Saturday, June 02, 2007

More ways to raise the flag.

Gene therapy 'hope' on impotence

The gene therapy work is moving from the lab to the clinic
US scientists say they are closer to creating a gene therapy treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Human and animal trials suggest this could offer an alternative to current treatments for some patients, the American Society of Gene Therapy heard.

Researchers say gene therapy could be effective far longer than pills used just before sex, improving spontaneity.

The human trials involved injections into the penis and some experts queried whether men would choose this option.
More here, if you need it.


  1. deuce, delete this post. Elijah, myself, Rufus and some of the others were really getting into it, without no gene therapy.

  2. OK listen up. Do not, repeat, do not post any comments on this post. I mean it. Comment on the previous post. aNo exceptions, comment on previous post only.!

  3. Let me get this straight, er, right. If I don't do it good I get a Needle stuck in my Noodle! Is that about it? Boy, that'll make the old thang jump up and dance.

