straits of Hormuz.

    U.S. boosts its military presence in Persian Gulf

    Additional troops and warships are in place in the event a crisis erupts in the standoff with Iran over its nuclear program, officials say.


  12. A Russian ship loaded with 60 tonnes of ammunition has landed in Syria

  13. Asia Times -

    ... the EU military budget is worth $255 billion per year (second-ranked all over the world after the US and more than the spending of China and Russia combined),...


  14. TOKYO (AP) – Japan's prime minister said Friday the government has yet to decide on whether it will reduce oil imports from Iran in line with U.S. sanctions, saying businesses implications need to be considered.

  15. Palestine is Genocide

    This article is reprinted from

    On the 11th of March, two Arab Muslim men climbed through the window of a home in the village of Ithamar, and massacred an entire family, killing both parents, stabbing a 4 year old boy twice in the chest, murdering an 11 year old while he sat up reading in bed and slitting the throat of a 3 month old baby girl.

    A week later, Israeli and Arab pollsters conducted a survey in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. A third of the Arabs surveyed supported these atrocities.

    All the justifications for a Palestinian state fall away in the face of this simple fact. That a third of the residents of any Palestinian state favor the murder of Jewish children. Not to achieve any larger goal, but just because they are Jewish children. To call for a Palestinian state in the face of that fact is to advocate genocide.

    The Arab Muslims who approved of the attack gained nothing from their deaths. The dead children were not soldiers. They were not killed as collateral damage. Their deaths had no strategic value. There was no reason to kill them, but for the sake of killing them.

    Thursday afternoon, Muslim terrorists carefully timed a school bus route and hit the bus. The bus had been full of students, but luckily most had gotten off before the attack took place. It wasn’t the first time they had deliberately targeted school buses. The most famous of which was the Avivim School Bus massacre all the way back in 1970. That same day a kindergarten was hit by a rocket. Schools have been frequent targets of Muslim terrorists. So have pregnant women. There’s a word for all this. Genocide.

    Deliberately targeting children has only one tactical purpose. The extermination of an entire people. Had the Muslim world really wanted a Palestinian state, they could have created one by accepting the UN partition plan, or at any time between 1948 and 1967 when Gaza and the West Bank were in their hands. Had the Israeli Arabs who dub themselves ‘Palestinians’ wanted a state of their own, they could have had one between 1992 and 2011. They don’t want a state. What they want is a state of war.

    Genocide cannot be resolved by territorial compromise. People who approve of slitting a baby’s throat and stabbing a 4 year old in the heart are not out for an extra kilometer here or there. The Nazis were not going to be appeased with the Anschluss or the Sudetenland– and Muslims are not going to be pacified with partial control over East Jerusalem. It isn’t East Jerusalem that they want. Or even all of Jerusalem. Or even all of Israel. What they really want is a reason to keep killing.

    A man who murders a child might be insane, but millions of people who act and think that way are not insane. They have developed a moral code that says their victims are subhuman, while they are the ‘True People’. That code allows them to act out their worst impulses in the name of an ideal. Whether that ideal is the Third Reich or the Caliphate doesn’t matter at all. The ideal is there to justify the atrocity.

    Men make laws to rise above the beast inside them. But sometimes it is the beast who begins making the laws. The Koran is the law of the beast. The law that says you may kill a man who is different than you and take his wife for your own. That he is less than you because he is different than you. The law of the beast does not seek the peace of equals, but the peace of predators and prey. The right of the beast to prey on you because you are not of his kind.

  16. Well, of course Doug, you have missed the whole point, which, as we learned from the intro, is that might makes right. I don't believe that myself, but there it is - What is true is that might makes right.

    That idea, and this --They have developed a moral code that says their victims are subhuman, while they are the ‘True People’. --are a formula for perpetual violence, which means no one can get a good night's sleep.

    One of my standards for a good civilization is the ability to get a good night's sleep.

    There it is again - They have developed a moral code that says their victims are subhuman, while they are the ‘True People’. --that old formula written even into the names of some of the American Indian tribes --We are the true people.

    You -all you others - are not.

    That was a good article, Doug.

  17. There are now at least three of us who agree that Allen is a pompous ass.

    They would be Quirk, Bob, and, as show in the following post, Allen himself. --

    allen said...

    bob said...

    Allen, you are a pompous ass.

    Fri Jan 13, 05:25:00 AM EST

    That is correct.

    Fri Jan 13, 05:29:00 AM EST

  18. from Israel Today Magazine --

    Poll: Half of Palestinians will never recognize Israel

    Thursday, January 12, 2012 | Ryan Jones

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    Poll: Half of Palestinians will never recognize Israel

    A poll conducted last month shows that nearly half of all Palestinians will never recognize Israel's right to exist as the national homeland of the Jewish people, even if a comprehensive peace agreement that meets all Arab demands is achieved.

    Conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, the poll asked:

    "There is a proposal that after the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and the settlement of all issues in dispute, including the refugees and Jerusalem issues, there will be a mutual recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the Palestinians people. Do you agree or disagree to this proposal?"

    While just over 50 percent said they would agree to such an outcome, 46.8 percent said they will never recognize Israel under those terms.

    The results of the poll demonstrate the effects of over a decade of Palestinian Authority school education and media propaganda that has portrayed Israel as an usurper and the Jews as foreign invaders. It is only natural that those most fully indoctrinated by this education and media propaganda would never be able to view Israel as anything but an enemy, even with a full peace treaty.

    That is precisely the reason that the original "Oslo Accords" stipulated that both sides must educate their people for peace and coexistence. The Palestinian Authority has instead used millions of dollars in foreign aid to do the opposite, as revealed time and again by organizations like Palestinian Media Watch.

    But since a comprehensive peace deal is not even in sight, the poll went on to ask participants what Palestinians should do in the meantime. A large 41.1 percent minority said they support a full return to armed violence against Israeli Jews. In other words, terrorism.

  19. 100,000 Egyptian Christians have fled Egypt.

    The State Department has denied them visas.

    No difference between Obama/Clinton/Pelosi and the Pubs,
    my ass.

    The collaboration between this administration and the Muslim Brotherhood will soon be exposed by Steve Emerson.

    An American Hero of the first order.


    "America, where are you on this?" - A rhetorical question if ever there was one. America's in the same place where she was on the eve of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 - in her bedroom, regurgitating in her dreams what she's just read in her papers and watched on her TV. Oswald Spengler in his monumental Decline of the West described the slow death of civilizations: it's not overnight, it takes a long time (in our eyes, not in History's), but, unless dramatically halted, this death is inexorable. America shows all the signs of decay described by Spengler, and unless its "enemedia" is totally - but totally - rehauled - one (or one's children) can kiss her goodbye. She'll die without waking up.

    Why Isn't The Press Adequately Addressing The Very Frequent Jihadi Attacks In America?

  21. It's quite simple

    there are 2 competing peoples for one land.

    the arabs and the jews.

    the arabs?

    now control 899/900 of the contested lands.

    the jews?

    now control 1/900 of the contested lands

    the area that the arabs control? 99.999% jew free.

    the area that the jews control? 25% of it's citizens are arab.

    there is a question of people that have lost their homes.

    the arabs count that 600,000 and their offspring were driven from there homes and are now refugees.

    the jews count that 750,000 were driven from their historic homes in the other 899/900 portion of the middle east.

    the arabs claim religious attachment to sites inside "israel" (temple mount) and have access to all holy sites for administration and use.

    the jews claim religious attachment to sites inside the 899/900 of the middle east and have their sites almost completely erased and there is almost 100% lack of access and it is not safe for jews to visit let alone pray at those sites.

    the arabs claim a historic attachment to the middle east even though they migrated there in 640 ce from arabia

    the jews claim a historic attachment to the middle east even though they migrated there only 3200 years ago.

  22. the modern nation of israel is a member of the UN

    there are 21 arab nations now member of the UN

    no arab nation has ever given up land for peace

    israel has given up land for peace including the sinai 2 times,

    israel accepts the right of the 21 other arab nations to be, no matter if they murder their own citizens or not.

    the arab nations? so far only 2 out of 21 have accepted the right of the jewish state to be and that is sliding away.

    it's really a simple issue

    look at a map

    the arabs? control 899/900 of the contested lands

    the jews? control 1/900th of the contested lands

    the arabs want it all

    the jews want their own state and are willing to allow 20% of it's citizens not to be jews.

    you can throw up all other issues you want but it's really no more complicated than that

  23. The number of Christians that have fled or been exterminated since our "Democratisation" of the ME must be around half a million or more.

  24. But them Marines DID piss on the holy remains of the heroic Muslim Warriors.

    If one can believe that video.

    tsk, tsk

    More proof of the need for the death penalty.

  25. The most amazing thing?

    as history in the 899/900 of the arab controlled middle east is burning it's history, bulldozing it, razing it and destroying it in an attempt to erase it's past. Buildings are being burned, libraries destroyed, museums looted.

    Now in Israel?

    there is an amazing explosion of exposures...

    in every town, village and city, on every beach, river bed and swamps....

    you cannot go ANYWHERE in Israel where history is not being brought forward.

    there are THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of historic world heritage sites being exposed to be seen by the public for the 1st time in thousands of years.

    I myself, just visited here:

    The tunnel, leading from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam,[2][3][4] was designed as an aqueduct to provide Jerusalem with water during an impending siege by the Assyrians, led by Sennacherib. The curving tunnel is 533 m long, and by using a 30 cm (0.6‰) gradient altitude difference between each end, conveyed water along its length from the spring to the pool.

    Of course the arabs are upset...

    the reason is clear...

    Israel is showing it's history.

    a history that dates back thousands of years before the 1st arab ever traveled out of arabia.

    image if 100 years from now, in Gettysburg, the locals have created trash dumps and strip malls on the historic sites and now the government is clearing them out, much to the outrage of the locals who have lived there for "generations"

    in America? the government has the right to assess what is historic and needs to be preserved.

    my analogy is actually week. a better one would be if the whitehouse and DC had a great destruction and 200 years from now, Americans had the will and ability to preserve the remains of the historic capital and its buildings.

  26. The conflict is not about borders.

    the conflict is about arab supremacy,

    the arab world cannot admit that israel has a right to be a state for the jews.

    it matter not what border israel has...

    no matter what israel does or doesnt do.

    the arab world will not accept it's right to be an equal

  27. the arabs?

    now control 899/900 of the contested lands.

    the jews?

    now control 1/900 of the contested lands

    the arabs gross national product with a population of over 330,000,000 is less than jews (israel) with a population of 8,500,000

    so one nation in the middle east which sits 1/900 of the middle east and will no producing oil out produces the rest of the 899/900th of the middle east that has 40% of the world producing oil reserves.

    it's really all about the arabs being greedy ....

    they want it all....

  28. The tunnel, leading from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam,[2][3][4] was designed as an aqueduct to provide Jerusalem with water during an impending siege by the Assyrians, led by Sennacherib. The curving tunnel is 533 m long, and by using a 30 cm (0.6‰) gradient altitude difference between each end, conveyed water along its length from the spring to the pool.

    I have read about that, quite an engineering feat for its day I imagine.

    Around here, believe it or not, there still exist some neat old feats from the earlier days. There are the remains of a many mile long, well, I guess you'd call it an aqueduct, from the Blue Mountains down to the Snake River, which they used to float timber to market.

    There are also the remains of old coffer dams that were used to hold logs on the rivers, big and small, tool, and when the time was right, they were opened up and the stored water would rush the logs downstream in one big swooooosh. Saved time and money.

  29. bob said...
    The tunnel, leading from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam,[2][3][4] was designed as an aqueduct to provide Jerusalem with water during an impending siege by the Assyrians, led by Sennacherib. The curving tunnel is 533 m long, and by using a 30 cm (0.6‰) gradient altitude difference between each end, conveyed water along its length from the spring to the pool.

    I have read about that, quite an engineering feat for its day I imagine.

    you cant imagine til you actually walk it..

    those nasty jews also have cleared out a passage along the base of the Temple at GROUND level allowing people to walk the length of the original street level (it's 65 feet UNDER the homes that sit above)

    To walk the length of the retaining wall, to see the Roman occupation Era storefront areas is amazing.

    The arabs/islamic conquest of the area is akin to looking at a banana split... they are the cherry on top.

    the contribution to the land, the buildings by the islamic/arab conquest dating for 640 ce? is like that cherry.. NOTHING.


    They just stuck their "Cherries" on top of everyone else's sites.

    and as the Israelis unpeel the history?

    it becomes more and more apparent that the contribution by the islamic/arab conquests since 640 ce is and was NOTHING.

    they raped the land. they destroyed old buildings, churches and synagogues, using the cut stones for their buildings.

    you look to Mount of Olives, a historic Jewish cemetery, and you learn and see how the arabs strip thousands of head stones to pave roads and make latrines... (eh pissing on the dead????)

    and at the very TOP of the Mount of Olives? Sits a HOTEL that bulldozed hundreds of 1000's of year old graves that the British created.. (that is now considered "palestinian" land now...

    How absurd.

    btw we have a hugh canal system in ohio....

    forgotten by most of it's citizens.

  30. As for the assertion that might makes right, the arabs/moslems tried that solution and LOST

    just how many wars have they started and lost now only to scream we want the deal you offered us 60 years ago...

    pussies, and yes I say that like it's a bad thing...

    pussy - def: not a beloved genital but rather a man that acts, behaves and lives like a coward.

  31. allen said...
    bob said...

    Allen, you are a pompous ass.

    Fri Jan 13, 05:25:00 AM EST

    That is correct.

    Allen may be a pompous ass and I may be rude and vulgar. However that does not change the fact that Israel is correct in it's position of survival against a brutal, barbarian peoples that usually do much more than piss on our dead.

  32. Maybe we should discuss what makes a modern nation

    from wiki

    The nation state is a state that self-identifies as deriving its political legitimacy from serving as a sovereign entity for a nation as a sovereign territorial unit.[1] The state is a political and geopolitical entity; the nation is a cultural and/or ethnic entity. The term "nation state" implies that the two geographically coincide. Nation state formation took place at different times in different parts of the earth but has become the dominant form of state organization.
    The concept and actuality of the nation state can be compared and contrasted with that of the city state.[2][3][4], empire, confederation, and other state forms with which it may overlap. The key distinction from the other forms is the identification of a people with a polity.

  33. In Europe, in the 18th century, the classic non-national states were the multiethnic empires, (the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the British Empire)

  34. The fact is that Israel is a nation.

    Palestine is not.

    The fake nationalistic peoples that became the "palestinians" have refused nationhood 6 times.

    Since the world has amended the concept of who and what is a state?

    Look for the new nation state of the Crypts and the new nation of Bloods.

    When you set up special cases for statehood (ie palestinians) you open up the flood gates to every organized gang of thugs that can strong arm a land and enforce (at the point of a gun) their ideals of laws.

  35. israel has given up land for peace including the sinai 2 times

    They have a long way to go before they get back to the 1947 areas authorized by the United Nations.

  36. .

    Deuce first laid out questions for my consideration – dares as it were. That's what the sign "?" means. I answered them, giving opinions in the process: That’s what blogging is about. Among other things, I believe he will be shut down. Others have expressed similar fears.

    You are not Deuce and I owe you nothing. Start your own blog if you want that kind of respect.

    Sorry...didn't get past your first section...


    Allen criticized me for typing and spelling errors on the last stream, a legitimate criticism. It was sloppy on my part. But let's be clear what we have here. Over the past few days Allen has once again shown his MO, when you are unable to defend content, you divert, you carp on typos and spelling, or as is the case here you indicate you haven't actually read the criticism.

    What could be simpler?

    There have been other examples over the past few days. When I pointed out his deficiencies in recall, reading, and comprehension based on one of his long and nearly incomprehensible posts, he responded with "Waaaaay tooooo long, Quirk" indicating his reason for 'not reading' my post but ignoring the fact that about two thirds of my post was made up of sections of his own post being criticized.

    When I put up a post discussing what formed the legitimacy of the current state of Israel, a religious justification based on the Bible or a combination of political recognition by the UN and Israel's ability to defend itself, rather than address the question at hand, he diverted the conversation to a tangential discussion of the history of politics and religion through the ages.

    With regard to spelling, he offered an erroneous critique of my use of a Latinized version of the plural of the word anonymous before offering up as an alternative a word I have so far been unable to find in a standard, English dictionary.

    Above he instructs us on what "blogging is all about" and then implies I am being rude for commenting on one of his post.

    The pattern is clear. When he is unable to offer a reasonable argument or rebuttal regarding the subject at hand, he carps on typos and spelling errors, he claims to not have read the other poster’s criticisms, or he threatens them.

    These are merely the techniques employed by the vacuous pedant.


  37. The United Nations.
    Just one criminal organization that grants legita-messy to another.

  38. WIO said...

    "those nasty jews also have cleared out a passage along the base of the Temple at GROUND level allowing people to walk the length of the original street level (it's 65 feet UNDER the homes that sit above)

    To walk the length of the retaining wall, to see the Roman occupation Era storefront areas is amazing.


    We are negotiating with the Taliban in Afassistan:

    Once we negotiate with the MB in Egypt, those eyesores will be dealt with quick-like, as were those blasphemous Buddas in Assistan.

  39. Teresita said...
    israel has given up land for peace including the sinai 2 times

    They have a long way to go before they get back to the 1947 areas authorized by the United Nations.

    To bad the arabs attacked and didnt accept the 1947 borders.

    Cant turn back the hands of time otherwise we could be lamenting the fact that your pappa didnt wear a condom. And if only we could go that moment before your pappa injected your momma, then the world would be a better place.

    If you want to go to the 1947 borders? why no go back to the League of Nations that promised the areas called Palestine to the JEWS?

    Get a life loser...

    Or better yet?


    you are on the wrong side of history sweetie...

    Israel is and is not going to commit suicide to satisfy you or the world.

  40. Israel is and is not going to commit suicide to satisfy you or the world.

    Very good. Just so we know the bulk of Israel's territory is occupied, and has no legal sanction.

  41. How about those crazy Maldivites? Those bastards, all 340,000 of them, are living off the coast of India. They gained their independence from the U.K. in 1965, they didnt deserve it and I think they should give it back.

    We should nuke the island and water board any survivors to find out what they really know.

    Who's with me?

  42. I am with you Gag, but we should take their women first.

  43. The Bastards, and if any of you disagree with me, you're just a dumb fuck.

  44. That is exactly right, Gag! Right on!

    And, This is for Miss T, who said you couldn't carpet bomb in southern Afghanistan.


  45. Teresita said...
    Israel is and is not going to commit suicide to satisfy you or the world.

    Very good. Just so we know the bulk of Israel's territory is occupied, and has no legal sanction.

    Didnt say that, but by YOUR standards America aint legal, nor England, nor Russia nor anyone for that matter.

    And the fact that the ARABS turned DOWN a STATE makes those offers for them NULL and VOID.

    You love to lie, twist and distort.

    You are such a fine example of a "christos" or actually I think you follow satan.....

    I can't blame Christianity on your evil nature.

    I can blame you on your evil nature..

    I cant blame lesbians on your shit for brains or your hatred...

    I can blame you...

    You suck as a human.

  46. Last I checked those crazy Maldivites were not blowing up schools, hospitals and pizza parlors.

    Yep, not a single murdered, knifed, blown up, no IED's, no clit chopping, no annoying calls to prayers 5 times a day...

    Who are they bothering?

    No hijacking, no death threats...

    Sounds like a perfect target for Islam to destroy.
