Friday, May 04, 2018

Thug Nation


  1. Jeff Sessions is a no good son of a bitch.

  2. Make my day. Tell we about what a hero Mueller is. Ex-marine. He is a political deep state assassin and hitman for the Democratic party, like another ex-marine assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald..


  3. Jeff Sessions is a no good son of a bitch.

  4. Rosenstein is a turd.

    A no value piece of mud with an attitude of superiority over Congress.

    Comey is the worst of the bunch.

    Thinks of himself as a god.


    1. .

      Mueller seems to be doing a pretty good job.


  5. My tube is blown!
    (!b! for Sam)

  6. .

    Federal judge in Virginia rebukes Special Counsel for overreach in the Manafort criminal case.

    Smile boys. You all seem a bit glum today.



    1. You would too if it was your tube.

    2. This judge is the bomb!

      Tells the truth about Quirk's Hero Herr Mueller.


    4. .

      Now, don't go getting out over your skis. The judge offered his opinion, at this point, his political opinion something you boys do constantly (and we all know what that's worth). What he hasn't said yet, is that there was anything illegitimate (in the legal sense) done or that the case can't proceed. I realize this goes against your nature but you will have to 'wait'.




  7. .

    A Reality Cartoon

    The whole Stormy Daniels fiasco regardless of its importance or lack thereof has become something straight out of the Looking Glass. It's gone beyond a 'he said/she said' and become a 'he said/he said/he said/he said/he said...'. Trump keeps the story going by changing his story everyday. Yesterday, he supported Giuliani and his crazy performance with Hannity and today (after seeing the criticism on TV, even FOX) he denies the story, says he never knew about the payments to the porn star and says give Giuliani a break, he just started 'yesterday' and he will eventually get his facts straight.

    Trump lives by the George Costanza dictum, 'It's not a lie if you believe it'. Trump manufactures his own reality as needed. As for Giuliani, Trump only hires people so that when things go south he has someone to throw under the bus. That's why it matters little the quality of these dolts he hires.


    1. Just because he changes his story every day doesn't mean that he hasn't told the truth.

      Giuliani's nuts, so you can't blame him.

    2. .

      Just because he changes his story every day doesn't mean that he hasn't told the truth.

      Now, you're starting to sound like Ms. Huckabee Sanders.


  8. She is a tramp that fucks anyone for money while other people film her. She has mental problems. She is a proven liar, a con artist, has no self-respect or scruples and a reprobate. She is also irrelevant to President Trump, who is no longer Trump the player. What man that has played the scene hasn't racked up a disaster or two?

    Trump is working to do what other presidents were incapable or unwilling to do. He is flawed and a better president than the past three of his predecessors and Hillary Clinton.

    The real whores are in the FBI, NSA and DOJ.

    1. .

      I admired old Stormy (although she is now becoming an old story and kind of tiresome not to mention having an ambulance chaser lawyer who is as big a publicity whore as she is). I admired how she has used the Trump playbook in her efforts to capitalize on her 15 (long) minutes of fame.

      She is a tramp that fucks anyone for money while other people film her while Trump merely fucks over people he no longer has use of. He is a man who demands loyalty but offers none in return as evidence by the long line of people he has kicked to the curb or under the bus. He is a pitiful example of a human being.

      She has mental problems. But then so does Trump. They've been outlined here numerous times.

      She is a proven liar, a con artist, has no self-respect or scruples and a reprobate. Ditto Trump.

      She is also irrelevant to President Trump :o) Good lord. longer Trump the player. How do you know? If not, it's likely only because of his age.

      What man that has played the scene hasn't racked up a disaster or two? This story continues only because of Trump's actions. A different story out of the White House every day. A different tweet. The man continues to bring it on himself.

      Story Daniels has played Trump like a fiddle. She is using the same tactics he perfected. She is using the press to keep the story in the news the same way Trump uses tweets to do the same thing. She plays the victim. Things tail off for a day or two and she comes up with a new insult designed to make Trump respond and he does. She reads him like a book. Say what you like about her but she's a clever girl. I hope she gets to keep some of the money she's making. It doesn't seem she has much more to fall back on.


  9. .

    Tells the truth about Quirk's Hero Herr Mueller.

    I know I risk charges of redundancy by saying this, Douglissa, but you are truly an idiot.

    Quirk loves Clinton.
    Mueller's Quirk's hero.
    Quirk loves Comey.
    The Mueller investigation is corrupted because of the people he hired.
    Quirk loves Rosenstein
    Storm Troopers, Nazis, oh my

    You and your bros are a bunch of nut jobs who have gone off the deep end long, long ago. You and Bozo spent a couple hours and 3 feet of comments putting this same shit up the other night. All bullshit of course, but at least it did keep you occupied for a couple hours and off the streets where you could wander into traffic.

    I often put up comments here only to receive your response, 'Link Please'. I give you a link and you slip away only to surface later asking for the same thing on another comment.

    Here's what we'll do. The next time you say 'Link Please', I'll respond with 'Link Please'. How many times do I have to ask you dolts to back up your bullshit with evidence only to have you ignore the request and continue with your idiocy?

    Quirk loves Clinton.

    Link please. I don't recall ever saying anything positive about Clinton. If I ever did it would have had to have been of the nature of 'for a fat lady she doesn't sweat much'. On important stuff, as far as I can remember, I have been against her policies across the board. If I'm wrong on this, please correct me (link please).

    The other day you asked if it doesn't bother me that she hasn't been charged with a crime and Trump is being subjected to a witch hunt or something to that effect. No, you dumb shit it doesn't bother me. She wasn't charged with a crime? Neither has Trump been. Trump is under investigation? So is Hillary. So is the FBI. So are key people in the FBI. What the hell don't you get about that? You get upset because I choose to wait for the results instead of spending all day here speculating and whining and making up fake news.

    Am I concerned about Hillary? Not much. I criticized her when she had the power to affect things that affected me. Now she doesn't. Now, she is simply an old lady, an ex-pol with no power and no influence mocked even by the party she once led. If she eventually gets prosecuted for crimes or if she doesn't, it won't affect me. If she's convicted of any crimes she should suffer the consequences; however, I will get no catharsis from it. We are a country of laws and the guilty should be punished, but I stopped taking joy in people going to jail a long time ago.

    For the same reason, I don't want Trump prosecuted or even impeached. I just look forward to the day he is not the president and his policies no longer effect me.

    You guys use Hillary as a straw man anyway, the fact that she wasn't prosecuted as an excuse for why Trump shouldn't be. You and the rest of the Trumpkins are his enablers and I find it distasteful.



    1. {...}

      Mueller's Quirk's hero.

      Link please. I have never praised Mueller personally. What I have said is that he seems to be running an efficient and effective investigation and that I can wait until its complete before judging the results. You disagree but you offer up no evidence to contradict what I've said. Oh, you offer up meaningless dumb ass opinions, suppositions, assumptions but zero evidence, zero congressional actions, zero court rulings to prove them.

      Again, link please. Give me something that shows anything Mueller has done has been illegal or that it doesn't fall within the broad mandate he has been given. And no, the insane judgements of Sean Hannity or Ms. Pirro don't qualify.

      Quirk loves Comey.

      Link please. As far as I can recall, I have never said anything positive about Comey. In fact, when I did comment on him most of the time it has been in negative terms. Now, I have corrected your bumbling buddy at times when he put up misleading data, for instance, when he commented about polls that stated Comey was not popular or especially trusted but failed to point out the same polls indicated that on the same subjects Comey was still doing much better than Trump. You may count that as supporting Comey. I don't. It's just one more attempt to keep the fake news you guys spread in check.

      The Mueller investigation is corrupted because of the people he hired.

      Link Please. Show me one piece of evidence that shows someone on Mueller's team actually 'did something' associated with their job that was illegitimate.

      Quirk loves Rosenstein

      Link Please. I've had little to say about Rosenstein. Let the chips fall where they may but spare me your usual bullshit and whining.

      Storm Troopers, Nazis, oh my

      I would cite the Godwin Rule but that really would be redundant. I would only remind what the rule says that...

      "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches 1";[2]

      more important is the corollary to the Godwin Rule often called the Godwin Law...

      There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that, when a Hitler comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever made the comparison loses whatever debate is in progress.[7]

      Certainly, applicable here.


    2. Mueller can't indict Donald.

      I don't think he can even subpoena The Donald.

      And Mueller is investigating the wrong person.

      He should be investigating Hillary & Company.

      Mueller should be investigation Hillary, and Quirk, too.

    3. What the Feds will find in searching Quirk's life is a lot of heavy
      trade with the Chinese New Year Celebration events.Quiek spending lots of time behind the Bamboo Curtain selling our American super models to the yellow men.
      whether this was legal or not I am not certain, but I imagine it is illegal.
