Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Panties American Report. What's down under in Peru?


  1. O O O just as I was getting MLD, and her vibrator, from my mind.

    O O O...

    Damn you Deuce

  2. Love that lady with the green glove on her left hand. Man.

  3. I like that 'basically just see through look'.

  4. I'll take that honey at 1:33, the MLD of my mind.

  5. That lady at 0;29 rather.

    I got all excited, read the time wrong.

  6. Just so there's no misunderstanding, my ass shakes exactly like that...all 352 lbs of it.

  7. They are so bouncy.

  8. Bwahahahahaha

    I thought you were done with me. I even apologized for offending you. I guess, I was wrong.

  9. You're just trying to get me off the scent.

    Having turned me on, throwing me away.


    I know you are 128 pounds, just like I dream.

    Experienced, too.

    Really really experienced.

    You got a green glove on your left hand, too.

    A bouncy whatbumble to your walk, a snakey smile, and a finger that says, "come hither".

  10. After thirty years of marriage, I wasn't "born yesterday".

    The wife and I hit our thirtieth this very October.

    She knows a thing or two, or three, I can tell you that.

  11. That's why, I like you. You have good intuition.

  12. That's awesome, Bob, congratulations. That's pretty hard these days. You must have someone special.

    I can tell you this, I haven't hit my 30th, but I know a thing or two ,also...A wise old man taught me.

  13. To be really honest about this topic, I think sex is a great thing.

    A truly great thing.

    It's what distinguishes us from the animals, who only do it occasionally.

    Where did we get this persistant sex drive?

    Have you ever really wondered about that?

    I think of it as some kind of gift from the gods.

  14. Bob, it's greatest fucking gift anyone God could give. We were created to fuck and the best part is if you can't get it from your partner you can go buy one at the store.

  15. Sometimes my wife and me, we just get it on.

    Out here in the snows of Ideeho.

    Sometimes, it's like, that is just what we were made for, nothing else.

    Nothing else at all.

    It's lovely.

  16. Ok, how is it possible that a man could yawn during that?


    I just dont understand...

  17. Well quite a choice. The "All Jews All the Time" channel on the previous stream and "Bob in Heat" here.

    Looks like it's time to walk the dog.

  18. Eunuch, is all I can figure, What Is.

  19. Well Quirk, you're missing a great part of life.

    You go walk the dog.

    We will celebrate.

  20. You leave, Bob, alone he knows exactly how to live life.

    Are you sure you want to walk the dog or take a cold shower?

  21. NOTHING!!!!



    on this thread could have led naturally into the Jewish question (other than possibly the scandalous merchandising of MLD's battery operated boyfriend, "BOB")

    Let the games begin!

  22. And a celebration it is. Sometimes there is more to life then talking about the world around you.

  23. The poet William Blake thought that in heaven sex is a mingling from the top of the hat to the our very toes, not a high priest entering in from a secret place.

    If he is right, we REALLY got something to look forward too!

  24. Let's say you're a naughty little devil...and let's say you end up in a place not quite like heaven, will you be deprived of that mingling from head to toe. Just sayin'

  25. I'm a saint, so, I'm definitely going to have the royal treatment.

  26. I'm no devil.

    Just like what comes naturally, like momma said.

  27. What question would that be, Allen, that Jews don't naturally have sex or they don't use the means other than the real thing?

  28. Bob, you're not a devil that's for sure. I think you're honest and pure and you're an extraordinary human being.

  29. MLD, you have to tell that to Rat, to his face.

    I like you a lot, too.

  30. I think, Rat, already knows it and is just too arrogant to admit it.

    My daddy use tell me if someone picks on you it means they like you.

  31. MLD,

    If nothing more is mentioned about "you know what", maybe we can get through a thread without "you know what".

    Can one unnaturally have sex?

    Yes, "certain unnamed women" do use BOBs of sundry sorts. Yes, "certain unnamed men" do use chemical erectile enhancers of various sorts. Yes, "certain unnamed people" have thought and behaved for thousands of years as if sex were the best thing since sliced bread. These same unnamed folk have institutionalized massive, regular doses of "good" sex as a rule of life and eternal reward.

  32. Bobal: The wife and I hit our thirtieth this very October.

    Congratulations, Bobal. We hit our twentieth on Sep 1 this year, celebrated with that North Cascades/Grand Coulee Dam trip. Of course ours don't count nearly as much as Britney's eleven hour marriage because of that same sex issue.

  33. MLD: We were created to fuck and the best part is if you can't get it from your partner you can go buy one at the store.

    You must be referring to a Deep Inter-Labial Device for Orgasm, also known by its acronym.

  34. Well, Allen, I guess you're one of "those people" who really don't like to talk about "you know what" And that's okay, some people don't like to talk about "you know what" in front of "certain unnamed people" but "certain unnamed people" feel comfortable enough in their skin to talk freely about "you know what"

  35. Bobal: If he is right, we REALLY got something to look forward too!

    Blessed are those who cross their eyes at the height of passion, for they shall see God twice.

  36. Yup, how did you know? Are you a certain unnamed person, too. With all do respect that's just keep that between us.

  37. MLD: With all do respect that's just keep that between us.

    Great "double" entendre but the mental image might be too much for gentle Bob-al-Harb

  38. I'm sure he can handle it. It's the other's I worry about.

    And how come, I'm not on that list, yet?

  39. Re: "good" sex

    No value or moral judgment was attached thereto. I simply meant to convey, "Hot damn! That was good!"

  40. Allen, even bad sex is pretty darn good.

  41. Well, why didn't you just say so. sheesh...

    And, don't you think it's funny how the host puts these posts up and then disappears, not saying a word? Why is that?

  42. I nominate MLD for the "list" and she better not get her silver cluster before I get mine back.

  43. Thanks, T, is there any exchange in sexual pleasure, I need to engage in?

  44. Naw, I think I can hold out til my Sweet Pea gets back.

  45. That's awesome have a good night.
