Monday, January 22, 2018

Joe DiGenova Explains Obama's Plot To Exonerate Hillary And To Destroy President Trump

A former federal prosecutor says the truth is starting to seep out about the Obama Administration’s “brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton” and “frame an incoming president with a false Russian conspiracy,” according to an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Joe diGenova, a former federal prosecutor, connects the dots on former Obama administration Justice Department and FBI officials who may have “violated the law, perhaps committed crimes” to politicize law enforcement and surveillance against political opponents.
He says former FBI Director James Comey conducted a fake criminal investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as they “followed none of the regular rules, gave her every break in the book, immunized all kinds of people, allowed the destruction of evidence, with no grand jury, no subpoenas, no search warrants. That’s not an investigation. That’s a Potemkin village. It’s a farce.”


  1. Obama slithered into office and thought he could slither out.

  2. Just wait until the deplorables get organized and take action.
    We don't cotton to white collar ducks fucking around with the constitution or our rights.

  3. Looks like it's all gonna blow up in their faces !



  4. Manafort will go oon trial in September

    Kushner should be indicted by then.

    Along with Don Jr.

    Their actions, according to the President's 'Chief Strategist' were

    There"s no getting around that.


  5. Trump vs. Obama: Who had best 1st-year stock market gains?

    On Dec. 31, 1989, the U.S. represented approximately 15% of the value of all global stocks. By the end of 2016, that increased dramatically to 53.2%. In part, this increase was due to the fact that U.S. stocks turned in a nominal return of 9.5% annually compared to only 7.3% for the rest of the world. The authors, based in the U.K., call the U.S. a “financial superpower.”

    Make America great again: Did the U.S. stock market grow faster than the 9.5% historical average?
    America first: Did the U.S. stock market best the rest of the world by more than the 2.2 annual percentage point historical average?

    Jan. 20, 2009, for Obama and Jan. 20, 2017, for Trump as the start dates

    The first year results are just about in as we approach the anniversary date of Trump’s first year. Investors "voted" that Trump did quite well with his promise to “Make America great again,” delivering a 24.6% return through Jan. 5, 2017, which more than doubled the 9.5% long-run return.

    On the other hand, international stocks turned in a 29.8% return. U.S. stocks lagged international stocks by 5.2 percentage points vs. the historical average of besting international stocks by 2.2 percentage points.
    Thus, U.S. stocks under the president performed roughly 7.4 percentage points lower than the long-run historical average.

    How did stocks under the Obama administration fare? With more history than Trump, these measures came in as follows:

    First year: U.S. up 47.2% but lagged international by 14.4 percentage points.

    First term: U.S. up 19.9% annually and bested international stocks by 3.4 percentage points.

    Two terms: U.S. up by 16.5% annually and bested international by 7.2 percentage points annually.

    Under these same measures in the first year, U.S. stocks did far better under Obama, trouncing the historic average, but lagged international stocks by 14.4%, or a whopping 16.6 percentage point shortfall versus the historical average.

    This means that, after year one of Trump, U.S. stock returns are besting the historic average but are lagging Obama’s first year significantly.

    On the other hand, his shortfall versus international stocks was also far less than under Obama.


    1. ... after year one of Trump, U.S. stock returns are besting the historic average but are lagging Obama’s first year significantly.

      So. Much. Winning.

      The "Stable Genius" of Wall Street cronies can't match Obama numbers for First Year Growth on Wall Street.

      Shockingly Sad results for the Deplorables.

    2. .

      Way too complicated, rat. Sounds defensive.

      Trump's market is doing great. Conditions change.

      That said, the increased market is following a long-term trend up starting in 2009. But there's no doubt the Trump tax cuts gave it a big lift. There is nothing like free money to improve optimism.

      The downside? 50% of the country won't be affected. And remember, every thousand point increase in the market is easier to make than the last thousand.



  6. Manafort will go oon trial in September

    Kushner should be indicted by then.

    Along with Don Jr.

    You will be better informed after you actually watch the video.

    1. It's always a good thing to watch the video if one is going to comment on the video, which I thought was A+++++.


    2. Don't need to watch Fake News.

      The two cases are not connected.

      What Team Trump did, what is publicly known was TREASONOUS

      What Hillary did or did not do, not important to the policies of the US going forward.

      She is history, as is Comey.

      But the case against the traitors will move forward.

      The boys will be exonerated ...
      Or not.

      That's the beauty of the US justice system, combined with the Free Press.

    3. All one has to do ...

      Read Don Jr's email

      He left a trail that will come out at trial

    4. What Hillary did or did not do, not important to the policies of the US going forward.

      What about the policy of the People that demand justice for wrongs committed?

      Doesn't that matter to you?

  7. That was excellent !

    There is a guy that knows what he is talking about....he's got it nailed !


    1. He was fired by Mr Trump.

      He cannot be trusted, has zero credibility.

      The fellow is not one of the Best


    2. Fake News from a unreliable source.

      A man found to be less than the Best, by President Trump.

    3. .

      You will be better informed after you actually watch the video.

      I watched the video. It wasn't worth my time. Anyone who isn't familiar with the arguments the GOP, right-wing media, and the Trumpkins have been making doesn't deserve to be commenting on the matter. Opinions, speculations, and accusations. Repetition is not evidence. We've seen the arguments before. Not worth going over again with this clown.

      Half the stuff is just silly.

      Example: His charge that the argument that it takes 9 people to approve the deal doesn't hold water because it only takes one person to stop the deal and that one person was Hillary who had been bought. His evidence? His opinion. He ignores the fact that those other 8 people are from different areas of expertise, intelligence, national security, military, commercial, diplomatic and they supported the deal. Even if he is correct, it would mean that all these others were either stupid, complicit, or negligent. He ignores this as not important enough to mention. If he believes it, he offers no proof.

      This isn't the first time this deal has been reviewed. Even if he is correct on every point he makes, he would play hell trying to get any court, criminal or civil, to convict her of anything associated with Uranium One.

      Bring on The Report.

      We have heard about it for over a week.

      Release the Report

      Right now, all we are seeing is the big stall, its purpose to invalidate the Mueller investigation by a dick who has pulled this before. The longer it can be dragged out the better in terms of stirring up the base.

      Release The Report.

      Once released, it will be the first time that the Dems in Congress see the report. It will be the first time the Mueller team has seen the report though they have asked to see it. It will be the first time the FBI has seen the report despite the fact that it has a new Director that Trump just appointed and has asked to see the report to implement any changes that are necessary. It will be the first time the American public has seen the report though they have been hearing about it for some time.

      Until the report is released, The Report remains simply a set of political talking points to be shared among the choir and talked about like a big foot sighting.

      Release The Report.

      Or, wait until the IG releases the IG Report on their investigation of the same things and see what a real investigation says about these matters.

      Prediction: Once The Report, a report drawn up by Nunes staff, is released, we will play hell ever getting to see any actual evidence to back up its claims. Nunes is after all the only guy other than the president that can allow it to be declassified and released. And we have seen how he operates in the past.


    4. .


      This isn't the first time this deal has been reviewed. Even if he is correct on every point he makes, he would play hell trying to get any court, criminal or civil, to convict her of anything associated with Uranium One based on the 'evidence' that he has presented.


    5. Hell Quirk you're like a blind man without a cane or ever hands to feel things.

    6. .

      Hell Quirk you're like a blind man without a can or even hands to feel things.

      And you are a hick, Bob, with no idea how the real world operates.

      I see you guys talking about the Clintons being tried and convicted and sentenced to jail. It's laughable. That's not how things work in a rigged system. I feel the same about Trump and the Russian investigation. Wake up smell the coffee. Guilt or innocence have very little to do with it.

      All I can do is smile wanly and shake my head.


    7. Shaking your head won't work, try Geritol.

  8. I'm looking forward to the IG REPORT.

  9. OH...oooooo

    Panicky Bitcoin investors struggle to withdraw cash...DRUDGE

    Meanwhile stocks in USA are soaring today as the US Government reopens for business.

    1. We need to be done with these idiotic frequent continuing resolutions too.

      Just pass a budget for a year, for goodness sakes.

    2. You are correct Robert "Take a Knee" Peterson

      If only those Republicans that control the Congress could get their act together.

      But they are as unstable and ignorant as you are.

    3. Psycho Jack, War Criminal

  10. Flash !! Critical Breaking News !!!

    Megyn Kelly: Hanoi Jane Fonda needs to stop whining about my plastic surgery question
    JOHN SEXTON Jan 22, 2018 1:01 PM


    “She has no business lecturing anyone on what is offensive.”

    Hear ! Hear !!


    1. Why does "Take a Knee" Peterson even care about Ms Fonda.

      Could it be that Robert was dodging the draft while she visited Hanoi and John McCain was a guest at the "Hilton".

      Robert and Jane - Birds of a feather, flocking together.

      Except Ms Fonda had the courage of her convictions, unlike our "Moral Coward", Robert "Take a Knee" Peterson.

    2. Psycho Jack/Self Confessed War Criminal/Abuser of Women/Liar/Jew Hater/Dead Beat Dad


  11. Really, Robert "Take a Knee" Peterson, why is it you are now urging us all to watch the NFL?

    It was just a few weeks ago you demanded a boycott of the NFL.

    Now you tell US it is must watch TV

    You really are, as Quitk has repeatedly noted an embarrassment.

    1. Dead Beat Dad/Wife Abuser/Self Confessed War Criminal

  12. Deuce, I'd appreciate it, and I think some others here would as well, if you would lower the boom on Jack and stop his stupid hateful repetitive posts.

    Delete any of his posts concerning me, or put him in the Dunce Box for a week or something.

    I'm not the guy that starts it, I've been trying to steer clear of him best I can.

    It makes the blog look silly and idiotic when in fact it is only him that is silly and idiotic.

    1. Robert "Take a Knee" Peterson ...

      The onky redemption for you will come with a heart felt apology, to ALL those you have defamed in the past decade.

      Approved by me.

      Deuce doesn't have the time to save you. Even if he wanted to.

      He could shut down the blog, again

      Or you can make restitution with an apology and the development of a new way of writing.

      Nothing else will suffice.

    2. Psycho Jack/Self Confessed War Criminal

    3. Crazy ass psycho Jack


  13. The Turkish military continues to utilize US aircraft and US munitions to decimate tbe US military proxy in Syria.

    The US stands mute.
    Not even a tweet.

    Deeply humiliating for US
    Deadly for the Kurds who we supported...
    Until Mr Trump tossed 'em under the bus

    Loyalty ...
    A one way road for the Donald

  14. GOP considers releasing intel behind memo alleging FISA abuses
    Jeremy Herb
    By Jeremy Herb, CNN

    Updated 9:07 AM ET, Mon January 22, 2018

    1. That'd be great, Robert "Take a Knee" Peterson.

      Lift the veil, it would do away with the rumors and innuendo.


    2. Why do you now "Take a Knee", Robert "Identity Thief" Peterson?

      We know you have accused the US Army of committing 'war crimes' in Central America' ...
      Without specifics

      You tell us that Law Enforcement in the US is corrupt ... innocents railroaded

      So, now you tout the NFL, tbose that "Take a Knee" for our National Anthem.

      Telling us it will be a " Great Game"

    3. .


      From my comments above...

      Prediction: Once The Report, a report drawn up by Nunes staff, is released, we will play hell ever getting to see any actual evidence to back up its claims. Nunes is after all the only guy other than the president that can allow it to be declassified and released. And we have seen how he operates in the past.

      Hopefully, I'm wrong in my prediction.

      How ever when I checked with the Magic 8-Ball I received the following response...

      "Not Likely"



    4. It is glaringly obvious, Robert "Identity Thief" Peterson, why you back those that refuse to stand.

      You hate the USA, its institutions and aspirations.

      Demanding that we accept your perverse opinion that pedophilia is part of the American Culture, if approved by Momma.


  15. There is no box Robert "Take a Knee" Peterson.

    Doug asked ...

    What about the policy of the People that demand justice for wrongs committed?

    Doesn't that matter to you?

    If Hillary committed crimes, the Trump DoJ can root them out.

    If that is not done there is/was no crime to begin with.

    Jeff Sessions was the "Best" person in the entire country to be selected for AG.

    Mr Trump, himself, chose Jeff Sessions.
    If there is 'something' there Mr Sessions and Mr Wray will ferret it out..

    1. C r a z y Psycho Jack the Self Confessed WAR CRIMINAL


    2. But it, whatever Hillary did, is history. A side note.

      The TREASONOUS actions by Manafort, Don Jr and Kushner are, as they say, Real Time.

      And therefore much, much more relevant to today and tomorrow.

    3. St. Thomas AquinasMon Jan 22, 03:02:00 PM EST

      That would you off the hook, except that the universe has a memory and all is retained, nothing forgotten, and there is a Judgement.

    4. Then Robert "Identity Thief" Peterson must be worrird.
      Defamed and denigrated strangers
      Stole from the bank
      Institutionalized his Auntie, she died.
      Stole the family estate in probate

      He ought worry, if what you say is true.


  16. Take a seat, Stanley, while Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson takes a knee.

    1. Psycho Jack

      Would never sit with you, Psycho Jack and War Criminal

    2. Then take a knee, with the Draft Dodger.

      He is eating lunch with Ms Fonda ❤


  17. Really though, "Take a Knee" Peterson, man upand sign in

    You are becoming an ever increasing embarrassment.

  18. .

    As the world turns

    The Dems folded like a cheap suit. Schumer looked weak. The excuses begin. Will their base ignore the sorry performance because they consider Trump the Big Satan?

    The GOP celebrate and mock Schumer. No one is asking why? In 3 weeks they will be right back in the same boat. They are still operating under sequester fund levels. The uncertainty continues in all the places it can hurt. The can is once more kicked down the road. Congress once again fails to do its job.

    In another month or so, Trump will be submitting his 2019 FY budget.


    1. Here Quirkie:

      Chuck Schumer Folds Like A Cheap Suit As The Most Purposeless Government Shutdown Ever Ends
      Posted at 2:30 pm on January 22, 2018 by streiff

    2. .

      The Dems are looking like real losers with the excuses they are coming up with for folding on this issue.

      I'm not talking about the issues they are fighting over. Frankly, I can't get all that excited about them. However, I am talking about tactics. This fight and the Dem giving in will simply harden the GOP stance in the future. It's the Trump/Miller way. Rather than help in reaching a negotiated settlement, it will merely make it much harder in the future.

      Saw Wasserman Schultz on TV. She was asked what did the Dems actually get out of shutting down the government for 3 days. Her reply...'we got an agreement to 'talks' that have the 'potential' to solve some of the open issues on immigration.



    3. .

      Another example...

      Trump had a meeting today with 6 GOP senators at the White House to discuss immigration issues. They were all hard liners including Cotton and Perdue. No doubt Miller and Kelly were there too. Hardly, a group to be looking for bi-partisan solutions.

      The Dems are fooling themselves.

      They really need to get rid the the current leadership. They have been there too long and are part of the problem.


  19. .

    From my comments to Bob above...

    I see you guys talking about the Clintons being tried and convicted and sentenced to jail. It's laughable. That's not how things work in a rigged system. I feel the same about Trump and the Russian investigation. Wake up smell the coffee. Guilt or innocence have very little to do with it.

    As an example of this and the growing friction because of Trump's monuments policies and property rights in the west...

    Class war in the American west: the rich landowners blocking access to public lands

    ...By all accounts, this was a little community positioned just right for fishing, hunting, hiking in some of Montana’s wilder mountain spaces.

    And that’s how it functioned for decades, residents said in court, until Joseph Campbell bought 300 acres at the Diamond Bar X, moved in and started putting up locked gates that blocked access to well-trodden thoroughfares that people in the area had used for years.

    Within five years, court records say, the police were called 25 times to deal with Campbell’s threats and erratic behavior, and his seeming obsession over keeping people off every inch of his property despite longstanding agreements among the neighbors for access to the neighboring publicly owned land. (In the west’s wide-open spaces, it’s common practice for landowners to negotiate deals – both informal and formal – to allow the public to cross their land to get to hunting spots, streams and trails.)

    In 2013, after years of fights and threats, Campbell finally snapped.

    He shot and killed his neighbor, Timothy Newman, a man who had repeatedly challenged Campbell over his access-blocking proclivities. Campbell first claimed it was self-defense because Newman threatened him, but last year he finally pleaded guilty to negligent homicide. He’s now on probation, under a 20 years suspended prison sentence...

    There's a class war going on in the country and the rich are the only ones with money enough for the ammunition.


    1. Rich man CAMPBELL didn't exactly win that round but the NO TRESSPASSING signs are why I've always favored keeping the National Forests in the hands of the Feds.

      It's a bipartisan issue out here....most Democrats and Republicans and Independents all feel the same about that one issue

    2. CAMPBELL should have done some hard time.

  20. Deuce, I'd appreciate it, and I think some others here would as well, if you would lower the boom on Jack and stop his stupid hateful repetitive posts.

    Delete any of his posts concerning me, or put him in the Dunce Box for a week or something.

    I'm not the guy that starts it, I've been trying to steer clear of him best I can.

    It makes the blog look silly and idiotic when in fact it is only him that is silly and idiotic.

    I have no problem doing that except, you reengage him with your own, admittedly superior quality, personal insults. Stop responding to him and don't reply to his comment and then, "WHOOF!!

  21. By the bye ...

    The "insilts" aremeant to infuriate the target ...
    Not as a source of mirth for the readers

    We can tell who is infuriated ...
    And who is laughing.

    Har de har har

    Seems I alrwadt know the punchline to Mr Mueller's joke.


    1. Seems I already know the punchline to Mr Mueller's joke.


  22. Mr Trump said he was not taking campaign contributions.

    But when he did ... it was illegally done.

    Alleged payment to porn star was illegal donation to Trump campaign, watchdog says

    The call from Common Cause for criminal prosecution echoes charges against John Edwards

    A watchdog group filed a pair of complaints on Monday alleging that a $130,000 payment reportedly made to a pornographic film actress who claims to have had an affair with Donald Trump violated campaign finance laws.

    In submissions to the Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission, Common Cause said the alleged payment to Stephanie Clifford — who uses the stage name Stormy Daniels — amounted to an in-kind donation to Trump's presidential campaign that should have been publicly disclosed in its official reports


    1. ... the payment appeared to be hush money. He compared the situation to the series of events that resulted in the prosecution of former Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) over nearly $1 million in payments allegedly made to cover up an affair he had with videographer Rielle Hunter during his 2008 presidential bid.

      “The purpose is the heart of all this,” Ryan said. “It’s pretty obvious this payment to Ms. Clifford was intended to keep her quiet just weeks before the election so she would not damage the candidate’s effort to win the election.”


      The complaint that Common Cause sent to the Justice Department is addressed to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Sessions announced last March that he was recusing himself from all matters related to the 2016 presidential campaign.


    2. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, nominated by President Donald J Trunp who told us all that Mr Rosenstein was the "Best" man in America to fill that position in the DoJ.

      Like a broken clock twice a day, Mr Trump was right about Rod Rosenstein.

    3. Didn't Trump use his own money, unlike Edwards?

      (Who got off.)

    4. The money .. Came from the lawyer.

      Where he got it from ...
      The Mueller Team will figure out, they've got experts at that.

      Edwards did get exonerated.
      Hung juries just like that Senator from New Jersey, Menendez or some such.
      Edwards was not retried, the NJ Senator will be.

      That's the great thing about the US Justice system.
      Sometimes you don't lose.

  23. Quirk, that bolide bit you are looking for might be a turd -

    Villagers put frozen 'meteor' in fridge — turns out to be airplane poop
    By Mike Moffitt, SFGATE Published 11:01 am, Monday, January 22, 2018

    Make certain you have adequate detection equipment so you don't end up with a shit eating grin.

    1. Or just take a bite out of the bolide bit and keep it in your mouth till it warms up.

      If it gets mushy you're into a turd of some kind, and you can simply spit it out.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. .

      Dear Blog Boss

      Deuce, I'd appreciate it, and I think some others here would as well, if you would lower the boom on Bob and stop his stupid hateful and vulgar posts.

      Delete any of his posts concerning me, or put him in the Dunce Box for a week or something.

      I'm not the guy that starts this, I've been trying to steer clear of him best I can.

      It makes the blog look silly and idiotic when in fact it is only him that is silly and idiotic.

      Deuce, I would appreciate it if you would.

      Thanks, in advance.



    4. {...}


      Quirk, Dr. of Metaphysics, OTE, PDQ



  24. Seems the folks using the government to violate the law, just can't catch a break, in Pennsylvania

    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court tossed out the state’s congressional map on Monday, throwing members and candidates into chaos and potentially boosting Democrats' chances to win the House majority this fall.

    The state Supreme Court ruled that the House map "clearly, plainly and palpably violates" the state constitution and must be redrawn in the next three weeks

    It is reported that Pennsylvania Republican Reps. Charlie Dent and Pat Meehan are now going to have to actually campaign.

    1. The justices, a majority of whom are Democrats, will have their decision put aside by the US Supreme Court.


    2. Maybe, maybe not.

      Texas lost.
      South Carolina, too, I do believe.

      We alll knew Chief Justice Roberts would rule against ObamaCare.

      He was such a "Conservative".

      Har de har har


    3. Most of the "news articles" say ...

      Republicans have appealed the ruling to the US Supreme Court, but it is unclear whether the justices will get involved with a matter of state law.

      The supremes may not take the case, or not get to it quickly enough to matter

      The ruling states that Pennsylvania’s government has until February 15 to get a new map through the legislature and signed into law. If they fail to do so — a likely prospect, since the state has a Republican-controlled legislature and Democratic governor — the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will take over the process and institute a new map. (The court has a Democratic majority.)

      The pot can't call the kettle black


    4. ... the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will take over the process and institute a new map.

      Time and the Court waits for no legislature.

    5. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of Chusing Senators.
      U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 4 .

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. The process of elections, as to the timing, polling places and manner of holding

      If a legilature does not follow the law of the State, as prescribed, the State Courts will follow the State Law and order the legislature to do the same.
      As happened

      If the Supremes do not take the expedited case ...

      Or decide the State Supremes are correct and the legislature broke the State law when redistricting .

      Well I don't live in that kind of shithole. Praise be


  25. The Flop House at Mar-a-Lago set a new low for the wanna be one percenters.

    On Sunday, Instagram user vacayinbae posted a photo apparently taken at Mar-a-Lago's restaurant. President Donald Trump has owned Mar-a-Lago since the 1980s, and frequently visits the restort.

    "I hate to do this, but this is a total #disgrace , #shame on #maralago , you can't serve caviar with plastic spoons!" the caption reads. "Please offer your caviar with mother of pearl spoons and dishes!"

    The Instagrammer clarified that this was not an event at the resort, but how the caviar was served at the restaurant.

    Vacayinbae also posted a follow-up post, showcasing "low-budget" and "disgraceful" crackers that accompanied the caviar

    The post provides photos of the classless, low brow presentation.

    The post was met with some ridicule drom the degenerate masses, but ...

    Others pointed out that the displeased customer wasn't wrong.

    "Sure this lady might be stuck up and terrible timing to post this, with the political climate,"

    reads one such comment.

    "But she ain't wrong, that's some s---."

    Mar-a-Lago, the place has turned into a real shithole.

    Plastic spoons, so not great.


  26. More news about our NATO ally, Turkey, continuing the decimation of Kurdish US proxy forces in Syria.

    The report is that the Kurdish terrorists are targeting civilians.
    The US remains mute.
    No tweets from the fingers of the President, as US allies are targeted with US munitions.

    Such a low point for US prestige,
    the US, our military and its Commander abjectly humiliated by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.


    1. None of our NATO allies ever disrespected President Obama like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is disrespecting President Trump.

    2. The nukes !
      What about the nukes!!!

      Dozens of US nuclear weapons in Turkey could be in question as the NATO allies fight a proxy war in Syria

      Turkish jets pummeled US-backed forces in Sryia's north - all while Turkey holds one of the US's most important bases and dozens of US nukes


    3. US nukes at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey

      .If the US decided to provide air cover for its allies in Afrin, it would likely launch those planes from Incirlik Air Base, which is inside Turkey. Incirlik is a central hub for US air power in the region and the resting place of a few dozen B-61 nuclear gravity bombs with adjustable yields.

      I can see it now, US aircraft launch from Incirlik to attack Turkish troops, once.

      Then the US loses or at least has to fight to secure and withdraw dozens of nukes.


    4. What a political coup that would be for pootie pooh.

      Demolish the southern flake of NATO, fracturing the Alliance.

      While the Ukraine totters on the brink of collapse, their economy shattered, political corruption rampent and the attention of the US, occupied elsewhere.

      Especially after the economic moves the US has made against the nuclear armed Pakistani.

      Chaos Theory ... Let's ope the Generals in the White House are up to the multi-tasking that's going to be required.


    5. Let alone the continued rattling on about the US fighting yet another ground war in Asia.

      To keep US safe and secure, of course.

      So. Much. Winning


  27. FBI Director Christopher Wray reportedly threatened to resign after being pressured by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to fire deputy director Andrew McCabe, according three sources cited in an Axios report Monday.

    The report follows news of Sessions' pressure on Wray to oust McCabe and former general counsel James Baker in order to make way for a "fresh start" at the FBI.

    White House counsel Don McGahn, who learned from Sessions how upset Wray was, told Sessions that the matter wasn't worth pursuing, according to Axios

    Man, all the 'Best' people sure have a hard time coordinating their efforts.

    Personnel challenges do dog the Trump Administration. So many comings and goings ...

    1. And the FBI is really just fine, it does not REALLY NEED a "fresh start", or Mr Wray would be gone, too.

      But Mr Wray is not gone, a "fresh start" at the FBI, not worth the hassle.

      So the desired 'fresh start" was merely political expediency, not based on merit or performance.


  28. Hopefully, I'm wrong in my prediction. Quirk

    You have reason to hope, Quirk, as you are so often wrong in your predictions.

    Time to trade in The Magic 8 Ball for the new 2018 model ?
