Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Good News Day - Bad News Day

The Good News for the Democrats is that the Republicans are stuck with Romney.

The Bad News for the Republicans is that they are stuck with Romney.


  1. Scandal: For incompetence alone, Attorney General Eric Holder should resign in the wake of the illegal "Fast and Furious" gunrunning scandal. But fresh news that he knew of it and is covering it up warrants impeachment.

    In the latest Friday night document dump — news released as to minimize its scandalous impact on the White House — congressional investigators learned that Attorney General Holder knew all along that a gun his Justice Department intentionally let fall into the hands of Mexico's cartels was used to murder U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry on Dec. 15, 2010.

    Holder must have known right away because his Deputy Chief of Staff Monty Wilkinson received an email from then-Arizona U.S. Attorney General Dennis Burke telling him just that: "The guns found in the desert near the murder(ed) BP officer connect back to the investigation we were going to talk about — they were AK-47s purchased at a Phoenix gun store."

    According to the Daily Caller, the emails also showed that Wilkinson then "alerted" Holder about the killing of the U.S. agent.

    Since then, Wilkinson has taken the Fifth in congressional testimony and told investigators, "I don't recall," while the Justice Department on Monday declined to give any answer to the press about what Holder knew and when he knew it.

    This is classic coverup behavior — late-night document dumps, officials taking the Fifth, "I don't recall" excuses — the likes of which we haven't seen since the Nixon and Clinton years.

    Along with the false testimony that Holder gave last year to congressional investigators including Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, this never-ending case can only get worse as the damning evidence piles up.

    It leaves one question: How far does this have to go before the Obama administration decides Holder should be held accountable? Holder should resign his office immediately because the drip, drip, drip of evidence suggesting he knew all along is grounds enough.

    Instead, Holder's gotten more evasive as his involvement grows ever more obvious. That in turn is creating a growing sense that culpability and complicity for Fast and Furious extends a lot further up the chain of command than Holder.

  2. Ranking Senate Judiciary Committee member Chuck Grassley issued a statement moments ago concerning today’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee minority report absolving Justice Department officials of responsibility for the Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking” scandal.

    “The Justice Department and Attorney General Eric Holder initially denied gunwalking occurred, but have since withdrawn the denials and admitted that ATF whistleblowers were right to complain about the reckless tactic,” Grassley states.

    Citing “the constitutional responsibility of Congress to conduct oversight of the executive branch,” Grassley accuses the Justice Department of stonewalling “every step of [his] investigation.”

    “[T]he Justice Department has provided 80,000 pages of documents to the Inspector General, but has provided only 6,000 pages of documents to Congress,” Grassley reveals. “Yet, the department has provided no explanation for withholding each of those 74,000 pages.”

  3. NNice try by Elijah Cummings, but no sale.

    The other operations were small-scale controlled buys done in conjunction with Mexican authorities. They were always designed to take out the straw purchasers, and they resulted in relatively quick arrests after a much smaller sample of weapons was transferred.

    Operation Fast and Furious was conducted after BATF determined that the tactics used in the previous operations were too risky.

    How was it conducted?

    By cutting Mexico and even other ATF agents completely out of the loop, quadrupling the number of weapons smuggled, and preventing agents from making arrests. In one particularly telling incident that proves that those involved knew they were breaking the law, BATF’s Bill Newell actually forced John Dodson, an ATF agent, to provide the weapons to “dirty him up” in hopes he wouldn’t blow the whistle on the program.

    Further, Newell had direct conversations with the White House, with two individuals in the National Security Counsel. If you think he was informing the NSC, and the NSC wasn’t informing the President, I have some land to sell you.

    U.S. Attorney for Arizona Dennis Burke, who was responsible for the program, was the architect of Democrat gun-banning schemes dating back 23 years, including the 1994 “assault weapons ban.” His deputy Patrick Cunningham plead his Fifth Amendment rights to avoid testifying against himself, fearing criminal prosecution just days ago.

    Let us be perfectly clear.

    The Holder Justice Department, and in all likelihood the Obama White House, conspired to violate the Arms Export Control Act, the Kingpin Act, is the accessory murder in the deaths of more than 300 Mexican civilians and BORTAC agent Brian Terry. Via other gun-walking plots in Texas, they may also bear responsibly for the guns sued to kill ICE Jaime Zapata and wound his partner, Victor Avila.

    The Obama Administration then attempted to execute a cover-up that begs for a RICO prosecution.

    Email communications between officials of this Administration show that they hoped to use the violence committed by the weapons they smuggled into Mexico in order to call for stringent restrictions on the rights of American citizens. The new long-gun reporting rule imposed on gun dealers by the ATF is a direct result of this conspiracy.

    The Obama Administration and Holder Justice Department committed felonies in what appears to be a brazen attempt to undermine the Constitutions of two nations.

    No amount of lying by Congressional Democrats can change that inconvenient truth.

  4. News of Christian imprisonment in Saudi only now reaching U.S.

    Thirty-five Christians have been jailed in Saudi Arabia for worshiping in their own homes according to a recent report. The news only surfaced this week that the Christians have been imprisoned for over a month.

    Jonathan Racho of International Christian Concern says it is no wonder that Christians there worship in their homes because of the danger they face.

    "In Saudi Arabia there is no church," says the ICC spokesman. "There is no other place of worship other than mosques -- so the Christians in Saudi Arabia only gather at their private homes to worship. And when they worship, as you can see in this particular example, they could also be arrested."

    Racho was able to talk with one of the female prisoners by phone and explains that prisoners are suffering because of lack of proper medical attention. "They told me that especially the male prisoners have been assaulted by the Saudi officials," he shares.

    One of the prisoners told Racho that a Saudi official insulted them by telling them they are non-believers, animals, and supporters of America.

    He adds the Christians are waiting for justice, which to them means their release from prison and the ability to worship freely.

  5. Obama requires Catholic hospitals to give abortions. Will he make Muslims eat pork or ban the burka?

  6. The bad news for democrats is they're stuck with an economic illiterate who has been fired by most of his economic team.

  7. We have a long way to go...

  8. Love the girl with the spoons on the top of her head.

  9. .

    From a University of Maryland study,

    Terrorists in the US: Who They Are, Where They Are, What They Do

    Unfortunately, the link merely contains a study summary. It doesn't, for instance, define how the study group defines a 'terrorist attack'.

    I also noticed that the area around Moscow, Idaho appears to be a hot bed of terrorist activity.


  10. Romney is not concerned with the very poor or the very rich.
    The poor have a safety net, "If it needs repair, I'll fix it."

    The very rich are doing "just fine."

    The republicans just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, again.

    What the hell are they thinking?

  11. Nice try Quirk, but if you look r e a l l y closely at your map again, you will see the area of concern is across the border over by Wazzu. (Washington State University) This is where most of them are, you can see them any day huddled in groups at the Student Union Building.

    It says "concentration of fatal terrorist attacks".

    But, fatal terrorist attacks? Not unless I've lost my memory.

    Then there is Detroit.

    Detroit? Well, I never! Take the beam out of your own eye before bitching about the splinter in another's, as WASP might say!!

    Vote Neolithic Conservative Party for food, plenty, peace and prosperity.

    "We are the only ones not screwing you."

  12. You folks don't know it but I found during my researches for Obama Endorsement of the Day that many of the "right wing terrorist" groups endorsed Obama in 2008. I am not yanking your chain. KKK etc. I will post the list but got to run.

  13. Well here --

    Will Obama get endorsed by all the racist groups again in 2012?
    Not just the black racist groups but also the KKK, Nazis, White Aryan Resistance, and National Alliance endorsed Obama for president in 2008.

    Rocky Suhayda, the Chairman of the American Nazi Party, said: 'White people are faced with either a n*gro, or a total nutter who happens to have a pale face. Personally I’d prefer the n*gro.'

    Tom Metzger, the Director of White Aryan Resistance, said:'The corporations are running things now, so it’s not going to make much difference who's in there, but McCain would be much worse. He’s a warmonger. He’s a scary, scary person--more dangerous than Bush...I hate the transnational corporations far more than any black person.'

    Erich Gliebe,: Chairman, National Alliance
    "Obama might be a better candidate for our cause because he’s racially conscious. One of our big things in the National Alliance is to raise the racial consciousness of our people. Young whites in universities, they’ve been stripped of any kind of racial identity. Obama may be a racist in a positive sense for his people--that will awaken a lot of the whites, knock some sense into them. They’ll see that non-white Americans are allowed to be proud of who they are, to be racially conscious, to talk about their people or their community without being attacked as being racist. Let’s face it, white people aren’t going to fight for their causes, for their kind with a white president. I don’t think McCain even acknowledges that a white race exists. He’s all about granting amnesty to illegal aliens. The fact he wants to keep us in wars in the Middle East for 100 years, that’s not a good thing. I give Obama credit, he seems to have stuck to his guns as far as pulling the troops out of Iraq. He’s a very intelligent man, an excellent speaker and has charisma. John McCain offers none of that. Perhaps the best thing for the white race is to have a black president. My only problem with Obama is perhaps he’s not black enough."

    (KENTUCKY : USA) Ucs News - The White Supremacist group known as the Ku Klux Klan has endorsed the black Democratic candidate Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States of America. In a statement released to the media, the KKK's Imperial Wizard, Ronald Edwards, confirmed the groups leadership would be instructing it's members to vote for the Illinois Senator.

    Speaking from his Kentucky office in Dawson Springs, the Imperial Wizard stated "The irresponsible economic policies of the Republican administration and John McCains failure to produce a creditable solution to the current crisis make it impossible for us to support the Arizona Senator regardless if he is white, black or purple."

  14. Romney: ‘I’m not concerned about the very poor’

    Buyer's remorse so soon. Mitt Romney spent more than $14 million on advertising in Florida attacking someone from the same party. And now he wants us to trust him that he will bring spending under control.

  15. Wasp said...
    Romney: ‘I’m not concerned about the very poor’

    Buyer's remorse so soon. Mitt Romney spent more than $14 million on advertising in Florida attacking someone from the same party. And now he wants us to trust him that he will bring spending under control.

    Once again notice how wasp, aka teresita, aka Ms T takes someone's words completely out of context.

    he said IN CONTEXT:

    'I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich. They're doing just fine. I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling.'

    Omission is a sin bitch.

    From Wikipedia

    In the criminal law, an omission, or failure to act, will constitute an actus reus (Latin for "guilty act") and give rise to liability only when the law imposes a duty to act and the defendant is in breach of that duty.

    To quote someone's words to spin it to mean something completely else is evil.

    Pure evil.

  16. From Egypt:

    At least 73 people have been killed in clashes after a football game in the northern Egyptian city of Port Said, medics say.

    About 1,000 others were injured in Wednesday's violence, including police. At least two players suffered light injuries.

    Now that is irony....

    I wonder what will happen when the money runs out?

    When the food runs out?

    When oil triples in price and drives the cost of bread and fuel thru the roof?

    inquiring minds want to know....

    They COULD do a mass exodus to Arabia, Mecca that is, after all those Saudis have tons of petro dollars...

  17. Wasp said...
    Obama requires Catholic hospitals to give abortions. Will he make Muslims eat pork or ban the burka?

    For years you claimed to be a "lesbian" catholic... Do you think that NORMAL Catholics that read about YOU felt you were really in keeping with the flock? DO you think the POPE would have approved of your "lesbianism" at the same time you claim to be a Catholic?

    How is Obama any worse than YOU?

    (hint, he aint)

  18. DO you think the POPE would have approved of your "lesbianism" at the same time you claim to be a Catholic?

    Lesbian Catholics who act on their desires must not approach the Blessed Sacrament without confessing, with the sincere desire to remain chaste.

  19. .

    he said IN CONTEXT:

    'I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich. They're doing just fine. I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling.'

    Even in context, Romney's words point out the fact that he is not ready for prime time.

    It is difficult to know what Romney is thinking by his words alone since they and his explanations of them change so often.

    However, his words on the poor will provide fodder to the left who will use them to stir up the 'rich white guy' meme. What he actually meant by the words become irrelevant in today's hyperpartisan atmosphere.

    He says if the social programs that are out there aren't sufficient, he will 'fix them'. The implication (?) is that he will do whatever it takes or costs to assure the poor are taken care thus alienating many on the right who claim the social programs are what's killing us.

    He says he is not concerned about the very rich thus alienating those in his party who say he is buying into the populist rhetoric of 'soak the rich' merely to advance his own candidacy.

    And finally, by claiming that 90%-95% of Americans are middle-class (if you read the full interview) and 'struggling' he brings into the conversation numbers that all sides can argue with.

    In one short interview, the man has been able to provide ammunition to his enemies on all sides.

    As I said, he's not ready for prime time.


  20. .

    Based on the convoluted logic of the paleos at the Neolithic Conservative Party, Sarah Palin, were she to accept the mission impossible, would be suspect since she is the darling of the Tea Party which itself was endorsed by David Duke during the last election.

    I feel safe in making this broad generalization about the NCP since it is very likely that it's entire membership consists entirely of Bob (unless, of course, Dale has returned from his trip to the mother-ship).


  21. Yet he is a damn sight better than newt

  22. Contentions
    Romney and the “Very Poor”
    Bethany Mandel

    This morning on CNN, fresh off his win in Florida, Mitt Romney discussed where the focus of his campaign lies. He said,

    “I’m in this race because I care about Americans. I’m not concerned about the very poor, we have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I’ll fix it. I’m not concerned about the very rich, they’re doing just fine. I’m concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95% of Americans that are struggling.”

    Soledad O’Brien incredulously asked Romney to explain why he wasn’t concerned about the very poor and Romney repeated that they fall within a safety net that provides food stamps, housing subsidies and Medicaid.

    How big, exactly, is the safety net that the government provides? In a report last year, The Heritage Foundation explains:

    Means-tested programs are limited to those at or below the poverty line. However, many welfare benefits go beyond this threshold to include persons who have incomes below 200 percent the poverty level, or about $44,000 per year for a family of four. Close to one-third of the U.S. population falls within this income range. A family of four at this income level would be eligible for approximately $28,000 worth of federal and state welfare benefits per year.

    Compare this $28,000 to what the average middle class American receives from the government in comparable subsidies, $0. While he’s right that the government provides an enormous safety net for the poor (99.4% of whom own at least one television), the explanation he provides on welfare in this country leaves everyone to the left and right of his campaign on edge. To the left, it verifies the long held suspicion Republicans only care about people with money, callously disregarding the plight of the poor. This verification will be played over and over during a general election if Romney clinches the nomination. To the right, it verifies that Romney is as liberal as they fear, complacent with the welfare state as it currently stands.

    Romney stated a truth about the welfare state that too often goes unsaid. The problem is he’s now glorified a system Americans find either insufficient or too far-reaching.

    Ticked everyone off alright. Thing is, Obama has done so too.

    If you can't satisfy everybody you ought to at least satisfy somebody.

  23. There are no paleos in the NCP, numbnuts.

    We screen.

  24. Does Romney golf?

    Does Newt golf?

    Voters need to know.

  25. Quirk said...

    he said IN CONTEXT:

    'I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich. They're doing just fine. I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling.'

    Even in context, Romney's words point out the fact that he is not ready for prime time.

    That is an opinion. There is nothing wrong with an opinion based on actual facts.

    Distorting comments was and is my point.

  26. Wasp said...
    DO you think the POPE would have approved of your "lesbianism" at the same time you claim to be a Catholic?

    Lesbian Catholics who act on their desires must not approach the Blessed Sacrament without confessing, with the sincere desire to remain chaste.

    lol now that is funny...

  27. Ash said...
    Yet he is a damn sight better than newt

    Anyone with a pulse short of David Duke or Yasser Arafat would be better than Obama.

  28. Wasp said...

    Lesbian Catholics who act on their desires must not approach the Blessed Sacrament without confessing, with the sincere desire to remain chaste.

    Wed Feb 01, 06:23:00 PM EST

    ...this, after all these years of you leading us to believe you were chased.

    What's a guy to believe?

  29. Certainly not a word out of he/she/it's mouth...

  30. Top Obama administration officials briefed eight senior Senate leaders Tuesday on a pending deal to transfer as many as five Taliban prisoners from the U.S. detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to Qatar.

    I have an idea...

    It's called a firing squad...

  31. The Lady of perpetual lies says:

    Lesbian Catholics who act on their desires must not approach the Blessed Sacrament without confessing, with the sincere desire to remain chaste.

    And yet she created a fake lesbian catholic persona, complete with lesbian partner with whom she was going to retire with!

    She (if she IS a she) is simply a liar.

  32. I have an idea...

    It's called a firing squad...

    Sounds Wannsee Protocol-ish.

  33. The next chief executive of Sony Corp. promises to forge a new path for a company that once dominated the business of filling free time with the creation of wildly popular consumer products, from Trinitron TVs to Walkman music players and PlayStation game consoles.

    The selection of 51-year-old Kazuo Hirai by Sony's board Wednesday ends the reign of Howard Stringer, the boisterous and charismatic Brit who in 2005 became the company's first non-Japanese chief executive and over seven years as boss couldn't turn around Sony's electronics business.

  34. Wasp said...
    I have an idea...

    It's called a firing squad...

    Sounds Wannsee Protocol-ish.

    Hardly you sack of anti-semitic shit...

    the execution of 9 taliban terrorists that are housed in the nation's most secure detention center for terrorists hardly compares to the NAZIS plans for the final solution.

    You are one half baked sack of shit Ms T...

  35. Wannsee Protocol, January 20, 1942

    I. The following persons took part in the discussion about the final solution of the Jewish question which took place in Berlin, am Grossen Wannsee No. 56/58 on 20 January 1942.

    Gauleiter Dr. Meyer
    and Reichsamtleiter Dr. Leibbrandt Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern territories
    Secretary of State Dr. Stuckart Reich Ministry for the Interior
    Secretary of State Neumann Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan
    Secretary of State Dr. Freisler Reich Ministry of Justice
    Secretary of State Dr. Buehler Office of the Government General
    Under Secretary of State Dr. Luther Foreign Office
    SS-Oberfuehrer Klopfer Party Chancellery
    Ministerialdirektor Kritzinger Reich Chancellery
    SS-Gruppenfuehrer Hofmann Race and Settlement Main Office
    SS-Gruppenfuehrer Mueller
    SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Eichmann Reich Main Security Office
    SS-Oberfuehrer Dr. Schongarth Security Police and SD Commander of the Security Police and the SD in the Government General
    SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Dr. Lange Security Police and SD Commander of the Security Police and the SD for the General-District Latvia, as deputy of the Commander of the Security Police and the SD for the Reich Commissariat "Eastland".

  36. At the beginning of the discussion Chief of the Security Police and of the SD, SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Heydrich, reported that the Reich Marshal had appointed him delegate for the preparations for the final solution of the Jewish question in Europe and pointed out that this discussion had been called for the purpose of clarifying fundamental questions. The wish of the Reich Marshal to have a draft sent to him concerning organizational, factual and material interests in relation to the final solution of the Jewish question in Europe makes necessary an initial common action of all central offices immediately concerned with these questions in order to bring their general activities into line.

    The Reichsfuhrer-SS and the Chief of the German Police (Chief of the Security Police and the SD) was entrusted with the official central handling of the final solution of the Jewish question without regard to geographic borders.

    The Chief of the Security Police and the SD then gave a short report of the struggle which has been carried on thus far against this enemy, the essential points being the following:

    a) the expulsion of the Jews from every sphere of life of the German people,

    b) the expulsion of the Jews from the living space of the German people.

    In carrying out these efforts, an increased and planned acceleration of the emigration of the Jews from Reich territory was started, as the only possible present solution.

    By order of the Reich Marshal, a Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration was set up in January 1939 and the Chief of the Security Police and SD was entrusted with the management. Its most important tasks were

    a) to make all necessary arrangements for the preparation for an increased emigration of the Jews,

    b) to direct the flow of emigration,

    c) to speed the procedure of emigration in each individual case.

    The aim of all this was to cleanse German living space of Jews in a legal manner.

    All the offices realized the drawbacks of such enforced accelerated emigration. For the time being they had, however, tolerated it on account of the lack of other possible solutions of the problem.

    The work concerned with emigration was, later on, not only a German problem, but also a problem with which the authorities of the countries to which the flow of emigrants was being directed would have to deal. Financial difficulties, such as the demand by various foreign governments for increasing sums of money to be presented at the time of the landing, the lack of shipping space, increasing restriction of entry permits, or the cancelling of such, increased extraordinarily the difficulties of emigration. In spite of these difficulties, 537,000 Jews were sent out of the country between the takeover of power and the deadline of 31 October 1941. Of these

    approximately 360,000 were in Germany proper on 30 January 1933

    approximately 147,000 were in Austria (Ostmark) on 15 March 1939

    approximately 30,000 were in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia on 15 March 1939.

  37. "The Lady of Perpetual Lies”

    that is actually quite amusing.

  38. this does not compare to the execution of 9 taliban terrorists in gitmo.

    the percentage of recidivism among released islamic terrorists is quite high.

    If they are released?

    They will murder more Americans.

    SO my suggestion stands.

    A firing squad.

    Ms T's suggestion? She can shove it where the sun doesnt shine, lying sack of trash she it...

  39. …not taking sides, but if you understand how Catholic schools are named, it is rather funny.

  40. "They will murder more Americans."

    Not if we aren't there. They'll just go back to chasing the schoolgirls, like the occupy movement.

  41. Deuce said...
    …not taking sides, but if you understand how Catholic schools are named, it is rather funny.

    Not taking sides?

    You made the liar a "bartender" dont ya feel a tad bit used?

    Remember I never made that cut...

    SO you have taken sides...

    otherwise allen and I would have been made bartenders....

  42. Toshstu said...
    "They will murder more Americans."

    Not if we aren't there. They'll just go back to chasing the schoolgirls, like the occupy movement.

    In all seriousness the islamic terrorists have no problem from moving from one nation to another, let alone one continent to another

    Guantanamo recidivism rate climbs higher
    By THOMAS JOSCELYNSeptember 14, 2011

    During a joint hearing of the Senate and House intelligence committees yesterday, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified that the recidivism rate for former Guantanamo detainees has risen to an estimated 27 percent. The total number of "confirmed" and "suspected" recidivists, according to Clapper, is now 161.

    The latest assessment is higher than the previous one offered by the DNI in December 2010. At the time, the DNI estimated that the recidivism rate was 25 percent, and included 150 "confirmed" and "suspected" recidivists.

    According to the DNI's December 2010 report, confirmed cases are those in which a "preponderance of information" identifies "a specific former GTMO detainee as directly involved in terrorist or insurgent activities." In suspected recidivism cases, "[p]lausible but unverified or single-source reporting" indicates "a specific former GTMO detainee is directly involved in terrorist or insurgent activities." Engaging in anti-US "statements or propaganda does not qualify as terrorist or insurgent activity" in either confirmed or suspected cases.

    The US government's estimate of the number of ex-Guantanamo detainees who have returned to jihad has steadily increased over time.

    In June 2008, the Defense Department reported that 37 former detainees were "confirmed or suspected" recidivists. On Jan. 13, 2009 -- seven months later -- Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said that number had climbed to 61. By May 2009, when a recidivism assessment was leaked to The New York Times (the report was based on information available as of mid-March 2009), the Defense Dept. had found that the same metric had risen further to 74 -- exactly double the Pentagon's estimate just 11 months before.

    The Obama administration confirmed in February 2010 that the recidivism rate was then 20 percent, meaning that more than 100 former Guantanamo detainees were either "confirmed" or "suspected" recidivists at the time. By December 2010, the number had climbed even higher -- to 150 former detainees. And now, that estimate has risen again -- to 161 ex-Guantanamo detainees.

    "Many of them have been taken off the battlefield through kinetic encounters," Clapper explained, with respect to the recidivists.

    One of these "kinetic encounters" occurred earlier this month, when Afghan and Coalition security forces killed a former Guantanamo detainee named Sabar Lal Melma and captured another ex-Guantanamo detainee during a raid in Afghanistan. [See LWJ report, Ex-Gitmo detainee killed in Afghanistan.]

    Read more:

  43. .

    You're right Deuce, it wasn't bad.

    And you don't have to take sides. The two deserve each other.


  44. If I was a bartender I think I could make some good posts when Deuce was pre-occupied.

  45. Folks, remember we are going to need a RINO proof Senate, and House too. Let CaymanIslands fund his own campaign. We are urging you our cadre to to back RINO proof Senate and House candidates with your hard earned money.

    Central Committee
    Neolithic Conservative Party
    Dale, Chairman

  46. SO my suggestion stands.

    A firing squad.

    And maybe make some lampshades out of them too.

  47. No bartender has made a post in months. It's as exciting as being chairman of the Neolithic Party.

  48. O fuck you Teresita that goes way way too far. Go back to the Philippines with your Navy money.

  49. No bartender has made a post in months. It's as exciting as being chairman of the Neolithic Party.

    Well there's been a few topics over 200 comments, lately, that wouldn't happen with me on watch.

  50. I've got the entire collection of Time Magazine from Hitler's rise in 1933 to his demise in 1945, including the A bombing of Japan, and the fall of Mussolini.

    When Germany and Japan went down, they crossed 'em out on the cover with a big red X.

  51. Wasp said...
    SO my suggestion stands.

    A firing squad.

    And maybe make some lampshades out of them too.

    Nothing like a perpetual liar scorned...

    i think her comments speak for themselves...

  52. what is

    she trying to out someone again?

  53. The economy is voters' top concern.

    "Look, drive around this town, see all the places that are vacant," said Tom Nay, a 68-year-old, self-employed Romney supporter in Las Vegas. "People are not working."

    The state's unemployment rate, 12.6 percent, is the nation's highest. Its largest casinos suffered a combined net loss of nearly $4 billion in 2011, the third straight year of losses. In all, more than 166,300 people were out of work and one in every 177 homes was in foreclosure in December, also the highest rate in the nation. Immigration and tourism are also top issues in the state.

    Nevada Up Next - Caucus Turmoil

    Casinos lost nearly 4 billion last year. Couldn't happen to a more deserving group.

  54. Casinos lost nearly 4 billion last year. Couldn't happen to a more deserving group.

    We're gonna go toss Tulalip Casino a lifeline Friday night.

  55. Department of Sugar, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

    It's really disgusting the pass Obama, Holder and friends are getting on that idiotic gun running scheme. What in the hell were they doing? Issa I think is getting ready to force Holder to testify. Testify again?

  56. .


    We are urging you our cadre to to back RINO proof Senate and House candidates with your hard earned money.

    Central Committee
    Neolithic Conservative Party
    Dale, Chairman and Ufologist
    13601 Oak Street
    Spiral Galaxy M109 (NGC3992),
    Ursa Major


  57. A lot of us carib beaners used to worship at Our Lady of the Blue Mullet.

    In later years on America's the frozen border, we took holy chips, and salsa, at Our Lady of the Ample Brador.

  58. Much later, I learned English.

  59. My first school was Our lady of the Strutting Nun. I was the only toe-headed glowing white Americáno.

  60. I have very fond memories of my experience with Catholic girls!!!

  61. Brador was just Brador then, Ash, maybe Molson bought them since.

    Which means, of course, skunky Brador.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. How?? The object, and the joy, simply revolved around getting them to go. Forbidden fruit and all that.

  64. On this day in 2004, Janet Jackson's infamous nip slip occurred during her halftime performance with Justin Timberlake at Super Bowl XXXVIII. The nationally-televised blunder created quite a stir and prompted U.S. broadcasters to pay much closer attention to FCC censorship guidelines.

  65. Barring the nomination of a Republican ticket of Ron Paul and Christine O’Donnell, anyone who says this election is in the bag is crazy. How could President Obama lose? Let us count the ways.

    1) The president could win the national popular vote but lose a majority in the Electoral College

    In 2000, for the first time since 1888, the winner of the national popular vote failed to carry the Electoral College. Al Gore won New York, Massachusetts, D.C., and California by a total of over four million votes.


    2) The Nixon-Reagan-Bush coalition could re-assert itself

    From 1968 to 2004, Republicans put together a coalition of the South, the West, suburbia, and the Farm Belt, winning seven of ten national elections — and control of the U.S. Senate for nearly half those years. That GOP coalition lost in 2006 and 2008, but heartland America and suburbia boomed big for Republicans in 2010.


    3) The president could get personally blamed

    With over two-thirds of Americans unhappy with the condition of the country, we can never be sure that a massive “throw-the-bums-out” mood won’t be directed at the man at the top. That certainly happened to Herbert Hoover in 1932, Jimmy Carter in 1980, and the first President Bush in 1992.

    Obama Could Lose

  66. Ash knows the lie of the land.

  67. In fairness, second place in a Republican primary has often been a ticket to a future nomination. But what happened for George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, McCain and now perhaps Romney is unlikely to happen for the rest of this cast of characters.


    If Romney loses to Barack Obama, the Republican Party is not going to nominate Rick Santorum in 2016 when it could nominate Chris Christie or Jeb Bush. Nor will it reconsider Newt Gingrich or Rick Perry when it could fall in love with Marco Rubio or Bobby Jindal.

    In the end, there’s only one potential second-placer in this field who can plausibly claim to be making a down payment on the future. And that future’s name is Rand Paul.

  68. If Romney loses to Barack Obama, expect the nation to turn to the waiting arms of the Neolithic Conservative Party.

    Our 'age' will have finally arrived.


    I've been reading about Mormon voting patterns.

    Those folks vote in a block more than the blacks do.

    Nevada belongs to Romney. 95% voted for Romney last time around.

  69. .

    bob said...
    If Romney loses to Barack Obama, expect the nation to turn to the waiting arms of the Neolithic Conservative Party.

    Our 'age' will have finally arrived

    Surprisingly, your age arrived around 10,000 years ago and ended about 3,000 years ago. But thanks for the corn and rhubarb.

    Jay Leno (my source for news) indicated that the stock of cattle in this country is dropping like crazy. How fat are we when cattle are now an endangered species?


  70. Leno (my source for news) indicated that the stock of cattle in this country is dropping like crazy. How fat are we when cattle are now an endangered species?

    And this is exactly the kind of problem addressed by the Neolithic Conservative Party. Our original incorporating documents contain a list of barnyard animals and fowl needed for each family, cattle highlighted prominently among them.

    Tired of hunting? Go barnyard cattle. Tired of digging camus bulbs with a stick? Begin by going subsistence farming.

    There is none of this Romney I don't care about the poor craparoo, NCP cares about you, the only party not screwing you

  71. .

    Perhaps, you should consider a name change.

    Neoneolithic Conservative Party?



  72. .

    Face it, with the current name your party sounds like old news, about 3000 years old news.


  73. I'll take the matter up with Dale, but, since he came up with the original name, I think the answer will be no.

  74. neo = new, dude.


    you can get it

    I'll ask Dale if he'd go for Neonatalneolithic.

    I'm not married to a name.

  75. I think we'd be better off as a country if more people had their own cattle, if you want my real opinion.

  76. Slaying Your Inner Cannanite

    Kill the men, women, and children, but, why the cattle?

  77. The truth is in the details.

    I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who are struggling."

    But Romney's tax plan could raise taxes for lower-income families and would give big tax cuts to millionaires.

    Obama's campaign seized on the part about not needing to do any more to help the poor, using it to portray Romney as insensitive to the poor.

    Read more:

  78. Romney continues to spread the big lie that he is for the middle class.

    Romney said. "And there's no question it's not good being poor, and we have a safety net to help those that are very poor. But my campaign is focused on middle Americans."

    Romney will be focusing upon raising taxes on the middle class and lowering the taxes for the millionaire class he is part of.

    How sweet it is!

  79. .

    neo = new, dude.

    Of course neo means new, you nitwit. That's why I suggested it.

    Neonatal? Rather childish in my opinion.

    What really surprises me is that you have to ask Dale. What are you merely the party front man?

    Now we learn Dale is the man, the decision-maker, the main honcho, El Jeffe, the dark, sinister power behind the throne.

    More and more the NCP sounds like today's other parties, political hacks trolling for your dollars with a secret agenda cooked up in some shady smokefilled room in the depths of Idaho.

    What is it? Are you in league with the vegans? Are you toadies of the ethanol cabal? Strictly in it for the money, the power, perks, and prestige? What other sordid aims drive you?

    Fie on you and the NCP.


  80. Correction:

    allen said...
    Wasp said...

    Lesbian Catholics who act on their desires must not approach the Blessed Sacrament without confessing, with the sincere desire to remain chaste.

    Wed Feb 01, 06:23:00 PM EST

    ...this, after all these years of you leading us to believe you were chased.

    What's a guy to believe?

    Wed Feb 01, 07:44:00 PM EST

    ...should have read...

    ...this, after all these years of you leading us to believe you were chased for laps...

  81. Battleground states have highest concentrations of Catholics, and now Obama has jumped into the fight ring with God.

  82. .

    I think we'd be better off as a country if more people had their own cattle, if you want my real opinion.

    Grow your own food. A cow in every yard. A chicken in every pot. The message of the NCP.

    What pap.

    Once you start connecting the dots it all becomes so obvious.

    A good natured front man selling the party line to a credulous public like Robert Wagner selling reverse mortgages to the elderly while Dale a dark, sinister presence who most people know little about sits in a smoke filled room pulling the strings.

    A party platform designed to confuse, contradictory and obfuscated . Condemn OWS and its goals on the one hand while at the same time pushing an anti-capatalistic “Go Green’ message. What Emersonian drivel. I get my corn packed in a can by a big jolly green guy over in the Valley like every other red-blooded, ‘real-American’.

    I thought we got rid of groups like this NCP cell back in the 50's but their kind never goes away. Still trying to weedle their way into the very fiber of the American spirit to spread their venomous philosophy.

    Fie and for shame.


  83. .

    Battleground states have highest concentrations of Catholics, and now Obama has jumped into the fight ring with God.

    The man is either very confident or as politically tone-deaf as his GOP counterparts. Pushing his liberal views is one thing but the timing is questionable. It is only ten months to the election.

    However, there is some consistancy. The first year he was in office, he pushed Obamacare to the exclusion of everything else while at the same time the American people had been expecting him to concentrate on the economic crisis and jobs.


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