Saturday, January 08, 2011

Part 5 - 2010 Bosco Awards and the Winner is Teresita/Selah !

PAGE 5 – 2010 Bosco Awards
Well we are back, and things are more or less back to normal although it looks like you’re going to need some fire hoses and a Zamboni to really clean this place up.
Anyway, as I was about to say before the storm hit, we are now ready to award the Bosco for the Poster of the Year for 2010:

And our winner is the current incarnation of Teresita, the one, the only, Selah.
Although she has been absent from the bar for long stretches this year due to a self-imposed exile, she has still managed to contribute a vast amount of quality posts.  In addition, she took on the role of barmaid for a period and did an excellent job.  There is not time or space to list all her quality posts so we will merely present a sampling.
In the “knowledgeable helping hand” category,
Teresita said...
"Okay here's the trick:"
ref: how to link
Tue Sep 07, 11:58:00 PM EDT
In the “Book of Lists” category,
Teresita said...
Teddy Roosevelt = Square Deal
Franklin Roosevelt = New Deal
Harry Truman = Fair Deal
Bill Clinton = Meal Deal
B. Obama = Raw Deal
Wed Aug 11, 02:54:00 PM EDT
Teresita said...
Obama Movies:
* All Quiet On The Economic Front
* Apocalypse Dow
* As Good As It Gets
* Barry Potter and the Deathly Panels
* Battleship Contemptkin
* Bridge on the River Why?
* Citizen Kenyan
* Crouching Tiger Hidden Taxes
* Dick Taxy
* Dirty Barry
* Enemy of the States
* E.T. The Extra Teleprompter
* Fistful of Tax Dollars
* Force Ten From Nairobi
* Invasion of the Income Snatchers
* Lost In Taxation
* New Nightmare
* No Country For Old Men
* Obama Jones and the Fox Crusade
* Obama Python and the Epic Phail
* Obammie and Clyde
* Raiders of the Last Cent
* Rebel Without A Clue
* Swindler's List
* Tax Bandits
* Taxes Chain Saw Massacre
* Tax Hard with a Vengeance
* Taxy Driver
* Terms of Entitlement
* The Adventures of Robbin' 'Hood
* The Incredible Shrinking Polls
* The Jerk
* The Last of the Maohicans
          * The Left Side Story
* The Left Stuff
* The Lost Emperor
* The Man Who Shot Liberty
* The Man Who Would Be King
* The Red Badge of College
* There's Nothing About Barry
* The Taxorcist
* The Wrath of Con
* This Is Wallet Tap
* TOTUS: Artificial Intelligence
* Treasure of the Sierra
And in the “Snappy One-Liner” category where she has no peer,
Teresita said...
Barack Obama is signing stimulus packages at the same White House desk
where Bill Clinton got his package stimulated.
      Mon Sep 06, 09:10:00 PM EDT
      Teresita said...
In the movie "Independence Day" aliens destroy Washington, DC, but later we learn that they are hostile.
      Thu Aug 26, 03:22:00 PM EDT
      Teresita said...
      Today in 1952, composer John Cage premiered 4'33".
      Let's have a moment of silence.
      Sun Aug 29, 05:53:00 PM EDT
      Teresita said...
      One side of the Earth has lurched to the right ... up to 11ft . . . and it's not even Nov. 2 yet!
      Mon Sep 06, 01:05:00 PM EDT
      Teresita said...
      Well, bob, no "good" Catholic can abide a cat house.
      Confucius say, "Wife who put man in dog house may find in cat house."
      Mon Sep 06, 12:47:00 PM EDT
      Teresita said...
      It doesn't take a Rockette Zionist to know there's not very many Jewish gals dancing at Radio City Music Hall.
      Thu Jul 29, 09:31:00 AM EDT
      Teresita said...
      Kicks "Race Gas" Ass with faster laps/more torque...No wonder they want to kill      
      It's racist.
      Wed Jul 28, 09:15:00 PM EDT
      Teresita said...
      This World Cup is like World War II. France leaves early, USA turns up at the last  
minute, and England is left fighting the Germans.
      Wed Jun 23, 10:47:00 PM EDT
      Teresita said...
      Quirk:(Or receive that ball? We had to use Trish's 8-Ball. It was the only black one around.)
      In this place we say "8-ball of color".
      Mon Jun 21, 10:23: 
      Teresita said...
      My problem with Obama is not that he's half-black but that he's entirely liberal.
      Thu Jul 29, 09:35:00 AM EDT
Teresita said...
WiO: I am buying a big bucket of ribs and a fan and driving up and down the islamic hood in my town...
"The ultimate Jewish conundrum: Free ham"
Wed Aug 11, 10:42:00 AM EDT
Teresita said...
Sure, there's no women in Islamic paradise except the houris, but there's no women in the Christian paradise as well, as demostrated by the following verse:
Revelation 8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
Sun Dec 13, 07:31:00 AM EST
Teresita said...
FDA approves the week-after pill.
What's next, the nine-month after pill?
Fri Aug 13, 09:41:00 PM EDT
Teresita said...
What's the worst portion
In this mortal life?
A talkative client
And a bounced check.
Conan! What is best in life?
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."
Wed Jul 14, 02:35:00 PM EDT
Teresita said...
DR:And, evidenced again, the Zionist propagandists continue to to want us to conflate both Zionism and Israel with Judaism, which is both nonsensical and a false construct.
In other words, you find it in the Zion's friction section of the book store.
Thu Jul 29, 09:33:00 AM EDT
That’s just a sample people.  The girl has a million of them and they just keep coming.
Congratulations Selah on a great year.  Hope you enjoy the Bosco.
Let’s give her a hand folks.
We are going to take our final commercial break now and when we come back we will announce the Bosco for the EB Song of the Year.
Sorry about that folks.  Looks like we got the feeds mixed up.
Well, here it is ladies and gentlemen, the EB Song of the Year for 2010 is
Song of the Year (To be determined by audience or by Quirk);

A great song and truly representative of this great old bar:

Well, that’s the end of our show tonight but before we go I’d like to take a minute to remember one of the EB regulars.  As most of you know Victor Silo passed away recently.  Victor enjoyed visiting the bar since its inception although he didn’t visit often enough.
I have to apologize.  I had hoped to have a quality memorial for VS and when it was clear that he was fighting his last fight, I pulled a lot of info from his blog, the facer page, his profile etc.  Unfortunately, having spent half a day I have been unable to find the file.  Therefore, all I can do is say a word or two from my memory of him.
Victor was a clever, witty guy.  I know this from arguing with him a number of times on everything from cars to my being an ass to proper grammar and comma placement.
Viktor could be sharp and caustic in the give and take of an argument, but as soon as the argument ended he was not someone who could manage to hold a grudge.  He also had a good sense of humor.  All in all, a pretty good guy.  And hell, who can ask for anything more.
Our sympathy goes out to his friends and family.  He will be missed.

Near the end, I told Viktor I would highlight some of his posts at the Boscos.  He responded “That’s what I’m worried about.”
Here’s a couple from Victor.
viktor silo said...
"The ostrich testicles are eaten
up almost immediately. After that the party dies and people drift away."
Yes, it's a pity. It was like that at my last birthday party, too.
viktor silo said...
Rufus said:
"There Are No "possibilities of (Good) solutions" in the Islamic world."
I dunno about that.
A friend reports that local Afghanis have started their own business making land mines that look like Islamist prayer mats. He tells me business is booming and prophets are going through the roof.

That’s our show for this year.  I’ve enjoyed it and I hope you have too.  Congratulations to all the winners.  Hope to see you at the after-party.
And remember these words from one of the Muses,
trish said...
"No one ever remembers..."
Elephants do.
Tue May 04, 10:13:00 PM EDT
And let’s join her is toasting the old Elephant Bar
trish said...
"Well, then.
A toast.
To the Bar, Bait, and Tackle."
Tue Jul 27, 08:46:00 PM EDT
      Please be careful driving.  It you can stick around for just a moment I’d like to run a brief film that illustrates the dangers of drinking and driving.  Initially, I planned on running a video of the 1965 Driver Ed classic Death on the Highway, however, the ‘powers that be’ in Souls-R-Us’ management ruled that given the EB’s demographics the legendary “lineup of bodies” scenes might be much too graphic and provide the potential for creating more deaths than it might save.  Our actuaries agreed; therefore, I have decided to provide you the following video instead.
      Slut Spill
      Be careful out there.
      desert rat said...
      It's a jackal!
      Mon Aug 30, 04:46:00 PM EDT
                desert rat
                Gag Reflex
                 Stella B. Starlight
                The Cleaning Lady
                 viktor silo
                 What is "Occupation"
                BERTINA MAKAYLA
                Brother D-Day
                buy viagra
                Free Credit Score
                I LOVE YOU
                Jay Banks
                 Lex Talionis
                mercedes dealer fairfax
                Mr Casinos
                Mr Lonely
                Originally Sinless
                Philip Mizrahi
                 The Wobbly Guy
                UK Horoscopes
                 vakantiehuizen calpe
                The Entire Souls-R-Us
                And All Others That I Missed
What is "Occupation" said...
"Here is something noteworthy...
100 rounds of buckshot can it inside a standard size ammo can!
how clue is that?"
Tue Dec 07, 07:27:00 PM EST
And for Deuce, one of his few misses
"Jews Missing George Bush
Heck even Obama misses George W. Bush"
whit said...
Sun Aug 29, 10:17:00 AM EDT


  1. I read every line. It was a pain in the ass trying to unscramble some of the html, and I was not totally succesful as you probably have noticed, but there is a limit to my patience.

    However, It was fun, a lot of fun.

    thanks Q

  2. It was a late night or an early morning in Bogota.

    Viktor posted this:

  3. I didn't think a thing of it.

  4. Great job Quirk!

    You really out did yourself.

  5. And congratulations, Selah, you greedy bitch, who was so eager to take my place on the bar stool when I was leaving last spring.

  6. I don't think anyone can fill your shoes, Trish, let alone sit on your bar stool.

  7. "I don't think anyone can fill your shoes, Trish..."

    With that I agree.

  8. I agree there is definitely a well deserved congratulations in order for T.

    Wherever she may be…without Internet. She'll find out Monday morning when she gets back to work. Maybe someone should text her and tell her to run to the library.

  9. Yea, had Habu stuck around, he probably would have had to share it with T.

  10. But it's true of all of us, isn't it?

    And I mean that.

  11. I agree.

    Or, I wouldn't be here.

  12. : )

    You know I can't stand you.

    I positively despise you.

  13. T is, without a doubt, the most prolific writer to frequent the EB and could take this award with her eyes closed. Congratulations, T, don't spend it all in one place. :)

  14. Well I'll be.

    I painted my last painting when I was 27. Although I had the talent, I never had or made the time. Painting is like golf or tennis or the piano, you have to practice.

    it is a combination of seeing, painting in your head and translating it to canvas. Although I havn't painted since then, I still have most of my kit, never having lost my interest.

    Since then, i bought paintings that I liked and could afford. Truth be told, most of the paintings I bought, I could not afford when I bought them. I only sold one of them when I needed the money and have regretted it ever since.

    But today there is redemption.

    I bought a painting 30 years ago from a gallery in Maine and it has remained one my favorites.

    I never bothered reasearching the artist before...

    To my surprise I found out the artist's work hangs in these galleries:

    *Art Institute of Chicago
    *Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
    *National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
    *Amon Carter Museum, Texas
    *Block Museum of Art at Northwestern University, Illinois
    *Brooklyn Museum, New York City
    *Canton Museum of Art, Ohio
    *Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio NEW!
    *Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, Maine
    *Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
    * Harvard University Art Museums, Massachusetts
    *Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indiana
    *Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, Mississippi NEW!
    *Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington D.C.
    *State Museums of Florence, Italy

    I think I will have a drink.

  15. Absolutely.

    Why do you think I stay?

  16. Is there anyone here that I haven't despised?

    WIO, I think.

    And sam.

  17. Well, aren't you going to tell us who the artist is?

    I know exactly how you feel. I sold a mini-14 and have regretted it ever since.

  18. No, you are an EOL.

    Equal Opportunity Loather.

  19. WTH would you ever have despised moi?

  20. "No, you are an EOL."


    I like to think I don't loathe.

    Why else would I still be here?

  21. Yes, but there is special dark spot in your heart for me.

  22. "WTH would you ever have despised moi?"

    I didn't until very recently.

    I looked back on my time at the Bar.

    If you were paying attention for purposes other than...well, didn't show.

  23. "Yes, but there is special dark spot in your heart for me."

    God, I like to think it isn't so.

    I don't like dark spots.

    I mean I really don't.

    I can come to terms with dark spots.

    But I would prefer goodness and light.

  24. Viktor was all hot over Palin.

    Now that's also funny.

    His alter-ego smacked him down.

  25. Non, Je ne regrette rien: i doubt you can have lived and can honestly make that claim.

  26. But I would prefer goodness and light.

    And no French.

  27. Blue, I do prefer goodness and light.

  28. Don't make me clip and paste for eternity from Balloon Juice.

    I swear to God, I will.

  29. Blue, I do prefer goodness and light.

    You don't act like you do.

  30. "You don't act like you do."

    Well, it's a hard row to hoe. The goodness and light thing.

    I have found.

  31. I know what my aunt would have said she'd have said bob that was a crazy movie and I'd have agreed with her. Plenty of good dancing, lots of piano, great lesbian scene for Miss T -congrats -psychotic episodes by fistfull, domineering mom, and, all I can come up with as a theme is the search for perfecton leads to death in this life, but I wouldn't go see Black Swan again.

  32. I kinda liked Lilly, though.

  33. Now I think it's my turn for a drink.

  34. .

    Thanks Deuce and Whit sorry about the links. Adding "The Highway Man" was a genius stroke. I'm pissed I didn't think of it.

    And congratulations on the painting Deuce.

    With regard to EB Song of the Year, I was metagrabolized when seeing the 'Bud' beer commercial in that spot. The actual EB Song of the Year is Toby Keith's I Love This Bar.

    I personally liked Marc Cohn's I'm Already Home; however, Melody was the only one who took time to vote so she should get it.

    This also marks my dénouement (of sorts).

    I only write this so that when I’m not posting regularly someone doesn’t postulate that I am ‘demised’ because I was driven off by something someone said here. A ludicrous proposition.

    As Trish pointed out, last Wednesday was the Feast of the Epiphany. I have had my own as it were. I recognized the fact that on most of the subjects discussed here I have stated my position, opinion, and/or recommended course of action, more than once, actually numerous times, way beyond the point of redundancy. Repeating them now bores even me.

    Add to that, the fact that I am now an internet outlaw having offended the powers that be at Google, and I have decided to take a break. (Some may accuse me of going on the lam. Not true. Our lawyers and a couple top notch hackers from the San Diego Temple are working on my case.)

    Actually, I will not be gone, merely curtailing my posting, possibly to the level of Linearthinker.

    Couldn’t entirely leave Rufus II or the Muses or my new BFF Stella S.

    I’ll just be going away until some new subjects come up or until someone says something so egregious here that I am forced to respond.

    I came to the EB about 18 months ago. I had just spent three months in the hospital. They had pieced me together but I was so de-conditioned from the hospital stay I could barely walk and needed a little oxygen to get up the stairs. The old EB was a welcome diversion. I got my strength back a long time ago. My stamina came back gradually. I no longer have an excuse to spend so much time blogging. Therefore,


    My Job Here Is Done

    (By the way, being somewhat anal, I am reluctant to leave something uncompleted that I started. I had intended to run a full year of horoscopes. There is only Aquarius and Pisces left. Melody has proved capable of handling the duties and the lawyers at Souls-R-Us have drafted a paper transferring all rights associated with the “Horoscope Franchise” to her if she states she is willing to do the last two scopes. If she only wants to do one or none, I’ll finish what's left myself.)

    By the way, Rufus II, I will still be monitoring activity at the bar, usually after midnight as I travel through the darkness with my dog Red and the Children of the Night (you know wolves, as in Bram Stoker, just so there is no confusion).

    Don’t be bad-mouthing or disrespecting Ruf.

    I'll be watching. The first time you go hating on me, there will be consequences and ramifications and possibly retribution from afar.

    The Rosicrucian’s have a long arm.


  35. I can think of one thing I regret too.

  36. .

    Thanks Deuce and Whit sorry about the links. Adding "The Highway Man" was a genius stroke. I'm pissed I didn't think of it.

    And congratulations on the painting Deuce.

    With regard to EB Song of the Year, I was metagrabolized when seeing the 'Bud' beer commercial in that spot. The actual EB Song of the Year
    is Toby Keith's I Love This Bar.

    I personally liked Marc Cohn's I'm Already Home; however, Melody was the only one who took time to vote so she should get it.

    This also marks my dénouement (of sorts).

    I only write this so that when I’m not posting regularly someone doesn’t postulate that I am ‘demised’ because I was driven off by something someone said here. A ludicrous proposition.

    As Trish pointed out, last Wednesday was the Feast of the Epiphany. I have had my own as it were. I recognized the fact that on most of the subjects discussed here I have stated my position, opinion, and/or recommended course of action, more than once, actually numerous times, way beyond the point of redundancy. Repeating them now bores even me.

    Add to that, the fact that I am now an internet outlaw having offended the powers that be at Google, and I have decided to take a break. (Some may accuse me of going on the lam. Not true. Our lawyers and a couple top notch hackers from the San Diego Temple are working on my case.)

    Actually, I will not be gone, merely curtailing my posting, possibly to the level of Linearthinker.

    Couldn’t entirely leave Rufus II or the Muses or my new BFF Stella S.

    I’ll just be going away until some new subjects come up or until someone says something so egregious here that I am forced to respond.

    I came to the EB about 18 months ago. I had just spent three months in the hospital. They had pieced me together but I was so de-conditioned from the hospital stay I could barely walk and needed a little oxygen to get up the stairs. The old EB was a welcome diversion. I got my strength back a long time ago. My stamina came back gradually. I no longer have an excuse to spend so much time blogging. Therefore,


    My Job Here Is Done

    (By the way, being somewhat anal, I am reluctant to leave something uncompleted that I started. I had intended to run a full year of horoscopes. There is only Aquarius and Pisces left. Melody has proved capable of handling the duties and the lawyers at Souls-R-Us have drafted a paper transferring all rights associated with the “Horoscope Franchise” to her if she states she is willing to do the last two scopes. If she only wants to do one or none, I’ll finish what's left myself.)

    By the way, Rufus II, I will still be monitoring activity at the bar, usually after midnight as I travel through the darkness with my dog Red and the Children of the Night (you know wolves, as in Bram Stoker, just so there is no confusion).

    Don’t be bad-mouthing or disrespecting Ruf.

    I'll be watching. The first time you go hating on me, there will be consequences and ramifications and possibly retribution from afar.

    The Rosicrucian’s have a long arm.


  37. Fuck, I really won't have no one to talk to now.

  38. Well best to you Quirk. I should do the same, really.

  39. That was a nice exit speech. Last time I show you my ass.

    No, really, good luck to you. You'll be missed, by me anyway.

  40. Quirk will be missed by me as well.

    He was/is my frienemy.

    I'll look you up Quirk if I get close to your neighborhood, if you'll have me.

    We agree on lots of stuff.

  41. Maybe, we should all take a break.

  42. .

    Last time I show you my ass.

    Almost made me change my mind Mel, but then I remembered that image in indelibly printed on my mind.

    If your parents let you stay up some night I will possibly see you on the dark side, after midnight.


  43. Actually, when I come here I am on break.

  44. I stay up past midnight….Sometimes.

  45. "Everything comes to an end."

    Should we all prepare an exit speech?

  46. Well, thank God that silly fucker's finally gone.

  47. My Job Here Is Done

    : )

    It certainly is.

  48. It seemed to be winding down, the Bar.

    Rufus's birthday is coming up.

    Or might've already passed.

    The reason I remember this, is that I never said Happy Birthday.

    But I was sitting in the garage at my parents'. And it was January.

  49. My birthday is next Saturday. I will be a proud 37.

  50. I would like the privilege of writing a horoscope.

  51. Thanks for reminding me, cat vomit.

  52. Cat vomit…

    I'm assuming you're not talking to me.

  53. No, Melody, that weren't fer you. :)

  54. Everything comes to an end

    My ASS, nothing does, you nincompoops --

    That is what I have been preaching.

    To the uncomprehening.

    But Quirk gets it, even in Deetroit.

    It is what the other world is made of, and I know it.

    Love lasts.

    It is what heaven is made out of, you morons.

  55. Did you know. Bob. That there is an agreement among all Spanish-speaking nations, to the effect that every song that plays on the radio - every single one - must have the word 'corazon' in it?

    And I never realized until very recently, that it's much the same with us.

    Try to find a song that isn't a love song. (Okay, don't actually do that. Because I don't want to listen.)

    Try to find a radio station that doesn't play them, just when you're sour on it.

  56. It may or may not be what the other world is made of - because, you know, I don't jack about that - but it is apparently what makes this one go round.

    And what is love, exactly?

    Everyone has their own idea of it.

    Mine is the picture of a man and a woman in a sunlit kitchen, eating breakfast.


    (It's also the picture I came up with in opposition to everything I experience here.)

  57. But if you're going to end it - the Bar, that is - I do think Bob's remark that Rat is crawling with bacteria is the way to go.

  58. "Spank your inner moppet and grow the fuck up."

    I think I have.


    I think you skate here.

    Skate, Melody.

  59. And it wouldn't matter except that you are a nasty piece of work.

  60. And at the same time I apologize for getting into the whole cat fight thing.

    That's especially ugly.

  61. I don't make them often.

    Quirk knows.

  62. And what is love, exactly?


    I have expressed the same to MELODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HAVE I NOT?????

    I LOVE you all in my different WAYS.


    (do not argue, if Quirk and bob can get along, you can too)

    eh, Quirk

  63. One day apologies will no longer hold up.

    And you, dear woman, should rethink your position on this.

    Perhaps true apoligies are meant to hold up ----


    an egotistical, personal mental BLIND SPOT

    just sayin'

  64. "I'm doing just fine skating along."

    I don't think so.

    And I mean that we are meant to give some thought to things.

    It's okay on the one hand to be a goddess luring (haha!) others into the woods of carefree.

    Actually, that's a gift.

    But to take no position and to...


  65. I somehow dropped into the sacred.

    You people. Need to just stop. Your constant churning.

  66. "Why would I even voice my opinion if no one is going to listen anyway."

    Oh, my.

    Someone always is.

  67. "I somehow dropped into the sacred."

    Shouldn't it be that I rose?

    Anyway, it's been incredible.

  68. And how is that working out for you?

  69. I'm sorry, Whit. And I mean that sincerely.

  70. "And how is that working out for you?"

    I can't imagine life without it.

    Can you?

  71. It doesn't mean I don't believe in God. I thought many years ago that I should find my way back to the church. Maybe I will someday but for now, I'm content. I guess that's when I decided I wasn't for organized religion.

  72. Well, the afterglow from the Boscos didn't last long.
