Sunday, February 18, 2018

FBI managed to identify 13 Russian trolls but ignored disturbing evidence which led to the deaths of 17 children

“The FBI needs a complete overhaul, a complete cleansing,” Jeanine Pirro began her Saturday opening statement on Fox.
She continued:
“In any company or organization that runs afoul of its mission or is tainted by corruption and politics, the CEO and the board of directors would go. Likewise, the utter failure of the FBI in September and January regarding shooter Nikolas Cruz is so monumental that the same rule must apply. The killing of young innocence. teachers and coaches, gunned down in a school — a place that should be a haven in a heartless world, lays at the hands of the FBI.”
Pirro added that had the shooting could have been prevented had the FBI “bothered to lift a finger.”


  1. FBI incompetence is only eclipsed by its arrogant contempt for the law and malicious misuse as a political tool . It is both an embarrassment and a sewer.

    1. Let's hire Hillary donors to investigate how Hillary colluded with the FBI, the Russians, and Obama "Justice" to instigate an investigation of Trump!

      Mueller is truly above reproach.

      An American Hero.

  2. Donald J. Trump


    Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!

    11:08 PM - Feb 17, 2018

  3. Rip off the scab. Cut the comic book hype.

  4. Russia Warned FBI Several Times about Boston Bomber – Threat was Ignored, Then It Took FBI 3 Days to Find Terrorist Brothers

    The FBI was warned!

    Russian authorities warned the FBI in 2011 about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of two Chechen brothers accused of carrying out last year’s Boston Marathon bombings, but U.S. authorities missed chances to detain him.

    US authorities missed multiple chances to detain Tsarnaev when he was traveling to and from Dagestan terror training camps!

    And the FBI did not tell the police in Boston about the trained terrorist in their midst.

    And it took local and federal officials THREE days to identify the killers.
    Nikolas Cruz was not the first killer who managed to stay under the FBI radar.

    1. Glad they got things straightened out after 9-11.

    2. It was President George W. Bush's terse, post-9/11 order – "Don't ever let this happen again'' – that prompted Mueller's make-over of the bureau to an agency designed to thwart, rather than respond to, terror threats.

      Kinda, Sorta.

  5. No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren’t Heroes

    The former FBI directors have acceded to numerous wrongful abuses of power in the post-9/11 era.
    ...the truth is, as top law enforcement officials of the Bush administration (Mueller as FBI Director and James Comey as Deputy Attorney General), both presided over post-9/11 cover-ups and secret abuses of the Constitution, enabled Bush-Cheney fabrications to launch wrongful wars, and exhibited plain vanilla incompetence.

    TIME Magazine would probably have not called my own disclosures a “bombshell memo” to the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry in May 2002 if it had not been for Mueller’s having so misled everyone after 9/11. Although he bore no personal responsibility for intelligence failures before the attack, since he only became FBI Director a week before, Mueller denied or downplayed the significance of warnings that had poured in yet were all ignored or mishandled during the spring and summer of 2001.

    Bush administration officials had circled the wagons and refused to publicly own up to what the 9/11 Commission eventually concluded, “that the system had been blinking red.” Failures to read, share or act upon important intelligence, which a FBI agent witness termed “criminal negligence” in later trial testimony, were therefore not fixed in a timely manner. (Actually some failures were never fixed.) Worse, Bush and Cheney used that post-9/11 period of obfuscation to “roll out” their misbegotten “war on terror,” which only served to exponentially increase worldwide terrorism.

    Long before he became FBI Director, serious questions existed about Mueller’s role as Acting U.S. Attorney in Boston in effectively enabling decades of corruption and covering up of the FBI’s illicit deals with mobster Whitey Bulger and other “top echelon” informants who committed numerous murders and crimes. ''When the truth was finally uncovered through intrepid investigative reporting and persistent, honest judges, U.S. taxpayers footed a $100 million court award to the four men framed for murders committed by (the FBI operated) Bulger gang.

    TIME Magazine would probably have not called my own disclosures a “bombshell memo” to the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry in May 2002 if it had not been for Mueller’s having so misled everyone after 9/11.

    Although he bore no personal responsibility for intelligence failures before the attack, since he only became FBI Director a week before, Mueller denied or downplayed the significance of warnings that had poured in yet were all ignored or mishandled during the spring and summer of 2001.


    1. .
      (Heart Emoji)



    2. .

      HuffPo are a bunch of right wing nutjob wackos.


    3. Neither Comey nor Mueller—who are reported to be “joined at the hip”—deserve their current lionization among politicians and mainstream media.

      Instead of Jimmy Stewart-like ‘G-men’ with reputations for principled integrity, the two close confidants and collaborators merely proved themselves, along with former CIA Director George “Slam Dunk” Tenet, reliably politicized sycophants, enmeshing themselves in a series of wrongful abuses of power along with official incompetence.

      It seems clear that based on his history and close “partnership” with Comey, “one of the closest working relationships the top ranks of the Justice Department have ever seen,”
      Mueller was chosen as Special Counsel not because he has integrity but because he will do what the powerful want him to do.
      He didn’t speak the truth about a war he knew to be unjustified. He didn’t speak out against torture. He didn’t speak out against unconstitutional surveillance. And he didn’t tell the truth about 9/11.

      He is just their man.

    4. Coleen Rowley, a retired FBI special agent and division legal counsel whose May 2002 memo to then-FBI Director Robert Mueller exposed some of the FBI’s pre-9/11 failures, was named one of TIME magazine’s “Persons of the Year” in 2002.'

      Her 2003 letter to Robert Mueller in opposition to launching the Iraq War is archived in full text on the NYT and her 2013 op-ed entitled “Questions for the FBI Nominee” was published on the day of James Comey’s confirmation hearing.


    President Trump is facing backlash Sunday for suggesting the FBI missed warnings about the Florida school shooter because it was too busy focusing on possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. From guess who?

    Republican Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, who has often been a vocal critic of the president, said it was an “absurd statement” during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

    Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper dismissed the president’s suggestion, saying the revelation the FBI missed several warnings about the shooter revealed the tremendous stress and pressure law enforcement officials fa

    1. If they can’t handle the stress, perhaps they should become college professors, politicians, or just move to CN.


  7. .

    Mueller's Hillary donors are all straight shooters like him: That's why he hired them.


  8. AG Sessions Defends Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Wray After Another Week of Deep State Failures (VIDEO)

    AG Sessions defended Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is currently running the DOJ, and FBI Director Christopher Wray..

    Florida Governor Rick Scott called on Wray to step down on Friday after it was reported the FBI ignored calls to investigate killer Nikolas Cruz.

    When asked about recent attacks by Newt Gingrich Sessions defended the Department of Justice, Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein.

    AG Jeff Sessions: We have the responsibility to ensure the integrity of this process. I am going to use my authority as the Attorney General to ensure that. But the management of this case which I recused is in the hands of Mr. Mueller and supervised by the acting Attorney General of this investigation Rod Rosenstein, a proven professional in Deputy Attorney General.

    This comes after Rod Rosenstein screamed at and threatened Intel Chairman Devin Nunes just a few weeks ago during a private meeting.

    Sessions then defended FBI Director Christopher Wray.

    AG Jeff Sessions: We are setting a tone of professionalism and responsibility and lawfulness in this department. We expect it in every member. We got a new FBI director. A new Deputy FBI Director… Chris Wray is a man of integrity and decency.

    This was a shocking interview by the failed Attorney General.

  9. Mueller Patched Together Much of His Indictment from 2015 Radio Free Europe Article

    It appears Mueller and his team of far left attorneys copied much of their report from an earlier RFE article.

    4chan has a thread alleging Robert Mueller and his high-priced sham investigators got all the names and the idea for his Russian indictment from a 2015 Radio Free Europe article.

    We plugged the article into Google translate (It’s in Ukrainian), and the article reads like the Mueller indictment.


    1. .

      Every Mueller coincidence is an innocent coincidence.


    2. .

      It just get's better and better

      It can't get much better than this. The bar's long-time guardian of media integrity is now citing anonymous articles off of 4chan as proof of plagiarism.



    3. Read the translation!

      (It's English, tho, not sure they have Polish.)

    4. Good job of continuing your perfect record of avoiding FBI/DOJ corruption, though.

      It's not gone unnoticed here!

  10. It’s clear that Mueller and his gang of corrupt tricksters and Obama and Clinton cronies have no intention of abiding by the law and Friday’s announcement is case in point. Mueller’s team is corrupt and biased and if Mueller was on the up-and-up he would never appoint the corrupt Obama and Clinton cronies that he did.

    Mueller never should have accepted the position. His best friend is James Comey who was fired by President Trump for being corrupt.

    Comey had to meet with Mueller before he met with Congress last year, but we still don’t know what they discussed.


  11. .

    Mueller appointed Obama/Clinton cronies because they have all the inside dope on Obama/Clinton corruption.

    He's a seeker of truth.


  12. Trump should be on a suicide watch after appointing Sessions.


  13. Mueller's done a lot of great things we'll never hear about.



  15. Excellent run there, Doug.

    It does look like Mueller is playing a very weak hand.

    Mueller ought to just bow out now.

    Whole thing was a FARCE from the beginning.

    Looks like General Flynn is even getting off on some technicality or other.

    Time to move on.

    1. "Mueller ought to just bow out now."

      Never has, never will.

      It's what he does.

    2. Likewise Rosenstein, Sessions, et-al.

  16. Meanwhile, down Venezuela way -

    Desperate Venezuelans Sell Hair to Survive....DRUDGE

  17. The Russian journalist who helped uncover election interference is confounded by the Mueller indictments

    But much of the information Mueller published on Friday about the agency’s efforts to influence the election had already been published last October — in an article by a Russian business magazine, RBC.

    In a 4,500-word report titled “How the 'troll factory' worked the U.S. elections,” journalists Polina Rusyaeva and Andrey Zakharov offered the fullest picture yet of how the “American department” of the IRA used Facebook, Twitter and other tactics to inflame tensions ahead of the 2016 vote. The article also looked at the staffing structure of the organization and revealed details about its budget and salaries.

  18. The Mueller Dogs Bark, but the Caravan Moves On
    Clarice Feldman
    The indictments are idiotic. They would never have been issued by a prosecutor – only by a special counsel looking as if he's doing something. More

  19. MORE DIRTY MUELLER LIES: Russian Pro-Trump Rallies Total: 31 People… Russian Anti-Trump Rallies Total: 10,100 People

    On Friday, Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities, accused of
    supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump … and disparaging Hillary Clinton.


  20. End the 9/11 Syndrome at the FBI: Terrible Things Happen, and There’s Little Accountability

    During his presidential campaign, Senator Rand Paul (R., Ky.) noted that the FBI had caught the “20th hijacker” a month before his comrades launched their deadly carnage on 9/11.

    The FBI agent who caught him wrote 70 letters to FBI headquarters saying we should look at this guy’s computer — get a warrant — and they never did.” Senator Paul told CNN’s Jake Tapper in 2015.

    “That was a huge failure, and I never quite understood why no one was fired over 9/11. . . . And there were some mistakes. We also had a report out of Arizona of people trying to fly planes but not learning how to land them.”

    As bad as those mistakes were, the Bush administration made them worse. It took 411 days for it to finally agree to form a commission to look into how 9/11 could have happened. Compare that with the six days it took to form the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    The 9/11 commission ultimately did a credible job, but it was hobbled early on for lack of money. The government initially allocated only $3 million for its work, later raising it, under pressure, to $11 million. Compare that with the commission that investigated the explosion of the space shuttle Columbia in 1986.

    That was a tragedy that killed seven brave Americans, and we spent $50 million to find out what happened.

  21. So, you 3 stooges (deuce, b00bie, and doug) think this is the end of the inditements? Heh. Good luck with that.

    1. You merit an indictment or two yourself, Ash.

      Dumbshittery, consorting with the enemy, that sort of thing....

    2. Becoming an embarrassment to the Nation of Canada...lots of possibilities.

    3. He's gone to the Quirk School for Ignoring FBI Corruption.

      No matter what.

      Including extra dead Americans.

    4. Not ever tucking in your shirt, your zipper never all the way up....

    5. Belching when eating Canadian Bacon Burgers.....

  22. .

    DougSun Feb 18, 06:23:00 PM EST

    Good job of continuing your perfect record of avoiding FBI/DOJ corruption, though.

    Be specific. [I've put up the definition of corruption here before]

    What corruption?

    There is no doubt that the FBI screwed the pooch with this latest school shooting. The people involved showed incompetence and blatant disregard for public safety in ignoring the warnings they received. Whoever was in the decision making and implementation chain should be investigated and given whatever the appropriate punishment for their parts in this tragedy. This isn't the first time it has happened with the FBI. But it appears policies and procedures were in place to address situations like this. From what I've seen so far, the failures seem to be at the agent (possibly supervisors levels). Were these people incompetent or just too damn lazy to do their jobs? Possibly. Corrupt? I don't see it, at least as far as I understand the definition of corruption.

    Comey? I said before on various occasions that Comey is a pompous, self-righteous prig, whose actions are driven by self-interest. But that self-interest isn't driven by a profit motive but by an intense desire to cover his ass. This explains his actions with the email investigation and his flip-flopping on it. Not pretty but not corrupt.

    Is he guilty of a crime for leaking his personal notes after he was fired? Trump says yes. He says no.

    If I understand it right, this is one of the things the IG investigation is looking at as well as his role in the email investigation and his firing by Trump. I can wait.

    Sessions? The good soldier takes it in the ass for doing the right thing. What is corrupt about recusing yourself from an investigation to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest? Crickets.

    Rosenstein? Appointed Mueller as special counsel. Corrupt? How so?

    Mueller? Since taking over the investigation, I haven't heard Mueller 'assert' 'anything' about 'anyone' until he has charged through indictments. His investigation has been remarkably leak free. Corrupt? If it's there, I haven't seen it.


    1. {...}

      If you guys have something showing specific instances of corruption give them to me but not silliness like...

      'Mueller and Comey were the bestest of friends.'

      Even if it was true, so what? Comey was fired and was gone from any investigations months before Mueller was hired.

      But how do we know they were 'best friends'? Breitbart and Doug tells us so. Rather than argue the point, I'll leave this link...

      Some of the people I worked with I knew and worked with for more than 30 years. Some I worked on the same teams with. We were all pretty genial. I can't remember one of them I talked to a year after I retired.

      I'm waiting for the pictures of Comey and Mueller out with their wives for dinner and a movie or bowling on Thursday evenings.


    2. In Russia, they acassinate their foes.

    3. Mueller hires Hillary donors to investigate how Hillary colluded with the FBI, the Russians, and Obama "Justice" to instigate an investigation of Trump!


      Nothing to see here.


    4. .

      Unlike Trump, I doubt Mueller asked these guys who they voted for much less who they contributed to when he hired them.

      We both know what he did to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest when he found out about the level of their bias.


    5. .

      What about Steele?

      Mueller was appointed mid-May of last year. Still waiting for you to explain to me what Mueller has said, asserted, whatever word you and Bozo want to use, or anything he has done since taking over the investigation that was something any other prosecutor wouldn't have done.


    6. Mueller doesn't read papers, either.
      Lives in a vacuum, actually.

      Mueller has hired 15 attorneys in total so far and 13 of them have been publicly identified.

      The Washington Post reported Wednesday on their names and past political donations.
      Records show that seven of the 13 attorneys have donated in federal elections, and all of them gave to Democrats.

      A total of $60,787.77 from the attorneys have been given to Democratic candidates, including Trump’s former opponent Hillary Clinton.

    7. .

      Mueller was appointed mid-May of last year. Still waiting for you to explain to me what Mueller has said, asserted, whatever word you and Bozo want to use, or anything he has done since taking over the investigation that was something any other prosecutor wouldn't have done.

      Are you saying any of the indictments brought by Mueller so far are illegitimate?


  23. .

    Speaking of Words

    Here's a transcript of Trumps speech following the Florida high school shooting


    You'll notice its a nice speech. Strikes all the right notes.

    The only things missing?

    1. Any specific suggestions for ending the problem.

    2. The word 'gun' was never mentioned.


    1. Mr. MSM Speaks!


      Flashback 30 Years: Guns Were in Schools ... and Nothing Happened

      When Will We Have the Guts to Link Fatherlessness to School Shootings?

    2. Reading the articles above, you tell us what word to use instead of corrupt that would address the FBI/DOJ's sorry record.

    3. Rosenstein is in charge of determining if Rosenstein's re-authorization of Carter Page's FISA Warrant was valid.

  24. President Trump has been tweeting up a storm. Some of his tweets have been about Robert Mueller’s indictment of a number of Russians, which we have written about extensively here. For example:

    If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their asses off in Moscow. Get smart America!

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 18, 2018

    He’s right. Trump is too polite to mention that the Democratic Party shares, in some respects, Russia’s goals.

    Here is another one:

    I never said Russia did not meddle in the election, I said “it may be Russia, or China or another country or group, or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer.” The Russian “hoax” was that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia – it never did!

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 18, 2018

    There are several more. This is too much for the Democratic Party press to bear. The Hill, for example, headlines: “Trump’s anger boils over with Russia probe.”

    President Trump vented his anger with the Russia investigation late Saturday night and Sunday morning, declaring that “they are laughing their asses off in Moscow” over the ongoing probe into Moscow’s interference in the 2016 election.

    Trump vs. The Hill

  25. I'd like to know the answer to school shootings, among other kinds of shootings.

    Someone was talking about registering, tracking, insuring all guns in the USA, like cars.

    Not sure I understand how this would do the job tho.

  26. Laura Ingraham:

    Time for Mueller to Interview Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes and Barack Obama

    Given that we already know Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC paid for that fake Russian dossier, it’s time for the special counsel to interview Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, and maybe even Barack Obama. I say it’s high time that we determine who really colluded with the Russians.

  27. .

    Irony or Hypocrisy?

    As noted above...

    There is no doubt that the FBI screwed the pooch with this latest school shooting. The people involved showed incompetence and blatant disregard for public safety in ignoring the warnings they received. Whoever was in the decision making and implementation chain should be investigated and given whatever the appropriate punishment for their parts in this tragedy. This isn't the first time it has happened with the FBI. But it appears policies and procedures were in place to address situations like this. From what I've seen so far, the failures seem to be at the agent (possibly supervisors levels).


    Trump doesn't like to bring up the subject of guns. Better to keep it a condemnation of the FBI or mental health. Better to speak in generalities and avoid specifics until the uproar over the latest shooting dies down.

    During his campaign, Trump stressed the mental health aspects of the mass shooting problem though he suggested no solutions. Is it irony or hypocrisy that the first month he was in office he did away with a rule Obama put in place to have the SSA report information to the NCIS on SS recipients who were too mentally impaired to handle their own affairs. Likely a rule with minor impact; yet, it could help prevent someone from harming themselves or others. It takes quite a stretch to argue that someone who can't read a document or sign his name should be allowed to handle a firearm.

    The rule change was done quietly. Usually with any of these regulation changes there is a picture taken and publicized. Not this one.

    This is pretty typical with Trump and Congress. The cynical say they know the reason why.

    There have been three major mass shootings in Trump's first year. It's never the fault of loose gun laws.

    With the Florida shooting Trump won't even mention the word gun. After the Las Vegas shooting, months ago now, there was a mad rush to push through 'bump stock' legislation. Everyone said it was a no-brainer. The NRA even came out in favor of it. Where is it today? Who the heck knows?

    Above, it was mentioned Trump killed a rule that would have added to the NCIS data base. That data base is a problem because of spotty compliance with reporting standards. After that vet with the dishonorable discharge went on a shooting spree, there was such an uproar that the Pentagon almost immediately sent in 4,400 postings to NCIS that hadn't previously been sent in.

    Congress is fighting to give non-violent felons the right to get guns. At the same time, they refuse to close the internet and gun show loopholes.

    Other common sense solutions that are broadly approved by the majority of Americans like limiting magazine size, well, forget about it.

    We have more problems than offering up the mental health excuse without ever offering any solutions for it.

    More words not mentioned by Trump or Congress. NRA.


  28. I read that 3% of gun deaths in the USA are caused by long guns such as the one used in the school shooting recently, and by the Vegas attacker.

    The rest caused by pistols of all types.

    1. Suicides by gun accounted for about six of every 10 firearm deaths in 2010 and just over half of all suicides, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

      Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware
      Pace of Decline Slows in Past Decade

      ...but school shootings did not occur in the past.

      See fatherlessness, etc. above.

    2. .

      Trump has emphasized the mental health impact on mass shootings

      There's a big disconnect between Trump's call to address mental health and his budget

      In his speech in response to the school shooting in Florida, President Donald Trump said the administration wants to "tackle the difficult issue of mental health."

      Despite this, Trump's recently released budget included a huge cut to the Medicaid program that provides nearly a quarter of all behavioral care funding in the US.


    3. You have emphasized Mueller is a straight shooter.

      I have posted a page full of examples that he is not.

    4. .

      I've never said a word about Mueller being a straight shooter. What I said was...

      Mueller was appointed mid-May of last year. Still waiting for you to explain to me what Mueller has said, asserted, whatever word you and Bozo want to use, or anything he has done since taking over the investigation that was something any other prosecutor wouldn't have done.

      Are you saying any of the indictments brought by Mueller so far are illegitimate?

      However, I find it ironic you find some of the things mentioned above objectionable in Mueller but unacceptable in Trump. Acting as apologist for the administration he was working for? Heck, Trump would have found that admirable, downright loyal. Patriot Act? Heck, it's been 16 years and Congress passed and Trump recently signed an extension and expansion of some of the most egregious parts of the Patriot Act. Torture? Trump's all for it, wants to expand it if you can believe what he said during his campaign. The War on Terror? Going strong, no end in sight.


    5. .


      ...but acceptable in Trump...


  29. Comey is a good friend of special counsel Robert Mueller — such a good friend, for about 15 years now, that the two men have been described as "brothers in arms." (By the Washington Post)

    Their work together during the controversies over Bush-era terrorist surveillance has been characterized as "deepening a friendship forged in the crucible of the highest levels of the national security apparatus after the 9/11 attacks," after which the men became "close partners and close allies throughout the years ahead."

    It's somewhat ironic, no?

    I mean, the whole purpose of the special counsel is to have a prosecutor from outside the government and outside of the normal chain of command because inherent conflicts render the Justice Department incapable of handling it.

    So, now the special counsel is a close friend (mentor/mentee relationship) with the star witness, who by his own admission leaked the memos at least in part to engineer the appointment of a special counsel.

    Only in Washington. You can't make this stuff up.


    1. .

      Maybe they aren't friends, and if they are, so what?


    2. .

      Working together doesn't make the best friends.

      When asked the question, Comey's lawyer said theirs was a good working relationship; however, it was professional rather than personal.

      I haven't seen that anyone has asked Mueller the question.



    3. ‘Brothers in arms’: The long friendship between Mueller and Comey

      “Just years apart in the 1990s, they both gave up their top-tier private law firm jobs to return to the trenches of prosecuting criminals — Mueller as a junior prosecutor in Washington, DC, and Comey in Richmond, Virginia,” Washingtonian reports. “Both men were rising stars mentored and guided by Eric Holder in the 1990s during Holder’s time in the Justice Department under the Clinton administration.”

      (Learned from the best. A pillar of honesty and integrity, Eric Holder.)

      Their relationship was made stronger during an incident in 2004. At the time, the Los Angeles Times reported, Comey, Mueller and a number of other law enforcement officials were on the verge of resigning in opposition to a Bush administration plan to reauthorize a domestic surveillance program that was launched after the terror attacks of 9/11. President Bush eventually agreed to modify the secret program after both men jointly intervened — an experience that is suspected to have drawn them even closer.


    4. .

      I haven't seen that anyone has asked Mueller the question.


    5. :-)

      Maybe they hate each other: Who knows???

    6. . experience that is suspected to have drawn them even closer.


      Has anyone else noted how Doug suddenly likes the MSN?

      Too funny.


    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Yep, they hate each other, cause Doug quoted WaPo calling them friends.

      Perfect logic.


    9. .

      I haven't seen that anyone has asked Comey why he leaked his notes.


    10. We need a Robert Mueller resignation or a second special counsel

      As Bill Otis wrote in these pages last week, Mueller is too close to Comey to be impartial, and that violates Justice Department conflict of interest rules. As Otis noted, “Comey and Mueller have been friends for nearly 15 years. They were partners in the episode that defined Comey's professional persona more than any other in his public service. It would be surprising if it had not also forged a permanent bond with Mueller ... Comey now finds himself at the center of the Russian investigation over which Mueller presides.

      Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a problem: He has a disqualifying conflict of interest regarding a large part of his work. It involves a choice between investigating or relying on former FBI director James Comey, a longtime close friend of Mueller’s.

      Ideally, he’ll recognize that and resign. But if he doesn’t resign, Attorney General Jeff Sessions should appoint another special counsel to take over the obstruction-of-justice part of the investigation, where Mueller is disqualified.

      Questions also swirl about Comey's notes about this conversation and why he gave them to a private individual (professor Dan Richman of Columbia Law) to convey to journalists.

      Additional questions have arisen about whether this curious and seemingly devious means of putting the contents of the notes in the public domain (leaking, in other words) was designed specifically to bring about the appointment of a special counsel outside the president's direct reach — and, indeed, whether Comey wanted, expected or intended his friend Mueller to get the job.”

    11. I've never linked to the NY Times, WaPo, La Times, SF Chronicle, Atlantic, ever before.

      ...I only did it here so Quirk could make a profound point.

    12. .

      Hmmm. Let me try to explain it to you one more time.

      No, I wouldn't say you did it intentionally. It's something that comes to you naturally.

      The point is, if I say something that you think might have come from whoever in your mind is the 'MSM' that is your argument, MSM, MSM, MSM like some continuous loop playback mechanism. It is your most often used argument. It requires no analysis and for that matter thought. On the other hand, you use them as a source and you see no problem at all.

      More important than the source though is the content, is it logical, is it believable, is it a news story, an opinion piece, or an editorial? You have to look at more than just supporting your consensus bias, Doug. Are you reading what it actually says or what you want it to be saying?

      From the parts you posted above... experience that is suspected to have drawn them even closer.

      Suspected by who? The author? Anyone else? My first instinct when I read it was the author was trying to pump up his best buddy theory.

      “Just years apart in the 1990s, they both gave up their top-tier private law firm jobs to return to the trenches of prosecuting criminals...

      Wow, that's really telling. Just, what, a 'few years apart' they decided on career changes moving from private practice to become prosecutors. Gee, I wonder if there was anyone else in the 1990's that made a similar move. That's really got to bind those guys especially given that from what we have seen Comey he is such a pompous, sanctimonious prick, just the kind of guy you would like to hang with, the kind of guy most people would like to have a drink with after work and use as your wing man when you're out trolling for chicks.

      Their relationship was made stronger during an incident in 2004. At the time, the Los Angeles Times reported, Comey, Mueller and a number of other law enforcement officials were on the verge of resigning in opposition to a Bush administration plan to reauthorize a domestic surveillance program that was launched after the terror attacks of 9/11.

      Well now, that is telling. I wonder where all those included in that "number of other law enforcement officials" ranked on Mueller's 'Butt Buddy List'. Are they considered alternates? Is there a rotation scheme?

      And gee, my impression is that these guys were all taking a principled stand against Bush's unconstitutional overreach. That's doesn't sound like the yes man willing to do, without compunction, the bidding of the powers that be that was talked about in the other story you put up.


  30. The mentally ill lash out at anytime and anywhere. Just a fact that I'm sure of.
    The criminal element and terrorists strike at soft targets.
    We need thicker skins and hardened defenses.
    The enemy is in our perimeter.

    1. Do away with the gun-free killing zones.
      Except in bars. Alcohol, firearms and attitudes don't mix well.

  31. Hungary's Orban calls for global anti-migrant alliance...

    Calls Christianity 'Europe's last hope'...DRUDGE

    Good idea !

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  34. Turkey gave US another chance: FM Cavusoglu

    Turkish foreign minister says normalized ties depend on US keeping promises on the fight against terrorism, Syria policy

    The Muzzie despot doesn't want much ...

    Just a rewrite of US Foreign Policy.

    Not a tweet from the US.

    No Testosterone

    1. Kurdish fighters in north-western Syria say they have struck a deal with the Syrian government under which it will send troops to help repel a Turkish offensive.

      A senior Kurdish official, Badran Jia Kurd, told Reuters that government soldiers could enter the Afrin region within days and that they would deploy to some border positions.

      The alleged agreement was also reported by Iraqi Kurdish media group Rudaw, which quoted a Kurdish politician from Syria, and a news agency which backs Syrian Kurdish forces

      How does this benefit US interests?

      No Testosterone
