Dramatic moment mother and daughter fight off shotgun-wielding robber by shooting him with a handgun after he burst into their Oklahoma liquor store
A mother-daughter duo are confronted by an armed robber in their family's liquor store in Oklahoma, but they quickly pull out their own guns and shoot him several times, and its all caught on CCTV.
The incredible heart stopping footage shows Tina Ring, 53, and her daughter Ashley Lee, 30, appearing to cooperate after giving the armed robber money while they are being held up with a shotgun at their Forest Acres Liquor Store Thursday night.
However the fast acting women grabbed two small pistols hidden under the register and lock him in the store with a button, turning the tables on the would-be robber, who police identified as Tyrone Lee, 36.
First Tina shoots Lee once at point blank range, as he runs off she pumps off two more shots in his direction. Her daughter Ashley looks to be dialing 911 while her mother covers them waiting for the brazen robber to return.
Video playing bottom right...

At first the robber, with his head covered by a hood, empties the register- Ashley keeps her hands up and appears to be cooperating

The robber tries to leave with his haul, but the quick thinking women have locked him in the store and they are each now armed with a pistol that was hidden under the register

Tina readies to fire a shot as she anticipates the robber is about to head back towards them

Tina fires multiple shots at and in the direction of the brazen robber who refuses to go down
At some point Lee and his shotgun have parted as he appears to be no longer armed.
He shockingly stumbles back towards the women, and Tina squeezes off another round and it looks as if she hit Lee in the leg this time as he winces over in pain.
He then tries to wrestle Tina's gun away from her, and manages to pistol whip her before successfully getting it out of her hand.
Ashley watches her mother struggle with the robber and shoots him at point blank range.

Tina and the man wrestle, he attempts to get her pistol away from her, and pistol whips her, when he finally does get the gun out of the mother's grip he quickly learns all the ammo has run out

Mother daughter duo Tina Ring, 53, and her daughter Ashley Lee, 30 (pictured) quick thinking and even quicker marksmanship managed to thwart an armed robber in their store

Tina said the only thing going through her mind was she wanted to make sure her daughter was not hurt in violent exchange with the robber (both pictured at their family owed store)

The pair fought off the hooded man who demanded cash from them at their Forest Acres Liquor store in Oklahoma at 6pm on Thursday night
Lee, who now in possession of Tina's gun tries to fire at the women, but it is out of ammo.
He falls to the floor behind the register, and tries in vain to get up several times after being riddled with bullets.

Police identified Tyrone Lee (pictured), 36, as the attacker and said he is suspected of carrying out several other armed robberies in the area
The would-be thief reportedly drove himself to a local hospital where he was put into a medically induced coma.
Tina suffered a gash to the head, which required staples.
Speaking out after her ordeal, she said: 'I didn't want him to hurt my daughter. That was my main thought.
'All I was thinking was "just give him the money and go" and the next thing I know I see him back in my face. I'm still in shock. I don't think I have really processed everything yet.'
Store owner Justin Christian, 33, was out of town at the time of the attack and says his mother and sister 'did what they had to do'.
He told KJRH-TV: 'I'm very proud of them. They fought for their life. Had my mom not made sure that the pistol she shot was empty... he tried shooting my sister with it point-blank.
'You're not going to scare me off from my store. This is what feeds my family, this is what pays my bills.'
Sergeant Brandon Watkins, of the Tulsa Police Department, identified Tyrone Lee, 36, as the alleged attacker and said he is suspected of carrying out several other armed robberies in the area.
He said: 'It does appear that this is going to be the guy we had been looking for. He's done multiple robberies here in Tulsa, as well as up in the county.'
Officers are reported to be monitoring Lee's condition and he is expected to survive.
Tyrone's a durable dude.
ReplyDeleteGee, Ouirk's been wrong for two weeks about who was holding up the Schiff memo.
ReplyDelete...will he admit it?
Of course not, never has never will.
It's what he does.
Quirk knows how to cover his tracks.
DeleteThe FBI hates Dems, loves Trump and the GOP, according to Quirk!
DeleteTyrone was lucky to have gotten out of that alive, a durable lucky dude.
ReplyDeleteTime to stand up!
ReplyDelete"The would-be thief reportedly drove himself to a local hospital where he was put into a medically induced coma"
ReplyDeleteDrag yourself to car, climb in, drive... !!!
Quirk's USA Today link:
Delete"The release comes after weeks of back and forth over how much of the document would be redacted. The White House on Feb. 9 objected to its release, citing national security concerns.
That sent the Democrats back to negotiations with the FBI over how much of the memo needed to be blacked out."
ReplyDeleteToday's edition of the Bobbsy Twins in La La Land.
Bot Boy Bob and Fake News Doug on another whining tour.
Gee, Ouirk's been wrong for two weeks about who was holding up the Schiff memo.
What I've been arguing right along is that 'Memogate' is simply a GOP scam job fabricated by Nunes and the White House to try to discredit and sideline the Mueller investigation with diversionary tactics, that its purely political nature is obvious by the different ways 'classified' information was handled by Trump in the two memos and with the way the timing of the two memos were released.
As to the timing...
- I've complained that the two memos (Nunes' and the Dem's memos) should have been released from the House Intelligence Committee to the White House at the same time rather than being put on two separate tracks.
- I've complained that under Trump 'classified' information is handled differently depending on the political party using it.
- I've complained that the Democratic memo was held up in the House for a week after the Nunes memo was already returned by Trump.
- I've complained that the Dem memo was held up by the WH until the 11th hour before finally being rejected on security grounds taking up the better part of a week.
- I've complained that Trump released the Nunes memo despite FBI and DOJ objections but then rejected the Dems memo for the same FBI and DOJ objections that previously didn't seem to bother him at all.
- I've complained that the White House sent the Dem memo back to them with a letter for them to work things out with the Justice Department.
- The Dems then spent about a week negotiating with DOJ on the parts to be redacted, not surprising since the Dems didn't want to redact anything and DOJ didn't want to release anything.
- Even after agreement was reached with DOJ, it took another week before the Dem memo was released out of committee. On a Saturday.
The House Intelligence Committee investigation is a clusterfuck. It has been politicized by both sides. The only reason the GOP gets more blame is that they, the committee majority and the White House, is that they control the process, the timing, and what info gets released.
Bottom line, Trump can release any classified information he wants. He can release it anytime he wants. He could release it now. He can release the transcript of the FISA application. He should release the transcript of the FISA application.
Let the chips fall where they may regardless of where it leads. One side or the other won't like it but at least it won't look like the system is rigged.
You're always complaining about something.
DeleteIt's a habit you picked up at Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe.
As for the FISA application, which we all want to see, are you sure Trump has control of that, or does the FISA court ?
Yes, you complain,(a LOT) I "whine" funny.
Delete"The release comes after weeks of back and forth over how much of the document would be redacted. The White House on Feb. 9 objected to its release, citing national security concerns.
DeleteThat sent the Democrats back to negotiations with the FBI over how much of the memo needed to be blacked out."
...so your beloved FBI is in collusion with Nunes?
DeleteNunes on Dem Memo:
"What you basically will read in the Democratic memo is they are advocating that it is okay for the FBI and [Justice Department] to use political dirt paid for by one campaign and use it against the other campaign," he said.
Makes perfect sense:
DeleteJust like: "No reasonable prosecutor."
I count a whopping total of SIX COMPLAINTS ("I've complained") IN A ROW !
DeleteNow THAT is major whining !!
Nunes' Response is thorough and convincing:
Nah, he complains, OTHERS Whine!
DeleteBig Chief Complaining Two Dots
DeleteBig Complaining Chief Two Dots
DeleteThat's better.
DeleteThat sent the Democrats back to negotiations with the FBI over how much of the memo needed to be blacked out."
...so your beloved FBI is in collusion with Nunes?
Damn, Doug, try and keep up.
The FBI didn't want either of the memos released. Wray went to Trump and begged him not to release the Nunes memo. Trump told him to pound sand.
Wray did the same thing with the Dem memo and he offered the same reasons he gave for not releasing the Nunes memo. But this time when presented those same objections on releasing the Dem's memo Trump said, 'you make a lot of great arguments but because of the politics we got to release something so work something out with the Dems.
Only a friggin moron would think Trump was being even-handed in this affair.
DeleteYou're always complaining about something.
Dumb and Dumber. Coming from you two nitwits that comment is certainly rich. You guys have been whining about the Mueller investigation since day one back in May of last year, all day every day.
DeleteAs for the FISA application, which we all want to see, are you sure Trump has control of that, or does the FISA court ?
Trump's the president. He can declassify what he wants.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteVideo for Stephen Willford▶ 4:23
Nov 7, 2017 - Uploaded by GOD BLESS AMERICA
Meet The True Hero of the Texas Church Shooting - Stephen Willeford - Duration: 6:12. BB Pissed 100,360 ...
Man who shot Texas church gunman shares his story - 40/29 News
Nov 7, 2017 - Stephen Willeford shot and chased the man who killed 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday. ... Tap or click here to watch Stephen Willeford's daughter tell her story in an exclusive interview. ... Willeford, a former NRA instructor, got his rifle out of his safe while his daughter looked ...
When Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel Was Accused of Corruption, He Responded:
ReplyDelete'Lions Don't Care About the Opinions of Sheep'
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel—the man whose agency failed to prevent the Parkland massacre despite having received a tip last November that Nikolas Cruz was plotting a mass shooting—has been accused of public corruption.
Two years ago, the Sun Sentinel reported that Israel was rewarding top political supporters by giving them and their family members cushy jobs doing public relations and community outreach for the Broward County Sheriff's Office. One such position, outreach manager, paid out a salary of $78,489.
The person who got that job was the husband of Israel's campaign manager.
Israel had been a Republican but ran for office as a Democrat. He was first elected sheriff in 2012, then re-elected in 2016. According to the Sun Sentinel:
The outreach workers, who mainly attend community events, are in addition to political activists and others Israel hired into community affairs roles, writing and designing printed pieces about the agency, and sharing it on social media. The employee log shows six hired into community affairs roles, their salaries totaling $388,729.
Israel's opponents say he's built a publicly funded political machine, paying back supporters with jobs and using them to keep him in office. They say the money could be better spent, particularly after the sheriff complained about not having enough funding to secure the county courthouse, where a murder suspect recently escaped.
Asked about the allegations, Israel responded, "What have I done differently than Don Shula or Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King, Gandhi?"
He also said, "Lions don't care about the opinions of sheep." That's a paraphrase of a quote from the Game of Thrones character Tywin Lannister, a villainous public administrator known for promoting his family's interests ahead of the government's or the people's.
Misguided Anti-Gun Assumptions
ReplyDeleteBy Mike Kimmitt
The psychotic killer of more than a dozen students in Parkland, Florida has set off the usual anti-Second Amendment activists, opportunistic politicos, and press on a predictable campaign seeking the disarmament of the American citizenry. Unfortunately, virtually every suggested measure for improvement would produce little to no benefit, or actually make this a much more dangerous place.
President Trump expressed interest in improving the effectiveness of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which is designed to identify those whose possession of a firearm could be a risk to themselves and others. The NICS, which requires the completion of an extensive questionnaire and review by federal authorities, seeks to prevent gun sales to convicted felons, fugitives from justice, domestic violence perpetrators, those under indictment, those adjudicated with mental health issues, illegal aliens, those dishonorably discharged from the military, and those who have renounced their U.S. citizenships.
However, this safeguard has failed repeatedly – just as it did in Florida.
The Trump administration has identified the longstanding vulnerability. Just this past September, the Department of Justice inspector general produced a report that identified a serious breakdown in the coordination and communication between state and federal law enforcement agencies.
The Justice Department IG reported that "we found [that] the overall FBI error rate was exceedingly low. However, our review identified weaknesses in the FBI's system for following up on pending transactions. As we note in our report, even an isolated NICS process breakdown can have tragic consequences, as evidenced by the June 2015 fatal shooting at a Charleston, South Carolina church where the NICS process lacked timely and accurate data from local agencies that could have prevented the alleged shooter from purchasing the gun he allegedly used."
Nineteen-year-old Nikolas Cruz, the killer of the 17 victims at Stoneman Douglas High School, should have been identified by the NICS and prevented from purchasing the firearms used in the school slaughter. Police had been called to Cruz's home 39 times in response to his assorted outbursts; he bragged on social media about killing helpless animals; he had been expelled from school for his out-of-control behavior; he joined radical, violent groups; and he posted on his Facebook account that he planned to be a "professional school shooter." This was reported to the FBI, but none of this made its way to the NICS database.
In addition to Cruz, Adam Lanza in Newtown; Dylan Roof in Charlotte; Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood; Omar Mateen at Orlando; Devin Kelley at Sutherland Springs, Texas; Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at Columbine; and others should have set off alarms but did not.
President Trump would serve this nation immeasurably by finally enforcing existing NICS laws to prevent yet another occurrence of such tragedies. However, other recommended measures invite disaster.
DeleteEven putting aside the dictates of the Second Amendment (that's an awful lot to put aside), draconian impulses of many are based on demonstrably false assumptions. Among those is the notion that removal of all firearms from the hands of the American citizenry will ensure a tranquil, violence-free existence for all.
At the top of the list is the banning of "assault weapons," specifically the AR-15 rifles. Among the required characteristics of a firearm to be considered an assault weapon is its selective fire capability – the option of switching between semi-automatic and burst or fully automatic fire. The AR-15 is incapable of that. The AR-15 is no more dangerous than any other semi-automatic rifle or pistol that presumably would require banishment as well.
The use of these weapons by psychotic copycat killers is tragic, but putting the blame on the semi-automatic rifle itself is an exercise in self-gratification more than a pursuit of a solution. Each year in this country, approximately half of all murders are committed by persons using handguns. In about 2.5% of murders, various kinds of rifles are used. Blunt objects and fists are used in many more murders that are rifles, and being stabbed to death with a knife occurs at least five times more often than being shot by any sort of rifle.
Ill advised gun control advocates insist that our personal safety relies on the removal of firearms from our society. However, there is not a shred of evidence that should lead us to believe that this will accomplish anything to protect us.
There is no correlation between the level of private gun ownership in any nation and the violence that nation may experience. The United States has by far the most privately owned guns in the world but historically has not been among the top 100 most violent countries and homicides here are disproportionately drug- and gang-related crimes committed in our inner cities. Remarkably, the 25 countries with the lowest private gun ownership rates have a composite intentional homicide rate more than twice that of those 25 nations with the highest per capita gun ownership rates.
So what is the solution for the heartbreaking assault in Parkland? President Trump's recommendation of closing the gaps in the nation's existing gun purchase background check system is a good start. Outlawing mechanisms that convert semi-automatic weapons into fully automatic ones is another. But finally getting serious about effectively protecting our schoolchildren is long overdue.
Federal law prohibits guns in government buildings, schools, and national parks. However, government facilities are teeming with heavily armed security personnel there to protect our lawmakers and bureaucrats from harm. But our children are left completely defenseless from insane predators.
Many studies reveal that immaturity among teenagers increases the likelihood of an individual committing criminal acts of violence or aggression. Far too often, psychologically fragile, isolated, or bullied adolescents impulsively act against those they feel have victimized them.
Almost all school or university shootings of the last couple decades have been committed by students or former students of those facilities. Many had longstanding, obvious psychological problems that went unaddressed or were absent from NICS review.
Improved measures to identify dangerous potential assailants such as Cruz are needed, but trained and armed security personnel (including selected teachers and staff members) can halt the carnage. Grief counseling and candlelight vigils may be fine, but they are useful only after all the damage has been done.
Exposing the Deep Rot in the Deep State
ReplyDeleteBy Clarice Feldman
While the press is now reporting the many instances where neighbors and others phoned in warnings to the FBI about the shooter and the many visits (39) by the police to his home about disturbances there, Sundance argues, they didn't "miss warning signs"; they ignored them as part of school and police department policies.
Sundance details the many times tips about the shooter were given the department and deliberately ignored.
Even modern technology was jiggered to help the Broward officials carry out their continuing cover-up of student crimes.
Broward County law enforcement (Sheriff Israel), in conjunction with Broward County School Officials (Superintendent Runcie and School Board), have a standing policy to ignore any criminal engagement with High School students.
When the police are hiding current, actual and ongoing unlawful conduct as a matter of standard procedure on a regular basis, what do we expect the police would do with reports of potential unlawful conduct? Of course they would ignore them.
This is not a "mistake" on their part, the 'doing nothing' is part of the standard practice.
♦ Secondly, the 27-minute tape-delay in the CCTV system is not an "accident", "flaw" or "mistake". It is entirely by design.
As a standard Broward and Miami-Dade practice, when school law enforcement need to cover-up or hide behavior, they need time (when that behavior happens) to delete the evidence trail. As such, the school policy – as carried out in practice – is more efficient with a 30-minute tape delay affording the school officer enough time to deal with the situation, then erase the possibility of a recording of the unlawful activity surfacing.
Building in a 30-minute delay on the CCTV system was one of those pesky add-on items that happened a few years ago when the School and Law Enforcement officials established the policy of intentionally not arresting students.
With modern technology it's tough to hide criminal behavior, especially the violent stuff, when it is being recorded. Duh. Ergo the tape-delay was the best-practice workaround.
Why would they do such a thing? Sundance again documents it: money. State and federal funds were given to districts who improved their statistics, so Broward and Miami-Dade Counties hid the crimes, improved their statistics, and got the money.....
Good Lord !
DeleteMaybe it's time to just let the students conceal carry, as there seem to be so few adults around.
(not being totally serious, but jeez)
Delete"when the School and Law Enforcement officials established the policy of intentionally not arresting students."
What Liberal/Left corruption in our schools, institutions, and Federal Intervention of same?
The layers of corruption pretty well cover the spectrum, from bottom to top.
Except Robert Mueller and the FBI.
The rest are all Dicks.
If only the Broward Cops could have been on delay, and the Coral Springs Cops hadn't shown up!
ReplyDeleteIsrael for Governor!
DeleteInsert adolescent put-down of American Thinker here: (Between the two dots.)
Initially the police were excusing misdemeanor behaviors. However, it didn't take long until felonies, even violent felonies (armed robberies, assaults and worse) were being excused.
DeleteIn time, the situation got so bad that to keep lowering their statistics, they were hiding evidence and failing to recover stolen merchandise because to return it would be to admit that the stuff was the fruit of criminal activity.
Criminal gangs soon realized that the way to avoid arrest was to recruit students to carry out their actions, and they also realized that when the quota for arrests near the end of the month was reached was the best time to get away with crimes.
The system had in a short time become totally corrupted, and the SROs were the "most corrupt." The local media cooperated in covering it all up, and the cops who wanted to do their jobs were demoralized and deprived of the benefits the corrupt ones got, including free housing close to the schools to which they were assigned.
Indeed, Broward County sheriff Scott Israel used the public funds he got by faking crime statistics and ignoring crimes to hire political supporters for his re-election campaign.
This is the story worth telling, not the scripted anti-gun pap CNN offered up or the ten-minute hate town hall designed to play on your emotions while ignoring the truth. But only one blogger, Sundance, did the work to expose it.
The rest of the MSM seem to be fine with jeopardizing students' lives, enabling criminals, and using public funds to advance the fortunes of Democrat candidates who allowed this tragedy to occur. As the press in South Florida stinks, do me a favor – pass this one to friends and relatives who live there and who have elected to Congress these avatars of a one-party system: Alcee Hastings, Ted Deutch, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Frederica Wilson.
...Indeed, Broward County sheriff Scott Israel used the public funds he got by faking crime statistics and ignoring crimes to hire political supporters for his re-election campaign.
DeleteThe employee log shows six hired into community affairs roles, their salaries totaling $388,729.
There's no money to hire guards, Trump's a Dick!
Some teachers are homeless!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAbout 40 million people in the US live in poverty according to the census bureau.
Estimates are that about 2.5 million are homeless.
In MI, we have about 38,000 school age children who are homeless.
Even the working poor due to circumstances can find themselsves homeless...
"Chuckles" the blogger, living off the governemnt dole (Medicare, SS, VA?) in Maui, finds it all pretty funny.
DougSun Feb 25, 06:36:00 AM EST
Some teachers are homeless!
A real funny boy.
ReplyDeleteAmerican Thinker is a damned white racist rag !
DeleteBut not as bad as the other Twin's favorite, Gateway Pundit.
The old Police policy in shooter situations Florida used to be to wait for backup.
ReplyDeleteNow it is immediately attack towards the gunfire, even if alone.
In this case the Broward boys waited for backup and even then didn't attack towards the gunfire.
This is a sort of Hegelian police thesis/antithesis/synthesis with the resulting synthesis being after waiting for backup and then not attacking, one resigns, and collects one's pension.
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