Sunday, September 25, 2011

Economic Growth, Is Richard Heinberg Correct?

A blogger at The Telegraph made this observation:

"It is a fact that nothing, not even the universe itself, can grow for ever. Why is it then that we pretend that the economy can grow ad infinitum?

Without growth our present financial system fails and we have reached the point where further growth is no longer practical, unless we destroy everything we have and start again as we did in 1939-45. We urgently need to start looking for an alternative but instead the powers that be prefer to patch up the old system. This approach is bound to fail.

You can see the cracks appearing in today’s version of capitalism, where governments use taxpayer’s money to bail out failed companies and some companies are considered too big to fail. This is not recognizable as the capitalism of earlier times, in fact it is more similar to the communism of the Soviet era.

A new economic system, or a world war, will come eventually and we could save ourselves a lot of heartbreak if we started to develop it as soon as possible.

This is what the IMF should be discussing."


  1. Deuce said...

    Wio has posted 45 times on this thread. None have been moderated.

    Wio has been contributing since the inception of the EB.

    Wio is and has been listed at a Regular at the EB.

    O goodie goodie goodie you have made my point perfectly.


    You want him to shag balls at the Elks?


  2. Good Christ of the Catholics.

    And Melody can post 45 meaningless songs.

    You have made my point perfectly.


    Think, man, think!


  3. Whoa the sun is arising and the boss at the links has called and I got to go now and change the oil in the golf cart.


  4. Deuce really hasn't anything I've said here sucked in at all?

    I am telling you there is a monomyth which is the only truth we will know and you good Catholic with a remembrance of Europe can't stand the thought of him encaging the issue.

    Intelledual coward.

    You have now shown us your true personality/


  5. Deuce you are artistic, just GROW UP


  6. I know thee not, old man: fall to thy prayers;
    How ill white hairs become a fool and jester!
    I have long dream'd of such a kind of man,
    So surfeit-swell'd, so old and so profane;
    But, being awaked, I do despise my dream.
    Make less thy body hence, and more thy grace;
    Leave gormandizing; know the grave doth gape
    For thee thrice wider than for other men.

  7. Christ when I think of it it really is sad

    You let a Nazi have the blessed keys yet you don't let a thoughtful person have the keys.

    I call for a vote. I survived one


  8. Deuce said...

    I know thee not, old man: fall to thy prayers;
    How ill white hairs become a fool and jester!
    I have long dream'd of such a kind of man,
    So surfeit-swell'd, so old and so profane;
    But, being awaked, I do despise my dream.
    Make less thy body hence, and more thy grace;
    Leave gormandizing; know the grave doth gape
    For thee thrice wider than for other men.

    Sun Sep 25, 07:32:00 AM ED

    And that is insane.

    It is a monomyth, cookie

    But you have not much time left to understand it so go with you anti-semitism and your inborn catholic "faith". You are a great guy deuce but I am a light year ahead of you om my one topic/


  9. Two American Dopes, stupid enough to be trekking Iraq near the Iranian border, Return. Here is Hoping They Have Enough Sense to Shut-up. Not a chance---

    Muscat, Oman (CNN) -- Two American hikers freed this week from an Iranian prison will leave Oman for the United States late Saturday, American and Omani officials said.
    Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer were released by Iran on Wednesday and were flown to Muscat, Oman's capital, where they enjoyed several days of freedom after more than two years in prison.
    In statements at Muscat's airport, Bauer and Fattal thanked Omani officials for their hospitality and assistance in securing their release.
    "Just hours after we left prison, we were able to swim in the calm waters of the Gulf," Fattal said. "We stayed up all night with our loved ones and watched the most beautiful sunrise we have ever seen. These experiences will be with us for the rest of our lives."
    The men, along with Sarah Shourd, were arrested and charged as spies in July 2009 after apparently straying over an unmarked border between Iraqi Kurdistan and Iran.
    The Americans, both 29, say they accidentally crossed into Iran when they veered off a dirt road while hiking near a tourist site in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq. They appealed their eight-year sentences while serving time in prison.

  10. Idiot Americans, to be hikig on that frontier.

    Wonder who ponied up the $1 million USD to pay for their folly?

  11. That's much worse than Mexico.

    Another country that supplies US energy that is closer to the brink of melt down.

  12. The elephant in the room is the bloated Pentagon Budget to fight corporate wars of choice. Cut it in half, close half the 700 plus military bases, bring our troops home to work on infrastructure and pay off the debt.

  13. Good New and Bad News. First the good:

    The world's leading economic powers are moving towards an acceptance that Greece will default on up to half of its €350bn sovereign debts, according to reports from meetings in Washington yesterday. They are believed to be working on concrete plans to deal with these huge losses and their repercussions.

    This news – almost regardless of any words of qualification that emerge this weekend – will have a resounding effect on the febrile markets when they open on Monday.

    Unconfirmed reports circulated yesterday that G20 leaders have recognised that the Athens government cannot cope with the scale of its debt burden and that there will eventually need to be a considerable reduction in the face value of Greek debt. The Finance Minister, Evangelos Venizelos, was quoted by two Greek newspapers as suggesting that a 50 per cent writedown for the holders of Greek bonds would be the "best option".

    Now the Bad News

    Greece cannot afford to pay any of its debt.

  14. DR, the more I think about the $1T coin, the more interesting it gets, but you still have to stop and bring down the level of spending.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Just freeze it Deuce.

    That'd be a practical solution.

    No cuts to any program would be required. Not in the short term.

    All they'd have to do is bring the baseline growth under control.

    A much easier thing than re-slicing the existing pie. At least it'd be possible.

  17. libwhacker is correct, one of the obvious places to cut expenditures is the military.

    The US could be secure with a much smaller footprint and expense.

    There is little chance of that passing Congress. The Republicans will not allow it.

    Except as an outcome of the debt ceiling Super Committee failing to find another source.

    Which they will, fail that is.

    Then the across the board cuts will be mandated. Great day in America, when that is implemented.

  18. If his daughter were not to leave the arena, did not ride in the rocks, well, he'd not have to shoe those front feet, either.

    Just keep 'em trimmed.

  19. They're riding boobie hard, those horse care professionals.

    Good to see it.
    Charging him top dollar and watering his horse with green sewage swill.

    Telling him it was like a puddle.
    When it's just piddle.

    That he bought the explanation, an indication that the dementia is well entrenched.

  20. but i won't i have things to do today

  21. Deuce you mention Philadelphia quite often, I don't know how far off you are, but have you ever been to the Arts Festival on Main St in Manayunk?

  22. I only ask because a comment a few months back indicated, to me anyway, that you are an art enthusiast.

  23. .

    I call for a vote. I survived one

    I vote you shut the fuck up.

    You are making an ass of yourself.


  24. .

    Wonder who ponied up the $1 million USD to pay for their folly?

    It was some country. Not the US. Can't remeber which one.

    Couldn't figure out the motivation.


  25. boobie forgets he lost the vote and was expelled.

    That no one supported him, then or now.

  26. .

    boobie allowed a rapist to walk free, and sentencing the victim to a life of mental repression. After knowingly accepting her status as an unwilling participant that liked it.

    Deuce, I tghought one of your few simple rules as outlined on the last stream was that you don't allow talking about other people's family.

    This asshole has been doing it for most of the time I have been here.


  27. One of the Emirates, then, most likely.

    A US proxy.
    Motivated by their general interests, perhaps by wanting to maintain a US fleet in the Persian Gulf.

    Wanting to "help", it's peanut money, in the scheme of things.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. The identity of the victim, not revealed by me. That of the perpetrator, an unknown.

    By boobie's choice.

  30. .

    After knowingly accepting her status as an unwilling participant that liked it.

    You are one slimy piece of shit.

    Your pompous shit about not using profanity is laughable when you stoop to shit like this.

    It's comtemptible.

    Yea, everyone here knows about it. You keep bringing it up every other week. Another one of your repetitious and tired memes, only this one shows the depths you will sink to.


  31. That's entertainment.

    Look at the thread, Q.

    boobie starts by the continued reference that I'm a Nazi.

    Which is laughable.

    I respond directly to his character, which he has told us all, is lacking. He has no social conscience, denies he has any social responsibility other than those that advance his own personal interests.

  32. That he allowed a violent criminal to move forward unmolested, despicable.

    As is attributed to Edmund Burke:

    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

  33. The only confessed criminal, here, is boobie.

    He conspired to cover-up a felonious crime of violence.
    Failure to report that, a crime, in and of itself.

    "Misprision of felony" is an offense under United States federal law after being codified in 1909 under 18 U.S.C. § 4:

    Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

  34. Seems that misprison of felony is crime in Idaho, as well as Federally.

    May 25, 2011 – Idaho Woman Indicted for Misprision of a Felony. Kootenai tribal member Twyla Dawn Basil was arraigned in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho on an ...

    So, truly, the self-confessed criminal element of the Elephant Bar, amounts to boobie.

  35. .

    That's entertainment.

    That's bullshit.

    boobie starts by the continued reference that I'm a Nazi.

    Anyone posting here opens himself up to all kinds of charges. It's the nature of the beast. Talking about family who don't post here is contemptible and chickenshit.

    You offer up opinion on motivation that you have no way of verifying. Bob got called out on saying you said you murdered someone. I called you out on this.

    There is plenty to rant on b about without bringing his daughter into it.

    It appears you do it just to see him twist. Like a young truent spending his days pulling the wings off of flies.

    Dispicable? Your dispicable.


  36. Q is right DR. Take down the posts that refer to his family> don't do it again. If you do not take them down , I will.

  37. Must have been Whit that mentioned it. My bad….

    Damn that Blue Moon.

    ; )
