Sunday, September 25, 2011

"It's our role as Jews to build the land of the Jews." :: "Defending the land is a holy task. If we let them succeed, they will take more and more."

While the diplomats haggle, deadly tensions are mounting in the nascent Palestine

The quest for Palestinian statehood at the UN has worsened a climate of fear on the ground in the West Bank
Women at the Jewish settlement of Pnei Kedem
Women at the Jewish settlement of Pnei Kedem practise firing pistols and high-powered rifles. Photograph: Nati Shohat/Flash90
The settlers come down the hill from the outpost, mostly on foot, but occasionally on horseback or in tractors or 4x4s. They carry Israeli flags, and sometimes bring guns, shovels and dogs. There may be as few as three or as many as 40. They taunt the local villagers and sometimes attack them. Often the Israeli army arrives and trains its weapons on the villagers.
In Qusra, deep among the terraced hills of the West Bank, fear is on the rise. "The settlers are provoking us continuously," said Hani Abu Reidi, head of the village council. "They uproot olive trees, kill our sheep, burn our mosques and curse our prophet. They want to drag us into the sphere of violence. We do not want to go there."
As the Palestinian quest for statehood looks set to be mired in diplomatic back rooms for weeks or months, tension on the ground is mounting. Both Palestinian villagers and Jewish settlers say each other is responsible for a spike in attacks over the past fortnight; mostly small-scale incidents such as throwing stones, molotov cocktails and insults. Both sides claim the other is preparing to invade their communities and attack their people. It has created an edgy climate of fear and menace, and is a forewarning of potential battles to come if the struggle for the land moves up a gear with impending Palestinian statehood.
Occupied territories graphicCredit: Giulio Frigieri
The request by the Palestinians to be admitted to the United Nations as a full member state, formally submitted on Friday, will now be considered by the security council for an undefined period, during which efforts to get both sides back to the negotiating table will intensify.
If no progress is made, the Palestinians will press for a vote at the security council, a move the US has pledged to veto. The Palestinians would then have the option of asking the 193-member general assembly for enhanced status, albeit short of full statehood. As this process inches forward, anger on the ground is rising.
On Friday, violence between settlers from the outpost of Esh Kodesh and around 300 Qusra villagers ended in a haze of teargas and bullets fired at the villagers by Israeli troops, two of which struck Issam Odeh, 33, killing the father-of-eight.
Qusra set up a defence committee earlier this month after one of the village's four mosques was vandalised in a settler attack condemned by the US and the European Union. Up to 20 unarmed men patrol the mosques from 8pm to 6am every night, and Abu Reidi claims they have already foiled at least one attack. Other Palestinian villages have followed suit.
On the hilltops, preparations for clashes have also been under way for weeks. Security around settlements and outposts has been reinforced with extra barbed wire, CCTV cameras, security guards and dogs. And the settlers themselves are armed and primed in anticipation of what they believe will be incursions by Palestinians intent on making their hoped-for state a reality on the ground.
This week, photographs were published on a pro-settler news website,Arutz Sheva, showing women from Pnei Kedem, an outpost south of Bethlehem, learning to shoot. In Shimon Hatzadik, a Jewish enclave in the midst of the Palestinian neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah, in east Jerusalem, settlers are preparing to invoke a law allowing self-defence against intruders. "We are talking about shooting at their legs and if that doesn't work, and our lives are in danger, we won't be afraid to shoot straight at them. Most of the residents here are armed," spokesman Yehonatan Yosef told parliamentarians two weeks ago.
Activists in the settlement of Qiryat Arba, on the edge of Hebron, have distributed clubs, helmets and teargas to nearby outposts. "They've been given all of the tools we could provide for them in order to protect themselves," Bentzi Gopstein, a member of Qiryat Arba's council, told the Ynet news website. "But we must remember that the best defence is offence. We can't stay close to our fences. If the Arabs can come to us, they must learn we can come to them."
The settlers believe Israeli soldiers will be hampered by restraints imposed by commanders fearful of negative publicity. "They are not receiving the right orders," said radical activist Itamar Ben-Gvir from Qiryat Arba. "There's no state in the world that would allow the enemy to cross its lines and enter its communities. If the IDF will not act properly, we will have to defend ourselves."
Women and children would take part in defensive action, he said. "We want to present an equation: women against women; children against children. The Arabs are intending to use their children and we will not sit still."
Shaul Goldstein, mayor of the Gush Etzion settlement bloc south of Bethlehem, expects the focus in the coming weeks to "move from hypothetical issues in New York to practical terror here in Judaea and Samaria [the biblical term for the West Bank]". Gush Etzion had a comparatively good relationship with its Palestinian neighbours, he said. "We are trying to talk to them to reduce friction and tension. But if the Palestinians march towards the settlements, there is a red line. If they try to cross, to penetrate our communities, it will be a big problem."
As well as fighting on the ground, many settlers believe they must also wage a political battle against the Israeli government. "Netanyahu is a weak leader, not standing for the values he was elected for," said Goldstein. "The [settlement] construction freeze was the first in history – and this from a rightwinger. So we have to push him, to press him, to keep him to hold the line."
The settlers are not just fighting to hold on to the land they already occupy; they intend to expand and grow – as they see it, reclaiming the land that has been willed to them by God.
"Our purpose is to build new towns and communities, new outposts in Judaea and Samaria," said veteran activist Daniella Weiss. "It's our role as Jews to build the land of the Jews."
In Qusra, Abu Reidi agreed the land is at the heart of confrontations between Jewish settlers and Palestinian villagers. "Their ultimate goal is to drive us from our land," he said. "Defending the land is a holy task. If we let them succeed, they will take more and more."


  1. Jordan is Palestine...

    Actually Jordan was promised to the Jews as well, but what the hell, give it to the fake nationalistic people called "palestine"

    The simple truth?

    Jewish women arming themselves against looting, raping Arabs changes the game. For centuries Jewish women had to learn to "take it" when being raped by Arabs. Now Jewish women have been set free....

    All praise the .223 dipped in pig's fat...

    To any and all that seek to murder or rape Jewish women (or any women) in any land, be warned...

    The Jew is the canary in the mine...

    Rape is and has been used as a tool of sick twisted men....

    It's time for all women, of all races and creeds to put a bullet in the head of rapists....

  2. The people called "Jews"?/

    Get their name from Judea....

    Or as the Jew haters would call it....

    "the west bank"

    Sorry kids..

    Jews have a right to buy and build on land anywhere in the world let alone the "west bank"

    Oh that's right they DON'T

    In most arab and islamic nations it's a crime for a Jew to own land...

    In fact when the Ottomans (today's turks, you know the folks that taught the west how to commit a genocide ie Armenians) had laws preventing Jews from owning lands in their own villages and towns...

    The problem is simple "what is "occupation:

    Mark Twain was clear, the disputed lands of the west bank were barely populated in 1817, the ottomans had stripped the lands bare, except for a MAJORITY population in Jerusalem of JEWS it was a ghost town...


    It aint....


    Liberate the land from arab looting hoards.

    If Arabs can behave? Let them stay, if they cannot control themselves and have to rape, murder, stab and dismember?


  3. Today, on the "west bank" hundreds of new towns and villages have been built, roads, sewer lines and schools...

    All built by Israel.......

    For the Arabs....

    Shhh dont tell the world that HUNDREDs of THOUSANDS of Arabs now live in once empty spaces and enjoy better standards of living than their fellow arab brothers not 50 miles across the border...

    Yet, the ARABS have been growing in population, towns, and schools for 63 years on the disputed lands called the "west bank"

  4. Should the lands of arab occupation be opened by force to give the native people's their lands back?

    the berbers...

    the druze....

    the coptics...

    the Jews...

    All have been occupied by the sword of arabia...

    Maybe it's time to reverse that?

  5. 12 March 2011:
    Five members of a Jewish settler family have been murdered in their home in what police suspect was an operation by Palestinian militants.

    The parents and three children, aged 11, three and three months, were attacked with knives in their house in the West Bank settlement of Itamar, near the Palestinian city of Nablus, on Friday. It is believed that two of the dead had their throats cut.

    The alarm was raised by the couple's 12-year-old daughter, who had been at an event organised by a religious youth movement on the settlement and returned home to find the bloodsoaked scene. Two other children, who had been asleep at the time of the attack, were unharmed.

    The area was immediately sealed off by Israeli police and soldiers as a manhunt was launched. Checkpoints were set up on the road leading to Itamar, which was declared a closed military zone. The Israeli army launched an operation in the nearby Palestinian village of Awata early on Saturday, arresting around two dozen young men.

    THe insanity continues.

  6. And more of the Middle East insanity, Guardian, Tuesday 6 August 2002

    How 90 Peruvians became the latest Jewish settlers
    When a delegation of rabbis travelled to Lima to convert a group of South American Indians to Judaism, they added just one condition: come and live with us in Israel. As soon as these new Jews arrived in the country, they were bussed straight to settlements in the disputed territories. So how are they coping? Neri Livneh tracks them down.

    In a prefab structure at a school in the West Bank settlement of Alon Shvut, a few dozen people are sitting and singing a popular Hasidic song: "The whole world is a very narrow bridge and the main thing is not to be afraid." They are singing with feeling, even though most of them don't understand a word of the song. As is the custom in religious schools, the class is divided into a men's section and a women's section. The women are wearing hats and the men's heads are covered by knitted skullcaps. The men and women alike have distinct South American Indian features.
    Almost unnoticed, a new branch of Jews is springing up in the settlements, Jews who are connected to Israel and all things Israeli by a very narrow bridge indeed. They have yet to visit Tel Aviv or Haifa, and have never even heard of Degania, the very first kibbutz, or its neighbour, Kinneret. Miki Kratsman, the photographer, and I had the privilege of being the first secular Jews they had ever met. Nevertheless, they are fired with a historic sense of their right to this land.

    "We are of Indian origin," says Nachshon Ben-Haim, formerly Pedro Mendosa, "but in Peru, in the Andes, there is no Indian culture left. Everyone has become Christian, and before we became Jews, we also were Christians who went to church."

    The miracle of the creation of this community of new Jews has to be chalked up wholly and exclusively to the credit - or debit - of the chief rabbinate of Israel. At the order of the Ashkenazi chief rabbi, Israel Meir Lau, a delegation of rabbis travelled to Peru. During their two weeks in the country, they converted 90 people to Judaism, most of them of Indian origin.

  7. And more insanity day in day out:

    Setters Uproot 400 Olive Trees South Of Nablus.
    Sunday September 25, 2011 12:07 by Alaa Ashkar - IMEMC & Agencies

    Dozens of Israeli settlers uprooted Sunday morning more than 400 olive trees in the towns of Qosrah and Douma, south of city of Nablus. Palestinian sources that this attack is the “fiercest” on the Palestinian lands, the Maan News Agency reported.

    Ghassan Douglas, settlement issue chief in the Northern of the West Bank, told Maan that dozens of Israeli settlers have uprooted and cut more than 400 olive tree in the towns of All-haf, and Sha’b El-Kherab, Ras En-Naheh and Nabou’h, near of Douma and Qosrah south of city of Nablus.

    On Friday, Settlers have been escalating their attacks against Palestinians in Nablus and villages surrounding it in which they killed a Palestinian man.

    On Saturday afternoon, dozens of settlers stormed the town of Burin, south of northern West Bank city of Nablus, and smashed the windows of a local vehicle.

    Furthermore, dozens of settlers of Yitzhar settlement, south of Nablus, attacked civilians at the entrance of Burin and hurled stones at them and their vehicles; damage was reported, no injuries.

    An eyewitness said that Israeli military patrols arrived at the scene, and fired teargas bombs and stun grenades.

    IMEMC is a Canadian based group supportive of Palestinian causes.

  8. WiO: Today, on the "west bank" hundreds of new towns and villages have been built, roads, sewer lines and schools...

    All built by Israel.......

    Same thing in Tibet. Lots of new towns and villages, roads and schools, all built by the occupying Han for the Han. Shall we praise them?

    Jews have a right to buy and build on land anywhere in the world let alone the "west bank"

    They have the right of the occupier to dictate laws in Judea and Samaria, and I have the right to say this:

    Every dollar that is spent building a home over the Green Line should be deducted from the blood tithe to Israel, up to $3 billion dollars.

  9. The story about, "400 olive trees in the towns of Qosrah and Douma" was ignored in the US press but reported in Canada and Germany.

  10. Unemployment for blacks is now 16.7% but only 8% for whites.

    Black men have a jobless rate of 19.1%

    Obama to blacks: "Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’."

    (Yo. Lot of motherfuckin' dropped G's there, Prez, that will go over great with those white motherfuckers in the job interview)

  11. Police in England tell cafe owner - "Stop showing passages from the Bible on TV, or we will have to arrest you."

    Q'u'r'a'n passages are good to go.

  12. Good Morning America started making fat jokes about Gov. Christie, so that must mean he's gonna run.

    Meanwhile a rough weekend for Gov. Perry gets rougher as he is blown out in the second straw poll in two days - Michigan - 3-1, by Gov. Romney (Mitt happens).

    Saudi King Abdullah announced on Sunday he was giving women the right to vote and run in municipal elections. (Welcome to the Twenty-Teens).

    Obama's EPA wants to shut down 20% of coal plants in 2012. Give him another four years and he'll shut them all down.

  13. Teresita said...
    WiO: Today, on the "west bank" hundreds of new towns and villages have been built, roads, sewer lines and schools...

    All built by Israel.......

    Same thing in Tibet. Lots of new towns and villages, roads and schools, all built by the occupying Han for the Han. Shall we praise them?

    Sloppy nitwit....

    Built BY Israel for the ARABS you dumb fuck...

  14. A lot of the old coal plants are very dirty, inefficient, dangerous to health, and wasteful; they should be shut down.

  15. Ms T: Every dollar that is spent building a home over the Green Line should be deducted from the blood tithe to Israel, up to $3 billion dollars.

    Already happened....

    As for your "blood tithe"?

    That was simply anti-semitism, proving once again how biased you are....

  16. Deuce said...
    The story about, "400 olive trees in the towns of Qosrah and Douma" was ignored in the US press but reported in Canada and Germany.

    Very true... Settlers do spray paint words on mosques and uproot trees...

    And palestinians? throw fire bombs, stab, steal 40,000 cars a year, drop rock from over passes and murder...

    trees verse life?

    no comparison...

  17. Good Lord, Deuce, why did you do this?

    Another whole day of wading through the rantings of two of the most insane people on the planet.


  18. Jews kill trees....


    The Mercaz HaRav massacre, also called the Mercaz HaRav shooting, was an attack that occurred on 6 March 2008, in which a lone Palestinian gunman shot multiple students at the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva, a religious school in Jerusalem, Israel, after which the gunman himself was shot dead. Eight students and the perpetrator were killed. Eleven more were wounded, five of them placed in serious to critical condition.[4][5][6]
    The attack began at 8:36 p.m. local time and ended about twenty minutes later. According to survivor Mijael Mendelson, the attack lasted about 14 minutes. Mendelson reports he saw the time before the shooting started and shortly after knowing the gunman was dead.[1] The attacker was stopped by two Israel Defense Forces officers who were former Mercaz HaRav students themselves: Yitzchak Dadon and Captain David Shapira, who both dealt the fatal blow to the attacker with their personal firearms.[7][clarification needed]
    The massacre was praised by Hamas and, according to a subsequent poll, was supported by 84 percent of the Palestinian population.[8] It was condemned in official statements by various countries around the world.

  19. WiO: Built BY Israel for the ARABS you dumb fuck...

    Note the location of the Green Line, and note the dark red areas, which are towns and garrisons built by Israel for Jewish Israelis.

  20. Palestinians CHOOSE mother of 7 terrorists to hand over State petition...

    Latifa Abu Hmeid — a 70-year-old who has seven sons who are imprisoned because of their alleged militant activities — was handpicked and deemed an excellent choice for such an honor.

    officials said that her personal story “reflects the plight of the Palestinians.” Some sources claim that she lives in a refugee camp in the West Bank. Her home is said to have been targeted and demolished by Israeli authorities who were responding to her sons’ crimes.

    The issue here, of course, is why the Palestinians would choose a woman whose sons have purportedly committed violence against the Israelis. It would seem that such a selection would create even greater issues between the two Middle Eastern foes. Upon learning about this woman’s selection to deliver the statehood letter, The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:

    The Palestinians — at least those under the Palestinian Authority on the West Bank, as opposed to those who live under Hamas control in Gaza — are said to be be embracing non-violence as a tactic, and bully for them — the occupation would have collapsed 20 years ago if non-violent tactics (genuine nonviolence, not “non-violent” rock-throwing or “symbolic” Molotov-cocktail-tossing) had been used. But this news does not fill me with hope.
    Palestinian Media Watch claims that four of Hmeid’s sons face long-standing prison terms for purportedly killing Israelis. Below, PMM provides a recap of their crimes:

    Nasser Abu Hmeid- 7 life sentences + 50 years – commander in Fatah’s military wing the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades in Ramallah. Convicted of killing seven Israeli civilians and 12 attempted murders.
    Nasr Abu Hmeid- 5 life sentences – Member of terror faction of Fatah, Tanzim, and convicted of involvement in two terror attacks and arms dealing.
    Sharif Abu Hmeid- 4 life sentences – a member in one of the brothers’ units carrying out terror attacks against civilians and soldiers. Accompanied a suicide bomber to his attack in March 2002.
    Muhammad Abu Hmeid- 2 life sentences + 30 years – involvement in terror attacks.
    Last year, PMM also reported that Hmeid had been honored for her sons‘ actions by the PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa Karake. According to PMM, she received the “Plaque of Resoluteness and Giving,” which was inscribed with her sons’ names in it:

    These are not peaceful activists..

    These are cold hard murderers....

    Want to give these jokers a state?????

  21. Teresita said...
    WiO: Built BY Israel for the ARABS you dumb fuck...

    Note the location of the Green Line, and note the dark red areas, which are towns and garrisons built by Israel for Jewish Israelis.

    Note the meaning of what I said...

    Sloppy nitwit that you are...

  22. Before Israel "occupied" the west bank...

    MOST arabs did not even have running water, sewers or schools....


    Different story for those without hugh lumps of coal in their eyes to see....

  23. This will sober you up.

    As the Debt Wall Index approached zero, it was necessary to print money rather than borrow it. QE2 was an extension of QE1 and part of the same process. What is alarming now is that the projections of world government deficit spending for 2012 again approaches the ceiling of world liquidity and the Debt Wall. The only difference is that now, deficit spending is not extraordinary, it is structural. This means that it goes on forever unless the economy grows faster than the percent of deficit spending to the overall GDP. Given the fact that total government and world debt is approaching 100% of GDP, the world cannot afford higher interest rates, even for a short period of time.

    The projected GDP of the world in 2012 is approximately $60.25 trillion. The amount of cash available to fund government deficit spending on a world basis is approximately $5.4 trillion. As the world’s governments continue to borrow and spend, we are on a collision course with the Debt Wall. The Debt Wall Index is a countdown to this collision. If the economy grows faster than we have projected, the Debt Wall Index will be adjusted to reflect that. On current projections of economic growth and government spending, the Debt Wall will be hit by July 31, 2012.

  24. WiO: Should the lands of arab occupation be opened by force to give the native people's their lands back?

    Ja wohl, Herr WiO. War against the degenerate and inferior Arab races, with the express purpose of a final solution for the Lebensraum problem is a biological imperative for the Jewian Nation. Auf wedersehen to the untermensche.

  25. I try and look at this objectively. I do not like what I see. First, i am absolutely unimpressed with the lack of discipline of Israeli troops. Compared to US troops, they are closer to a gang than a disciplined military unit. There is no comparison between US troops and the IDF.

    Israel knows the pictures of what is going on is ugly, very ugly, and in this film the IDF are bullying , threatening and assaulting the press. They are too quick to the use of unnecessary force. It is not difficult to understand how such daily action provides an incubation for would be "terrorists" or so called "Palestinian Freedom Fighters".

    What I see is something that I want no part of. US interests are not furthered by such activities that have the appearance of thuggery. If the US must account for the treatment of Japanese in California internment camps, Israel has a need to reevaluate what it is doing.

    The absurdity of who owns what and is entitled to be there shows in the faces of the soldiers and the Palestinians. The soldiers are whiter and European in appearance. The Palestinians look like they belong there.

    Destroying ancient olive groves and assaulting old woman while destroying the ancient pastoral look of small farms and villages in a Soviet style abuse of power disgusts me as an American.

    It would disgust many more Americans if they saw such videos. This one has less than 700 views, because the American media is not interested in showing this to the American public.

    It further disgusts me to see men in uniform, so called allies, acting in a way that would result in reprimands or worse if conducted by US NCOs or officers.

    There is nothing for anyone to be proud of in this stupid political calamity. the US should give no unqualified support to anyone, especially this ongoing disgrace.

  26. A wind farm has been paid £1.2 million [$1.85 million US] not to produce electricity for eight-and-a-half hours.

    How about when you shut down a power plant they don't make money?

  27. In the previous thread Q is right DR. Take down the posts that refer to his family> don't do it again. If you do not take them down , I will.

  28. Yes, Rat, we agreed awhile back that we wouldn't do that.

    ALSO, let's take down the hateful comments from WIO about Teresita's illness. Those were just plain Savage, and despicable.

  29. Those IDF troops, Deuce, mostly Russian emigres.

    Bill Clinton said this to reporters in New York on Tuesday, according to Foreign Policy magazine.

    Clinton expressed his fear that the large numbers of Russian immigrants and settlers serving in the IDF will make it hard for the army to confront the settlers if this should be required.

    An increasing number of IDF soldiers are children of Russians and settlers, who are those most strongly opposed to dividing the land, the former president said. He noted this was a serious problem, and that Israel had changed – some 16 per cent of Israelis now speak Russian.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday evening said the remarks attributed to the former US president were ‘distressing.’


  30. Rufus: ALSO, let's take down the hateful comments from WIO about Teresita's illness. Those were just plain Savage, and despicable.

    He said I'm faking my illness for sympathy. And here, I thought he would be excited, he said he wanted to dance on my grave.

  31. That the US is awakening to the realities of the Levant, distressing to the Israeli government.

  32. The Power of 999.

    Interesting idea, as expressed by Mr Cain.

  33. Teresita said...
    Rufus: ALSO, let's take down the hateful comments from WIO about Teresita's illness. Those were just plain Savage, and despicable.

    He said I'm faking my illness for sympathy. And here, I thought he would be excited, he said he wanted to dance on my grave.

    No I ASKED if your illness was for real....

  34. Ms T:

    He said I'm faking my illness for sympathy. And here, I thought he would be excited, he said he wanted to dance on my grave.

    I would not dance on your grave.

    I just have doubts about your illness....

  35. Duece: The absurdity of who owns what and is entitled to be there shows in the faces of the soldiers and the Palestinians. The soldiers are whiter and European in appearance. The Palestinians look like they belong there.

    Now that is racist....

    "look like they belong there"?

  36. Duece: What I see is something that I want no part of. US interests are not furthered by such activities that have the appearance of thuggery. If the US must account for the treatment of Japanese in California internment camps, Israel has a need to reevaluate what it is doing.

    Just as soon as Israel sets up camps, as America did, strip tens of thousands of arabs of their belongings and puts them in camps you have a deal.

    Let's see some video of American forces in Iraq dealing with checkpoints and old arab women...

    Or American forces in Vietnam...

    Selective outrage....

    War aint pretty...

    How about we show the video of a suicide bomber in a disco or a pizza shop?

    Or maybe every Police action in the USA to stop rioting anarchists...

    selective nonsense deuce...

    as for the IDF verses the USA in troop discipline?

    Just how many American soldiers have been arrested for rape, murder and looting in Iraq?

    No your selective outrage doesnt impress....

    Ever WONDER how these protesters get from their towns to MILES outside of town to have violent protests?

    they are staged.

    There do not care if they are violent....

    I am not saying the IDF DOENT use force, but you are judging the IDF in a vacuum.

  37. It is not racist. It is common sense. Eskimos do not look like Vikings.

  38. desert rat said...
    That the US is awakening to the realities of the Levant, distressing to the Israeli government.

    The world is awakening to the violence of Jihad...

    Every major city in the world is waking up not to Israeli "violence" but the insanity of islamic war...

  39. From a historical perspective, in a couple of hundred years, the Jewish Crusade will be seen as just another attempt by Europeons to control the Levant.

    Just part of the historic norm. None of the religious campaigns by Europeons could maintain control for more than a few generations.

    The historic trend will hold true.

    Ebb and flow.

    The Zionists achieving what the Nazi only dreamed of, concentrating millions of practitioners of Judaism in a small geographic area.

    Creating a grand ghetto, a three bomb target.

  40. Deuce said...
    It is not racist. It is common sense. Eskimos do not look like Vikings.

    You do not HAVE a CLUE at what Israelis LOOK like...

    You are sounding QUITE stupid on this one...

    If you were to walk the streets of jerusalem or Tel aviv you CANNOT TELL who is an ARAB or a JEW by looking at them...

    Ignorance squared

  41. Rat states: Creating a grand ghetto, a three bomb target.

    Stupid stupid little rodent....

  42. Maybe Islam needs to be reformed so that Israel (and the world) will be safe forever...

    A one bomb, small of course, to take out the black rock of mecca....

    You laid it out that Israel will be nuked by 3 bombs...

    I state one suitcase bomb, designed for the rock, will force islam to reform....

    You advocate genocide...

    I advocate the killing of a rock...

  43. The legal differences, sanctified by Israeli Law, based upon religion alone.

    A government that discriminates based upon religion, when there ae no other difference 'tween the people. A despicable thing.

    One that the US should never support, let alone subsidize.

  44. The IDF has been given a dirty job. I give you that.

    Selectively walling off communities has a real whiff of racism to me. They are not Jewish communities, are all Palestinians, and it is the ultimate application of group guilt. Judging an entire group fits my definition of racism.

    Observing that all terrorists appear to be Muslim is not racist. Saying all Muslims are terrorists is racist.

    I have been in the military. There are 8 balls and there are criminals and some very unsavory people in the military. That is why the have MPs and military prisons, court martial's and article 15s or whatever they call them today.

    I repeat the IDF is in no way equivalent to the US military when it comes to discipline. No contest. 15 to 0 as we say in the bar.

  45. I do not advocate that three nuclear warheads should be used against Israel, just mention the reality of geography and the concentration of the population.

    That the Turkish have 90 such warheads, stored at one of their military bases, food for thought.

    That the Zionist succeeded in concentrating much of Europeon Jewry in a single target area, where the Nazi had failed at the task, another of history's ironies.

  46. Interesting that you say: You do not HAVE a CLUE at what Israelis LOOK like...

    You are sounding QUITE stupid on this one…

    If I go to a village in Guanacaste and everyone is bronze with dark eyes and black hair, I know that they natives in their ancient land. If I go to a restaurant in that village and a table of sunburned Germans tell me they are landowners, I take them at their word that they live there and have property rights. They are not natives. Is that so difficult to understand? is the analogy too opaque?

  47. I guess those Peruvians are now considered "real" Jews?

    Even though the do not have Bathsheba's Mitochondrial DNA?

    Interesting that the NAZI were so interested "Pure Breeding" and proper bloodlines, too.

    Birds of a feather.

  48. An elderly man is stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and is asked where he is going at this time of night.
    The man replies, "I am on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late."
    The officer then asks, "Really? Who is giving that lecture at this time of night?"
    The man replies, "That would be my wife."

  49. Freedom and liberty makes further gains, amongst our allies in Arabia.

    (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia will allow women to stand for election and vote, the king announced on Sunday, in a significant policy shift in the conservative Islamic kingdom.

    In a five-minute speech, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud said women will also take part in the next session of the unelected, advisory Shura Council, which vets legislation but has no binding powers.

    "Because we refuse to marginalize women in society in all roles that comply with sharia, we have decided, after deliberation with our senior ulama (clerics) and others... to involve women in the Shura Council as members, starting from the next term," he said in a speech delivered to the advisory body.

    Progress, slow but steady.

    The Reformation Of Islam continues.


  50. So long sad times
    Go along bad times
    We are rid of you at last

    Howdy gay times
    Cloudy gray times
    You are now a thing of the past
    Happy days are here again

    The skies above are clear again
    So let's sing a song of cheer again
    Happy days are here again

  51. Deuce: If I go to a village in Guanacaste and everyone is bronze with dark eyes and black hair, I know that they natives in their ancient land. If I go to a restaurant in that village and a table of sunburned Germans tell me they are landowners, I take them at their word that they live there and have property rights. They are not natives. Is that so difficult to understand? is the analogy too opaque?

    You do not have a clue as to what you speak.

    What is a NATIVE?

    If you go to Atlanta and see nothing but dark skinned residents are they the NATIVES?

    Do some research on what an "israeli" looks like...

    You might be surprised that YOUR stereo type just doesnt fit...

  52. The next term is not until '15.

  53. Deuce:
    Selectively walling off communities has a real whiff of racism to me. They are not Jewish communities, are all Palestinians, and it is the ultimate application of group guilt. Judging an entire group fits my definition of racism.

    So the border fence between the USA and Mexico is racist?

    There are no walls INSIDE of the Nation of Israel. All citizens (arab and jew) can travel anywhere.

    You are implying that the border fence is racist?

  54. T if I don't get a chance later I want to wish you luck on your surgery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    You might have many, many aliases and every few months you stomp your feet and storm out, but in my opinion, you seem to be one the more honest people here. I highly doubt you need to fake an illness to get attention from a few old men in a dysfunctional bar as this one. Stay strong as I know you will.



  55. That is a lie, that the Story of "o" tells.

    Both Gaza and the West Bank, the Occupied Territories, are part of Israel and the residents there, not free to travel.

    If they were not part of Israel, the blockade of Gaza would be illegal, under the current state of international law.

  56. dysfunctional? I take offense to that.

  57. T, look me up when you get to Oz.

    I'll show you around.

  58. Not me. If she'd said, "Non-functioning" I might get irritable. :)

  59. By the way, I think Heinberg is wrong. I think we can run this railroad on a combination of "Renewable" Energy, and "Efficiency."

  60. desert rat said...
    That is a lie, that the Story of "o" tells.

    Both Gaza and the West Bank, the Occupied Territories, are part of Israel and the residents there, not free to travel.

    If they were not part of Israel, the blockade of Gaza would be illegal, under the current state of international law.

    Notice how the rodent parses words...

    "current state of international law"

    Blowing smoke again Herr Rodent...

    Gaza aint Israel

    The Arab controlled areas of the West Bank have never been annexed

    Blow it out your ass liar.

  61. I closed up shop to put my boots on and thought about the comment I just made and knew that someone would take offense.


    All said from the kindness of my heart.

    Now I am off to an Arts Festival to try and fit in with all the Jewish snobs from the Main Line. ( :

    I think a short peasant skirt and combat boots might do the trick.

  62. Apparently we paid a million bucks to get those 2 dudes out of jail in Iran.

  63. Hi Melody. I have been to the Art Festival in Manayunk once. It is a pleasant place to spend an afternoon. I am not sure you will find any great art, but that is part of the fun. You never know.

  64. Do they have any bars there?

  65. In 1948 over 600,000 Jews were ethnically cleansed from their historic homes in Arab occupied world..

    These Jews, having lived for over 2000 years in those homes were considered natives, having lived there BEFORE the 1st arab crawled out of Arabia in 640 CE.

    These Jews, stripped of 2000 years of property and ties fled to Israel to make their new homes...

    after all 899/900th of the middle east was controlled by the arabs and they set the program to make the middle east Jew free... (with hitler's help)

    It's too bad that the arabs with all their oil, help from the Brits and the Soviets LOST all major wars they tried to pull on the Israelis...

    Even now you publish how as few as "3 jews" can attack an "arab" village....

    Laughable if it wasnt so stupid....

    Israel has accepted a 2 state solution to the question of the palestinians. It has been the arabs refusing to accept Israel's right to be a Jewish state and all that that means.

    Today, The nascent state of Palestine will not even permit palestinian refugees to be citizens. Nor have they amended their maximalist logo showing the entire land of "palestine" as theirs.

    War sucks...

    and the Arabs have lost. Over and over again. This is their new way to win what they failed to win on the battle field.

    Like it or not, Jews live in (as President OBAMA of all people stated) IN THEIR HISTORIC HOMELAND.

    Bethlehem, Hebron, Jerusalem are all JEWISH towns and cities, no matter what squatters are there NOW...

    To Deuce? he seems to feel the "palestinians" look like natives. TO me? I see a staged press confrontation that includes real violence...

    The fake nationalistic people who call themselves "palestinians" are no stranger to child sacrifice for political points...

    They WILL put retarded kids on the front lines, their women and even their babies over top munitions HOPING Israel will attack...

    They are a sick demented death cult....

    Cant see that?

    Your problem, as they are coming to a western city soon, if not already there...

    "non-violent" protest that includes firebombs, stabbings, murder, looting and rape..

    yep that the islamic method...

    get used to it since you feel it's ok....

  66. "There are no walls INSIDE of the Nation of Israel. All citizens (arab and jew) can travel anywhere.

    You are implying that the border fence is racist?"

    Fences are not racist. Perhaps you could explain thismap

  67. I thank those that took down their comments.

  68. I respect your position Wio, but I think it is a complicated mess and Not an American problem. I hope you sort it out.

  69. WiO: In 1948 over 600,000 Jews were ethnically cleansed from their historic homes in Arab occupied world..

    In 1947-1949 over 300,000 Arabs were ethnically cleansed from their historic homes in Jewish occupied Palestine.

  70. WiO: Israel has accepted a 2 state solution to the question of the palestinians

    So if that's true, and Israel has had their state for sixty-three years, why does Bibi get all pissy when Abbas declares his state today? Isn't that two states? Or is Israel really only committed to one state?

  71. Sam: Apparently we paid a million bucks to get those 2 dudes out of jail in Iran.

    You know, I've always wanted to take Miss Fely hiking in the Korean DMZ. What could happen? Uncle Sam has deep pockets.

  72. The debate crowd boos a gay soldier, and Santorum says he would reinstate DADT if he were President. And people wonder why gay conservatives are so rare.

  73. WiO: Bethlehem, Hebron, Jerusalem are all JEWISH towns and cities, no matter what squatters are there NOW...

    The same law of conquest by which the Israelites took them from the Caananites prevails today. In other words, possession is nine-tenths of the law.

  74. I didn't watch the debate. Why did they boo the soldier?

  75. .

    Sam: Apparently we paid a million bucks to get those 2 dudes out of jail in Iran.

    The original story I saw said Oman paid the "bail" (read ransom) for the two which I couldn't understand.

    Another later blurb I saw today said the bail was paid 'thru Oman a US ally' which probably means the US paid it thru Oman since we don't have formal diplomatic relations with Iran.

    I haven't paid much attention to the story but I wonder if these three nitwits even said thank you to the US for getting them out.


  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Rufus II said... I didn't watch the debate. Why did they boo the soldier?

    It was the phrasing of his question. He asked if any of the debaters intended to roll back the progress that had been made. The crowd and Santorum didn't accept the premise that gays and lesbians serving their country honorably, without hiding their orientation, was progress.

  78. .

    I didn't watch the debate. Why did they boo the soldier?

    His question was about DADT.

    He asked the candidates to indicate if they became president would they go back to DADT.

    What was as telling as the clapping if not more so was that none of the candidates despite what they think on the subject offered thanks to the soldier for his service.

    There are some things that should go beyond politics but evidently don't.


  79. Does the Hamas charter recognize a Jewish state? Did Abbas at the UN?

    If they want the land, they'll have to take it by force. Good luck.

  80. This speaks volumes, y'all

    In a fiery summons to an important voting bloc, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.

    And though he didn't say it directly, for a second term, too.

    Obama's speech to the annual awards dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus was his answer to increasingly vocal griping from black leaders that he's been giving away too much in talks with Republicans -- and not doing enough to fight black unemployment, which is nearly double the national average at 16.7 percent.
    "It gets folks discouraged. I know. I listen to some of y'all," Obama told an audience of some 3,000 in a darkened Washington convention center.

  81. He said thanks to the US for his release:

    released hiker Shane Bauer say the following upon his release? "Two years in prison is too long, and we sincerely hope for the freedom of other political prisoners and other unjustly imprisoned people in America (emphasis added) and Iran."

  82. I suppose he means Leonard Peltier, a cause celebre of the Left.

  83. Teresita said...
    WiO: Bethlehem, Hebron, Jerusalem are all JEWISH towns and cities, no matter what squatters are there NOW...

    The same law of conquest by which the Israelites took them from the Caananites prevails today. In other words, possession is nine-tenths of the law.

    Fine, I can live with that....

    Jerusalem is ours...

    Let the Christians deal with the moslems that occupy their messiah's birth place..

  84. Teresita said...
    WiO: Israel has accepted a 2 state solution to the question of the palestinians

    So if that's true, and Israel has had their state for sixty-three years, why does Bibi get all pissy when Abbas declares his state today? Isn't that two states? Or is Israel really only committed to one state?

    The arabs cannot turn the clock back and demand the deal they turned DOWN in 1948, 1967, 1973. 1974, 1998

    The fact is that a 2 state solution was signed and agreed to be settled without war..

    If the Palestinians want to declare their state.? Good luck, it just means that it RELEASES Israel from any and all Oslo agreements.

    Thus allowing Israel to ANNEX any land it holds...

    So declare your state palestinians!!!! declare it...

    But dont bitch when you DONT hold on to much land...

    Possession is 9/10th of the law...

  85. Ms T: In 1947-1949 over 300,000 Arabs were ethnically cleansed from their historic homes in Jewish occupied Palestine.


    The arabs went to war, told their people to get out of the way...

    at the same time 600,000 jews fled the arab lands...

    it's called population exchange...

    same thing happened in europe after ww2.

    but the funny thing?

    TODAY there are MORE arabs LIVING inside of "jewish" occupied palestine than the entire area had in 1948.

    So I guess your bullshit accusation about ethnic cleansing would be correct if there were not so many fucking, breeding, populating arabs INSIDE of Israel.

    Yep Ms T, hard to claim ethnic cleansing when the arabs now number IN THE MILLIONS INSIDE OF ISRAEL.

    Now for ethnic cleansing?

    the arab world, 899/900 of the middle east, is ethnically cleansed of Jews.

    learn to read demographics nitwit...

  86. Deuce: Deuce said...
    "There are no walls INSIDE of the Nation of Israel. All citizens (arab and jew) can travel anywhere.

    You are implying that the border fence is racist?"

    Fences are not racist. Perhaps you could explain thismap

    it's called a border....

    nowhere is it written that borders are required to be straight lines....

    Maybe if Israel was a little bit more like the arabs they could have simply pushed the arabs OUT into the sinai or jordan and simply make all of the west bank arab free...

    But they didnt...

    the border/security fence is to keep the israelis separated from the suicide bombers in the disputed territories...

    and sadly for you IT WORKS....

    Israel has prevented thousands of deaths by making it hard for the death cult jihadists from bombing schools and nurseries.

    Now if the palestinians wanted PEACE, they could have accepted several different offers over the years.

    But they want it all...

    so they will get nothing...

    I suggest for a true peace? Major arab population centers INSIDE of israel should be walled off and given to the new palestine as land swaps.

    No need for one fucking arab to be a citizen under oppression. No need for them to move, just wall off the major towns and give them to the palestinians to deal with.

    Of course the problem with this idea?????

    the ARABS of Israel are shitting themselves with the idea that they could be forced to live under Palestinians leaders... literally they are crapping their pants....

    funny eh?

  87. Mel: You might have many, many aliases and every few months you stomp your feet and storm out, but in my opinion, you seem to be one the more honest people here. I highly doubt you need to fake an illness to get attention from a few old men in a dysfunctional bar as this one. Stay strong as I know you will.



    She lies about all kinds of things...

    why should the issue of a supposed ill be any difference?

    Personally I think she's full of hot air.

    but if she is really sick? I hope that she is treated by those racist Jewish doctors using the finest in racist Israel cancer treatments....

    After all she aint as bad as the thousands of palestinians the israeli's treat for free and only a fraction of them try to come back and murder them....

    those are good odds...

  88. Nuclear armed ghetto says.......

    Don't fuck with me....

    I've had enough


    go israel

  89. you seem to be one the more honest people here

    She absolutely is.

    As soon as I sober up I will go back and read the last threads.

    I will pray for Melody.


  90. The answer to your puzzle deuce that I have put you in is simply put WiO up there where he should be.

    I have been exchanging emails with an old girl friend who is now happily married to......get this.....a Swedish Lutheran on one side.....and a German Jew on the other......I hope they don't get to fighting like Ruf's two ain't no big deal....
    show your personality deuce, once and for all

    Melody, I haven't read but pray you are all right


  91. Detroit beats Minnesota goes 3 - 0

    Buffalo beats NE goes 3 - 0

    Maybe there will be "Peace in the ME."

  92. Ahh, never mind. NE came back; beat Buffalo

    as you were.

  93. You're right Deuce. I was very disappointed. It was big fucking flea market. But I did get some home made soap, a beaded bracelet made of sandalwood, and a new pocket book. I also got to spend the afternoon with an old friend.

    The one in the spring is much bigger and better.

    I don't think T is a liar.

  94. The nuclear armed ghetdo said

    Miss T is not a liar.


  95. That was a mistake what I meant to say is Miss T is not a liar, then I got it all fucked up for my feeling for Israel.



  96. WiO: Thus allowing Israel to ANNEX any land it holds...

    I don't really give a fuck what Israel does, as long as I'm not subsidizing any part of the the G-d forsaken operation.

    I feel the same way about "free" abortions and bases in countries where they say "Yanqui no España si!"

  97. Teresita said...
    WiO: Thus allowing Israel to ANNEX any land it holds...

    I don't really give a fuck what Israel does, as long as I'm not subsidizing any part of the the G-d forsaken operation.

    The aid that Israel (unlike the charity it gives to most of the world) is paid back in both direct contributions to the security and the advancement of AMerica. No explaining will ever convince you of that however.

    If you compare the trillions we give in aid and cash to our enemies and adversaries Israel is a great investment. That's why America INVESTS in Israel.

    If you cannot tell that difference?

    you are a nitwit.

    Israel gets military assistance to BUY American weapons.

    That's the aid it gets....

    We GIVE BILLIONS in direct transfers to the arabs of all sorts and we protect the oil shipping lanes for china at NO CHARGE....

    And it's oyxmoronic to say Jews annexing judea and samaria is G-d forsaken since it was the G-d called "G-d" that commanded it in the 1st place...

    Cant reference "G-d" on one hand and dismiss it on the other....

    If "G-d", the G-d of Israel, you know the JEWS???? ANNEX it's HISTORIC G-d GIVEN lands after attempting to make peace with the children of Baal???

    G-d is only forsaking the death cult islamic nut jobs.

    After all...

    The jews, all 8 million of them, after getting their asses kicked by the Nazis, kicked the combined asses of the entire Arab world, at the time all 125 MILLION of them (with the help of OIL and the USSR)

    Yep, G-d is cursing the arabs with stupidity...

    What does a Fatah member say to a Hamas member in Gaza?

    Please toss me from the roof!

  98. Melody, I have been collecting art since I was a young man in his twenties. As a boy, I would do water colors and enter art contests.

    I stopped painting and started collecting. I always had financial over reach and could never really afford what I bought. I was blessed with an eye for art and stopped collecting when I ran out of wall space. I only sold one painting, when I needed the money, and regretted it since.

    I dread when people ask me to look at their art collections and ask me my opinion.

    You do not have to spend much money to buy really good art. You have to have an understanding of what makes art good and be an opportunist. Philadelphia has some fine art schools, The Pennsylvania Academy of Arts and Moore College are just two. There is a free school in South Philadelphia called the Fleischer Memorial Academy. I would recommend going to any and all of the student shows. you will find excellent work at reasonable prices.

    I purchase supplies at a local art supply shop. Most of the clerks are art students. A couple of years ago I went and saw these silk scarfs that one of the clerks had painted by hand. I asked the price on one and was stunned when he told me $25. You mean $100 I said and he smiled and was pleased to sell it for that and then I had him select a frame that he liked and I approved.

    When framed the scarf was beautiful. No one believed it was a scarf and I gave it to a friend. Last year I received an invitation to a gallery in NYC. My young friend was now showing in the gallery. I was amused to see a couple of his works, painted on white silk, framed and priced at $7,500. I told him, "you owe me". He laughed and said, "No. you owe me."

  99. WiO: And it's oyxmoronic to say Jews annexing judea and samaria is G-d forsaken since it was the G-d called "G-d" that commanded it in the 1st place...

    Not I, but Jeremiah spaketh:

    "Thus saith the LORD; If ye will not hearken to me, to walk in my law, which I have set before you, to hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early, and sending them, but ye have not hearkened; then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth.

    And that is exactly what happened in 587 BC.

    G-d tried one more time with Nehemiah's temple and Ezra's revivialist nutters, and Herod even tricked out the Second Temple to be quite a thing to see, but in 66 a revolt against the world superpower (Rome) broke out in Judea, centered in Jerusalem. Nero appointed General Vespasian as military commander over three legions to put down the unrest. At first he had some success in Galilee, but Nero was forced to commit suicide in 68 and the Empire was plunged into civil war. Vespasian took some of his forces to Alexandria to secure the Egyptian grain supply, and ultimately was declared Emperor himself by the Senate in 69. He left his son Titus in charge of the final assault on Jerusalem in 70.

    The city was defended tenaciously by the Jews, but with four Roman legions surrounding Jerusalem with mighty earthworks, the outcome was never in doubt. After five months the entire city, including the temple which was central to Judaism, was pillaged and razed to the ground, except for three towers and the Western Wall, retained on the orders of Titus as a reminder to the surviving Jews of their lost glory.

    Christians have their own theories about why G-d had forsaken the Jews, but it's beyond question that he did.

    This thing over there that calls itself "Israel" these days doesn't have the Old One's imprimatur and nihil obstat.

  100. Look, you stupid shits, it is a cultural fight, and you chose sides.

    You chose the side has the most freedom.

    I am a culturalist, nothing more, nothing less.

    What the fuck are there muzzies in Malmo, Sweden?

    That is where my folks came from.

    I hope they rise up and rid themselves of them.


  101. Miss T, please, you know I like you and am praying for you but it is JUST LITERATURE.

    go back to the nigger jim


  102. "A government that discriminates based upon religion,
    ...a despicable thing.


    I've asked before, but I can't remember:
    This time I will copy and paste to save so I will not have to ask again.

    With all the wailing about the ills inflicted on the "Palis" in this one tiny area, why is no attention paid to the fact that Christians are going the way of Jews throughout Arabia, namely leaving or dying?

    (Including folks like Assyrian Christians that predate everyone else still living there)

    Why is this rarely mentioned here, amid the constant comments about the Jews and "Palis"?

    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Hopefully this will be the last time I need to ask.

    The more that chime in, the merrier I will be.

  103. As you wish for Sweden, boobie, other wish for the Levant.

    Strangers in a strange land.

    Time to go.

  104. "Look, you stupid shits, it is a cultural fight, and you choose sides."

    Different strokes for different folks:
    Sixa one Halfa dozen of the other.

    Equivalent all.

    In the "minds" of some.

  105. Well, there wasn't a painting to be had. Now I know why. It wasn't the Arts Festival I thought it was, the one that takes place in June. This was the Eco Arts Festival If I was looking for hand made jewelry and pole dancing lessons I was in the right place.

    I wondered why I zipped across that bridge with ease.

  106. The second Temple was a fraud, Ms T.
    The land already forsaken.

    The Ark of the Covenant, was not there. And the purpose of the true Temple, to house the Ark.

    Unless of King Herod the Great, was a truly legitimate King of the Jews, not a Roman proxy.

    The false King and usurper, built a fraudulent Temple, for purely political purposes.

  107. The Romans only destroying what their proxies had built, when the taxes went unpaid.

  108. Back to Babylon, Ms T, back to Babylon.

  109. I wish I had known, Mel:

    I woulda had you pick up some tie die T's for me, and a pair of peace-symbol ear rings for the wife.

  110. The Roman ruler built a "Temple" on the Mount.

    What G-d sanctified Herod's rule and the legitimacy of his "Temple"?

    Other than the Emperor.

  111. ms T: This thing over there that calls itself "Israel" these days doesn't have the Old One's imprimatur and nihil obstat.

    Fuck you....

    And may the G-d of Israel curse your evil soul... May you live long in this life and suffer a fate worse than Job.

  112. Look, you stupid shits, it is all metaphor, chose the better, the more life bringing.

    And that is the Jewish in the mid east as they have evolved.

    I will always remember my father the city lawyer here for o so many years and his "boss" my unca Roscoe the Jew who was Mayor of our fair city for all those years.

    Before he died unca Roscoe gave an interview with a reporter from the paper.

    He mentioned among other things how they had put in some grant or other from the guvment based on population and allah be blest the woman gave birth about eleven pm right before the deadline.

    I love the old people I have come from.


  113. WiO cursed me thus:

    Fuck you....

    And may the G-d of Israel curse your evil soul... May you live long in this life and suffer a fate worse than Job.

    JOB 19:

    [25] For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:

    [26] And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:

    [27] Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.

  114. And don't you ever talk down to me again, deuce, with you limosine talk of seeing the farmland.

    Rufus had that exactly.

    There is something life giving about working with mother earth, which you have obviously never known.

    All I pray is you have that experience sometime.


  115. Please give up this fight about old writings.

    And the quoting of scripture and such.

    It is a waste of our god given time.

    Miss T, please!


  116. We Fell into the written word.

    The disaster, the farming, the written word, the beginning of the end.


  117. Let's at least have a drink about it.


  118. Did you know that lesbian "bears" are commonly referred to as Muffalos?

    Muffalo wings are hot.

  119. I take your word for it.



  120. Dear Arro: Are muffalo bites toxic or poisonous? Signed, Mischievous MiMi (@MiMiSo100)
    MiMi, I’m glad you asked this. Muffalos are thought to be a mythical creature that is feared. It’s hair is shiny yet coarse. It looks much like Remy weave, only with a much lower quality. It’s funny shaped with a large,long head and a body that resembles a stress ball or long bean bag. It’s teeth are big and square, much like a buffalo. In the event that you are ever to cross paths with a Muffalo, STEER CLEAR!! Muffalos are not vicious, their bark (yes they bark) is much worse than their bite. Moreover, if bitten by a muffalo you should be tested immediately for rabies and subsequently tested for any and all STDs within 2 weeks. Once bitten by a muffalo be sure to stab it in the heart with a wooden stake. Thanks for asking, hope this help!

  121. Muffalo from the Urban dictionary

    Any girl classified as a large or an extra large. e.g. a fat chick

    Hey did you hook up with that Muffalo lastnight?

    Let's go on a Muffalo hunt! (Cruise the bars for fat chicks)

  122. 2. Muffalo

    A big fat, whore- usually seen wearing cowboy boys, chaps, and a cowboy hat. Muffalo cites completely ridiculous and often fictional instances of sexual encounters. Upon looking at the Muff, vicious and monstruous images of a Buffalo's coat are planted in the imagination of the viewer. Since one cannot live after an encounter with the Muffalo, graphic encounters have not yet been documented.

    Foster got a blowjob from Muffalo.

  123. muffalo

    More bush in the danger zone than on a whole buffalo. Shit.
    That muffalo engulfed her belly button.

    I had to bushwack that power triangle.

    Fucking hell!

  124. more from the urban dic...


    The dick of a tranny

    Did you hear that Matt road a muffalo lastnight?

  125. Good grief I am going sleep from this catholic blog by deuce the president.

    Nite. snorri

