Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Arrest Libby Schaaf

Libby Schaaf, Oakland mayor, helped criminal illegal immigrants escape, ICE chief says

 - The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 27, 2018

More than 850 illegal immigrants managed to elude deportation officers conducting operations in Northern California this week, and the head of the deportation force on Tuesday blamed Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf for helping some of them escape.

More than 150 migrants were nabbed in the operations, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Half of them had criminal convictions, ICE said.

One of the men arrested was a 38-year-old Mexican who belongs to the Sureno gang, and who had been deported four times before, authorities said. Others had weapons, domestic violence and drunken driving convictions.

But some 864 criminals ICE was seeking remain at large in the Oakland and San Francisco region, ICE said.

The operation gained attention after Ms. Schaaf issued a very public warning to her community that ICE was making arrests. She said she wanted them to be aware and to take needed steps to protect themselves.

Thomas D. Homan, the top official at ICE, said by doing that she put his officers at risk, and likely endangered her own citizens by giving some criminals a chance to escape.

“I have to believe that some of them were able to elude us thanks to the mayor’s irresponsible decision,” Mr. Homan said.

ICE said one of the people who eluded them was a Honduran arrested for transporting cocaine and for sex with a child under 16. Another Mexican had drug and firearms convictions.

Both of those migrants had been in police custody before but the authorities refused to hold them for pickup by ICE, the agency said. Both have been deported before on multiple occasions, but managed to sneak back in.

Ms. Schaaf defended her decision earlier this week by saying she had an obligation to protect the city’s residents — “particularly our most vulnerable.”
“I believe it is my duty and moral obligation as mayor to give those families fair warning,” she said.

She also warned city businesses that California law prohibited them from cooperating with ICE officers, and the law actively bars ICE from going into employee-only areas of businesses.


  1. Arrest the Bitch

    8 USC 1327 was enacted into federal immigration law in 1986...
    "Any person who knowingly aids or assists any alien inadmissible under section 1182(a)(2) (insofar as an alien inadmissible under such section has been convicted of an aggravated felony) or 1182(a)(3) (other than subparagraph (E) thereof) of this title to enter the United States, or who connives or conspires with any person or persons to allow, procure, or permit any such alien to enter the United States, shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 10
    years, or both."

  2. Title 10 service means full-time duty in the active military service of the United States. The term used is federalized. Federalized National Guard forces have been ordered, by the President to active duty either in their reserve component status or by calling them into Federal service in their militia status.

  3. Eisenhower knew how to act boldly and enforce the law. He placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal control and sent 1,000 U.S. Army paratroopers from the 101st Airborne Division to assist them in restoring law and order in Little Rock. Trump should to the same in California to reinforce ICE and restore law and order. Oakland is as good a place to start as any.

    1. Ike had 'Operation Wetback' too, and was proud of it.

      Operation Wetback

      I read/heard recently that the majority of Californians actually are against 'sanctuary cities'.

    2. Trump doing the same would certainly cause a major uproar, though most of the country would support him.

    3. Thinking of Berkeley, California occupied by Federal Troops does cause a slight smile to appear on the face.

  4. ICE arrests 150 in immigrant raids, blasts Schaaf over warning

    Agency’s deputy director says “864 criminal aliens and public safety threats remain at large,” thanks to Schaaf


    Jose Ivan Nuñez and his husband, Paul Frames, walked into the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office in Philadelphia on Jan. 31 expecting the visit to be a routine stop in obtaining Nuñez’s I-130 form, a first step toward the green card process.

    Their excitement about starting a new chapter of their lives together, however, soon turned to shock when Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials unexpectedly entered the room and took Nuñez into custody.

    “The day of the hearing, I had no suspicions at all," Frames told NBC News. "I was very confident that the hearing would be fine, and we would be out in less than a half hour. After the fact, looking back, we were sitting ducks."

    Nikkie Lopez, the director of GALAEI, a Philadelphia-based Latino LGBTQ social justice organization, told NBC News she was stunned by the situation.

  6. While Nuñez and Frames wed after the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was struck down in 2015, Aaron C. Morris, executive director of Immigration Equality, a nonprofit that advocates and represents LGBTQ people in the immigration system, told NBC News it is not uncommon for same-sex binational couples to be caught in the immigration system. DOMA, he explained, barred the federal government from recognizing the marriages of gay couples, and many U.S. citizens were denied the opportunity to sponsor their partners for green cards.

  7. Nuñez has called the U.S. home since 2001, when he entered without inspection.
    ( Without inspection is leftist drivel for illegal entry)

    In 2010, he traveled back to Mexico after finding out his mother had fallen ill. When he returned to the U.S. in August, he received an expedited order of removal at the border and was sent back to Mexico. A few months later, he re-entered the U.S. without inspection. Because of this, ICE has reinstated his prior order of expedited removal.

    “When an individual has been ordered removed and is encountered by ICE, ICE reactivates the prior order,” Allen explained. “As such, he does not have the right to a removal hearing before the [Executive Office for Immigration Review]."

  8. Husband and Husband, Dick and Dong, so sad.

  9. Trying to cover her ass legally, Madame Mayor says she is just passing along street rumors.

  10. .

    Sometimes the obvious solution requires a little more thought

    A couple weeks back (to a chorus of whining criticism) I listed some of the concerns I had with some of the 'solutions' being offered up to ensure that incidents like the Parkdale HS shootings 'never happen again'. One caution I offered related to the arming of teachers where I pointed out that having teachers carrying around guns in a volatile situation like that might result in accidental tragedy once the police arrived.

    This happened the same day as the Parkdale shooting...

    He disarmed a possible church shooter — then the police arrived


    1. Much better to let the shooter continue to shoot and kids or churchgoers continue to die than risk such chaos.

    2. .

      Lord, why do I even try.



    3. Allowing a slaughter fest is absurd. There are practical things that could be done. Allowing specific trained teachers or for that matter trained , armed civilian hall monitors is one possibility. In any civil or military gunfight, things can and often do go wrong. The failures of police work are rampant in the Florida case. Could a few trained and armed teachers have made it better? It is hard to see how it could have been worse.

      Tremendous societal damage has been done in the past forty years. There is no easy solution to stupid and broken but we are the unfortunate beneficiaries of both.

    4. Don't ever give up trying, Quirk.

      It's not in your DNA to do so.

    5. The consequence of social engineering since the sixties is distrust, hate and loathing, broken families, the complete decline of virtue, a ruthless moral corruption of law and traditional values. We are at an ugly transition of a broken society. There are no common values. Each community needs to do what comes natural and that is protect their own in the best way that they know.

    6. .

      The police kill about a 1000 Americans a year. Most of these deaths are unavoidable given the circumstances. However, we are constantly presented with examples of what can only be called avoidable deaths. People making the wrong kinds of move and having aa full magazine pumped into them. Police drug busts that go wrong when the cops get the address wrong bust in and blow away innocent family members including babies. Cops taking out mentally handicapped people who can't understand and don't follow their orders. Traffic stops where unnamed people are blown away when they reach for their license. For the past few weeks all we have heard is criticism of Florida cops and their response to the Parkland shootings. And these are cops who go through police academy training and in many cases have years of experience in the streets.

      Now, people want to arm teachers to protect students. And do what? Give them 40 hours of training most of which is probably classroom training as is the case with the training for concealed carry permits and then turn them loose? Does anyone doubt the scenario I mentioned the other day of some black teacher carrying a gun in a volatile situation being blown away when he meets a bunch of cops in the hall responding to a school shooting? And that's not to mention how these teachers will actually respond in a shooting situation. If cops can take out an entire family in a mistaken drug bust, I can envision a situation where one of these teachers takes out some kid by mistake.

      Teachers carrying guns is a solution politicians throw out to show they are trying to do something. At the federal level, it's an easy fix. Just as with Trump's suggestion that we improve we improve mental health programs to prevent these types of shooting, the assumption is, oh yea, and the states will pay for it. Teacher's carrying guns is a no lose situation for Trump. It costs him nothing. The states pay for it. If shootings drop, he claims credit for it. If it goes to hell, he says it was do to implementation at the state level.

      Talking about making bump stocks illegal is another example. Easy to talk. Let me know when it actually happens. My understanding is that they can't be banned under existing law. It would need Congress to pass a law and good luck with that. In addition, I'm no expert on the subject but I understand you can get the same effect as with bump stocks using certain easily available materials.

      Practical things that could be done like universal gun checks (including at gun shows and over the internet) are ignored. Actually demanding by law that the various states and agencies including federal that are mandated to provide data to the 'no gun sales' list actually do it. Making high capacity magazines illegal to the public is IMO a good idea. Dick's Sporting Goods seems to think the same thing.

      Trump's suggestion that more money should be budgeted for mental health services is commendable. I won't question his motives. Perhaps, he has actually evolved. And face it, Trump has no problem spending money. He has said how much he loves debt. But words are meaningless. They may indicate where the president's priorities are but in the end it is Congress that appropriates funds. We'll have to see how far the president's latest priorities go when they need to be ok'd by Ryan and Freedom Caucus.

      I'm willing to agree with any suggestion for solving this problem if it is well thought out, logical and provides reasonable safeguards. What I've seen so far is that reasonable, common sense suggestions are being ignored while solutions that have not been well fleshed out are being offered willy nilly.


    7. .

      Of course, I left out one of the most important solutions, law enforcement actually responding to potential threats when they are reported to them.


  11. Dispatches from Deep inside Progressiville
    Pennel Bird

    Things are rough, tough....

  12. NYT
    Dick’s, major gun retailer, will stop selling assault-style rifles

    Dick's is where Cruz purchased weapons.

    Newsweek can’t pay its rent on time and faces eviction

  13. Our culture’s inability to talk meaningfully about the most consequential phenomenon in history.
    February 28, 2018 Bruce Thornton

    The reactions to the Florida school shooting have been so predictable that most commentary starts with some variation of “here we go again.” The usual “solutions” to the problem are trotted out, each with its varying degrees of weakness, and none able to achieve what everybody expects––no more massacres of kids at school. But more interesting than this fossilized debate are the unspoken assumptions behind the various recommendations, and our culture’s inability to talk meaningfully about the most consequential phenomenon in history: human evil. That’s why it’s easier to ritually repeat the same failed decades-old “solutions,” or to politicize the bloodshed for partisan gain.

    The left, of course, thinks “smarter” gun control is the answer. They want to ban “assault rifles,” a scare-term that confuses semiautomatic with automatic weapons, the sale of which is already strictly limited. Then they sell the bait-and-switch by highlighting sinister-looking add-ons like silencers or high-capacity magazines. But if anti-gun nuts were concerned with gun deaths rather than the relatively rare but more politically fungible multiple-victim school-shootings, they’d know that very few murders involve rifles. In 2016, murderers were 19 times more likely to use handguns than rifles. And more murders were committed with hands and feet than with rifles. Demonizers of “assault rifles” forget that they were banned from 1994 to 2004, and that the ban was ineffective, failing to stop the Columbine shooters in 1999, or even to reduce firearm killings.

    Other talking points are equally useless for anything other than partisan gain. Like the “assault rifle,” the NRA has become the bogeyman Dems reflexively trot out for a two-minute hate after every high-profile shooting. Politicians who gobble up billions of dollars from public employee unions and tech plutocrats condemn the comparative pittance the NRA spends in lobbying to defend a Constitutional right. Confiscation of guns, along the lines of Australia’s program a few years back, runs afoul of the Second Amendment, not to mention being practically impossible given that there are about 300 million guns in circulation, five million of which are the dreaded AR-15 “assault rifles.”

    A bipartisan solution calls for raising the legal age for purchasing rifles from 19 to 21, the age for buying pistols. That restriction would be as porous as the legal age for buying alcohol, which generations of underage teenagers have easily circumvented. Like other calls for restricting gun purchases, in a free and open society people who really want something will figure out a way to get it. Our trillion-dollar, multi-generational “war on drugs” has not kept teenagers in America from getting whatever illegal or legal drug they want. And the number of dead from the current opioid epidemic is bigger than those killed by guns and cars combined.


    1. Demands that social media be surveilled and censored are another non-starter. Violent blog posts are generally protected speech, and are so numerous that law enforcement can investigate only a fraction. Police and the FBI certainly dropped the ball with the Florida shooter, who has a record of numerous contacts with law enforcement, and warnings from family and acquaintances about his erratic behavior and arsenal of weapons. But for every such person who ends up on a shooting spree, there are millions more who don’t. Again, there simply isn’t enough manpower to investigate every one and sort the credible threats from the run-of-the-mill losers.

      A potentially more useful fix are the calls to fortify schools and multiply the number of armed security guards, including teachers. But it’s politically improbable that we will turn schools into virtual prisons, with armed teachers in the classroom. And the efficacy of armed guards depends on the quality of their training and their personal courage, as we learned recently in Florida when sheriff officers on the scene did not enter the building even as the students were being shot. Improving the data-bases used for background checks also would be useful, but yet again, the tools are only as effective as the people who use them. Like all large publicly funded institutions staffed by flawed humans, law enforcement is vulnerable to the iron law that somebody always blunders, as tragically happened with the Florida shooter.

      The loudest solutions, also bipartisan, are focused on our mental health system. We need to do a better job at identifying the mentally ill, and giving families and the state the power to commit those who are a danger to others. But how do we know which mental illnesses are likely to lead to mass murder? Who diagnoses these illnesses? Based on what criteria? Is strange behavior or a fascination with violence a sign of mental illness? Given the subjective nature of making these judgments in the absence of physical dysfunction, many diagnoses of symptoms are often based on subjective, vague, or scientifically dubious interpretations. The result of putting such people on a no-buy list would be numerous violations of civil and Constitutional rights. Imagine a battered wife or rape victim diagnosed with PTSD prevented from buying a gun that may save her life from her psycho attacker.

      And don’t forget, the problem we are trying to solve with more money and more government power is one that involves a relatively low number of victims. During the past 25 years, about 250 students have died in shootings at a few of the nation’s 100,000 schools, an average of ten a year. Compare that to the average of 100 kids a year killed while riding their bikes or walking to school. And the biggest danger to all of us is not death from being shot by a stranger, which happens in only one in five gun murders, but from car accidents, which kill more than twice as many of us each year than guns do. And 60% of those gun deaths are suicides. Are some unnatural deaths more important than others?

    2. The common denominator of all these useless or ineffective solutions is our reductive understanding of human nature and its innate potential for destructive acts. We moderns live in a world created by materialist determinism, the notion that all reality is material, and so all problems and their solutions come from the environment or psychological states created by the environment––poverty, bad parenting, broken homes, inadequate self-esteem, a violence-saturated popular culture, or a lack of counselors and therapists to treat elastically defined mental illness. When destructive behaviors result from these conditions, we then turn to the “human sciences” and their techniques to give us solutions, and we expect the state to apply the cure though policies and laws reflecting the knowledge of experts. After all, isn’t that what the modern state is supposed to do, solve all our problems and free us from pain, risk, and suffering?

      That’s why everyone thinks that the problem of school shootings is one that the so-called “human sciences” can explain and solve through government law and policy. But “evil,” the go-to word when we have nothing to say in the face of such horrible crimes, is a spiritual, not a material condition. Evil results from human free will, our ability to choose whatever we think will satisfy us, and our flawed human nature that will always keep us from creating the perfect world.

      In Christianity, for example, crimes like mass murder, while horrific, are not “senseless.” They make perfect sense given humanity’s fallen condition, its inability to rein in the forces of appetite and passion and self-will. But we are created with free will, and aided by the grace of God, we are free to choose Him or to choose ourselves. When we choose ourselves, we remove ourselves from accountability to God, we make of ourselves a god, and we worship our own self-gratifying lusts, including the lust for power. And what greater power is there for a human than to kill another human?

    3. Nor need there always be material or rational causes of killing. As Dostoevsky understood, we need no other reason to choose evil than the mere fact that it exists as a choice, and that making that choice affirms our freedom and demonstrates our power. Such choices are part of the mystery of human good and evil, as inexplicable by a material science as are unconditional love and self-sacrifice and redemption. As Dmitri Karamazov says, there is eternal war between God and Satan, and the battleground is the human heart, where every day we must choose to worship God or to worship ourselves and thus aspire to be god.

      Indeed, isn’t this wretched, teenaged murderer now the closest thing to a god our mass society recognizes? His face and name are everywhere, adults and officials now hover around him, he is the subject of incessant attention and commentary and curiosity, and his life and actions are now scrutinized with the same morbid fascination with which we examine the lives of celebrities, our modern divinities. Are we so naïve as to think that for some, death or a life spent in prison is not worth such fame and attention?

      Yet religion and theology are dismissed by our official wisdom as mere superstition and irrational obfuscation, the biggest obstacle to creating heaven on earth. Good, evil, free will—haven’t these last few centuries of secularist domination taught us that those are all chimeras, that our unique selves are mere bubbles floating on great oceans of economics, genes, evolutionary selection, environment, or unconscious forces? That is why the theologians, philosophers, novelists, and poets who for twenty-five centuries in the West have meditated on the stubborn mystery of human good and evil, are conspicuous by their absence from our official explainers.

      The determinists have carried the day and have, as Hamlet put it, torn the heart out of our mystery. And then we are surprised that some commit atrocities just to prove that they are not piano keys played by inhuman materialist forces.

      But is anyone really satisfied with the chatter of the determinists? Does anyone think that their reductive explanations get at the horror of such acts? That science can ultimately say anything meaningful about what we are, and why we do what we do, that doesn’t in the end depend on radically simplifying the complex, intricate, unpredictable, quirky reality of our individual humanity?

      The politicized flawed “solutions” that follow every shooting and never solve anything suggest that we aren’t satisfied, that the answers recycled from the last shooting can satisfy us only on the level of ritualistic formulas, rain-dances that by day’s end still find us in our spiritual drought. Meanwhile, twenty-five centuries of powerful, imaginative meditations on the human condition from theologians to poets––the best of whom respect our mysterious complexity––are ignored. And that, ultimately, says more about our world and its discontents than does murder in a high school.


  14. It does not get more onerous

    (REUTERS) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that the parts of a proposed border wall he says California wants will not be built until the entire southern wall is approved, although state officials have said they are strongly opposed to the plan.

    "I have decided that sections of the Wall that California wants built NOW will not be built until the whole Wall is approved," Trump said in a tweet

    For Cadet Bone Spur the first piece of his Wall is not enough.

    Better none than some.

    Promises Made - Promises Broken


  15. Jared Kushner's fall from Secretary of Everything to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The damage from the MASSIVE Security Breach @ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave has yet to ascertained.

    Jared just one of a hundred risks that wede retained on the White House staff, without real security clearances.

    Deuce had a higher clearance level than that which Jared Kushner can qualify for.

    Leaving all of US at risk.

    LOCK 'Em UP !!!

    1. The damage from the MASSIVE Security Breach @ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave has yet to ascertained.

      What damage ?

      Maybe there isn't any to ascertain.

    2. Best thing he's ever contributed !

  16. Dr. Phil Report:

    Source: wife

    Dr. Phil says the school shooter had been unmercifully bullied by the other students.

    Wife left to drive into town before I was able to ask her if Dr. Phil was trying to exonerate the guy.

    1. Rush Limbaugh had reported the same, she said.

      She listens to Rush, Dr. Savage, and Dr. Phil.

      Told her I had never seen it reported anywhere else.

  17. Libby Tweets

    1. More Libby

  18. The straight scoop from Michael Savage today:

    Source: wife

    The shooter's mom was a drug addict. She didn't know who papa was....she sold him to the neighbors through a lawyer on adoption for $15,000...which she probably used on drugs. Not certain whether that was both sons or not.

    One of her two sons was born while she was in jail, tho wife was uncertain which one.

    Shooter didn't fit in with the neighbors. His older brother is now is a psych facility for depression thinking about what his younger bro did in the school.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Obviously the shooter gestated in a womb marinated in drugs.

    3. I read/heard somewhere that even the shooter himself called the Police and said he might be going school shooting.

      Anyone here want to do the calculations and assign the true moral/ethical responsibility to all the parties involved for this shooting event ?

      I'm not certain even God could do it.

  19. Melania: Screw you, asshole, I'm going in!

    1. :)

      The boorish Donald did let young Baron enter before him.

      Melania didn't. She went in first.

      Baron needs new parents, poor little kid.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. A freak warming around the North Pole is sending a blast of Arctic cold over Europe in a sign of "wacky" weather that may happen more often with man-made global warming, scientists say.


    Arctic Ocean sea ice is at a record low for late February at 14.1 million square km, according to the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre.

    That is about a million less than normal, or roughly the size of Egypt.

  22. It is -23 degrees at Northeast Greenland National Park.

  23. A big clue about the nature of mysterious dark matter may have been discovered.

    Astronomers with the Experiment to Detect the Global EoR (Epoch of Reionization) Signature (EDGES) project reported today (Feb. 28) that they've spotted the apparent fingerprints of the universe's first stars. The signal they detected was twice as intense as they had predicted, suggesting that either the hydrogen gas pervading the early universe was significantly colder than expected, or background radiation levels were significantly hotter than light from the cosmic microwave background, the radiation left over from the Big Bang that formed the universe.


    The matter we're familiar with — stuff made of protons, neutrons and electrons — makes up just 15 percent or so of the matter in the universe. The rest is composed of a material that scientists cannot directly observe.


    In addition to possibly revealing the influence of dark matter, the new EDGES observations may also have provided another clue about why the particles making up the stuff have been so elusive. Dark matter could be composed of conventional "baryonic" matter, but most scientists think it is instead made up of unusual particles.

  24. “It’s a very tantalizing possibility,” Priyamvada Natarajan, a Yale astrophysicist who researches dark matter but was not involved in this study, told Gizmodo. She said the paper could have important implications for dark matter searches here on earth.

    Currently, scientists are hunting for dark matter that weighs in the neighborhood of a billion electron volts, just around the mass of the proton or heavier. “These papers are suggesting that we maybe need to move away from looking for GeV dark matter,” she said.

    “We would need a rethink of our current experimental setups for direct detection.”


  25. Jared didn't need a Federal salary ...

    He was selling access.
    $100 MILLION & counting

    LOCK HIM UP!!!

  26. With a top-secret clearance, Kushner would have had access to information about covert operations and intelligence sources and methods. With a secret clearance, he would still have access to intelligence assessments, but not necessarily the information behind why the U.S. knows what is being shared with him.

    The downgrade would mean that anyone giving top-secret material to Kushner could be accused of mishandling classified material, according to David Priess, who wrote a history of the President’s Daily Brief, the highest-level intelligence document produced in the United States. Still, a president has the ultimate authority to classify or declassify information, so he could show the brief — covering hot spots around the globe, U.S. covert operations and intelligence about world leaders— “to whomever he damn well pleases,” Priess tweeted.


    Kushner has been forced to repeatedly correct omissions in his “SF-86,” the government-wide form used to apply for clearances, as well as his financial disclosure forms, which experts said could delay or even nix his chances of earning a clearance through the normal process.



    LOCK HIM UP !!!

  28. But installing a close relative in the White House in an official position certainly violates the spirit of the anti-nepotism law. And, despite the emphasis our bottom-line-minded president has placed on the fact that Kushner isn't being paid, that's irrelevant.


    We don't know what lies behind the decision not to grant Kushner a permanent "top secret" security clearance. His background investigation has been complicated by his wealth and elaborate business dealings and by his repeated failure to file complete information.

    Whatever the explanation, Kushner has been hobbled in performing duties for which he had no compelling qualification in the first place — other than having married the boss' daughter. He should pack up and return to New York.

    Jared Kushner


  29. Mr. Trump suggested that law enforcement authorities should have the power to seize guns from mentally ill people or others who could present a danger without first going to court.

    “I like taking the guns early,”

    he said, adding,
    “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

    Promises Made - Promises Broken

  30. Aaron David Miller, a former Mideast peace negotiator under presidents of both parties, said losing access to top secret information wouldn't prevent Kushner from finishing the U.S. peace plan but would hamstring him when it comes to the next step: talks involving both sides.


    Uzi Arad, a former national security adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said Kushner's security clearance issues would likely not affect his treatment by Israel.

    If there was room for concern, he said, then "why would the U.S. send that envoy in the first place, if that person is not trusted by the United States itself?"

  31. Bad news to folk like me -

    Boise City, Idaho fastest-growing city....DRUDGE

    WaPo Report: Trump Nicknames Jeff Sessions ‘Mr. Magoo’
    Photo of Amber Randall

    Why does he just fire him then ? Because he'd be hard pressed to get a new AG confirmed.

    Trump really can be a boorish and boring son or a gun.

    1. Though "Mr. Magoo" is excellent and is going to stick.

    2. Why doesN'T he just fire him then ?

    3. Hope leaves, Mr. MaGoo stays.

      It's hard to understand how and why Sessions can take this much longer.

    4. Pinyata Sessions has proven he certainly can take a denigrating punch or 10.

    5. Trump does not want to fire Sessions, but he wants him gone. Sessions was/is a disaster of a pick for AG.

    6. Sessions was/is a disaster of a human being.

    7. Admired by all the Swamp Rats that admire Mueller.

  32. Another article like Sam's -


    Israeli, US scientists detect signs of dark matter in glimpse of earliest stars
    Early universe after Big Bang apparently twice as cold as previously thought -- possibly because of dark matter interacting with hydrogen, says Tel Aviv University astrophysicist

    28 February 2018, 9:42 pm 10

    This image provided by the National Science Foundation shows a rendering of how the first stars in the universe might have looked. Scientists have detected a signal from 180 million years after the Big Bang when the earliest stars began glowing. The findings were published on February 28, 2018 in the journal Nature. (N.R.Fuller/National Science Foundation via AP)

    This image provided by the National Science Foundation shows a rendering of how the first stars in the universe might have looked. Scientists have detected a signal from 180 million years after the Big Bang when the earliest stars began glowing. The findings were published on February 28, 2018 in the journal Nature. (N.R.Fuller/National Science Foundation via AP)

    WASHINGTON (AP) — For the first time, astronomers have glimpsed the dawn of the universe 13.6 billion years ago when the earliest stars were just beginning to glow after the Big Bang. And if that’s not enough, they may have detected mysterious dark matter at work, too....

  33. Deuce's man Trump "Take the guns first, go through due process second."

    1. :)

      Forced to agree you have, for once, a point there.

    2. What he said makes sense, if you bothered to think about it. Try.

    3. It would have to be a very very temporary state of affairs.

      Otherwise the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments are badly harmed.

  34. 'Giddy' Libby should be up on charges.

    A municipality doesn't have to co-operate with the Feds, but they can't try to stymie the Feds either in enforcing Federal Law.

    She has acted the part of lookout for MS-13 and all the other turds.

    I believe she has obstructed justice in a real way and ought to be held to account.

    1. I should always listen to Judge Napolitano before mouthing off, who says the relevant statute is too tightly woven to allow of a obstruction of justice charge for what she has so far done.


  35. .

    What MSM/Swamp Conspiracy Against the President?


    1. .

      Bot Boy tries to reanimate Bat Boy

      Bot Boy is back and still whining about the MSM though he doesn't really know what it is and can't define it for the rest of us. He merely leaves the idea of it hanging out there speaking of it like any other conspiracy theorist would speak of the Illuminati or the Priory of Sion.

      Ol Doug asks why would you listen to the "MSM" when you can get your info from great sites like 10chan and Gateway Pundit, sites that provide stories that are much more 'interesting' and 'sexy'.

      Doug on a good time...

      Nothing like curling up in your onesy on a Saturday afternoon with a cup of cocoa and the latest National Enquirer by your side, a web cam of Truckee on the TV, and Gateway Pundit on the computer. Man, don't get much better than that.

      4chan, 8chan, 10chan, oh my

      Conspiracy theorists have questioned the credibility of the Parkland shooting survivors. This is how the theories entered the mainstream. (Elyse Samuels/The Washington Post)

      By Craig Timberg and Drew Harwell February 27 at 7:08 PM Email the author

      Forty-seven minutes after news broke of a high school shooting in Parkland, Fla., the posters on the anonymous chat board 8chan had devised a plan to bend the public narrative to their own designs: “Start looking for [Jewish] numerology and crisis actors.”

      The voices from this dark corner of the Internet quickly coalesced around a plan of attack: Use details gleaned from news reports and other sources to push false information about one of America’s deadliest school shootings.
      The posters on anonymous forums, a cauldron of far-right extremist politics, over the next few hours speculated about the shooter’s ethnicity (“Hope the kid isn’t white”) and cracked off-color jokes. They began crafting false explanations about the massacre, including that actors were posing as students, in hopes of blunting what they correctly guessed would be a revived interest in gun control.

      The success of this effort would soon illustrate how lies that thrive on raucous online platforms increasingly shape public understanding of major events. As much of the nation mourned, the story concocted on anonymous chat rooms soon burst onto YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, where the theories surged in popularity.

      Amid corporate efforts to beat back the falsehoods, the episode became the latest cautionary tale about how the Internet itself had become a potent tool of deception wielded by political extremists, disinformation warriors and conspiracy theorists...

      The urge to mock was irresistible; however, I am probably cutting off my nose to spite may face since the article I linked to provides additional sites for the Twins to visit to get their daily 'fake news' fixes.


    2. Quirk's clarity of vision at 2pm PDT:

    3. That was really a bizarre comment, Quirk

      And I see you are relying on the Washington Compost, too.

      Very daring, I call it, and creative, almost otherworldly.

    4. .

      Trump removes foot from mouth just long enough to shoot it.

      The Trumpkins whine that the "MSM' (evidently anyone reporting the actual news) are constantly talking about Trump, that they are always putting up negative stories, that they ignore the good news. It never occurs to them that Trump is his biggest enemy.

      Example, why didn't the press concentrate on the great manufacturing news that came out today? Well gee, maybe it's because on the same day this news was coming out Trump elects to announce 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum, an announcement that saw the market drop 420 points. And Trump's protectionist speech and actions don't stop there. Take a look at lumber prices.

      Stepping on his own message is nothing new for Trump. It's a habit. On second though, maybe he should shoot himself in the foot.

      And some here whine that it gets reported on.

      The drama swirling around the WH, who gets fired today, security clearances, cabinet heads who are apparently clueless. Did anyone watch Ben Carson's congressional testimony yesterday. It was painful. At the same time he is gutting HUD he was planning on spending $31 k on a dining room set for his office. When asked about it and the cuts he didn't defend it. Heck, he wouldn't say anything. Nothing. Zip. Look up the tape and see the quality of the guys we have running the government.

      But Bot Boy says if you report on any of this stuff you are part of the "MSM".

      What crap.


    5. .

      BobThu Mar 01, 05:09:00 PM EST
      That was really a bizarre comment, Quirk

      And I see you are relying on the Washington Compost, too.

      Very daring, I call it, and creative, almost otherworldly.

      More fake news from the Dumb in Dumb and Dumber.

      Are you off your meds, Bob, or have you become a permanent resident of Fake News World?


    6. You decide, Quirk, but I'd never use the Compost for anything but cat box lining.

    7. .

      Tell it to Doug. He uses them all the time when he agrees with them. When he doesn't they are the MSM.

      If you don't use them at all, I will admit you are consistent in your stupidity.



  36. .

    ...Hicks wasn't shot in the back.


  37. Snowcam

  38. Trump to Meet Video Game Executives to Talk Guns....DRUDGE

    Those cretins aren't going to budge, but nice gesture.

    1. .

      I heard he was being interviewed for sound effects man.





    2. More B.S. you picked up from Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe in Detroit.

      You need better sourcing.

    3. .

      I took it from the video of the speech Trump made where he talked about having a concealed carry permit.

      If you want to call him phony, so be it.


  39. After a crazy 24 hours, sources close to President Trump say he is in a bad place — mad as hell about the internal chaos and the sense that things are unraveling.

    The big picture: Hope Hicks leaving is obviously a huge blow to him. Every time he reads about Attorney General Jeff Sessions, his head explodes.


    Hope Hicks — without question, the aide (family aside) with whom Trump is closest — resigned one day after she admitted in closed-door Hill testimony that she told white lies for the president.

    White House Chief of Staff John Kelly cracked down on Jared Kushner, stripping his top security clearance, and watching anonymous aides leak about and trash him, while offering no public defense of the president’s son-in-law.

    Jared, Ivanka and Don Jr. let it be known to friends they are furious with Kelly and his allies.

    1. Any rational man would bet on the swamp at this point.

    2. I recused myself from the swamp.

  40. “Hope is outstanding and has done great work for the last three years. She is as smart and thoughtful as they come, a truly great person,” Trump said in a statement released by the White House.

    “I will miss having her by my side but when she approached me about pursuing other opportunities, I totally understood. I am sure we will work together again in the future.”

    Hicks said in her own statement that “there are no words to adequately express my gratitude to President Trump. I wish the president and his administration the very best as he continues to lead our country.”

  41. Tyrone's Aunt Apologizes.

    Tyrone's busted for driving w/o a license, among other things.

    Shoulda crawled to the hospital.

  42. Thursday marked the first trading day of March. In February, the Dow and S&P 500 snapped a streak of 10 straight monthly gains, while the Nasdaq posted its first monthly decline in eight months.

    "We still see the environment as glass-half-full, although more difficult given the volatility in the market," said Lisa Erickson, head of traditional investments at U.S. Bank Wealth Management. "There is a paradigm shift in that rates are going up and they may be going up more than expected."

    In economic news, the Commerce Department said consumer spending rose 0.2 percent in January, while personal income rose 0.4 percent. The core personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index, meanwhile, advanced 1.5 percent on an annualized basis, in line with expectations.

  43. Excellent interview with ANDREW C. MCCARTHY

    FISA discussion begins about 1/2 hour in.

  44. Hopeless

  45. .

    Chief Calligrapher at White House has higher security clearance than Jared Kushner.

    Chief calligrapher?

    How many calligraphers do they have in the White House?

    Trump: Whenever I say 'So let it be Written, so let it be done' I want the written part to look very, very nice. like that picture of the dogs playing poker we brought up here from Mar-a-Lago. Put the Chief Calligrapher on it, none of his flunkies.


  46. 2019.08.29台北市政府21日下午舉行酒店工作會報,會中酒店經紀商業處報告北市飲酒店、小吃店裁罰情形,其中有兩家知名酒店業者因違反土管遭罰,柯文哲當場質疑,為何八大行業會有業者明知違規但仍要砸千萬投資裝潢?他是無辜老百姓不知道犯法、還是他們覺得「很穩」?哪一種?最後柯更裁示,要求把該酒店上班的地址送到市長室,「市長去看就好了,我跑去消費一下。」酒店經紀指出,凱冠名店(原富都名店)、晶都名店(原全盛名店)兩店,皆因未辦妥酒吧業許可即營業,經複查後仍經營酒吧業,且同時違反建築法,爰由建管處從重裁罰業者6萬元並限期3個月改善,前者期限為9月28日,後者期限為8月27日,商業處將進行複查並得以連續開罰。聽完報告後,柯文哲直言有疑問,如果要開一個酒店,業者要投資3千萬去做不合法的東西,他怎麼敢?如果開一家老人茶室裡面簡單擺幾個桌子就算了,「花好幾千萬裝潢結果是非法的,我每次都很好奇他怎麼敢?除非他很有把握,不然他怎麼敢?」另外,建管處補充,該兩家業者使用的區域並非酒吧、飲酒店業,已經違反土地使用分區管制,未來解套方就是變更營業態樣,可以透過縮減營業面積的方式,否則就依《建築法》連續開罰,後續還可加重裁處。柯文哲表示,哲以後就是抓到那種裝潢很貴的非法的東西,第一個要問這是誰管這些酒店上班的酒店小姐公安規劃,甚至還追問當地為哪個警分局的轄區。隨後柯說,為什麼可以限期改善?是酒店變咖啡廳?不能營業就是不能營業。

  47. 2019.09.17.八大行業酒店快報酒店經紀30歲「竹聯十五份幫」成員酒店工作下班陳男昨晨與酒店經紀友人搭計程車回台北市萬寧街住處,下車時卻遇槍手伏擊,陳男右大腿中1槍,送醫院急救,暫無生命危險,涉嫌開槍的酒店兼職20歲四海幫份子梁男案發1小時後,主動到派出所投案並交槍,警方還在釐清其開槍動機。警方初步調查,涉嫌開槍的梁男是四海幫份子,擔任酒店經紀的陳男是林森北路大型酒店的「酒店打工圍事項目」成員,雙方人馬今年4月間曾在東區1間酒店酒後衝突,事後多次尋仇鬥毆,警方目前積極偵辦中。

  48. 2019.10.24酒店上班類型多,酒店工作求職者尋職時不一定都能了解職務接S(陪睡性交易)內容,台北知名酒店經紀公司為大學生、上班族酒店兼差就業特別製作應徵就業影片,邀請全國各地八大行業職場酒店小姐闡述工作甘苦並給予尋職建議,盼助酒店打工求職者找到適合工作。台灣有許多職業,許多求職者往往不瞭解酒店工作內容前往求職,才發現與想像中不同。知名酒店經紀梁曉尊/梁小尊指出:求職者常嚮往看似光鮮亮麗的酒店工作,但其實這些工作背後,卻往往有著難以想像的辛苦。為了避免在學大學生以及上班族兩大族群渴望酒店兼職求職者對職務期待有所落差,八大行業酒店經紀公司特別規劃製作「框出陪睡(性交易)」職業介紹影片,透過拍攝各行各業職場酒店小姐一日的工作內容,讓對這些職業有興趣與志向的求職者及大學生新鮮人更了解八大行業酒店上班產業趨勢與職務工作內容,做好求職前的準備工作。
