Saturday, June 02, 2007

If I Only Knew then What I Know Now....hmmm

Like all lives, you get one go at it. If you are lucky you enjoy the richness and gifts and endure the hardships and tough times. A good life is where all things considered; the scales wind up tipping in your direction. But as Bobalharb reflected and mused, it would be nice to crank up the old time machine and go back and take care of business like you should have done so the first time. What would you do?

By the way the picture is Brigitte Bardot at eighteen. She still writes me.


  1. bobalharb, after that surfing clip you showed of me on that bigg'un I'll tell ya I was plum tuckered out

  2. Is that really B.B? I wouldn't have recognized her. But,man, was I a big fan of her in my youth, and still am, even with all the animal rights non-sense.

  3. I'd go real surfing, not that body surf that I did. I wouldn't have used a rubber, but rather knocked up that girl I loved in my youth, and still love. She has only been married four times now, and lives in Vegas. I know she wanted to be a farmers wife, at heart!

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  5. I did indeed. I want more details.

  6. Carlos, tranquilo dude, we can annihilate them in the morning.

  7. You ruined Bob's train of thought.

  8. I can tell you this. She looked a lot like B.B. And we had great times in the woods here, with my shotgun, my dog, and the old Mustang. I try to be magnanimous, I hope she is doing well. I think she has earned her living, being a swell looking girl. She was in the airlines for awhile, and worked her way up from there...She lives in a gated community in
    Vegas now, with a Swede I think.

  9. deuce..can you dump that LONG post on nukes..I don't have a trashcan



  10. Thank you for the forgetfullness, deuce, I needed that.

  11. Thx...

    Now what ONE thing would I redo?

    No question..I'd have suffered through the Carter administration and stayed in the CIA. There were so many OSS hands leaving and badmouthing Adm. Turner and Pres. Carter and my new assignment was to be way up in the mountains in Iran (pre & during revolution)at a listening post for Soviet rocket shots..hell I'd have been outta there when the revolution took over and on to something else...Carter only lasted 4 years...I clearly made the wrong decision.

  12. son of a bitchin' swede humping my girl living in a gated community in Vegas while I feed the world...

  13. As close as some ever get to a surfer girl.
    It's not all luck, you know.

  14. I did spend an afternoon with JSJ while on TDY in Hawaii...not bad I kept thinking to myself.

  15. She still writes you? Well, Hell, Deuce, pay her back the damned money and she'll quit bothering you.

  16. But I have to say, I did not make any mistake, marrying the woman that is my wife. We got married in the oldest Lutheran Church in Idaho. I love my wife. Without her, I would be sitting on some park bench somewhere, mumbling to mself, and asking you guys for 'help'.

  17. Coon--I have taken a close up look at your photo--and I think, you might want to trim the whiskers, before you go to the prom, at the bog. Some of these girls like a really well trimmed dude, you know.
    Just sayin'.

  18. A GOP Deer in the Headlights

    Tn Sen. Lamar Alexander has a "Meeting," and wishes he hadn't.

  19. Thank you for that, Elijah.
    That was wonderful. I think that when I die, I would like to have the sound of some of the rivers I fish here, and the smell too, and some music like you gave us.

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