Monday, February 12, 2018

Bill Priestap - Step Up!

'Russiagate' Delusion Dies - Who Is 'Bill' Priestap?

The game is over. The jig is up. Victory is certain... the trench was ignited... the enemy funneled themselves into the valley... all bait was taken… everything from here on out is simply mopping up the details.  All suspicions confirmed.

Why has Devin Nunes been so confident?  Why did all GOP HPSCI members happily allow the Democrats to create a 10-page narrative?  All questions are answered.

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence member Chris Stewart appeared on Fox News with Judge Jeanine Pirro, and didn’t want to “make news” or spill the beans, but the unstated, between-the-lines, discussion was as subtle as a brick through a window.  Judge Jeannie has been on the cusp of this for a few weeks.

Listen carefully around 2:30, Judge Jeanine hits the bulls-eye; and listen to how Chris Stewart talks about not wanting to make news and is unsure what he can say on this...

...Bill Priestap is cooperating.
When you understand how central E.W. “Bill” Priestap was to the entire 2016/2017 ‘Russian Conspiracy Operation‘, the absence of his name, amid all others, created a curiosity.  I wrote a twitter thread about him last year and wrote about him extensively, because it seemed unfathomable his name has not been a part of any of the recent story-lines.

E.W. “Bill” Priestap is the head of the FBI Counterintelligence operation.  He was FBI Agent Peter Strozk’s direct boss.  If anyone in congress really wanted to know if the FBI paid for the Christopher Steele Dossier, Bill Priestap is the guy who would know everything about everything.

FBI Asst. Director in charge of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap was the immediate supervisor of FBI Counterintelligence Deputy Peter Strzok.

Bill Priestap is #1. Before getting demoted Peter Strzok was #2.
The investigation into candidate Donald Trump was a counterintelligence operation. That operation began in July 2016. Bill Priestap would have been in charge of that, along with all other, FBI counterintelligence operations.

FBI Deputy Peter Strzok was specifically in charge of the Trump counterintel op. However, Strzok would be reporting to Bill Priestap on every detail and couldn’t (according to structure anyway) make a move without Priestap approval.

On March 20th 2017 congressional testimony, James Comey was asked why the FBI Director did not inform congressional oversight about the counterintelligence operation that began in July 2016.

FBI Director Comey said he did not tell congressional oversight he was investigating presidential candidate Donald Trump because the Director of Counterintelligence suggested he not do so. *Very important detail.*

I cannot emphasize this enough. *VERY* important detail. Again, notice how Comey doesn’t use Priestap’s actual name, but refers to his position and title. Again, watch [Prompted]

FBI Director James Comey was caught entirely off guard by that first three minutes of that questioning. He simply didn’t anticipate it.
Oversight protocol requires the FBI Director to tell the congressional intelligence “Gang of Eight” of any counterintelligence operations. The Go8 has oversight into these ops at the highest level of classification.  In July 2016 the time the operation began, oversight was the responsibility of this group, the Gang of Eight:

Obviously, based on what we have learned since March 2017, and what has surfaced recently, we can all see why the FBI would want to keep it hidden that they were running a counterintelligence operation against a presidential candidate.   After all, as FBI Agent Peter Strzok said it in his text messages, it was an “insurance policy”.

REMINDER – FBI Agent Strzok to FBI Attorney Page:

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office that there’s no way he gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”
So there we have FBI Director James Comey telling congress on March 20th, 2017, that the reason he didn’t inform the statutory oversight “Gang of Eight” was because Bill Priestap (Director of Counterintelligence) recommended he didn’t do it.

Apparently, according to Comey, Bill Priestap carries a great deal of influence if he could get his boss to NOT perform a statutory obligation simply by recommending he doesn’t do it.

Then again, Comey’s blame-casting there is really called creating a “fall guy”.  FBI Director James Comey was ducking responsibility in March 2017 by blaming FBI Director of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap for not informing congress of the operation that began in July 2016. (9 months prior).

At that moment, that very specific moment during that March 20th hearing, anyone who watches these hearings closely could see FBI Director James Comey was attempting to create his own exit from being ensnared in the consequences from the wiretapping and surveillance operation of candidate Trump, President-elect Trump, and eventually President Donald Trump.

In essence, Bill Priestap was James Comey’s fall guy.  We knew it at the time that Bill Priestap would likely see this the same way.  The guy would have too much to lose by allowing James Comey to set him up.

Immediately there was motive for Bill Priestap to flip and become the primary source to reveal the hidden machinations.  Why should he take the fall for the operation when there were multiple people around the upper-levels of leadership who carried out the operation.

Our suspicions were continually confirmed because there was NO MENTION of Bill Priestap in any future revelations of the scheme team, despite his centrality to all of it.

Bill Priestap would have needed to authorize Peter Strzok to engage with Christopher Steele over the “Russian Dosssier”; Bill Priestap would have needed to approve of the underlying investigative process used for both FISA applications (June 2016, and Oct 21st 2016). Bill Priestap would be the person to approve of arranging, paying, or reimbursing, Christopher Steele for the Russian Dossier used in their counterintelligence operation and subsequent FISA application.
Without Bill Priestap involved, approvals, etc. the entire Russian/Trump Counterintelligence operation just doesn’t happen. Heck, James Comey’s own March 20th testimony in that regard is concrete evidence of Priestap’s importance.

Everyone around Bill Priestap, above and below, were caught inside the investigative net.
Above him: James Comey, Andrew McCabe and James Baker. 
Below him: Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Jim Rybicki, Trisha Beth Anderson and Mike Kortan. 
Parallel to Priestap in main justice his peer John P Carlin resigned, Sally Yates fired, Mary McCord quit, Bruce Ohr was busted twice, and most recently Dave Laufman resigned.  All of them caught in the investigative net…. Only Bill Priestap remained, quietly invisible – still in position.
The reason was obvious.

Likely Bill Priestap made the decision after James Comey’s testimony on March 20th, 2017, when he realized what was coming.  Priestap is well-off financially; he has too much to lose.  He and his wife, Sabina Menschel, live a comfortable life in a $3.8 million DC home; she comes from a family of money.

While ideologically Bill and Sabina are aligned with Clinton support, and their circle of family and friends likely lean toward more liberal friends; no-one in his position would willingly allow themselves to be the scape-goat for the unlawful action that was happening around them.

Bill Priestap had too much to lose… and for what?

With all of that in mind, there is essentially no-way the participating members inside the small group can escape their accountability with Mr. Bill Priestap cooperating with the investigative authorities.

Now it all makes sense.  Devin Nunes interviewed Bill Priestap and Jim Rybicki prior to putting the memo process into place.  Rybicki quit, Priestap went back to work.

Bill Priestap remains the Asst. FBI Director in charge of counterintelligence operations.

It’s over.

I don’t want to see this guy, or his family, compromised.  This is probably the last I am ever going to write about him unless it’s in the media bloodstream. I can’t fathom the gauntlet of hatred and threats he is likely to face from the media and his former political social network if they recognize what’s going on.  BP is Deep-Throat x infinity… nuf said.

The rest of this entire enterprise is just joyfully dragging out the timing of the investigative releases in order to inflict maximum political pain upon the party of those who will attempt to excuse the inexcusable.

Then comes the OIG Horowitz report.

Then the grand jury empaneled (if not already); and while Democrats attempt to win seats in the 2018 election, arrests and indictments will hit daily headlines.

Oh, lordy...


  1. Watch Comey when Rep. Elise Stefanik asks him questions at the hearing.

  2. Calling Quirk !

    Calling Ash !

    Check in, please !

  3. A memory

    A long past year on a broken coastal mountain

    Surrounded by a frozen bay that stretched into a frozen ocean

    All ambient light, every manmade sound, missing

    No clouds, all stars

    Crack, groan, an explosion from the ice

    Sounds: Making ice? Losing ice? Or all about to break under your feet?

  4. Replies
    1. Priestap's wife:

  5. .

    Comey had good reason to not inform congressional oversight about the counterintelligence operation.

    FBI and DOJ had good reasons to not inform FISA Judge of origins of Steele Dossier.

    Devin Nunes is a partisan Portagee poopiehead.


    1. Early life, Education, and Career

      Nunes was born in Tulare, California. His family is of Portuguese descent, having emigrated from the Azores to California. From childhood, he worked on a farm that his family has operated in Tulare County for three generations. He raised cattle as a teenager, used his savings to begin a harvesting business, and then bought his own farmland with his brother.

      Nunes graduated from Tulare Union High School. He is the second Member of Congress to attend Tulare Union, following Olympic gold medalist Bob Mathias, who served in the House of Representatives from 1967 to 1975. After associate's work at College of the Sequoias, Nunes graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where he received a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business and a master’s degree in agriculture.

      Nunes was first elected to public office as one of California’s youngest community college trustees in state history at the age of 23. As a member of the College of the Sequoias Board from 1996 to 2002, he was an advocate for distance learning and the expansion of programs available to high school students. In 2001, he was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve as California State Director for the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Development section. He left this post to run for California’s 21st congressional district and now serves in the 22nd district as a result of redistricting in 2010.

    2. Probly doesn't know shit about advertising.

    3. Nunes has everything the Democrats need to hate him.


  6. .

    Ms Stefanik should take bullying lessons from Kamala Harris.


  7. Pollak: Gay Athletes’ Attack on Mike Pence Repays Tolerance with Anti-Christian Bigotry

    They can't let go of their inner faggot.

    1. Doug Sat Feb 10, 12:29:00 AM EST
      Classy! (For a bottom.)

      The first two openly gay male U.S. winter Olympians are doubling down on their feud with Vice President Pence over his record on LGBTQ rights.

      Freeskier Gus Kenworthy posted a photo on Instagram of himself and figure skater Adam Rippon with a caption that calls out Pence, who is leading the U.S. delegation to the 2018 Olympics, by name. Rippon was named to the U.S. Olympic team first, making history as the first openly gay man to represent the country in the Winter Olympics. Kenworthy was named to the team a few weeks later.

      “The Opening Ceremony is a wrap and the 2018 Winter Olympic Gaymes are officially under way!” Kenworthy wrote. “I feel incredibly honored to be here in Korea competing for the US and I'm so proud to be representing the LGBTQ community alongside this amazing guy! Eat your heart out, Pence.”

      He also used the hashtag “TeamUSGay,” adding American flag and Pride flag emojis.


      Quirk Sat Feb 10, 01:45:00 AM EST

      Right, Pence, is a righteous individual. So holier than thou that despite being an Evangelical he wears 'holy underwear' in a belt and suspenders strategy to assure himself a good seat on the trip to the rapture.


  8. I don't think Comey was lying near the end when he said they "WANTED TO KEEP IT INSIDE THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH!"

  9. So far nothing but crickets from Ash and Quirk.

    Maybe they've taken off on a trip to Disneyland together ?

    1. Who knows, maybe these Two Rogues, as they are often called, have taken off for Wally World ?

  10. .

    Nunes has everything the Democrats need to hate him.

    Rational Wiki...

    'David Nunes aka David "Inspector Gadget" Nunes also has a degree in Criminology and Spy Stuff from the Dick Tracy Crime Institute which was at the time a wholly owned subsidiary of the now defunct 'Soldier of Fortune' magazine.

    His black ops talents were on display early last year when in a hastily announced press conference, while using what was assumed was classified information, announced information on the FBI's investigation into Trump associates. He then rushed to the White House to bring Donald Trump up to speed on this 'new' information. He did all this without sharing any of the source information for the claims with his colleagues on the Intelligence committee or even that he was going to release it.

    Nunes claimed that the information was too important to keep from the president.

    Shortly after the release, Nunes was forced to step down as Chair of the intelligence Committee during an 8 month investigation by the Ethics Committee into whether Nunes released classified information to the press without authority. Nunes was eventually exonerated. How can a person be charged with releasing classified information when the info you gave to the president actually came from the president in the first place?

    Nunes, a man who has on numerous occasions criticized the 'deep state' and Democratic leaks surrounding the Trump team has been mocked by Republican colleagues as the second coming of 'Inspector Clouseau' for his midnight run (and the steps he took to keep it secret) to the White House grounds to accept a secret file provided in 'deep throat' fashion 'leaked' from an operative from the...hold it...White House.

    Sean Hannity calls Nunes a 'great American hero'.

    Mike Pence calls Nunes a saint, 'God's present to the Republic'.

    Tucker Carlson calls Nunes an independent honest man, a man of great integrity.

    Deuce says, 'No wonder the Dem's hate him'.

    Hilarious. Just hilarious.


  11. .

    BobMon Feb 12, 06:38:00 AM EST

    So far nothing but crickets from Ash and Quirk.

    6:38 am?

    Are you nutz?

    As for 'Judge Jeannine' (you do realize that name makes her sound like some 'reality tv' cartoon, right?), I listened to the video. Her argument is, 'Why haven't we heard of this guy? The fact we haven't heard of him tells me he is talking.' Talking to who? The GOP committeeman says 'I'd like to tell you what I know but I can't. Wink. Nudge.'

    Who is the guy talking to? The IG? A possibility? Sure. And I'll admit I don't know the ins and out of that investigation since, like the Mueller investigation, they don't make it a habit of making their day to day progress public. However, I believe the IG's job is to investigate and offer recommendations. I don't know on what basis they can offer any kind of immunity to get someone to talk. Are they talking about the House Intelligence Committee? Kind of hard to believe given what we've seen come out of this committee so far. They are hardly known for their secrecy. The FBI? The Doj? I'm really not sure who she thinks he is talking. Maybe you guys can tell me.

    'Judge Jeannine' is right on one thing though. We haven't heard of this guy. I'll be waiting 'patiently' for the promised blockbuster revelations he will no doubt provide.

    Not sure what else it is you want me (or Ash) to say.

    On a personal note, I want to say I am gratified that the bi-polar disposition of the Trumpites here has swung from the 'depressive' state it displayed yesterday to the 'manic' phase we have seen here today simply as the result of a few poignant words from Judge Jeannine Pirro. This is much more entertaining.



    1. .

      Schiff is a righteous man, suffering no leakage lightly, anal or otherwise.



    2. .

      Obama/Clinton email exchanges were not felonies.


  12. Hello, from the frozen hellhole.
    I've been ruminating a bit and I'm thinking with all the headlines and bylines in the news that I couldn't make up, the fucking protocols of the Zionists aren't as farfetched as I first thought...



    Federal abuses on Obama's watch represent a growing blight on his legacy

    In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

    High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

    Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity.

    These kinds of abuses of power were nothing new, given the Obama team’s long history of this type of misconduct on everything from the Benghazi terror attack to the political misuse of the IRS. They weaponized the most fearsome government agencies to target, monitor and presumably illegally unmask political opponents, including members of Congress, journalists reporting unfavorable stories, Trump allies and average Americans.
    These dark institutional offenses didn’t just materialize out of thin air. One of the criticisms of President Nixon was that even though he wasn’t aware of the Watergate break-in, he had created an environment in which such an action was acceptable.

    Decades later, Obama created a climate in which the potentially criminal misuse of the DOJ and the FBI, as currently being unraveled, was not just acceptable but perhaps encouraged, thereby giving rise to what could be the most dangerous scandal in American history.


    1. {...}

      It’s increasingly apparent that these recently exposed abuses of power served two ostensible purposes: to secure Hillary Clinton’s candidacy by shielding her from prosecution stemming from the use of her unauthorized private server, and to derail the candidacy and presidency of Donald Trump.

      But something else, something more profound, drove their efforts: their urgency to preserve what Obama once called “the fundamental transformation of the nation” — a grand project much bigger than Obama himself or any other single figure. He largely fulfilled the long-held progressive ambition of changing the nation’s course, only to see Trump threaten to change it once again: not to return it to where it was pre-Obama, but to smash the corrupt existing order that had made their progressive advances possible.

      Obama and the leftist movement over which he has presided could not tolerate a reversal of their gains (by Trump, no less!), so they got to work.


    2. {...}
      On the offensive side, these Obama officials — who obviously loathe Trump, as demonstrated by the glaring antipathy in the Strzok–Page texts and others’ communications — set out to damage him.

      Trump, they thought, gave them much material with which to work, plus they enjoyed a compliant media that stood ready to amplify spoon-fed narratives, regardless of their veracity. The acquisition of multiple FISA warrants — now known to be largely based on an unverified dossier prepared by a foreign spy, using anonymous Russian and close Clinton associates and paid for by her campaign and the Democratic National Committee — to subvert and impair Trump and his associates, succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

      On the defensive side, Herculean efforts were made by the Obama DOJ and FBI to stonewall the Clinton investigation, not out of any real love for Hillary but because they needed to ensure a Democratic win and the continuance of their “transformative” agenda. Further, with Clinton at the helm, evidence of all of their previous abuses would never see the light of day.

      Thus, the forward march to safeguard her.


      In October 2015, Obama told “60 Minutes” that, while Clinton made a “mistake” using a private server, “this is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.” The signal to his law enforcement lieutenants to back off could not have been clearer.


    3. {...}

      As the National Review’s Andrew McCarthy has reported, Obama knowingly and repeatedly sent communications to Clinton via her nongovernment, unsecured email and server. One assumes those emails involved classified information, not yoga schedules. That meant if Clinton were guilty of committing felonies, so was Obama.

      Because they were joined at the hip over this and other toxic controversies, such as Benghazi, she required protection in order to protect him. To this day, they survive or fall together. Hence, Obama’s support of her candidacy over his preferred choice, Joe Biden, and the necessity of the email cover-up.

      He and his allies have never taken their eyes off the prize. They cannot allow their progressive gains to be erased (and replaced by far more successful economic and national security policies) and their history of abuses to be exposed. Having never expected a Trump victory, the Obama and Clinton squads have been throwing the kitchen sink at him in an effort to protect themselves — and to try to backstop their hard-won “transformative” achievements.

      Restoring the progressive revolution is also why loyal Obama soldiers such as Biden and Eric Holder are considering White House runs. In the meantime, they must try to destroy Trump, his agenda, and the investigations that are quickly turning against them. After all, if Trump doesn’t just endure but succeeds, Obama, Clinton, their brigades and the larger decades-long radical movement have everything to lose.


      Monica Crowley is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.

  14. Quirk must have been checking the underwear of VP Pence.

    Now THAT is a terrifying thought.

  15. The wheels are coming off the Scooby Van.

    Even The Kenyan may not be immune.

    1. Even Quirk can sense the lug nuts loosening....

  16. The Donald proposes 200 billion for infrastructure.

    Apple repatriating more than that, going to build more plant here.....


    1. The Donald is even taming the Inner City -



    2. Soon Quirk will be able to walk his mutt down by Ye Olde Mafia Barber Shoppe with carrying concealed !


  17. The Left Is 'Spinning' Out of Control
    Jared Metzker
    The Democrats are addicted to spin, and it’s only getting worse. Ever since Trump’s ascendance, they seem to have fully embraced the role of party of the straw man argument. Any misdemeanor gaffe by Trump is instantly upgraded into an imagined capital offense More

  18. First assassination attempt on Family Trump -

    Breaking: White Powder Sends Trump Daughter-In-Law To Hospital For Observation; Update: AP Reports “Coughing And Nauseous”
    ED MORRISSEYPosted at 1:31 pm on February 12, 2018


    Vanessa Trump and two others had to undergo decontamination and remain under observation at a New York City hospital after opening an envelope which contained an unknown white powder. The Secret Service has joined an investigation by New York City police into what appears to be an attack on the daughter-in-law of President Donald Trump and his son Don Jr:......

    We all knew sooner or later the left would resort to its inner killer.

    1. Never let politics take control of your life.

      It is not what it is about.

    2. Latest example on the international stage:


  19. The Southern flank of NATO is in total collapse.

    Russia making huge gains ...
    The US has been hunbled on the World Stage.

    Relations between Turkey and the U.S. are heading toward a dangerous point and a potential face-off due to the U.S.’s support for the People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli said on Feb. 11.

    “U.S. special forces troops standing guard with terrorists [YPG militants] in Manbij [Syrian city] is infidelity and a disgrace.

    The origin of the weapons being used against Turkish soldiers is clear. The U.S. has been caught red-handed cooperating with terrorists.

    This hate, grudge and animosity; they are going toward a very dangerous point, a close combat,”

    Bahçeli said in the southern province of Antalya where he met with the party’s district and provincial heads.

    Turkey has long protested U.S. support for the YPG, as Ankara sees it an extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), while Washington considers it as a “reliable ally” in its fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria.

    “The U.S. has placed itself opposing Turkish people by standing beside the YPG.

    Our strategic partner, the country with which we stand side by side in NATO has collaborated with terror organizations.

    Mercy shown to the enemy is inability and weakness. If the U.S. does not turn back from its mistake; if provocation, harassment, and terror continue, the U.S.’s stance will be regarded as animosity,”

    he added.

    Cadet Bone Spur is in over his depth
    No Testosterone ...


  20. The Day the Tea Party Died

    Hard-right Republicans from the Tea Party–allied House Freedom Caucus condemned a budget deal with Democrats on Sunday that would raise the U.S. deficit.

    Their exasperation came as President Donald Trump prepared to announce another budget plan that would include trillions more in spending and also grow the deficit.

    “The swamp won. And the American taxpayer lost,”

    House Freedom Caucus Chairman Representative Mark Meadows told CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday of $300 billion in spending in the budget bill passed last Friday

    “The real problem with this particular one is that our leadership caved,”
    Meadows said

    To paraphrase Mark Meadows ...
    In two words

    No Testosterone


    1. “The swamp won.
      And the American taxpayer lost,”

      The real problem with this particular one is that our leadership caved,”

      House Freedom Caucus Chairman Representative Mark Meadows

      No Testosterone

  21. Most here agreed several weeks/months ago we/NATO should just kick Turkey out of NATO.

    Having gone Islamoid Turkey doesn't fit in with the pattern of the carpet any longer.

    We'd be better off supporting an independent Kurdistan.

    President Trump can vastly improve his performance in this regard.

    It's not a matter of President Trump's testosterone levels.


    1. Nukes held hostage at Incirlik
      Those Muzzies have Trump stumped

      Trump Lied - Kurds Died

      Cadert Bone Spur has ...
      No Testosterone

      Promises Made - Promises Broken

    2. Nukes held hostage at Incirlik



    3. Cadet Bone Spur sleeps alone

      ... just another indicator ...

      No Testosterone


    4. No stupid Stanley ...
      Those nukes at Incirlik ...

      They are US hostages of a Muzzie despot at a Turkish Military Base.

      Along with the dependents of US military stationed there.

      Thousands of US women and children, hostages in waiting at Incirlik.

      No Testosterone


    5. Does stupid Stanley REALLY put his TRUST in a Muzzie Despot ??


    6. Years ago Allen was incredulous at the very idea that the US would base DOZENS of nuclear weapons in Muzzie controlled Turkey.

      Thought it to be "untrue" ...
      But it's reality

      Aerial bombs that just "Plug and Play" on Turkish F16s.
      NATO Capable Strike Aircraft.

      That Muzzie despot in Turkey has Cadet Bone Spur by the 'short arm', and he's not letting go.

      No Testosterone

  22. At 30 minutes, McCarthy describes how no one in the FBI will likely be prosecuted.

    Makes no sense to me, but I don't have Andy's credentials/experience.


    1. The miscreants, Doug, did not even violate Personnel Policies, let alone laws.

      Fucked by FISA ?
      If you're not guilty ...
      YOU got nothin' to worry about.

      Cadet Bone Spur TRIED to fire Mr Mueller.
      No one on his staff would carry out the order.

      But someone DID approve the Porter staying on the job even AFTER it was known he would NEVER get the security clearance required for the job.

      Resulting in a MASSIVE Security Breach.

      That is a prosecutable offense.

      Either the Chief of Staff or the White House Counsel, perhaps both?

      Whoever ...

      Lock 'em up!!!

    2. Someone ought to lock up your liquor cabinet because you certainly have it unlocked today.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  23. A Security Breach that makes Hillary's email server "small potatoes, by comparison.

    A MASSIVE SECURITY BREACH in the Oval Office, itself!!

    LOCK 'EM UP !!!


  24. .

    Always the peacemaker and man of reason, Quirk enters stage right and, after a knowing wink to the audience, says...

    Come on boys, can't we all just get along?


    1. THEN a large hand held CANE enters from Stage Right, the hand end goes 'round Quirk-o's Neck, and YANKS HIM OFF STAGE, and the production manager apologizes to the audience for the interruption.

      All very low comedy Shakespearean.....

  25. Comey also prepared a memo exonerating Clinton weeks before she was even interviewed.

    And then of course, there was the infamous Phoenix airport meeting: when then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch violated every standard of propriety and common sense by meeting in private with former President Bill Clinton while his wife was under active investigation.


    The great shame of this scandal is that the embarrassing actions of a few have sullied the reputation of the entire FBI and the thousands of dedicated FBI field agents who have nothing to do with this mess and who continue to do their jobs with exceptional courage, integrity and dedication.

    For the FBI’s reputation to be restored, we need accountability from the leaders who failed the bureau and a thorough accounting of how and why this great American institution lost its way.

    Trump Investigation

    1. Kallstrom was senior to McCarthy, but I'll await Quirk's opinion to render my final judgement.

    2. It’s a travesty of justice and it begs the question of why then-FBI Director James Comey and others would take such a clearly irresponsible step.

      We can’t know what was in their hearts and heads, but it’s obvious to me that the original sin that allowed this to happen was the Obama administration’s weaponization of the Justice Department and U.S. intelligence agencies for political ends.

      I say it’s obvious because around the same time the Obama Justice Department was effectively inventing criminal charges against several members of the Trump campaign, it was ignoring the widespread and longstanding criminality of Hillary Clinton and her political operation.

      The investigation into Clinton’s private server violated most every investigative standard the FBI is supposed to follow. For starters, Comey never empaneled a grand jury, which has the power to compel testimony and the release of records.

      In addition, broad immunity was granted to those close to Hillary Clinton, even though many offered little to no information of value.

      Alone, any of these missteps could be explained away as a mistake or a coincidence. But together, they paint a more troubling picture of a small group of top officials at the FBI and Justice Department that sacrificed their integrity and politicized an institution that must always operate above politics.

  26. The open secret here at this blog, and some others, is that Jack is not 'low testosterone Jack', but 'no testosterone Jack'.

    He is perpetually trying to hide this open secret.

    1. Sad, so sad.

      Almost tragic, really.

    2. It's Quirk that is overflowing with testosterone here, and he knows what to do with it too, what with his giant tool.


    3. .

      Kim Yo Jong's underwear is superior to Pence's.


    4. It's terrible to lose the underwear battle to a little shitty bitch like Kim Jo.

      But there you have it, the underwear gap.

      If Pence would just change once in a while !

    5. bobbie, try that little blue pill.

      Momma may let you back in her bed. If you can ...

      Stand Tall

      We know it's been a few years, but you can still trump the odds.

      Even with your condition, have hope
      BIG Pharma is there for you,
      The blue 💊.

  27. The American people want trust to be restored at the Justice Department and FBI. Our citizens deserve an honest criminal investigation of these Clinton matters once and for all.

    A few bad apples at the Obama Justice Department and FBI misled the American people in 2015 and 2016. There was never a real investigation of the Clintons.

    In 2018, it needs to happen, and it needs a special counsel. Maybe inspector general Horowitz will recommend one.

    Clinton Dealings

    1. During the summer of 2015, I called for an impartial nonpartisan special counsel to be appointed to investigate Hillary Clinton’s private email server and related matters. It was clear to me that Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the time had a conflict of interest because President Clinton appointed her as United States attorney for the Eastern District of New York in 1999.

      How does a political appointee like Lynch fairly investigate her party’s own frontrunner for president who also happens to be Bill Clinton’s spouse? My suspicions were correct. We now see that President Obama’s Justice Department was in the tank for Hillary Clinton all along.
      Since then, many lawmakers also have called for a special counsel for the Clinton case.

      The secret tarmac meeting between Attorney General Lynch and President Clinton as Hillary’s email server investigation was reaching critical mass smacked of obstruction of justice. For me, it put an exclamation point on her obvious conflict with regard to investigating the Clintons. That this troubling episode didn’t trigger a special counsel told me all I needed to know.

      It seemed the fix was in for Hillary. I knew it. Donald Trump knew it. And tens of millions of Americans knew it.

      Since then, we’ve learned that former FBI Director James Comey’s highly suspect public announcement that Clinton would not be prosecuted was just window dressing designed to fool the American people. Now we know that fateful decision was already being baked months before.


  28. Someone ought tell Cadet Bone Spur that his "Tax Policy" has already been done.

    President Donald Trump on Monday said he wants to impose a "reciprocal tax" on imports from countries that have higher tariffs than the U.S

    So sad ....

    Promises Made - Promises Broken

    1. At this point you are not making any sense at all.

      You really ought to reel in your line for the day.

      There is very little new under the sun, and Trump knows that much better than you.


    2. The Tax Cuts and 'reform' has been legislated and signed into Law.

      Guess no one told Cadet Bone Spur that f here is ...
      No Border Adjustment Tax
      No "reciprocal tax"

      No end to "Carried Interest"...

      ... in the Trump Tax Cut

      Promises Made - Promises Broken

  29. U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson is at it again with those text messages between the infamous FBI lovers.

    The Wisconsin Republican is the same guy who had previously read a light-hearted message to indicate there was some sort of secret society within the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and he was in the news again this week with a 25-page report on the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.


    Johnson’s report found one message particularly troubling: The president, that message said, “wants to know everything we’re doing.”

    Written in early September of 2016 by FBI attorney Lisa Page to her lover, FBI agent Peter Strzok, the message referred to President Barack Obama, and Johnson’s report cites the message as evidence that the former president might have been meddling in the investigation into Clinton’s emails.


    In a report on Wednesday, Wall Street Journal reporter Del Quentin Wilber went a bit further concerning the lovers’ text messages. He said his newspaper had examined many of the same messages reviewed by Johnson and had found “no overall conspiracy” against President Trump.

    Conspiracy Spreads Quickly


    1. We need to shine a light on the Illuminati !!!

    2. The Illuminati are mostly Jews, aren't they Jack ?

      Wasn't that what you were telling us once ?

    3. .

      Well, I don't know Bob, are they?


    4. Jack had an opinion at one time..

      He must wait for him to express the same opinion again.

      Then we will know.

    5. The vast majority of those that study the Illuminati conclude it is made up mainly of rich Jews.

    6. .

      Oh, so you study the people who study the Illuminati rather than studying the Illuminati?


  30. When the House intelligence committee memo dropped a week ago Friday, it confirmed the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign paid opposition-research firm Fusion GPS to create a dossier that the FBI used to obtain a warrant to spy on Carter Page, a low-level foreign policy adviser to the Donald Trump campaign.


    Now that the memo is out, Democrats and their media allies are employing three lines of attack to discredit it.

    First, there’s the general truth-twisting, obfuscation, and fear-mongering that increasingly doesn’t work. In just two examples, former President Obama strategist David Axelrod said the memo was “from the lunatic fringe of the Internet.”


    The second seeks to show that Page was a suspicious dude who deserved to be spied on. This, despite the Nunes memo claiming that the FBI would not have gotten a FISA warrant without the unverified dossier.


    The third claim is that the unverified dossier is no big deal because the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign started in July 2016. This refers to George Papadopoulos, another low-level and unpaid campaign aid who, while meeting with an Australian ambassador in a London bar in May 2016, said a London-based professor told Papadopoulos in late April that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails.”

    Clinton Campaign

    1. "the memo was from the lunatic fringe of the Internet."


      I told you so!


  31. As America approached the pivotal elections of 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt declared: “I am the issue.” So too will President Donald Trump be the issue in the midterm elections of 2018, no matter the protests of congressional Republicans.


    According to emails, testimony under oath by former FBI Director James Comey, and well-sourced reporting:

    * Trump kept NSA Director Michael Flynn in place for 18 days after being warned by the Acting Attorney General that he was likely compromised by the Russians.

    * The White House coordinated with Republican House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes to derail the Committee’s Russia investigation with allegations of conspiracy against the DOJ and FBI.

    * The White House may have coordinated with Nunes on his memo regarding the FISA warrant on Carter Page that Trump falsely claimed exonerated him in the investigations by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Nunes has refused to answer questions on whether his staff worked with the White House.

    Midterm Elections

  32. Obama’s Portrait Artist Has Habit Of Painting Black People BEHEADING White People

  33. Department Of Education: We're Done Being Involved With Transgender Students And Bathrooms
