Tuesday, January 02, 2018

The Rot at FBI and DOJ: Does Anyone Doubt That Obama is King Rat?

Devin Nunes expands Russia probe to use of dossier to snare Donald Trump

 - The Washington Times - Monday, January 1, 2018 

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has expanded its 2016 election investigation from a starting point of Russian interference to an end-game that focuses on federal law enforcement and how it conducted a drive to snare President Trump and his people.

Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, California Republican, is accusing the Justice Department and the FBI of misleading him in “a pattern of behavior that can no longer be tolerated.” He charges that Justice claimed it possesses no documents related to the infamous Trump dossier, then, under pressure, produced “numerous” such papers.

Republicans in the first half of 2018 are likely to wind down the starting-point inquiry into Russian hacking of Democrats and whether Trump aides helped.
Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the committee’s top Democrat, already is protesting the likely move. He is pushing an extended list of witnesses he wants summoned by Republicans, who suspect Mr. Schiff would like to see the probe stay active into November’s midterm elections and beyond.

Democrats, including Mr. Schiff, have conceded in recent weeks that their hope of finding an extensive Russia-Trump conspiracy to jointly attack former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has fallen short at this point.

What could outlive the initial Russia probe are missions undertaken by Mr. Nunes. He has put in place what amounts to a separate investigation of the FBI and the Justice Department hierarchy.

There are three main components:
  • Fusion GPS. The Democrat-friendly opposition research firm and Mr. Nunes have squared off in U.S. District Court over access to Fusion’s financial transactions. Fusion funded the infamous Trump-Russia dossier with money from Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
  • The FBI and the dossier. Republicans want to know how the document’s unconfirmed felony accusations fueled the bureau’s counterintelligence investigation since July 2016.
  • Investigative bias. The committee is demanding appearances from Justice officials who seemed out to get Mr. Trump and/or had ties to the dossier’s distribution.

On Fusion, Mr. Nunes has used his subpoena power to seek records of Fusion’s financial transactions between law firms, journalists and media companies.
Fusion, founded by former Wall Street Journal reporters, notably Glenn Simpson, argues its records are protected by First Amendment rights.

The Washington Examiner reported that a key subpoenaed witness is David Kramer, an associate of Senate Armed Services Chairman John McCain, Arizona Republican. Mr. Kramer is one of the few people known to have possessed a hard copy of the dossier.

{My comment: McCain The Rat }

At the behest of Mr. McCain, Mr. Kramer represented the senator at a Nov. 28, 2016, meeting with Christopher Steele in Surrey, England. A British ex-spy, Mr. Steele compiled the 35 pages of memos making up the dossier based on his paid Kremlin sources, some close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

  • Mr. Kramer then obtained a copy of the dossier from Fusion GPS. Mr. McCain hand-delivered a copy to then-FBI director James B. Comey in December 2016.
  • Mr. Kramer may be able to disclose the identities of Mr. Steele’s Moscow sources.
  • Mr. Kramer has been deposed by attorneys for Russian entrepreneur Aleksej Gubarev, who is suing the news website BuzzFeed and Mr. Steele for libel over dossier allegations.

A Gubarev attorney told The Washington Times that they now know who gave the dossier to BuzzFeed but cannot publicly identify the person because of a court gag order.

{My comment: McCain The Rat }

The Daily Caller asked Mr. McCain in October if he supplied the dossier to BuzzFeed.

“I gave it to no one except for the director of the FBI. I don’t know why you’re digging this up now,” Mr. McCain replied.


According to an interview in Mother Jones magazine, Mr. Steele said he supplied his memos — the ones accusing Mr. Trump of a Russia conspiracy — to the FBI in “early July” 2016. Mr. Comey has testified he began the counterintelligence investigation in “late July.”

The early memos (they eventually spanned from June to December) accuse the Trump team of a far-reaching conspiracy with the Kremlin to damage Mrs. Clinton.

Mr. Steele said the FBI asked for more of his memos in early August.

BuzzFeed at some point also obtained a copy and posted it in full on Jan. 10, 2017.
Concerning the FBIMr. Nunes wants more information on how the bureau used the document to investigate Trump people. He has been in a behind-the-scenes battle to gain access to FBI documents, only to be rebuffed.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, Wisconsin Republican, intervened by openly urging the FBI to cooperate. It then showed Mr. Nunes‘ staff a limited amount of information.

An impatient Mr. Nunes on Dec. 28 came close to accusing Justice and the bureau of a cover-up.

In a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mr. Nunes said the Department of Justice at first said dossier-related FBI interview summaries, known as 302s, “did not exist.”

Weeks later, under an Aug. 24 subpoena, DOJ suddenly located “numerous FD-302s pertaining to the Steele dossier, thereby rendering the initial response disingenuous at best,” the House intel committee chief wrote.

Based on the stonewalling, Mr. Nunes said the committee no longer can accept Justice’s position that it cannot turn over other official investigative forms, called 1032s. They document meetings between the FBI and confidential human sources.

“As a result of the numerous delays and discrepancies that have hampered the process of subpoena compliance, the committee no longer credits the representations made by DOJ and/or the FBI regarding these matters,” Mr. Nunes wrote.

He gave the Justice Department until Wednesday to comply.

“Unfortunately, DOJ/FBI’s intransigence with respect to the August 24 subpoenas is part of a broader pattern of behavior that can no longer be tolerated,” Mr. Nuneswrote. “At this point, it seems the DOJ and FBI need to be investigating themselves.”

A third area of committee inquiry is anti-Trump bias by investigators.
In December, the committee heard closed-door testimony from Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. He was asked what the bureau confirmed among the dossier’s core collusion charges. He said just one: a trip to Moscow by Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page to deliver a public speech to a university.

Mr. McCabe headed the Clinton email investigation after his wife received nearly $700,000 in campaign donations from the Democratic Party and a PAC controlled by a close Clinton ally, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe. Jill McCabe lost her state Senate race in 2015.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz is investigating whether Mr. McCabe should have recused himself from the probe, which did not recommend criminal charges against Mrs. Clinton.

Mr. Nunes also wants testimony from FBI agent Peter Strzok. He headed the Trump inquiry until special counsel Robert Mueller fired him in July over his biased text messages to his FBI lover, Lisa Page. On his FBI-issued phone,  Mr. Strzok texted about an unspecified “insurance policy” to keep Mr. Trump from winning the election. Mr. Nunes also demands that Ms. Page to be made available for interviews.

Also on the witness list in 2018 is senior Justice Department lawyer Bruce Ohr. He met with Mr. Steele during the election and with Fusion GPS afterwards. His wife worked as a Russia expert at Fusion, where she may have participated in the company’s anti-Trump campaign behind the scenes.

Comey and Lynch Need to be Next:


  1. Step 1: If Sessions does not comply with the subpoenas, he needs to be found in contempt and removed.

  2. The FBI and DOJ has no integrity left to protect.

  3. Former FBI Director James Comey wished for “more ethical leadership” in 2018 in a tweet on New Year’s Eve.

    “Here’s hoping 2018 brings more ethical leadership, focused on the truth and lasting values,” Comey wrote Sunday in a likely shot at President Trump, who fired Comey in May.

    1. From the ethical saint himself!

      "no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case"


    President Trump fired a rhetorical shot at the Pakistani government Monday, criticizing the “lies & deceit” of a country that’s been a pivotal, if complicated, partner in the war in Afghanistan.

    Trump tweeted Monday morning the U.S. would no longer be investing as much in foreign aid to Pakistan as it has under previous presidents.

    “The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools. They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!” Trump tweeted.

    Pakistan has been a staging ground for American troops in the war in Afghanistan, and the two countries’ militaries have often worked together to apprehend terrorists in the fluid borderlands along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

    However, Pakistan has proved to be a complicated partner, as was shown when the country allegedly knew terrorist leader Osama bin Laden was hiding in the country for years before he was tracked down by American special operatives and killed in Abottabad.

    Pakistan has often demanded lots of American aid, and reports surfaced last week the Trump administration was considering withholding $255 million in funding over its frustrations with the Pakistani government.

    1. Pakistani officials insisted they will do no more to help the United States in the war on terrorism on Monday and summoned Washington’s ambassador in response to President Donald Trump’s criticism that the nation had given America “nothing but lies & deceit” in exchange for billions in aid

    2. Obama, Clinton and Pakistan share the same opinions on Trump. What a fucking shock!

    3. Allow us to ponder this:

      Pakistan has always been an unreliable state:

      1. The United States began providing economic assistance along and military aid to Pakistan shortly after the country’s creation in 1947. In total, the United States obligated nearly $67 billion (in constant 2011 dollars) to Pakistan between 1951 and 2011.

      2. The Kerry-Lugar-Berman bill authorized a tripling of US economic and development-related assistance to Pakistan, $7.5 billion over five years (FY2010 to FY2014).

      3. Whatever we give them is still too much.


    As we look forward to the new year, let’s resolve to recommit ourselves to the values we share.

    – Barack Hussein Obama, 2016

  6. Does this mean The Donald didn't hire Rookie his to piss on his bed ??

    Wasn't that one of the allegations. ??

    I'm confused, as usual, but perhaps understandably so in this instance.

    Whole thing makes my noggin hurt....

  7. Golly WOW!!!

    It now is clear tbar the 'Steele Dossier' is not the 'Source' of the FISA warrant.
    Nope, it was Australian Intelligence that reported the Trump Campaign collusion with Senor Putin to the CIA & FBI.

    Based, it seems, on intel the Aussies gathered ib london.

    The Steele Dossier just another brick in the Trump collusion & conspiracy with Mr Putin's regime.

  8. The shooter, in Colorada, he KNEW that law enforcement is as corrupt as some here at the EB claim.

    The suspect was well-known to authorities in the Denver area but had no criminal record, said Spurlock, who declined to name him until his identity was confirmed.

    Riehl said in his Dec. 13 YouTube video, called "Fire Sheriff Spurlock," that he would run as a libertarian, ending with holiday greetings and a vow to "fire all these bums come early next year.
    A video posted on Nov. 28 shows a traffic stop by a police officer in the city of Lone Tree - apparently taken inside the officer's car - that Riehl said was done illegally. He alleges the officer clocked the wrong driver, identifying the officer by name in the video and calling him "dirty."

    "Scumbag, dirtbag, liar," he says as the officer questions the driver. "He's the boss, huh? He's the Nazi in charge with the stripes on his shoulder and the fake badge."

    Another member of the White Tribe that believed the Deep State was stifling Liberty, Justice and the American Way

    And was willing to act on his beliefs.

  9. Ah, the bloody Aussie is King Rat.

    As for me I'm waiting until Quirk confirms it.

    He's a guy that can spot a dick 12,000 miles away

    1. I'm sticking with Obama as King Rat till then.

  10. Meanwhile The Great Sexual Harassment Revolution of '17 Was Over Before It Began

    See: American Thinker

  11. The Uprising In Iran - This Is What Revolution Looks Like

    See: McClean's at RealClearPolitics

    Started in the smaller towns and countryside, not in Tehran....good article....things are looking serious.

  12. .

    It now is clear tbar the 'Steele Dossier' is not the 'Source' of the FISA warrant.
    Nope, it was Australian Intelligence that reported the Trump Campaign collusion with Senor Putin to the CIA & FBI.

    Based, it seems, on intel the Aussies gathered ib london.

    The source of that intel? A drunk 'coffee boy', Mr. Popandopoulis.

    If true, of course.

    The fact is that at this point we don't know what the precipitating event was that kicked off the investigation. The FBI isn't saying. As they shouldn't. The are two investigations going on right now, the special counsel investigation under Mueller and the broader investigation on the issues Nunes talks about by the DOJ IG Horowicz.

    As you would expect, we now have dueling speculation on what kicked off the FBI investigation.

    I do find it ironic (and amusing) that Mr. Nunes is the one claiming conspiracy by FBI, demanding that classified information from a grand jury be released, and it be released to Congress publically.

    This is the same clown who had to recuse himself from leading his investigative committee because he received classified information in a secret meeting with a White House official, released that classified information publically in a news conference with the press while refusing to present it to members of his own committee, then refused to provide any information on where he got the info or who he got it from. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

    Too funny.


  13. .

    In response to Doug (the haole not the frozen one), I put up this post a couple days ago...

    QuirkSun Dec 31, 09:19:00 PM EST

    You do this all the time. Show me the proof.

    Insinuations don't get it.

    If there's something there, why doesn't someone in DOJ do something?

    Why doesn't Trump do something?

    Mueller is simply a paid employer who can be fired for cause.

    Wishing and hoping and whining, that's all we ever get from you, Doug.

    Relax and have a nice rest of the year and a Happy New Year.


    By the way, now you've got me interested in that Penn poll. I'm looking for a copy of it to see how the questions are worded. I'll get back to you on it. If not tonight, soon.

    I did go through the Harvard poll and did a little checking on Penn.

    The Penn article was simply a political opinion piece filled with speculation and assumptions but offering no new facts. As such it can only be considered as such.

    On the other hand, it does reference questions in the Harvard CAS opinion poll as some type of appeal to authority for the claims and demands of the author. It has no value as such. Beyond that, the specific questions Penn references appear to be push-poll questions worded to get a specific reaction, this in a poll where only 65% of the respondents even knew who Mueller was.

    I can go into more detail when Dog shows up.



    1. .


      Sorry, I meant Dug...er, that is Doug.

      Freudian slip?


  14. .

    Palestinians: Law making Jerusalem division harder is a ‘declaration of war’

    Nothing Trump has done in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital will change the long term plan for the absorbing of the occupied territories by Israel (or at least those parts that are worth anything, oil, water, minerals, farming areas, land for settlements, etc).

    However, the pace of those actions has accelerated since Trump's declaration.


    1. According to the UN, they are "disputed" territories.

      If you are honest and looked at a map? All of the lands that are disputed have shown significant increases in settlement by BOTH the Arabs and the Jews.

      As for Jewish "settlement" in the lands the world now calls the west bank? Why should jews be restricted from purchasing lands and building on them? After all Arabs have no laws against them buying and building "settlements" anywhere in the world.

      It's sort of like a NO BLACKS ALLOWED law, racist.

    2. .

      Sorry, I think you are wrong in saying that the UN views those territories as anything but occupied.


    3. .

      If you are honest and looked at a map? All of the lands that are disputed have shown significant increases in settlement by BOTH the Arabs and the Jews.

      Yea. So what?


    4. .

      As for Jewish "settlement" in the lands the world now calls the west bank? Why should jews be restricted from purchasing lands and building on them? After all Arabs have no laws against them buying and building "settlements" anywhere in the world.

      Right, I would love to see an ordinary Arab buy land in West Jerusalem.

      We've had this argument before, WiO. The numbers have been put up. The effective laws cited. The numbers on who owns the land in Israel. The maps of who lives on and actually controls the laws and everyday life in the occupied territories. I won't waste my time putting them up again.

      The question is, calling the territories anything you want to call them, do you deny either of the points I made in my comment.

      1. One, there will never be a two state solution and Israel will continue to absorb the portions of the territories it wants, and...

      2. Two, since Trump announced US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the process is speeding up.


    5. Jordan and Israel, a 2 state solution

      The PA joining with Hamas in a UNITY government was the speeding up of the process, Israel is responding to unilateral actions such as that and the Palestinians join (or trying to ) UN organizations in violation of the Oslo Accords, oh and not let forget the hundreds of millions a year being paid to the families of terrorists...

      ALL have taught the Israelis the only thing that works? Is Israel GROWING.

  15. I'm sticking with Quirk's options, even if I'm unclear as to what they actually may be.

    It's so restful for me that way.

    1. When Doug arrives I'll back Doug because he knows more than Quirk.

  16. Bannan is acting like an 11 year old kid.


    1. Mr Bannon is the man that brought the Pedophiliac nature of Republican Christian Culture to the attention of the rest of US.

      For that he desrves the eternal thanks of those of US that support Life, Liberty and the American Way.

  17. Mr Bannan really is acting like an 11 year old if he thinks Republican Christian Culture is defined by pedophilia.

    He also needs a shave and a haircut.

    He looks like a derelict.

    1. Mr Bannon is the man that promoted Roy Moore in the Alabama GOP primary. Defeating the candidate preferred by Mitch McConne and Donald Trump ...
      Luther Strange

      When Roy Moore's dalliances with teenagers became public knowledge ...
      It was Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson that told us that Roy Moore's behaviour was a part of the Republican Christian Culture.

      Roy Moore having told us that he always had permission from the mothers of tbe teenage girls.

    2. You are lying again and repeating yourself.

      You are boring.

      Please don't speak to me again.

      At least try to be civilized.

      Thank you.

  18. Orin Hatch is retiring.

    I'd like to see that Lady named Love replace him though it is unlikely to happen.

  19. Replies
    1. You mean you are not willing to welcome that other Wall Street darling to DC?

      Mr Hatch will be replaced, most likely, by Mitt Romney.

      A "Real Republican".


  20. .

    I see no reason to meddle and interfere with the FBI's manifest integrity and professionalism.


    1. .

      Well, that's good to hear, Doug. However, remember it's always good to maintain a certain level of skepticism just so long as you don't go overboard and make a fool of yourself.


    2. Ah someone who makes sense has arrived at last.....Doug.

  21. As the Dossier Scandal Looms, the New York Times Struggles to Save Its Collusion Tale

    ...What’s going on here? Well, it turns out the Page angle and thus the collusion narrative itself is beset by an Obama-administration scandal: Slowly but surely, it has emerged that the Justice Department and FBI very likely targeted Page because of the Steele dossier, a Clinton-campaign opposition-research screed disguised as intelligence reporting. Increasingly, it appears that the Bureau failed to verify Steele’s allegations before the DOJ used some of them to bolster an application for a spying warrant from the FISA court (i.e., the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court). Thanks to the persistence of the House Intelligence Committee led by Chairman Devin Nunes (R., Calif.), the dossier story won’t go away.

    Thus, Democrats and their media friends have been moving the goal posts in an effort to save their collusion narrative. First, we were led to believe the dossier was no big deal because the FBI would surely have corroborated any information before the DOJ fed it to a federal judge in a warrant application. Then, when the Clinton campaign’s role in commissioning the dossier came to light, we were told it was impertinent to ask about what the FBI did, if anything, to corroborate it since this could imperil intelligence methods and sources — and, besides, such questions were just a distraction from the all-important Mueller investigation (which the dossier had a hand in instigating and which, to date, has turned up no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy)...

    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/455036/new-york-times-trump-russia-collusion-narrative-reset-george-papadopoulos-carter-page

    1. Regardless of the lewd tales in the Steele Dossier ...

      There is no doubt at all that Russian agents/operatives met with Don Jr, Jared Kushner and Campaign Manager Paul Manafort at the Trump Tower.

      There is also no doubt that the Trump Campaign did not disclose that meeting to the FBI when the Russian attempts at influencing the 2016 election were discussed, in Sept '16 ...

      Collusion is a given, the only legal question regarding that collusion is one of criminal conspiracy.

    2. Collusion is not a crime.

      There was a criminal conspiracy to not commit a crime.

    3. Being an accomplice after the fact in the theft and distribution of the emails is a crime.

      It does not take 16 meerings to say "NO".

    4. Collusion is not a crime.

      There was a criminal conspiracy to not commit a crime.


    5. It does not take 16 meerings to say "NO".

  22. Pooty is contemplating introducing a CRYPTORUBLE....we must fight back.

  23. .

    Donald Trump claims credit for an extremely safe year in air travel...around the world.

    "Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation. Good news - it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record!" he said.

    The sad part, the Trumpies say, "Damn, Donald. Another major accomplishment."



    1. TDS just really has you by the balls, don't it ??

    2. .

      What Trump Did Today

      11 hours ago

      What Trump Did Today Retweeted Donald J. Trump

      2017 plane deaths: ZERO!

      Wombat maulings: ZERO!

      Lawn dart decapitations: ZERO!

      Chariot crashes: ZERO!

      Fatal sorcery attacks: ZERO!

      Coal mine, hurricane-related, and military combat deaths… um… anyway, planes remain super-safe. Thanks, Trump!


    3. Read the article up right now at Hot Air Quirk.

      The Donald is just playing with your.

      He's inside your noggin Quirk.

      He's pitched his tent there.

    4. With your MIND which is often missing in action.


    5. .

      Tuesday, January 2, 2018

      What did Donald Trump do today?

      He bragged about preventing airliner crashes.

      Trump began what is likely (though not yet certain) to be his first golf-free day since Christmas with a tweet in which he announced that because he was "very strict," there had been zero commercial air travel fatalities in 2017. He also claimed that this was a record.

      There has not been a commercial airliner death in the United States since February 12, 2009. The last commercial plane crash of any kind occurred in Hawaii in 2013 and resulted in no deaths.

      The Trump administration has done effectively nothing with commercial air safety other than to inherit a working system and not succeed in dismantling it. His administration did sign on to a proposal to privatize the air traffic control system, but it's not clear if Trump was actually made aware of this plan, and in any event it went nowhere in Congress.

      Trump's successful deregulatory attack on mine safety provides a useful point of comparison. After an (actual) record-safe year for coal miners in 2016, with 8 work-related accidental deaths, that number nearly doubled in Trump's first year to 15. The increased deaths happened in spite of declining coal production on Trump's watch so far.

      Why does this matter?

      It's wrong to take credit for things you had nothing to do with.

      Bragging about this means that either Trump is stupid, or he thinks his audience is.

      Deregulation is neither good nor bad in and of itself, but deregulation that kills workers and reduces production is always bad.

      Past a certain point, boasting becomes pathological.


    6. He's got a bigger nuke button than Kim Fat so to. And it works !!!

    7. .



    8. At some point belittling becomes pathological.

    9. .


      Once again, you express the shortcomings of an English major.


      belittling (present participle)

      make (someone or something) seem unimportant:

      How does one go about making the president of the US seem unimportant? The very things that make him unfit for office; loud, vulgar, reactive, paranoid, impetuous, vindictive (need I go on?) also make his every step (and or misstep) pregnant with importance if for no other reason than the possibly severe repercussions.

      Admittedly, I find the man disagreeable. There is nothing I actually like about the him. The only things positive I can see about him are tangential as in 'his wife has a lot of fine qualities.'

      I do mock him at times. For instance, when he indulges in puerile 8-year old banter with Kim Jong Un. It's hard to tell who is lowering himself to the other's level when they get started.

      "Oh, yea. Well, I have a bigger nuclear launch button than you do so there."

      A couple of morons.

      However, most of the time it's not Trump I'm mocking it's the saps who buy his shit and applaud his idiocy, his base and his enablers, those who would attempt to justify ant rationalize the things he does.


  24. The Donald can't come close to The Quirkster5 in the well hung competition.

    I remember when The Quirkster bragged like an Italian about the lengths of his ring and index fingers.

    Said he had taken to grooves to cover them up and not shame the less endowed....

  25. According to ATAG, there are roughly 100,000 scheduled flights per day globally.

    That's over 36 million per year.

    Clearly an impossible record without celestial intervention and or Trump's.

    1. The last fatal commercial jet crash in the U.S. occurred in 2009, when a passenger jet crashed in Clarence Center, New York, killing 50 people.

      The last fatal commercial jet crash worldwide occurred in Medellin, Colombia, in November 2016 and killed 71 people.

  26. GREENWICH VILLAGE — A woman bit a police officer outside University Place Gourmet Deli in the early hours of March 23, police said.

    When officers asked Katherine Martinez, 25, to show them her ID outside the 116 University Place deli at 1:22 a.m., she told them "to suck her d---," according to the police report.

    An officer then tried to stop Martinez, but she bit his left forearm, breaking the skin, police said. She also scratched his face and kicked him in the chest, then kicked another officer who tried to subdue her, police said.

    Both officers were taken to a local hospital to be treated for their injuries, and NYPD Emergency Service Unit officers finally subdued her.

    Martinez was charged with assault, harassment, aggravated harassment, resisting arrest and attempted assault, prosecutors said. Her lawyer did not respond to a voicemail left for comment.



    Latest update : 2018-01-02

    The French government vowed a crackdown on urban violence Tuesday after shocking video footage emerged of a policewoman being beaten on New Year's Eve.

    She was one of two officers attacked by a crowd of youths after police were called to a party in the Paris suburb of Champigny-sur-Marne, in an assault President Emmanuel Macron called "a cowardly and criminal lynching".

    A third officer was beaten up Monday while trying to inspect a stolen scooter inside a sprawling housing estate in the suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois.

    More than a thousand cars were burned across France on New Year's Eve, a ritual for youths living in deprived high-rise suburbs.

    "This violent society cannot continue in the years to come. It must be stopped," Interior Minister Gerard Collomb told Europe 1 radio on Tuesday, calling the attacks against police "unacceptable".

    Officers had been called to clear a crowd of three or four hundred people attempting to see in 2018 at a warehouse party in Champigny-sur-Marne.

    They fired tear gas after "a group of particularly violent individuals laid into the police," local security chief Jean-Yves Oses said, with revellers beating and kicking two officers.

    Videos of the policewoman writhing on the floor as she is kicked by the crowd, as well as revellers flipping over a car, have gone viral on social media.

    Two people were detained on suspicion of vandalism, but no one has been arrested for attacking the police.

    Macron vowed that the culprits would be "found and punished".

    They are as French as charred pommes frites are marshmallows.

  28. She was one of two officers attacked by a crowd of youths after police were called to a party in the Paris suburb of Champigny-sur-Marne, in an assault President Emmanuel Macron called "a cowardly and criminal lynching".

    A third officer was beaten up Monday while trying to inspect a stolen scooter inside a sprawling housing estate in the suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois.

    More than a thousand cars were burned across France on New Year's Eve, a ritual for youths living in deprived high-rise suburbs.

    "This violent society cannot continue in the years to come. It must be stopped," Interior Minister Gerard Collomb told Europe 1 radio on Tuesday, calling the attacks against police "unacceptable".

    Officers had been called to clear a crowd of three or four hundred people attempting to see in 2018 at a warehouse party in Champigny-sur-Marne.

    They fired tear gas after "a group of particularly violent individuals laid into the police," local security chief Jean-Yves Oses said, with revellers beating and kicking two officers.

    Videos of the policewoman writhing on the floor as she is kicked by the crowd, as well as revellers flipping over a car, have gone viral on social media.

    Noble Black African Warriors

    1. Meanwhile, in NY City:

      New York City’s formerly high-crime neighborhoods have experienced a stunning degree of gentrification over the last 15 years, thanks to the proactive-policing-induced conquest of crime. It is that gentrification which is now helping fuel the ongoing crime drop. Urban hipsters are flocking to areas that once were the purview of drug dealers and pimps, trailing in their wake legitimate commerce and street life, which further attracts law-abiding activity and residents in a virtuous cycle of increasing public safety. The degree of demographic change is startling.

      This demographic transformation has enormous implications for crime. A black New Yorker is 50 times more likely to commit a shooting than a white New Yorker, according to perpetrator identifications provided to the police by witnesses to, and victims of, those shootings. Those victims are overwhelmingly minority themselves. When the racial balance of a neighborhood changes radically, given those crime disparities, its violent-crime rate will as well.

      Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/454997/new-york-city-homicide-rate-drop-lessons-proactive-policing

    2. .

      Some might say the process of gentrification itself might help at least in the sense of controlling crime. When you replace the slums and the sub-standard housing, the poor, the homeless, the unemployed, the drugs and prostitution, with news condos and lofts and green spaces, new stores and businesses, sold to employed, upwardly mobile young professionals and others with the means to afford it, all with the increase in law enforcement that is usually attends the well-off though rarely the poor and indigent and through rising housing prices and further laws to drive the riff raff, the poor, the homeless, etc. off the streets and out of site, it's got to help with the crime statistics.

      Others will say, no, you just got rid of the blacks.


    3. Liberals got rid of black fathers.
