Saturday, September 24, 2011

Walking on the Sunny Side

For Sam...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You k'n hide de fier, but w'at you gwine do wid de smoke?

  3. 484 days til Mitt happens!

    After Obama's tax plan, stocks have their worst week since October 2008

    Obama hard at work: Three-day trip, will hit seven fundraisers

    Malaysia's Uberdhimmi Roman Catholic archbishop comes out in favor of sharia

    Track guns or falling satellites the government can't do (guitar makers and lemonade stand tycoons better watch their back though).

  4. zip-a-dee-fucking-doo-dah.


    Thanks, Deuce! Perfect. Is that Disney? It looks like it. Wonder what year?

    T, what's your operation? I've missed it somewhere along the way.

    Look me up when you get to Oz. I can show you a lot of fun stuff to do.

  5. Quirk, that's an old avatar.

  6. Sam: T, what's your operation? I've missed it somewhere along the way.

    Sam, in May I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of breast cancer, and I've had thirteen infusions of chemo since then, I have no hair, no eyelashes, and the pudenda of an eleven year old girl. Two more chemos to go, then a mastectomy, and then a year of Herceptin and radiation for 45 days.

    Fortunately, the chemo they have these days doesn't make people as sick as it used to do, I'm still going to work. I'm an electronics technician, so there's no heavy lifting or walking involved.

  7. Sam: Look me up when you get to Oz. I can show you a lot of fun stuff to do.

    Actually I've been there twice already (Perth-Fremantle), and I turned down another opportunity to go recently.

  8. Sorry to hear, T.

    My dad died of pancreatic cancer and I know intimately of all the stuff he went through with it.

    I lived in Perth for 13 years.

  9. I know Perth/Fremantle like the back of my hand.

  10. Living up to Melody's expectations I shall post...

    is a MAN that Americans Love more than any current Democrat or
    Republican, even if this blog is bored by such issues, or wants to bury
    it's head in the sand it dont matter

    Not worthless cut and paste music videos by washed up artists...

    No a Leader, a REAL one...

    One that has had MORE standing ovations in Congress of the United States than any person in recent history....

    And yes... A JEW

    A Proud Jew

    One that also believes as I do that Israel is a great nation.

    One that also believes in the greatness of America.

    Speech to the Joint Session of Congress

    To those that are to stupid to listen or to read what I write? Who actually cares?


    Cannot teach those to stupid to want to learn

  11. .

    Quirk, that's an old avatar.

    Well, exxcuussse me.

    Still appropriate though.


  12. So much petulance.
    So little time.

  13. WiO wrote:

    "Cannot teach those to stupid to want to learn"

    That is just too funny WiO. Your use of the English language reflects your intelligence.


  14. BBC News -

    The head of Egypt's ruling military council has testified at the trial of former President Hosni Mubarak. Field Marshall Tantawi gave evidence in a court session that lasted about an hour and a half, a lawyer said.

  15. The past and future President of Yemen just returned there, from Saudi Arabia, I do believe.

    Yemeni Government Forces Attack Opposition Military Units, Protesters

    Forces loyal to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh have taken the offensive Saturday, attacking student protesters and military forces protecting them in the capital Sana'a. Mortar shells pounded the protesters encampment. Clashes between pro- and anti-government forces in Yemen have left at least 40 people dead.

    Government forces fired rounds of ammunition and dozens of mortar shells at a student protest camp overnight, causing dozens of casualties. Hundreds of protesters fled in different directions to escape the attack, with some taking shelter inside the nearby university campus.

    At least 11 soldiers belonging to opposition General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar's First Armored Division were killed after their positions came under fire according to a spokesman for General Mohsen.

    The President, there in Yemen has been with US, for a while now. He gets to run out his string, for now.

    No arms embargo for Yemen, not soon anyway.

  16. (ANKARA, Turkey) - Turkey on Friday slapped an arms embargo against Syria for its brutal crackdown on the country's uprising, the prime minister said.

    Another NATO ally taking the lead, again.

    Great news for US!

  17. They raise 'em up rowdy, in Texas.

    Jay Kimbrough, former deputy chancellor of the Texas A&M University System, pulled out a pocket knife and challenged university officials to “bring it on” after being fired this week.

    Kimbrough “brandished a knife in a nonthreatening manner,” according to a university police report obtained by The Times, and refused to hand over his keys and pass card, telling two lawyers for the university that “if anyone is man enough to take them, bring it on.”

    As Kimbrough, a Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient, was escorted out of the building by campus police, he recited a quote from General Douglas MacArthur: “I shall return.”

  18. Ash said...
    WiO wrote:

    "Cannot teach those to stupid to want to learn"

    That is just too funny WiO. Your use of the English language reflects your intelligence.

    Dont expect someone like you to understand to or too!

  19. I bet that's the shortest amount of time that a picture of a perfect titty stayed at the top of the EB page.

    Are we getting old, or what?

  20. But Ash,

    I did notice your lack of observation of the content of my post...

    Stupid fools...

  21. It should be "Too" Stupid, Dumbshit.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. As do many of the rest of us, he probably thinks Netanyahou is a dangerous asshole.

  24. Titty? I think I missed something.

  25. Rufus...

    You are not worth the tapping on my keyboard to try to discuss anything with you....

    You are not capable of learning anything...

    Have a nice day nitwit....

  26. I am disgusted with you too, Miss T,
    a much maligned minority.

    All you give a good goddamn about is your 'rights'.

    What about WiO's rights??

    This place has become a cesspool.


  27. Ah the censorship starts again this day...

    what a class act....

  28. What about you, Quirk, knower of all things, and a great salesman as well.

    But when it comes to a Jew on the board of directors you are silent.


  29. Obviously the sedative wore off, and the guard at the door had to take a whiz.

    The looney-bin's lost another one.


  30. I dont have any "rights"...

    this is a private blog...

    they make their choices...

    they live with them....

    this is why most posts are Rat talking to himself, rufus talking about every county having a refinery and ole mel posting links to youtube...

    same shit different day...

    very little discussion...

    even less insight.....

    but I bet perfect usage of the english language...

  31. Bob was told not to discuss Melody's family. I told him his comment would be deleted when he did so.

  32. .

    Old news WiO.

    Saw the speeches when he gave them.

    I differ with you on your opinion of Netanyahu but since you seek a response to your post I will only comment on this,

    One that has had MORE standing ovations in Congress of the United States than any person in recent history....

    Not saying too much. After all, this is the Congress of the United States we are talking about.


  33. At least I know the proper usage of "To," "Too," and "Two," nitwit that I am.

  34. 13% approval rating, that Congress.

  35. It was like the old Soviet Politburo, up and down like a child's jack-in-the-box lest their minders in the press take a photo of them seated.

  36. This IS a Private Blog, and you Don't have any "Rights."

    (Other than to Go Away, of course.)

  37. And if the great deuce ever gets in serious trouble, he will be turning to his much maligned group, THE LAWYERS!

    Deuce you will not even answer a serious question, other than this bullshit about monothematic.


  38. .

    What about you, Quirk, knower of all things, and a great salesman as well.

    You have to try to keep up Bobbo.

    I gave you a response on the last stream.


    Sat Sep 24, 01:30:00 PM EDT


  39. YOU have 'rights' rufus because people like ours gave them to you.


  40. You usually preface "lawyers" with "jewish". You pay more attention to the adjective than I.

  41. What rights did your people give us?

  42. Sorry Quirk I had a wedding or something and fell asleep.
    I will go back.

  43. Bibi, and his gang, embarrassed the Vice President of my Country when he was a Guest in theirs, and then he is Insulting to my President in our own U.S. Capital.

    Still, over 3/4 of U.S. Jewry will support Obama in the next election. That should tell someone, something.

  44. Congress standing ovations... what a bunch of bullshit.

  45. .

    Titty? I think I missed something.


    You too must try and keep up Sam.



  46. Rufus II said...
    At least I know the proper usage of "To," "Too," and "Two," nitwit that I am.

    wow, impressive....

    but that's right, you were the asshole (did I spell that right?) that called me on the carpet because I didn't use a capital A when spelling "America"?


    Mr Rufus, the PERFECT typist and speller!

    Never made a typing mistake....

    Mr Rufus...

    A man among men....

    Dear L-rd thank you for giving us such perfection to emulate...

    /off sarcasm

  47. Not at all, boobie.

    The rights of rufus are inalienable, not given to him by others.

    Little wonder you are standing tall with Barack Obama and not with Thomas Jefferson.

    Child of progressive socialism and government grants that you are. You have no understanding of "Real" Americans.

    Like rufus and Deuce.

  48. The right to a fair trial, the right to vote, the right of property ownership (should be important to you) equal protection under the law--endless rights.

    When Lewis and Clark came back from the Pacific, up at Asotin, they were met by Humpsilliet or whatever his name was, back from the south, WITH A NECKLACE OF HUMAN SCALPS AROUND HIS NECK.

    The LAW gave us the right to be free of that shit. Your Shrugger outlook was really gone then, taken to its extreme and we are all the better off for it.

    Under your regime Down's kids could be left on the street.

  49. Rufus II said...
    Bibi, and his gang, embarrassed the Vice President of my Country when he was a Guest in theirs, and then he is Insulting to my President in our own U.S. Capital.

    Still, over 3/4 of U.S. Jewry will support Obama in the next election. That should tell someone, something.

    Do you have any idea about what you are saying or are you just reading from a talking points card?

    I DOUBT seriously you really have a clue.

    " and then he is Insulting to my President in our own U.S. Capital."

    this proves you have not listened to his speech.... just knee jerk reactions....

    Rufus: Still, over 3/4 of U.S. Jewry will support Obama in the next election. That should tell someone, something"

    dont count the votes before the election....

  50. Bob, you poor, ignorant fool. My Paternal Bloodline, as evidence by my name, is Dane. My maternal bloodline is English/Dutch. Both outfits got here real early on (not nearly as long ago as my 1/8th Cherokee bloodline, of course.)

    Take your poor old besotted ass to bed.

  51. Deuce said...
    It was like the old Soviet Politburo, up and down like a child's jack-in-the-box lest their minders in the press take a photo of them seated.

    Now that is a really sick thought...

    Didnt LISTEN to the words did ya?

    Just another knee jerk smartass remark....

    No wonder this blog gets less and less real conversation about issues...

    keep posting tits and youtube songs..

    that's where you excel...

  52. That you believe your inalienable rights are a gift, from other men, well boobie, little wonder you've fallen out of favor, at the Elephant Bar.

    As for "o", his admission the other day of his loyalty to Israel, seals that deal.

    We can have no '50-50' allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all.
    Theodore Roosevelt

    He tells his Story, no doubt about it.

  53. No, I was referring to the bullshit little lecture he gave Obama at the photo op in the White House.

  54. Keeps your Story told, "o".

    Anyone that wants to read it, they can.

  55. Everybody's cherokee.

    I'm a 1/16th.

  56. rat: As for "o", his admission the other day of his loyalty to Israel, seals that deal

    Just as valid as your admission of murder of civilians in central america...

  57. My Jewish lawyer once said to me, in the deeps of my depression, Bob, its a hard task to build a society.

    No shit.

    I am going to go get a bottle of wine which I rarely do and see if I can drink it and get some sleep/


  58. Yeah, Sam, I always say I'm 1/8th; that's what I was led to believe. My brother, a couple of years ago, though, said my grandmother was only 1/4 (I was always told, 1/2.)

    Anyways, it's all kind of silly drawing a distinction between Cherokee, and Choctaw, and Seminole, and whatnot. They were all, the best I can make out, for all practical purposes, the same people.

    It would be like saying, "I'm not North Central Bavarian, I'm South Central Bavarian. really? :)

  59. Show your personality deuce, either put him up there, and show it that way, or don't put him up there, and show it that way.

    I've had it for the day. I'm getting my shotgun and some wine and am going pheasant hunting.


  60. Bob, your lawyer needs to see a psychologist.

    He sounds a bit cultist.

  61. That particular group that called themselves "Cherokee" just happened to be living on some real estate that had a little more value than they were able to defend.

  62. The Cherokee would raid other tribes' villages up to several hundred miles away. They would kill, or chase off, the men, and take the younger women, and kids home with them. The Children, would then, be raised as "Cherokee."

    All the other tribes, the Choctaw, the Cree, Algonquin, Seminole did the same thing. Thus, over 10,000 yrs, or so, I think it would be hard to distinguish much genetic difference in any of them.


  63. Erdogan spoke about severing ties with Israel in the wake on the UN's Palmer Report – which probed the 2010 raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla – and said that "for the time being I can clearly state that the relations between Israel and Turkey have been broken on the basis of an issue… which began when a flotilla bearing humanitarian aid was trying to get to Gaza.

    "It has passengers from 33 countries and was attacked both from the sea and from the air. At the end of these attacks, nine Turkish citizens died… Still to this day no serious attitude has been adopted against Israel for the lives lost there. We are very upset about this.

    "It this situation, no matter who we are talking about, democracy, rights, freedom, should be defended," he continued. "If liberty is in question in should be defended. We gave our warning to Israel – this is reason for war. This is something you cannot do in international waters. But as a great state we have been very forgiving.

    "That's why we have been very patient. We demanded that they apologize, pay compensation and eliminate the embargo on Gaza once and for all. If these demands are not met relations between Israel and Turkey will never become normal again.

    "We have nothing against the people of Israel (only) against the attitude adopted by the administration in Israel. If you are insistent on creating a source of unrest you are bound to become lonelier and lonelier. They used to be great friends of ours. This solitude is Israel's fate under these circumstances. Israel is going to be alone in the region."


  64. Asked about Turkey's past efforts on behalf of a regional peace deal and whether the Israeli government back out of such a deal at the last minute, the Turkish premier said that Ankara had "conveyed its impressions to Mr. Obama… Turkey is very frank in its delivery and we stand behind our remarks.

    "Israel was on the brink of admitting to withdrawing to the 1967 borders, a few remarks (in the draft) needed to be corrected and we were working on the documents, but not even a week later Gaza was attacked – Israel did that.

    "Here's what being said and this is upsetting to hear: (Israel) says that Palestine is bombing Israel and many Israelis have been killed. I would like to see accurate statistics on how many Israelis have been killed by the bombs thrown by Palestinians or by the rockets that were launched by them. Ten? 20? 100? 200? How many? Please document it and let us know!

    "But on the other hand we know that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been killed. Thousands have been killed by the Gaza attack alone. These are very clear numbers.

    "The Israeli people are always resorting back to the issue of genocide in history and using that, they are always acting as if they are the victims," he continued. "For that Germany has paid and is still paying… But neither Turkey nor the Muslims in the region… have ever exerted such cruelty on Israel, but Israel is very cruel in that regard. It shows no mercy."

    "The Israeli acts are inexplicable. If you want normalization you have to take certain steps to restore peace and stop causing unrest," Erdogan concluded.

  65. The Cherokee land that was lost proved to be extremely valuable. Upon these lands were the alignments for the future rights-of-way for rail and road communications between the eastern Piedmont slopes of the Appalachian Mountains, the Ohio river in Kentucky and the Tennessee river valley at Chattanooga. This location is still a strategic economic asset and is the basis for the tremendous success of Atlanta, Georgia, as a regional transportation and logistics center. Georgia’s appropriation of these lands from the Cherokee kept the wealth out of the hands of the Cherokee Nation.

    The Cherokee lands in Georgia were settled upon by the Cherokee for the simple reason that they were and still are the shortest and most easily traversed route between the only fresh water sourced settlement location at the southeastern tip of the Appalachian range (the Chattahoochee River), and the natural passes, ridges, and valleys which lead to the Tennessee river at what is today, Chattanooga.[citation needed] From Chattanooga there was and is the potential for a year-round water transport to St. Louis and the west (via the Ohio and Mississippi rivers), or to as far east as Pittsburgh, PA.

    Of course, the fact that Gold was discovered right in the middle of their territory in 1826 didn't help any. :)

  66. Rufus: All the other tribes, the Choctaw, the Cree, Algonquin, Seminole did the same thing. Thus, over 10,000 yrs, or so, I think it would be hard to distinguish much genetic difference in any of them.

    Same thing happened in the Levantine shithole. Ammonites, Amalekites, Kenites, Edomites, Israelites, Nephites, Lamanites, any manner of -ites.

  67. WIO was not given keys to the gate because he does not need them. 80-90% of what WIO says is all about Israel. He is often a prolific poster of cut and paste about Israel.


    WIO has full reign to post what he likes. He has been moderated by me no more than 4-5 times. You on the other hand Bob have been moderated many times.

    These are not my words. When the question was asked Deuce answered it with this statement. I guess I'm not the only nitwit that doesn't read everything.

  68. This place is a bonafide Charley foxtrot.

  69. It's no secret that politics don't interest me or that I know little about them. Do I feel shameful? Of course I don't. Does it make me any less of a person than anyone here? No, I don't think so.

    It doesn't mean that I love my country any less or that I'm oblivious to every political concern out there.

    Do I have a right to be here, whether I post about politics or not? You fucking right I do.

  70. Mel: Do I have a right to be here, whether I post about politics or not? You fucking right I do.

    I think you meant "You're fucking right I do."

    as Rufus would say....

    Rufus II said...
    It should be "You're", Dumbshit.

  71. The stone I tripped over getting here really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I'm not any more interested in politics than I was four years ago. I also don't sit in front of CNN all day, but it has made me more aware of the things going on in this world that normally I wouldn't consider.

  72. Do you think I care about typos? Nope!

    I don't even care to correct them.

  73. .

    Everybody's cherokee.

    I'm a 1/16th.

    True enough.

    My mothers family were from Eastern Tennessee. She swore we had indian blood.

    We kids used to smile when we got older but she swore it was true.


  74. I probably subconsciously do it on purpose because I know it annoys many people.

  75. Rat cuts and pastes the islamist leader of turkey...

    friend of hamas...

    "But on the other hand we know that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been killed. Thousands have been killed by the Gaza attack alone. These are very clear numbers."

    Hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been KILLED by Israel!!!

    IN MY WET DREAM.....


    Interesting that Rat, cuts and pastes anti-israel rants day after day, no matter what the topic...

    is there any wonder why this blog is getting less and less interesting?

    not to me....

  76. MeLoDy said...
    Do you think I care about typos? Nope!

    I don't even care to correct them.

    But the same is true for me, but the blog holds me to a different standard. they expect that you are a dope, a nitwit, a brainless tart that cares nothing for serious discussion...

    I dont type well, nor do i take the time to spell check.

    but MY typo's prove to ash, quirk, rat and rufus my lack of intelligence...

    or disloyality to our nation in rufus's case...

    Here's an extra capital A for rufus (please shove it up your ass) so when i type America without a cap...

  77. WiO

    Music is good therapy maybe you should try some you always seem a little uptight.

  78. Music is good therapy all right.

    But you haven't been through the ovens, you or yours.

    What a stupid comment.


  79. .

    "The Israeli people are always resorting back to the issue of genocide in history and using that, they are always acting as if they are the victims," he continued. "For that Germany has paid and is still paying… But neither Turkey nor the Muslims in the region… have ever exerted such cruelty on Israel, but Israel is very cruel in that regard. It shows no mercy."

    Geez rat get over it.

    The ME is full of dicks. Sitting around listening to Turkey talk about what great citizens of the world they have always been is a bit much.


  80. as always

    your ancestors did not go through the ovens.




  81. .

    but MY typo's prove to ash, quirk, rat and rufus my lack of intelligence...

    If you are going to throw my name in the mix try providing some examples.

    I may have called you on the logic of your reasoning at times but I don't recall calling you on your spelling.

    I rarely go back looking to redo my typos either now that the school-marm has vacated the premises.


  82. .

    ...they expect that you are a dope, a nitwit, a brainless tart that cares nothing for serious discussion...

    Speak for yourself asshole.

    You seem to be the only one here that holds that opinion.


  83. I am half drunk now it is no use to go early up them draws I know what I am doing.

    I love Plato, other than his projected society.


  84. Quirk said...

    but MY typo's prove to ash, quirk, rat and rufus my lack of intelligence...

    If you are going to throw my name in the mix try providing some examples.

    I may have called you on the logic of your reasoning at times but I don't recall calling you on your spelling.

    I rarely go back looking to redo my typos either now that the school-marm has vacated the premises.

    my bad...

    i stand corrected

  85. .

    your ancestors did not go through the ovens.


    You dumb shit. Go back and look at the history of Poland during WWII.

    Have another bottle of wine.


  86. quirk: ...they expect that you are a dope, a nitwit, a brainless tart that cares nothing for serious discussion...

    Speak for yourself asshole.

    You seem to be the only one here that holds that opinion.

    I didnt say that was MY opinion...

    I say it was the blogs.

    Different standards for mel than me...

  87. O hell everyone knows I'd take a bullet for Melody.

    Under the right circumstances.

    But she is not beyond criticism.

    Very severe.


    ( my wife hates it when I come with pheasants.)

  88. My ancestors were Swedish, asshole and they had nothing to do with it.

    Only marginally.

    I go now, twenty gauge, the weapon of choice for robbing your 7-11's.

    I go now the yonder sun dying.


  89. .

    I didnt say that was MY opinion...

    Really. Evidently, my bad then.

    However, you did say the blog views her in those negative terms. On that, I think you are pretty much mistaken.

    And while I won't push it, I think you give as much as you get in any exchange with Mel.


  90. you forget my whinnng and potry to her.

  91. Boy, I step out of the room to make a pizza and grab beer, and come back to being the brainless tart passing through town on a whim.

    Thanks for sticking up for me Quirk.

    WiO, I don't think the standards between you and me are because "The Blog" thinks I'm a dope or a brainless tart. They may, but they're not rude enough to say. They don't even know me well enough to make that assumption.

    I think the reason is plain and simple. You're an ass. So they ride you like one.

  92. Wow, such bright and sunny comments in this post!

    “no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;”

    “no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;”

    no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice…

  93. Cain kicked Perry, and Romneys' asses in the Florida Straw Poll.

    37% to 14, and 13, respectively.

    Kicked their asses!

  94. Melody's right, WIO.

    She's a bright, cheerful addition to the blog. We all like her a lot. (by the way, we miss you and Q doing the Horoscopes. Why don't you'all get back to work?) :)

    You, on the other hand are a completely unlikable, one-sided drudge.

    Bizarre, unfathomable screeds about blowing up a City, with women, and children, to nuke a rock? It's embarrassing to all that are unfortunate enough to be associated with such stupidity, and hatred.

  95. Rufus: Bizarre, unfathomable screeds about blowing up a City, with women, and children, to nuke a rock? It's embarrassing to all that are unfortunate enough to be associated with such stupidity, and hatred.

    You see that is what is wrong with you. You lie.

    Simply put, you distort and out and out LIE.

    I advocate the nuking or lasering or kidnapping the black rock of mecca. I have said it at least 24 times that I do not advocate the mass murder of anyone.

    I have advocated warning of the innocents to leave the area. (Just as the USA did when they were NUKING entire cities in Japan) except the target I seek is 10 foot by 10 foot and could be delivered in such a way to minimize civilian deaths. I have NEVER advocated the nuking of a city. To say that again, shows what a lying sack of filth you are....

    again, distortions and lies that you repeat PROVE you are not honest about discussion.

    As for your other point about my popularity?

    who gives a flying fuck...

  96. You're insane. You're crazier than Bob on his worst days.

  97. .

    Florida Straw Poll.

    Straw poll. The rightest of the right.


  98. Rufus: (on WiO) You're insane. You're crazier than Bob on his worst days.

    He's not crazy, he's just Old School Hebrew.

    Deuteronomy 3:6 And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city.

  99. I'm not much of a Bill Krystal fan, but I thought he had a good summation of the Debate the other night.


  100. I don't care if he's getting instructions from a big, black dog, T. Insanity is insanity.

    And, batshit crazy is batshit crazy.

  101. Teresita said...
    Rufus: (on WiO) You're insane. You're crazier than Bob on his worst days.

    He's not crazy, he's just Old School Hebrew.

    And your a new school liar.....

  102. It's very interesting the lengths some folks here will go to lie, distort and misrepresent anything I say...

    It says alot about them...

    But maybe it's a valuable lesson...


    Ms T? Rat and Rufus?

    3 peas in a pod of distortions...

  103. Blogger sam said...

    Pretty lame, Ash.

    ahhh, no dude, that is "irony" unlike what rufus would have kids learn in school.

    Blogger What is "Occupation" said...

    But Ash,

    I did notice your lack of observation of the content of my post...

    The content of each and every post is the same WiO. Israel good, Muslims bad, really bad, and then you play the victim song 'oh myyyy one standard for everyone else but me, the poor jew.'

  104. oh, and nice to see Melody wade in and help you understand that she was simply quoting Deuce's reason for not giving you the keys WiO. I know, reading is hard!

  105. Ash:
    The content of each and every post is the same WiO. Israel good, Muslims bad, really bad, and then you play the victim song 'oh myyyy one standard for everyone else but me, the poor jew.'

    Like I said, you dont listen, read or learn.

    Your comments are typical knee jerk nonsense....

  106. Ash said...
    oh, and nice to see Melody wade in and help you understand that she was simply quoting Deuce's reason for not giving you the keys WiO. I know, reading is hard!

    I missed the fact that it was deuce's comment... However I have NEVER asked for the keys. I have just asked that the resident jew hating, israel bashing, self confessed killer (the rat) be removed from said list.

    Personally the LAST thing i wish is to see my handle up on this blog's bartender's roll, really why would I?

    If it makes you folks feel better feel free to remove my name from the frequent poster log as well, i could give a shit....

    Unlike Ms T, who makes demands and threatens to leave I make no demands...

    The ugly side of several of you is plain to see to the world...

    America has used nukes on civilians, America has (under Rufus's Obama) killed thousands in nations we are not even at war with using predator drones, America has carpet bombed cities filled with men, women and babies... America has killed in war hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians in multiple wars....

    I advocate the destruction of a rock and I am labeled all sorts of genocidal names...

    go fuck yourselves

  107. MeLoDy said...

    Boy, I step out of the room to make a pizza and grab beer, and come back to being the brainless tart passing through town on a whim.

    Thanks for sticking up for me Quirk.

    WiO, I don't think the standards between you and me are because "The Blog" thinks I'm a dope or a brainless tart. They may, but they're not rude enough to say. They don't even know me well enough to make that assumption.

    I think the reason is plain and simple. You're an ass. So they ride you like one.

    Sat Sep 24, 06:23:00 PM ED




  108. Perry warns about picking the "slickest candidate."

    Next to Rick, Barney Fife would look slick.

    Needs to dial up his game.


  109. WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has quietly supplied Israel with bombs capable of destroying buried targets, like terrorists’ arms caches or perhaps sites in Iran suspected of being part of that nation’s nuclear weapons program, American officials said Friday.

    Amazing what a bunch of hacked off Jewish mothers in Brooklyn-Queens can make a President do.

  110. I now see you have added Ms T back to the bartenders roll...

    Isnt she the one that demanded that her name be removed from that list at least 2 times?

    isnt she the one that stormed out cussing and spitting on the bar?


    ok, let me try that too...

    deuce, please remove my name from your godforsaken list of regulars.


  111. WiO: "To all you people who thought I was immature: nyah, nyah, nyaaaah!"

  112. Teresita said...
    WiO: "To all you people who thought I was immature: nyah, nyah, nyaaaah!"

    Never said that...

    by the way, are you really sick or just faking again?

  113. Both of the petulant ones really have a twist in their panties, today.

    Well, Q, one of our NATO allies think that the Israeli cannot be trusted.

    That is a viable data set to post, here on the sunny side of life.

    Especially when just a few years ago they were thick as thieves. Guess they've discovered the lack of honor, amongst themselves.

    Wonder where the Israeli are going to buy those fancy electric cars?

    The vehicles that were to be the salvation of Israel, they are built in Turkey.

  114. desert rat said...
    Both of the petulant ones really have a twist in their panties, today.

    Well, Q, one of our NATO allies think that the Israeli cannot be trusted.

    That is a viable data set to post, here on the sunny side of life.

    Especially when just a few years ago they were thick as thieves. Guess they've discovered the lack of honor, amongst themselves.

    Wonder where the Israeli are going to buy those fancy electric cars?

    The vehicles that were to be the salvation of Israel, they are built in Turkey.

    That great NATO ally screwed President Bush and America during the Gulf war...

    That great ally embraces Hamas and is moving towards radical islam

    I am sure Rat is happy....

    As for a few years ago? America used to be friends with Iran...

    Turkey is going the way of Iran....

    Another false friend bites the dust...

  115. Vaporize the Black rock of Mecca, send all the civilians to AZ...

  116. Nuke the Dome of the Rock

    That'll show those Islamoids.

  117. Just how many kids did they murder last month?

    Turkey Attacks Kurdish Targets in Northern Iraq
    Published: August 18, 2011

    ISTANBUL — Turkish warplanes attacked 60 targets in the mountains and border areas of northern Iraq early Thursday in pursuit of Kurdish separatist rebels suspected of responsibility a day earlier for a deadly quadruple bombing ambush on a military convoy in southeast Turkey, the army headquarters said.

    Turkish news reports and Kurdish officials in northern Iraq reported more Turkish warplane sorties late Thursday night.

    No comment from the bar...

    One standard for Israel, no standards for anyone one else

  118. A new Palestine wont be for Palestinian "refugees"

    PA: Palestinian 'Refugees' Won't Be Citizens Of 'Palestine' - They'll Still Be 'Refugees'!

    This article in Lebanon's Daily Star is a real eye opener for those who think establishing a 'Palestinian' stage is about self-determination for a bunch of refugees, or ending the Arab-Israeli conflict.

    It's an interview with an important 'Palestinian' official, Abdullah Abdullah, th ePA's ambassador to Lebanon,where there's a substantial group of those people who identify themselves as 'Palestinian refugees.' And he says in no uncertain terms that the 'Palestinian Authority's' official policy if that refugees in refugee camps will not receive 'Palestinian' citizenship, even if the 'refugees' are already living in the new 'Palestine':

    The ambassador unequivocally says that Palestinian refugees would not become citizens of the sought for U.N.-recognized Palestinian state, an issue that has been much discussed. “They are Palestinians, that’s their identity,” he says. “But … they are not automatically citizens.”

    This would not only apply to refugees in countries such as Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Jordan or the other 132 countries where Abdullah says Palestinians reside. Abdullah said that “even Palestinian refugees who are living in [refugee camps] inside the [Palestinian] state, they are still refugees. They will not be considered citizens.”

    Chew that over just for a minute...'Palestinians' living in refugee camps in 'Palestine' are going to remain refugees no matter what!

    You see, the idea was never to provide a solution to the refugee problem, or as Abudullah makes clear, to end the conflict. It's to keep these people weaponized in the War Against the Jews, with the end goal to destroy Israel:

    Abdullah said that the new Palestinian state would “absolutely not” be issuing Palestinian passports to refugees. ( For obvious reasons..they don't want them to be able to leave).

    Neither this definitional status nor U.N. statehood, Abdullah says, would affect the eventual return of refugees to Palestine. “How the issue of the right of return will be solved I don’t know, it’s too early [to say], but it is a sacred right that has to be dealt with and solved [with] the acceptance of all.” He says statehood “will never affect the right of return for Palestinian refugees.”

    The right of return that Abdullah says is to be negotiated would not only apply to those Palestinians whose origins are within the 1967 borders of the state, he adds. “The state is the 1967 borders, but the refugees are not only from the 1967 borders. The refugees are from all over Palestine. When we have a state accepted as a member of the United Nations, this is not the end of the conflict. This is not a solution to the conflict. This is only a new framework that will change the rules of the game.”

  119. Teresita said...
    WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has quietly supplied Israel with bombs capable of destroying buried targets, like terrorists’ arms caches or perhaps sites in Iran suspected of being part of that nation’s nuclear weapons program, American officials said Friday.

    Amazing what a bunch of hacked off Jewish mothers in Brooklyn-Queens can make a President do.

    Already in the pipeline from George Bush, as for your comment about "hacked off jewish mothers"?

    You aint seen anything yet...

    As for your so called "illness" hope you are not using any Israeli racist invented treatments...

    Israeli scientists have identified a substance that can kill cancerous cells without harming healthy ones, paving the way for more effective cancer treatment.

    The findings by researchers at Tel Aviv University and Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, were published in the current issue of the international peer-reviewed journal Breast Cancer Research.

    "We actually found the Achilles heel of the cancer cell," said Prof. Malka Cohen-Armon from Tel Aviv University, who headed the research team. "As soon as you can target cancerous cells without killing healthy ones, you can produce medications that would cause a lot less suffering to the patient. We can even give a much more aggressive treatment without worrying about harming healthy tissues."

    The substance identified by the researchers, which delays cell proliferation in healthy and cancerous cells, is a component of a drug developed a decade ago to preserve nerve cells and prevent them from dying after a stroke.

    But while the drug causes the rapid death of cancer cells, healthy cells activate a mechanism that overcomes the delay in proliferation within hours, and those cells continue to proliferate exactly like cells not exposed to the substance.

    Cohen-Armon said the drug's effectiveness in treating cancer cells was discovered accidentally.

    "I'm not even a cancer researcher," she said. "But two years ago an article we published on various functions in the cell got me interested in cancer cells."

    She said the scientists involved in the discovery - who include doctoral student Asher Castiel and Professor Shai Izraeli's research group at the Sheba Cancer Research Center - haven't figured out why the drug affects the cells the way it does.

    "We don't even fully understand why this is happening, but we see cancerous cells die and healthy cells overcome this obstacle," said Cohen-Armon. "They somehow find a way to proliferate even in the presence of the substance."

    She said the drug was tested on several types of cancer, but so far only the breast cancer tests results have been published.

  120. Now Rat advocates the nuking of the Dome of the Rock...


    It's not as holy as the Black rock of Mecca as the Black rock is ONE of the pillars of Islam.

    I personally would not loose any sleep if the dome of the rock were vaporized and the innocent arabs of Jerusalem were sent to gaza....

    A more fitting place for Rat's friends the arabs is of course the deserts of Arabia.

    I like Rat's idea of removing the arabs from Jerusalem! great idea herr rodent!

  121. Cancer Fraud: People Who Fake Illness to Scam Others, Gain Sympathy, Get Rich, and Avoid Other Problems
    Pulling on heartstrings - and wallets - to make a buck.
    Published on January 28, 2010 by Joni E. Johnston, Psy.D. in The Human Equation
    I came across this article yesterday and just couldn’t get my arms around it. A Baltimore apparently woman lied for months to friends and former high school classmates about having terminal stomach cancer and duped them into grant her dying wishes.

    It made more sense when I learned she had a criminal history that included various and sundry other forms of fraud. Surely, I thought, she is a rare example of the dregs of human nature.

    When I typed “cancer fraud” into Google, I quickly found out that she is no lone ranger. Looking at just the first 200 results (out of over 14 million possible), here are just a few of the characters I came across:

    Melissa Rice, a 24 year old woman who fooled national cancer foundations into donating thousands of dollars and gifts to her by pretending to be a 15-year-old boy with brain cancer named Jonathan Jay White.
    Victoria Gotti, who, after telling the world on TV she was battling breast cancer (including a resultant 25 lb. weight loss and chronic exhaustion) was forced to retract her claims when it turns out she’d actually had precancerous cells that did not require immediate treatment.
    Michael Guglielmucci, an Australian youth minister who’d inspired hundreds of thousands of young Christians with his very public terminal cancer "battle" of two years (including an appearance on YouTube with an oxygen tube in his nose) admitted he was perfectly healthy.
    Heather Faria, a 27 year-old teacher, who spent the 37,000 her friends and family raised for her alleged cancer treatment on a fancy vacation, huge TV screen, and jewelry.
    Howard Richman, a former vice president who faked cancer for three years in order to avoid an SEC investigation.

  122. What’s the Motive for Fraud?

    I couldn’t find any studies specifically related to cancer fraud so I’ll tell you some of my impressions after reviewing several cases. Some of the fakers (it seemed to be about half) had a history as scam artists; for these, cancer fraud seemed to be just another step down the ladder of depravity. Others clearly had a secondary motive, whether it was to avoid or delay consequences (such as our vice president above) or gain something else (One woman faked cancer to get her community to fund her boob job).

    Interestingly, some of the people seemed to almost accidentally stumble upon their scheme. They experienced a medical scare, suffered from another chronic (but much less serious disease) or had even been successfully treated for cancer and somehow they sympathy they received, or the financial assistance, planted the seed that then grew. Then there were the attention-seekers, who seemed to just want to bask in the spotlight of sympathy for as long as possible.

  123. dam, my name is still listed...

    quick deuce delete the jew's name already!

  124. We'll send the Jews to Gaza and the Gazans to Jerusalem.

    Vaporizing the Wailing Wall, along with the Dome, leaving no chance that another Jewish Temple could ever be rebuilt, there.

    Assuring that Christ will not return, to the Levant, but will arrive in Branson, Missouri, on schedule.

  125. What is the over/under, rufus, on Mr Cain gaining the GOP nomination?

  126. Bachmann wins in Iowa, Cain in Florida.

    Straw polls, made for media moments?

  127. I doubt you really are Jewish, "o".

    Probably just a Nuremberg Jew.

  128. Only a NAZI would think of you as a Jew, Story.

    Everyone else realizes you are just another garden variety hater.

  129. desert rat said...
    I doubt you really are Jewish, "o".

    Probably just a Nuremberg Jew

    I doubt you are human....

    but we do KNOW that you are a self confessed killer of civilians in Central America, that you hate Israel and love jihadists...

  130. desert rat said...
    Only a NAZI would think of you as a Jew, Story.

    Everyone else realizes you are just another garden variety hater.

    wow, dipping deep in the shit pile this evening Herr Rodent?

    you are exactly playing to form...

  131. Clashes were reported Friday in Bahrain's capital on the eve of parliamentary elections in the country.

    Security forces were sent to rallies to deal with what the Interior Ministry called "illegal acts which resulted from demonstrations," the state news agency reported.

    The ministry said that saboteurs and outlaws stormed the City Center mall in Manama Friday afternoon, "intent on sowing chaos and terrorizing shoppers," according to the Bahrain News Agency. Those arrested will face legal action, officials said. The ministry blamed the rallies on "instigative calls posted on social networking sites."


  132. The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it.

    George Washington

    You should heed he consul of your betters, Story.
    Clean up your act.

  133. desert rat said...
    We'll send the Jews to Gaza and the Gazans to Jerusalem.

    Vaporizing the Wailing Wall, along with the Dome, leaving no chance that another Jewish Temple could ever be rebuilt, there.

    Assuring that Christ will not return, to the Levant, but will arrive in Branson, Missouri, on schedule.

    I could care less if the temple is rebuilt, the real problem is that the moment you send the Jews to Gaza the land value will rise and the arabs will claim it as theirs....

    But your understanding of the religion of Judaism reminds me of a match book cover guide to physics.

    You just dont have any REAL knowledge.

    You just read comic books put out by the Aryan Nation and think you are an expert....

    Now truthfully? you make so many errors about Jews, Israel and their history I choose NOT to correct you JUST so you will continue to sound like the ignorant pussbucket you are....

    Boo fucking hoo... the western wall would be destroyed....

    you are such a nitwit....

  134. desert rat:You should heed he consul of your betters, Story.
    Clean up your act.

    Fuck you nazi...

    sometimes speaking truth hurts...

    You are a shit and it fits...

  135. The Shite are revolting against the Sunni rulers in Bahrain, while the Sunni are revolting against the Shite sect ruling in Syria.

    Life is grand and will be getting better, as we bring ever more cellulosic ethanol distilleries on line.

  136. Winning, Story, you are not.

    Your lack of moral worth shows clearly in your writing.

    The hate boils.

    It's certainly entertaining to stoke it and watch you melt.

  137. Swearing is beneficial in ways that people may underestimate or take for granted. Swearing is often cathartic — it often frees us of the feelings of anger or frustration we hold and allows expression for them. It can also be a useful substitute to physical violence (who would rather be punched out than to withstand being sworn at?).

    Rat, you are a motherfucker low life...

    Yep feels good...

    Rat, you asshole, you lying sack of shit...

    Yep it fits....

    Rat you are a scum sucking lying piece of garbage...

    Not as good..

    No using swear words to discuss your lack of moral fiber is accurate and profane....

    Fuck off Rat...


    It works

  138. Rat sorry to let you down...

    I aint melting...

    You prove to me why Jews should arm themselves...

    You do this on a daily basis, and you show the few visitors that come here that evil does exist.

    No Rat, I am losing my mind, nor melting down. You are proving to me what shits some people can be

    Be proud Rat, you have personally awoken dozens of Jews to arm themselves...

  139. Sticks and stones, you'll never be man enough to use, and your words, they are comical.

    Makes me laugh, when you're around.

    Bet you'd wet your pants in a life fire simulation.

  140. Rat is owed a thank you....

    The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of the government to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.

    Yep Rat, you do a great service to many whose "rose colored" glasses needed to be ripped off...

    Please continue your daily attacks against Israel & Jews, you are educating the vast majority of Jews whose " normalcy bias" cant imagine a low life asshole like you actually still exists....

  141. desert rat said...
    Sticks and stones, you'll never be man enough to use, and your words, they are comical.

    Makes me laugh, when you're around.

    Bet you'd wet your pants in a life fire simulation.

    Bet you I would, but since you have no clue what a real live fire event is like you make stupid statements like the one above....

    Every real soldier I know tells me that it's not uncommon to piss yourself in battle...

    But your a fraud are you not?

    Not a real soldier, just another wannabe....

    Lots of examples in the press for your types....

  142. I have never attack Judaism, Story, not once.

    Europeon colonists in the Middle East, I disdain those that after they arrived in the Levant, follow NAZI population management techniques well practiced in Poland, in Gaza.

    But that, I do believe, has nothing to do with the religion of the oppressors.

    It just exemplifies their hate for their "other" cousin.

  143. Fake Military Heroes

    Current Events by Burleson Consulting

    Update 1 FEB 2007 - The Stolen Valor Act is passed, and effective December 2006 it is a Federal offense to wear of claim to have earned US medals:

    Under the Stolen Valor Act it is now a Federal Offense, punishable by up to $5,000 fine and six months in jail (double that if the offense involves valor awards or the Purple Heart), to claim VERBALLY or in WRITING, to have received any military award you did not.

    If you know anyone who has made false claims of valor, contact the FBI immediately and INSIST that they arrest the offender.

    Tracking arrests under the Stolen Valor Act

    The pown Network web site has a list of heroes of villains and they are tracking arrests under the Stolen valor act. Now, these guys are real heroes.

    I wonder if Rat is on their radar?

  144. desert rat said...
    I have never attack Judaism, Story, not once.


  145. I did not say "battle", Story.

    I said live fire simulation.

    Guess you already pissed yourself, on the firing range.

    The big boom scared the piss right out of you?

  146. Wish you'd learn to read.

    Little wonder you continue to misquote the rest of us.

  147. The over/under on Cain winning the nomination? Pretty low I'd think.

    But, I'll tell you what, people do like, and respect him.

    This is turning into a pretty strange year.

  148. I see your George Washington and raise you a Patton

    Patton had a unique ability regarding profanity. During a normal conversation, he could liberally sprinkle four letter words into what he was saying and the listeners would hardly take notice of it. He spoke so easily and used those words in such a way that it just seemed natural for him to talk that way.

    He could, when necessary, open up with both barrels and let forth such blue-flamed phrases that they seemed almost eloquent in their delivery. When asked by his nephew about his profanity, Patton remarked, "When I want my men to remember something important, to really make it stick, I give it to them double dirty. It may not sound nice to some bunch of little old ladies at an afternoon tea party, but it helps my soldiers to remember. You can't run an army without profanity; and it has to be eloquent profanity. An army without profanity couldn't fight it's way out of a piss-soaked paper bag."

    "As for the types of comments I make", he continued with a wry smile, "Sometimes I just, By God, get carried away with my own eloquence."

    Yep Fuck you Rat...

  149. desert rat said...
    I did not say "battle", Story.

    I said live fire simulation.

    Guess you already pissed yourself, on the firing range.

    The big boom scared the piss right out of you?

    Sorry i misread your words Herr Rodent...

    No I didnt piss myself at a "simulation"

    But tell ya what, you keep slinging your shit...

    You do the Elephant Blog proud...

    Stupid motherfucker...

  150. .

    In Bear Attack, Hunter Killed Hunter, Autopsy Shows

    It turns out that the hunter in Idaho who the authorities thought was killed by a wounded grizzly bear was actually shot by his young hunting companion, who was trying to kill the bear, an autopsy has revealed...

    Hunter Becomes the Hunted in Idaho


  151. Well, finally, some true "Sunny Side" News:

    Poet has fiinally closed on their Loan Guarantee, and have started construction on their 25 Million Gallon/Yr Cellulosic Ethanol Plant.

    It will be co-located with their Emmetsburg, Ia, Corn Ethanol Plant, and will produce enough biogas from the left-over lignin to power the Cellulosic Plant, and mostly power the corn ethanol plant.

    First the news on Abengoa - Hugoton, and, now, Poet - Emmetsburg.

    Hot Damn. Now this gets me excited.

  152. Poet is an extremely well-run company, and, with cellulosic plants co-located with all of their corn ethanol plants is hoping to produce something like a Billion Gallons of Ethanol from corn cobs, and stover per year.

    The neat thing about Poet is, they built about half of the corn ethanol plants in the country. They will be able to build cheaply, right from the start.

    Also, Jeff Broin is a conservative businessman, operating on his own money. The Loan Guarantee just means he'll pay a little less interest. If it went bad he would still have to pay the loan out of his own pocket.

    The fact that he's doing this means he's convinced that he can do what he's trying to do; and, with 25 years in the business, he his judgement is way above average in all things, ethanol.

  153. This is not a happy day for Saudi Arabia, Hugo Chavez, and the Seven Sisters. :)

  154. This, kiddos, is the day I've been waiting for.

  155. Successful, enzymatic, small-to-medium sized cellulosic plants are, truly, the key to the Kingdom in getting loose from Foreign Oil, and our horrible balance of payments, and high cost/mile of private transportation.

    Now, I'm waiting for that first car from Ford, or GM truly optimized for max ethanol performance. I figure: within the year.

    This is a real, honest to God, "Green Shoot."

  156. I feel like that kid on Christmas Eve that just found out he really is getting that new Schwinn. :)

  157. Deuce is just deuce until his tooth aches.


  158. to babbling bob:

    Wio has posted 45 times on this thread. None have been moderated.

    Wio has been contributing since the inception of the EB.

    Wio is and has been listed at a Regular at the EB.

    Wio, as all the other commenters at the EB are given a latitude of opportunity to post what they like, when they like and as often as they like, rarely with comment from me as to diversion of subject and frequency of comments.

    Try that at some other blogs.

    There are few events that do not get discussed at the EB, serious and frivolous. There are plenty of blogs that devote themselves exclusively to single subjects with very stringent rules on posting. They also get very few comments.

    The mega-blogs get loads of comments but any single participant gets lost in the chaff. Try the Huffington Post if you want to disappear into the Blogger Protection Program.

    Here are my few rules:

    You will not get away with talking about anyone's family.

    You will not get away with trying to publicly identify any participant.

    If you can't stand the place but wish to maintain your masochistic standards, stay. If life and the EB get you down, try a change of pace.
