Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Obama , Kerry and Brennan have some explaining to do

Obama Bros. Speechless After Netanyahu Exposes Iran Deal Lies

The vaunted “echo chamber” that President Barack Obama’s aide Ben Rhodes created to sell the Iran deal was quiet on Monday, in the aftermath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s revelations of new intelligence proving that Iran had lied to the world about its nuclear weapons program.

Netanyahu presented a trove of over 100,000 files, both paper and electronic, that he said Israel had obtained from a “vault” where Iran had stored an archive of its nuclear research. The files included diagrams of nuclear detonation devices, nuclear warhead designs, and plans for nuclear testing sites, among other incriminating information.

The intelligence haul, Netanyahu said, shows that Iran lied to the world when its leaders said it had never had a nuclear weapons program.

(In 2015, “moderate” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said: “Iran has never sought to build nuclear weapons.”)

Netanyahu also said that the files show that Iran also failed to come clean about its past nuclear research, as required by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — the “Iran deal” — in 2015.

Moreover, Netanyahu said, the files suggested strongly that Iran’s past nuclear weapons program was continuing under the guise of scientific research within the Iranian defense department, conducted by exactly the same people. And the files also show that Iran’s intent was to revive the nuclear weapons program at a later date, he said.

Supporters of the Iran deal were silent.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry, who said in 2015 that the U.S. had “absolute knowledge” about Iran’s past military uses of nuclear research, had nothing to say on his Twitter feed.

Former UN Ambassador Samantha Power, who urged Congress not to reject the Iran deal in 2015, was active on Twitter, but said nothing about the new revelations about Iran.

Former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor — one of the co-founders of the “Obama bros.” podcast, Pod Save America, found time to call Trump an “idiot” on Twitter, but said nothing about the Iran news.

And Rhodes himself, who established the pro-Iran deal “echo chamber,” said nothing.

A few pro-Iran deal observers weighed in, mostly arguing that the Iran deal was working — and that it allowed for monitoring Iran’s nuclear activities (ignoring the fact that Iran has been able to keep international inspectors out of military sites).

The Rand Corporation’s Dalia Dassa Kaye minimized Netanyahu’s revelations: “Is this news? That’s why there was a major international agreement to curb Iranian nuclear development and most of the world believes it is working.”

Matt Duss, a foreign policy advisor to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), tweeted sarcastically: “Based on Netanyahu’s presentation, it seems like it would be a really great idea to have a multilateral agreement that restricts and monitors Iran’s nuclear program.”

CNN analyst John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department under Obama, essentially ignored the news entirely and insisted that the alternative to the Iran deal would be worse:
None of these defenses grappled with the fundamental weaknesses of the Iran deal — namely, its lack of full monitoring, its failure to control Iranian missile development, and the fact that its major provisions expire over time.

And none acknowledged the fundamental problem of Iran lying to the world about its nuclear weapons research — as the Obama administration defended Iran’s good intentions, insisting that it had “absolute knowledge” of past and present Iranian activities.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He was named to Forward’s 50 “most influential” Jews in 2017. He is the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.


  1. I don't know what this means? Intelligence agencies lie. Ours has been promoting lies and disinformation for years. Israel does the same. I do take my hat off to the audacity and ability of the Israeli Intelligence agencies to pull the snatch and grab of the century.
    dealing with Obama, Clinton and Kerry?

    1. Dealing with Obama, Clinton and Kerry? Not so impressive. It is not a treaty. Money was paid but a new deal must be made.

  2. Some here will say it's all a dark false flag op by the Israelis, who created all of their presentation out of whole cloth, and will make mention of the curious timing.

    I'm not one of them as I've always thought it was an idiotic agreement from the git-go anyways.

    1. Trump will pull out of the deal, if for no other reason than that it sends a message to Kim Fatso III.

    2. The Europeans will stay in for the Iranian business deals and trade.

    3. Condi Rice says if we get out of the Iran Deal we will be just fine. She didn't like it much to begin with.

  3. .

    The Iran Nuclear Deal

    Well, admittedly, Israel knows a lot about lying on nuclear weapons. They did it for decades.

    As for false flags, as we've seen Israel is well practiced in that too including those fake maps they put out about non-existent Hezbollah and Iranian sites in Lebanon.

    Bibi Netanyahu? As we've seen, his 'truth' is often quite divorced from reality.

    Condi Rice, Vulcan and neocon. As Director of the NSA she played a mean piano. She denies memory of the meeting shortly before 9/11 where Tenet informed her of intelligence of a pending domestic terror attack. As SOS, she was ineffectual. She took part in negotiating two nuclear 'deals' with NK both of which failed. It's obvious she is a real genius. To some. I'll pass.

    Bibi's arguments, as far as I can see them...

    1. Iran lied about their previous nuclear development. Well duh. Is this guy a moron or something? Every country lies. We do it all the time. Israel has it down to an art form. They even dump bullshit on their own people to advance their goals. This is typical Bibi. Talking down to whichever morons will listen. It show the contempt with which he views Trump and the American people.

    2. When the deal ends the Iranians will be free to develop the bomb. What bullshit. Only an idiot could accept this argument. One, it's untrue. Key elements of the deal last for 15 years. At the end of it, there is nothing that prevents it from being extended. The same sanctions that brought Iran to the table would still exist and could be applied. Only an idiot would believe Bibi's claim that at the end of the deal Iran's nuclear program would be 'legitimized'. Pure nonsense.

    The reality:

    Bibi is looking out for what 'he' thinks are in Israel's interest. (And his current political problems also may play a part in him playing the 'war' card.) The head of his military doesn't agree with him. At the time of the deal, all the key players in the Israeli military said that the nuclear deal wasn't perfect but was better than no deal.

    Bibi wants either...

    1. Iran be denied the immediate ability to make a bomb but also that they be stripped of all nuclear capabilities. That isn't going to happen short of all out war.


    2. All out war with the assurance that the US will have Israel's back. On that one we will have to wait to see if Trump plays the dog or the tail. However, Bibi rightly believes that cancelling the deal with Iran is the first step in achieving his goals.

    Prior to the deal, US intelligence estimated Iran's breakout time for producing a bomb was 2 - 3 months. No one projected it at more than 6 months. Today, because of the deal that break-out time is estimated at more than a year. Rather than have that carry on for the balance of the deal (at least), Bibi wants it cancelled years ahead of time so we can go back to where we were before the deal. It's obvious he is looking to Israeli interests not those of the US.

    Ballistic missile development? If you want it, negotiate it. Spare me the bull about "spirit" of the agreement.


    1. quirk vomits: The Iran Nuclear Deal

      Well, admittedly, Israel knows a lot about lying on nuclear weapons. They did it for decades.

      As for false flags, as we've seen Israel is well practiced in that too including those fake maps they put out about non-existent Hezbollah and Iranian sites in Lebanon.

      Bibi Netanyahu? As we've seen, his 'truth' is often quite divorced from reality.

      Nice to see how your Bibi Derangement Syndrome has progressed. It must really suck being you and seeing the world shift away from your POV.

      Today you stand with the Obama Bros., the EU and the Mullah in Iran.



  4. .

    Seems like a pretty good deal.
    Mueller seems like he's doing a pretty good job.



    1. .

      There is no deep-state corruption.


    2. Clapper and Brennan STILL Have Security Clearance as They Trash Trump and Work at CNN, MSNBC


    3. .

      Deep Thoughts

      More stream of consciousness gibbering from the older twin.

      (Hang in there folks. Don't worry, the Big Whine won't end until he brings in the MSM.)



  5. .

    Bibi and Trump want a nuclear holocaust.


    1. .

      Once again, the older Twin proves his inability to read English. Too many years spend in Hawaii I suppose. Well, that or the home schooling.

      What Bibi is being accused of is being a liar, of attempting to manipulate the US and lead it into backing him in a war he is already pushing for in Syria with Iran, of trying to not only keep Iran from having a bomb but also of having even the capability of ever getting one, and that he has contempt for the US as he has indicated before in 'private' conversations that somehow are now on YouTube.

      No one has accused Bibi of wanting a nuclear war. Though, if one comes he wants to make sure he is the only one dropping the bomb.

      As for Trump, he is also a liar. That's a given. More, Trump professes to hate the Iran deal. In fact, it's more likely he hates the fact that Obama negotiated the Iran deal. Trump merely echoes the silly arguments opponents of the deal offer up to the sheeple.

      No one has accused Trump of wanting a nuclear war. Though, if one comes he wants to make sure he is the only one dropping the bomb. It remains to be seen whether Trump will play the part of Bibi's poodle.

      But you know all this, Dougissa. Hopefully, you are just 'playing' dumb.


    2. Good Lord, Quirk !

      not only keep Iran from having a bomb but also of having even the capability of ever getting one

      That is a hell of a good idea. You seem to forget those idiots want the coming of the Mahdi -

      Mahdi - Wikipedia
      The Mahdi (Arabic: مهدي‎, ISO 233: mahdÄ«, literally "guided one") is an eschatological redeemer of Islam who will appear and will rule for five, seven, nine, or nineteen years (according to differing interpretations) before the Day of Judgment (yawm al-qiyamah, literally, the Day of Resurrection) and will rid the world ...
      ‎Muhammad al-Mahdi · ‎Mahdi (disambiguation) · ‎Muhammad Jaunpuri · ‎Mahdiism

      The Mahdi arrives when the world is in a conflagration.....

      that he has contempt for the US as he has indicated before in 'private' conversations that somehow are now on YouTube

      Please post.

      No one has accused Bibi of wanting a nuclear war. Though, if one comes he wants to make sure he is the only one dropping the bomb.

      This seem eminently reasonable to me.

      Trump merely echoes the silly arguments opponents of the deal offer up to the sheeple.

      It's idiotic. No inspection of military bases....no stopping them of creating ICBMs.....idiotic Sunset Clause.....Two weeks or is it three weeks notice to be given before inspecting anything else....and isn't there one place besides the military bases that is totally off limits ?

      Since you are an expert on the agreement you can surely answer the last question for us....

      You have a wonderful good heart Quirk, like a babe in the woods.....

    3. Doug is not the Older Twin.

      I claim that title.

      Doug is the Younger Twin, The Hero.

      Don't you even know your Bible ?

    4. Whether the USA stays in the "deal" or not?

      No matter.

      Israel now has a green light to fight it's OWN battles without being STOPPED by successive American administrations.

      Of course the USA will help with military technology and Israel will replay that by sharing intel and military technology back to the USA.

      The USA and Israel, Arabia and Egypt and a whole host of other nations do not want Iran to become a middle east hegemonic power. From Yemen to Lebanon, Iran is punch hard. And under the Obama administration it was not cool to fight back.

      Obama is done.

      Bush is done.

      Hillary is done.

      like Trump or not? He's the Potus.

      The best outcome for the USA and Israel (and others)? Regime change.

      Israel's little snatch job, recent hits on targets in Syria (by BOTH the USA and Israel) is helping undercut Iran's image.

      Dint be surprised that if in the end? The Islamic Republic morphed BACK into secular Iran.

  6. .

    Not so artful leaking?

    President Trump:

    "So disgraceful that the questions concerning the Russian Witch Hunt were 'leaked' to the media," Trump said. "No questions on Collusion."

    Disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful. Who could have leaked it?

    A former employee of Mueller speculates as follows...

    "I think these are notes taken by the recipients of a conversation with Mueller's office where he outlined broad topics and these guys wrote down questions that they thought these topics may raise," Zeldin said on CNN's "New Day."

    "Because of the way these questions are written... lawyers wouldn't write questions this way, in my estimation. Some of the grammar is not even proper," he continued. "So, I don't see this as a list of written questions that Mueller's office gave to the president. I think these are more notes that the White House has taken and then they have expanded upon the conversation to write out these as questions."

    Speculation. Of course. However, the fact that Trump is a liar is a given. I doubt even his most ass-kissing sycophants would deny that. We also know that he is want to leak whenever it suits his purpose. The Nunes/Deep Throat caper is evidence of that. So if you are speculating as to who leaked the 'list' this is a reasonable place to start looking.



  7. Big debate in West Virginia on Fox right now.

    Topics - coal mines, drug addiction....

    1. "Joe Manchin was sleeping at the switch when opioid crisis first arrived"

      I think Joe is going down. Trump won West Virginia by a HUUGE amount.

      And of course all three candidates are singing his praises....

  8. My Disappointment Reduction Rule:

    Believe nothing you hear from The US Government

    1. Glad to hear that.

      I put my emphasis here:

      Never believe the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

      They will try to talk you into the proposition that Canadian Wolves are great for our elk herds.

      Right- O. In the Lolo we have gone from 15,000 or so down to about 1,000.

      Which is hardly a breeding population any longer....

  9. Trump Job Approval: Monmouth 45% | Rasmussen 48% | RCP Average 43.3%

  10. Blankenship is a pretty good debater....gets some laughs too...."I know the US Justice Department intimately"....

    heh heh heh

    1. Tune in right now -

      Lightning Round> coming up after the Quirk Break....aka the ads.

  11. Here ya go Quirk, the whole enchilada. Now all you got to decide is whether it's a scam or not -

    Huge intelligence find proves Trump’s suspicions correct.

    Huge intelligence find proves Trump’s suspicions correct.
    May 1, 2018 Joseph Klein

    Israel now has proof of what many suspected all along about the disastrous nuclear deal that former President Barack Obama reached with the Iranian regime. “Iran did not come clean on its nuclear program,” Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu charged, claiming that more than 100,000 Iranian documents Israel’s intelligence agents obtained from a secret “atomic archive” in Tehran prove the nuclear deal is "based on lies.” This latest development should make President Trump's decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal a no-brainer.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu announced in a press conference that the trove of secret nuclear weapons files came from a hidden Iranian site where they were moved in 2017. He said the files contain materials, which Israel has shared with the United States, that include “incriminating documents, incriminating charts, incriminating presentations, incriminating blueprints, incriminating photos, incriminating videos and more.” The prime minister added that the United States has confirmed its authenticity, a claim supported by Trump administration officials who have reviewed the secret documents....


    1. The Donald is always right, Quirk:

      Indeed, President Trump now has the proof he needs to announce withdrawal from the JCPOA on May 12th, reimpose harsh sanctions for Iran’s lies to the IAEA and other deceptions, and at the same time send a message to the North Korean regime that he will not tolerate a meaningless paper agreement in his negotiations with Kim Jong-un. As the president noted in response to the evidence of Iran’s lies, it “really showed that I've been 100 per cent right. That is just not an acceptable situation.”

    2. As reported by the Washington Times, “Israeli defense officials have told their American and Russian counterparts that if Iranian-backed forces attack Israel from inside Syria, Jerusalem will not hold back from retaliating with direct strikes against Tehran or other targets in Iran.” Iran’s nuclear facilities may well top the target list.

    3. Here ya go Quirk, I'll provide you with some talking points -

      Bibi’s Iran Speech Was a Bust
      The Israeli prime minister’s much-hyped revelations make the case for keeping the Iran deal


      APRIL 30, 20183:15 PM


  12. Replies
    1. Matt said one time Haaretz was a worthless lefty rag.



  14. The last thing Trump needs is an ill conceived war with Iran. The American people have no interest in a war with Iran and the majority of Israelis are not interested in a war with Iran, without US aid.

  15. What US benefit is there in a war with Iran? Zippo.

  16. There were no Iranians crashing into the Trade Towers, they were Sunni Saudi Islamic fanatics.

  17. We destabilized Iraq, Syria and Libya and set the stage for ISIS. Turkey was quite happy to see ISIS destroy Syria and the Kurdish areas of Iraq. Iran stepped into the fray as we would in Mexico or Canada if there were problems similar to those on Iranian borders.

    Trump is on the verge of a major foreign policy win in Korea. He has more to fear from the Ayatollah Mueller and Netanyahu than any of the others in Teheran.

    1. Marine Mueller was Awarded the Bronze Star for his bravery during combat operations in Vietnam.

      Cadet Bone Spur and the Rlelphant Bar's home grown moral and physical coward, the Boob of He de Ho.

      No Testosterone

    2. You need to work on your long term self control, Jihadi Jack.

      You were doing so good.....

  18. So what?

    2,700,000 million served in Viet Nam. He is not in Viet Nam. He is in Washington DC. He framed General Michael Flynn. Flynn's military career included a key role in shaping US counterterrorism strategy and dismantling insurgent networks in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Charles Whitman was a former Marine sharpshooter who, in 1966, targeted and killed random civilians at the University of Texas before being stopped by police.

    Spare me the military idolatry.

  19. If Mueller gets a subpoena for Trump I think Trump should fight it in Fed. Court before doing a 5th Amendment.

    I have an idea he would win.


    Those that refused to go to Viet Nam were on the right side of history. Soldiers actually in Viet Nam who drank the Kool Aid that we were an exceptional nation saving Viet Nam from the threat of Communism learned quickly that it was fucked up and bullshit. Morale and discipline disintegrated and gang ho junior officers became fearful of being fragged.

    A US Army study in 1970-1971 found that more than 50 percent of enlisted soldiers engaged in war resistance, whether by dissident acts, disobeying orders or drug use. Over 50,000 deserted going to Canada and Sweden.

  21. John Kerry, who ran for president and became SOS, threw his medals over the White House fence protesting what he saw in Viet Nam.

    Robert McNamara was an army veteran that got 50,000 killed in Viet Nam.

    Maj. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur and Maj. George S. Patton attacked US veterans of WWI in Washington DC, who were protesting not getting their promised bonus payments. No magic or idolatry there.

  22. Robert McNamara, The Best and the Brightest, later went on his MEA CULPA TOUR.

    McNamara's Mea Culpa Angers, Saddens Vietnam Veterans : War ...
    McNamara's Mea Culpa Angers, Saddens Vietnam Veterans : War: Some say his comments insult those who lost their lives. One man bitterly questions why he didn't speak up sooner. April 16, 1995|JACK CHEEVERS | TIMES STAFF WRITER. By the time his tour of duty as an Army medic in Vietnam ended in 1966, Earl ...

    Apr 10, 1995 - For example, he recounts that he initiated -- without telling Rusk or Bundy -- his crucial trip to Johnson's Texas ranch on the day after Christmas 1965, during which he persuaded the president to "pause" the bombing of North Vietnam to induce Hanoi to open negotiations. McNamara recalls his sense of ...

    McNamara Mea Culpa Stirs Vietnam Anger - CSMonitor.com
    Apr 28, 1995 - His new book,''In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam,'' (See excerpts Page 18) has touched off a firestorm of controversy and revived the shallowly buried collective memory of body bags and thumping Huey helicopters. As McNamara tours the country promoting, defending, and explaining his ...

    Robert McNamara - Top 10 Apologies - TIME
    McNamara, writing in his 1995 memoir, In Retrospect, on the management of the Vietnam War. High government leaders aren't generally known for flaunting their errors. But toward the end of his life, former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara issued a string of candid mea culpas for misjudgments about Vietnam that were ...

    In a short phrase: admitted he didn't know what the hell he was doing

    In one word: clueless

  23. The Iraqi man who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush at a small event in Iraq (presser, I think it was) is now running for political office in Iraq.

    If you recall the incident, you will recall how dexterous W. proved himself to be at dodging thrown shoes:



    George W. Bush and George W. Bush at White House Correspondents Dinner



  24. .

    Please post.

    Last time. It's already been put up here numerous times before. At this point, I can only assume you 'choose' not to remember it.

    Bibi on the Peace Process

    Netanyahu opposed the Oslo accords from their inception. In 1993, he dedicated a chapter, entitled "Trojan Horse", of his book A Place Among the Nations to argue against the Oslo Peace Process. He asserted that Amin al-Husseini had been one of the masterminds of the Holocaust, and that Yasser Arafat was heir to the former's "alleged exterminationist Nazism".[202] During his term as prime minister in the late 1990s, Netanyahu consistently reneged on commitments made by previous Israeli governments as part of the Oslo peace process, leading American peace envoy Dennis Ross to note that "neither President Clinton nor Secretary [of State Madeleine] Albright believed that Bibi had any real interest in pursuing peace."[203] In a 2001 video, Netanyahu, reportedly unaware he was being recorded, said: "They asked me before the election if I'd honor [the Oslo Accords]", "I said I would, but ... I'm going to interpret the accords in such a way that would allow me to put an end to this galloping forward to the '67 borders. How did we do it? Nobody said what defined military zones were. Defined military zones are security zones; as far as I'm concerned, the entire Jordan Valley is a defined military zone. Go argue."[204]


    Here is a video in which Bibi brags about being able to 'move America' with no problem and on 'how he personally scuttled the Oslo Accords'.

    Bibi Unchained

    If you need it explained further here is an episode of The Young Turks where it's explained.



    1. I'm going to interpret the accords in such a way that would allow me to put an end to this galloping forward to the '67 borders

      Good for Bibi.

      The '67 borders are impossible.

    2. .

      Good lord, you pull one self-serving sentence, interpret it in isolation completely devoid of all context provided by the rest of his talk, and then try to rationalize the rest away. Typical.

      In truth, in about 5 minutes, you see everything about Netanyahu that I find despicable, his mendacity, his contempt for the US and the American people, his contempt for world opinion for that matter, his contempt for the Palestinians, and his contempt for the peace process. There was never a chance for a peace agreement under this man. His other statements confirm this, the comments proceeding this video and those following it. The fact that there were actually two points where a two-state peace deal might have had a chance to be reached (under Yitzhak Rabin in '95 and Ehud Olmert in '09) that went for nought when Bibi followed each of these guys into office.

      The man is corrupt (as evidenced by the recent investigations by the Israeli justice system), mendacious, and cruel. He will stoop to anything to hold onto power and achieve his agenda. Leading up to the 2014 Gaza War, he let the parents of those three murdered kids hang in the wind for a full three weeks not knowing if their kids were alive or dead even though he knew they were dead the day after it happened. He used them as pawns to build up rage in the population and as justification for his round up and arrest of Hamas officials in the Occupied Territories and the launch of the war on Gaza. The man is a pitiful excuse for a human being, a slug.


    3. Groan.

      I could dispute nearly every sentence of that....groan, I just woke up.

      I'll start with:

      Hamas officials in the Occupied Territories

      I guess you haven't heard there at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe that Israel got out Gaza long ago, in the days when the fat guy Ariel Sharon was Prime Minister.

      It's too early. I got to get some coffee.

      sraeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia
      Following the approval of the plan, it was decided to close the Erez industrial zone and move its factories to cities and towns in Israel such as Ashkelon, Dimona, Yeruham, and Sderot. Ehud Olmert, then the Minister of Industry, Trade, and Labor, stated that the closing was part of Israel's plan to withdraw from the Gaza Strip.
      Hebron Protocol‎: ‎1997 Madrid Conference‎: ‎1991
      Lausanne Conference‎: ‎1949 Annapolis Conference‎: ‎2007
      ‎Announcement and ... · ‎Execution of the plan · ‎Aftermath · ‎Criticisms and opinions

      A decade later, many Israelis see Gaza pullout as a big mistake - The ...
      Aug 15, 2015 - Israeli commanders feared that soldiers, even officers, might refuse orders to remove the settlers. “There were those who said it was impossible to withdraw from Gaza. But if the government wanted to do it, it could be done,” Ziv said. “It left a wound, but it did not turn into a war.” But Ziv wonders whether the ...

      You got to keep up with events, young feller, or you will sound a little out of touch.

      I'll be back.

    4. Or touched.

      That was once used frequently out this way to describe someone 'out of touch' -- a little, you know, quirky, or something. My psychologist uncle used the term touched not infrequently.

    5. .

      In conversations with you?

      Face it, you are nothing more than a simpering apologist towing the line.

      Don't bother coming back after your coffer. You proved the quality of your thought processes with the idiotic statement you made above on Gaza. It's an open-air prison controlled by Israel. Of course, its occupied territory. Check with the UN and most of the world (even the US before Trump got in).


    6. .

      Try to keep up?

      Coming from you that's rich.

      Try checking the news. Try reading the Israeli papers.

      Check out how many Gazans have been shot and killed for demonstrating near the walls of their prison.

      The world condemns it. Trump? Not so much.



    7. .

      Gaza is a Peaceful Democracy where human rights prevail against Israeli barbarism.



    8. How long ago was it I was offering to buy you - or was it Ash - or both of you - one way trips to Gaza, as you fellas thought it was such grand place ?

      You are nothing but a bitter simpering smirk, Quirk, face it, a cheap propagandist reading lines of Jew hating lies !

      You should be ashamed of yourself, but you are shameless !

    9. How about - you want a one way ticket to Gaza ?

      One condition:

      If asked, you must never deny you are a Jew.

    10. Listen carefully to their questions.

      Make absolutely clear you are not gay.

      That will get you thrown off a high building.

      Always lookin' out for you.

    11. Actually, deny deny deny any Jewish connection.

      You will be tortured and no one wants that.

      Tell 'em you are a Sunni militant, if pressed.

      That ought to buy you some grace.

      Say stuff like "kill all the Jews ! Even that one over there behind the tree !"

      Hire some woman to burka up, act the wife, and walk a couple steps behind you.

      DON'T PET DOGS !

      They hate dogs.

      Always remember, they are really different than you are....quire explosive and irrational....murderous....cruel....

      It's from their book.

    12. .

      What nonsense. You are as bad as Douglissa.

      I give you facts in the legal sense (check the Geneva Conventions for the legal definition of 'occupied' as applied to the 'occupied territories') and you run off into some tangential rant.

      Who the hell would want to visit an open air prison even if the Israelis would let you in?

      Grow a brain.


  25. .

    “He dictated that whole letter,” Bornstein told CNN. “I didn’t write that letter.”

    Trump's doctor of 30 years says Trump wrote his own medical summary.

    “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”


    Makes one wonder about the latest medical report by White House physician, Ronny Johnson's and his comments...

    "Incredible genes."

    "It's called genetics."

    "Some people have just great genes."

    "It's just the way God made him."

    "Uppers? Sure, no problem."


    1. Trump's Doctor ought to have his medical license taken away if he is letting the Patient write his own medical reports.

      What a QUACK !

      He even looks like a QUACK !

  26. "Uppers? Sure, no problem."

    It's was downers, not uppers.

    Sleeping pills for long distance plane passengers, I read.

    Wake up, Dude, wake up. Get your facts straight.

    1. .

      Damn, Bob, what's wrong with you?

      You read one article and assume that was the only instance.

      This guy wasn't called the 'candy man' for nothing. He was handing out prescriptions like bags of skittles.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Headline just up on MSNBC -

    Trump ex-doctor wrote report himself that Trump would be healthiest President in history.

    Trump ought to sue the sob for malpractice !


  28. Germany slams Abbas for ‘anti-Semitic’ remarks; EU calls his speech unacceptable

    Germany’s foreign minister Wednesday condemned a speech by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in which he claimed that the Holocaust was the result of Jews’ own “social behavior” rather than anti-Semitism.

    Heiku Maas tweeted that Germany was responsible for “one of the worst crimes in history, and, “therefore, we must respond resolutely to any anti-Semitic expression,” he said, linking to an article about Abbas’s Monday night speech.


    Also has said the Jews have no history or historical connection to 'Palestine'.

    Nothing new at all coming out of the mouth of Abbas.

    They have been saying the same things all the way through.

  29. Hey Quirk -

    What doesn't kill me makes me stronger

    Friedrich Nietzsche

    President rips Special Counsel probe as 'setup' and 'trap'...
    Lawyer: Interview 'certainly not off table'...
    Campaign aide to Senate Dems: 'God damn you to hell!'
    CNN Puts Porn Star Lawyer on Air 59 Times in 2 Months...

  30. May 2, 12:05 PM EDT

    Palestinian leader's remarks spark Israeli, US, EU outrage

    JERUSALEM (AP) -- U.S., EU and Israeli officials on Wednesday slammed remarks by the Palestinian president about the causes of 20th century anti-Semitism in Europe.

    In rambling remarks that were part of a lengthy speech to the Palestine Liberation Organization parliament on Monday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said it was the Jews' "social function," including money lending, that caused animosity toward them in Europe, citing what he said were books by Jewish authors. He also portrayed the creation of Israel as a European colonial project, saying "history tells us there is no basis for the Jewish homeland."

    On Wednesday, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, as well as Israel's prime minister, lashed out at Abbas over his remarks.

    "Abu Mazen has reached a new low," Ambassador David Friedman tweeted early Wednesday, referring to Abbas by his nickname. "To all those who think Israel is the reason that we don't have peace, think again."

    President Donald Trump's special envoy for international negotiations Jason Greenblatt also responded to the remarks, calling them "very distressing and terribly disheartening."....


    1. Even the EU is pissed.

      That takes some doing.

  31. Lawyer Ty Cobb out, Lawyer Emmet Flood in....

    Orange Hair would be impossible to work for....

    One would be nutz to get anywhere near him as an employee....

    1. Emmet Flood defended BonyHard Bill Clinton during his impeachment business....


    2. Dershowitz should be Trump's lead lawyer.

      He always has good suggestions.

      He says Trump should answer all those questions, or most of them, some being absurd (what were you thinking when, blah blah), answer those questions in writing, and refuse any subpoena on the grounds he has answered the questions and assert a Grand Jury interferes with his duties as President, and then fight the subpoena in the Federal Courts where he does have some solid ground on which to stand.

      Judge Napolitano says Emmet Flood is a good one, and should have been on board earlier.

      Emmet Flood technically will be defending The Office Of The President of The United States, Giuliani the President himself.

      He's the guy that can fight the subpoena.

  32. Finally, some Turdeau News(Turd-O) - :) - this is funny as hell - :) - (let the nigerians move in with ash) -

    Trudeau Hilariously Blames U.S. For His Illegal Immigration Problem
    JAZZ SHAWPosted at 10:41 am on May 2, 2018

    Over the weekend we looked at a spot of trouble that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has run into on the illegal immigration front. There are significant numbers of primarily Nigerian “tourists” who are obtaining visitor visas to come to the United States and then promptly heading to an obscure, unofficial border crossing on the northern end of New York state. Once there, they cross into Canada illegally and request refugee status. Up until now, the Canadians have claimed it as a point of pride to quickly accept and resettle the new arrivals while bashing President Trump for his “immigrant unfriendly” policies. But now Canada is running out of room and resources to take them all in and the Prime Minister would like us to do a better job of screening them.

    That announcement provoked a lot of questions for Trudeau in his country’s Parliament yesterday. People were demanding answers as to how the situation has gotten so far out of hand and what Trudeau planned to do about it. All he seemed to have for an answer is that it’s the fault of the United States. (Reuters)

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his ministers faced questions in parliament on Tuesday a day after Reuters reported that Canada wants the legal authority to turn back thousands of asylum seekers crossing the border illegally.

    A Canadian official familiar with the matter told Reuters that Canada wants to amend a bilateral agreement to allow it to block border-crossing refugee claimants but that the United States is not cooperating.

    Under the Safe Third Country Agreement, or STCA, asylum seekers who arrive at a formal Canada-U.S. border crossing going in either direction are turned back and told to apply for asylum in the first country they arrived in.

    Canada wants the agreement rewritten to apply to the entire border.

    This question is no longer limited to simply the Nigerian asylum applicants. Canada is vast in territory, but tiny compared to the United States when it comes to population and resources. There are simply too many people taking advantage of their widely advertised generosity and now the legislature wants Trudeau to do something about it. He’s hoping to rely on the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA), a deal reached between the U.S. and Canada which says that asylum seekers should petition the first safe country they arrive in for asylum before moving on to another nation.

    But here’s the catch: the agreement only applies to migrants presenting themselves for admission at a legal border crossing station. It doesnt’ apply to those entering either country illegally. And while that crossing in upstate New York may look like a sanctioned crossing station since Canada set up trailers and help desks to assist all the new arrivals, it’s not an actual border crossing. The people walking across at that location are still technically emigrating from the United States illegally. But it remains a unique situation because the Canadians haven’t been turning them away and we obviously have no incentive to stop them from leaving.

    Trudeau would like the United States to alter the STCA so it also applies to people crossing the border illegally. That way they can turn them back in good conscience and tell them they need to apply for refugee status in the U.S. But why would we do that? We’ve got too many to deal with as it is. Trudeau is the one who put out the welcome mat for the entire planet so it should be up to him to figure out how to deal with them....


  33. North Korea reportedly hands Trump another big win by releasing US prisoners

    Alex Lockie

    North Korea has released three US citizens detained there, the Financial Times reported Wednesday, citing a South Korean activist.

    The three Americans — Kim Dong-chul, Kim Sang-duk, and Kim Hak-song — were released from a labor camp and given health treatment and ideological education in Pyongyang, the report said.

    President Donald Trump's hawkish national security adviser, John Bolton, has called for the Americans' release as a way for North Korea to demonstrate its sincerity ahead of a summit with the US.

    North Korea has released three US citizens detained there, the Financial Times reported Wednesday, citing a South Korean activist who campaigns for the release of detainees.


    Course if things go south one can always capture some more Americans.

  34. "To understand Trump, understand his mentor
    Lawrence Martin
    Special to The Globe and Mail

    How did Donald Trump get to be the way he is? Many who have studied his past proffer advice on that question. Don’t forget, they say, the imprint left by Roy Cohn.

    If this President ever had much of a moral compass, his long-time ties to the odious litigator – a man Mr. Trump himself called brutal and vicious – did much to unburden him of it.

    Roy Cohn’s name first became known when he was senator Joseph McCarthy’s chief counsel during the campaign against alleged Communist sympathizers in the early 1950s. Mr. Cohn served as Mr. McCarthy’s henchman, specializing in character assassination. Serving on Mr. Cohn’s legal team was Bobby Kennedy, who, no shrinking violet himself at that time, railed against Mr. Cohn’s gutter tactics. They detested each other.

    Following the disgraced red-baiting campaign, Mr. Cohn went on to become one of New York’s most ruthless, notorious lawyers. He hosted parties for celebrities and the rich and the infamous, including leading crime figures. There was a quip about the Cohn soirées: “If you’re indicted, you’re invited.”

    From the early 1970s into the mid-1980s, he served as Mr. Trump’s cold-blooded legal counsel. Threats were at the core of Mr. Cohn’s legal strategy. Threats, counterattacks, intimidation. “My scare value is high,” he said of his style. “My tough front is my biggest asset. I don’t write polite letters.” As Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio has argued, Mr. Cohn schooled the on-the-make developer in the dark arts. Never surrender, never admit defeat, truth doesn’t matter.

    In contrast to Barack Obama’s cautious, consensus-building style, Trump defenders say it’s an approach – that of browbeater-in-chief – that can get things done. They point to the progress toward denuclearization of North Korea after Mr. Trump’s brash threats to blow the country up.

    1. Mr. Trump was hooked on Mr. Cohn after their first case, a Department of Justice suit against the Trump development company for discrimination against African-Americans. The government had a strong argument, but Mr. Cohn went on the counterattack, launching a defamation suit for US$100-million. It was tossed out of court, but it was typical of the confrontational tactics Mr. Cohn employed and of Mr. Trump’s brass-knuckled strategy to follow.

      “When you attack Donald,” Melania Trump said during the 2016 election campaign, “he will punch back 10 times harder.”
      Of Mr. Cohn, Mr. Trump once told journalist Marie Brenner: “All I can tell you is he’s been vicious to others in his protection of me.” He told other scribes: “Roy was brutal but he was very loyal. He brutalized for you.”

      Mr. Cohn introduced Mr. Trump to Roger Stone, who had engaged in dirty tricks for Richard Nixon. Like Mr. Cohn, Mr. Stone was straight out of the admit-nothing-deny-everything school and, like Mr. Cohn, he became a close Trump associate.

      Mr. Stone, who credits Mr. Cohn with influencing Mr. Trump to take a confrontational approach to the media, is now a central figure in the FBI investigation into Mr. Trump’s campaign ties to Russia.

      Mr. Cohn hung out with Mr. Trump at the New York hot spot of the day, Studio 54, for which the former was legal counsel. While mixing with the rich and famous, Mr. Cohn was acquitted three times in federal court on various charges including bribery, conspiracy and fraud. He always claimed he was a victim of vendettas, much as Mr. Trump does today in respect to the Russia file.

      Mr. Cohn was ultimately disbarred from legal practice in New York, his unethical conduct described as “particularly reprehensible.” After the fall, Mr. Trump put on a lavish dinner for him – this before he died of complications from AIDS in 1986.

      Despite Mr. Cohn’s sordid reputation, Mr. Trump wishes he was around to help him today. In respect to his legal team’s handling of the Russia controversy, the President got so annoyed at one point that, as reported in The New York Times, he looked on in disgust, saying, “Where’s my Roy Cohn?”

      In fact, he’s still here in spirit, as Mr. Trump relishes in relentlessly employing his duplicitous tactics. They are tactics that have worked well for him as a survival kit. But as for them winning out in the Oval Office, don’t count on it. It may take a while, but truth, as Roy Cohn learned, has a way of winning out."


    2. Mr. Cohn was ultimately disbarred from legal practice in New York, his unethical conduct described as “particularly reprehensible.” After the fall, Mr. Trump put on a lavish dinner for him – this before he died of complications from AIDS in 1986.

      Roy Cohn was gay then ? That's about the only way one can get it, isn't it ?

      Roy Cohn, gay....hmmpf,didn't know that.

    3. I remember Roy, vaguely.

      He really was a cross between a Pit Bull and a Rottweiler in court.

    4. "In contrast to Barack Obama’s cautious, consensus-building style..."


      ...like weaponizing the IRS, unmasking, etc. etc. etc...

    5. "In contrast to Barack Obama’s cautious, consensus-building style..."

      Heh heh hardehar har


      In fact, he’s still here in spirit, as Mr. Trump relishes in relentlessly employing his duplicitous tactics.

      What duplicitous tactics ?

      Up to this point he has been cooperating, he has given Mueller more than he's asked for....

  35. Mueller’s Questions for Trump Show the Folly of Special-Counsel Appointments

    I am assuming the authenticity of the questions that Special Counsel Robert Mueller reportedly wants to ask President Trump. The questions indicate that, after a year of his own investigation and two years of FBI investigation, the prosecutor lacks evidence of a crime. Yet he seeks to probe the chief executive’s motives and thought processes regarding exercises of presidential power that were lawful, regardless of one’s view of their wisdom.

    If Bob Mueller wants that kind of control over the executive branch, he should run for president. Otherwise, he is an inferior executive official who has been given a limited license — ultimately, by the chief executive — to investigate crime. If he doesn’t have an obvious crime, he has no business inventing one, much less probing his superior’s judgment. He should stand down.

    The questions, reported by the New York Times, underscore that the special counsel is a pernicious institution. Trump should decline the interview. More to the point, the Justice Department should not permit Mueller to seek to interrogate the president on so paltry and presumptuous a showing.

    When should a president be subject to criminal investigation?
    It is a bedrock principle that no one is above the law...


    1. A president should not be subjected to prosecutorial scrutiny over poor judgment, venality, bad taste, or policy disputes. Absent concrete evidence that the president has committed a serious crime, the checks on the president should be Congress and the ballot box — and the civil courts, to the extent that individuals are harmed by abusive executive action. Otherwise, a special-counsel investigation — especially one staffed by the president’s political opponents — is apt to become a thinly veiled political scheme, enabling the losers to relitigate the election and obstruct the president from pursuing the agenda on which he ran.

    2. Mueller has gone Jihadi on us all.

      There's no reasoning with man.

      Don't do the interview.

      Answer most of the questions in writing.

      Take any issuing of subpoenas to Court.

    3. If that asshole Mueller is investigating Russian collusion in the last election, why the hell isn't he investigating Hillary ?

      We all know she's behind the Steele Dossier. We've all heard of Uranium One. We all know about the speechifying by the Clintons in Russia. We all recall her enthusiastically pushing the Red Reset Button with that Russkie right by her side. We all have heard about The Clinton Foundation.

      She should be the true target, not The Donald.

      It's disgusting.

    4. Take any issuing of subpoenas to Court.

      By the time that happens perhaps The Donald will have been able to appoint another Supreme Court Justice.

      Therefore, delay, delay, delay the proceedings as long as possible.

      That will be $10,000 for Presidential counseling.

      Thank you.


    5. .

      Mueller seems to be doing a pretty good job.



    6. .

      He's a good one, that Mueller !




    7. .

      He put 4 or 5 guys in prison one time and when he learned they were innocent he didn't make it known to the Court. 2 died in prison. He's a great one, that Mueller.Those guys were trash anyway, guilty or innocent.




    8. .

      Mueller knows human scum when he sees it. We're all better off if Mueller just frames the bad guys and gets them off the street. Saves taxpayer money too.




    9. .

      Only a man of honor could choose to watch innocents die in prison and remain silent.



    10. .

      Trump should be in prison for all his thoughts and dreams.



    11. .

      Trump should die in prison. Trump is corrupt. The man is a pitiful excuse for a human being, a slug.




    12. .

      Anyone who gives Trump any credit is a whimpering, sniveling, simpering apologist towing his line.




    13. .

      You left out WHINING !!!!!!



    14. .

      Anyone who gives Trump any credit is a WHINING !!!!, whimpering, sniveling, simpering apologist towing his line.


  36. .

    Only a man of honor like Mueller's brother in arms, Comey would choose to not reveal to the President the source of the Steele Dossier.


  37. How About A Few Questions For Robert Mueller ?

    ....When you picked your team, what was going through your mind when you picked zero donors to the Trump campaign and hired many Democratic donors, supporters of the defiant actions of Sally Yates, who at the time was deputy attorney general, and prosecutors who had been overturned for misconduct ? What were you thinking in building a team with documented biases ?

    When you were shown the text messages of FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, why did you reassign them and not fire them for compromising the investigation with obvious animus and multiple violations of procedure and policy ? Why did you conceal from Congress the reasons for their firing for five months and did you discard any of their work as required by the “fruits of a poisonous tree” doctrine ?

    What were your personal contacts with Rod Rosenstein and James Comey during the investigation as special counsel and before that as a private attorney ?....etc etc



    1. .

      No one has a right to pry into this great man's inner thoughts.


  38. "When you were shown the text messages of FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, why did you reassign them and not fire them for compromising the investigation with obvious animus and multiple violations of procedure and policy ?"


    Nothing to see here.



    1. .

      You must remember, he's a man of impeccable honor and integrity.



    2. .

      You have my word of honor.



  39. .

    Lisa and Peter are inseparable, and are stars in the FBI's night sky, leading lights to us all, never to be fired for any behavior.



  40. Did you know that a key portion of the letter from Rosenstein to Mueller setting up the investigation of Trump remains secret and redacted to this day ?

    'Tis true.

    And that today Rosenstein called possible Congressional impeachment efforts of his noble self for not giving Congress the unredacted materials they requested "extortion".

    'TIS true too.

    Rod Rosenstein calls impeachment effort 'extortion' - Washington Times
    1 day ago - Deputy AG Rosenstein suggests impeachment effort against him amounts to ‘extortion’. ... Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Tuesday compared the articles of impeachment drafted against him by members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus to an extortion attempt.


  41. .

    Rod Rosenstein and Rod Rosenstein alone has dominion over his letter to the great and good Robert Mueller!



  42. .

    The only thing worse than extortion is whining!



    1. .

      We have a right to Trump's thoughts, we do NOT have a right to Rod Rosenstein's letter!



    2. .

      ...or Hillary's emails.



    3. .

      Bob Mueller's esteemed lawyers tell me so.


  43. Really good long segment of Giuliani with Hannity this day.

  44. .


    The Big Whine progressed tonight for a new record, nearly 2 hours of 'continuous' whine with a full 3 yards of white space polluted. You have to be impressed that two old farts could keep it up that long. The whine that is, not...well...no point in beating a couple dead horses.



    1. Excellent point by point repudiation of the facts of the matter.


    2. .

      Mueller's shit doesn't stink.

      That is all.



    3. .

      Hillary is innocent.
      The FBI tells us so.


  45. Great takedown of the McCarthy article, Quirk!

  46. .

    Mueller’s Questions for Trump Show the Folly of Special-Counsel Appointments


    Poor, Andy. Can someone get this man a paper bag to blow into. He seems to be hyperventilating.

    Andy started out with this whole Trump thing rather level headed, offering legitimate if debatable arguments. Over time, he seems to have grown more tense and testy. Soon he will be typing out his articles in all caps.




    1. .

      Rosenstein et-al are doing a superlative job of laying out the facts.


  47. .

    Giuliani: Trump repaid lawyer Cohen for Stormy Daniels settlement

    Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York mayor and a recent addition to President Trump’s legal team, said Wednesday night that Trump made a series of payments reimbursing his lawyer, Michael Cohen, for a $130,000 settlement with an adult film actress — appearing to contradict Trump’s assertion last month that he was unaware of the payment.
    “The president repaid it,’’ Giuliani told Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity.

    Trump, Giuliani said, “didn’t know about the specifics of it, as far as I know. But he did know the general arrangement, that Michael would take care of things like this, like I take care of things like this with my clients.’’

    I was going to say 'You can't make this stuff up' but...


    1. Perfectly legal.

      Wasn't campaign money.


    2. You can't make this up: RUDY THROWS JARED UNDER THE BUS



      Jared Kushner is 'disposable' as far as Rudy Giuliani is concerned

      12:02 a.m. ET

      Should Special Counsel Robert Mueller "go after" Ivanka Trump, Rudy Giuliani says, Americans will riot in the streets, pitchforks in hand. But Jared Kushner? Eh.

      During his interview Wednesday night with Fox News' Sean Hannity, Giuliani, vocal Trump surrogate turned key member of his legal team, said he's pretty sure he would personally "get on my charger and go ride into their offices with a lance if they go after Ivanka. Now, if they do do Ivanka, which I doubt they will, the whole country will turn on them. They're going after his daughter?"

      Hannity asked what might happen if her husband, Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, becomes a target. Giuliani praised Kushner as "a fine man, you know that, but men are disposable. But a fine woman like Ivanka? Come on."

      Catherine Garcia



  48. Rudy Giuliani, a member of President Trump's legal team, told Fox News' "Hannity" Wednesday night that Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein should end Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials "in the interest of justice."


    "Every FBI agent in America has his head down because of you," said Giuliani, addressing Comey. "It would good ... if God had kept you out of being the head of the FBI."

  49. Canadian Prime Minister Justin "al-Jihadi" al-Turd-O News

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau DECLARATION of jihad against the Jews: Palestinian Day on the Hill, “EYES ON JERUSALEM”

    By Pamela Geller - on May 2, 2018


    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to advance his career in the cause of jihad and Islam.

    He issued a letter in support of the continuing jihad against the Jewish state, welcoming “Palestinian Day on the Hill.” The theme of Palestinian Day on the Hill is “EYES ON JERUSALEM” — in other words, conquering and capturing the eternal capitol of the Jewish people.

    But he won’t condemn Abbas’s recent statement re the Holocaust. He needs the Muslim votes. Terrified of his Muslim voters.

    Justin Trudeau welcomes “Palestinians” to Ottawa for Israel hating event.

    Activists of the radical anti-Zionist group call for Israel’s destruction at pro-Palestinian event at the Canadian Parliament.

    Arutz Sheva: The Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians (APAC) on Monday held an event entitled “Palestine Day on the Hill 2018 – Eyes on Jerusalem” at the Canadian Parliament building in Ottawa.

    The event was attended by members of parliament, senators, city councilors, ambassadors, religious community leaders, political activists and others.

    Among those who were invited to the event were prominent members of the radical anti-Zionist Neturei Karta group, who wore traditional Palestinian scarves on which Palestinian flags were printed.

    Activists of the Neturei Karta organization in Canada regularly participate in anti-Israel demonstrations alongside extreme leftists and Islamic activists. They bring with them signs calling for the destruction of the State of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state throughout the Land of Israel.

    In one of the demonstrations in Toronto, the activists held up signs saying, “Jews are mourning the existence of Israel”, “Israel is a defiance of the Lord of the Universe and a disaster for humanity”, “Real rabbis have always opposed Zionism and the State of Israel”, “Read the Talmud. Jews in exile are not permitted to establish a state” and “The State of Israel does not represent world Jewry.” In Montreal, Neturei Karta activists burned an Israeli flag.


  50. Plants 'TALK' to each other: Roots inspire neighbours to grow through a series of underground signals
    Seedlings fire chemicals messages through their roots when they are disturbed
    These are released when the seeds think they are growing near other plants
    They tell nearby plants where to grow their roots and leaves in order to survive
    Plants grow their roots towards quieter regions of soil to avoid competition
    They bolster the size of their leaves when in a busy patch to ensure they collect enough sunlight

    By Harry Pettit For Mailonline

    PUBLISHED: 14:00 EDT, 2 May 2018 | UPDATED: 14:00 EDT, 2 May 2018

    Plants inspire neighbours to grow through a series of underground signals, a new study has revealed.

    Researchers found that corn seedlings exchange messages with nearby plants via chemical signals fired into the soil from their roots.

    These potent secretions tell the seedlings whether their neighbours are relatives or strangers and help them direct their growth accordingly.

    Plants grow their roots towards quieter regions of soil to avoid competition and bolster the size of their leaves when in a busy patch to ensure they collect enough sunlight in their crowded surroundings.

    Scroll down for video.....


  51. Robert Mueller is out of control. He should be shut down. Now.

    Roger Kimball

    Robert Mueller
    2 May 2018 2:52 PM

    Pop quiz: how many branches of government are there in the United States? If you said “Four,” go to the head of the class. As of May 17, 2017, the traditional three branches of Congress, the Executive, the Judiciary, are joined by the Office of Robert S. Mueller III, Special Counsel in charge of destroying the president.

    It’s been a fun year. It’s not everyone, after all, who so thoroughly commands the police power of the state that he can order a predawn, guns-drawn raid on people he doesn’t like. Usually, that drama is reserved for dangerous criminals—terrorists, murders, major drug dealers. But Paul Manafort, a businessman, was close to Donald Trump, so he and his wife got the SWAT-team treatment on suspicion of a white-collar crime.

    Just a couple of days ago, a long list of “gotcha” questions that Mr. Mueller wants to pose to President Trump was leaked to the press. “How was the decision made to fire Mr. Flynn on Feb. 13, 2017? What was your reaction to news reports on Jan. 12, 2017, and Feb. 8-9, 2017? What was the purpose of your Jan. 27, 2017, dinner with Mr. Comey, and what was said?”

    And on and on. These are what one commentator called “perjury traps,” the sort of thing rogue prosecutors like the horrible Patrick Fitzgerald and Robert Mueller use to entrap innocent people. Ask Scooter Libby, who was just pardoned by the President for a non-existent process crime.

    In order to get a job in Washington, you have to memorise and spout the mantra “Robert Mueller is a straight arrow.” Everyone from Trey Gowdy on down keeps saying that. I used to believe it, or at least half believe it. Mueller was supposed to be above reproach, incorruptible, a man of duty (or, to alter James Comey’s phrase, “a higher duty”).

    1. In fact, Robert Mueller is a fanatic, one of those gleaming-eyed ascetics who always pop up when a secret police gets going. He should take a page from Talleyrand and say to himself in the mirror every morning “Surtout, pas trop de zèle.” But that has never been his style. Back in the 1980s when he was in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Boston, Mr. Mueller was up to his eyeballs in a case in which prosecutors framed four innocent men. Two died in prison there before, 30 years on, their families and the other two were awarded $102 million for wrongful prosecution. Mueller never apologised, never even acknowledged the wrongdoing.

      Then there was the despicable case of Mueller’s Anthrax investigation after 9/11. There was panic in Washington after 5 people died and 17 were injured when anthrax was sent through the post. A culprit just had to be found. Mueller fingered Steven Hatfill, a government virologist for the crime, destroyed his career, and said nothing when Hatfill was cleared and awarded $5.8 million. Mueller then went after Bruce Edwards Ivins, also probably innocent, but we’ll never know for sure because Mueller drove him to suicide.

      Robert Mueller is out of control. On paper, he was supposed to be investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” But there never was any collusion and/or links between the Trump campaign and the Russians. So his mandate also allowed him to investigate “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation” (my emphasis) and “any other matters (my emphasis) within the scope of” the applicable statute.

      In other words, the purpose of Mueller’s investigation is to unseat the duly elected President of the United States. But he is dangerous not just to the President. He is also dangerous to rule of law, which is either impartial, pertaining equally to everyone, or else it is a species of arbitrary rule, that is, tyranny. A headline in Politico warns “The special counsel seems to be leaving the president’s children for last.” Politico reports that with relish. But these are police-state tactics. Go after a person’s family. Verdict first, then find the crime.

      The motto of the first Earl of Strafford, another nasty piece of work, was “Thorough.” It was the banner under which he endeavoured to enforce the autocracy of Charles I among the Irish and other recalcitrant segments of the population. Robert Mueller is up to something similar. His master is not a king besotted with delusions of absolute power but an engorging leech-like bureaucracy intoxicated by the conviction of its own unassailable virtue and made ruthless by its expropriation of nearly unaccountable power. It is, as the President says, “a witch hunt.” It should be shut down, now, and those responsible for its creation should be held to account.


  52. Trump liked to grab some ass on the sly while a NYC big time developer and player 14 years ago.

    Obama liked to do a little coke and give a blow job. Neither were president at the time.

  53. John Carter ·

    My favorite question was the one about Donald Jr. meeting with Russians after his dad's stunning victory to set up back channel communications. Uh, if Trump was colluding with the Evil Empire, wouldn't he already have a back channel?


    1. .

      I'm the back channel for Mueller's Dick!


    2. .


      Love it. Douglissa has now gone from whining to clenching his fists and stamping his little foot.

      Exclamation marks?

      How long can it be before he is printing out all his comments with Caps lock on?

      Poor baby.


  54. .

    Oh, the humanity

    Sweden admits that 'Swedish Meatballs' are actually Turkish'

    “Swedish meatballs originally Turkish dish: Swedish government,” said the headline in Hürriyet Daily News, after Sweden’s official national Twitter account, @swedense, came clean last weekend.

    “Swedish meatballs are actually based on a recipe King Charles XII brought home from Turkey in the early 18th century,” the Swedish account revealed abruptly and for no immediately apparent reason. “Let’s stick to the facts!”


    In Turkey’s meatball capital, Inegöl, this week, a local chef, Ä°brahim Veysel, told the Dogan news agency it was an honour that the Turkish dish should have become “an example to different cuisines all over the world”.

    Others were less happy. Serdar Çam, president of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency, complained that Ikea, which sells 2m meatballs a day in its in-store restaurants, should not be selling the dish as though it were Swedish.

    And one forlorn ...Swede from Idaho complained that the news had robbed life of its meaning. “My whole life,” he tweeted, “has been a lie.”


  55. .

    Who said chivalry is dead? Who said it should be?

    Giuliani says Jared Kushner is disposable and Ivanka is untouchable

    Giuliani's off-the-cuff cut on Kushner, a senior adviser to the president, came Wednesday night as he also revealed that the president had repaid long-time lawyer Michael Cohen for a $130,000 hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.

    Giuliani, who is now on Trump's legal team, told Fox News' Sean Hannity that Kushner's wife, Ivanka, should not be subject to Mueller's probe of Russian meddling into the 2016 election.

    Ivanka Trump is also a senior presidential adviser.

    "Jared is a fine man, you know that," the former New York mayor said. "Men are disposable."
    "But a fine woman like Ivanka? Come on."

    "'Ivanka Trump? I think I would get on my charger and go right into ... their offices with a lance if they go after Ivanka," the former federal prosecutor said of Mueller's team...

    Sure, he's no lawyer but he has played one on TV.


  56. .

    Anyone use gmail?

    Having any problems with it?


    1. I have a gmail account but haven't been using it for some time so can't help you there, Quirkster.

      I do email to a gmail account and it seems working well enough on the other end.

  57. Rudy made a good move with Hannity claiming Trump reimbursed the hush the harlot money to his lawyer. No law against sly pussy and paying her to keep her mouth shut. Trump spent $66,000,000 of his own jack on his election. I'm sure much of it as a loan. Rudy saved trump from himself and killed Mueller's wet dream of trollop tales.

  58. America's Mayor has called Mr. Magoo asking Magoo to crack down on Frankenstein's Monster and end this horrid experiment where everyone is calling everyone else at fault for all things.

    No word yet from Magoo of which I am aware.


    1. Feds tapped Michael Cohen's phones...
      Call with White House intercepted...
      GIULIANI: I Don't Believe...
      Calls for Sessions to 'step in'....DRUDGE

      If Cohen had not assumed his phone was tapped long ago he wasn't up to snuff.

      Also he should have been storing his sensitive materials in a safe, secure, secret place.

    2. Newest Mueller prosecutor donated to Hillary....Drudge

      What an absolute farce.

      And the real criminal, Hillary, skates....so far.

    3. NBC: Feds Wiretapped Michael Cohen, Caught At Least One Call Between Him And The White House

      ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 2:41 pm on May 3, 2018

      If this is true, whatever they have on Cohen must be more serious than the Stormy payoff.

      Julian Sanchez

      Worth noting that there is a long but specific list of serious crimes that can be investigated via wiretap, and campaign finance violations don’t make the cut. Most plausible candidates off the top of my head are bank fraud & structured transactions.

      11:26 AM - May 3, 2018
      32 people are talking about this
      Twitter Ads info and privacy

      NBC: Feds wiretapped Michael Cohen, caught at least one call between him and the White House

      Wiretaps are highly intrusive, more so wiretaps of lawyers, more so wiretaps of lawyers known to be in frequent communication with the president of the United States. “It is *hard* to obtain a wiretap,” notes lawyer Renato Mariotti. “This was vetted by supervisors at the U.S. Attorney’s Office, specialized lawyers at the Justice Department, and by a Deputy Assistant Attorney General, and a judge. Given who Cohen is, it’s hard to believe Rosenstein was not consulted as well.”

      It has to be bigger than Stormy....


    4. “This was vetted by supervisors at the U.S. Attorney’s Office"

      Goodness sakes, does that mean Magoo would have signed off on the arrangement ????

      This is an extremely good play, if you like complex plots, need to decide what's important and what's not, and have real good guys and real turds.

      Giuliani is talking again about his asking Magoo to step in and end this inquisition by storm troopers (his word).

      Everyday seems to bring something new, some new dimension.

      I'm hooked on this tale told by an idiot, a trickster god, or the nature of things....

    5. .

      This is why I cruelly mock Douglissa.

      He was all hepped up yesterday over the Andy McCarthy article he linked to. The bases of the article was McCarthy's opinion that...

      I am assuming the authenticity of the questions that Special Counsel Robert Mueller reportedly wants to ask President Trump. The questions indicate that, after a year of his own investigation and two years of FBI investigation, the prosecutor lacks evidence of a crime.

      No Andy, they don't. You should know that.

      Giuliani made the same argument last night while talking to Hannity.

      While the conclusion drawn by these two may or may not be true, it's certainly not so for the reason McCarthy offers up.

      If in fact those are truly the questions Mueller wants to ask Trump it's certainly not because he doesn't already know the answers. Mueller has been conducting this thing for a little over a year. The FBI was investigating for a year before Mueller got involved. They have the emails, the texts, the tweets, the phone calls, the witness testimony. They don't want to question Trump to get answers to the questions. They want to question Trump to get 'his' answers to the questions.

      As has been said numerous times before, Trump would be nutz to voluntarily submit to questioning. Even dumber not to take the 5th if he is forced to appear. If Trump is guilty of absolutely nothing, he would still be charged with a half dozen felonies for lying. The man can't help himself. It's in his DNA.

      Doubt it? Check with Trump DNA expert Ronny Jackson.


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Do you find the fact that Jackson is the same man that worked under Obama for years w/o any problems at all troubling wrt how this game is played in DC and in the media?

    8. Two entirely different sets of rules:

      Like Hillary and Trump.

      No problem with that?


    9. All the crimes of the Obama Admin. neatly tucked under the rug and replaced by an investigation based on Hillary's oppo research!

      This is the "justice" you think this country deserves?

  59. The Mayor, I failed to report above, has asked Magoo to investigate the investigators.....

    Why Is Jeff Sessions Still Attorney General ?

    And I stand by this, especially now that we know James Comey was the leak. He has admitted to it (though he denies he admitted to that, the fact is… he did). There is no reason at this point that Andrew McCabe and James Comey shouldn’t be investigated for leaking sensitive information. Even I, a Trump skeptic, believe this is ridiculous.

    And, this is all happening under the watch of Jeff Sessions. He has done nothing to secure his department and has focused on literally anything but the problems with the Department of Justice.

    Cracking down on marijuana laws? Are you kidding? Given the absolute shambles your department is in, the utter lack of confidence the American people have in the justice system at all, you want to incarcerate more people ? That isn’t just whistling past the graveyard. That’s a total detachment from reality....


    I'm not ready to totally give up on Magoo, though.

    He does have that guy down in Utah looking into things.....

    Magoo may still be the White knight in deep disguise....

  60. And now I see this -

    Giuliani: I Don’t Believe That Michael Cohen Was Wiretapped

    “Us lawyers have talked about it, we don’t believe it’s true,” Giuliani told The Daily Beast. “We think it’s going to turn out to be untrue because it would be totally illegal. You can’t wiretap a lawyer, you certainly can’t wiretap his client who’s not involved in the investigation. No one has suggested that Trump was involved in that investigation. So they’re going to wiretap the lawyer, his client, and his client the president of the United States? I don’t think so, not if they want to stay out of jail. Disclosing a wiretap is a federal felony. I never took ‘em home when I was a U.S. attorney.”

    Giuliani said that he found out about the wiretap news from NBC News’ report, which cited “two people with knowledge of the legal proceedings,” and not from Cohen himself. He believed someone in the Justice Department was behind the leak.

    “Nobody else would know about it,” Giuliani said. “Cohen didn’t know about it, so it has to be the FBI, the independent counsel, or the Justice Department.”....


    Magoo should know, or be able to find out....ask Magoo, Mr. Mayor.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. .

    A voice from the past

    Nice to see how your Bibi Derangement Syndrome has progressed. It must really suck being you and seeing the world shift away from your POV.

    Today you stand with the Obama Bros., the EU and the Mullah in Iran.


    WiO, good to see you again also that you are still looking in and trying to keep us all (me?) on the strait and narrow.

    Your comment was a bit caustic as is your wont. Some might say bitterly so.

    The only thing missing from your broadside was any denial of the facts I put up.

    Still, hope to see more of you in the future.


  63. Alan Dershowitz - Harvard Law Professor Emeritus on Guiliani comments "It really shows the virtue of silence"


    1. :):)

      I wish Dershowitz were on Team Trump, though he is in good hands with Mr. Flood, esq.

      Old legal saying:

      "They never caught a fish that didn't open its mouth"

  64. Trump IS going to get the three Americans held by Kim Fatso III out of there.

    There's that much.

    Trump won't show up without that.

  65. REPORT: Mueller Seeks 70 Blank Subpoenas....DRUDGE

    Mueller is going to be doing a lot of sweating, or shivering, in HELL, depending on where he is sent.

    He's got this thing, the best in his life, where he yearns to get Trump's scalp, the trophy of all, much better than the others he's picked up in his rotten career.


    Hillary has come up with one more excuse for losing the election:

    "I am a Capitalist"

    She might be right in a way, the Democrat Party having become socialist long ago.

    1. 70 blank subpoenas.....I don't even know what the hell that means....it's got Storm Trooper written all over it.....I wonder if there is anything to it, or fake news.....

    2. I wish I had 70 blank subpoenas.

  66. Surgeons remove 132-pound tumor....DRUDGE



    That's a Big New York Twinkie


  67. Correction: The Feds Aren’t Wiretapping Michael Cohen

    NBC News has corrected its story: Michael Cohen’s phones were being monitored by a pen register, not a wiretap, senior U.S. officials say. Pen registers capture “to and from” calling and texting information, but not content.


    1. NBC: Feds wiretapped Michael Cohen, caught at least one call between him and the White House:

      Correction: Feds are monitoring Cohen’s call logs

      ALLAHPUNDIT May 03, 2018 2:41 PM


  68. Bernie Sanders Land News -

    In Venezuela, inflation quadruples to 18,000% in two months...

    Maduro threatens 'armed revolution' if election goes to 'gringos'....DRUDGE

  69. President Nicolas Maduro scoffed at international criticism of Venezuela's upcoming May 20 vote in which he is seeking re-election and offered a prize for those who vote with a state-issued card.


    Maduro, who is casting his campaign as a battle against imperialist powers bent on seizing Venezuela's oil wealth, has only one serious rival: Henri Falcon, 56, a former state governor. Falcon has broken with the opposition coalition's boycott of the vote, believing anger over an economic crisis will win him votes.


    Falcon, a former soldier, has been largely shunned by Venezuela's best-known opposition leaders but this week received the support of at least one high-profile leader, Enrique Marquez, who is vice president of A New Time party.


    Fox has Jill Stein on and Jill says she is being investigated for COLLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS !!!!

    I'm not really ready to believe it though. It just seems unbelievable. The Russkie isn't that dumb. Why waste the time and money with a Nothing Burger ?

    But, things aren't what they seem, we are all learning that.

    I am beginning to wonder if Quirk colluded with the Russkie during his short campaign before he got run out of Hamtramck by the enraged mob.

    She is refusing to turn over requested documents to the Senate Intel Committee.

    She is refusing to turn over documents related to some of her contacts with Russkies.

    She is claiming 'freedom of association'.

    She was at the infamous RT dinner with Michael Flynn and Pootie though, which, let's face it, is really really suspicious.

    Quirk was planning on voting for himself, but voted for Jill, after his campaign had totally collapsed.

    Perhaps Quirk, Jill and the Russkie were all working together to undermine America ?

    1. Seems the only person not being investigated is The Criminal, Hillary Clinton.


    2. Were YOU at the RT Dinner, Quirkster ?

      Tell true, now.

    3. .

      I will never vote for that woman again I tells ya.

      I was gobsmacked when I heard about her vile associations.

      And dang it, I am still metagrobolized by how it could have happened.


    4. No,no,no....The question was:

      Were YOU at the RT Dinner with Jill, General Flynn, and Pootie ????

    5. And if you don't answer, or answer falsely, I'll put your name on one of my 70 blank subpoenas and subpoena your sneaky arse.

      And remember, anything you don't say can be used against you in a Court of Law.

    6. And remember this, too -

      Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ?

    7. And this:

      Quis Sederit In Commode ?

      Tu ?

  71. All of this will play out in the coming weeks or months. In the meantime, the question of the public’s tolerance for the president’s behavior remains in the forefront.

    After nearly three years in the political arena, Trump has shown his ability to withstand controversies of many kinds. That may continue to be the case.

    But that doesn’t make the uncomfortable questions about truth and the president any less important.

    Will Anything Change?

    1. Trump is winning the political game.

      He is winning the game for hearts and minds.

      Americans are getting tired of this Mueller shit.

      Trump's popularity is steadily rising.

  72. Giuliani Again: It’s Time For Jeff Sessions To Investigate The People Investigating Michael Cohen
    ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 6:41 pm on May 3, 2018


  73. Giuliani has said that in September 2001, during New York’s darkest hour, he drew strength from Winston Churchill’s example. That is curious considering the great British leader stood alone for years while warning the world of Hitler’s dangers.

    That lonely stand isolated him from kings, prime ministers and his own political party. And yet poor Rudy couldn’t even stay true to his former colleagues for a month once Trump came calling.

    We can all thank God that Churchill, and not Giuliani, was on guard when Adolf Hitler’s actual stormtroopers sought to destroy England and lay waste to the rest of Western civilization. Because unlike Rudy Giuliani, Winston Churchill never blinked.

  74. Good Grief.

    Dershowitz Joins Harvey Weinstein Legal Team....DRUDGE

    MAY 03, 2018
    1:42pm PT by Eriq Gardner

    Alan Dershowitz Hired as Harvey Weinstein Consultant

    The Harvard Law professor is helping the embattled movie mogul get "exclupatory" emails from The Weinstein Co.
    Brent N. Clarke/FilmMagic
    Alan Dershowtiz

    The Harvard Law professor is helping the embattled movie mogul get "exclupatory" emails from The Weinstein Co.
    Alan Dershowitz may not want to jump aboard Donald Trump's legal team, but apparently, he has no qualms with advising Harvey Weinstein's legal team.

    On Thursday, Weinstein continued his bid in Delaware Bankruptcy Court to obtain personal and business records kept by The Weinstein Co. The movie mogul is currently facing investigation by law enforcement authorities over allegations of sexual misconduct. For months, he's been in court and in arbitration without success in an effort to obtain old emails. He believes the material will allow him to "exonerate himself."

    In new court papers, Weinstein's attorneys repeat their claims that due process rights are being violated. Plus, it's argued that Weinstein should get the benefit of discovery to see if any property for sale belongs to him.

    What's substantively new here is a declaration from Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor who is a frequent legal commentator on CNN and Fox News. The former O.J. Simpson defense attorney has been especially vocal of late on the investigation into Russian collusion in the election and sat down to dinner with Trump recently. He was reportedly asked to join the president's team. That didn't happen, but he's interested in Weinstein too.

    "I have been retained to consult with Benjamin Brafman, Esquire who is representing Harvey Weinstein," he states in a declaration. "I have agreed to consult on the specific issue of Mr. Brafman’s access to his client’s personal and business emails. On information and belief, it is my professional opinion that Mr. Brafman has the right to see and review these emails in order to prepare his constitutionally-mandated role as counsel to Mr. Weinstein. Mr. Brafman has the right to defend his client in the courts of law, in negotiations with prosecutors, in resolving civil claims in negotiation with civil lawyers and in the court of public opinion. On information and belief these emails contain information which is exculpatory of Mr. Brafman’s client and places the allegations against him in a truthful context."

    Although Dershowitz says he is only a consultant, he also tells the judge he is prepared to offer a memorandum in support of Weinstein's bid for documents.


  75. While most violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act’s disclosure provisions are misdemeanors, a knowing and willful violation could be a felony.

    But Mr. Giuliani’s comments could cloud Mr. Avenatti’s legal argument that his client should be formally released from the hush agreement she signed. When the president told reporters he knew nothing about the deal, he helped Ms. Clifford’s case that the hush agreement was not binding if Mr. Trump did not know about it and did not sign it.

    Though far from bringing clarity to the question, Mr. Giuliani obscured it further — now two lawyers for the president are providing two very different versions of events.

    Hush Money

  76. Attorney Joe diGenova just said on Hannity that Trump would win a court fight over a subpoena.

    So, I predict that is where this is going, because I can't imagine Trump sitting for a live interview with The Mule. So The Mule will have a subpoena from the Grand Jury.

    Joe diGenova however predicts Mueller will never subpoena Trump.

  77. HANNITY: Just -- why don't we start as simple -- give us the status of the special counsel and what's going on with the president?

    GIULIANI: Well, the special counsel would like to interview the president. There's no secret about that.


    The American people can follow this along with me. Are the objective?

    HANNITY: Are they?

    GIULIANI: Well, right now, a lot of things point in the direction of, they made up their mind that Comey is telling the truth and not the president. When you look at those questions about what does the president think, what does the president feel, what does the president really desire, those are all questions intended to trap him in some weight and contradicting what is in fact a very, very solid explanation of what happened.


    So, you can't blame the president for feeling, I am not being treated the same way they were. I mean, I don't expect that we are going to have an interview with exonerating --

    HANNITY: Exoneration?

    GIULIANI: Already written.

    Interview for Mueller

  78. I can't wait for that IG Report.

    That's when the fun really begins.

  79. Fox News first reported last week that Daniel Richman was hired as a "special government employee," or SGE. Records reviewed by Fox News now show he signed the agreement as early as June 30, 2015.


    The leaders of the House judiciary and oversight committees, meanwhile, are asking the Justice Department to turn over documents about Richman’s FBI status and his handling of the memos.

    House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., made the request in a letter on Tuesday to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

    Comey’s lawyers -- former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and David Kelly -- also got some of the memos, but Comey maintains they were returned once classified information was identified.

  80. QUIRK !

    Do you know what time it is ?


  81. Anyone who’s run for county council should know that seeking these kinds of luxuries is asking for political trouble. The public may not focus much on the intricacies of policy, but a private jet, free tickets and costly custom-made furniture is easy to grasp and easier to resent.

    And it’s a tougher sell when they are Trump administration officials pushing for painful budget cuts in the services they oversee.

    Whether Pruitt hangs on or not, these incidents should serve as a red flashing light to other officials thinking of pampering themselves at taxpayer expense.

    Cross the Line

  82. Rod Rosenstein is not above the law

    BY MARK PENN, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 05/03/18 12:15 PM EDT 614 0

    Rod Rosenstein is not above the law
    © Getty Images

    Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s reaction to reports of possible impeachment for failing to respond to congressional subpoenas was to proclaim that the Justice Department “will not be extorted.”

    I suppose he meant to say, “Only we here at the Justice Department do the extorting, with special counsels, daylight raids of people’s attorneys, bankrupting people with legal fees, threats to prosecute family members, and questionable wiretapping of Americans.”

    Last time I checked, the Constitution gave the elected representatives of the people the right to decide whether to impeach public officials for failure to comply with completely lawful subpoenas and appropriate oversight. They even provide Congress with immunity included in the Constitution to prevent threats from people like Rosenstein.

    As the proposed questions for President Trump from special counsel Robert Mueller imply, just the act of the president raising issues or even having negative thoughts about the appropriateness of actions by Rosenstein, fired FBI director James Comey or Mueller can be investigated as possible obstruction of justice.

    This government within the government has now crossed a line that is unacceptable. By gaining the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Rosenstein stepped into the shoes of the attorney general, even though he was not appointed to that role by the president.

    Now he believes he is above the law despite the myriad of conflicts he has ignored to authorize these unlimited investigations of the administration he supposedly serves. Remember, Rod Rosenstein provided the memo supporting the firing of Comey and then turned around and installed Mueller, a friend of Comey’s, as special counsel, right after trying to get Mueller the position of head of the FBI.

    Sessions should call Rosenstein in and demand that he comply fully with the subpoenas or fire him and replace him with someone who will fairly oversee the Russia investigation and who will comply with the lawful orders of Congress. Yes, all hell will break loose, but Rosenstein has now assumed unconstitutional powers, believing that he is accountable to no one but his own conception of the rule of law, and these comments reveal the truth that has been carefully hidden below the Harvard-educated patina of respectability.

    It was also Rosenstein that allowed the raid on Cohen’s office, a measure that was sure to draw huge publicity and, thus, be a tactic that itself goes against the idea of at least trying to keep investigations of people secret so as not to ruin the lives of innocent people before they have had their day in court. In the process, it took an investigation that was supposed to be about national security and state secrets and turned it into the same kind of circus we had in 1998 with the investigation and impeachment of President Clinton.

    1. The president’s new lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, did exactly the right thing in getting out the real facts about the Stormy Daniels payment. He is right that such a personal expense is not a campaign expense, did not use donor funds and, even if he were wrong, we have an administrative process for determining that fact under the Federal Election Commission. Remember, the payments were made in the last days of the campaign and so would never have been reported before the election. No difference could ever have been made.

      The legal status of this payment does not rise to a high crime or misdemeanor, is not money laundering, wire fraud or any of these other inflated charges. It was a reimbursement to a lawyer for an expense incurred. We have to stop trying to criminalize non-disclosure payments for perfectly legal acts. This is not the “Pentagon Papers.” There is no compelling national interest in Stormy Daniels relating the minute-by-minute events of a consensual event from 10 years ago.

      However, the potential case related to the Democrats in which millions of dollars paid to a law firm were funneled to an opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, is far more clear cut. It used donor, not personal funds, it was falsely reported during the campaign and the ultimate recipient was not disclosed. Yet, no sirens are blaring. And by the way, exactly who is paying for Michael Avenatti, attorney for Stormy Daniels, and the continued work of Fusion GPS? Might that be donor money not being reported ?

      It’s the double standard led by the team at the top that is undermining the rule of law. Either these are both administrative matters to be handled by the Federal Election Commission or they are both criminal investigations with raids on law firms, but we can’t have the lawyers of one party raided and the lawyers of the other party laughing out loud.

    2. The Republicans and the Justice Department inspector general have raised legitimate questions about the operation of the FBI and the Justice Department. The FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, was removed for alleged lying that was painstakingly documented by the inspector general’s report. The texts of FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok exposed animus against the president by the bureau’s lead agents.

      Christopher Steele was paid for by the Democrats and did become a vendor of the FBI when he spread completely unsubstantiated allegations of the worst kind against the president to the press and, allegedly, lied about it. These transgressors are all giving interviews and writing books, basking in support from the “resistance.”

      The point is straightforward. There are plenty of serious questions about the foundation of all these investigations, and it is entirely legitimate for congressional committees to demand documents and answers. This is especially important here because while, technically, the president should be able to demand answers, he is blocked from doing so by the threats of the special counsel to subpoena and prosecute him for even raising doubt about the Mueller operation.

      Now, quite stunningly, Rosenstein, who has been behind Justice Department stonewalling of Congress for months, dares threaten even Congress for merely carrying out its fully protected duty. Talk about thin-skinned. We need to now restore the true, unbiased and fairly administered rule of law here that answers the question of whether Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government without attempting to trap the president into obstruction of justice for a nonexistent crime or turning this into a circus.

      We need to get to the bottom of what Comey did in all of these investigations, and whether they were compromised. We must have both tasks carried out fully and fairly. It’s clear now that Rod Rosenstein, with his comments, is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

      Mark Penn (@Mark_Penn) served as pollster and adviser to President Clinton from 1995 to 2000, including during his impeachment. He is chairman of the Harris Poll and author of “Microtrends Squared.”


  83. The problem is that the ramifications of a Rosenstein firing would be difficult to predict, other than that there would be considerable political downside and it, too, would become fodder for the maw of the obstruction investigation.

    A more practical lever would be to push for Rosenstein to recuse himself. He is a party to one of the events that Mueller is investigating, the firing of James Comey, and shouldn’t be overseeing a probe in which he’s a witness.

    To this point, the White House posture toward the Mueller investigation has been to cooperate and hope it goes away, when a root-and-branch legal and constitutional challenge to Mueller’s work is now what’s called for. Surely, Mueller will want to ask questions about such an effort, too — because he’s the unbounded investigatory ombudsman of the Trump era.

    Far too Far

  84. Former Stormy Daniels’ Manager Subpoenaed By FBI


  85. Here's a look at key moments in the saga:

    January 2005 — Trump marries his current wife, Melania.

    March 2006 — The couple's son, Barron, is born.

    July 2006 — According to Daniels, she and Trump began an "intimate relationship" and it continued "well into the year 2007."

