Monday, January 30, 2012



  1. Deuce you need to be in some propaganda department somewhere.

    Palestinians Uproot Some Jewish Fig Trees

  2. Well, boobie ...

    I've been told, by you and little "o", that Arizona s the equivalent of Israel, the Mexicans the equivalent of Palestinians.

    The 40,000 dead US citizens, killed by illegal immigrants are more than the equivalent to the causalities actually caused by the bottle rockets fired at Israel.

    Yet, I advocate for immigration reform, regularizing the illegals in the US and ...

    ... not for taking punitive military action against Mexico.

    I do not think we should "close" the border. Do not think we should discriminate against people of Mexican descendent, here in AZ, to "get even" with the violence done by the Cartels, Mexico's equivalent of Hamas and HB.

    I'll accept that all 4 million of the US citizens in AZ could be equivalent to the Europeon colonists in Palestine, but reject the hate that those Europeons direct at the Palestinians, or that folks in Idaho and Ohio project at Mexicans.

  3. I definitely support allowing Mexicans that are related, by blood or marriage, to US citizens to legally immigrate to the US.

    A policy rejected by the Israeli, with regards to Palestinians, or non-Joos.

    I reject the legitimacy of discrimination based upon creed. Everywhere.

  4. The Israeli rejoice in discrimination by creed.

    There is no equivalency.

  5. Good morning!

    Another bash Israel thread ! How original!

    How dare those Israelis build a fence to stop suicide bombers.

    The good news?

    The fence has worked.

    The fence has stopped thousands of your friends from blowing up Jews into hamburger

    I understand Deuce and Rat think that palestinans have a right to murder and shoot rockets into Israel but Israel doesnt.

    Rat argues like the nazi lover he his.. One can only hope that the mexican terrorists shove a few bottle rockets up his daughter's ass or a few mexicans blow up his favorite horse barn when his grand kids are doing pony rides to get the idea that the palestinians are after genocide of Israel.

    Mexicans as a policy do not advocate the gutting AMericans and dancing on their smashed open skulls while holding the freshly ripped American hearts in their hands. The palestinians do.

    So another big lie at the EB!

    I can only hope some day that those that stand with the Palestinians open their homes to them and reap the benefits of living among them.

  6. Israel has 20% of it's population that is NOT Jewish.

    Non-Jews are on the Supreme Court, serve in the highest offices of the land.

    Israel had a woman serve as Prime Minister, something America still has not achieved.

    Israel has 3 official languages. Hebrew, Arabic and English, something America still argues about.

    During ww2 America put 10's of thousands of Japanese in camps just for being Japanese, America did not allow Japanese to move to Amerca to MARRY US citizens.

    America used NUKES and carpet bombing on it's enemies, killing millions.

    America demanded and got it's enemies to say "Surrender" and accept American occupation that still goes on to this day.

    And how many Americans died by the hands of Japan and Germany IN America?

    Not many....

    But it's nice to see how vile this bog has become for Jew hating, Israel bashing propaganda on a daily basis.

    Just confirms my feelings...

  7. Maybe Israel should treat the Palestinians like America treated the indians?


    bounty on scalps....

    The American way...

  8. Maybe Palestinains should be put on Reservations?

    That's how America, after she starved, defeated and killed Native Americans dealt with them.

    America signed numerous treaties that were absolute lies in order to trick the indians into compliance.

    Maybe Israel should follow America's lead.

    Didn't America fight several bloody wars as well with the Mexicans?

    Seem to remember America not taking bottle rockets up the ass...

    Maybe the America now doesnt care if 40,000 Americans are raped by Mexican criminals.

  9. The resident Nazi says: ... not for taking punitive military action against Mexico.

    AMerica ALREADY took PUNITIVE MILITARY ACTION against Mexico when it was the GOVERNMENT of MEXICO doing the violence.

    The Palestinians are supported by the Palestinian Government.

    To equate criminals with an organized army that supports, funds, trains and supplies suicide bombers and their bombs to blow up cafes is dishonest. But lying is not something those that hate Israel shy away from.

    Lying is their trademark.

  10. Palestinians Uproot Some Jewish Fig Trees

    God hates figs.

  11. America, love it or leave it. Can't stand Occupiers who burn the flag, or shoot at the flag at Ft. Sumter, or compare Americans to Nazis.

  12. A man was shot by a homeowner who caught him prowling outside the couple's residence on Pacific Highway in La Center early this morning. Police found the wounded suspect in the driveway. 29-year-old Barry Parnel of Vancouver was taken to a hospital and died from wounds to the chest and stomach.

    Not all news is bad news.

  13. .

    It pains me to agree with those on this blog who are IMO merely apologists for Israel.

    They are as bad as those on the other side here who are fixated on attacking Israel in a selective and obvious manner.

    However, again IMO, the point about the daily bashing of Israel here is a legitimate one. I wouldn't mind the occasional attack blog (as with most countries, there is plenty to criticize) but it has now become standard fair.

    We have seen the links posted on today's blog before. The constant harping on Israel has become redundant. It's not like everyone hasn't had a chance to say what they want on the subject or that there weren't other things to talk about.

    Today's headlines:

    US Embassy shelters NGO workers in Egypt

    Syria attacks opposition forces in Damascus

    Debt debate is dead

    GOP candidates cite debt as a problems yet all propose trillions in tax cuts


    SETI back up and running


    With regard to GW, we are entering the second decade of the 'great pause'.

    Israel is not our problem unless we as a nation let it be.


  14. British lingerie label Agent Provocateur have seen annual sales jump by more than 12 per cent in a year which also saw First Lady Michelle Obama joining their list of elite customers.

    Mrs Obama, is said to have spent $50,000 (£31,794) in the one shopping trip to the boutique which closed down part of Madison Avenue when she visited with the Queen of Qatar, Sheikha Mozah.

    Michelle Obama was chauffeured past a YMCA.

    "Look!" she said. "They spelled Macy's wrong!"

  15. Wasp said...
    America, love it or leave it. Can't stand Occupiers who burn the flag, or shoot at the flag at Ft. Sumter, or compare Americans to Nazis.

    When the jackboots fit?

    It's called being honest..

    that is something you have no clue about.

  16. I think those that ignore the evil of the islamic world are what is termed "useful idiots".

    If the non-islamic, non-arab supporters of "palestinians" get their way? what they do not understand is that they are next.

    One can only hope their cries for help, their cries for their family members dismembered, their cries for their raped and decapitated loved ones will fall on no one.

    But as sure as the sun will rise, the hatred promoted by islam and adopted by those across the globe and here at this blog will be a seed of blackness that will, in the end, rot their own houses.

    It's all been seen before.

    Those that choose to ignore history are bound to repeat it.

  17. Q, it pains me to take the "other side," but I must. War and Peace with Iran is, in my opinion, The Momentous Decision of the Decade. And, the Israeli Leadership is lobbying MY Congressman, and Senators for War.

    Given the grave importance of the decision, it seems only logical to examine, at great depth, the people trying to push our government into such a grave undertaking.

  18. .

    I disagree, Ruf.

    Congress gets lobbied every day. This year, anything they do will be political and skewed to its results on the election.

    If you are concerned about Your Congressman and Your Senator, worry about them. If they are corrupted or coopted by anyone or any country, it is because they are so very corrupt themselves.

    Unless Iran creates an act of war that threatens our critical national interests, there is nothing that can force us to war except our own willingness to do it, not Israeli badgering or even Israel going to war with Iran.

    No, it will be Obama and the rest of the munchins in OZ.

    As for today's post, we've seen and discussed it here before. It has little to do with Iran and the bomb.


  19. Ahh, you make a good point, Q, but the only way my asshole congressman can get away with being corrupt is if the voters are unaware of the facts.

    I see nothing wrong with educating the voters to the types of people that are influencing our "policy."

    Gotta go get my tires aligned. Later.

  20. Give me a break, Rufus, four years ago or so you were opining along with me maybe we should do it, wouldn't be a bad idea.

    And these days you are opining the usurper is the savior of the universe.

    For those that disregard my posts, I'll give you another chance -

    Here's a Sunny Eyed look at the insanity of islam.

    Having signed up for her Sunny-mails I can give you a tip when something is up in SunnyWorld.

    Sunny keeps me off the street, and in a good mood.
    I agree with Quirk, today's post was a gratuitous, uncalled for, unwarranted, mean spirited, repetitious, petty, ill humored attack and brazen insult to a nation fighting for its survival and incredibly one-sided to boot.

    (from Words and Phrases)

  21. Q, it pains me to take the "other side," but I must.

    And, it pains me to speak truth to boss, but I must.

    Share the pain

  22. .

    Give me a break, Rufus, four years ago or so you were opining along with me maybe we should do it, wouldn't be a bad idea.

    Some people evolve and grow, others watch Sunny TV.


  23. .

    I agree with Quirk, today's post was a gratuitous, uncalled for, unwarranted, mean spirited, repetitious, petty, ill humored attack and brazen insult to a nation fighting for its survival and incredibly one-sided to boot.

    As someone recently complained here, don't put words in my mouth.

    Frankly, Bob, you diminish any argument I might make by agreeing with me.



  24. .

    From the WAPO,

    CAIRO — The American Embassy in Cairo on Sunday took the highly unusual step of sheltering U.S. citizens employed by ­nongovernmental organizations amid fears that they could be detained as part of a crackdown on pro-democracy groups, according to U.S. officials and a former NGO official.

    The move comes a week after Sam LaHood, director of the International Republican Institute’s program in Egypt, was barred from boarding an international flight in Cairo. LaHood is the son of U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. Several other NGO workers later learned that they had also been barred from leaving the country.

    Moving the Americans into the neighborhood-size diplomatic compound in the center of the capital appeared to mark a dramatic worsening in Washington’s relationship with Cairo, which has been strained over the past year as the country’s ruling generals have sought to portray foreigners as agents of instability...

    US aid or threat of its removal does at least provide a big bargaining chip. Whether it should be continued given our current economic situation is a different question.



  25. bob said...
    Greens fees are all-inclusive, and include a cart with GPS

    Does that mean you got a global positioning satellite device on your club cart?

    Do golfers really get that drunk, that they don't know where they are?

    ummm, dude, the GPS is to tell you the distance to the green.

    The Circling Raven Golf course looks very nice and the rates appear reasonable. Too bad it is somewhere in bum fuck Idaho :)

  26. Hey WiO, Allen never answered, though he promised:

    What does it mean for Israel to be a Jewish State? Not why should Israel be Jewish but rather what does it mean for Israel to be Jewish - i.e. what does that mean institutionally, immigration policy ect.?

  27. .

    Again a WAPO story,

    "AMMAN, Jordan — Signaling a thaw in relations, Jordan’s King Abdullah II on Sunday hosted Khaled Meshal, the leader of Hamas, who made his first official visit to the country since his expulsion more than a decade ago in a crackdown on the militant Islamist group.

    The visit was part of a Jordanian effort to play a more prominent role in Middle East diplomacy and engage with Islamists who have become a rising political force in the aftermath of revolts that have unseated autocratic leaders across the Arab world.

    Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, is contemplating relocating its political headquarters from Syria, which has been shaken by a popular uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, long a patron of the Palestinian group’s exiled leadership...


  28. .

    From the same WAPO story,

    "Meshal’s visit to Amman was arranged with the mediation of Qatar, and official Jordanian announcements described him as accompanying the Qatari crown prince, Tamim Bin Hamad al-Thani, in his talks with the king.

    Abdullah is a key American ally in the region, and assigning Meshal secondary status appeared to be not only a matter of protocol but also a nod to sensitivities in Washington and in Israel, where Hamas is considered a terrorist organization because of its deadly attacks on Israeli civilians. Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994.

    Meshal, who heads the political bureau of Hamas, has been based in Damascus since he was deported and his group banned in Jordan in 1999. But he has spent recent weeks moving around the Middle East, effectively abandoning Syria, where the upheaval has led to the departure of senior Hamas officials. Relations between the Syrian leadership and Hamas have been strained by the group’s failure to back the government’s fierce crackdown on the insurrection, which has left thousands dead..."


  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Iran web developer sentenced to death

    TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran's state media say the Supreme Court has upheld a death sentence against a web developer convicted of spreading corruption.

    The semiofficial Fars news agency says blogger Saeed Malekpour was found guilty of promoting pornographic sites. It says the Supreme Court approved the death sentence handed down by a Revolutionary Court that deals with security crimes.

    Malekpour was reported imprisoned in October, 2008 and confessed on Iranian TV that he developed and promoted pornographic websites.

    The website, affiliated with the elite Revolutionary Guard, called Malekpour the head of the biggest Persian-language network of pornographic websites.

    These are the people Rufus protects...

  31. Rufus II said...
    Q, it pains me to take the "other side," but I must. War and Peace with Iran is, in my opinion, The Momentous Decision of the Decade. And, the Israeli Leadership is lobbying MY Congressman, and Senators for War.

    No dumbshit, AMERICANS that disagree with you LOBBY their congressmen.

    The Israeli LEADERSHIP does not.

    The fact you dont LIKE the issue, the FACT that you call those AMERICANS "un-American" does not make it so.

    I will be LOBBYING Congress for the 15th YEAR in a row.

    We (AIPAC) have NEVER advocated going to war against anyone. In Fact AIPAC has very PUBLIC talking points with those who have an iq above 40 to READ.

    AIPAC, whose members are AMERICAN CITIZENS, who are NOT PAID, who exercise their RIGHT to petition OUR LEADERS.

    You may wish to LOBBY your own leaders with your own pov, no matter how ill-informed, stupid and head up your ass your opinion is, you have a RIGHT to do so.

    Personally I find assholes like you, that call infer that I am LESS of a citizen than you, are the perfect motivation that I have to get involved, learn the issue and lobby Congress.

  32. Ash said...
    Hey WiO, Allen never answered, though he promised:

    What does it mean for Israel to be a Jewish State? Not why should Israel be Jewish but rather what does it mean for Israel to be Jewish - i.e. what does that mean institutionally, immigration policy ect.?


    Please go to the Israeli websites for that information, it readily exists.

  33. I binged "Israeli Websites" and didn't come up with anything that appeared related to that question. Maybe I'm missing something. Could you please give me a little more guidance? Maybe a website or two.

  34. .

    Ash, the following article by Caroline Glick (writes for the Jeruselem Post) reflects the views of many Zionists who regard those who don't accept or approve of the idea of Zionism as anti-Semitic. Her frustration arises from the fact that many Jews worldwide do not agree with her views.

    The Zionist Imperative


  35. .

    Evidently, because of recent media attention, the Senate will be soon be voting on a bill that would outlaw insider trading by Congress.


  36. Ash said...
    I binged "Israeli Websites" and didn't come up with anything that appeared related to that question. Maybe I'm missing something. Could you please give me a little more guidance? Maybe a website or two.

  37. Her frustration arises from the fact that many Jews worldwide do not agree with her views.

    Not hardly....

  38. Thanks for that link WiO. From that link:

    "Israel was founded to provide a much-needed homeland for the Jewish people, who had been persecuted in other lands over the ages. The Declaration of Independence states explicitly that "The State of Israel will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles." "

    While Israel guarantees the rights of its non-Jewish citizens (approximately 20%) no non-Jewish people can immigrate to Israel thus making Israel "Jewish". Have I got it correct?

  39. .

    Not hardly....

    Are you saying that you agree with her views on Zioniam and the duties of Jews worldwide regarding first allegiances as she expressed them in the article?


  40. Glick asserts that anti-Zionism is Jew Hatred. I beg to differ especially if one considers Zionism to be the Jews right to have a homeland in Eretz Israel.

  41. ummm, dude, the GPS is to tell you the distance to the green.

    Well, duh, and here I thought golf was a game, and not the surveying of a real estate development.

    What are your eyes for, dude?


  42. The pros have caddies to tell them the distances. Golf courses have a variety of markers to give you the distance and modern technology has provided GPS and laser range finders.

    In short, it is difficult to tell "with your eyes" whether you are 150 or 160 yards away from your target.

  43. .

    Once again, I find myself in the awkward position of supporting Bob.

    Golf is supposedly a game of skill. With the introduction of GPS, you are reducing it to a video game.


  44. You will soon be in the position of a pretzel, Quirk.

    It might be best for your comfort level if you simplay click 'collapse comments' and don't read anything under 'bob'.

    I do this alot lately with the crapper, collapse comments and pass on by 'desert rat'.

    He is the only one, though.

  45. Ash said...
    Glick asserts that anti-Zionism is Jew Hatred. I beg to differ especially if one considers Zionism to be the Jews right to have a homeland in Eretz Israel.

    But really your opinion doesnt matter.

    After all you are not on the pointed end of the spear.

    Jews have had to deal with the issue for centuries, if not several thousand years.

    After all it's like Black people, they decide what to call them

    Used to be - colored, then it was black, then african american, then people of color and even in some circles "nigger". But dont let them catch your honky cracker ass calling them something they do not approve of..

    No jew hatred and it's phrasology is changing.

    If arab have a right to 22 nations and self determination, even when several of them have no actual history as a unique peoples, then why should Jews not share that right?

    One standard for Jews and no standard for anyone else is anti-semitic.

    Anti-zionism is the new anti-semitism, it just sounds "better" but in the end? It just as lethal to the Jews.

    So please, your opinion? Is like an asshole, everyone has one and most stink.

    Israel has AS MUCH of A RIGHT as any other nation to self determination.

    And if you do not apply the same standards to any other nation that you apply to Israel?

    It's not just anti-zionism, it's anti-semitism

  46. The good news ash?

    Israel has weapons now....

    the world aint happy about that, cause the world only likes Jews and or Israel when they are bleeding and crying...

    But Israel and some jews? We aint going without a fight...

    We will not tolerate the pogroms, the rapes and the slaughter of our babies.

    So a heads up to all the nazis, jew haters and islamic terrorists.....

    We are armed. And we will not go quietly into the night to make your day happy and go-lucky.

    If Iran threatens Israel with genocide? Then Israel will take out Iran regardless of the issues it creates for the rest of the world.

    Dont like it?

    Grow a pair of BALLS and be the world leader that America used to be and confront the evil of Islamic thugocracy. Or dont and be the ball-less nation of pussies.

    America is at a crossroads. It can choose to stand tall against evil or it can choose to appease the beasts of the night.

    Many on this blog choose appeasement of evil. i pity them. Really.

    But the America I love would never cower at the treat of an insane mullocracy that threatens America as the great satan. This same group that has murdered thousands of Americans over the last 30 years.

    Neville Chamberland is alive and well and lives in the souls of many at this blog.


  47. Today's Obama for President endorsement selection is a reverse endorsement:

    Obama Endorses 'Occupy Movement'

    Read article, see Occupy burn American flag, see Occupy fight police, see Occupy trash parks, etc.

    I have been looking but can't confirm that Occupy has returned the favor and endorsed Obama. Though I'd think they would.

    Perhaps it is because there is no one really in control of the 'movement', other than maybe Soros.

  48. WiO wrote:

    "Israel has AS MUCH of A RIGHT as any other nation to self determination."

    I don't have a problem with that. The problem is with what constitutes Israel. Eretz Israel covers a much larger area than the present borders of Israel.

  49. Quirk, the skill in Golf is getting that dang ball into a hole with a diameter of 4.25 inches starting from a distance away of up to 600 yards. To be any good at the game you've got to know the distance from where you lie to where you want to go. The pros hire a guy (the caddie) to go out ahead of time and map out the course and one of his/her jobs is to provide the precise distance to various spots on the course. A GPS is a poor man's helper and it isn't as accurate. Personally I prefer to use the course markers (many have the yardages marked on the sprinkler heads as well as stakes in the ground) I'm toying with getting a range finder this year. I've primarily eye balled it in the past but as I get better that isn't doing the trick. I can't afford a caddie.

  50. What started off as a peaceful gathering of young hippies in a New York City park, has devolved into a series of anarchy laden riots all over the world. This weekend in Oakland, California more than 400 Occupiers were arrested as rioters set fires, destroyed property, broke into the City Hall building and burned American flags.

    So, what is really going on here?

    Stirrings of the unconscious, a return of the repressed, a existential forlorness at, as they suppose, the meaninglessness of life, the sculpting of one's being by militant action, fucking off for the sake of fucking off, what is going on here? Red doper diaper babies in need of a change?

  51. Obama, the guy Rufus is going to vote for, has endorsed this group.


  53. oh ya, a very helpful document to help you especially on a course you don't know is a yardage guide. You buy them from the pro-shop at the course. They help you with distances to get over creeks, lakes and how far away sand traps are ect.

    Hitting a blind tee shot over a hill and into a creek you didn't know was there is...frustrating.

  54. I can't afford a caddie.

    I assume you are not meaning a car, but you could sell the sail boat and rent that caddie.

    The choice Ash, is yours alone. A lonely fateful choice.

    Landlubber or tar, which will it be?

  55. yea, selling the boat would free up some cash...

  56. Here is another Idaho course you might like, Ash. I, actually have caddied on that course, for my dad and his business partner. But I wasn't measuring distances and stuff, just lugging clubs around. I'd think the motorized golf cart would have hard hit the caddie business. Does have some magnificent big trees back in there, and the lake nearby.

    But, you must remember:


    1. Shorts must be hemmed and be at least mid-thigh length.
    2. Shirts and shoes are required at all times.
    3. Men's tank tops and women's halter, spaghetti strap, or tube tops are not acceptable.
    4. No shirts with open midriff are allowed.
    5. Soft spikes only are allowed on golf shoes

  57. Then of course there is the McCall, Idaho Golf Course. HERE I have caddied there to for dad and his pal so I can testify it is another beauty.

    I have known people that live next to McCall Golf Course.

  58. .

    So, what is really going on here?

    Stirrings of the unconscious, a return of the repressed, a existential forlorness at, as they suppose, the meaninglessness of life, the sculpting of one's being by militant action, fucking off for the sake of fucking off, what is going on here? Red doper diaper babies in need of a change?

    More than likely, it is merely Oakland being Oakland.


  59. .

    But, you must remember:


    1. Shorts must be hemmed and be at least mid-thigh length, leiderhosen preferred.
    2. Shirts and shoes are required at all times, pants optional.
    3. Fluffy shirts with big collars preferred. Tank tops and women's halters, spaghetti straps, or tube tops are not acceptable on men. Women? Depends on what they look like. (Starter's decision is final.)
    4. No shirts with open midriff are allowed. Body peircings and tramp-stamps are frowned upon. Spiked hair above six inches in height will not be allowed due to OSHA regulations.
    5. Soft spikes only are allowed on golf shoes but not hair.


  60. We are armed. And we will not go quietly into the night to make your day happy and go-lucky.

    I've seen that talk on this blog before. The Samson Option. Israel goes down, but takes the rest of the world with it. Yahweh must be proud of his "priestly people" who are a "light to the Gentiles" for talking like that.

  61. .

    The 'Occupy' protests have been around for months in many major cities around the world. The demonstrations have been relatively peaceful with minimal violence, any major violence being restricted for the most part to law enforcement.

    The two major exceptions, Italy, were a gang of known anarcist thugs disrupted a major march by the Occupy group and Oakland with a known history of both sides going off the deep end.

    Not real surprising.


  62. Ash,

    My apology for not completing my conversation with you. It simply isn't worth my time, and it would have no impact. "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."

    I must now puke (nothing to do with you, Ash)

  63. .

    It might be best for your comfort level if you simplay click 'collapse comments' and don't read anything under 'bob'.

    Don't be silly.

    I'm always up for a good laugh and you never cease to amuse.


  64. Hong Kong is bracing for more finance-sector job cuts as Western banks, many of which base their regional operations in this business hub, scale back their Asian expansion amid the fallout from Europe's debt crisis and a generally weaker global economy.


    Meanwhile, office rents in Central, the city's central business district, eased 5.8% in the fourth quarter of 2011 from the previous three months, according to real-estate brokers CBRE.

    Rhodri James, CBRE's executive director for office services, expects office rents in Central to fall as much as 20% in 2012, partly due to increases in vacancy rates amid downsizing of banks.

  65. The three possible roles–major roles—for Bush this year are more intriguing. He may not intend to play any of them, but his refusal to be active in the race now makes them possibilities nonetheless.

    First, having not endorsed a candidate, Bush could emerge as an acceptable compromise nominee in the unlikely event there’s a deadlock between Romney and Gingrich at the GOP convention in August. In other words, a brokered convention might turn to him, thus unifying the party.

    Second, he could play a unifying role as a vice presidential choice of either Romney or Gingrich. It’s significant he’s from Florida, a state that President Obama won in 2008 -- and Republicans must capture in 2012 to defeat Obama’s reelection.


    Third, Bush could play a kingmaker role in the Republican presidential race. He would have the credibility to promote an agreement among leading Republicans about choosing the best nominee.

  66. On this day in 1969, the Beatles made their final public performance on the roof of Apple Records in London. The spontaneous concert ended up getting broken up by police.

  67. After being married for thirty years, a wife asked her husband to describe her.

    He looked at her for a while...then said, "You're A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K."

    She asks, "What does that mean?"

    He said, "Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Delightful, Elegant, Foxy, Gorgeous, Hot.

    She smiled happily and said: "Oh, that's so lovely! What about I, J, K?"

    He said, "I'm Just Kidding!"

    The swelling in his eye is going down and the doctor is fairly optimistic about saving his testicles.

  68. See if you can figure out what these seven words all have in common?

    1. Banana
    2. Dresser
    3. Grammar
    4. Potato
    5. Revive
    6. Uneven
    7. Assess

    No, it is not that they all have at least 2 double letters.

  69. All them seven words have six letters.

  70. I Googled the answer, I'm a modern man.

  71. Fuck!

    I'm wrong.

    How can that be?

  72. Regional and state unemployment rates were slightly lower in December. Thirty-seven
    states and the District of Columbia recorded unemployment rate decreases, 3 states posted
    rate increases, and 10 states had no rate change, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
    reported today.


    The West continued to record the highest regional unemployment rate in December, 9.7 percent,
    while the Midwest and Northeast reported the lowest rates, 7.9 percent each. Three regions
    experienced statistically significant over-the-month unemployment rate changes: the
    Midwest and South (-0.3 percentage point each) and the West (-0.2 point).


    Nevada continued to record the highest unemployment rate among the states, 12.6 percent in
    December. California posted the next highest rate, 11.1 percent.

    What do most of the states that experienced job growth have in common?

  73. Cause I just got up from a nap, that's how.

    And was distracted by allen's diagnosis of himself -

    "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."

  74. What do most of the states that experienced job growth have in common?

    They have dirty energy projects going?

  75. Many were red states, including most of the 'newly-reds' where Republican governors replaced or succeeded Democrats after the 2010 elections.

  76. Sounds like some sort of republican conspiracy.

  77. Sam: On this day in 1969, the Beatles made their final public performance on the roof of Apple Records in London. The spontaneous concert ended up getting broken up by police.

    This was what it looked like, Sam.

    Police said, "Get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged."

  78. Wasp said...
    We are armed. And we will not go quietly into the night to make your day happy and go-lucky.

    I've seen that talk on this blog before. The Samson Option. Israel goes down, but takes the rest of the world with it. Yahweh must be proud of his "priestly people" who are a "light to the Gentiles" for talking like that.

    Once again Ms T, aka Teresita, aka Zena aka WASP you are silly wrong and stupid.

    Israel aint going "down" and aint taking the world with it, it simply will deal with those seeking it's genocide. It will not ask permission from people like you.

    If that causes you higher petro prices? Too fucking bad.

    Your attempt at SLIMING Jews once again just shows how evil and retarded you actually are.

    There is nothing anywhere in the New test, the koran or torah that advocates self destruction in the face of evil.

    For you to imply there is?

    makes you the trailer trash you are...

    So now that we all KNOW you lie about you being a lesbian catholic, are you actually a woman? Did you lie to us all about your fake cancer? Your lose of a breast?

    Was it all lies?

  79. Yep, that's a good one, Wasp. I refer to that clip every now and then to get my day going.

  80. Since Ms T, WASP, TERESITA, ZENA, likes to quote me out of context I shall repost my point in it's total.

    The good news ash?

    Israel has weapons now....

    the world aint happy about that, cause the world only likes Jews and or Israel when they are bleeding and crying...

    But Israel and some jews? We aint going without a fight...

    We will not tolerate the pogroms, the rapes and the slaughter of our babies.

    So a heads up to all the nazis, jew haters and islamic terrorists.....

    We are armed. And we will not go quietly into the night to make your day happy and go-lucky.

    If Iran threatens Israel with genocide? Then Israel will take out Iran regardless of the issues it creates for the rest of the world.

    Dont like it?

    Grow a pair of BALLS and be the world leader that America used to be and confront the evil of Islamic thugocracy. Or dont and be the ball-less nation of pussies.

    America is at a crossroads. It can choose to stand tall against evil or it can choose to appease the beasts of the night.

    Many on this blog choose appeasement of evil. i pity them. Really.

    But the America I love would never cower at the treat of an insane mullocracy that threatens America as the great satan. This same group that has murdered thousands of Americans over the last 30 years.

    Neville Chamberland is alive and well and lives in the souls of many at this blog.


    I stand by my words.

    Whereas the fake lesbian, fake cancer patient has admitted she/he/it lied for YEARS on this blog....

  81. THe Ms T, Teresita, Zena, Wasp's of the world like it when Jews are victims. The do not like it that Jews will not sit in the back of the bus, she/he/it likes it when Jews are stacked like cordwood, dead and quiet.

    Sorry to piss on your pathetic parade but your opinion about how Jews, Israel should be or act? Is worthless...

    After all It's YOUR opinion, and you have made it clear to everyone that you are liar.

  82. Gandi isn't a good guy to quote when the issue is Jewish lives, seeing as how he recommended them all to just die.



    Japan's Population Shrinks Faster Than Anytime Since Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The population is forecast to decline from the current 127.7 million to 86.7 million by 2060 and to tumble again to 42.9 million by 2110 "if conditions remain unchanged", the health and welfare ministry said in the report.

    The projections by the ministry's National Institute of Population and Social Security Research forecast that Japanese women would on average have just 1.35 babies, well below the replacement rate, within 50 years.

    The report said that last year's earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan, which left more than 19,000 people dead or missing, hit average life expectancy but that the figure was expected to continue its upward trend.

    Japan's life expectancy – one of the highest in the world – is expected to rise from 86.39 years in 2010 to 90.93 years in 2060 for women and from 79.64 years to 84.19 years for men.

    Japan's population has been declining as many young people have put off starting families, seeing it as a burden on their lifestyles and careers. A slow economy has also discouraged young people from having babies

    In fifty years it might be a country worth living in, instead of this 9 people to a 2 room flat they got going now.

    Maybe even bring the fishing back.

  83. On The Holocaust

    “Hitler killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs.” ~ George Orwell’s “Reflections on Gandhi,” Partisan Review, Jan. 1949

    As to whether the Jews should have committed “collective sucide” by offering themselves to Hitler: “Yes, that would have been heroism.” ~ George Orwell’s “Reflections on Gandhi,” Partisan Review, Jan. 1949

  84. Ganhdi was really, well, kinda a fuckhead, really.

    And if he had been dealing with the Nazis instead of the more civilized British we would never have heard of him.

  85. Of course if the Jewish people had been the sort of people that Gandhi might have wished they would never have entered history in the first place.

  86. your opinion about how Jews, Israel should be or act? Is worthless...

    The Elephant Bar, home of Jews 4 Genocide.

    I don't have an opinion. I just like seeing you demand we Nuke The Kabaa so that everyone can make their own call.

  87. What do most of the states that experienced job growth have in common?

    Nahum 3:4 And whores! Whores without end! Whore City, Fatally seductive, you're the Witch of Seduction, luring nations to their ruin with your evil spells.

  88. Q. Why aren't there any Puerto Ricans on Star Trek ?

    A. Because they're not going to work in the future either.

  89. "Japan's Population Shrinks Faster Than Anytime Since Hiroshima and Nagasaki"

    It's an island nation, much of it will be lost to the sea in coming generations. The Japanese people are just adjusting for the future.

  90. Toshtu: It's an island nation, much of it will be lost to the sea in coming generations. The Japanese people are just adjusting for the future.

    I thought Obama said he was going to make the sea levels go back down.

    I've been to Nagasaki, and Sasebo, and points in between. Japan is a great place. They'll be okay.

  91. Baldrick: "What I want to know sir, is before there was a Euro there were lots of different types of money that different people used.And now there's only one type of money that the foreign people use. And what I want to know is, how did we get from one state of affairs to the other state of affairs"

    Blackadder: "Baldrick. Do you mean, how did the Euro start?"

    Baldrick: "Yes sir"

    Blackadder: "Well, you see Baldrick, back in the 1980's there were many different countries all running their own finances and using different types of money.
    On one side you had the major economies of France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, and on the other, the weaker nations of Spain, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Portugal.
    They got together and decided that it would be much easier for everyone if they could all use the same money, have one Central Bank,and belong to one large club where everyone would be happy.This meant that there could never be a situation whereby financial meltdown would lead to social unrest, wars and crises".

    Baldrick: "But this is sort of a crisis, isn't it sir".

    Blackadder: "That's right Baldrick. You see, there was only one slight flaw with the plan".

    Baldrick: "What was that then sir?"

    Blackadder: "It was bollocks".

  92. What the hell is that supposed to mean Teresita?

    Las Vegas is the whore city, and it is really really on the ropes.

    Best go back to your Bible again, or maybe the Taoist scriptures.

    Given up trying to count the unemployed in Las Vegas.

    'Unidentified' in the city morgue is overflowing.

    One of the big shots there, this Senator Reid, is a big pal of Obama, the guy Rufus is going to vote for, and takes 'campaign contributions' off the backs of the whores.

    Even the whores have a lot of free time these days.

  93. Joos Joos Joos. Every time I drop in.

  94. strong police presence around Frank Ogawa Plaza

    Oakland Mayor Jean Quan said she’s had it

    Charles Pine, head of the Recall and Restore committee, said the mayor still doesn’t get it.

    “This was not a playground. That’s the wrong word. This was a battlefield,” he said.

    in November where the mayor actually tried to negotiate when protesters attempted to take over an old building. Then in December, the mayor said she wasn’t sure The Port of Oakland could be defended from even a few protesters

    Jordan claimed commotion about Saturday’s ‘Move-In Day’ event started about a month ago when they started to advertise on their website that the intent of this march was to occupy a building.

    “They were intent on confronting the police, fighting us. They brought a lot of homemade self-defense equipment with the intent of defeating any attempt by us to prevent them from getting into a building,” he said.

    “We saw a much more aggressive, volatile situation. They have thrown liquids at our officers. When we deployed tear gas, they picked it up and threw it back at our officers. The demeanor of the crowd was much more volatile in the past.”

    When asked about protesters who claim that it is reasonable self defense to throw a canister back at police Jordan said that is “not accurate.”

  95. Deuce started it today, Gag.

  96. Wasp said...
    your opinion about how Jews, Israel should be or act? Is worthless...

    The Elephant Bar, home of Jews 4 Genocide.

    I don't have an opinion. I just like seeing you demand we Nuke The Kabaa so that everyone can make their own call.

    do you ever tire of lying?

    I guess not, since that is all you have done Ms T, Tersita, zena, and now wasp...

    Not I, nor any other Jew has advocated genocide.


    Killing a rock?


    genocide, nope...

    but you know you're full of shit... and we know it too...

  97. Elton and David had their sperm mixed together and a surrogate mother was artificially inseminated.

    When the baby was born Elton and David were ushered into a ward where a dozen babies were lying in their cots, eleven of them crying and screaming.

    In the corner, one baby was lying serenely. A nurse came over to both of them and indicated that the happy child was theirs.

    "Isn't it wonderful?" Elton asked David. "All these crying babies...and yet our baby is so content. This just proves the superiority of gay love!

    "The nurse said, "Oh sure, he's happy now, but just watch what happens when I pull the pacifier out of his ass...."

  98. Not I, nor any other Jew has advocated genocide.

    The Kaaba is in a large square in downtown Mecca, which is a major world city containing millions of people, each of whom were created in the image of God. The black rock is surrounded by markets and densely populated insulas inhabited by innocent women and children who have no personal culpability for 9-11 or the rocket attacks on the Israeli farm communities near the Gaza Strip. Modern nuclear warheads, even those with adjustable yields, exceed the destructive power of Little Boy (suitcase nukes are a myth). It is true that the Kaaba would be completely vaporized in such an attack, but tens of thousands of people would die instantly, and perhaps a half-million others would die over the next few decades from ailments directly related to the radiation from the blast, and the fallout, and the contaminated water table.

    Jews are called to be a priestly people who witness to the justice and compassion of the creator of heaven and Earth. To call for nuking a rock in the heart of a major city in the name of YHWH is the ultimate transgression of his own commandment, written by his finger in stone at Mt. Sinai: "THOU SHALT NOT TAKE MY NAME IN VAIN."

  99. Wasp said...
    Not I, nor any other Jew has advocated genocide.

    The Kaaba is in a large square in downtown Mecca, which is a major world city containing millions of people,

    You like to frame arguments by snipping and cutting what people say. Your rants are full of shit..

    You quote scripture like a sideway preacher om crack.

  100. zena, Ms T, Tersita, WASP says: To call for nuking a rock in the heart of a major city in the name of YHWH

    Who ever called for nuking the rock "in the Name of G-d"?

    More invention.. More Deception... More Distortion...

    Sounds like the Bar's Ms T alright...

    What a lying piece of trash.. (no offense to trash)

  101. "I thought Obama said he was going to make the sea levels go back down."

    He did here in Texas.

    "I've been to Nagasaki, and Sasebo, and points in between. Japan is a great place. They'll be okay."

    But more crowded in time, as the sea eats the coast.

    The recent tsunami left a high-water mark, which will in time be the New Japan.

    Their volcanoes have been
    underperforming for a long time, on the downside of the tectonic shift, they're being sucked under.

    This is aggravated by the sheer weight of the West, like a wad of gum to a cue ball. This wobble puts heavier stress on part of the globe, as it is thrown off-orbit and closer to the sun. (Bear with me here).

    The obvious answer is global weight distribution. Get the Globe back on track.

    America has fat for export, we could capture Chris Christie and Michael Moore and relocate them, kinda like balancing a wheel.

    Think that's silly? Ha.

    These full-body scanners at the airport are measuring your BMI, cross-referencing your State health records, your credit rating, what you buy at Kroger and how often you hit Big Daddy's and how much cash you withdraw from ATMs for titty bars and dope and fried foods.

    The State can relocate certain weight classes to counter global weightening, but that's not sustainable, we'll eventually sink towards, or away from the Sun.

    This is where Newt Gingrich comes in.

    Walmart, on the Moon. Resorts for the weighted, lose 5/6th of your weight *and* help get Earth to stop wobbling.

    That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it.

  102. wasp says:

    Modern nuclear warheads, even those with adjustable yields, exceed the destructive power of Little Boy (suitcase nukes are a myth). It is true that the Kaaba would be completely vaporized in such an attack, but tens of thousands of people would die instantly, and perhaps a half-million others would die over the next few decades from ailments directly related to the radiation from the blast, and the fallout, and the contaminated water table.

    1st point, if we were to nuke the rock, who is to say we could not design a weapon that could take out the rock?

    Interesting that you do not have much faith in the ability of the USA armed forces to produce a weapon to fit the target.

    You always say there are millions of folks.. Even in off season? There would be no way to drive the people away?

    but no matter, even if we take your distortion as fact, killing the numbers you cite are not genocide.

    If I advocated the erasing of the moslem people (as the moslems advocate the genocide of jews) that would be fair, but by any reasonable math even if 1 million were gilled (far less than iran and iraq killed of each other in their last war) it would be less than 1% of all moslems. hardly genocide.

    there are 1.5 BILLION moslems.

    Nasser once bragged he'd sacrifice 10 MILLION egyptians just to kill every last israeli if possible.

    Ms T, seek professional help you need it.

  103. Ms T aka Teresita aka Zena aka WASP = EPIC FAIL

  104. Weeelllll, taken aall in all, not a bad theory and since you advanced it, you are duty bound to stick to it, until someone proves you wrong. You might consider sending it to Coast to Coast, if it is still called that, they are always interested in cutting edge theory.

    A minor question - the moon is always face to us, would Luna-Mart affect this alignment, and if so could that be prevented? Or would we here below care much how they were bouncing around up there, even if they were a USA State?

  105. Finally, a sensible theory at the EB.

  106. Indeed, I haven't heard such a sensible proposal, though I've already forgotten what it was, since I've been here.

    Quirk has a good memory, perhaps he will remember.

  107. Do you remember what it was, Ruf?

  108. As the Sabbath evening approached on Jan. 13, Ehud Barak paced the wide living-room floor of his home high above a street in north Tel Aviv, its walls lined with thousands of books on subjects ranging from philosophy and poetry to military strategy. Barak, the Israeli defense minister, is the most decorated soldier in the country’s history and one of its most experienced and controversial politicians. He has served as chief of the general staff for the Israel Defense Forces, interior minister, foreign minister and prime minister. He now faces, along with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and 12 other members of Israel’s inner security cabinet, the most important decision of his life — whether to launch a pre-emptive attack against Iran. We met in the late afternoon, and our conversation — the first of several over the next week — lasted for two and a half hours, long past nightfall. ‘This is not about some abstract concept,’ Barak said as he gazed out at the lights of Tel Aviv, ‘but a genuine concern. The Iranians are, after all, a nation whose leaders have set themselves a strategic goal of wiping Israel off the map.’….

    I don't think Netanyehu can take Israel to a war without a vote of about 14 others.


  109. Toshtu, Bob:

    "Walmart, on the Moon. Resorts for the weighted, lose 5/6th of your weight *and* help get Earth to stop wobbling.

    That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it."

  110. Yup, now I remember, Chris Christie could be a ballarino, on the moon.

  111. Gingrich is going to upset Romney in Florida.

  112. .

    Gingrich is going to upset Romney in Florida.

    Why not? He's pissed him off every place else.


  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. .

    If I advocated the erasing of the moslem people (as the moslems advocate the genocide of jews) that would be fair, but by any reasonable math even if 1 million were gilled (far less than iran and iraq killed of each other in their last war) it would be less than 1% of all moslems

    Now you justify gilling a million moslems? When will this madness end?


  115. Quirk said...

    If I advocated the erasing of the moslem people (as the moslems advocate the genocide of jews) that would be fair, but by any reasonable math even if 1 million were gilled (far less than iran and iraq killed of each other in their last war) it would be less than 1% of all moslems

    Now you justify gilling a million moslems? When will this madness end?


    just proving that ms t's assertion of genocide was nonsense

  116. .

    I know what you meant WiO. Just jerking your chain.

    I assume gilling is something practiced in the ME. Not sure what it is but it don't sound good.


  117. Quirk said...

    I know what you meant WiO. Just jerking your chain.

    I assume gilling is something practiced in the ME. Not sure what it is but it don't sound good.



  118. .

    For the past year, the Obama administration has been threatening Catholics and other religious groups with a cut off of funds because of various liberal issues.

    In D.C. he told the Catholic Charities they couldn't discriminate in hiring against gays. Joining with Evangelical groups and certain black churches, the D.C. diocese told the Feds to keep their money. It resulted in numerous adoption centers and other charities being dropped.

    Recently, ruling on a discrimination suit, SCOTUS ruled in favor of the Church stating that religious organizations have a broad autonomy that is written into the constitution.

    Despite this,

    In politics, timing is often the message. On Jan. 20 — three days before the annual March for Life — the Obama administration announced its final decision that Catholic universities, hospitals and charities will be compelled to pay for health insurance that covers sterilization, contraceptives and abortifacients. Obama chose to substantially burden a religious belief, by the most intrusive means, for a less-than-compelling state purpose — a marginal increase in access to contraceptives that are easily available elsewhere.

    The religious exemption granted by Obamacare is narrower than anywhere else in federal law — essentially covering the delivery of homilies and the distribution of sacraments. Serving the poor and healing the sick are regarded as secular pursuits — a determination that would have surprised Christianity’s founder.

    The implications of Obama’s power grab go further than contraception and will provoke opposition beyond Catholicism. Christian colleges and universities of various denominations will resist providing insurance coverage for abortifacients. And the astounding ambition of this federal precedent will soon be apparent to every religious institution. Obama is claiming the executive authority to determine which missions of believers are religious and which are not — and then to aggressively regulate institutions the government declares to be secular. It is a view of religious liberty so narrow and privatized that it barely covers the space between a believer’s ears...

    Given the timing of the ruling, Obama must be feeling pretty feisty about his chances in the election. Catholics represent somewhere around a quarter of voters. Even if the majority of Catholics aren't incensed by the ruling, there are plenty of black and fundamentalist churches that likely will be. Add to that the fact that the precedent pretty much opens the door for further intrusion into all religions activities, and one can see where he has likely ticked off a good number of people.

    I Smell a Lawsuit


  119. "A minor question..."

    I'm a big-picture theorist, I'll refer this to my staff.
