Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Putie decides Obama is a putz. Where is our missile shield?

A memo from the past. For you of little patience Go to 12:17.

How anyone who knew anything about the Russians could not have predicted this is beyond me. Putin sized Obama up and came to the conclusion that he had a nice smile.

Hillary went to Moscow and met the wrong man. Clinton said she would have liked to have seen Putin but that their agendas did not coincide. Putin left for a trip to the Russian Far East and China before her arrival in Moscow. Imagine that.

Russia's Putin warns against intimidating Iran

By Darya Korsunskaya

BEIJING (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned major powers on Wednesday against intimidating Iran and said talk of sanctions against the Islamic Republic over its nuclear programme was "premature".

Putin, who many diplomats, analysts, and Russian citizens believe is still Russia's paramount leader despite stepping down as president last year, was speaking after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Moscow for two days of talks.

"There is no need to frighten the Iranians," Putin told reporters in Beijing after a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

"We need to look for a compromise. If a compromise is not found, and the discussions end in a fiasco, then we will see."

"And if now, before making any steps (towards holding talks) we start announcing some sanctions, then we won't be creating favourable conditions for them (talks) to end positively. This is why it is premature to talk about this now."

Clinton failed to secure any specific assurances from Russia on Iran during her visit, leaving her open to criticism at home that she had not received anything from Moscow after earlier U.S. concessions on missile defence.

Iranian, Russian, French, U.S. and U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency officials will meet in Vienna on Oct. 19 to discuss how to implement a plan agreed in principle at talks in Geneva for low-grade Iranian uranium to be enriched overseas to a purity suitable for nuclear reactors but not weapons.

The Geneva talks on Oct. 1 also produced Iranian agreement for international inspectors to visit a second enrichment plant now under construction near Qom. Apparent Iranian concession reduced pressure for a widening of economic sanctions some analysts said could be extended to the oil and gas industry.

Clinton said she would have liked to have seen Putin but that their agendas did not coincide. Putin left for a trip to the Russian Far East and China before her arrival in Moscow.

On the contentious issue of missile defence, which has divided Russia and the United States in the past, Putin said he hoped the United States would not renege on its promise to scrap plans for an anti-missile system in central Europe.

"We are being guided by what the head of the American state is saying," Putin said. "He said there would be no anti-missile shield in Europe. We are satisfied by this statement, and to make assumptions what happens next is not quite right."

Moscow had opposed plans by previous U.S. President George W. Bush to deploy interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic, viewing this as a direct threat to Russia's national security.

Putin said however Moscow "feels no euphoria" about Bush's successor Barack Obama's promise to roll back the shield plans.

"We treated this decision with reserve, calmly," he said. "In any case, the country's leadership accepted it with understanding and gratitude. We believe this was Obama's right and courageous decision."

(Writing by Guy Faulconbridge and Dmitry Solovyov, editing by Michael Stott and Janet McBride)


  1. Putin wants Israel to bomb Iran as soon as possible, he needs the boost in oil prices, which would approach $150 a barrel again, easy, and put the US economy into a double-dip recession, which also suits Pooty.

  2. The Russians are "gracious and understanding" and it looks like Putin wants to further bend Obama and the US to his will.

    "All the world's a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players:"

  3. What is a Nobel Peace Laureate to do?

  4. Madame Clinton should have known how to orchestrate this visit to best effect. Her failure may make of her a putz...something to which the expertise of Ms. T must attest (as it were).

    (On the QT - the use of "putz" places us dangerously close to opening up topics of "you know who" (or whom, as the case may be.)

  5. The missile shield is on board the Burke class guided missile destroyers, no need for a ground based, fixed location system.

    To protect US.

  6. The Russians have a long border with Iran. If a nuclear Iran was a threat to its' neighbors, then the Russians would be concerned. That they are not tells US the reality of the Iranian military threat, to the US. It is nonexistent.

  7. The threat to US interests only comes if the Iranians cannot or will not ship their oil to the foreign markets.

    The threat there is not military, either. It does not have a military solution.

  8. Putz - (Yiddish) a fool; an idiot
    Yiddish - a dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words; spoken in Europe as a vernacular by many Jews; written in the Hebrew script, written with the alphabet; developed by the Etruscans and Phoenicians, modified by the Greeks for purposes of advertising and labeling in commerce. So they say.

  9. Another Eastern Europeon dialect, befitting the Russians that utilize it.

  10. When you put all your eggs in one basket, you had better be able to guard that basket.

    Moreover, land based assets place a much greater burden on the Russians.

  11. I think Pooty is an ass, and a killer too.

    I think Ahmadinajad is a real big ass, and a mega killer.

    I think we have elected a President who is a usurper, not qualified for the office by the constitution, and doesn't know a damn thing.

    I think we were better off when W was running the show.

  12. There is truth to that> :Russia is unimpressed with the threat of Iranian missiles, but why?

    Simply stated, Russian interests are in keeping turmoil in the Middle East. It helps with the price of oil. It is good for their arms business. It keeps the Americans busy with a predictable, almost Pavlovian response to all things all the time the Middle East.

    Putin is hard core realist and we have a dream.

  13. Ahhh, but the President of the US, both Mr Bush and Mr Obama said that the system was not meant as a deterrent for Russian missiles.

    Let's take them both at their word.

    Especially when it comes to Iran and the threat of another war without any clear cut definition of victory.

  14. putz (Yiddish): penis

    but not just a penis...oh, no...a prick sort of

  15. Abracadabra has the rhetorical bull shit market to himself, today, but does not qualify as a "mega" killer.

    The Isrealis killed more Arabs in Gaza then the Iranian regime killed in the post election demonstrations or riots. So "mega" does not even enter the picture, there.

    He was not in command when the Iranians marched unarmed children into the minefields, to clear them.

    Hitler, Stalin, they were mega killers, even Pol Pot. Abracadabra does not measure up.

  16. Sam asked once, long ago, why the hell does it always have to be like this?

    Why can't we just get along?

    This is a question I've thought about, and have no real answer to.

    The human race seems to always muck it up.

    I really have no answer, other than to think about psychology, and fear of the other, and the me, mine, myself that is so deeply ingrained in our being.

    I wish I had an answer.

    We could get along, but we won't.

  17. Just another short man with a bombastic mouth, to compensate.

    But Iran is no Soviet Union, definitely not Germany.

  18. The Nipponese killed 300,000 China-men and women in a matter of days, in 1937.

    But where are the movies dedicated to their memory. The heroes of Nanking were better men and women than Schindler, but there is no movie to tell their tale of bravery and sacrifice.

    That liberal Hollywood crowd, that's where the fault lies, aye?

  19. DR wrote:

    "The Isrealis killed more Arabs in Gaza then the Iranian regime killed in the post election demonstrations or riots."

    You know this how? Are you a Muslim?

  20. This is for Linear--

    Idaho whumped San Jose.

    We have only lost to Washington, at Seattle, and we played a damned good game there.

    We are the Vandals!

    We are on a winning streak!

    First time in years!

    We are going to some bowl game, I'm certain.

    Next week, we shove a pineapple down the throat of the poi eater.

    Go Vandals!

    It's been a long, long time.

    O how sweet it is.

  21. DR: But Iran is no Soviet Union, definitely not Germany.

    Iran fought an eight-year stalemate with the same nation we kicked out of Kuwait in four days and defeated outright in three weeks.

  22. Bobal: I really have no answer, other than to think about psychology, and fear of the other, and the me, mine, myself that is so deeply ingrained in our being.

    It goes back to the first single cells, eat what's around you, or be eaten.

  23. DR wrote:

    "That liberal Hollywood crowd, that's where the fault lies, aye?"

    Again, you are betrayed by your ignorance. There is film ad nauseum of the rape of Nanking etc. You just aren't aware of it. The documentation was/is voluminous, but again you are unaware.

    As to the heros, please name ONE within the next two minutes.

  24. "The Isrealis killed more Arabs in Gaza then the Iranian regime killed in the post election demonstrations or riots."

    I think this is ridiculous, and doesn't even get to the issues involved.

    Come on, Rat, you can do better than this.

    This doesn't even make any sense.

  25. Well, I think that way sometimes, Miss T., but we are thinking cells, and can rise above it, I hope.

    As a Taoist, and a Catholic, you know that peace, sweet peace, is at the heart of life.

    I think we die into how we behave in this world.

    That is the judgement, what we have done.

  26. You called Abracadabra a "Mega" killer.

    He has not killed any large number of people, or had it done.

    There have been no large scale executions, no purges. No thousands of bodies in mass graves.

    Saddam was a mega killer, given the size of Iraq. hundreds of thousands died.

    The Isrealis killed at least 1,000 Arabs during their incursion into Gaza.

    Is that a "Mega" death toll, or acceptable collateral damage?

    Is 1,000 dead mega or minor?

    That is a serious question, one of Standards. With no bearing on who did the killing.

  27. the interesting thing...

    russia has ALMOST completed the reactor it was building, they had held up completion several times to collect cash from iran...

    russia has sold iran 1.2 billion to upgrade syrian anti-aircraft missile defense as well as upgrading 500 syrian tanks...

    russia has sold iran an undisclosed amount of night vision, shore to ship missiles, assorted weapons to iran and syria that now sit in lebanon...

    russia has played this game before...

    sell the arabs (moslems) billions in useless weapon systems only to have it taken out in a lightening israeli strike...

    anyone remember the bekaa valley idf verses the syrian dogfight? 112 to zero.... israel won

    anyone remember how fast israel took out hezbollah's medium and long range rockets in south lebanon's war 2 yrs ago?

    anyone remember israel going thru syria's NEW advanced radar system and taking out the plutonium reactor?

    now russia just announced that it has suspended s300 sales as well as another system...

    perfect time for israel to bomb iran, then russia will "sell" the arabs replacement weapons again...

    and russia pockets all the money from all the crap, AND sending a spike in the oil price...

  28. Bibi is more qualified, as a "mega" killer, than Abracadabra.

    If judged by body counts and not rhetorical flourishes.

  29. He has not killed any large number of people, or had it done.

    Good grief, Rat.

    You got to back up on that.

    That's ridiculous.

    I leave it to someone else to count the numbers.

    Somebody, count the numbers, if you will.

    You want to live your lifestyle as a queer in Iran.

    A hanging from a crane is waiting for you.

    You want to go as a woman without your burka?

    A hanging from a crance is waiting for you.

    Christ, Rat!

  30. Since the Iranians are not Arabs, man of "misdirection" is at it, again.

    One assumes he knows such superficial facts about the ethnicity and languages of his intended targets.

    Or is his ignorance his bliss?

  31. I'm scratching my head but I can't recall the last time bibi hung a queer from a crane.

    Christ, Rat!

  32. hey ratass...

    i said "sell the arabs (moslems) "

    last i checked the iranians are moslems...

    rat your a dick...

  33. DR wrote:

    "That liberal Hollywood crowd, that's where the fault lies, aye?"

    Yeah, that liberal Hollywood crowd twisted history. Yeah, the likes of these guys.

    Adolph Zukor Paramount
    Harry Cohn Columbia
    Samuel Goldwyn Metro- Goldwyn- Mayer
    Carl Laemmle Universal
    William Fox Fox
    Louis Mayer
    Douglas Fairbanks U/A

    And what, pray tell, did ALL these liberal film moguls have in common? Shock and surprise - they were all Jews.

  34. Those laws are not credited to Abracadbra, but the previous Iranian regimes.
    They predate his election, bob.

    No, I would not want to be a faggot in Iran. But the execution of a few gays does not qualify a country for "Mega Death" status.

    It may be dozens, it may be evil, but it is not "mega".

    Is 1,000 dead in an attempt to secure an elected government's position and the security of its' residents acceptable or not?

    The Isreali killed 1,000 Arabs in Gaza, Abracadabra did not have 1,000 protesters killed.

    Dozens, yes, but not a thousand.

    What constitutes "mega"?

  35. If only Israel was the mass murdering machine that rat says it is...

    then the population of gaza and the west bank would not be UP by 400% in 40 years under brutal israel domination...

    if ONLY Israel was led by a mass murderer...

    Gaza would have had 100,000 dead in two minutes..

    IF only rat's dreams would come true...

    there would be no Assad, hezbollah and mr dinner jacket... there would be no aswan dam....

    and there would be a load of dead arabs & persians...

    but sadly the israelis are not 1/100th the bad guys that rat has wet dreams over....

    i really wish for rat to go and live in gaza...

    he really deserves it...

  36. Bobal, sometimes I think that after we die, "purgatory" consists of living every episode of another life that we touched. In other words, Mother Theresa will experience the care that she gave to a nearly endless stream of poor and helpless people in Calcutta. And Hitler will experience the ovens and torture camps millions of times.

  37. No surprise at all, allen.

    The same industry that your guru labeled as anti-semitic for its' product content.

    Interesting fellow, your guru.

    Calling the film and broadcast industries and their owners to task for the cultural coarsening they've aided and abetted.

  38. This Jew-haiter is irrational. Furthermore, I suspect he is a Muslim convert. His crib-notes come directly from the Muslim Brotherhood. It is possible he picked up his creds in prison.

  39. And, of course, they all support the current President, whole-heartedly.

  40. Yeah, come on, Rat; give it a rest for "one" night.

    Let's concentrate on something else for a change.

    Have I told you all about ethanol, yet?


  41. The current UN report, the Mitchell Report, all the reports of anyone not affiliated directly with Isreal find them to be less than civil in their dealings with the subjugated peoples.

    If you had a response other than name calling, that'd be refreshing, but there is none, is there?

    The realities are what they are.

  42. Bobal, sometimes I think that after we die, "purgatory" consists of living every episode of another life that we touched. In other words, Mother Theresa will experience the care that she gave to a nearly endless stream of poor and helpless people in Calcutta. And Hitler will experience the ovens and torture camps millions of times

    Yes, Miss T, that is what I have come to think as well.

    Not only just thinking about it, but reading the near death stuff as well.

    That is exactly what they say.

    We best be on our best behavior, you and I.

    We are on the same wave length.

    I think it is true.

  43. Shit, it's done escalated.

    Time to check out the history channel.

  44. Miss T, the myths say, the other is yourself.

    If you harm another, your are harming yourself.

    That is what the deep myths say.

  45. iran's death record under mr dinner jacket...

    how many American solders murdered in iraq due to iranian funded, supplied and trained fighters?

    how many iraqis murdered by suicide bombers trained, safe housed and transported thru syria all being paid for by iran?

    how many rockets that rained down on israel via hamas and hezbollah were funded by iran?

    kidnappings, torture, car bombings, ied's, suicide bombers, funding sadr, hamas, hezbollah, blowing up jewish community targets across the globe...

    yep iran's leader is quite the murderer...

    not to mention the 100,000s of thousands he sent to their deaths as human children mine sweepers...

    rat's kind of hero

  46. Ruf, have I told you how I like myth yet, or how I love sex?

    heh, I'm gonna go to bed too.

  47. Bobal: Miss T, the myths say, the other is yourself.

    If you harm another, your are harming yourself.

    That is what the deep myths say.

    Speaking of deep myths, one time my girlfriend said, "If it's true that you are what you eat, does that mean I'll be you by morning?"

  48. Miss T !

    I have got to go to bed!

  49. great news....

    more death in the holy land!

    Hamas claims Egypt tortured spokesman's brother to death
    Oct. 14, 2009
    Hamas accused Egypt on Tuesday of torturing the sibling of a prominent member of the Gaza-based organization to death.

    Youssef Abu Zuhri, 38, the brother and former bodyguard of Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri, died Monday after being imprisoned in Egypt on April 28.

    Egypt has been mediating reconciliation talks between Hamas and Fatah for the past several months. Almost six months ago, Youssef Abu Zuhri was arrested in El-Arish after illegally crossing over the border via an underground smuggling tunnel from the Gaza Strip.

    During a Hamas press conference in Gaza on Tuesday, Sami Abu Zuhri said his brother had been brutally tortured over the past two weeks, leading to internal bleeding and ultimately a massive hemorrhage that caused his death.

    "My youngest brother died because of the barbaric torture he suffered in the Egyptian jail," Abu Zuhri said in an e- mailed statement.

    Egyptian Interior Ministry spokesman General Hamdi Abdel Karim denied that torture had been the cause of death; rather, Abu Zuhri "died a natural death from a drop in blood circulation," according to a report from Agence France-Presse.

    Other unnamed Egyptian security officials quoted by Reuters refuted Hamas's claims of torture, claiming that Abu Zuhri had suffered from liver and chest ailments and been transferred to Egypt's Alexandria Hospital for treatment in late September.

    The Cairo-based Egyptian Organization for Human Rights recently accused Egypt of torturing 13 prisoners to death between June 2008 and February 2009.

  50. "Mother Theresa will experience the care that she gave to a nearly endless stream of poor and helpless people in Calcutta. And Hitler will experience the ovens and torture camps millions of times."

    T. is it possible to cause harm by knowingly not helping? what is the Vatican worth? I know its in the billions just for the realestate, not including all of its priceless artifacts and other opulence. this has to be a source of cognitive dissonance for many.

  51. I dunno how much, Bobal, I'm not a covetous person myself so it doesn't ping my radar. If I had my druthers I'd sell the real-estate and keep the artwork.

    1 Timothy 6:7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
