Friday, February 16, 2018

Rosenstein trying to save Mueller and the FBI with Russians under the bed


  1. None of those indicted are in the country. What a crock of shit!

  2. Barack Obama tried to stop the UK Brexit. How is that for interference in an election?

  3. FBI says it failed to investigate when person contacted them about Nikolas Cruz a month ago!

  4. The FBI ignored a warning that 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz might attack a school, failing to act on a call just weeks before Cruz allegedly carried out a shooting rampage at a high school in South Florida on Valentine’s Day, the bureau said Friday.

    The disclosure came two days after police say Cruz gunned down 17 people, most of them teenagers, at a high school in Parkland, Fla. The FBI — already facing intense scrutiny for its handling of political matters — described a Jan. 5 tip from “a person close to Nikolas Cruz,” a tip officials acknowledge should have initiated a response. The caller reported concerns about Cruz’s “gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting,” the FBI said in a statement.

    Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) called the FBI’s failure to investigate the tip “unacceptable” and urged FBI Director Christopher A. Wray to resign.

    “Seventeen innocent people are dead and acknowledging a mistake isn’t going to cut it,” Scott said in a statement. “An apology will never bring these 17 Floridians back to life or comfort the families who are in pain.”

  5. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he ordered his deputy attorney general — the No. 2 law enforcement official in the country — to review the bureau’s handling of the matter of the mishandled tip.

    Rosenstein could not take the call. He was too busy trying to save Mueller.

    1. WTF

      Obviously he has recused himself from everything except the title and salary.


  6. The FBI said a caller provided information about:
    1. "Cruz's gun ownership
    2. Desire to kill people
    3. Erratic behavior
    4. Disturbing social media posts
    5. Potential of him conducting a school shooting

    " The information should have been assessed as a "potential threat to life," the bureau said.
    Wray said the bureau is still investigating what happened.


    "We have spoken with victims and families, and deeply regret the additional pain this causes all those affected by this horrific tragedy," Wray said in the statement. "All of the men and women of the FBI are dedicated to keeping the American people safe, and are relentlessly committed to improving all that we do and how we do it."


    1. The guy had legal ownership of the gun. What would the FBI be able to do with the tip? Take it away from him?

    2. Oregon, Indiana, California, Washington, and Connecticut can temporarily take guns away from people with a court order. Florida legislatures have proposed similar measures. The FBI was warned about him at least twice. The FBI was too busy to bother.

    3. The Florida police could have arrested him on numerous occasions.

    4. You would be violating the much cherished right to bear arms.

    5. Domestic violence, threats of violence, terroristic threats, a court order or a psychiatrist could all have had his gun removed.

    6. The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 prohibits individuals subject to certain restraining orders from purchasing or possessing a firearm. The FBI owns this.

    7. Had a few teachers been trained and armed, this would not have happened.

    8. Ummm, the 1994 act had a sunset clause in it and that expired.

      You gun lovers are funny- more guns will fix this up-- riiight!

  7. Did I happen to mention:

    "What a crock of shit?"

  8. If you want to indict entities for trying to rig an election, you can start over at the DNC, move on to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and the Oscars.

    1. The FBI was warned. They were too busy texting and looking for Russians. They fucked this up like they fucked up the Saudi attack on 911.


  9. You've gone off the Deep End.

    Read the Don Jr E-mail.
    The whole Trump Team was dirty.

    They're goin' down for Conspiracy.

    Har de har har.


  10. The words Treason and Trump will be forever synonymous

  11. February 17, 2018
    Time's Up: Anti-Trump Forces Face Their Day of Reckoning
    By Janice Shaw Crouse

    Let's suppose for a minute that Hillary Clinton and all her fellow Resisters, along with all their allies in the Deep State, had accepted the results of the 2016 election, as has been the tradition and expectation. Remember Hillary's sneering question to Donald at the debates – whether he would accept the election results? At that time, nobody thought Hillary would be the one to throw the temper tantrum when she lost, much less organize a resistance movement.

    Suppose that, instead of anger and outrage over losing the election and launching what is turning out to be a suicidal frontal assault on Donald Trump, Hillary and her minions had set about to co-opt him with flattering news coverage and invitations to all the most glittering social events. In the past, that's how it worked. The Powers that Be co-opted newcomers to the Executive and Legislative Branches of government with seduction – showering them with all the enticements within the political insider's bags of goodies. It's been done often before; the GOP is populated with legions of politicians who came to Washington promising the voters that they would be change agents. Instead, the so-called RINOs succumbed to the voices of the Sirens who control the media, the money, and the chairmanships. It is, as the saying goes, so much more pleasant and profitable "to go along to get along." After all, who wants to endure a ceaseless torrent of negative coverage in the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, and the rest of the MSM?

    This time, finding no sealed divorce proceedings to crack open at the last minute to rig the election and failing in destroying their opposition with character attacks, the Hillary forces' insurance policy was to trump up charges of Russian collusion. I suppose it is the Arkansas-Chicago way. Plus, destroying your opponents does afford a certain amount of ego gratification. In fact, it's been obvious for a long time that the Clinton way is akin to Conan the Barbarian's – i.e., to "crush your enemies" is "what is best in life."

    Having no way, really, to lure the Trumps into the D.C. insiders' club, Hillary and the resistance movement – ably aided by the NeverTrump brigade – launched an actual duel to the death. So far, the Democrat and media chokehold on truth, as well as their cover-up schemes, has held up.

    But truth has a way of breaking through the toughest roadblocks eventually.

    More and more, it's looking as though the light of truth about Clinton-Obama corruption will be exposed sooner rather than later.....

  12. Mueller Worked with Lerner to Target Tea Party
    Daniel John Sobieski
    One more thing the impartial, dispassionate Robert Mueller needs to answer for. More

  13. February 17, 2018
    A new federal crime: Russian trolling

    By Gary Gindler

    In 2005, American scientists deliberately sent a rocket to collide with a comet. After the collision, scientists were able to conduct a detailed analysis of the internal composition of the comet from the spectrum of debris ejected from the crater. It was a considerable achievement. But my friend working for NASA commented on this event differently: "You have no idea how many doctoral dissertations were thrown in the toilet yesterday."

    We have no idea how many heart attacks occurred in Washington yesterday due to Special Counsel Mueller's indictment. And how many political careers will be thrown into the toilet today.

    The creatures of the Washington swamp for the past year have invested almost all of their political capital in fanning the story of Trump's criminal conspiracy with Vladimir Putin. They were helped by the echo chamber of well fed courtier journalists and the higher-ups of the American intelligence agencies. They secured the appointment of a special prosecutor, Mueller, to hold Trump accountable.

    In other words, Mueller's investigation was the rocket that was to kick Trump out of the White House.

    The rocket's blow was stunning – Mueller's investigation fully vindicated Trump. But Russian internet trolls were selected as the scapegoats.

    In fairness, it should be noted that there is still a dose of reality in the indictment published by the Department of Justice on Friday. Some of the thirteen Russians who obtained a tourist visa to the United States provided false information about their employment and the purpose of their visit. If this allegation is proven in court, they will be banned from entering the U.S. forever.

    However, they lied not only to the American government. They also lied to the Russian government when they promised to influence the formation of public opinion in America. The budget of the disinformation activities of the Russian intelligence is merely ludicrous – several million dollars. For comparison, to seriously affect the election of just one congressman in an uncharted rural district in New Jersey, you need to spend five to ten times more.

    Also, Russian internet trolls illegally used the stolen Social Security numbers and the dates of birth of real American citizens to open bank accounts and PayPal accounts and organize political rallies in the United States (both pro and contra Trump). Illegal banking operations are a federal crime.

    That's all, folks. Neither Trump nor his staff, as expected, is tarnished. On the election results, the activity of the trolls did not affect much of anything (and how could they affect with the laughable penetration of the entire U.S. political advertising market to the tune of 0.001%?).

    The missile, launched by the Obama's Deep State, fell into the Trump White House but did not penetrate....

  14. February 17, 2018
    Indict Hillary and Steele for Russian interference
    By J. Marsolo

  15. Mueller Is Losing Flynn, so He Indicts Russians
    William L. Gensert
    With former national security adviser Michael Flynn's guilty plea likely to be set aside, the indictments announced yesterday by Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein, in tenor, scope, and timing, are a desperate attempt by Mueller to save his crumbling collusion investigation from complete failure. More

  16. Russian Investigation Offers a Ludicrous Indictment
    E. Jeffrey Ludwig
    The Democrats and the Justice Department are trying to exit with face-saving grace despite colossal failure to prove their collusion assertion against Trump and his team. More

    1. .


      They've never 'asserted' anything. That is all these conspiracy theories you and your ilk have dreamed up.

      Show me where Mueller, the guy running the investigation, has ever asserted that the Trump team colluded with Russia to affect the election.

      You dumb shit, there were two parts to the investigation. One, the investigation he took over that the FBI was already conducting on Russian interference and, two, the mandate he got when the special prosecutor was set up to see if anyone on the Trump team was involved with the Russians.

      There is already the IG investigation that was running before Mueller was appointed to investigate how the FBI handled the Clinton investigation and her team's part in any collusion with the Russians.

      Even Trump is now publically admitting, in a watered down criticism, that the Russians interfered in the election, although he still refuses to actually give a full throated condemnation of Putin, Russsia, or anything about the country.

      You dumb shits have been pushing your conspiracies or buying into those pushed by the dicks at FOX, Limbaugh, and American Thinker from the beginning. And now you seem to think that this is the end of the Mueller investigation.

      I've been cutting back on the time I spend here. At my last doctor visit, he advised that too many Fruit Loops are bad for you.




    2. .

      Fidelity Bravery Integrity



    3. There is, first, the overarching counterintelligence investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. As we have pointed out many times, a counterintelligence investigation is not a criminal investigation, and therefore cannot legitimately predicate the appointment of a special counsel.

      The objective of a counterintelligence investigation is to collect intelligence about the actions and intentions of a foreign power to the extent they may affect American interests. The aim is not prosecution. Indeed, prosecution can undermine counterintelligence since the latter relies on secrecy (counterintelligence investigations are highly classified), while the former mandates public disclosure of allegations, evidence, and witnesses. Consequently, while Justice Department prosecutors are routinely assigned to criminal investigations, they are not assigned to counterintelligence investigations — government lawyers get involved when intelligence agents need the assistance of court process, such as warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

      The second component of the Russia investigation is studiously vague. It was described by then-director Comey as an inquiry into “the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

      There are a couple of salient things to notice here. First, this was not a standalone investigation; Comey explicitly described it as included within the just-described counterintelligence probe of Russian election interference — i.e., it was not described as a criminal investigation. Second, what is outlined here is not a predicate for a criminal investigation:

      It is not a federal crime to have “links” — whatever that means — to the Russian government; and whatever the equally slippery word “coordination” may mean, there can be no federal crime unless (a) “Russia’s efforts” transgressed some penal law (e.g., anti-hacking statutes) and (b) the “coordination” rose to the level of knowing complicity in that transgression (e.g., conspiracy to commit hacking).

  17. So finally, Rocky the Flying Squirrel (aka Rod Rosenstein) and Bullwinkle (aka special prosecutor Robert Mueller) have indicted Boris and Natasha.

    I won’t be happy until Misha the Olympic bear is brought down, too.
    This nested doll of a scandal will probably go on longer than The Simpsons.

    Meanwhile, I won’t hold my breath for Russia to extradite any of the 13 who were indicted yesterday.
    More likely they’re all being awarded old copies of the Lenin Prize.

  18. Custom Heimlich for Quirk:

    1. (Followed by obligatory nitpicks regarding CNN's viewership, etc. etc. etc.)

  19. .

    High School Shooting Now Also Mueller's Fault

    Hilarious if it weren't a bit scary.


    1. Not Mueller's fault but law enforcement/FBI does seem to have dropped the ball.

  20. .

    Shooter should have been locked up weeks ago

    Shooter takes to social media to proclaim, I hate "jews, n*****s, and immigrant". Hell, if he could get locked up for that, half the people here would be in the pokey.

    A right wing nut job kills a lot of kids in Florida and you dolts manage to blame it on Mueller.

    Completely batshit crazy.


    1. Mueller, Comey, et-al are above reproach.

      Their record is impeccable.

    2. Here's a challenge for you:

      Hold your breath until Mueller or anyone else holds Comey accountable.

    3. .

      They have zero, zip, nada to do with the Florida murders you friggin moron.

      Here's a challenge for you:

      Everyone knows you're a fool so stop making comments and proving it to them.


    4. You have everything to do with your indefensible defense of the DOJ and FBI.

    5. Shall we count the thousands of off topic posts you have made to avoid EVER squarely addressing the squalid state of the FBI/DOJ?

    6. Will Comey be held accountable?

      Simple question.

      For most.

    7. .

      Right, you mean the numerous time I've called you guys conspiracy theorists for trying to discredit the Mueller investigation.

      I repeat (for the umpteenth time) show me one thing Mueller has done during this investigation that is illegal or something any other prosecutor wouldn't do during an investigations.

      A simple request. That's all I'm asking you for. And try to spare me the bullshit.


    8. I've never claimed he's done anything illegal. more way for you to again avoid addressing the squalid state of the FBI/DOJ.

      Will Comey be held accountable?

      Has he followed the rule of law?

      Was Hillary guilty?


      Not illegal, but absurd of you to cite Comey and Mueller being "Republicans" (As Mueller hires Hillary donors.) as if that has some valid meaning.

    9. I do agree you're good at namecalling.

      ...or at least quite diligent about doing it.

    10. Let's hire Hillary donors to investigate how Hillary colluded with the FBI, the Russians and Obama "Justice" to instigate an investigation of Trump!

    11. The guy is positively beyond reproach, I tell ya.

      ...actually it's the SwampRats and MSM True Believers like...



    When some goofy member of a white supremacist group–by the way, if you ever encounter a white supremacist, please hang on to him and give me a call, I’ve never met one–told news outlets that mass murderer Nikolas Cruz was a member of his organization, Democratic Party media jumped all over it. It was reported as fact, even thought there was no confirmation whatsoever that it was true.

    The Associated Press was one Democratic Party organization that hurried to associate Cruz with “white supremacists,” in furtherance of its agenda. Now the AP has recanted:

    A white nationalist appears to have lied to The Associated Press and other news organizations when he claimed that Florida school-shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his obscure group.

    Law enforcement officials have said they didn’t have any evidence to support the claim that Republic of Florida leader Jordan Jereb made in interviews with several news organizations.

    “Too good to check” is the central principle of Democratic Party journalism. It would be hard to read a newspaper today, without absorbing false articles that liberal reporters preferred not to verify.

  22. YouTube Deletes Popular Journalist’s Video Criticizing the Media Over Falling for 4Chan Florida Shooter Hoax

    YouTube has removed a video by Tim Pool, a popular and award winning journalist, that criticized the mainstream media for falling for a 4Chan hoax that claimed the Florida school shooter was part of a white nationalist group.


  23. .

    Alphabet is a minor player.


    1. How Alphabet became the biggest company in the world

      Silicon Valley – and Wall Street – have a new king. Alphabet, the company formerly known as Google, looks set to become the world’s largest publicly traded company on Tuesday thanks to a spike in its share price, following exceptionally good results and a decision to come clean on how its makes and spends its money.

      Less than a year after it stormed past Berkshire Hathaway, ExxonMobil and Microsoft on its way to the top, the company’s value has passed Apple. Tuesday will see whether it can hold on to those gains but the battle is on.

      In the past six months alone, since Google restructured to become Alphabet, its cap has risen by $200bn (£139bn), almost doubling its total value.

  24. Quirk is just all upset because it is dawning on him that he got suckered by the Russkie into voting for Jill Stein.

  25. Politico Poll has Trump at 47% approval, 47% disapproval.

    Quirk shivers.

    1. Still have that Chromebook?

      Any problems with selecting things and such?

      I finally fired up a Windows machine last nite and was reminded of how much more precise and usable it was regarding various mouse behaviors and etc.

      Many things I hate about Google "Material Design"

      Most of all dim grayed out poor readability.

    2. Acer Chromebook 15

      Seems to work all right.

    3. CB5-571 ?

      If so, we've got twins!

    4. I definitely like not worrying about infections, updates, and etc.

    5. I'll begin to think of you as my big brother.

    6. 4GB vs 2GB, REALLY BIG Brother.

      More open tabs than Trump has fingers.

      ...all for a paltry 50 bucks!

      You still have all you need to piss off Quirk, though, so what the hey.

  26. Yesterday was Elizabeth Wanamaker Peratrovich Day.

    ...we missed it.


    1. "I would not have expected that I, who am barely out of savagery, would have to remind gentlemen with five thousand years of recorded civilization behind them, of our Bill of Rights."

  27. A live skunk was captured early this morning at Pier 1 at Honolulu Harbor. Plant Quarantine inspectors from the Hawaiʻi Department of Agriculture were called by agents of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection at about 7:15 a.m. today and were informed that a skunk was captured by stevedores at the pier.

  28. Video: Cruise from Hell

    1. Relaxin' to get away from the mainland for a couple of weeks.

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    1. .

      Fidelity Bravery Integrity


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