Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kennewick Man


  1. Apparently the remains are that of a caucasian adventurer rather than the folks who came over from East Asia. Mormons think he's a Jaredite.

    This is the country around Kennewick, Coffin Road to be precise, more like Bob's balliwick than the Wasp's. But at a certain time of day, those hills look like solid gold.

  2. A Jew who posts on the Elephant Bar said: ..."if 1 million were gilled (far less than iran and iraq killed of each other in their last war) it would be less than 1% of all moslems. hardly genocide..."

    WP: Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group."

    The Turks killed 1 million Armenians in the Great War and this is called genocide.

    Also from WP: Israel Hess was a controversial figure who advocated exterminating the Palestinians as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On February 26, 1980, Bat Kol, the student publication of Bar-Ilan University, published an article by Hess entitled "Genocide: A Commandment of the Torah."[1] Hess interpreted Deuteronomy 25:17 as a commandment to obliterate the memory of Amalek, which he considered to be the Palestinians. In the article, Hess argued in favor of "racial purity" and described the antagonism between Israel and Amalek as "an expression of the antagonism between light and darkness, the pure and the unclean."

  3. The party of "Science"

    Similar to the "science based" (Ecological "Science," don'tchaknow)
    decision to encourage more oil to be shipped by a highly polluting means (tankers) so as to avoid shipping said oil by the safest means in the World.
    ...and stimulate our economy/create jobs.

    Defended by the bar's "energy expert"

    100% Pure Bullshit

  4. Doug, when the President blocked the pipeline as it was proposed, this cleared the way for Canada to re-apply using another route that won't possibly contaminate the aquifer that provides water for seven states.

  5. A damn spear point in the hip ain't no laughing matter, folks.

    To handle that, and to continue on this glorious journey we call life, you got to be tough.

    Real tough.

    Swedish tough.

    Looks Swedish, to me, alrighty.

    And, down by the river there, just what was he doing?

    Well, duh, fishing of course.

    Swedish fisherman!

  6. There was once a monster which lived in the valley of the Clearwater River near Kamiah. This beast devoured all the animals that lived in the country for miles around and became such a menace that Coyote, that clever hero of many an Indian myth, decided it must be killed. Arming himself with a flint knife, he jumped down the animal's throat and stabbed it in the heart. Then he cut the body up into pieces and from them fashioned tribes of Indians which he sent to occupy the mountains and plains round about. Finally, he discovered that he did not have a tribe for the beautiful valley in which the monster had lived, so he squeezed a few drops of blood from the heart and from this made the Nez Perce. Thus from the lifeblood of this strange animal came a tribe having many of the most admirable qualities possessed by human beings.[10]

    Nez Perce creation myth

    This Picture Was Taken In 1899 The Year My Swedish Aunt Was Born

    There are many pictures of Nez Perce camps around here. They used to camp in circles like that. There used to be a picture of an absolutely perfect circular camp of Nez Perce tepees in the Rosauer's cafe, I hope it is still there.

    We, the Nez Perce people, call ourselves Nimi'ipuu, which means the "real people" or "we the people."

    A tribal elder (Cecil Carter) mentioned a name we (Nimi'ipuu) used to call ourselves before we had horses, the name meant we walked out of the woods or walked out of the mountains, Cuupn'itpel'uu. He said it was an old word, before we used Nimi'ipuu.

    Southern neighboring tribes (Shoshone, Bannock) referred to the Nimi'ipuu as "people under the tule" because Nimi'ipuu's main dwelling was the tule mat-covered, double lean-to long house. The principal dwelling switched from tule mat-covered long house to a conical structure (tipi) by the 1800's. Tule is a long thin reed that when wet slightly increases in size to make a tight seal on the tules (tules are tied together to form the walls). In the summer time the tules allow the air to flow and circulate. The southern neighbors also referred to Nimi'ipuu as "Khouse eaters" because we Nimi'ipuu not only hunted for food but we also gathered roots and berries. One of the roots we gathered was a root we call khouse. Khouse is used for food and medicine.

    The name "Nez Perce" was given to us through an interpreter with the 1805 Lewis and Clark expedition. The French Canadians interpreted the meaning as "Pierced Nose." However this cultural practice was not common to the Nimi'ipuu.

    (information by the Nez Perce language department and the cultural department)

  7. The importance of the horse -

    A tribal elder (Cecil Carter) mentioned a name we (Nimi'ipuu) used to call ourselves before we had horses, the name meant we walked out of the woods or walked out of the mountains, Cuupn'itpel'uu. He said it was an old word, before we used Nimi'ipuu.

    ....We, the Nez Perce people, call ourselves Nimi'ipuu, which means the "real people" or "we the people."

    This people doesn't seem to have been created, rather they walked out of the woods or walked out of the mountains - came from nature - and then they got that necessary animal, the horse, and became the real people.


  8. Then they got the Clearwater River Casino, and pickup trucks.

  9. Another thread, another bash the Jew by the resident official liar Ms t, AKA Teresita, AKA Zena, AKA WASP.

    SHe/he/it is a master debater...

    Truth is no matter, distortion, snip and cut is her/his/it's specialty.

    Lying is her/his/it's passion. In fact he/she/it made up an entire story about being a lesbian catholic, about being a cancer patient....

    Self admitted that is...

  10. But back to my point... A tiny custom made nuke, a laser or kidnapping the black rock of mecca and destroying it is the way to reform Islam.

    Please ignore Ms T, Teresita, Zena and or wasp's futile attempts to re-write my point.

    The point still stands.

    The Rock has to be murdered in order to prevent genocide.

    After all at the rate we are going? Islamic wars have caused the deaths of MILLIONS already and are poised to continue their murderous streak.

    The total numbers of deaths from the iran iraq war was in the millions.

    The numbers of deaths at the hands of the Americans in Iraq is uncounted however it does number in the tens of thousands.

    Maybe the destruction of one small rock is the way to go?

    again, please ignore the rants of the baboon names WASP (aka Ms T, Teresita & zena the lesbian catholic)

  11. What is "occupation"

    Is the European in America "occupying" native peoples lands?

    There were Jews settled in what is now called Germany hundreds of years before the proto-germans ever formed any unit larger than a tribe.

    There are remains on the silk road in China of 6 foot tall red headed europeans a thousand years before Chinese ever walked on that area now called China.

    The issue is complicated and not easy to solve.

  12. will she/it be clever enough to post a picture of her and her husband with each other? doubtful. but then again it's type are awfully creative with Photoshop.

    by the way deuce, great job comparing martin luther king jr. with yassar arafat in your last youtube posting. as if both movements are both based on peaceful coexistence but apparently MLK is a terrorist in your heart of hearts.

    crap. i just got that nauseated feeling that happens when one mistakenly reads one of rat's comments.

  13. .

    Most people kind of take for granted the wonders wrought by Moore's Law. However, the following article kind of highlights what is at stake if our education system doesn't provide the graduates we need to keep the law operable.

    Moore's Law Advances in Science and Mathematics

    Future prospects

    So what does the future hold? Assuming that Moore’s Law continues unabated at approximately the same rate as the present, and that obstacles in areas such as power management and system software can be overcome, we will see, by the year 2021, large-scale supercomputers that are 1,000 times more powerful and capacious than today’s state-of-the-art systems — “exaflops” computers (see NAS Report). Applied mathematicians eagerly await these systems for calculations, such as advanced climate models, that cannot be done on today’s systems.

    Pure mathematicians will use these systems as well to intuit patterns, compute integrals, search the space of mathematical identities, and solve intricate symbolic equations. If, as one of us discussed in a recent Conversation article, such facilities can be combined with machine intelligence, such as a variation of the hardware and software that enabled an IBM system to defeat the top human contestants in the North American TV game show Jeopardy!, we may see a qualitative advance in mathematical discovery and even theory formation.

    It is not a big leap to imagine that within the next ten years tailored and massively more powerful versions of Siri (Apple’s new iPhone assistant) will be an integral part of mathematics, not to mention medicine, law and just about every other part of human life.

    Some observers, such as those in the Singularity movement, are even more expansive, predicting a time just a few decades hence when technology will advance so fast that at the present time we cannot possibly conceive or predict the outcome.

    Your present authors do not subscribe to such optimistic projections, but even if more conservative predictions are realised, it is clear that the digital future looks very bright indeed. We will likely look back at the present day with the same technological disdain with which we currently view the 1960s.

    A version of this article first appeared on Math Drudge.


  14. But here is a fact. A white born person whose family has lived in Africa for over 400 years is not considered "african-american".

    However a Black man that moves from Asia or Central America is eligible for "minority status" once hitting the shores of this nation.


    What is "occupation"

  15. I liked the idea of judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, sad to think have that thought as flipped.

    My child had to do a report this month on top 100 african american inventors.

    (remember next month is black history month, not january)

    Let me tell you my child had to scrap hard to find 100 african american inventors.

    One inventor invented the electric stop sign, on the flat iron hair tool.

    Maybe MLK would have preferred a list of the top 100 AMERICAN inventors, regardless of gender, faith or skin color.

  16. .

    UCLA Astonomers Claim Toshtu's 'Wal-Mart’s on the Moon' Proposal is Pure Hokum Built on Faulty Science

    UCLA astronomer, Drew Turner, said his team, while studying how to predict geomagnetic storms, discovered that the earth already has a, built in, 'systemic' way for adjusting for uneven weight distribution on the surface. The 'wobble' of the earth is accounted for by solar storms sweeping up trillions of electrons in a type of 'smoothing' action and then sweeping them into space.

    UCLA Says Toshtu Promotes Faux Science Scam

    Toshtu, if that is his real name (he has to date been unwilling to provide a valid birth certificate) has proposed building Wal-Mart’s on the moon and shipping people who wear Sear's Husky slacks and take up two plane seats to earth's satellite in order to attain a more equitable weight distribution on earth. However, experts in the field say that the idea is pure bunk. Based on payload restrictions at this point in rocket development, the cost of moving the tonnage required to make a difference, and now, on scientific studies showing that the earth already has its own self-regulating mechanism, Toshtu’s (?) suggestion "is just plain silly" (Drew Turner) .

    In another side to this story, Matt Drudge reports there are as yet unsubstantiated rumors that Toshtu (?) is actually Mort Gingrich, illegitimate son of Newt and the Mexican maid he employed during his second marriage. Details to follow.

    Mitt Romney has called the situation troubling and has suggested that Newt "come clean".

    Romney's Super-Pac is running adds in Florida suggesting that the whole 'Wal-Mart’s on the Moon" idea is a gigantic hoax foisted on the American public by Newt, Toshtu (?), and an as yet unidentified real estate agent in Atlanta to boost support for one of Newt's 'Big Ideas'.

    This is a breaking story. We will provide updates as they become available.


  17. Well Wasp is clearly the girl who played with fire, at least for the moment.

  18. .

    In the ongoing story of Wal-Marts on the Moon, polls indicate that recent disclosures about the science of the proposal and Toshtu's real political affiliations (as well as his questionable provenance) have raised fears in the minds of many Americans.

    Despite this, Toshtu still has many supporters.

    Rufus II: Sure it's pure bunk but it's still the best idea I have seen offered at the EB.

    Bob: I still think the idea is good. Anyone who has read Kant or Red Eagle would.

    Sam: Has anyone thought of using the 'Space Elevator' idea to launch the fatties into orbit? From there it's a piece of cake. Reminds me of a joke about this fat guy and a Martian.

    Doug: Yeh, well how does it compare to the $ trillions Obama has wasted? Equivalancy my ass.

    Of course there were some dissenters.

    WiO: What do you want to bet that Jews will suddenly be identified as the fattest people on earth?


  19. Deuce: Well Wasp is clearly the girl who played with fire, at least for the moment.

    Very good, Deuce!

  20. "This is a breaking story. We will provide updates as they become available."

    Check your shrubbery.

  21. "In the ongoing story of Wal-Marts on the Moon, polls indicate that recent disclosures about the science of the proposal and Toshtu's real political affiliations (as well as his questionable provenance) have raised fears in the minds of many Americans."

    Just the fat ones.

  22. Ha.


  23. What do you want to bet that Jews will suddenly be identified as the fattest people on earth?

    Proverbs 11:25 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.

  24. Newt: "I’m a little bit tired about respecting every religion on the planet. I’d like them to respect our religion."

    What is "our" religon, we wonders.

  25. Despite the increasingly dire warnings about an imminent US showdown with Iran (and vice versa), Iran “has not made the decision to go ahead with a nuclear weapon,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told the Senate Intelligence Committee

  26. Actual Newt Robocall:

    "As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney vetoed a bill paying for kosher food for our seniors in nursing homes. Holocaust survivors, who for the first time, were forced to eat non-kosher, because Romney thought $5 was too much to pay for our grandparents to eat kosher. Where is Mitt Romney’s compassion for our seniors? Tuesday you can end Mitt Romney’s hypocrisy on religious freedom, with a vote for Newt Gingrich. Paid for by Newt 2012."

    Frankly, Newt, I’m a little bit tired about respecting every religion on the planet. I’d like them to respect our religion.

  27. If Congress leaves current law unchanged, the report said, the deficit will fall to $585 billion in 2013 and $345 billion in 2014. In other words, doing nothing might be the most straightforward way for Congress to slash the deficit, a goal espoused by lawmakers in both parties.


  28. .

    From Toshtu's (?) post above,

    "The Moon Board of Supervisors approved a settlement agreement with Walmart Stores Inc. last night in a 3-1 vote; Supervisor Marv Eicher cast the lone "no" vote on the settlement. Supervisor Tim McLaughlin didn’t attend the meeting."

    We have a further update on this breaking story on the Moon Board of Supervisors locally known as the "Moonbats".

    Supervisor Marv Eicher indicates that prior to the meeting where he cast the lone negative vote he received threats from unidentified persons suggesting unspeakable things would happen to him and his pets if he decided not to "go along" with the Wal-Mart approval.

    We were unable to contact Supervisor Tim McLaulin as he was involved in a serious 'accident' on his way the the Supervisor's meeting. He is now in critical condition at St. Gertrude's Hospital. He is in a coma and unable to speak according to John Smith who along with other 'personal representatives' of Mr. McLaughlin met our reporter in the lobby of the hospital.

    Reportedly, Spot, Mr. McLughlin's pet terrier had all of his legs broken but is doing well. It's unclear if Spot's injuries happened at the same time as Mr. McLaughlin's accident.

    A third supervisor, Ms. Sally Price has also disappeared along with her pets, a parakeet and a turtle, and was unavailable to explain her vote.

    The other two supervisors were in Atlanta discussing a land deal and unavailable for comment.

    We will keep you advised of any updates on this late breaking story.


  29. .

    Breaking news from Drudge,

    Apparently, one of the Moon supervisors who voted for new Wal-mart is one Cliff Gingrich who also goes by the alias of 'Toshmoi'. There is speculation he may be related to Newt Gingrich.

    The fifth supervisor, Mark Felony, who also voted to approve the new store is reported to be a second cousin to Sheldon Adelson, a Newt Gingrich supporter. Ties to the Gingrich Super-Pac are being investigated.

    Further, it's reported that both the FBI and the ASPCA are involved in the investigation of events leading up to the controversial Wal-Mart vote.

    When asked to comment about this whole issue, Mitt Romney said, "Sure I strapped my dog to the top of my car for a twelve hour trip but I didn't break anyone's legs."

    Peta and The Humane Society indicated they would wait before making any comments.

    Stay tuned for more breaking news.


  30. There are remains on the silk road in China of 6 foot tall red headed europeans a thousand years before Chinese ever walked on that area now called China.

    Kennewick and Company just may have continued on west over to what is now the Seattle are thence up to the Alaskan Land Bridge entering 'China' from the east. That's the way the ancestors were then, never wanting to settle down and actually work, always wanting to move on to something 'better'.

    My folks founded Dublin too, don't forget that.

  31. Oddly enough, they never seemed to have the sense to move south, where it's warm. Something about dying off from some skin disease, skin cancer, mentioned in the old sagas passed down to me.

  32. .

    Lates report from Drudge,

    ASPCA spokesman, Teddy Wolf, reports that their sources within the FBI report they now have a 'Person of Interest' in their investigation, supposedly the mastermind who dreamt up the whole 'Wal-Marts on the Moon' scam in the first place.


  33. Miss Demeanor, meanwhile, was voted Super Greeter for the lunar line of Wal-Mart stores.

    "Don't let gravity keep you down, honey," Miss Demeanor said with levity, adding, "Come on up, and see me sometime, fat boy."

  34. Dear Wasp,

    Didn't you recently write that you would no longer respond to WiO, bob, and allen?

    Uuuuuh, I bet those little nut brown hands are just itching about now.


    As to Kennewick Man, there have been any number of theories. I am glad that you have solved the riddles. You are a giant among men. One day people will stand on your shoulders to look over the top of a dime.

  35. I bet those little nut brown hands are just itching about now.

    PROV 22:10 Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

  36. Rufus is fond of writing how ignorant Christians are.
    Guess you are shit out of luck hornet.

    Walmarts on the moon?
    It just isn't catchy like hope and change.
    Almost as moronic however.

  37. Iran: Petraeus said he believed the International Atomic Energy Agency's report in November — which said Iran is on the verge of a nuclear "breakthrough" that could allow it to launch a missile able to hit Israel and Europe — is accurate.  

    U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States in response to perceived threats from America and its allies, the U.S. spy chief said Tuesday.

    Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. said in prepared testimony that an alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington that was uncovered last year reflects an aggressive new willingness within the upper ranks of the Islamist republic to authorize attacks against the United States.

    deuce - better get that clever " protocols" thread topic ready to go; the thugs one missed the mark

  38. Kennewick Man, or Richland Man as those living in Richland say, may have been one of These Creatures an odd kind of sometimes blue eyes whitey skinned Jap that raised bears for sacrifice, and not an Olie at all.

  39. Anonobob: U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States in response to perceived threats from America and its allies, the U.S. spy chief said Tuesday.

    The same intelligence agencies that MISSED 9-11 and the fall of the Soviet Union and got us into Bay of Pigs and propped up the Shah.

  40. The Chinese workers are being held by an armed wing of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, which serves as a key opposition force to Mr. Bashir's rule. Khartoum claims the rebels receive orders and funds from South Sudan, where a leading political party is also called the Sudan People's Liberation Movement.

    The rebels say they are independent of South Sudan's government.

    Of the two nations' oil fields, most are located in South Sudan but supplies must travel by pipeline to ports in the north for export.

  41. Anon, everybody here knows the Iranian can't project force beyond their own borders cause the crapper told us so.

    Or at least beyond the Arc of Instability there in the Land of the Abrahamic Religions.

    Miss Demeanor's out of wedlock sons Dapper and Rapper Demeanor work in Clothing and Music/Electronics respectively there in the lunar Wal-Mart.

  42. I no longer post as anon, Wasp.

  43. Here are Romney's full remarks on Medicare at Monday's rally in Florida:

    "I understand a few of you here are on Medicare. Is that true? [Laughter]

    "That being the case, I hope you tell your friends who always fear that Republicans somehow might go after Medicare. You can tell them a couple things.

    Number one: We will never go after Medicare or Social Security, we will protect those programs. But also, you make sure and tell them this.

    There's only one president in history that's cut Medicare 500 billion dollars. And that's Barack Obama.

  44. Miss Demeanor's third son Crapper works in Toiletries.

  45. Yep, those same folks whose work allows dumb shits to blog from 9:12 am on through the day.

    If only they had the expertise to know that Iran can't project force beyond its borders. Tell em Deuce.

  46. On this day in 1950, President Harry Truman announced the development of the hydrogen bomb. The news came shortly after the Soviet Union developed an atomic bomb much faster than people were expecting.

  47. What is "occupation"Tue Jan 31, 06:44:00 PM EST

    Anonymous said...
    Yep, those same folks whose work allows dumb shits to blog from 9:12 am on through the day.

    If only they had the expertise to know that Iran can't project force beyond its borders. Tell em Deuce.

    Tell it to the dead Marines that got murdered in Beirut.

    As for whose work allows me to blog when I choose?

    I own the fucking company nitwit. MY employees cant blog... But ME?

    I can do what ever the hell I wish....

    It's great to be the KING....

  48. Wasp said...
    Anonobob: U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States in response to perceived threats from America and its allies, the U.S. spy chief said Tuesday.

    The same intelligence agencies that MISSED 9-11 and the fall of the Soviet Union and got us into Bay of Pigs and propped up the Shah.

    Notice the habitual liar picks her/his/its examples as "proof"?

    How about the successes that same INTEL agencies got right?

    No, the WASP, aka Ms T, AKA Teresita is just full of crap.

  49. Some unknown retarded dipshit says:

    If only they had the expertise to know that Iran can't project force beyond its borders. Tell em Deuce.

    The AMIA bombing was an attack on the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA; Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building in Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, that killed 85 people and injured hundreds.[3] It was Argentina's deadliest terrorist bombing ever.

    GEE and Hezbollah is funded, supported, trained and protected by?


  50. Now this is thuggish:

    A Montara man walking two lapdogs off leash was hit with an electric-shock gun by a National Park Service ranger after allegedly giving a false name and trying to walk away, authorities said Monday.

    Read more

  51. Wasp said...
    I bet those little nut brown hands are just itching about now.

    PROV 22:10 Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

    Book of Schamltz 13:30 To the liar, cut off her head, fore she is wicked and not worthy of earthly love. Send the demon seed to the hell she deserves. DO not listen to the liar as she is evil personified.

    (translation from the aramaic)

  52. Interesting fact, the blog's most notorious liar, Ms T, Teresita, Zena and/or wasp loves to quote scripture.

    Must be a satan thing...

    Used to be, when she was a she, and was a lesbian, she was a catholic....

    Now she/he/it is a bible verse quoting insect.

  53. Joos Joos and more Joos.

    Good timing deuce, I'm in Kennewick as we speak!

  54. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has kept an ambitious schedule over his first month in power. His flurry of public appearances -- nearly half involving military oversight -- aims to cement his position at the center of the country's leadership.


    North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected a Korean People's Army Air Force unit Jan. 30, his seventh inspection of a military unit this year. Kim has also attended three concerts, paid homage to his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, and father, Kim Jong Il, at the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, visited construction sites, toured a factory, visited Mangyongdae Revolutionary School, and watched a demonstration by a model aircraft club.


    As Kim Jong Un reinforces his role at the center of North Korea's leadership, it appears there is little intent to downplay the role of other key leadership positions, particularly that of the premier. Choe's more active involvement reflects plans to spread the burdens of leadership and provide additional key advisers to support Kim during his on-the-job training.

  55. Paul imagines a world where there are no credible threats, and thus nothing worth responding to. He imagines that the Constitution of the United States is binding over the lot of man, regardless of whether they are citizens or foreign enemy combatants.

    Worst of all, he imagines no cultural distinction motivating the behavior of regimes like Iran’s:

    "I don’t know of anybody who can militarily threaten [Israel]. They have 300 nuclear weapons.

    Nobody’s gonna touch them…"

  56. .

    Jeez Sam, if you are going to put up quotes, can you at least let us know who they come from?


  57. What.

    That was from Paul hisself.

  58. Sources Sam sources i.e

    I know you like to share what you are reading each day but you owe it to us and the authors to cite the source.

  59. Where's the mystery in that?

  60. Paul refers to himself in the third person??

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I meant where's the mystery in citing sources?

  63. As in, there's no mystery left once the sources are cited.

  64. I'mwithsamsourcescitedissourcesslightedorsomething

  65. As part of its spending cuts program, the Spanish government presented a law that would give the central government more control over Spain's autonomous regions. The justification for the law stems from the regions' increasing deficit and the central government's need for more resources.


    The Spanish Council of Ministers on Jan. 27 approved a preliminary draft of the Stability and Sustainability Law, meant to reduce Spain's public deficit and debt. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's Popular Party (PP) holds enough of a majority in parliament to ensure the law's adoption, without much modification, in early February.


    Madrid's attempts to control all of Spain date back 500 years to Spanish unification. Before the 16th century, Spain was a collection of small kingdoms with no central power and half the country under Muslim rule.

    Madrid and the Regions

    picky, picky...

  66. That article Total War was good.

  67. Ash: Paul refers to himself in the third person??

    Bob Dole says, "Bob Dole is gonna sue if he keeps it up."

  68. We get a choice of 2 people for President, but 50 for Miss America.

  69. Sam: Miss America for president.

    If I had my druthers, Miss Louisiana would win.

  70. .

    Sam, no knock on the parts you put up initially, but as Bob pointed out, the entire article Total War was a good read.


  71. Fuck Jihadists MaggotsTue Jan 31, 09:20:00 PM EST

    "I don’t know of anybody who can militarily threaten [Israel]. They have 300 nuclear weapons.

    Nobody’s gonna touch them…"

    maybe it would be better if israel only had 250 nuclear weapons LEFT.

    then nobody will touch them fur sure...

  72. maybe it would be better if israel only had 250 nuclear weapons LEFT.

    The Elephant Bar, exclusive home of the genocidal Zionists.

  73. .

    I don't know Sam. I only made it to the C's and I have to knock off for the hockey game but I kinda like Miss Colorado.

    Miss Colorado 2012


  74. Every school day, more than 7,200 students fall through the cracks of America's public high schools. Three out of every 10 members of this year’s graduating class, 1.3 million students in all, will fail to graduate with a diploma.


    A dominant theme in debates over high school reform, many of which have unfolded in the pages of Diplomas Count and Education Week, has been the need for hard, objective data on graduation rates. Such information provides needed insights on the severity of the challenges facing the schools at a given point, the groups and communities hit particularly hard by the crisis, the trajectory of change over time, and the effectiveness of efforts aimed at boosting graduation and preparing students for college and careers after high school.


    Although more than three-quarters of white and Asian students in the United States earn a diploma, the numbers are much more troubling for other demographic groups, only about half of whom graduate. Among Latinos, 56 percent successfully finish high school, while just 54 percent of African-Americans and 51 percent of Native Americans graduate.

    Continues Decline

  75. Yep, Coloradie's a nice one.

  76. Wasp said...
    maybe it would be better if israel only had 250 nuclear weapons LEFT.

    The Elephant Bar, exclusive home of the genocidal Zionists.

    and lying lesbian catholics that fake cancer for sympathy...

  77. Let see...

    America is the only nation to actually nuke another people....

    Israel hasnt...

    Not a single "zionist" has ever nuked millions of people.

    But America has...

  78. Wasp said...

    PROV 22:10 Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

    Tue Jan 31, 05:17:00 PM EST

    May I, then, safely assume that you will be leaving again?

  79. Those eyes of Miss Louisiana have a little lunar look to me, kinda spacey.

    They match her blouse though.

  80. FL: 47% Romney, 32% Newt and 13% Santorum

  81. The Elephant Bar, exclusive home of the genocidal Zionists.

    So nothing to say about Iran and the arab world that actually calls for the genocide of israel?

    Just contempt for Israel that she might have to use her nukes against a genocidal enemy.

    Just like America did against a genocidal enemy.

    One standard for Jews and no standards for anyone else, that my friends is a fine example of anti-semetism

  82. Not a single "zionist" has ever nuked millions of people.

    But every single time a Zionist suggests that we do, I will call it out.

  83. Shooot, you people don't know nothin' about Miss States, USA

    Miss Idaho

  84. What does one call someone who has faked her online persona for years... calling herself a lesbian, catholic and a cancer survivor?

    When she actually admitted that it was all a LIE!!

    WASP, also known as MS T, Teresita and Zena are all the same.

    One lying low life, jew hating, israel bashing piece of trailer trash...

  85. Stay away from her WASPY, she only likes men.

  86. Wasp said...
    Not a single "zionist" has ever nuked millions of people.

    But every single time a Zionist suggests that we do, I will call it out.

    I advocate the nuking of those that advocate the nuking of israel.

    SHove that up your lying ass bitch.

  87. Miss Idaho makes the others look like mere junior high kids.

    "Come hither", she says, "but you better be good."

  88. desert rat said...

    I recall allen telling us that Ms Gabrielle Giffords husband, Mark Kelly, was going to run for and win in her Congressional District.

    Fri Jan 27, 03:01:00 PM EST

    Everybody likes a good storyteller, but nobody likes a liar. allen said nothing of the sort. Wanna bet, Stud?

  89. Ron Paul, not a zionist, suggested that no one will mess with israel since it has 300 nukes.

    That comment suggests that Israel can DEFEND herself against those that seek the genocide of Israel.

    It aint no crime to destroy those that advocate, act on and prepared to genocidally wipe you off the face of the earth.

    Last time I checked, unless it was another lie, Ms T, teresita, WASP or Zena SUCKS off the USA MILITARY TIT providing her/him/it a living. ANd that MILITARY has USED nukes, has NUKES and promises to USE nukes to defend the USA

    So to recap, WASP, sucks the tit of the military that has nukes and used nukes but thinks it only bad when zionists want the same rights as America.


  90. I advocate the nuking of those that advocate the nuking of israel.

    So you, one of G-d's chosen people, would kill millions of other people, created in the image of the same G-d, merely for what their leaders say. Check.

  91. Wasp said...
    I advocate the nuking of those that advocate the nuking of israel.

    So you, one of G-d's chosen people, would kill millions of other people, created in the image of the same G-d, merely for what their leaders say. Check.

    war is hell bitch...

    and you make your living off of the tit of the military?

    you are one skanky piece of shit.

  92. merely for what their leaders say. Check.

    last i checked when a NATION goes to war to genocially wipe another people off the face of the globe?

    they invite destruction.


    are you really this stupid in real life?

  93. Newt: "Okay, Cape Canaveral, no vote for me? NO MOON BASE FOR YOU!"

  94. Tue Jan 31, 09:12:00 AM EST
    Tue Jan 31, 09:35:00 AM EST
    Tue Jan 31, 09:56:00 AM EST
    Tue Jan 31, 01:29:00 PM EST
    Tue Jan 31, 01:29:00 PM EST
    Tue Jan 31, 02:38:00 PM EST
    Tue Jan 31, 02:44:00 PM EST
    Tue Jan 31, 02:50:00 PM EST
    Tue Jan 31, 02:57:00 PM EST
    Tue Jan 31, 05:17:00 PM EST

    What we can say about the WASP is he/she/it/they work 9 to 5, and that's fo sho.

  95. war is hell bitch...

    Well, I just wanted to get your views down in black and white for a searchable record. Nuclear first strike on Iran, in retaliation for merely "advocating" an attack.

  96. According to wasp, America had no right to go to war in Afghanistan or Iraq because of what a few dozen people did to the USA.

    I guess that holds true for America and it's war against Japan when it nuked them....

  97. Wasp said...
    war is hell bitch...

    Well, I just wanted to get your views down in black and white for a searchable record. Nuclear first strike on Iran, in retaliation for merely "advocating" an attack.

    now you are funny!

    a "searchable record" ok Ms Perry Mason.

    My view? a nuclear strike on the nuclear locations under the mountains in iran as preemptive attack is fine.

    But your lack of specific definitions once again shows your lack of legal ability.

    which targets am I advocating?

    now we all KNOW iran targets civilians....

    Israel targets military targets.

    If Israel nuked iran? it would be specific hardened, under the mountain sites.

    So go and play with your self mr/miss/ms transgendered frankenstein, we all know you're just a lying sack of shit...

  98. Does anyone really think that if it had been the moslem world that had gotten these massive weapons first we'd all be sitting here writing what we want?

  99. After years of war-induced economic stagnation, Iraq is showing the potential to dramatically increase its capacity to export oil in anticipation of higher oil production. With much of this oil and infrastructure development taking place in Iraq's Shiite-concentrated south, the biggest external beneficiary of Iraq's increased oil output would be Iran.


    Over the past couple of years, oil production in Iraq's Shiite-majority southern region has been steadily rising because of production in the Rumaila, West Qurna Stage 1 and Zubayr supergiant oil fields that were auctioned off to foreign companies in 2009. Sitting on 115 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, more than 80 percent of which is concentrated in the south, Iraq has the potential to rival Saudi Arabia's production rate of roughly 10 million barrels per day (bpd) within the decade.


    Most of Iraq's oil lies in large and shallow oil fields very close to the coast on transit lines that do not cross population centers. This makes the oil relatively easy and inexpensive to extract and thus highly profitable.

    Smuggling Network In Iraq

  100. So, let me offer the perspective of a happily-divorced single mom of biracial descent. We are in a war for our nation, and divided we fall.

    I support Speaker Gingrich because his hard-fought achievements for this country far outstrip his mistakes. We can look back with derision at the concern he felt about global warming years ago, but what did you think at the time?

    Does it not carry any weight that much of what we now know of global warming science was yet to be learned when he sat on the couch with Nancy Pelosi? I support Speaker Gingrich because I believe he understands what it’s like being from a broken home and being imperfect in your own family.

    Best That Money Can Buy

  101. I’ve outlined why, gearing up for Super Tuesday, there aren’t any big (or very realistic) chances for a not-Romney to break Mitt’s Flo-Mo before the big day. In other words, this is likely where Romney’s near-inevitable inevitability starts coming into play.


    So is it Mitt? Barring a string of unlikely upsets by underfunded candidates in a string of states that don’t matter all that much… yeah, it’s probably Mitt.

    I don’t like that, but I will accept it.

    Nothin' But Mitt

  102. 1) For Newt Gingrich to compete in February and March, he’ll have to do better with women: he only lost men by 5 pints, but lost women by 22.

    2) Florida is not really a Southern state: over 70% of GOP voters and over 80% of all voters were born outside the South. If he can get back on track, Newt will win Alabama, Georgia, Miss, etc.

    3) Romney’s strong showing in the suburbs of Florida bodes well for the long run.

    Poll Observations

  103. Mitt Romney built his huge Florida victory on the big metro areas, Northern retirees, middle and upper class voters, moderates and Cubans.

    Exit Poll

  104. Fox News made it 10 years in a row as the top-rated cable news network, a streak that began after Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes’ operation first overtook CNN in total viewership in January 2002. Said Ailes: “We are extremely proud of the phenomenal achievement created by the hard work and talent of the FOX News Channel employees and recognize how difficult it is for a cable network to sustain this level of dominance for a decade.

    10 Years

  105. Mitt Romney built his huge Florida victory on the big metro areas, Northern retirees, middle and upper class voters, moderates and Cubans.


    O well what the heck why not let the Cubans vote, they can't really vote in Cuba, and we have a Kenyan President.

  106. "Fox News made it 10 years in a row as the top-rated cable news network..."

    Makes sense:

    "Gallup poll shows 41% self-identify as conservative vs. only 21% liberal ..."

    Liberals present FOX as representing a fringe minority view, go figger.

  107. Casting is currently underway for the titular ark builder, as well as the film's antagonist. Here's what Wells had to say about the film:

    "It’s got a guy in his 40's so it’s not going to be young. It’s going to be 40's.

    And there’s a big villain part, gotta have a villain in the story of Noah. Someone who’s saying ‘Listen, don’t listen to him.

    We’re fine! We don’t need to build any ark.

    Noah Shooting This Summer?

  108. .

    "Gallup poll shows 41% self-identify as conservative vs. only 21% liberal ..."

    No one wants to identify as a liberal. They have a bad name these days.

    Conservative? Do you mean social conservative? Fiscal conservastive? All of the above?Heck, even Classical Liberals if there are any left are conservative. Ron Paul's conservatism is somewhat different than the paleoconservatives and significantly different than that of the the neoconservatives.

    The titles are meaningless as is self-identification. It's your position on specific issues that define you.


  109. But Pentagon spokesman George Little said: "We have long been concerned about ties between elements of the ISI and some extremist networks."


    The Times said in its report the document suggested the Taliban were gaining in popularity partly because the austere Islamist movement was becoming more tolerant.

    It quoted the report: "It remains to be seen whether a revitalized, more progressive Taliban will endure if they continue to gain power and popularity. Regardless, at least within the Taliban, the refurbished image is already having a positive effect on morale."

    Set To Retake Power

  110. I'm a Neolithic Conservative, myself.

  111. It remains to be seen whether..... Taliban will endure if they continue to gain ....... popularity."

    W H A T ?

  112. Quirk, In regards to retail expansion on the Moon, I really can't discuss this further. A highly sensitive subject in a venue monitored by 17 federal agencies and John-Boy Walton. I could be seen as having gone rogue by all the wrong people.

    I can tell you that the sun-related wobble story is a cover. But enough about that.

    This video should tell you something about the future:


    Walmart is running out of room.

    What better Founding Colony could you find than a Walmart? They have everything, and those box structures create their own weather.

    Best yet, the colonization is guilt-free, we don't have to kill any indigenous peoples that we know of.

  113. Course that antler plow is all broke up in that picture, being in the ground 7000 years. Parts shined up nice though.

  114. "The titles are meaningless as is self-identification. It's your position on specific issues that define you"

    Well... it's a measure. We're are very measured people, more than ever before. Macro, micro...

    I pick and choose, I guess I'm a right-leaning independent, by voting record. All Republican except for Bill Clinton.

  115. I ask you, is this logical?

    Women always say that giving birth is way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts.

    Here is proof that they are wrong.

    A year or so after giving birth a woman will often say "it might be nice to have another kid".

    You never hear a guy say " I would like another kick in the nuts".

    Case closed.

  116. Survey

    5,000 men surveyed were asked: Why do you like blowjobs?

    1 % liked the warmth.
    2 % liked the sensation.
    3 % liked the eroticism.
    94 % just liked the peace and quiet.

  117. The United States and the Philippines are discussing enhancing military ties partly in response to increasing Chinese assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific region. Because the biggest threats to the Philippines' security have long been internal, Manila has some of the weakest external defense capabilities in Southeast Asia.


    U.S. and Philippine defense officials met over the past week to discuss increasing cooperation on a range of security issues, including counterterrorism, border security and military exercises, a Pentagon spokeswoman said Jan. 26.


    With these considerations in mind, Manila will attempt to increase its external defense capabilities while balancing between Beijing, Washington and its own public.

    Military Presence

  118. .

    I'm a Neolithic Conservative, myself.

    Translation: Troglodyte?


  119. Knew I'd get smart assed from Quirk.

    The last part of the Stone Age, Quirk. Saw the first rise of farming. That's when our party founding fathers arose, at the end of the Holocene Epipaleolithic. Our fathers were often called Neolithic Revolutionaries, but really all they wanted was to make the millet, buckwheat and triticale grow. The Chalcolithic followed on, when I got my Greek man slaying bear killing spear, four bladed, shining, and then on into the Iron Age. Neolithic Conservative is our party name, intended to show respect to the Ancestors, who fought it out during the Younger Dryas, eventually allowing folks to live in cities where they screw one another in every conceivable way.

    Whole project was a Big Mistake, but we meant well, and what am I to do, vote for Obama like Rufus?


    "We are the only ones not screwing you."

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