Saturday, June 02, 2007

Struck in tsunami


  1. Now that is getting it up there.

  2. Cape Saint Francis

    Size doesn't always matter ..the perfect wave.

  3. Man, I can't find it, but I had a video with the beautiful girl surfing, most beautifufl thing in the world, I am still looking. You can be certain, if I find it , I will post it. Until then just dream.

  4. For Rufus and me, and anyone else. Rufus, you remember this Dude?

  5. Gentlemen, we had best get used to it. The Mormon Choir filmed, undercover, by Habu. At the risk of his life, I might add.

  6. "Gentlemen,you can't fight in here this is the War Room"


  7. ah dang it where is that mormon choir

  8. Here it is , compliments of Habu, undercover.

  9. Sing, gentlemen, and put on your two piece suits, the future is near. Romney in 08!.

  10. Habu,
    That JSJ link a few threads back did not work:

    Was that Jill Saint John?

    Think she was married to Lance Reventlo of Woolworth/Scarab fame.

  11. We have to wear two piece suits to the beach when Romney becomes POTUS?

    Gee, those Mormies are STRICT!

    Drink up the Coke by the can while you can.

  12. Rufus, isn't that guy great! That guy can play the guitar. Thankfully, the Spanish Revoluttion did not kill him.

  13. Lance's "mom" Hutton sure did a lot of sleepin around!
    "Reventlow's marriage to Jill St. John ended in divorce in 1963. In 1964, he married ex-Mouseketeer Cheryl Holdridge, introduced to him by his friend, singer Jimmy Boyd. The couple mostly remained out of the glare of publicity for several years. An avid Alpine skier, hiker, and pilot, Reventlow maintained a home in Aspen, Colorado. It was there in 1972 while looking at an area to build a ski resort with real estate brokers, that, according to the NTSB report, Reventlow was a passenger in a Cessna 206. Unknown to Reventlow, (who was a fully rated instrument, multi engine, commercial pilot with thousands of hours), the Cessna pilot was an inexperienced 27-year-old student who flew into a blind canyon and stalled the aircraft while trying to turn around. The small plane plunged to the ground, killing Lance Reventlow and the others aboard. Cary Grant took some of Lance's closest friends along with him in his plane to Aspen for Reventlow's memorial service, given by his widow Cheryl. His widow later married Manning J. Post, a major figure in the Democratic Party in California."

  14. Never fly with inexperienced pilots.

  15. Doug, roger that Jill St. John

  16. doug i just clicked on the JSJ and it works for me ??


    Hmm, I click it, and it comes up page not found under the address above
    (without the returns I put in so it would all display here)

  18. AlBobAlLand:
    Where the World Meets Sweden, and Vice Versa

    Goteborg is as much about boats and water as it is about bricks and mortar.

  19. Vell, yah, gustaff, is an old coosin of mine doug thank you so much, ve vould like you as a visitoor someday maybe..

  20. Doug...heck you know what she looked like in 1973..Stacked, very,very bright, funny as all get out. Needless to say....I was "in love"

  21. I thot she was a real hag in my younger days, but for some reason I kept a pic tucked away for occasional use.
    Looks good to go to me.
    Bloody Chainsaw Man Enters the USA

    Dennis Miller couldn't believe his caller, so he looked it up.


  22. Bloody Sputum, Chainsaws, RPGs, no problemo, Senor.

  23. "Mr Despres also had a knife, a hatchet and brass knuckles"

  24. "Being bizarre is not a reason to keep somebody out of this country or lock them up... We are governed by laws and regulations, and he did not violate any regulations".

  25. Course if you are a grandmother in a fine white dress, you'll have to disrobe and submit to the maximum cavity search.

  26. Mr Anthony added that officials in Calais did not have a forensic laboratory.

    "They can't look at a chainsaw and decide if it's blood or rust or red paint," he said.

    Mr Despres was detained, after police spotted him wandering down a motorway in a sweat shirt with red and brown stains.

  27. Feeling Better, thank you very much:
    Psychiatric assessment of accused killer Gregory Despres extended by judge

    Despres' first-degree murder trial in Fredericton was stopped on Feb. 1 after he delivered a 10-minute courtroom rant about al-Qaida, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and something he called "Super Space Patrol."

  28. Hey, Doug, Rufus, Habu, deuce, all you other folk. isn't this guy great, or it is just me. Guitar

  29. Elijah, you appreciate music, this guy is fantastic, no?

  30. Look at his hands, that kid is great. Goodnite.

  31. Read about this guys hands, heart, and brains too, AlBobAl!
    If Only DC "Leaders" Were One Thousandth as Competent and Brave as Our Warriors
    Yon describes a Brilliant and Perfectly done bit of work in Hit.
    Reminds me of the Special Forces in the early days of the Afghan affair.

  32. The JFK Plot: Sunni-Shi'a Cooperation
    Steve @ Threatswatch
    While we investigate, research and analyze developments and background regarding the terrorist plot to bomb fuel storage tanks at JFK Airport, ThreatsWatch will publish interesting details via RapidRecon.

    Earlier, Kyle Dabruzzi noted the more troubling stated operation of “to smuggle individuals, including mujahideen, from Asia into Guyana and then into the United States.”
    One other interesting and noteworthy item is that the development of the JFK plot included interconnection and cooperation between Shi’a and Sunni terrorist groups.

    Abdul Kadir, the former Minister of Parliament (2001-2006) in Guyana, is Shi’a Imam in Guyana. The named among his network (see the formal complaint - Pdf ) included Abdel Nur, a Shi’a also from Guyana, and Kareem Ibrahim, a Shi’a imam of “one of the two leading Shia mosques in Trinidad,” according to a report in the Trinidad and Tobago Express .

    Interestingly, Kadir was arrested trying to make his way to Venezuela, presumably enroute to Iran.

  33. Unnatural Selection

    And so often now officials at the borders and airports are just plain unpleasant. Vi doesn’t need it. She has heard the horror stories of being jerked around at the border from friends with visas.
    A friend of mine always has his Mexican wife taken from him at the border for questioning in separate rooms. For this we pay taxes.

    Of course if Vi swam the river, she could get welfare, schooling for thirteen illegitimate offspring, a driver’s license, medical care, and be eligible for a dozen consecutive amnesty programs. How sensible. Like outlawing smoking while paying farmers to grow tobacco.

    Best I can come up with is to buy her a chain saw at Wal-Mart, chop a goat up with it, get her a sword, a garrote, and some anthrax, and they’ll let her across, no problem. Maybe a severed head in a pillowcase, just to be sure.

  34. What a great thread! Bob yes he sure can play. I lstened to every post. I'll say it again, a great Thread! Thanks all!


  35. The Great Possum-Squashing
    and Beer Storm of 1962

    Stock up.
    Christmas will eventually come again, if it isn't outlawed.
    Possum-Squashing is a better present than an ugly tie.
    At least as good anyway.

  36. Doug, great links. that Yon piece is amazing.
