Saturday, January 08, 2011

US Congressman Shot in Head. Federal Judge Killed.

Hospital: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords expected to recover from Tucson shooting that killed six including a child and federal judge

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., was shot in the head and an unknown number of others were wounded Saturday when an assailant sprayed bullets into an area where the lawmaker was meeting with constituents.


  1. The man who allegedly shot Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has been identified as 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, ABC News has learned.

    WATCH: Rep. Giffords Survives Shooting
    Giffords was shot, along with several other people including federal judge John Roll, outside a grocery store in Tucson, Ariz., where she was holding an event called Congress on Your Corner. Five people were killed, including Roll and a nine-year-old child.

    On a Myspace page apparently maintained by Loughner, he said goodbye to friends and said, "Please don't be mad at me... I cannot rest."

    Authorities said the shooter was in custody.

    Loughner reportedly recently made several YouTube videos with walls of text protesting the government and ranting against low literacy rates.

  2. From Twitter

    caitieparker I can't manage all these media requests & @ replies. Too much too fast, can't keep up.
    42 minutes ago

    caitieparker This is a circus. Good Morning America just called me.
    about 2 hours ago

    caitieparker @antderosa it's loughner just checked my year book.
    about 2 hours ago in reply to antderosa

    caitieparker @lakarune I haven't seen him since '07. Then, he was left wing.
    about 3 hours ago in reply to lakarune

    caitieparker @noboa more left. I haven't seen him since '07 though. He became very reclusive.
    about 3 hours ago in reply to noboa

    caitieparker @antderosa he had a lot of friends until he got alcohol poisoning in '06, & dropped out of school. Mainly loner very philosophical.
    about 3 hours ago in reply to antderosa

    caitieparker @antderosa As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.
    about 3 hours ago in reply to antderosa

    caitieparker @antderosa he was a pot head & into rock like Hendrix,The Doors, Anti-Flag. I haven't seen him in person since '07 in a sign language class
    about 3 hours ago in reply to antderosa

    caitieparker @antderosa He was a political radical & met Giffords once before in '07, asked her a question & he told me she was "stupid & unintelligent"
    about 3 hours ago in reply to antderosa

    caitieparker @antderosa I can. That is him.
    about 3 hours ago in reply to antderosa

    caitieparker @antderosa I went to high school, college, & was in a band with the gunman. This tragedy has just turned to horrific.
    about 3 hours ago in reply to antderosa

    caitieparker Official I went to high school & college, & was in a band w/ the gunman. I can't even fathom this right now.
    about 3 hours ago

    caitieparker Saying Jared Laughner was the gunman. Really hoping that's not the same guy I went to HS with, really good friend. Freaking out right now!!!
    about 4 hours ago

    antderosa Arizona law enforcement official: "A person in the crowd shot back at the gunman."
    about 4 hours ago
    Retweeted by caitieparker

    tcmassie Rep. Giffords was on #Palin's infamous "target" map: Today she was shot in Tuscon. What is the US turning into? #p2
    about 6 hours ago
    Retweeted by caitieparker

    democracynow RT @felixsalmon Sarah Palin *literally* put a gun sight on @Rep_Giffords. See Palin's map:
    about 5 hours ago
    Retweeted by caitieparker

    KOLD_news13 LATE BREAKING: UMC officials confirm Rep. Giffords is in surgery. She has not been declared dead. **Please RT**
    about 5 hours ago
    Retweeted by caitieparker

    caitieparker Gabrielle Giffords reportedly died. Well Tucson politics are shot to hell. You've done one hell of a job. Thank you for your service.
    about 5 hours ago

    caitieparker Holy shit! Giffords was shot in the head point blank. Not good!!!!
    about 5 hours ago

  3. That is a tragic situation.

  4. Just another left-wing loon with a lugar.

  5. Some of the leftie blogs tried to tie him to Sarah Palin and Tea Party.

  6. He, evidently, has a Daily Kos Diary, and a website, and left several youtubes. Nutty as a fruitcake. Totally Confused.

  7. Forbes had this up

    Gabrielle Giffords Shooting And Sarah Palin's Conscience

    Forbes (blog) - Caroline Howard - ‎23 minutes ago‎
    Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot today outside a Tucson grocery store. While there are conflicting reports about ...

    Now it has disappeared

  8. here is the bio of the commenter from Forbes, Caroline Howard


    As a child I dreamed of growing up to be Jo March. In college I took my first steps into journalism as a photographer/photo editor of the weekly newspaper and then founded a quarterly arts magazine. My career has taken me from the East Hampton Star and Village Voice to Vanity Fair, People and AOL--with a sidetrack or three to the art world, academia, mommyhood and such. My beat as editor of ForbesWoman is the matrix of professional and women's issues: career, the homefront, politics, pop culture and more

  9. I don't give a damn about all these daily happenings.

    Fuck 'em.

    Put them all in jail.

    Vote for Sarah.

    A truly good American Woman!

  10. Sarah Palin Blamed by Bloggers for Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords

    Liberal bloggers immediately blamed Sarah Palin for the tragic shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona Saturday.

  11. There's a long thread on the shooter over at

    Seems like his favorite books were Mein Kampf, and The Communist Manifesto.

    From what he wrote, and spoke on the internet he was, obviously, Several bricks short of a load.

  12. She was one of the twenty some-odd "Targeted" by Sarah-baby for defeat in 2008 due to her support of Obamacare.

  13. Fuck 'em all.

    The thing about these people is - they can't do nothing.

    Just a bunch of dead broke illiterates.

    After spending billions on 'em.

    Fuck this shit.

    They would be better off going to a retreat with Evelyan Underhill.

  14. Just saw this when I turned on the TV to watch some NFL football.

    A political inspired fuck head that used a gun. Killing a child in the process.

    A revolutionary not afraid to fire on an elected official, to serve whatever purpose.

    Obviously he planned the event.

    He was neither an illegal alien nor a Muslim. Just a fucked up in the head white boy.

    Doubt if Sarah Palin even entered his thinking, to even mention her in this, sign of political dementia.

    To use it as a campaign opportunity, for or against her, or anyone else, terribly misplaced.

    A really sad day.

  15. The police are outside his residence, waiting on a search warrant.

    Report on TV is they've been there for a while.

  16. Said that he lives with his mother.

  17. And by the way, Melody, you did not show your buns off to just Quirk, rather you showed you daughter's buns off to everybody, worldwide.

    I want a bun contest, you and my daughter, at fifty paces.

    The management can referee.

  18. What people, bob?

    The nine year old that's dead?

    The Federal Judge, that's dead?

    Or the Congresswoman, clinging to life?

    Bet they all could read.

    You are turning into the worse type of political hack, when real terror strikes in the US.

    Where are your priorities?

  19. You don't even qualify as an ass wipe, bob.

  20. Well rat hole, everyone here would vote against you.

    I have my weaknesses, but I'm not insane, like you.

    Shelley should be calling next week, shithead.

    And Pope.

    And Blacketter, dean of the U of I engineering department.

    Maybe ever Blum.

    My clients/

    I must get along with them.

    And they must get along with me.

    That means-----negotiations.

    Then we will see how the development goes. I know, cause you hope for the worst for everyone, you will hope it goes to shit.

    That is the difference between us, never to be bridged. I hope for the best for people, you hope for the worst.

    A serial bully.

    You sad ass.

  21. And so why did you, serial bully, sign up with the Feds, the people you claim to hate, on a contract, to kill people you don't even know?

    I miss Quirk.

    He might have an answer.

    I'm going to bed.

  22. Whether that picture is of me or not I've asked you not to insinuate that it's my daughter. It's not.

    I don't want to hear it again.

  23. Because coward, it was in the National Interests of the United States, to do so.

    But since have only operated in your own personal interests, to the determent of the community, you'd know nothing of sacrifice for the greater good of the local community or the country.

    So you talk of ass contests and tell us the politically inspired murder of a Federal Judge and a nine year old girl means nothing, to you.

    You'd rather talk about butts.

  24. You're an insult to the Elephant Bar, and all real Americans, I'm sorry I ever spoke up on your behalf.

    Rot in the personal hell you've made for yourself.

  25. Everyone else, sorry.

    My thoughts are with the family of that nine year old, just elected to the Student Council at her school.

    A real fucking crying shame.

    Domestic political terror strikes once more, in the US. Striking the innocent, hardest.

    The Judge and the Congresswoman, they knew the risks associated with Federal public service, the nine year old, and the others, they did not sign on, for that.

  26. "During the fall campaign, Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice-presidential candidate, posted a controversial map on her Facebook page depicting spots where Democrats were running for re-election; those Democrats were noted by crosshairs symbols like those seen through the scope of a gun. Ms. Giffords was among those on Ms. Palin’s map, which later removed the crosshairs symbols"

  27. The Congresswoman was the 1st Jewish Congressperson ever elected from AZ.

    She is a strong supporter of gun rights, was a blue dog dem and supported tightening the border.

    Yes she supported the Obama in the spending issues of past.

    I am surprised it wasnt Rat arrested for the attack...

  28. but you are an idiot WiO. Good to know she was a strong supporter of gun rights - ironic, no?

  29. but, hey, WiO, lets just "Nuke the Rock" eh?

  30. Ash said...
    but you are an idiot WiO. Good to know she was a strong supporter of gun rights - ironic, no?

    Really? Our very own Rat tells us that he has actually killed in Central America and was NOT part of any Army.

    Our very own Rat scolds Bob since Bob did not take the law into his own hands and murder his daughters attacker...

    Rat shows a daily hatred for Jews....

    I would not be surprised it Rat was part and parcel in some aryan white group...

    Just MY opinion.

    As for the idea of Gun Rights? If we had MORE legal, honest and ethical folks carrying maybe the nutjob would not have been able to shoot 16 people!!!

    This is an example for the need for concealed carry.

    Police will not protect us, they will be there AFTER the crime to write up the report.

    Can you imagine the situation if a CITIZEN had shot the killer????

  31. like I said Wio, and you just confirmed - you are an idiot.

    Quirk wrote:

    "I’ll just be going away until some new subjects come up"

    It sure didn't take long, now did it, for a new subject to come up?

  32. and no, quirk, the gun rights isn't the new subject being referred to.

  33. I don't know what "nice, safe" United States that jackwagon sheriff grew up in, but during my brief childhood I saw John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy bite the dust.

  34. We're not interested in what a Canadian has to say about this one Ash.

    IS DAILY KOS INVOLVED IN ARIZONA MURDERS? “My Congress WOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!” — eerie Daily Kos hit piece on Gabrielle Giffords just two days before assassination attempt; repeated use of word “dead” in relation to Giffords just 48 hours before she and a dozen others were fired upon. UPDATE: Daily Kos scrubs “dead to me” thread but screengrabs document everything; UPDATE: school classmates and former friends describe shooter Jared Lee Loughner as committed Leftist

  35. Ash said...
    but, hey, WiO, lets just "Nuke the Rock" eh?

    Yep Nuking the Rock, would actually save millions of lives...

    Dont nuke it?

    Fine, live with the violence that you will cause..

  36. among the shooter's small collection of books was Mein Kampf. Gabe Zimmerman was also killed and was another jewish victim of this shooter.

  37. Whether that picture is of me or not I've asked you not to insinuate that it's my daughter. It's not.

    I don't want to hear it again.

    Melody, that's the only serious thought yet on this thread.

    I apologize.

    I thought it was not of you.

    Sincerely, I apologize.

  38. I still want to know why it is that OUR RAT - who claims to hate Uncle Sam, and all his ways - hired out AS A TEACHER OF THE HIRED GUN -to the very same UNCLE SAM?????

    Must be some damned thing about MONEY AND HYPOCRISY!!!!!!

    And is so proud of it he hints around about of it, and one time spilled the whole bowl of beans.

    And not really giving a shit about anything.

    Doesn't give a shit about a goddamned thing.

    Unbelievably, some people are like that.

  39. rat,

    I have never commented upon or criticized your alleged work in Central America. Some people need killin' and some people to do the killin'.

    What I do fault is your outrage speaking to this mass murder compared to your silence when a Muslim Major kills 13 Americans at Fort Hood.

    To your credit, I too am deeply sympathetic to the sorrow of the family of the child.

  40. That's all right Allen.

    But then let him not criticize those who hired him - Uncle Sam.

    Fuck, anybody could do that.

    Uncle Sam - only place that a serial bully and jealous man ever got a big paycheck.

    And he thinks it's neat, not disgusting and tragic as it really is.

    To himself too, but that is way way beyond him.

    He has tried his very very best to get up to style on some of the things I talk about, but, alas, it will always escape him.

    That is the way some people are, and we must accept it, and take it into our outlook.

  41. WHY o rat, did you hire out to UNCLE SAM, and his subordinants, it NOT FOR MONEY??

    And, sadly, you would kill for that.

    I would have thought, that you, like me, suspicious of all government, would have avoided that task.

    But NO, you want that government check, slime hole, even as you kiss the hand that feeds you.

  42. I saw that Sarah Palin map.

    That unfortunate and as it turns out, foolish map and this tragedy ends Sarah Palin's political carreer

  43. As I recall there was a draft and without a deferment you went in the army or you volunteered for the other three branches.

    That was the law.

  44. It is a horror. Good people killed and maimed for what?

  45. I saw that Sarah Palin map.

    What in the hell map are you talking about?

  46. That was the LAW. I got 273 on my draft number and I don't apologize for it.

    If you have read me carefully, I think these monster states are insane.

    Ours included.

    That's why I like Idaho.

    A little time to breathe, and read, not his shit from the U Tube videos.

    Of all people, Quirk might know what I mean.

  47. Interesting...

    A Jewish Congressman is murdered, as is a Federal Judge and many others (including a 8 year old girl) and ash brings up my wanting to nuke the rock of islam?

    What is truly amazing is that I am trying to prevent the genocide of 1.2 billion moslems..

    Ash on the other hand, and ms t, seem to feel that my wanting to kill a rock is akin to genocide...

    it's an alice in wonderland world...

  48. Go to bed, Bob; you're delerious.

    As for Palin: The Daily Kos has guaranteed that she gets a pass. Besides, people aren't that silly. You can't read a paper, anywhere in the country tomorrow, without reading about somebody "targeting" someone, or something. It's a phrase that's used in every talk show discussion, every political confab, every marketing roundtable, and every sports panel, anywhere.

    It's a shame, but the U.S. is a big country. We get a couple of people killed here, in the Memphis area, every day. Shit happens.

  49. What map, what's Sarah got to do with this?

    Nothing, I bet.

  50. Hell Rufus you think Sarah was the cause of that you are delusional.

  51. Of course not, Bob.

    Go to bed, man. You're incoherent.

    We'll try to explain it to you tomorrow. :)

  52. Thank you, Rufus, I will take your advice.

    If you will take mine sometimes :)


  53. Sleep tight. Now, I'm going to take my own advice. g'nite.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. That anyone would even think that the religion, of the Congresswomen, is a motive in her shooting, is proof of their own personal delusions.
    No one around Arizona really gives a shit what someone elses religion is.

    As for bob, his lack of character goes well beyond his not serving in the military, his lack of civic conscience has been often exemplified in his comments, here at the EB.

    It goes directly to the fact that when rapist committed crimes in his community, against members of his own family, bob refused to even report it to Law Enforcement.

    Leaving the rapist on the street, not providing the law enforcement agencies with even the opportunity to pursue him.

    Rape is a crime with a high recidivist rate. The perpetrator repeats and repeats the crime, against other victims, until he is stopped.

    No one that holds women in high regard could allow such a criminal free rein in their community. No one that values public safety could allow it.

    Only someone that put personal pleasure above public sacrifice would allow such a situation to be sustained by those around him.

    It is a character flaw.

    As to serving the US government and coming to understand the faults of that government whilst in its service. That is something that a farmer that refused to sacrifice their personal interests for the public good would ever be able to comprehend.

    It would require some mental capacity.

  56. That anyone would even think that the religion, of the Congresswomen, is a motive in her shooting, is proof of their own delusions.
    No one around Arizona really gives a shit what some politicos religion is.

    As for bob, his lack of character goes well beyond his not serving in the military, his lack of civic conscience has been often exemplified in his postings, here at the EB.

    It goes directly to the fact that when rapist committed crimes in his community, against a member of his own family, bob refused to even report the crime to Law Enforcement.

    Leaving the rapist on the street, while not providing law enforcement with even the opportunity to pursue him.

    Rape is a crime with a high recidivist rate. The perpetrator repeats and repeats the crime, against other victims, in the community until stopped.

    No one that holds women in high regard could allow such a criminal free rein in their community. No one that values public safety could allow it.

    Only someone that put personal pleasure above public sacrifice would allow such a situation to be sustained by those around him.

    It is a character flaw.

    As to serving the US government and coming to understand the faults of that government whilst in its service. That is something that a farmer that refused to sacrifice their personal pleasures for the public good would ever be able to comprehend.

    It would require some mental capacity.

  57. Everybody, but EVERYBODY, can't stand you, bro.

  58. Your post @
    Sat Jan 08, 08:17:00 PM EST
    preceded any by 'Rat, Bob:

    I'm with Rufus, either go to be or try to express youself in a way that conveys some sense of adult humanity.

    Many of yours above don't.
    This thread does not reflect well on the patrons.
