Tuesday, April 12, 2011



  1. .

    I think the TSA, like all federal agencies, has run amok with the screening tests they have in place while ignoring such obvious safeguards as profiling.

    Also they ought have some flexibility while checking out kids. The girl in the video had tight fitting clothing that would be hard to hide anything under.

    That being said, calling the search groping is going a little far.

    What is more troubling is the drug testing mentioned at the end of the video. What's up with that? It was hard to tell from the video.


  2. A famous quote from the Civil War:

    When a poor Virginian Private was taken prisoner by some Unionist soldiers he was asked, why he was fighting, as he obviously was not rich, owned no cotton farm, had no slaves and had really no need for upholding slavery.
    He simply replied: "I am fighting, because you are down here."

  3. He simply replied: "I am fighting, because you are down here."

    How quickly we forget.

  4. It is not troubling, it is insane.

  5. Americans in uniform doing a "Ya vol mon furah".

  6. Obviously there are no guide lines as to who they search, and if there are that video shows they need to be revised.

    I don't understand why someone like that little girl gets searched and someone as conspicuous as me doesn't.

    Who decides the search? The fat black lady. Do they do the counting system? Every 10 th person gets searched whether you're 2, 10, 20, or 50.

    Drug testing? Good Lord all the pills I had in my bag and not one mention.

  7. yes its not right because its wrong ...............she doesnt anymore

  8. Drive, and avoid all the trouble.


  9. Arason's Pickled Penis


    Up in Alaska at Hell's Last Acre they have a pickled ice bit toe in jar. You get a cap and a button if you put it in your drink, stir it around, and drink hardy.

    Just sayin'...


  10. In some movie I saw that quote was "Cause you is on our land."


  11. I'll take the purple pickled penis in a Pabst Blue Ribbon, please.


  12. EIA throws the b.s. flag. According to the EIA, not a Single Opec Country raised production from Jan to Feb, or from Feb to March. Not a One.

    Saudi Arabia held steady at 9.1 mbpd.

    EIA Data


  13. RomneyCare Is A Big Bust

    Unsurprisingly. Enough time has passed since its beginning to get a read. And some people want to bring this to 49 more states.


  14. Top Ten Best Governed Countries In The World

    Depends on who is doing the ratings of course but probably about right.


  15. .

    EIA throws the b.s. flag.

    I think I would trust the Financial Times before I would trust the EIA.

    Besides I believe SA's OPEC agreed
    upon target is somewhere around 8.6 mbpd. What are they doing overproducing?



  16. 32 more bodies found in Mexico, ups total to 120
    (AFP) – 2 hours ago

    MEXICO CITY — At least 32 more bodies have been found in northeastern Mexico, raising to 120 the number found in a complex of mass graves since last week, a source with the prosecutor's office said Tuesday.

    The source told AFP by telephone that "32 bodies have arrived in Matamoros," a northern border city where experts are working to identify the cadavers.

    So far, 120 bodies have been found since Thursday in more than a dozen mass graves in and around San Fernando, Tamaulipas, following reports that passengers on two buses had been kidnapped.

    Good ol' sunny siesta Mexico, and we're groping Peggy Sue.

    Some of these gangs control parts of our border.


