Tuesday, April 12, 2011



  1. Yep, they fooled us again. Ace says it could be as little as four or five billion. All Smoke and Mirrors

    They're Scum. ALL of them are scum.

  2. You Pineappleheads can blame the Democrats if you want to, but Boehner went just as far out of the way to lie to you as Harry Reid, and Obama ever did.

  3. I challenge boob to name the part of the US/Mexican border that is controlled by the narco cartels.

    While they do infiltrate and evade US authorities, on occasion, they do not control a single mile of the border.

    Not a one.
    The cartels are not winning, this is exemplified by the Mexican Federal Police and the Mexican Army using US equipment and tactics

    There is no visual difference, between the US and Mexican troops, other than the patches upon the shoulders of the troops.

    That is more than winning, that is victory.

    Especially when one remembers that the cartel troops have US military training, too.

    We own both sides.

  4. Things are going so well, boob is left with nothing but lies and anti-US propaganda.

  5. Macroeconomic Advisers were predicting 4% Q1 GDP Growth back in January. Then they lowered it to 2.3%

    NOW, 1.5%

    My friends in "retail" around here tell me that the customers "went on strike" about a month ago.

  6. To bad Mr Bush did not do this when he took over the Executive Branch, instead of after he screwed the pooch.

    DALLAS--(EON: Enhanced Online News)-
    -Four percent annual GDP growth in the United States would simultaneously improve job creation, boost America’s standard of living, reduce the national debt and help shore up health care and retirement programs. Today, the George W. Bush Institute kicked off a conference to launch the “4% Project,” which will establish a blueprint for public policies and private business practices that would nearly double the expected rate of growth in the United States.

    The conference brings together leading economists, business people, and past and current policymakers. Among the participants are four winners of the Nobel Prize in economics.

    In his opening keynote remarks, President George W. Bush introduced the 4% Project, noting that you “have to be somewhat optimistic to aim for an aspirational target of four percent. We at the Bush Center aim high because we believe in the greatness of America. We believe America is the most innovative, productive, entrepreneurial country in the history of the world.”

  7. The Federals purposefully leave parts of the southern border open, so the potato pickers can get to Idaho and the chicken pluckers to Arkansas.

  8. ...and the peach pickers to Georgia, and Tomatoes in Floride.

  9. A vote on the 2011 budget is scheduled for Wednesday.

    But many fiscal conservatives, including Reps. Mike Pence, R-Ind., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, have announced they will not back the 2011 plan because it cuts only $38.5 billion, a historic amount for a single-year reduction but about $23 billion less than what Republican lawmakers said was needed to fulfill their campaign pledge to reduce spending to 2008 levels.

    Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/politics/congress/2011/04/conservatives-criticism-budget-compromise-growing#ixzz1JMCzjP2U


    Boehner-Obama Deal Leaves FY11 Spending $773B Above FY08 Level—About as Big an Increase as Obama’s Stimulus

    On Friday night, Boehner and Reid released a joint press statement saying that together with President Obama they had reached an agreement to cut spending in fiscal year 2011 to a level $78.5 billion below the president’s original budget request. “We will cut $78.5 billion below the President’s 2011 budget proposal,” they said.

    President Obama’s 2011 budget proposal asked for $3.834 trillion in spending. Subtracting $78.5 billion from that leaves $3.7555 trillion in spending.

    In fiscal 2008, according to the Office of Management and Budget, the federal government spent $2.982544 trillion--or $772.95 billion less than the $3.7555 trillion the Boehner-Obama deal will allow the federal government to spend this year.

    That $773 billion in spending that the federal government will do this year over and above the federal spending level of 2008 equals 98 percent of the $787 billion stimulus signed by President Obama in February 2000—on the premise that it was a one-time, short-term spending escalation needed to pump up the economy in a time of recession.

  10. So, the Tea Partiers got exactly zilch done.

    A lot of smoke, mirrors, but no fire.

    Theater of the absurd.

  11. ...so how is 30 billion, 60 billion, or 100 billion in any way portrayed as the vaunted return to 2008 levels?

    but be sure to blame the GOP for the Dems spending our asses off, Rufus.

    Makes perfect sense to blame Bush for Bush years and GOP for Obama years.


  12. T Partiers got nothing from the insiders/oldtimers.

    Rebellion is on the way.

  13. Dreiher probly gave Boner a blow job.

  14. Blame them all, doug.

    There is no difference between them, other than the rhetoric.

    The trend lines do not change.

    Revolution, that's what you'll get if we go back to 2008 levels. Look who consistently "takes it to the streets"

  15. Holder's Justice Dept will come down hard on them this time.

    Proof I got some pretty good Acid this time.

  16. Fred Thompson:

    MSNBC's Matthews: Ryan budget plan would "kill half the people that watch this show." That's terrible. Hope his other viewer will be OK

    UN document would give 'Mother Earth' same rights as humans

    Congress should wear logos on their suits like NASCAR drivers, so we will know who they work for.

  17. Did you hear about the Idahoan who passed away and left his entire estate in trust for his beloved widow?

    She can't touch it till she's fourteen.

  18. Romney on Obama:
    'The citizenship test has been passed'

  19. "The citizenship test has been passed," Romney said tonight on CNBC's Kudlow Report. "I believe the president was born in the United States. There are real reasons to get this guy out of office...but his citizenship isn't the reason why."

    Several prominent Republicans — including Donald Trump and Sarah Palin — have once again tried to stoke controversy by questioning Obama's citizenship even though his birth in Hawaii has been confirmed by officials in the state.

  20. The Cellulosic Ethanol Plant poor ol' Rufus has been lobbying for for two years has finally broken ground

    In Freakin' Italy!!

    Note the size. Just like ol' Ruf said.

  21. Even in the 1860s, the same ancestral voices could be heard. When Fort Sumter was bombarded, the Yankees again invoked their Protestant `God of War'.


    Palmerston was tempted to recognise the Confederacy, as was the Times and the bulk of the Tory party. But, once again, the Yankees drew their own support from the mother country, with evangelical Protestants and Whig radicals agitating in their favour.

    This prevented Britain from intervening and so, in Phillips's eyes, paved the way for the Anglo-American rapprochement of the 1890s and the English-speaking imperium of our own century.

    Roundheads and Cavaliers

  22. Sunny Sue, you know nothing of the laws of Idaho. That would be 18.


  23. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=f6d_1299456577&c=1

    There you go, dumbshit.


  24. “Osmotic gradients would also have seen other important organic chemicals accumulate inside these vesicles. What we end up with is a substrate that provides all the conditions for the first living cells to form.”

    Professor Brasier and his colleagues now hope to carry out some laboratory experiments using pumice to test whether these conditions would have allowed life for form.

    He added: “There is a lot of work to do, so I hope other groups also start to look at this seriously and use pumice.”

    More Than Smooth Feet

  25. Syrian soldiers shot for refusing to fire on protesters. Religion of peace and all that tommyrot, wot?

  26. About 30 seconds into the video.

    First thing that came up under drug cartels control border.


    Says it's only thirty miles south of Phoenix.

    You'd a thunk Dumbshit woulda heard by now.


  27. Thinking about that little girl getting patted down bhy TSA. It makes some sense, in a way. Terrorists might well use children.

    I'd just make everyone go through the scanner.

    No scanner, no fly.

    Driving is easier, anyway.


  28. bwaaaaahahhahahaqhahhahahhaboschboschboschjesusisratadumbshitorwhatwhatwhat


  29. ratadumbshit

    ran outta room, sorry


  30. A Major (if not THE Major) cause of Southern bitterness toward the North was the "Abominable Tariffs."

    The North had more representation in Congress and was able to pass stiff import tariffs on the Industrial Machinery the South needed (thus, forcing them to buy from the North,) and, at the same time levy "Export" tariffs on the South's Cotton (allowing the Northerners to buy it for less.)

    I wouldn't go so far as saying slavery was an "afterthought," but it wasn't the only Major issue, either.

    Of course, the Industrialists of England didn't like those tariffs. They were costing them customers for their machinery, and other manufactured goods, and causing them to have to pay more for their textile inputs.

    Of course, England had abolished slavery quite some time earlier, so the politicians had to mouth words of support for their Christian, Abolitionist Cuzzins in the Northern States, while secretly pulling for the South.

  31. Hey, Dumbshit, you still have time to join that Freedom Flotilla Two. Ol' Cap'n Ayers might make you Master of the Smuggled Arms, what with your experience.


  32. Rufus, I don't know much about the civil war, but I don't think it can be reduced to sound bites about slavery! states rights! etc etc. So I agree with you.

    Like most things in human life, things is complex, and govern's hard.

    I've often wondered why there was nothing put in the documents about getting out. Cause many might not have signed, if there was no escape clause, just wondering.


  33. The truth hurts, booby, but the Pinal County Sheriff is a liar.

    The Arizona Republic

    In mid-February, officers from more than a dozen police agencies swarmed the drug-trafficking corridor in western Pinal County's notorious Vekol Valley.

    They got into wild vehicle chases, arrested 102 suspected smugglers, illegal immigrants and drug traffickers, and seized 3,200 pounds of marijuana.

    When it was over, Sheriff Paul Babeu issued a news release declaring that Pinal County is "the No. 1 pass-through county in all of America for drug and human trafficking."

    It's a line the sheriff has used countless times - most recently on Thursday in testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security - as he criticizes the federal government for failing to secure the border.

    There's just one problem: There is no data to support the assertion.

    In fact, an Arizona Republic analysis of statistics from local, state and federal sources found that, while sheriff's officials do bust smugglers and seize pot, Pinal County accounts for only a fraction of overall trafficking.

    The newspaper also found that other headline-grabbing claims by Babeu are contradicted by statistical evidence or greatly exaggerated.

    Oh, there is financial and political reasons for the Sheriff's deceptions

    Although critics, including the Department of Homeland Security and some border mayors, have challenged Babeu's veracity and questioned his motives, the sheriff shows no sign of tempering his claims.

    In an undated letter seeking donations for a legal battle against the federal government, Babeu says "things are just going from bad to worse now that our own federal government has sided with the criminals instead of law enforcement."

    Follow the money, honey.

    Some county residents are concerned that the sheriff is overstating the crime rates in Pinal County. A group called Pinal County Residents of Responsible Leadership has been making automated phone calls in the area, with a male speaker criticizing Babeu's "irresponsible" rhetoric about border-related crime.

  34. Is this an apples-to-apples comparison? Only time will tell, but there is plenty to suggest that voting ‘yes’ on raising the debt ceiling could have very similar effects as voting ‘yes’ for TARP.

    * Both are seemingly simple: It’s simple to understand why giving $700 billion to banks when normal Americans are struggling is politically dicey. It’s easy to explain in political terms.


    * Both are unpopular: The vast majority of people are clearly opposed to raising the debt ceiling just as they were to TARP. And yet, both were/are presented by politicians as must-pass pieces of legislation in order to stave off economic catastrophe.


    * Both are political poison for GOP: If TARP taught us anything, it’s that votes like this can be a scarlet letter in a Republican primary. Otherwise solidly conservative Republican lawmakers watched their political careers go down in flames by voting for TARP — as their argument that it was a necessary evil was belied by the number of conservative lawmakers who voted against it.

    New Bailout?

  35. I've finally figured out why I keep coming back here.

    It's cause rat is such a GAS!

    I don't think I could make it through a day now without some ratlaughter.

    It's sick, I know, I admit.


  36. Just like that, bwaahahahahha


  37. The Sheriffs lies are further exposed, by the facts.

    Facts that sensationalized videos do not mention.

    Listeners who want to lodge a complaint with the sheriff's "political office" are transferred to the Arizona Republican Party.
    Extent debated

    No one disputes that Pinal County, which lies 70 miles from the border, emerged as a smuggling channel during the past decade.

    Up until the 1990s, smugglers and illegal immigrants could enter the United States almost anywhere without worry.

    Then, gradually, border enforcement increased. Routes into California and Texas were squeezed until crime syndicates began relocating to the Sonora-Arizona line.

    At first, crossings concentrated near Nogales, Douglas and other municipalities where roads were relatively accessible. As the crackdown expanded into those areas - with more agents, technology and fencing - smugglers were forced deep into the outback, trekking several days to evade an enforcement gantlet.

    Federal officials say the plan all along was to make illegal crossings more difficult.

  38. Let's see, if I were a person that did bookmarks, I could pull up probably tens, twenties of ratshitquotes saying the invasion is here, NOW.



  39. ratass called me a wahhabist one day, another day I was a Christian Liberation follower.

    It's a GAS I tell ya.



  40. I know facts confuse you, boob, but the story continues.
    But the Sheriff that says the area is out of control tells us his men have it under control.

    THat the Federals allow cross border traffic to continue, that is their plan

    Now, federal officials say, the final squeeze points are under assault by task forces in places like Vekol Valley, where hundreds of human trails zigzag through the jagged mountains and thorny desert and where bandits sometimes prey on those who enter.

    For years, a single deputy was assigned to patrol the entire western part of the county. Then, last year, Babeu, who oversees 700 full-time employees, including 210 deputies, announced a dramatic increase, telling KGUN9 TV in Tucson, "We're sending out three different teams of eight to 15 deputies in each that are heavily armed, even with sniper teams, out to the desert at all hours of the day and night."

    Besides those deputies, law- enforcement task forces have flooded the area with agents and officers from the Border Patrol, Bureau of Land Management, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Drug Enforcement Administration, Arizona Department of Public Safety and police from Casa Grande, Eloy and the Tohono O'odham Nation.

    Sounds like they have the level of control that the Federals want to project, to me.

  41. And what I really believe, ratdumbshitass simply doesn't have the mentality to follow.

    Like Habu -

    "I go now."


  42. I mean like HuDat.


  43. I have complained that the Federals allow the influx of illegal activity, that is true.

    But never that the Federals did not control the flow. That they allow it to continue, is obvious.

    They tell US as much.

  44. Dean Baker, co-director of the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research, said Obama has apparently “abandoned” his earlier view that increased spending was needed to stimulate the economy. And that suggests he may look for a bargain on entitlements.


    But some progressives say they recognize that Obama faces difficulties.

    “I don’t think the president can be an inactive observer to a debate that is clearly going to be front and center in Washington — and that’s the deficit,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. He said the speech on Wednesday will offer the perfect opportunity for Obama to rebut Republicans’ claims that the best way to cut the deficit is simply by drastically slashing government programs.

  45. I have fallen for a girl who already loves another guy.but why did she show interest in me?why didnt she avoid after she came to knw that i like her?and now why is she avoiding me?why???

  46. Best question of the day, suddie.

  47. And I ain't got no answer.

    Who knows Mona Lisa?


  48. My wife and I are having a big argument about which person drives which car back east, cause we are going tandem axel case one breaks down.

    We both want the shit convertible with no window in the back cause it's kinda sporty, you know,though the weak tranmission is a problem, and there I thought I had dibs, cause I always drive the hand me downs.

    But oh no it's spring and she wants the flow of her hair the sunshine no cigarette smoke and a radio all her own.

    I want it cause the radio is better.

    Just do what she says, suddie, it's best in the long run.


  49. All wimmins is treacherous.

    'an they lie.

    Find an ugly one that can cook (or, at least has good boat.)

  50. What was that song Rufus, bout "Make an ugly woman your wife?"

    I forget.


  51. Not all.


    Asians are a lot more reliable than white women.

  52. Stay away from her, Suddie.

    Plenty more out there.

    If you want to increase your odds, go chinese.

  53. A lot of chinese can be insanely beautiful.

  54. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2MM1BosdmY

    Suddie, I failed, married a nice lookin' wimmin.

    Suddie, the truth is, marriage is a growth, with a lot of struggles in between.

    But I am so glad and fortunent I married her.

    This is to my wife.


  55. Asians are a lot more reliable than white women.

    Damn straight, consider our lovely Miss T.


  56. Consider Miss Fely.


  57. Consider an Asian, suddie.

    My wife always said, "There are a lot of fish in the sea."

    Take that to mind, and heart.

    Just treat them right they get pissed if you don't.

    They might get pissed anyways, but if you've treated them right, you are in an argument they have trouble WINNING

    God that what's his name is an ass.


  58. Fely is Miss T's partner for nearly 25 years.

    They deserve a round of applause.

    And a thread on their anniversary.


  59. Several passengers said that they weren't told about the emergency landing.

    "We didn’t get told that, we should get told, especially with a full plane, you don’t expect not to be told," passenger Martin Storey said.


    Lilli Williams said it felt like a normal flight. "I saw a fire engine parked when we landed but no idea what happened."

    Weren't Told About Emergency

  60. sam-Stay away from her, Suddie.

    Plenty more out there.

    If you want to increase your odds, go chinese.

    I cant...shew 's my classmate ,labmate...holy shit i have to do classes with her and attend labs with her ,do experiments with her ..she has turned my life into a hell ..she has stopped responding to me suddenly..avoids me completely ..i have stopped existing for her...

  61. and i am completely into her.cant think abt anyone else jst waiting that tomorrow or day after or day after -after she may again ....

  62. iam trying to be a decent guy though .never trouble her..never make her feel uncomfortable..never make her feel that iam pesting her...i hope she remains happy..and remains happy..and smiles..and smiles... i may be nothing for her but may be one day....

  63. i made a mistake by falling for a girl who was already engaged with somebody else but why did she encourage me????

  64. i hope u dont make fun of me..understand me...

  65. i know i may look like a fool to u all but venting my feelings here is giving me a huge relief.thank u for all ur comments.....

  66. Sudheer, no one is going to make fun of your anguish. We have all been there. All of us have fallen in love with someone that was wrong for us and the only reason that they were wrong was that they simply did not see what we wanted them to see, or thought they should see.

    Part of the process of a broken heart is the anguish. It never gets easier, but it always passes and the next time we love it gets better. The day will come in the not too distant future, when you will spend a minute not thinking about her, then five, an hour, an entire day.

    You will find another girl, more worthy and you will find the wisdom and experience to pass that lesson on to another young man with an unhappy face.

    Take your time. Don't fight the pain . Let it heal you. Patience young man. It will be rewarded.

  67. That was an excellent comment, Deuce.
    The wolves and the elk really mean not much, in comparison.

    Good fortune to you, Suddie.


  68. Suddie--

    A Jewish girl in my Shakespeare class drove me nuts with her legs and her penny loafers. She always tapped those penny loafers when she was into the lecture.

    I asked her out, she said no, I have a boyfriend.

    She was a really nice girl.

    Time heals.

