Friday, April 29, 2011

Superman, Say it Ain't So. Superman Becomes a Globalist

Superman renouncing his U.S. citizenship is the newest wrinkle of the fascinating life of the man of steel.
In the latest issue of Action Comics, Superman becomes overly concerned that his heroism is being viewed as a tool for the United States exclusively.
Superman renouncing his U.S. citizenship
"I intend to speak before the United Nations tomorrow and inform them that I am renouncing my U.S. citizenship. I'm tired of having my actions construed as instruments of U.S. policy," the superhero says in issue No. 900.
" 'Truth, justice and the American way' -- it's not enough anymore," the man from Krypton says, refocusing on a more global approach to crime-fighting.
"In a short story in ACTION COMICS 900, Superman announces his intention to put a global focus on his never-ending battle, but he remains, as always, committed to his adopted home and his roots as a Kansas farm boy from Smallville," they said.


  1. .

    "I'm tired of having my actions construed as instruments of U.S. policy,..."

    says Egypt.

    In Shift, Egypt Warms to Iran and Hamas, Israel’s Foes

    CAIRO — Egypt is charting a new course in its foreign policy that has already begun shaking up the established order in the Middle East, planning to open the blockaded border with Gaza and normalizing relations with two of Israel and the West’s Islamist foes, Hamas and Iran.

    Egyptian officials, emboldened by the revolution and with an eye on coming elections, say that they are moving toward policies that more accurately reflect public opinion. In the process they are seeking to reclaim the influence over the region that waned as their country became a predictable ally of Washington and the Israelis in the years since the 1979 peace treaty with Israel...

    Some Things Remain Predictable


  2. Yeah, they rolled out Feminist Wonder Woman in the 70s and that really went over like a lead balloon with the fourteen year old boys who buy comics.

  3. Egypt is charting a new course in its foreign policy that has already begun shaking up the established order in the Middle East, planning to open the blockaded border with Gaza

    Fine, then any rockets now coming from Gaza can be construed to be coming from Egypt, and therefore an act of war.

  4. Only, Ms T, if Israel lifts the naval blockade.

    That blockade, if Egypt is sovereign in Gaza, is already an act of war, against Egypt, by Israel.

    If Israel cedes control of the land and sea, of Gaza, to Egypt, well, there we'd be.
    Doubt it'll happen.

    Gaza and the Occupied territories on the Jordanian frontier will become a Palestinian State, acknowledged by the United Nations before the end of 2012

  5. Any rockets coming from Egypt will be coming from the USA,, go figure. Job security for Raytheon.

  6. .

    Gaza and the Occupied territories on the Jordanian frontier will become a Palestinian State, acknowledged by the United Nations before the end of 2012


    A little google assignement for you.

    Can the U.N. recognize a new country strictly on a General Assembly vote?


    Does it require a Security Council vote?

    If the latter, I doubt it will happen since the U.S. will likely veto it.


    Regardless of Obama's views on Isreal and the Palestineans, he is not going to take such a drastic step with Isreal going into the 2012 election. Israel has plenty of friends on both sides of he aisle.

    Second, although less important given his current ad hoc foreign policy, the U.S. has stated they will not deal with a government that has Hamas, a declared terrorist organzation, as part of it.

    That being said, even if the Palestinian State is not formally recognized by the UN, it can and likely will be recognized by numerous states big and small which will further add pressure on Israel.

    The first scenario depends on the bylaws of the UN. The second is almost a certainty.


  7. I wanta see HIS birth certificate.

  8. Gawd- no wonder when I was a boy every red blooded American kid knew Batman was the one who rawked!

  9. My friend Dale says the B.C. is phony. There it is then.


  10. But so what? What you gonna charge him with? And who's gonna charge him? Holder? The State of Hawaii, who says they sent it to him?

    The House could hold an impeachment hearing, that might shine some light. As a practical matter all it might make is a good campaing issue.

    Neigh, neigh the deal is done.

    Been with my daughter, she's happy.

    Have a bucking nice day


  11. And Ash I'm a borner not a birther.

    Big argument about changes to Tubbs Hill, Sam, people are pissed tyring to stop it.


  12. you are all a bunch of loons boobie (not all, but when Doug is the voice of rationality, well, that is telling).

    au revoir

  13. And yet, he can't stay away.

    I'll guarantee that if Bush had locked up all of his records, College, BC, Passport, etc Ash would be hollering his head off, every day, all day long.

    A pox on Conservatives, AND Liberals.

  14. .

    I'll guarantee that if Bush had locked up all of his records, College, BC, Passport, etc Ash would be hollering his head off, every day, all day long.

    I thought I remembered Bush did with a lot of his stuff. Didn't Reagan also?


  15. Obama flies on Air Force One, Three Dog Night noted that "one is the loneliest number", being lonely is part of leadership, there is no leadership at the UN, the UN is in New York, in New York there are Kenyan cab drivers, Obama is a Kenyan, therefore, Obama is the Antichrist.

  16. No, Trump is the "Anti-Christ."

  17. How can he renounce that which he is not?

    Superman is a Fraud, a Stereotypical Undocumented Alien with invalid paperwork:

    This Country never has recognized Krypton.

    Deport the bastard!

  18. Obama's numbers are so low, Kenyans are starting to claim he was Born in the USA.

    - Jay Leno

  19. Renfrow's a Moron:

    He's got it floored and shifts twice after he's sideways!

  20. Definition of Irony:

    The same day Superman denounced his citizenship, Obama photoshops his.

  21. "Good News" 27% of respondents think the Economy is growing, and only 16% think it's slowing down.

    Oh, . . . wait

    26% think we're in Recession, and 29% say we're in a full-fledged, Jeebus help us DEPRESSION!

    Gallup Poll - hat tip Gateway Pundit

  22. GD Conservative, can't trust 'em.

  23. Nope, they're the ones that almost put us into a full-fledged, world-wide Depression, for real.

  24. A federal court has given the Obama administration the go-ahead to continue funding embryonic stem-cell research.

    I thought the House funded things.

  25. THEY did it:
    Please describe how.

  26. You're joking, right?

    You haven't forgotten who controlled the Congress for six of the last eight years, and the Presidency for entire eight year span from 2001 to 2009, have you?

  27. .

    Hate to interrupt and will depart just as quickly. But it appears terms have to be defined.

    Just to clarify. It appears there is some confusion over the terms GOP and conservatives. There is no way Bush and his boys can be construed as being conservative.


    Carry on.


  28. 's okay, Q; I'm exiting the field on this one, today. I'm weary of religious arguments. nap time.

  29. Don't laugh Doug. That actually happened to me once. Except it was at a work in a meeting when I stood up that a co-worker pants me in front of my boss. I laughed so hard I tripped and fell over a chair onto the floor.

  30. With the creation of a 3-D nanocone-based solar cell platform, scientists have boosted the light-to-power conversion efficiency of photovoltaics by nearly 80 percent

  31. Beware of a Trump third party. The Donald Party. He's got the ego to do it.

    I was listening to a radio show about the federal/socialists food police. Sounded scary all right. The feds are cracking down on some
    Amish in I think it was Pennslyvania for drinking unpasteurized milk. The horror. Wouldn't concern vegatarians though. Some of these vegetarians are becoming worrisome. Becooming militant almost. Some may move to San Francisco, from whence all bad things ooze, join a food movement, ban big macs, and make life even more miserable for everyone.

    In local news here, nothing happened.


  32. :) heh, good old Dale -

    From Dale



    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Faith
    Subject: How can anyone possibly believe this man ?

    Video shows Obama admitting he was born in Kenya!!!!

    Purportedly. :)


  33. How do you explain that, Ash???

    There it is, right from the horse's mouth!!!


  34. Well, there is this news. My wife was up at 2 or 3 oclock last night to watch the Royal Hitching. Her report was that it sucked, her dress was prettier than Kate's when we got married, and the veil looked like mosquito netting.

    But remember it wasn't just about Bill and Kate, Pri Di was involved too, don't forget that. That's what one reporter said the other day.

    And, one of the Royal Guardsmen got fired from his nine to five guarding job for letting his guard down and mouthing off on Facebook about what a stuck up absolute bitch poor Kate is. The Royal Propaganda Department fired his ass. Here he'd have a free speech defense, or suit, maybe.


  35. Interesting article by Jack Cahill about Obama's past --


  36. I had a funny feeling after I posted it that that might be the case, MLD!

  37. Finally, I will my proxie vote on Habu to Miss T, feeling she will know what to do with a lover of Spencer with a made up past who flogged her relentlessly.


  38. Much of Wall Street thinks inflation is now the biggest threat to the US economy. As has been the case in the past, the Street is dead wrong. The biggest threat is falling into another recession.

    The most significant economic news from the first quarter of 2011 is the decline in real wages. That’s unusual in a recovery, to say the least. But it’s easily explained this time around. In order to keep the jobs they have, millions of Americans are accepting shrinking paychecks. If they’ve been fired, the only way they can land a new job is to accept even smaller ones.

    The wage squeeze is putting most households in a double bind. Before the recession, they’d been able to pay the bills because they had two paychecks. Now, they’re likely to have one-and-a half, or just one, and it’s shrinking.

    Add to this the continuing decline in the value of the biggest asset most people own – their homes – and what do you get? Consumers who won’t and can’t buy enough to keep the economy going. That spells recession.

    Robert Reich

  39. In 1905 8 players died college football. There was a movement to ban it. So I just heard. Big movement to ban it, called it a bloodsport, like gladiators. Teddy Roosevelt saved it with the invention and acceptance of the forward pass about this time. It was more or less a big rugby match. Heismann was a big booster of this awesome new play. Roosevelt convened a football summit at the White House and persuaded the football men to accept the forward pass.


  40. .

    Robert Reich

    Good post ruf.

    I sent Reich an e-mail indicating
    I agreed with 90% of what he had to say.

    The only part I am unsure of still is the easy money policy and at least partly the stimulus. Some of it will eventually be helpful (small business breaks) and some of it already has been (unemployment benefits, the auto bailout); however, in my gut I feel any progress in the economy made over the past two years has been from the normal functioning of the business cycle rather than anything coming out of DC.

    Of course that is just a gut feeling. I don't think anyone really knows.

    What we do know is that the rich continue to get richer and the poor poorer, the corporations continue to make record profits, peoples wages are not keeping up with "real" inflation, unemployment remains high, and jobs are still being shipped overseas (the GE numbers were pretty scary).


  41. The list of things DC and BHO in particular have done to wreck the economy is too long to list, and he just keeps going.

    The vast majority of new spending has gone into unions, govt workers, and crony capitalist rip-offs.

    Rufie talks about big oil Pubs, yet BP gave more to Obama than anyone else.
    The admin is still holding most of the 20 plus billion they extracted from BP to give to Gulf victims...
    funniest thing.

    That, and shutting down drilling in the Gulf, Alaska, and elsewhere just one example of sabotaging the economy.

    Maybe someday I'll take the time to destroy Rufie's ludicrous claims on who is responsible for what, or maybe I won't.

    Remember what he did with our efforts wrt cellulosic, Quirk:
    Exactly what he predicted I would do:
    Blew them off after addressing 1 or 2 of our many points and getting right on back to his BS hobbyhorse.
    Projection and BS gets tiresome.
