Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Which Were Worse? The Things Obama Did or Should Have Done"

ANSWER: All the above.

Leon Panetta: Obama Should Have Helped Iran Protests in 2009

Panetta Obama (Mark Wilson / Getty)

Former Secretary of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency Director Leon Panetta told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday evening that his old boss, then-President Barack Obama, should have done more to support the Iran protests of 2009.

In 2009, Obama infamously refused to back the “Green Revolution,” telling reporters that “we respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran.” Many former Obama advisers continue to believe that the U.S. should not support protests against the Iranian regime, telling Donald Trump this week to “be quiet” rather than backing the demonstrators.
Tapper asked Panetta, as the CIA director at the time, to comment on Obama’s stance, in retrospect:
Tapper: Let me ask you about the last time there were mass protests in Iran, in 2009, when you were in the Obama administration. Do you think the Obama administration dropped the ball by not more aggressively standing with the protesters, whether on its own or in congress with our European allies and others?
Panetta: Well, I remember that — that movement. It was a much larger protest than what we’re having today. It was based on the Green Party and what happened in the election then. I do think that was an appropriate time for the United States to have sent a clearer message that we stand by those who try to represent the rights of people. That’s what the United States is all about. And it would have been important to have sent that message at the time.
Obama’s Secretary of Defense at the time, Robert Gates, has also said that the Obama administration should have sided with the protesters in 2009.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He was named to Forward’s 50 “most influential” Jews in 2017. He is the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.



    AfD politician 'censored' under new German hate speech law for anti-Muslim tweet

    Beatrix von Storch, a leading figure in the Alternative for Germany party, is one of the first hit by new hate speech laws on social media. Critics say the legislation opens the way for censorship by internet companies.

    A top lawmaker from the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party was blocked from Twitter and Facebook on Monday after slamming the Cologne police for sending a New Year's tweet in Arabic.

    The incident caused the AfD to lash out further and criticize censorship as a controversial new German social media law known as NetzDG went into effect January 1 in a bid to clamp down on online hate speech.

    The Cologne police tweeted New Year's greetings and linked to information on celebrating safely in a series of messages in German and other languages, including Arabic. Cologne was the scene two years ago of mass sexual assaults on New Year's Eve in which most of the suspects were described as young men of North African and Arab origin.


    Which Are Worse? The Things The Germans Do or the French?


    All the above.

  3. The more the State does to repress people, the more the people know the State is wrong. Always was, always will be, always remains the same.

  4. Re: the video

    Tell me again why the Kenyan, educated in Indonesia was not a Muslim that lost his original birth certificate.

    1. Mr Obama's birth certificate was never lost, the State of Hawaii retained custudy of the record, as it does for all citizens born there.

      It would be interesting to see the medical history of Mr Trump's "bone spur".

      He certainly has made a remarkable recovery. Playing hour upon hour of golf, without visible physical duress.

      An amazing piece of medicine, to be sure.

    2. .

      Hey, Harold N. Bornstein, M.D., F.A.C.G, Department of Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology, Lenox Hills Hospital, New York, NY said that Trump If elected, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.

      You remember Dr. Bornstein, he’s the guy who looks like Nick Nolte’s mug shot after a night of drinking and drugs. Anyway in his December, 2017 letter ‘To Whom my concern’ (not a typo), he stated…

      I have been the personal physician to Mr. Donald J. Trump since 1980. His previous physician was my father, Dr. Jacob Bernstein. Over the past 39 years I am pleased to say Mr. Trump has had no significant medical problems. Mr. Trump has had a recent complete medical exam that showed only positive results…

      Harold goes on to say ‘Trump doesn’t smoke or drink (except for a small amount of ceremonial wine at church service) and that his ‘his physical strength and stamina is extraordinary.’

      Dr. Bornstein adds that he looks forward to that day each year when he gets a chance to examine Mr. Trump’s magnificent body.

      (No mention of bone spurs in the letter.)


  5. Correction: Obozo claimed not to have two citizen parents.

    Frank Marshal Davis was pappy.

    Look at the face and his height.

  6. Disappearing Post syndrome.

    Too difficult to hunt and peck it out again.....

    1. Best ineligible and fraudulent President we've ever had !!!

    2. Nothing but sins of commission and ommission.

      Quirk would have been bunches and bunches better if he hadn't gotten run out of town on the campaign trail.

  7. Investigators Find Documentary Evidence Of FBI Irregularities In Clinton Probe

    See :American Thinker

    The fix was truly in....

  8. Bannon has gone fully anti Trump.

    Calls him a traitor.

    See Drudge.

    Getting escorted out of The White House must really hurt.

  9. The Never Ending Mueller Witch Hunt An Affront To The Constitution

    See: American Thinker

    Talks about the Aussie Connection mentioned here and clears that up for the misinformation.

  10. .

    The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree #EllenDegeneresDeepStateOperative

    Erik Trump is getting very 'suspicious' over who Twitter is suggesting he "should" follow on Twitter.

    On seeing the following...

    Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

    Barack Obama @BarackObama

    Ellen DeGeneres @TheEllenShow

    he tweeted...

    Erik Trump @ErikTrump

    Shocking... once again, here are the @Twitter
    "suggestions" on whom I should follow #DeepState

    Per Trump, Ellen DeGeneres is also part of the deep state.

    Makes sense. Should have guessed it from the dancing.


    1. Eric Trump, the fella that bragged to the Golf Magazine reporter that the Trump Organization got all its development funding from Russia.

      Good thing Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson thinks Eric is a credible source.


  11. Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon has described the Trump Tower meeting between the president’s son and a group of Russians during the 2016 election campaign as “treasonous” and “unpatriotic”, according to an explosive new book seen by the Guardian.

    Bannon, speaking to author Michael Wolff, warned that the investigation into alleged collusion with the Kremlin will focus on money laundering and predicted: “They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV.”

    1. Donald Sr. ... He never knew.

      It's that Jared who is the traitor!

      Well, Jared, Don Jr and the Campaign Manager, that Paul Manafort fella.

      A truly illustrative example of Mr Trump knowing, and hiring, the best people.

    2. Illustrating how those around Donald Trump keep him in the dark.

      Making "The Generals" that surround Mr Trump in the White House all the more suspect.

      They are life long Federal employees, fully capable of harboring Deep State sympathies.

    3. There are already reports that Mr Trump's "Daily Brief" is being manipulated by his Staff, so as to control Mr Trump's decision making options.

  12. I've always suspected that Ellen Degenerate.

    What perfect cover for a covert operative.

    Even our mild mannered Quick walking his dog for the morning fire hydrant puss would raise more suspicions.

    And let me tell you The Quirkster knows what he is up to under the covers.

    1. Man alive does he ever know what he is up to!!!!

      I KNOW !!!!

  13. Michael Savage has compared Bannon to Kurtz of "Heart of Darkness", or perhaps to Et Tu, Brute - Brutus - of ancient Roman fame.

    The last might be more to the better understanding.

    "Heart of Darkness" is a study of psychological deterioration, or dissolution, and is not a critique of British Imperialism, as an illiterate commentator here once suggested.

    Put in a manner this poster might understand: the 'niggers' are in the noggin of Kurtz, and not out there in the bush.

    Bannon does not show any of the tell tale signs of psychological dissolution as exhibited by Kurtz.

    Though it is true he sometimes looks like a bum, needs a shave and haircut.

    But, this is his standard 'look to the world' and not a sign of deterioration. He's seems to always have been very casual concerning his personal appearance, a little like Quirk when he is in Vegas.


    'Unlawfully exceeded authority'...Drudge


    1. .

      Right, I believe Nixon and Clinton claimed the same thing with their special prosecutors.


  15. Surely this will fix the 'fake news' problem -

    French President Macron proposes new law against 'fake news'...Drudge

  16. FBI Knew The ‘Bleach Bit’ Computer Guy Lied In Clinton Email Testimony, Gave Him Immunity
    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 1:21 pm on January 3, 2018

    The Hill published a story today based on leaks from a recent House Judiciary Committee meeting where FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe discussed elements of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Republicans on the committee say McCabe outlined some irregularities that suggest the outcome of the investigation was rigged in Clinton’s favor. Among the new findings is that an unnamed tech specialist who used Bleach Bit to wipe Clinton’s server after a congressional subpoena was issued admitted lying to the FBI [emphasis added]:

    SEE ALSO: Fusion GPS: We never told dossier author who was paying the bills

    A computer technician who deleted Clinton emails from her server in March 2015 after a congressional subpoena had been issued for them, originally lied to the FBI during his interviews, memos show. The witness’s name was redacted from documents released by the FBI but he was identified as an employee of a computer firm that helped maintained Clinton’s email server.

    His admission of false statements came one day after the Comey statement was already being drafted, investigators told The Hill.

    The computer employee originally told the FBI in a February 2016 interview that he did not recall making any deletions from Clinton’s server in March 2015, FBI records show.

    But then on May 3, 2016, the same employee in a subsequent FBI interview told agents he had an “oh shit moment” and in late March 2015 deleted Clinton’s email archive from the server, according to FBI documents reviewed by The Hill.

    Lying to the FBI is a federal felony, a crime that former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn recently pleaded guilty to. But the FBI decided not to pursue criminal charges against the witness, and instead gave the technician an immunity deal so he could correct his story, congressional investigators said.

    That line in bold is significant because it suggests that even as the FBI gained leverage against one of the minor players in the drama the higher-ups had already started writing Hillary’s exoneration.....

    1. .

      The Hill published a story today based on leaks from a recent House Judiciary Committee...

      Gee, I wonder who could have possibly leaked that.

      Old 'loose lips' Nunes?



    2. Mueller leaks to a different source so you may be right yet once again.

  17. Trump Warns Palestinians He May Cut Off Aid Money

    This should have happened long long ago.

    Either behave, or no aid money.

    1. .

      It's Trump's MO.

      'Sure, we fucked you over but if you complain, no soup for you.'


      I had to laugh. Nicki Haley was a the UN yesterday talking about the demonstrations and killings of protesters in Iran. And somewhere after her speech a question came up about Jerusalem and she went into a little routine reminding everyone that the US was 'throwing a very nice party' today for people who didn't oppose the US on the Jerusalem vote.

      For everyone else, 'no soup for you'.

      I heard they were going to be handing out pictures of Trump to the guests (for $500 bucks you can get it autographed). Countries like Togo that actually voted with the US against the Egyptian resolution will also get a sleeve of golf balls with Donald J. Trump stamped on one side and the crest of Mar-a-Lago stamped on the other.

      Too funny. Play time on the Hudson. Like grade school.


    2. "Let me start with very much thanking the country of Binomo for the support we received on the vote today.
      We will never forget it

    3. No soup for Quirk.

      Ye Olds Mafia Barber Shoppe often has a warm kettle going though.

  18. Iranians know regime change will be expensive and bloody. Not only does the Islamic republic have multiple tools of violence and coercion available, it’s shown a willingness to use them.

    The regime is also adept at mobilizing loyalists: On Wednesday, the regime organized pro-government rallies throughout the country, trotting out die-hard supporters as well as others compelled to join in for the sake of their careers or educations.

    Confronting Iran’s security forces can be terrifying. In addition to riot police, unaccountable groups of armed thugs loyal to shadowy religious associations rather than the government patrol the streets.

  19. Hurara Hussan up in smoke:

  20. Osama bin Laden Dead

    1. The New Year starts out on a positive note.

  21. President Trump doubled down on his support for Iranian protesters Wednesday morning, assuring that at the “appropriate time” they would see aid from the United States.


    White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters Tuesday that Trump supported sanctions, but that no final decision has been made.

  22. .

    Donald Trump dissolves controversial commission charged with investigating non-existent voter fraud

    Trump dissolves controversial voter fraud commission, says states fought information requests


    1. States fighting information requests sounds believable.

    2. There's no voter fraud in Detroit according to my on the scene source there.

  23. Replies
    1. Bill was drunk and dropped a cigar.

      He drops in for a chat two three times a year.

    2. He doesn't light them, and when he drops them, they leave just a light stain on the carpet.

    3. When Hillary's away, the Energizer mistress would come to play.

    4. Dog taking an extended piss.

    5. Republicans accused the former President of funneling money towards the business interests of a woman who has long been rumored to be his mistress.
      Some things never change.

  24. Have a go hero City worker who tripped up a suspect fleeing police reveals she carried on drinking after sending him tumbling

    Read more:

    1. As well she should.....continue to do one's civic duty by keeping one's courage from a bottle At proper levels.

      I have related before how preternaturally brave and focused for the good Quirk can become when sufficiently soused.

      No diminution of abilities and a focus and determination beyond praise.

    2. It was in the bar at Cactus Crossroads heading south to Vegas on US 95 where I first witnessed Quick display his true skills.

      A band of rowdy bikers pulled in numbering perhaps 35 thirsty high and obviously intent on establishing control of the village and bar and fueling station when Quirk becoming aware of this threat to the civic peace slid off his barstool and strode to the truck of his refurbished 57 Cadillac convertible and.......

      ........the rest was turned into western legend and song.....


  25. Fire breaks out at Hillary and Bill Clinton's house in Chappaqua

    Those darn Trump boys.

    No, they were burning hard drives.

  26. Why did people think that the Potter and Arlington hotels would not be enough? Blame it on the Germans. Because of the war in Europe, and German U-boats in the Atlantic, fewer Americans were traveling to Europe. “The war brought about the discovery of California so far as the eastern tourist is concerned.

    … Many millions of dollars were spent each year in Europe by American tourists. … The tide of tourist travel is now permanently turned to the coast … The millions of dollars that were formerly spent in Europe will be circulated here, and California is bound to build up rapidly as a result.”

  27. 1917 NEW-SPEAK

    As the world changes, so does our vocabulary. This month, there were several new words that appeared, and had to be explained to newspaper readers. Some of the words were related to the war activities in Europe.

    The first new word was “tank.” That word is in my 1913 “Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary,” but the only meaning is “a large basin or cistern.” The local paper wrote, “The word ‘tank’ has been on the English-speaking tongue, and a few others, since on a certain Friday in September a year ago, that strange craft appeared on the war arena, and what it has been doing since has frequently been recorded.”

    The paper went on to report why the word “tank” was used. “Quite a large part of the earlier stage of manufacture would consist of the rolling of steel plates … which … might well be intended for vessels to hold water, petrol, or oil.” And because the British wanted to keep the manufacture of this new weapon a secret, the word “tank” was used as a code word so that the Germans would not know what it was.

    “Tank” was also easier to say and spell than “panzerkraftwagen” or “schützengraben vernichtung automobile.”

  28. The longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history announced this week that he will finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally retire.

    That's seven "finallys" — one for each of the consecutive six-year terms Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, served.

    He begin his occupancy in 1976, when all phones were dumb, the 5.25-inch floppy disk was cutting-edge, the very first Apple computer went on sale for $666.66, the Concorde was flying high, O.J. Simpson was a hero, Blake Shelton was a newborn, the first MRI was still a blueprint, and I was a gap-toothed first-grader wearing corduroy bell-bottoms crushing on Davy Jones.

    This encrusted longevity will be marketed by Hatch, 83, and his supporters as proof of his "statesmanship."

    Indeed, The Atlantic magazine described him this week as "an elder-statesman figure in the GOP." Newsweek likewise reported on the farewell announcement of the "elder statesman." And Hatch's own press minions have disseminated press releases quoting other entrenched politicians such as Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., hailing their boss's "reputation as a statesman."

    But that word doesn't mean what Beltway barnacles think it means.

    Merriam-Webster defines a "statesman" as a "wise, skillful, and respected political leader." Earning the approbation of other office-clinging politicians doesn't make you a "respected political leader." It makes you an echo-chamber chump.

    Wise? Skillful? Hatch was a Big Government business-as-usual dealmaker. His wisdom was of the wet-finger-in-the-wind variety, claiming a Reagan conservative mantle during election cycles and then throwing constitutional conservatives under the bus once comfortably back in his well-worn Senate committee seats.

    Hatch joined with his old pal Teddy Kennedy to create the $6 billion national service boondoggle and the $8 billion-a-year CHIP health insurance entitlement.

    He preached about the "rule of law," but was an original sponsor of the open-borders DREAM Act illegal alien student bailout, and, despite claiming to oppose it, he voted to fully fund the unconstitutional Obama amnesty during the lame-duck session.

    He crusaded for "fiscal conservatism," yet voted for massive Wall Street bailouts, 16 debt ceiling increases totaling $7.5 trillion, and scores of earmarks totaling hundreds of millions of dollars for porky projects.

    He ends his four-decade reign as the Senate's top recipient of lobbyist cash.

    And for the past two years, Team Hatch allies have spearheaded a multimillion-dollar fundraising campaign, squeezing donations from corporate donors and pharma and tech lobbyists to subsidize a "Hatch Foundation" and "Hatch Center" to commemorate the Hatch legacy.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. .

      Is 'Coo Coo' Really a Medical Term?

      On Wednesday, a reporter asked Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders if Americans should be "concerned about the president's mental fitness" after Trump tweeted that he has a "much bigger & more powerful" nuclear launch "button" than North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

      Sanders said there should be concern over Kim Jong Un's mental fitness.

      Many among the press indicated they found Sander’s response less than comforting.

      Lawmakers briefed by Yale psychiatrist on Trump's mental health: report

      More than a dozen lawmakers last month met with a Yale University psychiatry professor for two days to discuss President Trump's fitness for office, Politico reported Wednesday.

      Dr. Bandy X. Lee reportedly met with the group of lawmakers on Dec. 5 and Dec. 6 and warned them the president is "going to unravel." All of the lawmakers in attendance were Democrats, except for one Republican senator
      , Senator Stephen K. Bannon.

      "We feel that the rush of tweeting is an indication of his falling apart under stress. Trump is going to get worse and will become uncontainable with the pressures of the presidency," Lee told Politico.

      Lee edited "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump," a collection released last October of testimonials from more than two dozen psychiatric experts assessing Trump's mental state.
      The book was co-edited by famed author, Dr. Smitty O’Quirk, Dr. of Mental Dysplasia/Metaphysician/Paid Trial Expert, Ob/Gyn, P.C.



  30. After Jared and Ivanka joined them for lunch, Trump continued to cast for positive impressions of his first week. Scarborough praised the president for having invited leaders of the steel unions to the White House. At which point Jared interjected that reaching out to unions, a Democratic constituency, was Bannon’s doing, that this was “the Bannon way.”

    “Bannon?” said the president, jumping on his son-in-law. “That wasn’t Bannon’s idea. That was my idea. It’s the Trump way, not the Bannon way.”

    Kushner, going concave, retreated from the discussion.

    Trump, changing the topic, said to Scarborough and Brzezinski, “So what about you guys? What’s going on?” He was referencing their not-so-secret secret relationship. The couple said it was still complicated, but good.

    “You guys should just get married,” prodded Trump.

    “I can marry you! I’m an internet Unitarian minister,” Kushner, otherwise an Orthodox Jew, said suddenly.

    “What?” said the president. “What are you talking about? Why would they want you to marry them when I could marry them? When they could be married by the president! At Mar-a-Lago!”

    The First Children couple were having to navigate Trump’s volatile nature just like everyone else in the White House. And they were willing to do it for the same reason as everyone else — in the hope that Trump’s unexpected victory would catapult them into a heretofore unimagined big time. Balancing risk against reward, both Jared and Ivanka decided to accept roles in the West Wing over the advice of almost everyone they knew. It was a joint decision by the couple, and, in some sense, a joint job. Between themselves, the two had made an earnest deal: If sometime in the future the opportunity arose, she’d be the one to run for president. The first woman president, Ivanka entertained, would not be Hillary Clinton; it would be Ivanka Trump.

    Bannon, who had coined the term “Jarvanka” that was now in ever greater use in the White House, was horrified when the couple’s deal was reported to him. “They didn’t say that?” he said. “Stop. Oh, come on. They didn’t actually say that? Please don’t tell me that. Oh my God.”

      This story is adapted from Michael Wolff’s book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, to be published by Henry Holt & Co. on January 9. Wolff, who chronicles the administration from Election Day to this past October, conducted conversations and interviews over a period of 18 months with the president, most members of his senior staff, and many people to whom they in turn spoke. Shortly after Trump’s inauguration, Wolff says, he was able to take up “something like a semi-permanent seat on a couch in the West Wing” — an idea encouraged by the president himself. Because no one was in a position to either officially approve or formally deny such access, Wolff became “more a constant interloper than an invited guest.” There were no ground rules placed on his access, and he was required to make no promises about how he would report on what he witnessed.

      Since then, he conducted more than 200 interviews. In true Trumpian fashion, the administration’s lack of experience and disdain for political norms made for a hodgepodge of journalistic challenges. Information would be provided off-the-record or on deep background, then casually put on the record. Sources would fail to set any parameters on the use of a conversation, or would provide accounts in confidence, only to subsequently share their views widely. And the president’s own views, private as well as public, were constantly shared by others. The adaptation presented here offers a front-row view of Trump’s presidency, from his improvised transition to his first months in the Oval Office.

  31. .

    Team Trump Update

    Agit Pai is no-show at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

    Federal Communications Commission Chair Ajit Pai has been a staple at CES for the past five years, speaking at forums about broadband policy, the spectrum auction and other regulatory matters. However, just one week prior to being at CES 2018 Pai has bailed from his speaking sessions...

    Mr. Pai has been incommunicado since his recent decision to kill net neutrality.

    Prior the vote the Trump-appointed chairman also received heat for a not-so-funny video making funny of people worrying about the effects of a net neutrality. On top of its tone deaf message to those concerned with the consequences of repealing net neutrality, it was revealed that one of the people in the video with Pai was a believer in the Pizzagate conspiracy theory...


    1. .

      Update: <<>>

      We can now identify the previously un-named Pizzagate believer in that video with Agit Pai. Sources indicate he is an elderly man from Idaho who like Madonna or Cher simply goes by a single name, Bob. He is purported to be a faux farmer, English major, and distributor of fake news stories at various blogs.


    2. He has claimed to have been both a Draft Dodger AND an Identity Thief that defrauded an Idaho bank for thousands of dollars.

      While his racist attitudes are legend. Illustrated by his support of abortions, for black American babies.

      Quotes Available on request.

    3. Wrong on both counts. You are really a slow learner.

      I got a high lottery number over 200 somewhere. Never dodged the draft.

      The bank business was done totally by my Aunt, I never went in her place.

      My lawyer knew of it and pronounced a legal and good move.

      My aunt's personal lawyer approved it as well.

      Alas for the bank they simply found themselves with a bad credit card debt in the end.

      I don't car if you cry a river for the bank, just kindly tell the story correctly and don't continue to lie about it Dead Beat Dead, Jew Hater, Liar, War Criminal and all the o so sad rest of your miserable unaccomplished life.

      Please now, once again, don't reference me again.

      It is what is expected and has become the
      norm here at life in this polite wonderful bar.

      And Thank you yet again.

  32. It's not on the Cover ...

    But it ain't REALLY Rock & Roll

  33. .

    Report: North Korea Missile Hit North Korea City

    North Korea accidentally crashed a missile into one of its own cities last April according to a report by The Diplomat


  34. .

    Trump lawyers issue 'cease and desist' letter to Steve Bannon

    Trump argues Steve Bannon has 'lost his mind', violated his employment contract, and 'has insulted him and his family'.

    Let me repeat that...

    Donald J. Trump is complaining that someone else has 'lost his mind' and is insulting HIM and his family.

    You can't make it up.


    1. .‘not-only-lost-his-job-he-lost-his-mind’-as-president’s-lawyers-send-cease-and-desist-letter/ar-BBHQEgE?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp


    2. Mr Trump says Mr Bannon has nothing to do with his Presidency.

      In other words...

      Don't believe your lyin' eyes.

    3. It is really quite funny watching Bannon and Trump scrapping.

      Deuce's man Trump is really a piece of work.

  35. .

    Inside Trump's Two Days of Fury

    Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump started 2018 in a fury partly fueled by anger at his legal team for offering shifting timelines about when the Russia investigation would end, according to two sources familiar with the President's mindset.

    [Note: The is some speculation that mental health professionals, Dr. Brandy X. Lee, editor of "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" and famed author, Dr. Smitty O’Quirk (suspected nom de plume), Dr. of Mental Dysplasia/Metaphysician/Paid Trial Expert, Ob/Gyn, P.C. have now been added to CNN's team of famous experts.]


  36. Anyone who has actually had a significant amount of employees that include some that were fired for cause will recognize a Steve Bannon.

    Trump fired Bannon. He was escorted out of his office.

    Any employer, with a brain and some street smarts, will give even a fired employee a reference, because you are glad to get rid of them, know that they can do damage and if you give them an excuse, they will turn on you like a rat.

  37. ...and yes I'll take a Trump over any Kennedy, living or dead, any Bush, any Clinton and any Obama.

    1. .


      It takes a very precise discernment (in the Christian sense) to make that kind of judgement among these dicks.


    2. Yes, I noticed, Good Polish Catholic, I have noticed that you are totally incapable of such judgments....

      Best to leave it those best capable here, Deuce, Doug, Frozen Doug, Bob, MOME upon his return, Sam and a few drop ins.

  38. .

    Common Core a system designed by idiots to create jobs for more idiots, confuse parents and frustrate kids.

    The following link takes you to 10 math puzzles that have stumped the internet...

    Looking at the first 3 (pages 2, 3, and 4 of 11) should point out the insanity of these dolts. They take math questions simply answered by the 'old rules' and render them unintelligible using Core principles and New Math. (At least, IMHO.)

    [There are links under each puzzle showing how the 'correct' answers were reached.]


    1. .

      I've seen videos and documentaries on this stuff showing kids reduced to tears trying to understand the logic of it.


    2. Internet equivalent these days is everyone following googles lead in light grey text etc to reduce readability to as near zero as possible.

  39. The writer claims: So either 40 or 96 are correct answers to this question. Consider our minds blown.

    I only have time to do the first and come up with a third answer. There are four operations based on 1 - 2 - 3 - 4. the second multiplier follows that pattern:

    1 + 4 = 5 (4 x 1 = 4) thus 4 plus 1 = 5
    2 + 5 = 12 (5 x 2 = 10) thus 10 plus 2 = 12
    3 + 6 = 21 (6 x 3 = 18) thus 18 plus 3 = 21
    8 +11 = 52 (11 x 4 = 44)thus 44 plus 8 = 52

    Answer: 52

    The author is not fully correct on the first so I'm done with him.

    1. I didn't look at the article at all but your math is not consistent Deuce. That last line, to be consistent with the previous 3, should read 8 +11 = 52 (11 x 8 = 88)thus 88 plus 8 = 96 not 8 +11 = 52 (11 x 4 = 44)thus 44 plus 8 = 52

    2. I guess we should finish with you?

    3. .

      Speaking of School and Puzzles and Death

      Bret Turner, an elementary school teacher from the the San Francisco Bay area, recently asked his first graders to solve a “puzzle of the week.”

      It read:

      “I am the beginning of everything, the end of everywhere. I’m the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space. What am I?”

      The answer is the letter e, but one of Turner’s students went much deeper.

      “The first guess from one of my 1st graders was ‘death’ and such an awed, somber, reflective hush fell over the class that I didn’t want to tell them that actually the answer is the letter e, which just seemed so banal in the moment,” Turner said in a tweet Tuesday that has since gone viral...’s-somber-response-to-a-class-puzzle-has-the-internet-questioning-life/ar-BBHRR07?ocid=spartanntp

      Got a lot of feedback on the net.


  40. Ciao for get chow.....from The Library

    They have a nice one built in Coeur d'Alene now.

    (This means heart of Elene)


  41. Marijuana stocks tank on news Trump administration to rescind state protections from pot prosecutions
    Jeff Sessions has delivered a blow to the marijuana industry’s ability to raise capital


  42. Just what we need, another few million assholes driving, texting and toting. What could possibly go wrong?

    1. Well, so much for . .

      States Rights

      Just another illustration that the Trump Administration is not Conservative, but Neo-Liberal.

    2. Well, explain to us what other federal laws are optional? How about child porn? How about medical crack?

      Anyone with a brain, not addled by pot, knows that 95% of all drug addicts launched their addiction with recreational use of pot.

      Every asshole and loser that I knew in the military and out were pot users. Federal heath facilities, social security and federal welfare programs pick up the tab for these losers.

  43. It's all involved in interstate and
    International trade.

    The Feds should be involved..

    Plus the SAT scores are drpping

    They don't call it dope for no reason.

    Consider poor Ash and weep.

    1. Our Potato Brain Ash is well named.

    2. That's why Quirk goes into battle hard liquored up.

      Got to keep all my wits and strength together Bob.

      None of this giggly gasey reaction

      Hey he cut my arms off.....giggle giggle he he he .....bleeds to death.

      Stay home and count to ten backswards Ash.

      It will seem funny as he'll and kept you alive.


    3. Bill Clinton lost the nuclear codes while smoking dope and then tried to cover it up.


  44. Sean Spicer on Bannon's book quotes: 'What we didn't hear is a denial'

  45. Michael Wolff's unbelievable — sometimes literally — tell-all about the Trump administration

    Several news outlets published excerpts of Michael Wolff's new book about the Trump campaign and the White House. And almost every word of it is unbelievable.

    Some of it, literally so.

    In one passage from “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” Wolff recounts how Roger Ailes recommended former House speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) to serve as Trump's chief of staff. Trump's response, according to Wolff: “Who’s that?”

    Never mind that Trump had golfed with Boehner in 2013 and mentioned him several times on the 2016 campaign trail. Using the Donald Trump Factbase, I found Trump mentioning Boehner on the campaign trail at least four times: April 10, 2016; Nov. 30, 2015; Oct. 14, 2015; and Sept. 25, 2015. He also tweeted about him on Oct. 8, 2015, and Sept. 25, 2015 — that last date being when Boehner resigned as speaker during the 2016 campaign.

    Is it possible Trump misheard the name or momentarily forgot who Boehner was? Sure. He may have even meant the “Who's that?” as a slight to Boehner. But the impression Wolff seeks to leave is that Trump is a novice completely out of his element in the Oval Office. This was an anecdote meant to serve that narrative.

  46. I read decades of Woody Allen’s private notes. He’s obsessed with teenage girls.

    The first person known to read Allen’s entire 56-box personal archive writes that it is filled with misogynist and lecherous musings.

    Pedo Woody gets a pass as others pay the price for far less.

  47. Winds had already gusted to 75 mph at Wellfleet, MA, as of midday Thursday. Hurricane Force Wind Warnings were in effect for Outer Cape Cod and Nantucket Island.


    The Deep South’s second major snowfall of this winter is carving a path even further southeast than the first one, back in December. Freezing rain coated parts of far northeast Florida on Wednesday, closing a 50-mile stretch of Interstate 10 and depositing a quarter-inch glaze all the way to Lake City, about 50 miles west of Jacksonville.


    Hampton Roads and vicinity (far southeast VA and far northeast NC): High-resolution computer models—especially the HRRR model—have been consistenly targeting this small area for a pocket of heavier snow, perhaps 8-12” or more.

    Washington, D.C.: The metro area lies on the outer edge of Grayson’s predicted snow shield. Amounts will probably range from flurries toward Dulles Airport to several inches toward Chesapeake Bay.


    Philadelphia, PA: Much like D.C., the city will be on the outer edge of the expected snow shield, so amounts should be relatively light, especially toward northwest parts of town. Here again, high winds and sharp cold will make any snowfall that much worse.

  48. .

    Justice Dept launches new Clinton Foundation probe

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has begun an investigation into whether the Clinton Foundation conducted “pay-to-play” politics or other illegal activities during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, The Hill reported on Thursday, citing law enforcement officials and a witness.

    The newspaper said FBI agents from Little Rock, Arkansas, where the foundation began, had taken the lead in the investigation and interviewed at least one witness in the past month. Law enforcement officials told The Hill that additional activities were expected in coming weeks.

    In response to a request for confirmation, a Justice Department spokeswoman said the agency did not comment on ongoing investigations...

    Thank you, lord.

    Maybe this will quiet the whining around here from the D, D, & B cabal. Well, at least for a little while.

    Hopefully, there will be some criminal charges brought (though I doubt it) otherwise the pissing and moaning will start up again, this time because of a 'deep state' cover up. And poor little Jeff Sessions, the only one of these clowns who seems to know what his job entails and the ethics associated with it will once more be in the hot seat being scapegoated for doing the right thing.



  49. Replies
    1. Hillary Bill. Obozo all pass the test.

      Certainly glad they are not in the White House.

      Thanks for the info Doc Q.

    2. I saw a pic about dry skin and how easily it is to fix.

      Do all psychos have dry skin Quirk ?

      Mine is nice and moist all year long.

      Might have just been so advertiser try to sell product though.

    3. I saw a pic about dry skin and how easily it is to fix.

      Do all psychos have dry skin Quirk ?

      Mine is nice and moist all year long.

      Might have just been so advertiser try to sell product though.

    4. .

      Dry skin?

      No, I don't believe so; at least, I've never read anything in the literature about it.

      However, 'fixating' on your personal appearance, talking repeatedly about dry (or moist) skin, hair, hand size and things of that nature can be symptomatic of psychosis, or as the uneducated or uncouth might put it 'of being a psycho'.

      Other symptoms might include short term memory loss, repetition, odds questions that apparently have nothing to do with reality. We've seen that happen here, for instance. Recently, I might add. And, of course, Michael Wolff in his new book indicated Trump seemed to be suffering from the pressures of office and would sometimes do the same thing, on some occasions repeating the same anecdote or story two or even three times to the same audience within a short period of time. Very troubling.

      And then of course, there is also another tell, a symptom suffered by many narcissists and specific population sub-groups such as faux farmers from the northwest who display the Dunning-Kruger effect, that is, they are actually too stupid to know how stupid they are.

      Of course, that's just a sampling in laymen's terms. I'm afraid expanding on it further might get a little technical and tax your capabilities beyond their limits causing you to mutter repetitiously and vapidly again.


  50. .

    FBI Ties 'Alt Right' to Amtrak Terror Attack

    A 26-year-old white man who attempted to commit a terror attack on an Amtrak train in rural Nebraska also attended the doomed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August on the white supremacist side, according to a court document.

    St. Charles, Missouri resident Taylor Michael Wilson has been charged with an attempt to commit terror by targeting an Amtrak train in southwest Nebraska in October 2017. FBI Special Agent Monte Czaplewski, writing in an affidavit attached to the criminal complaint, suggested that Wilson wanted to murder black people. The document suggests that he had weapons, as well as a National Socialist Movement (NSM) business card with him at the time he was arrested...

    A white guy, who woulda thunk it?

    As Deuce would say, I bet his names not Taylor Michael Wilson. Oh, wait...



  51. Here are the real numbers, the facts:

    "Blacks commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rate that whites do."

    Blacks committed 52 percent of homicides between 1980 and 2008, despite composing just 13 percent of the population. Across the same timeframe, whites committed 45 percent of homicides while composing 77% of the population, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

    Here are some more statistics from the FBI:

    In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites. The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.

    What about violent crime more generally?

    FBI arrest rates are one way into this. Over the last three years of data – 2011 to 2013 – 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black.

    Sorry to piss on your gig.

    1. Your source that delighted in the Amtrak attack, being done by a "white man", never, never would have the integrity to heighten the word "black" in a similar description of a crime.

      Facts: black crime rates by the numbers

    2. .

      Sorry, to piss on your parade but you misapprehend what my gig is.

      My gig is pointing out the presence of alt right terrorism in the country, something law enforcement complains about quite a bit but which you not too long ago indicated you were unaware of.

      My gig is pointing out some of the silly tropes you propagate here.

      My gig is noting that every single crime committed by an immigrant in the US (or anywhere in the world for that matter) is highlighted here while statistics pointing out that crime statistics among immigrants in the US are much lower than that of the general population.

      Or, that there was little talk about 275 multiple shootings last year in the 9 months through September and surprisingly not all of them were committed by immigrants.

      Now, if you want to rant on about blacks, go ahead.

      Not my gig.


  52. It is an "African" thing:

    Violent crime rises in Germany and is attributed to refugees

    BERLIN (Reuters) - Young male refugees in Germany got the blame on Wednesday for most of a two-year increase in violent crime, adding fuel to the country’s political debate over migrants.

    Violent crime rose by about 10 percent in 2015 and 2016, a study showed. It attributed more than 90 percent of that to young male refugees.

    It noted, however, that migrants settling from war-torn countries such as Syria were much less likely to commit violent crimes that those from other places who were unlikely to be given asylum.

    Migration will be a key issue in forthcoming coalition talks between Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD). The arrival of more than a million migrants since mid-2015 hurt both parties in last September’s election.

    The government-sponsored study showed a jump in violent crime committed by male migrants aged 14 to 30.

    Christian Pfeiffer, a criminology expert and one of the study researchers, told Deutschlandfunk radio there were huge differences between various refugee groups depending on where they came from and how high their chances were of staying and gaining legal status in Germany.

    Asylum seekers who are regarded as war refugees who have relatively good chances of staying in Germany tend to avoid trouble more, the study found.

    Around 17 percent of violent crimes in Lower Saxony that were attributed to refugees, for example, were suspected of being committed by North African asylum seekers who made up less than 1 percent of the state’s registered refugee population. North African asylum seekers have relatively slim chances of obtaining legal status in Germany.

    Make it simple for us:

    Identify the American city, town, precinct or school district with a majority black population that does not have a higher crime rate than surrounding "white" areas.

    1. The only thing I can come up with are cemeteries.

    2. .

      Oh, I forgot.

      Or, the silly trope that what happens in Germany or Switzerland has anything to do with what is happening in the US since it takes account of neither different circumstances or recent history.


    3. The common thread is not in Germany, it is in Africa. Sorry you missed it.

    4. .

      Only a child or a propagandist would ignore the short sightedness of EU immigration policy over the past few years or the differences between there and the US.

      Millions of refugees taken in, mostly young, unemployed, unmarried men. No planning, no work for them, and simply herding them to refugee areas while providing no jobs. The EU, 28 countries all with open borders and freedom to migrate without hindrance. Is it any wonder, they would migrate to countries like Sweden where the welfare system are so generous? Free housing, free medical, free living expenses and free time all day long to get into trouble.

      Is it any wonder that Sweden's rape statistics are higher than countries like India or Japan? Sweden calls itself the most feminist country in the world. They have one of (if not the) broadest definitions of sexual assault in the world. Many 'crimes' there would be ignore in the rest of the world. They encourage women to come forward and report these instances and their statistics are honest.

      Compare that to India where rape is common but is never prosecuted or reported. The same for Japan.

      In the US on the other hand, in the same period the EU was bringing in millions of refugees, the US was bringing in thousands with a much longer vetting period. The majority of the ME residents brought in during that period were women and children. Many (if not most) were sponsored by groups or organizations that helped them seek work and find living accommodations.

      I feel sorry for the EU but that is their problem.

      I'm mainly concerned about the US.


    5. .

      It's ironic to note that the idea of bringing in all those young, unmarried men by the EU was intentional. They want the refugee migration to be temporary with most of those guys returning to their home countries once the crisis had passed.

      They didn't want families coming because they feared they would simply stay.

      How did that work out?


  53. Aside:

    Former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon’s public break with the president cost him political support and crucial financial backing. It also raised questions about his future as chairman of Breitbart News, a website he has referred to as one of his most effective “weapons.”

    Bannon has all the signs of behavior and emotion swings of someone who has seriously abused pot over a long period of time. It always shows life long stoners.

    1. Mr Bannon exemplifies a drunk, not a stoner.

      The red nose, rosy red cheeks and bloodshot eyes, all illustrate booze abuse.

    2. But that does not negate his expert analysis of Don Jr, Eric Kushner, and Paul Manafort's treasonous actions with regards Russian involvement in the US political process.

      The Grand Conspiracy ...

      Millions in laundered Russian funds flowing through the Trump Organization, in exchange for, at a minimum, loyalty to Mr Putin and his regime.

  54. All drug addicts and drug addicts in training use nicotine and abuse alcohol.

  55. The US leftist media didn't get Trump's tweet on North Korea, but Kim Jong Un did:

    North Korea agrees to talks after U.S., South Korea postpone military drills

    SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea agreed on Friday to hold official talks with the South next week, the first in more than two years, hours after the United States and South Korea delayed a military exercise amid a standoff over the North’s nuclear and missile programs.

    South Korea said the North had sent its consent for the talks to be held on Tuesday. The last time the two Koreas engaged in official talks was in December 2015.

    The meeting will take place at the border truce village of Panmunjom where officials from both sides are expected to discuss the Winter Olympics, to be held in the South next month, and other inter-Korean relations, South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman Baik Tae-hyun told reporters.

    North Korea asked for further negotiations about the meeting to be carried out via documented exchanges, Baik said.

    North Korean leader Kim Jong Un opened the way for talks with South Korea in a New Year’s Day speech in which he called for reduced tensions and flagged the North’s possible participation in the Winter Olympics.

    But Kim remained steadfast on the issue of nuclear weapons, saying the North would mass produce nuclear missiles for operational deployment and again warned he would launch a nuclear strike if his country was threatened.

    U.S. President Donald Trump and his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in announced on Thursday that annual large-scale military drills would now take place after the Olympics.


  56. As the bold headline illustrates it is the US which is driving events on the Korean peninsula.

    As soon as the US backs off military provocation along the DMZ, the NorKs return to negotiations.

    Would the US withdraw its military forces from South Korea in exchange for a nuclear free NorK?

    1. .

      The US leftist media didn't get Trump's tweet on North Korea, but Kim Jong Un did:

      Or, is it the other way around. NK didn't agree to talks until the US and South Korea cancelled military exercise.

      Whose to say?


    2. .

      Either way, talking beats the alternative.


    3. Didn't work with the Germans pre WWII.

      Ask Chamberlaine.

      This new Chruchill movie is going to be viewed and then reviewed for your pleasure by yours truly this next fee days.

      You don't know how lucky you are.

      Fro what I've read the guy that plays Churchill should be awarded "Best Actor of the Year" right now and be done with it for the rest of the year.

      Yes.....HE IS THAT GOOD !

    4. in the next few days, for a fee

    5. .

      It appears the faux farmer is suffering a bout of the Trump disease or what is commonly referred to as 'foot in mouth disease'.



  57. The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities

    Previous administrations have deliberately kept Americans in the dark about illegal immigrant crimes

    Most states and our federal government have kept information and statistics about illegal immigration, crimes committed by illegals and the costs borne by you the U.S. payer out of public view. It is in fact difficult, but not impossible to locate accurate crime statistics involving illegal immigrants. The statistics are buried both to suit a political agenda and to avoid public outcry. Once you read this article, you will quickly understand why.

    Demographics – The Pew Research Institute estimates that as of 2014, there are at least 11.2 million illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. This population comprises approximately 3.5 percent of our country’s population.

    Of these, by far the largest ethnic population, 52 percent are Hispanics comprised of Mexicans, Central Americans and Cubans.

    Six states: California, Texas, Illinois, Florida, New York and New Jersey account for 59 percent of all illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. The fact that 66 percent of all illegal immigrants have lived in our nation for over ten years underscores our long-standing inability to address the serious problem of our inability to control our nation’s borders.

    The relationship between illegal immigrants and violent crime

    Research conducted by the federal government oversight organization Judicial Watch in 2014 documents that 50 percent of all federal crimes were committed near our border with Mexico.

    Of the 61,529 criminal cases filed by federal prosecutors; 40 percent or 24,746 were in court districts along the southern borders of California, Arizona and Texas.

    The Western District of Texas had the nation’s most significant crime rate with over 6,300 cases filed; followed by the Southern District of Texas with slightly over 6,000 cases.

    The Southern California District with nearly 4,900 cases; New Mexico with nearly 4,000 cases and Arizona with over 3,500 criminal cases ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th.

    The U.S. Department of Justice documents that in 2014, 19 percent or over 12,000 criminal cases filed by prosecutors were for violent crimes; and over 22 percent or 13,300 cases were for drug related felonies.

    That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

    The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

    According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

    To extrapolate out these statistics, this means that a population of just over 3.5 percent residing in the U.S. unlawfully committed 22 percent to 37 percent of all murders in the nation. This is astounding.

    Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.

    1. Hardly any Californian’s know that in 2014, Gov. Brown signed a bill that amended a state statute amending the maximum sentencing for misdemeanor crimes by one day from 365 to 364 days in jail. This was deliberately done to avoid current federal laws that provide for the deportation of illegal and legal immigrants in this country who have received sentences of 365 days or more.

      With the newly enacted jail and prison diversion programs of Propositions 109 and 47, Gov. Brown and company are effectively preventing the federal government from removing violent and recidivist illegal immigrants from our midst through the deportation process.

    2. I am sure that the concept of ...

      States Rights

      ... is not unknown to you.

      Amazing how 10 million illegals could live and work in the US and never run afoul of the IRS.

      All those Social Security number accounts with multiple payers ...

  58. Fried Fish Comes Alive In Front Of Diners....DRUDGE

    Damned restaurants there days.....

  59. Great Moments In Single Payer: Britain Cancels 50,000 Surgeries
    ED MORRISSEYPosted at 12:41 pm on January 5, 2018

    Consider this another data point that will largely get ignored when Democrats and the media start beating the drum again on “Medicare for All” in the 2018 midterms. The UK’s vaunted single-payer system has collapsed into “third world” conditions, thanks to a lack of resources that has ambulances unable to pick up patients, who would find difficulty in getting an empty bed at a hospital. The order came down this week from on high to cancel as many as 50,000 scheduled surgeries over the next several weeks until the National Health Service can figure out how to climb out of the hole (via Guy Benson):....

    Heart surgery ?

    Ahhhh....later dude


    January 5, 2018
    Note to NeverTrumps: Trump's Character Is Admirable
    By Karin McQuillan

    As more and more people who hate Trump are forced to admit his achievements as president, they are doubling down on character assassination. Even Trump voters often preface their satisfaction with Trump's actions by criticizing his tweets or his personality.

    Here's an alternate take on things: Trump's character is responsible for his outstanding performance in his first year as president. If you want to know who someone is, you look at what he does. What we have: a booming economy, growing jobs, more lawful governance, fewer regulations, more global security. What character traits this took: hard work, focus, commitment, courage, honesty, independence, incorruptibility, self-confidence, love of excellence. The list of Trump's positive character traits goes on and on. You don't get achievements independent of character.

    Here's another alternate approach: there's no need to point out that George Washington is a dead white male when you praise him as the father of our country. Who cares that Churchill drank too much when you are discussing his leadership in the fight against Hitler? We all understand perfectly well that we are all human, meaning we have faults. We don't need to apologize for President Trump.

    I think Trump's character is excellent.

    Trump's integrity in office is outstanding – the first politician in my memory who is sticking to his promises to voters. We are hugely benefiting from his promise-keeping....

    1. .

      It's obvious the Dunning-Kruger effect continues to grow exponentially within the faux farmer.


    2. Robert "Identity Theft" Peterson thiks Mr Trump's character to be excellent.

      Birds of a Feather ...
      They flock together.

    3. .

      Ms. McQuillan seems to suffer from the same deficiency. That or simply a case of run of the mill delusions.


  61. I'm happy just to see that the USA taxpayers may soon no longer be funding welfare programs for the extended families of Palestinian suicide murderers myself.


    Honey Do This is calling....


  62. What the Media Won't Tell You About Illegal Immigration and Criminal Activity

    According to a recent Associated Press article, “multiple studies have concluded that immigrants are less likely to commit crime than native-born U.S. citizens.” But the issue isn’t non-citizens who are in this country legally, and who must abide by the law to avoid having their visas revoked or their application for citizenship refused. The real issue is the crimes committed by illegal aliens. And in that context, the claim is quite misleading, because the “multiple studies” on crimes committed by “immigrants” — including a 2014 study by a professor from the University of Massachusetts, which is the only one cited in the article — combine the crime rates of both citizens and non-citizens, legal and illegal.

    That isn’t the only problem with the study. Instead of using official crime data, it uses “self-reported criminal offending and country of birth information.” For obvious reasons, there is little incentive for anyone, let alone criminal aliens, to self-report “delinquent and criminal involvement.” When it comes to self-reporting criminal activity, some respondents will, no doubt, exaggerate. Others will flat out lie. Furthermore, many respondents will likely not disclose if they are a non-citizen out of fear of discovery and deportation.

    These claims overlook disturbing actual data on crimes committed by criminal aliens. For example, the Government Accountability Office released two unsettling reports in 2005 on criminal aliens who are in prison for committing crimes in the United States, and issued an updated report in 2011.

    The first report (GAO-05-337R) found that criminal aliens (both legal and illegal) make up 27 percent of all federal prisoners. Yet according to the Center for Immigration Studies, non-citizens are only about nine percent of the nation’s adult population. Thus, judging by the numbers in federal prisons alone, non-citizens commit federal crimes at three times the rate of citizens.

    The findings in the second report (GAO-05-646R) are even more disturbing. This report looked at the criminal histories of 55,322 aliens that “entered the country illegally and were still illegally in the country at the time of their incarceration in federal or state prison or local jail during fiscal year 2003.” Those 55,322 illegal aliens had been arrested 459,614 times, an average of 8.3 arrests per illegal alien, and had committed almost 700,000 criminal offenses, an average of roughly 12.7 offenses per illegal alien.

    Out of all of the arrests, 12 percent were for violent crimes such as murder, robbery, assault and sex-related crimes; 15 percent were for burglary, larceny, theft and property damage; 24 percent were for drug offenses; and the remaining offenses were for DUI, fraud, forgery, counterfeiting, weapons, immigration, and obstruction of justice.

    The 2011 GAO report wasn’t much different...


    1. ...Quirk will continue to believe whatever the MSM tells him to believe.

    2. .

      More irrelevance from the Hana haole.

      First, in what appears a congenital defect shared by the two twins, Doug like Bob, seems to be affected by the Dunning-Kruger effect which is expressed in his being too stupid to realize just how stupid he is (and sounds).


  63. Dr. Sebastian Gorka - Former Strategist to President Trump, Fox News National Security Contributor, and bestselling author of Defeating Jihad on Michael Wolff, I don't know who approved this man's entry into the White House, I was told that I should talk to him as well. David Bossie - President of Citizens United and co-author of Let Trump Be Trump on Michael Wolff, I think that this was a miscalculation.

    ya think?

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.
