Documents: FBI Carefully Planned Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Trip, Tried To Cover It Up

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under director James Comey carefully plotted logistics and security for President Bill Clinton’s meeting on an airplane tarmac with then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the 2016 campaign.
The FBI then attempted to cover up the tarmac meeting by targeting a Bureau whistleblower. The FBI worked with its offices around the country to execute the plan.
Breaking Judicial Watch emails (READ THEM HERE) show an FBI plot to cover up Bill Clinton’s meeting with Lynch, which Lynch claimed was just about golf and grandchildren.
“Judicial Watch states The new FBI documents show FBI officials were concerned about a leak that Bill Clinton delayed his aircraft taking off in order to “maneuver” a meeting with the attorney general. The resulting story in the Observer is seemingly confirmed and causes a flurry of emails about the source of the article. FBI official(s) write “we need to find that guy” and that the Phoenix FBI office was contacted “in an attempt to stem any further damage.” Another FBI official, working on AG Lynch’s security detail, suggests instituting non-disclosure agreements. The names of the emails authors are redacted. There are no documents showing concern about the meeting itself,” Judicial Watch stated.
Trending: Rod Rosenstein Submitted False Documents To Senate Concerning His Interrogation of Hillary Clinton
“The FBI originally informed Judicial Watch they could not locate any records related to the tarmac meeting,” the nonprofit group added.
A knowledgeable FBI insider tells Big League Politics that it was bizarre and completely revealing that different security units, including apparent city police departments, were contacted about security detail for the trip before it happened:
“The email (dated Sunday July 03, 2016 2:06pm), list recipients who are redacted but they didn’t redact the general locations of the email. The locations are (SECD) which is Security Detail but the others are more interesting (LV) Las Vegas, (NY) New York, (HO) Houston, (CG) Chicago, and (WF) Washington Field. That leads to only, two possibilities. One, additional SWAT teams were supplementing the Phoenix trip. That would be a lot of man power for such a routine trip. Why so much? Two, there were different legs of that trip or previous trips that were of concern!”
The insider is also concerned about the level of access ABC News had to the Justice Department, with the news agency acting as a kind of warning system for DOJ officials that a scandal was breaking out:
“First, the email (dated June 28th, 2016 1:14pm), which is from Mike Levine to several DOJ emails. How does Mike Levine of ABC News have such direct lines of communication with so many DOJ big wigs. I can understand him having a source’s phone number at the DOJ but it’s like he’s a DOJ employee sending out an all agency heads up.”
Big League Politics reported that an audiotape exists of the President’s conversation with Loretta Lynch on the plane, but the National Security Agency (NSA) refuses to release it.
Here is a wonderful summation of where we are on this, folks - (many seem up shit crick with a paddle) -
ReplyDeleteMarch 19, 2018
McCabe's Domino Is Only the First to Fall
By Daniel John Sobieski
Oh, what a tangled web the unindicted co-conspirators in the Deep State coup to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison and Donald Trump out of the White House have woven. When you tell the truth, the adage goes, you never have to remember anything. But when you lie, you have to remember the lies you told to cover the earlier lies, and you certainly have to keep your story in line with your other co-conspirators.
That Andrew McCabe, in his response to his firing, failed miserably on this score, implicating former FBI Director James Comey, is the conclusion of George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley:.....
Another good article -
DeleteMarch 19, 2018
The Trump-Kim Summit Is Not a Negotiation; It's a Surrender
By Mark S. Hanna
North Korea's nuclear WMD program was achieved not accidentally, but through systematic deception over the last quarter-century, using peace talks, denuclearization commitments, and diplomatic overtures for one purpose: to buy time to research, gain the resources necessary, and then deploy a formidable and unstoppable nuclear weapons administration capable of finishing the Korean War in "Final Victory" by reuniting with South Korea on the North's terms. These terms, of course, include removing the "imperialist" U.S. from the Korean peninsula. (It should be noted that their view, the Korean War was only postponed according to the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement but is now back on, as Kim declared the agreement invalid in March 2013.)
It should be noted that in their view, the Korean War was only postponed according to the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement but is now back on, as Kim declared the agreement invalid in March 2013.
DeleteIf the war is back on, perhaps when Kim and his folks show up at Helsinki or wherever to chat, we should just kidnap Kim and his entire criminal inhuman gang, and hold them for....
Just joking, of course.....(i think)
One more - In Praise Of Jeff Sessions -
DeleteMarch 19, 2018
Sessions makes his move
By J.R. Dunn
Back in 2011, the indomitable Peter Schweizer published Throw Them All Out, a detailed examination of political corruption as it is actually practiced in the halls of Congress.
In his investigation, Schweizer found one single member of Congress against whom no allegations could be held – who had never taken a dime that was not his, had never cut any backroom deals, had never, simply put, played the game.
That individual was Jeff Sessions.
That fact is all you need to know to understand why Donald Trump selected Sessions for the Department of Justice, and why Sessions has followed the course he has in taking on the "Russia collusion" coup effort.
Sessions is the quintessential Eagle Scout. He will follow the rules down to the last subclause and will not make his move until every "t" has been crossed and every "i" dotted.
We saw the first results of this approach last Friday – in dealing with Andrew McCabe, this century's prime example of a "cookie full of arsenic."
Sessions waited until the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility (which is run by Assistant Director Candice Will, who was appointed by Robert Mueller, of all people) recommended that McCabe be fired. He then had McCabe officially informed beforehand, following established procedure to the letter.
This comes under the rubric of "strategy," a concept unfortunately foreign to too many active conservatives. A large number of cons recognize only one course of action: a headlong charge against the closest target while howling at the top of their lungs. Not only do they dismiss any more subtle form of action, but they often attack those engaging in it of cowardice or corruption, or of being an "Alinskyite-Obamaist commie stooge" – despite the fact that their kamikaze runs usually end up heading over the nearest cliff.
So it was with Sessions, who has been routinely dismissed as "paid off," being "asleep under his desk," or as "part of the swamp."
Sessions took his time, did things according to the book, and dealt the swamp a good, stiff blow while leaving its denizens little recourse but to throw tantrums in the media, which they have been doing the weekend long. Compare this to all the would-be conservative champions – McCarthy, LeBoutillier, Moore – piled up under the cliff while the leftist monolith trundles on nearly unscathed.
The Eagle Scout strategy does have its drawbacks. It constitutes the reason why Sessions recused himself after being accused of "meeting" (as in "Hello, Dmitri. How are you?") a Russian. As Sidney Falco says in the clip above, "I never thought I'd make a killing on some guy's integrity." But at the same time, it allows Sessions complete freedom of action now, as the endgame begins to take shape.
Look forward to seeing more of this kind of thing as Sessions and the Trump administration as a whole drill deeper into the muck of liberal D.C. At times you will see little, since much of the action will be occurring behind the scenes. But pay close attention to what you can see. You will be witnessing master strategists in action, and much of what they do can be applied to other scenarios similar in nature.
FYI - Shep Smith Is Gay As A Goose
DeleteOpen War Breaks Out at Fox News
Peter Barry Chowka
FBI leadership is beyond reproach.
Disarm DC now!
BobMon Mar 19, 02:37:00 AM EDT
ReplyDeleteMarch 18, 2018
Comey’s McCabe narrative crumbles as he hawks his new book
During his June 8, 2017 Congressional testimony, James Comey vowed, “Andy is a total pro,” referring to disgraced FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe, who was fired last Friday for, among other things, lying to the Inspector General.
As it turned out, Andy “the Total Pro” McCabe wasn’t so “pro.”
During the same testimony, Comey asserted that the Trump administration lied when it concluded the FBI was “poorly led, and that its workforce had lost confidence in its leader.”
Comey swore, “those were lies, plain and simple. And I am so sorry that the FBI workforce had to hear them and I’m so sorry the American people were told them.”
Lies, really?
Comey is a lawyer, and one might think as such, Comey would be able to differentiate between fact and opinion. Yet Comey chose Congress, and not some cocktail party with Peter Strzok and FISA Judge Rudlolph Contreras, as the setting to accuse Trump of lying when he said the FBI leadership had its problems.
The irony is rich. Comey testified under oath that Trump lied for giving an opinion, while at the same time, FBI leadership was lying to the Inspector General over its corrupt handling of the Clinton investigation.
Comey responds to this revelation, not with a ‘mea culpa,’ but by peddling his new book instead.
On Saturday, Comey tweeted, “Mr. President, the American people will hear my story very soon. And they can judge for themselves who is honorable and who is not.“
“Buy my book,” Comey in effect screams!
“Or better yet, buy my book and pay $100 to hear me speak (Comey is going on a speaking tour and charging $97 a ticket).”
While Comey is cashing in on his book and speaking tour, Andy “the Total Pro” McCabe is missing out on a 2 million dollar pension and is currently planning his legal defense to try to stay out of jail (not exactly how the plan in “Andy’s office” was drawn up, I presume).
As irony abounds, whatever you call it: chutzpah or delusional cognition, Comey has got it, and in a really big way.
Comey caricature by DonkeyHotey
“Comey is a total pro,”
- Bob Mueller
“Mueller is a total pro”
DeleteTrey Gowdy: If you are innocent, act like it.
“Give Bob Mueller the time, independence and resources to do his job,” Gowdy, of South Carolina, said Sunday. “And if you are innocent, act like it. … If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible.”
Rep. Trey Gowdy: Mueller probe should not be shut down
Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy on Sunday split with President Trump and lawyer John Dowd’s apparent efforts to try to end the special counsel’s Russia investigation, saying Dowd did the president a “disservice” and that investigators need the “time, independence and resources” to complete the probe.
“I think the president’s attorney, frankly, does him a disservice when he says that and when he frames the investigation that way,” Gowdy told “Fox News Sunday.” “If you have an innocent client, Mr. Dowd, act like it.”
Dowd, Trump’s personal attorney, on Saturday called for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to end the investigation into whether Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election and if the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow in such efforts.
Dowd expressed hope that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would decide to end the investigation, after Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday night fired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe based on findings from the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility.
Trump tweeted Sunday minutes before Gowdy spoke: “Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans? Another Dem recently added...does anyone think this is fair? And yet, there is NO COLLUSION!”
Gowdy, chairman of the House Oversight committee and a former federal prosecutor, expressed hope that Trump and Dowd were not trying to strong-arm an end to the investigation and argued that the probe goes beyond trying to find or prove collusion.
“Give Bob Mueller the time, independence and resources to do his job,” Gowdy, of South Carolina, said Sunday. “And if you are innocent, act like it. … If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as fulsome and thorough as possible.”
I love Curt's hairdo.
Thing is, Trump's not innocent. He's pulled a page right out of Putin's playbook - make everything political and decimate your political opponents, by any means.
ReplyDeleteTurkish backed forces oust Kurds militants from Afrin
Turkey’s relationship with the US has been stretched to breaking point by the operation in Afrin, which has pitted the two Nato allies and their Syrian proxies against one another.
ReplyDeleteJust the tip of the Conspiracy
Facebook suspends Cambridge Analytica for misusing personal data from 50M users
The conspiracy was widespread ..
The Billionaire Boys Club
Mercer funded treason through Cambridge Analytica.
Cadet Bone Spur gave the order to start the data dump, while on the stump.
Treasonous Trump
ReplyDeleteTrump turns our war strategies and implementation over to the military. Is Yemen an example of the results?
Yemen and the Pentagon's 'Articles of Faith'
On Tuesday, CENTCOM Commander General Joseph Votel told Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in an Armed Services Committee hearing that the United States does not monitor the Saudi-led coalition air raids it provides with in-flight refueling and targeting assistance. These missions consistently strike civilian targets in Yemen and have exacerbated the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Though The Intercept labeled Votel’s remarks a “surprising admission,” this is a case of studied ignorance. Successive US administrations have understood that their Saudi and Emirati counterparts commit war crimes in Yemen. As a result, involved US personnel need at least a thin veil of deniability between themselves and culpability.
It’s more striking to set this admission of ignorance alongside statements General Votel later made in the same Senate Armed Services Committee hearing to Senator Angus King (I-ME):
King: But you testified earlier that, when we refuel a Saudi plane we don’t have any control over the mission, where it goes, what it does next. If the argument is this allows us to maintain control, are we maintaining some level of control?
Votel: The influence that we derive with them is by working with them to demonstrate how we do our targeting practice…
King: Do they listen?
Votel: They absolutely do.
King: Based on our input?
Votel: They absolutely do.
As Votel had just admitted, he and CENTCOM have no evidence that they are “influencing” Saudi and Emirati targeting in the right direction (although he went on to contend that Saudi forces are adopting some measures to investigate the casualties they’ve already caused). General Votel is asking senators to believe, as he does, without seeing because he has no data to provide...
This appeal to metaphysical standards of civilian harm reduction not only highlights a disquieting aspect of the ongoing relationship between US and coalition forces operating in Yemen but also captures the gist of the administration’s pushback against the Sanders-Lee-Murphy war powers resolution (Senate Joint Resolution 54) soon coming to a vote. If enacted, the joint resolution would direct the president to withdraw US armed forces from providing assistance to coalition jets that can’t (or won’t) distinguish between hospitals and weapon depots, or between small children and rebel Houthi commanders. To combat this measure, Pentagon spokespersons have walked the halls of the Capitol like the stern priests of a bygone era, uniforms substituting for vestments, demanding that unruly Senate staff genuflect properly and scowling at their pesky questions. Having encountered this pushback at one venue or another in two weeks of congressional advocacy for the resolution, I’ve come to view it as part theological argument, part appeal to authority.
The day of the resolution’s introduction, someone leaked a Pentagon letter informing senators that they simply didn’t grasp the limits of their constitutional war powers (according to the Pentagon, Congress has virtually none). It also presented the administration’s views on contentious topics—the definition of “hostilities,” the extent of the president’s Article II powers—as settled facts. The remainder of the Pentagon’s argument, formalized in a curt letter from Secretary of Defense Mattis to congressional leadership, consists of the kinds of tautologies that always stem from unevidenced assertions of authority. Removing logistical assistance to the coalition would worsen the indiscriminate targeting of civilians because it would; continuing the war will set the stage for peace because it will; Saudi humanitarian relief efforts have improved because they said so. And when these arguments prove unsatisfactory, they are followed by oblique references to what’s in the classified information. This is as convincing an argument as clerics waving sacred texts in front of an illiterate populace...
Avoid the the topic at all cost.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIt's worth repeating...
The day of the resolution’s introduction, someone leaked a Pentagon letter informing senators that they simply didn’t grasp the limits of their constitutional war powers (according to the Pentagon, Congress has virtually none). It also presented the administration’s views on contentious topics—the definition of “hostilities,” the extent of the president’s Article II powers—as settled facts. The remainder of the Pentagon’s argument, formalized in a curt letter from Secretary of Defense Mattis to congressional leadership, consists of the kinds of tautologies that always stem from unevidenced assertions of authority. Removing logistical assistance to the coalition would worsen the indiscriminate targeting of civilians because it would; continuing the war will set the stage for peace because it will; Saudi humanitarian relief efforts have improved because they said so. And when these arguments prove unsatisfactory, they are followed by oblique references to what’s in the classified information. This is as convincing an argument as clerics waving sacred texts in front of an illiterate populace...
The defeat of ISIS is an example of the results of Trump's turning our war strategies and implementation over to the military.
DeleteIt's worth repeating:
DeleteThe defeat of ISIS is an example of the results of Trump's turning our war strategies and implementation over to the military.
It's worth saying it three times:
DeleteThe defeat of ISIS is an example of the results of Trump's turning our war strategies and implementation over to the military.
DeleteDamn, Bob, what's wrong with you. All Trump did was continue what Obama was doing before him.
Russia had more to do with the defeat of ISIS that Trump did.
DeleteIf you can call it a defeat when they are still scattered around and active in all the places we are fighting.
What Trump does next is up to Hannity and Judge Jeanine -
ReplyDeleteBe smart, from Jonathan Swan: On this issue, Trump is dug in and angry. He views the leadership of the FBI as arrayed against him. And that red line he drew in the interview with the N.Y. Times last year — where he said he wouldn’t stand for Mueller prying into his family finances — still stands.
One crucial variable in all this is Fox News. Trump feeds off the moods of his favorite hosts. If Sean Hannity and Judge Jeanine Pirro turn it up a notch, saying the deep state is out to get him and Mueller is out of control, there’s no telling what Trump will do.
What McCabe told Mueller
It's good to finally know that a couple of adults are finally in charge of things !
What FBI corruption???
DOJ / FBI, US Obstruction of Justice Administration
Kathy Griffin Carnegie Hall Show Sells Out in A Day...
Carnegie is turning over in his grave.
Gay sex robots: Demand skyrockets...
Maybe Shep Smith will be a buyer, or a renter.
DeleteI'll toss it down here, too, since you guys are running off at the mouth...
ReplyDeleteAshMon Mar 19, 10:15:00 AM EDT
Thing is, Trump's not innocent. He's pulled a page right out of Putin's playbook - make everything political and decimate your political opponents, by any means.
Decimate actually means reduce by 10%.
DeleteHe wishes to do more than that.
You are just illiterately running off at the mouth.
bob, you are an idiot. But you know that already.
kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or part of.
"the project would decimate the fragile wetland wilderness" · [more]
synonyms: get rid of · eliminate · do away with · remove · suppress · exterminate · [more]
drastically reduce the strength or effectiveness of (something).
"plant viruses that can decimate yields"
kill one in every ten of (a group of soldiers or others) as a punishment for the whole group.
Wrongo, punko.
DeleteThat is an incorrect definition.
But this is the correct definition:
kill one in every ten of (a group of soldiers or others) as a punishment for the whole group.
So, I can give you credit for a partially correct answer.
You bungling young fool.
DeleteBob's mind can't encompass the idea of a word having more than one meaning. The idea is just too scary for an English major from the boondocks of Idaho.
He always references the 'historical' meaning because he's stuck in the past. It's the same reason he uses the archaic question mark with the space in front of it.
Doug on the other hand lives in neither the past nor the present but in Doug-World, a timeless place filled with conspiracy theories and weird sites like Gateway Pundit, 10chan, and Judicial Watch. It's a scary place where all things are seen through a glass darkly and reality is distorted beyond recognition.
Doug is very comfortable there.
Boston radio host plans to sneak DNA from Elizabeth Warren...
(Insert anything but the topic here.)
Idaho Fish & Game Again Shoots Wolves From Choppers In The Lolo
I'm thinking of getting one of these:
to Quell my hip and tendon pain.
It's a Girl !!
6' long baby Girl !!!!!!
Delete180 lbs.
Early morning Freight Train!
DeleteI love the sound of train horns in the early morning !
DeleteThe mysterious "Q" and his followers - the malicious influence spreads -
ReplyDeleteAlton Allen ·
Morehouse College
And here is another theory. This is taboo in respectable news outlets for good reason. Hannity has been known to say "tick tock". This is something you find among the "Q followers". Q has ended a few of his/their postings with "tick tock". "Tick tock" seems a reference to time about to run out for the bad actors and rogue operators of the so-called "deep state".
The relevance (pun intended) is that Q has cryptically suggested that Mueller's investigation serves as a sting operation designed to take down the so-called deep state. He or they claim that "Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others)..." In another post, Q posits "What was Flynn's background? Why is this relevant?" And in yet another post this question is posed: "Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?"
There is a soft corroboration of many of the claims made by this mystery person or persons. Therein lies the appeal and I think Hannity has bought into the claims made by Q. My point is that Hannity probably believes the Mueller investigation is as described by Q. And if Q if what he/ they claim to be (persons within Trump's inner circle) then there is no reason to fire Mueller for he is the one who will play a major role in exposing the deep state corruption that has warped our civilian intelligence agencies.
Once again, reputable news outlets can only watch. There is no way in the world to report on the Q posts without gaslighting the Q followers. No one knows who Q is and how can anyone trust something they know nothing about?
Only I know the identity of "Q", and that of many of his followers.
DeleteAnd, I am about to out them all if not paid what I have demanded.
It bears repeating:
DeleteNo one knows who Q is and how can anyone trust something they know nothing about?
Except for me, and I am about to spill "Q's" beans.
This is for U, Q.
DeleteIf I don't get paid, and soon, I am going to REALLY LOWER THE BOOM, buddy.
It's gonna be
DeleteDeep doo-doo
Just for U
DeleteI can wait. It's what I do best.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDoug Fitton
Has anyone noticed that Doug, in his attacks on the FBI, sounds a lot like that nutjob, Tom Fitton, the head of Judicial Watch. Heard Fitton a while back on FOX talking about the Mueller investigation and saying 'Hey, forget about Mueller. Maybe we should be shutting down the entire FBI.' Then there was the requisite references to the KGB, police states, etc.
With Doug we get a less colorful Fitton redux.
Sounds more like you than Doug.
DeleteNothing wrong with Fitton though. I like him. Teaches us how is to get a meaningful response from the government for materials we have a right to....they always 'slow walk' everything until the next decade.
DeleteSounds more like you than Doug.
Are you friggin nutz, Bob? Clueless in Idaho.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Tom Fitton and his ilk.
Deuce's article from Big League Politics references Judicial Watch prominently throughout the article and also links to the Observer story that was the basis for it.
Did anyone bother to read that story?
An exclusive interview with a security source who was present at the unplanned meeting Monday night on a Phoenix tarmac between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Lorretta Lynch has shed additional light on an unusual summit that is embroiling the AG in charges of favoritism...
The article (again the basis for the Judicial Watch and later the Big League Politics stories goes on to explain it was Clinton that forced the meet, it explains why all the FBI were involved, and were Judicial Watch says there was no concern within DOJ/FBI about the meet, in fact, the Observer article says there was.
Deuce's article has its tits in a wringer over the fact that the FBI was searching for the guy who leaked the article; yet, seems to forget about the pains the Trump administration went to trying to stop and plug the leaks they didn't like or Trump's orders to Sessions to get to the bottom of them. Does anyone really think it is unusual for the FBI to try to find someone leaking.
The rest of the article goes on in like fashion. Perfect fodder for the denizens of Doug-World.
If the FBI wants to find leakers it should start by looking at home.
DeleteGeez, Bob, have you been vacationing in Doug-World?
Beats La-La Land.
DeleteQuirk addresses a post's subject for the first time in 20 threads!
DeleteOh look, Deuce has gone and hired a blog facilitator.
And a pretty little thing she is too.
DeleteHey, isn't she the school marm we saw hanging around the blog the other day?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI've had you psychodata/analyzed by Cambridge Analytica.
ReplyDeleteThe Donald and Melania are putting on a good presentation about drug addiction in New Hampshire right now.
ReplyDeleteNow I know why I like Trump.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
He's a closet drunk!
Witch Hunt
ReplyDeleteIf Mueller Didn’t Charge Flynn And Manafort With Collusion, Then Who Was Colluding?
All those charges, and none alleging that any of these men, some of them at the highest levels of the Trump campaign, took part in any collusion, or coordination, or conspiracy between the campaign and Russia.
“I can’t imagine that there would have been collusion or conspiracy with the Russians that Michael Flynn didn’t know about,” said Sol Wisenberg, a former prosecutor with the office of independent counsel Kenneth Starr. “If you’re trying to make a collusion case and you are Mueller, you’re trying to get someone to plead to the crime you’re trying to prove.”
McCarthy has written much the same. “When a prosecutor has a cooperator who was an accomplice in a major criminal scheme, the cooperator is made to plead guilty to the scheme,” he wrote last December. “This is critical because it proves the existence of the scheme.”
Even Preet Bharara, the New York U.S. attorney fired by Trump and no fan of the president’s, said last year, “When we had evidence against somebody and wanted them to flip, we made them plead guilty to every bad act that they had ever done, especially if we were later going to be alleging other people had engaged in that activity as well.”....
No proof needed to keep Quirk convinced of Mueller's Purity of Purpose!
DeleteA Saint among Comeys!
DeleteDoug, you are so damn stupid, it's pathetic. All you think about of is protecting Trump from the collusion charge. Mueller's investigation is concerned with more than that. The Key goal going in was to investigate if Russia was involved in trying to affect the 2016 election. Mueller's already got 13 indictments on that part of it.
You, like Trump, could give a shit the fact Russia wanted to sow chaos in the election.
Yep: Just a freak of probability resulted in Mueller's picks of Democrat Lawyers.
DeleteLike all the other non-partisans in FBI leadership that protected Hillary and schemed against Trump.
Uber Halts Autonomous-Car Testing After Fatal Arizona Crash
Mr. Skeptic asks:
DeleteHow would liability be handled with millions of driverless cars on the road?
...maybe the Federal Reserve System can issue electronic payments?
Joe DiGenova - Partner at DiGenova & Toensing, former U.S. Attorney in D.C. "I have never doubted the Partisanship of Brennan" Alan Dershowitz - Harvard Law Professor, criminal and constitutional lawyer and author "we're just not gonna see an impeachment of a President for exercising his constitutional authority, even if you believe he exercised it improperly"