Friday, March 02, 2018

Where is Mr Magoo?

More cover-up questions

The curious murder of Seth Rich poses questions that just won’t stay under the official rug

With the clearly unethical and most likely criminal behavior of the upper management levels of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) exposed by Chairman Devin Nunes of the House Intelligence Committee, there are two complementary areas that have been conveniently swept under the rug.

The first deals with the murder of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer Seth Rich, and the second deals with the alleged hacking of the DNC server by Russia. Both should be of prime interest to special counsel Robert Mueller, but do not hold your breath.

The facts that we know of in the murder of the DNC staffer, Seth Rich, was that he was gunned down blocks from his home on July 10, 2016. Washington Metro police detectives claim that Mr. Rich was a robbery victim, which is strange since after being shot twice in the back, he was still wearing a $2,000 gold necklace and watch. He still had his wallet, key and phone. Clearly, he was not a victim of robbery.

This has all the earmarks of a targeted hit job. However, strangely no one has been charged with this horrific crime, and what is more intriguing is that no law enforcement agency is even investigating this murder. According to other open sources, Metro police were told by their “higher ups” that if they spoke about the case, they will be immediately terminated. It has been claimed that this order came down from very high up the “food chain,” well beyond the D.C. mayor’s office. Interesting.

One more unexplained twist is that on July 10, 2016, the same day Seth Rich was murdered, an FBI agent’s car was burglarized in the same vicinity. Included in the FBI equipment stolen was a 40 caliber Glock 22. D.C. Metro police issued a press release, declaring that the theft of the FBI agent’s car occurred between 5 and 7 a.m. Two weeks later, the FBI changed the time of the theft to between 12 a.m. and 2 a.m. Was the FBI gun used to shoot Seth Rich? Neither the FBI nor the Metro police will discuss.

Another aspect that needs to be uncovered is the FBI’s “denial” that its cyber experts who share space with the D.C. Metro police department at Cleveland Avenue in the District, assisted in accessing data on Mr. Rich’s laptop. Not likely. Data on the laptop revealed that Mr. Rich downloaded thousands of DNC emails and was in touch with Wikileaks. The file with evidence of what was on Mr. Rich’s laptop sits with the FBI in a co-shared space with the D.C. police department. According to Ed Butowsky, an acquaintance of the family, in his discussions with Joel and Mary Rich, they confirmed that their son transmitted the DNC emails to Wikileaks.

Since then, the DNC hired a “spokesperson,” Brad Burman, a known hatchet man to basically cut off any further communications with Mr. Rich’s parents. Interestingly, it is well known in the intelligence circles that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron Rich, downloaded the DNC emails and was paid by Wikileaks for that information.

While Wikileaks doesn’t expose sources, Julian Assange gave a clear clue during an Aug. 9, 2016 interview on Dutch television when he implied that Mr. Rich was killed because he was the Wikileaks source of the DNC emails. Mr. Assange offered a $20,000 reward leading to the arrest of Mr. Rich’s killers. Also, why hasn’t Aaron Rich been interviewed, and where is he?

With regard to the alleged Russian hacking of the DNC server, Mr. Assange also offered information to the Trump administration to prove Russia didn’t hack the DNC server, as the DNC claimed. Mr. Assange also met with Orange Country Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican, and gave him information to present to the Trump administration to prove no one hacked the DNC server.

However, with the Obama holdovers in key positions, it is not surprising that no one from the Trump administration would meet with the congressman or Mr. Assange. New Zealand tech expert Kim DotCom said he has proof that both he and Seth Richwere involved in passing the emails to Wikileaks, but he has been ignored as well.

The FBI opened an investigation into the theft of the DNC emails in July 2016. However, the FBI has not inspected the DNC server because the DNC won’t give permission. Is the FBI an extension of the DNC? That’s why we have subpoenas. Instead, the FBI relied on an assessment by a cyber security firm, Crowd Strike, hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC’s law firm Perkins Coie as proof that Russia was the hacker. Incompetence is an understatement. Corruption at the highest levels of the DOJ/FBI is clear.

The Trump administration must take charge and get a competent attorney general to pursue these crimes.

• James A. Lyons, Jr., a retired U.S. Navy admiral, was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.

Copyright © 2018 The Washington Times, LLC.  Click here for reprint permission.


  1. Quandry

    Who would you trust less?

    Adam Schiff or Vladimir Putin?

  2. Why would anyone, anywhere, trust the US Government?

  3. EU worried about Italian election results - already beginning to see Russian involvement

  4. New York Times-3 hours ago

    The big winner in Italy's election on Sunday could be Russia.

  5. Not to be missed:

    Interview with ANDREW C. MCCARTHY

  6. Word is the Rooskie choreographed the Brexit to break up the EU and undermine NATO.

    1. I've complained about this scenario but no one listens to me.

  7. South African parliament votes to seize white-owned land....DRUDGE

    'We are not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now': South African parliament votes to SEIZE white-owned land as experts warn of violent repercussions
    White South African farmers to be removed from their land after parliament vote
    The motion for 'expropriation without compensation' passed by a landslide
    It was brought about by Julius Malema who said white farmers are 'criminals'

    By Ben Hill For Mailonline and Afp

    PUBLISHED: 00:24 EST, 28 February 2018 | UPDATED: 20:52 EST, 28 February 2018

    Frederik Willem de Klerk was a fool.

    The inevitable happens.

    Keeping up with Zimbabwe.

    We should take in the white refugees.

    1. For every amnesty in DACA, bring in 3 from Eastern Europe, Italy, Greece and Russia.

  8. I used to complain and point out the inevitability of all this but no one listens to me.

    1. March 2, 2018
      The Coming Controversy Over Admitting White Refugees from South Africa
      By Thomas Lifson

      The news that South Africa is moving decisively in the disastrous direction of Zimbabwe – confiscating the land of white farmers, which is by definition ethnic cleansing and almost certainly will involve mass murder (as it did in Zimbabwe) – has already sparked a petition to allow the resulting refugees into the United States:.......

    2. I'm hereby declaring Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and I'll throw in the Dakotas too, as Sanctuary States for the Afrikaners.

  9. .

    Seth Rich?


    Who needs Gateway Pundit or InfoWars, we have the Elephant Bar?

    Who needs Hannity or Kim Dotcom, we have Deuce?

    Who needs 4chan or 8chan or 10chan, we have the Twins.



  10. Who you gonna trust?

    "Lordy . Lordy . Q ." or James A. Lyons, Jr., U.S. Navy Admiral, ret., CINC, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations?

    1. The choice is clear and easily made.

    2. Infowars must be doing something right:

      YOUTUBE Terminates Account of INFOWARS Bureau Chief....DRUDGE

      It’s been a wild week for InfoWars’s DC bureau chief Jerome Corsi. On Tuesday, Corsi, a proponent of the QAnon and Obama birther conspiracies, was riding high after being printed in USA Today, the country’s highest-circulating paper. Today, he was kicked off YouTube for life.

      I fear to ask what is the "QAnon Conspiracy Theory" though I know its source is the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. Word is it was hatched in Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe in Detroit.

    3. .

      Who you going to trust on the Seth Rich story?

      Deuce, Bob, and Doug as well as a host of conspiracy theory promoting sites?

      or who calls the conspiracy story 'Unsupported'.

      Snopes that calls it 'False'.

      Politifact that calls it 'Pants on Fire'.

      The WaPo that gives it '4 Pinocchios'.

      Fox News who retracted their story supporting the theory and then warned Hannity to stop spreading it.

      The parents of Seth Rich.

      Wheeler the 'detective' Fox News said had evidence proving the theory.

      The Washington police, the FBI and DOJ, well just about everyone in the 'deep state' who have been accused of taking part in a massive conspiring to cover up the hit job sanctioned by Hillary Clinton (a person generally disliked by most).

      At least, Bob, was right on this one. The choice isn't that hard to make.


    4. .

      ...massive conspiracy...


    5. .

      Oh yea, and I forgot to add in among the conspiracy theorists James A. Lyons, Jr., U.S. Navy Admiral, ret., CINC, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations? And I believe Newt Gingrich is in that select group too. And Hannity might not be saying anything but he keeps muttering about being shushed.


    6. .

      BobFri Mar 02, 09:40:00 AM EST

      Infowars must be doing something right:

      YOUTUBE Terminates Account of INFOWARS Bureau Chief....DRUDGE

      What else would you expect a conspiracy theorist to say?


  11. .

    Trump says, 'Trade Wars are good'.

    The market drops by 200.


    1. That's Deuce's man! Trump tweets: ‘Trade wars are good, and easy to win’

      got that? Easy to win!

  12. It ticks me off that I can't find anything in Wal-Mart that is Made in America any longer.

    1. Are all the fresh groceries at Walmart in your area from Mexico? Idaho is producing tons of fine stuff this time of year, eh? I'm sure you won't mind paying more for those items, or not having them at all?

    2. .

      Next is NAFTA.

      Trump told Mexico and Canada what he wants but they don't seem to be responding.

      With tariffs some industries benefit, most suffer.

      When he goes after Mexico, Big Ag and Autos will likely suffer and with both those industries the general public will suffer.

      It's hard to say with steel and aluminum since there are certain industries you want to have a guaranteed domestic supply for national security reasons. Is it worth the higher prices? Maybe.


  13. Not sure about the wisdom of tariffs here.

    If you ever have to choose between tax cuts & tariffs, choose tax cuts.

  14. Jared Kushner’s Troubles Include An Impending $1.2 Billion Company Debt

    In December 2016, Jared Kushner, a senior adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential transition, was busy helping shape the new administration. But Trump’s son-in-law also had another pressing concern: finding a wealthy investor to buy into a Manhattan commercial building owned by his family’s company that was facing down a $1.2 billion debt.

    Meetings that Kushner had that month with a Chinese insurance company and a Russian banker — as well as the company’s efforts to get funding from a Qatari source — are coming under new scrutiny after The Washington Post revealed that foreign government officials viewed him as a figure who might be manipulated due to the family company’s financial needs and his lack of experience.

    Kushner divested his interest in 666 Fifth Avenue when he assumed his White House role as senior adviser, and his spokesman, Joshua Raffel, has said Kushner “would never compromise himself or the administration.”

    But Kushner’s talks with foreign officials as the company continued searching for financial backing have raised questions. Foreign intercepts showed that four countries — the United Arab Emirates, China, Israel and Mexico — viewed Kushner as a White House official who might be easily influenced because of the debt, The Post reported this week.

  15. Nice well done little country funeral service going on in South Carolina.

  16. Stand Down? Broward Captain Ordered Deputies To Wait During Parkland Massacre
    ED MORRISSEYPosted at 12:01 pm on March 2, 2018

    Perhaps Scot Peterson’s off the hook after all, at least legally and formally. The Broward County Sheriff’s deputy wasn’t the only law enforcement officer taking a wait-and-see approach to the massacre taking place inside Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. According to records obtained by the Miami Herald, a captain ordered BSO deputies to set up a perimeter around the school rather than enter immediately to confront the shooter, as is required by department procedures and standard practice.

    In other words, it became effectively a stand-down order while shots rang out:

    The Broward Sheriff’s Office captain who initially took charge of the chaotic scene at a Parkland high school where 17 people were killed told deputies to form a perimeter around the deadly scene — which they did instead of going in to confront the shooter, according to a partial BSO dispatch log obtained by the Miami Herald.

    Capt. Jan Jordan, commander of BSO’s Parkland district, gave the order, the log shows, identifying her by her police call sign.

    Broward Sheriff Scott Israel has said BSO training and nationwide active-shooter procedure call for armed law enforcement officers to confront shooters immediately rather than secure a scene.

    The document raises fresh questions about the department’s handling of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14.

    It certainly does, although those aren’t the only pressing issues about the BSO and Nikolas Cruz. It raises fresh questions about Sheriff Scott Israel’s rush to focus public attention on Peterson, too, who may or may not have been responding to Jordan’s order when deciding to hold his position rather than enter the school. Oddly, the statement from Peterson’s attorney never mentions this order from Jordan, although it certainly would help mitigate the perception of his client. Perhaps neither Peterson nor his attorney were aware of it at the time, which would tend not to mitigate Peterson’s actions.

    However, it again raises serious questions about Scott Israel. The sheriff went on a media blitz after the shooting to demand gun-control legislation and point the finger everywhere else but at himself and his own department. Israel went far out of his way to hang Peterson out to dry without revealing this order from one of his department’s senior leadership. At the very least, Sheriff Israel seems to have no idea what his department was or is doing, and at the worst, he’s been deliberately distracting from its failures and their consequences.

    The stand-down order at the moment of the massacre is bad enough, but that’s not the only one for which Israel’s department is responsible. Their pursuit of the Obama-era Promise program was a broad stand-down in the face of dozens of opportunities to intervene effectively with Cruz. The BSO had made forty-five calls to Cruz’ house over a few years, and the school had twenty-five separate disciplinary actions against him, including carrying bullets into the school. Other students had repeatedly warned of Cruz’ potential for violence at the school, but rather than enforce the law, Israel and BSO colluded with school superintendent Robert Runcie to ignore juvenile crime — repeatedly so in Cruz’ case — in order to make juvenile crime statistics look prettier for the Department of Education.

    So yes, let’s probe the stand-down order from Captain Jordan and hold deputies responsible for their failures on February 14th. But let’s focus much more attention on the stand-down orders that had been in place for years and allowed Cruz to escape responsibility for earlier crimes, which would have prevented him from purchasing his weapons at all. And let’s make sure that Scott Israel gets removed from this equation and identified as a particularly discreditable source from this point forward, too.

  17. The funeral service - which they are calling The Last Crusade - is over and was very well done.

  18. "Companies in the S&P 500 got 43 per cent of their sales from outside the United States in 2016, according to the most recent data from S&P Dow Jones Indices."

  19. Report: Trump Urging Kelly To Push Jared And Ivanka Out?

    Yet Mr. Trump is also frustrated with Mr. Kushner, whom he now views as a liability because of his legal entanglements, the investigations of the Kushner family’s real estate company and the publicity over having his security clearance downgraded, according to two people familiar with his views. In private conversations, the president vacillates between sounding regretful that Mr. Kushner is taking arrows and annoyed that he is another problem to deal with.

    Privately, some aides have expressed frustration that Mr. Kushner and his wife, the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump, have remained at the White House, despite Mr. Trump at times saying they never should have come to the White House and should leave. Yet aides also noted that Mr. Trump has told the couple that they should keep serving in their roles, even as he has privately asked Mr. Kelly for his help in moving them out.

  20. Is a US owned Steel company, located in Canada, producing US steel or Canadian steel?

  21. There you go Quirk - what you wanted to happen is happening:

    "The risk of "national security" becoming a regular defense is only one of several dangers facing the WTO, which has struggled to keep its rules up to date since it was created in 1995.

    It is also at risk from a U.S. veto on judicial appointments, which could paralyze its dispute settlement arm."

    Who needs dispute resolution when you have Trump?

    1. Donald The Resolver !

      Beats Hillary or Turdeau.

    2. .

      National security as an defense?

      Well, I guess at least it does beat California where they use astrology as a defense?

      "Yea, man. I stole your weed but what the hell, I'm a Virgo."


    3. ummm, quirk, Trump is invoking "national security" as the rationale for the Steel and Aluminum tariff. That is the 'defence' against the charge that the US is violating the agreed upon WTO trading rules. He also doesn't have to go to Congress with such an invocation as well I believe.

  22. Is Trump Serious about Returning to a Gold Standard?
    Larry Alton
    As with most economic issues, there are pros and cons associated with a return to the gold standard. More



    Tucker Carlson is correct. .. 100%

    Promises Made -Promises Broken


  24. As to the question...
    Where is Jeff Sessions?

    Dining with Mr Rosenstein and the Solicitor General ...

    Disciussing whether or not they can indict a sitting President.

    It was a great photo oppportunity.


  25. And still we wait ...

    The punchline to the Mueller "Joke" is apprroaching ...

    Har de har har.

  26. .

    Now, Trump has started to complain about the IG report trying to discredit that investigation too. Count on Fox and our boys here to start in on him too once they get their talking points memo.


    1. How come people call you Mr. Maqoo ?

    2. .

      Quite a tell there, Bob.

      You are the only person here that uses archaic English as evidenced by that space you leave before the question mark.

      Of course, you are also the only one here who talks to himself.


    3. .

      It's very likely the IG will comes down hard on the FBI/DOJ. That's his job.

      But Trump's impatient and doesn't want to take chances. However, his efforts to discredit Horowitz in order to skuttle the Mueller probe only makes him look small and, more and more, guilty.


    4. But Trump's impatient and doesn't want to take chances. However, his efforts to discredit Horowitz in order to skuttle the Mueller probe only makes him look small and, more and more, guilty.

      >But Trump's impatient and doesn't want to take chances. However, his efforts to discredit Horowitz in order to skuttle the Mueller probe only makes him look small and, more and more, guilty.


    5. .

      Horowitz will be at the middle of the storm when his findings come out.

      Like Mueller, when his probe began, he was a beloved figure. Everyone said he was the right guy for the job. Dems. GOP. You name it.

      Now? No matter what his findings, he will be vilified. Come down hard on the FBI's Clinton investigation and the Dems will condemn him. Doesn't come down hard enough and the GOP and the Trumpkins will demand he go to jail. No win.



  27. .

    In time, the truth will be revealed and justice will be served, just as it was in the FBI's investigation of Hillary's emails.


  28. Rep Gaetz gave a speech from the House floor Tuesday evening with a smile on his face as he called ranking member of the House Intel Committee, Adam Schiff to join him to advance bipartisan legislation giving the President power to appoint FISA judges.

    How can Schiff say no? He’s the one who originally introduced this bill in 2013. Checkmate.

    Adam Schiff’s bill would have given the President authority to appoint all of the FISA judges.

    “In 2013, Rep. Adam Schiff wanted to give the President power to appoint FISA judges. Today, I filed that legislation & would encourage him to join me to advance bipartisan legislation. If it was good enough to give Obama these powers, it’s good enough to give Trump these powers,” Gaetz said.

    “I’d encourage the gentleman from California to join me as a co-sponsor so that we can find bipartisan solutions to improve the FISA process,” Gaetz said.

    On Thursday, Rep. Gaetz sent Rep. Schiff an official letter asking him to cosponsor his original bill from 2013.

    Gaetz tweeted the letter with a caption, “I am calling on @RepAdamSchiff, in my letter today, to cosponsor his ORIGINAL bill from 2013, which would grant the President authority to appoint FISA Judges. If it was good enough to give President Obama these powers, it’s good enough to give President Trump these powers!”

  29. "No foreign intelligence service could learn anything from the House Republicans’ memo except that the FBI retailed the mercenary inventions of a retired British spook and concealed the provenance of its information.

    Some may consider it dangerous to expose senior officials of America’s counterintelligence service as political hacks and fools.
    They needn’t worry.

    America’s adversaries have been well aware of this for a long time."

    1. If any intelligence assets were compromised, they were placed at risk by the dossier itself.

      British court documents say that Fusion, an agency working for the Hillary campaign briefed journalists from the New York Times, Washington Post, Yahoo News, the New Yorker and CNN at the end of September 2016. Whether Fusion's press conference tipped off the Russians is unclear even to Glenn Simpson as Newsweek reports.

      The House Intelligence Committee published a transcript on Thursday of a behind-closed-doors interview with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, who shared his concerns that people had been picked off by the Russian government after the explosive claims of a Trump-Russia connection emerged.

      When asked if one of his sources was killed, Simpson said, “That’s not my information. I mean, there was a series of episodes where people were arrested or died mysteriously that came shortly after the disclosure of the existence of this information. And I do believe there was a bit of an old-fashioned purge.”

      But a press briefing couldn't have helped their sources' operational security.

    2. .

      Why any country would be a fool to trust the US to keep a secret.

      The House Intelligence Committee meets with a guy. Do they do it in public? Hell no. You never know what they might say. It could be embarrassing. So they hold a classified meeting behind closed doors. Then the majority selectively leaks info from the meeting.

      Hilarious that we are even talking about security clearances with these folks. It's got nothing to do with security. And certainly nothing about intelligence no matter how you want to define it. It's all about gotcha.


    3. Then the majority selectively leaks info from the meeting.

      Lordy, Lordy

      Information flow scrabble in the Q noggin once again, folks.

    4. Big Chief Two Dots at top of his game, folks.

    5. Trump Blasts Rep. Schiff Over 'Probably Illegal' Leaks, FISA Memo
      6 days ago - President Trump offered his first televised reaction to the release of the Democrat rebuttal to the so-called Nunes FISA memo, criticizing intelligence committee member Rep. Adam Schiff.
      Report: Adam Schiff may have leaked classified information to ...

      Feb 4, 2018 - Did Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, leak classified information in an effort to discredit committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and the controversial “FISA memo?” According to a new report, he may have.
      Trump: 'Little Adam Schiff' leaked classified information

      Feb 5, 2018 - President Trump on Monday accused Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, of leaking confidential information. "Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, ...
      Trump Accuses Adam Schiff of Lying, Leaking - NYMag

      Feb 5, 2018 - Coming perilously close to recycling his nickname for Senators Marco Rubio and Bob Corker, President Trump attacked Democratic representative Adam Schiff on Twitter Monday morning, kicking off the week with some good old-fashioned Russia-investigation paranoia. Little Adam Schiff, who is ...
      Adam Schiff's Statements Are Frequently False Or Missing Key Details

      Jan 30, 2018 - As soon as the committee had finished voting, ranking member Rep. ... For background, Schiff has spent the last week and a half upset that the majority's memo alleging abuses was available for House review. ... One trademark of Schiff's leaks to the media is that they're frequently process complaints.

    6. One can only hope, as always, that Q's noggin information flow disturbance is simply another instance of an intermittent problem and not a harbinger of something more permanent.

    7. .

      One more example of the failed thinking processes among the Trumpkins.

      When confronted with unpleasant or embarrassing information, their first instinct is to divert and misdirect and to shift blame. When you can't justify actions that are at minimum dishonest and indiscreet and at the other end illegal, you point out actions (or as in the story above possible actions) that are just as bad as what you've been accused of. This starts with the top. Trump has never apologized for anything. Any negative result is blamed on others. It's the tactic of weak and defensive people.

      Not only does this approach defy logic and common sense it is (to be kind) morally questionable. The same people who whine about a devolving culture in this country offer us an alternative that excuses every action by their side with the ridiculous responses 'Hey, everyone does it' or 'Hey, this other guy is worse than me'.

      Disingenuous and pathetic.

      And, at this point, expected.


    8. A concerning response.

      Information flow blockage not lessening.

      I'm worried.

    9. .

      You should be.

      Might want to see your doctor about that blockage.


    10. And now you stooped so low you're even stealing my meme.

      Lordy !

  30. By the way we've been in a trade war, or trade surrender, for the last few decades.

    1. .

      Another stupid observation from the local representative of the Idaho Mensa Asylum (IMA)

      This has little to do with trade and much more to do with the American propensity to buy more than it produces.

      Trump's latest move is purely political and likely will be harmful to the country.

      Public Goods and National Security

      One of the oldest and most common arguments supporting protection is the so-called "national security argument," also called the national defense argument. This argument suggests that it is necessary to protect certain industries with a tariff, to assure continued domestic production in the event of a war. Many products have been identified as being sufficiently important to warrant protection for this reason. Perhaps the most common industry identified is agriculture. Simply consider the problems that would arise if a nation did not have an adequate food supply at a time when it was at war with the outside world. Low food stocks may induce severe hardships and even famine. A simple solution to avoid this potential problem is to maintain a sufficiently high tariff in order to keep cheap foreign goods out, and in turn, maintain production of the domestic goods.

      Similar problems may arise in many other industries [I.e. steel or aluminum].

      National Security and Public Goods

      We can make better sense of the national security argument if we classify it in the context of the theory of the second-best. In this case, we must note that the national security argument is actually incorporating a market imperfection into the story to justify the use of a protective tariff. The market imperfection here is a public good. National security is a public good and public goods are excluded from the standard assumptions of perfect competition...

      The national security argument can sometimes make sense; however, that's not the argument Trump is making. Trump's MAGA is simply a political 'slogan'. Whenever he is in trouble he falls back on it to stir up his base. Trump is basing his latest move on an argument for 'fairness' a fairly subjective concept. I'm sure that Domestic and Foreign steelmakers have widely divergent views on what the word means when it comes to US steel imports.

      Now, in an instinctual, shoot-from-the-hip move similar to his remarks and actions on the coal industry he offers us protectionism in the form of the steel and aluminum tariffs. Just as Trump's moves on coal were designed to stir up the suffering workers in the coal industry these tariffs are designed do the same in the steel industry. The tariffs are a blatant partisan appeal nothing more. They are a diversion to take attention away from the rising chaos taking place in the White House, fulfill an ill-advised campaign promise, and to stir up his base.



    2. {...}

      Reasons a more cerebral approach regarding trade would have been more helpful:

      1. Trump wasn't specific. Will these tariffs be across the board or will they be targeted. Pulling this stuff out of his ass is one reason the markets tanked last week.

      2. Although the U.S. does import 1/3 of our steels needs that still leaves 2/3 that is produced domestically.

      3. Of the 1/3 that is imported, nearly 60% comes from 4 of our closest allies.

      4. Two of those 4 countries are Canada and Mexico, countries we are currently asking for concessions from in negotiations on NAFTA. Not a classic negotiating tactic.

      5. Canada, the largest imports supplier on steel currently has a trade deficit with the US.

      6. The Trump tariffs have the potential for sparking a wider trade war. Much larger industries such as agriculture and auto could suffer.

      7. Politically, it's hard to judge how much benefit Trump will get out of this as there are only about 150,000 jobs directly related to the steel industry.

      8. China, the country Trump uses as the poster boy for trade practice abuse, will hardly be affected by the tariffs as they are not even in the top 10 of steel importers to the US.

      9. Steel tariffs have been tried before (Reagan, Bush) to shore up the domestic steel industry. They didn't work.

      10. One more example of Trump's go it alone policies on trade. Countries around the world including some of our key allies are already moving around the US and moving on.

      11. It's very possible the US consumer will suffer from higher prices due to the tariffs.


    3. The move is likely to win or hold some at risk Pennsylvania USA House of Representative seats, which might preserve the Republicans dominance of the House.

    4. .

      You might be right but somehow I don't think that was Trump's motivation.

      He may be that political but certainly not that cerebral.


    5. Trump has certainly not been invited into the Idaho Mensa Association like myself.

      You are right there.

      Only the few, and very special get invites to my state's most prestigious and honored group.

    6. .

      Right. And I understand those invites are all hand drawn at the Idaho Calligraphy Parlor and Swedish Meatball Shop (ICPSMS).



    7. YES, there are very elegant, and edible around the edges too !

      Not matched anywhere in the world.

  31. I've read three times that Hope Hicks has 'massive legal bills' but never heard why.

    Does anyone know why, if it is indeed true she does ?

    1. .

      Hicks is a good looking lady.

      Every time I think of her being forced to steam Trumps clothes while he was still wearing them it pisses me off more.

      The idea of her being forced to bend down to steam the pleats in his pants with that leering mug hovering above her makes me madder than a hunchback in a limbo contest.


  32. Former GOP Rep to Brother of Slain Border Patrol Agent: ‘I Met With AG Sessions to Get Fast & Furious Documents and He Said NO’

    Lou Dobbs Calls For AG Sessions to Resign ‘For the Good of the Country’

    Judge Jeanine Unleashes On AG Sessions: ‘He Lost His Prosecutorial Balls?!’

    GOP Lawmaker: Jeff Sessions Won’t Answer Questions at Meetings – Defers to Rosenstein’s Aides

    Rep. Matt Gaetz Accuses AG Sessions of ‘Dereliction of Duty’ — Urges He Appoint Second Special Counsel or Resign

    1. Magoo is getting ripped by everybody.

      The Donald has a problem. Word is he can't get a replacement confirmed.

    2. .

      That's the 'first' problem that comes to mind when you think of Trump?

      Man o man.



  33. Bang Bang etc.

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