Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hell on Earth


  1. Isaiah 57:13 When thou criest, let thy companies deliver thee; but the wind shall carry them all away; vanity shall take them: but he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain.

  2. 1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 “Command the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter Canaan, the land that will be allotted to you as an inheritance is to have these boundaries:
    3 “‘Your southern side will include some of the Desert of Zin along the border of Edom. Your southern boundary will start in the east from the southern end of the Dead Sea, 4 cross south of Scorpion Pass, continue on to Zin and go south of Kadesh Barnea. Then it will go to Hazar Addar and over to Azmon, 5 where it will turn, join the Wadi of Egypt and end at the Mediterranean Sea.

    6 “‘Your western boundary will be the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. This will be your boundary on the west.

    7 “‘For your northern boundary, run a line from the Mediterranean Sea to Mount Hor 8 and from Mount Hor to Lebo Hamath. Then the boundary will go to Zedad, 9 continue to Ziphron and end at Hazar Enan. This will be your boundary on the north.

    10 “‘For your eastern boundary, run a line from Hazar Enan to Shepham. 11 The boundary will go down from Shepham to Riblah on the east side of Ain and continue along the slopes east of the Sea of Galilee.[a] 12 Then the boundary will go down along the Jordan and end at the Dead Sea.

    “‘This will be your land, with its boundaries on every side.’”

    13 Moses commanded the Israelites: “Assign this land by lot as an inheritance. The LORD has ordered that it be given to the nine and a half tribes, 14 because the families of the tribe of Reuben, the tribe of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance. 15 These two and a half tribes have received their inheritance east of the Jordan across from Jericho, toward the sunrise.”

  3. Rufus said to Dufus, "Holy Shit, let's get outta here."

  4. Now, we got a wall of water heading for us.

    Somebody been shortin' the collection plate.

  5. Mr. Obama has authorized drilling...the drill bit is a huge screw applied to the American tax payer's pocket book.

  6. Birther questions persist because people can't figure out how someone lucky enough to be born in America could dislike it so much.

  7. .

    And in a mighty voice the lord commandeth, "Give me a Whopper combo with a coke. Tomato and lettuce on the Whopper. Hold the pickles. And whoa unto you if it is overcooked."

    And Nancy Jean replied, "Yessir. Would you like that supersized?"


  8. Here's a chart that might surprise you.

    Our Net Imports (Crude And Products) in Feb were the lowest for any Feb since 1996. Down 41% from the Peak.

    EIA Chart

  9. I know I spout a lot of "doom and gloom" about "peak oil," etc, but the fact is we are making some rather remarkable progress

    (thanks to GW Bush - Ethanol,

    the EPA - Fuel Efficiency,

    and Some Damned Fine Drilling Technology from the oil and gas companies.)

    I get frustrated because I think we still have a chance to "pull out" of this mess.


    <-- three convicted of terrorist ties.. given citizenship...

    Meanwhile they sequester veteran's luggage at the airport.

  11. .

    I agree with your comments Ruf but you forgot to mention the recession which has hit the US and EU the hardest.

    The chart is interesting in that it shows about a 22% decrease in imported oil products since 2007.
    Pretty significant.

    Unfortunately, it didn't give yearly totals so I only ran the numbers for the past few years; but it kinda looked like it was starting to drop a little before 2007.


  12. Yeah, if you get deeper into it, you see that the decrease in U.S. and EU imports is made up for, almost one for one, by an increase in imports from China, India, and other emerging economies.

    You, also, become aware that the "Exporting countries," especially the Middle East countries are using significantly more of their own products.

    Don't get me wrong; We still have a way to go. I just hate it when the extremes of both parties start trying to lead us over the cliff in a myopic attempt to win "political" points.

  13. For instance, we really do need to get busy on Anwar. It needs to be up and running before the Alaskan Pipeline hits MOL (Minimum Operating Level.) We might be only talking a few years.

    Also, there's one program, in particular, that Obama wants to cut that, primarily, is only an accounting procedure that allows small companies to afford to stay in the game. It Really needs to stay in place.

    On the other hand, you've got "Crazy Coburn" trying his best to completely Kill any future ethanol development.

    We Really need some middle of the road commonsense - desperately, and Now.

  14. .

    I just hate it when the extremes of both parties start trying to lead us over the cliff in a myopic attempt to win "political" points.

    Take a vacation from tv next week.

    I hear oil is supposed to dominate the discussions in D.C.


  15. And the Lord saith to Robert the Shining One, when thou descendeth into Canaan, the land of the Vegasites, from the Mount of Nebo, the Heights of Pisgah, thou shalt not merger with them, but be a spy only in their midst, lest you fall away from your true self, and become lost, and not escape therefrom.

    Book of Bob Chapter 7 Verse 11


  16. Follows of course the Adventures of Bob amongst the Canaanites, from whence he finally escapes, having lost much of his inheritance on red and even, but having dodged the worst bulltet of all, the tempestuist temptress, the fleshpot of flash, making his way back to the purity of the desert, the heady solitude, still marginally sane.


  17. Did you know the pinyon pine nut is edible, and that the pinyon pine needs a certain kind of Nevada jay, that buries the nuts, in defense against the hunger of tomorrow, then forgets 'em, most of them, to carry on its cycle?


  18. What we're living through with this whole Obama business is the biggest fraud since the Donation of Constantine.


  19. Fed/Socialist Food Police Sting Amish Farmer

    Things are gettting serious.

    A Prince wandered away from his father's castle, become lost, and migrated to a far land, forgetting who he was; and continuing wandering, destiny brought him back to his father's castle, and he remembered who he had always been, a Prince

    Taken from Meister Eckhardt


  20. And finally in local news of interest to Miss T, a Mr. Steele, who was Richard Butler's attorney in the Aryans Nations trial here, is up on charges for hiring a plumber to put a pipe bomb under his wife's car, to kill her and the mother - in - law, so as to collect the life insurance. Steele, has pleaded not guilty, the plumber had planted the bomb, then got cold feet and went to the FBI, who found the bomb under the car, defused it, and, in an odd twist, the wife says the plumber did it all alone, and agrees with her husband's defense. Those Aryan Nation folk always were an odd group.



  21. Those who say Obama was never born again are afterbirthers.

  22. I don't read inappropriate comments sites Whit, but my poem was about my youth and growing up no contemporary reference in it. Vegas was kinda cool in those days. Really a Hell of a Mess, now.

    Pinyon pines, the ones I've seen, rarely get over maybe 10 - 12 feet tall.

    Awaiting the arrival of my Hindus at the library to sign a lease. I thought it was odd, she doesn't drive, o no no no, I don't drive!, too scary! but then thinking about it, this ain't Mumbai. So I said learn to drive here. She says, mmmmmm, maybe. In the psychology department, she might work with my daughter next year. Nice people, anyway.

    I bet the traffic in Mumbai is a real bitch.


  23. In Northrope Frye's reading of the story, the movement into the Promised Land was a descent away from the purer experience in the desert. See - The Great Code: The Bible and Literature.


  24. Time to get to work.

    "Support an Amish Farmer - Drink Raw Milk Today."


  25. Melody, your linky-poo doesn't work. :)

  26. Yep

    Whatever the story is on that, particular, piece of non-paper, the story of Obama's mama is intriguing.

    From 17 yr old girl studying (Russian?) at the U of Hawaii, to marriage to a wild, radical, obviously very intelligent, Marxist, to CIA operative, to connections to some very important people (Zbignew Brzinski? - or howeverthehell you spell it, it was quite a story.

  27. Well that leaves two to go by my reckoning. What lovely people, though the wife has the habit of running her mouth on forever with someone she likes. I get some Hindu meals out of this deal too.

    In honor of my new Hindu friends -

    Hinduism has with deep insight seen that Fear is an essential mark of the animal, and of an in so far as he is an animal. The Sakta unites himself with this As he realizes this he is the Fearlesss Here, or Vira. For he see Duality, he alone fears. To see Duality means not merely to see otherness, but to see that other as alien non-self. The fearless win all worldly enterprises, and fearlessness is also the mark of the Illuminative Knower. Such an one is also in his degree independent of all outward power, and Master of Death. Such a one is not troubled for himself by the thought of death.



  28. In the apt words of a French author (L'Ame Paienne), he no more fears death than do the leaves of the trees, yellowing to their fall in the mists of autumn. (nice phrase) An imperishable instinct tells him that if he, like the leaves, is about to fall he is also the trees on which they will come out again, as also the Earth in which both grow, and yet again (as the Sakta would say) he is also, in his Body of Bliss, the Essence which as the Mother - Power sustains them all. As that Essence is imperishable, so in the deepest sense is its form as Nature. For whatever exists can never altogether cease to be. Either Man's conscioiusness expands into that Lordliness which see all as Itself, or he and all lower beings are withdrawn into the Womb of Power, in which they are conserved to reappear in that Sphurana or Blossoming which is the Springtime of some new world.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Rufus. :)

    I told them to go to the Renaissance Fair in east city park, to which I am repairing myself. I once bought three marvelous weavings there from a Cambodian women that told the story in pictoral form of the attack on her village by the Khemer Rouge, showing them fleeing across the river, 7 dead, AK 47's and soldiers.
    They headed for the jungle, and she somehow survived and made it here, to tell her story in art to me.


  29. The above quote was from Shakti and Shakta by Sir John Woodroffe, an English judge in India.

    Obama and his parents too are some of God's original prototypes never even considered for mass production, as the saying goes, and thank God for that.

