Monday, January 22, 2018

It took three days for the Democrats to call "uncle" - They Know How to Read Polls

Harvard Poll: 81 Percent of All Voters Support Reducing Immigration Levels


A new poll released by Harvard-Harris shows that a staggering percentage of voters on all ends of the political spectrum are overwhelmingly in favor of an immigration deal that would end Chain Migration, eliminate the Visa Lottery, and grant amnesty to DACA recipients. 

  • According to the poll, 65% of voters would support a DACA deal that secures the Southern border, ends Chain Migration, and eliminates the Visa Lottery
  • A majority of voters from nearly every demographic group would support the deal, including 68% of Hispanic voters, 64% of African American voters, 64% of Democratic voters, 67% of all independent voters, 63% of liberal voters, and 68% of those who voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election cycle.
  • The poll also reveals that 60 percent of voters oppose giving preference to parents who illegally brought their children to the U.S. The Durbin-Graham no-strings DACA amnesty offered in the Senate would give amnesty to the parents
  • The poll found that 81% of voters want to reduce legal immigration from its current level of more than 1 million per year, and 63% want it cut by at least half.

For the full details of the poll, click here.


  1. Three more weeks and it's back to the beginning

    There is still no fundung for the Wall, even after the Trump Shutdown, which Mr Trump promised, back on 22AUG17.

    He got his shutdown, still no Wall.
    No money from Mexico, none from the US taxpayer or increased Federal debt.

    Promises Made - Promises Broken


    1. Yeppers ...
      Right here:

      at 46:34 you can see and hear Mr Trump promise to shut the government down, to gain funding for the wall

      Promises Made - Promises Broken


    2. The crowd cheered, it was grand.

      But Mr Trump has now run his play...
      ... and failed to perform.

      Couldn't close.

      Got an offer, but still couldn't close the deal.

      Obviously the fellow who had "Art of the Deal" ghost written has seen some slippage.

    3. Jack you are so predictable. So linear. Trump just imposed tariffs on Mexican solar panels and washing machines.

      Thus helping American companies making stuff here in good old USA, thus making Mexico PAY for the wall..

      Money is fungible..

      You should know that...

      But not to worry, the BEST of mexico has come to america, aside form your gun running, drug selling cartel friends, millions and millions of the best of mexico are now becoming AMERICANS....

      If that's not a 3rd world brain drain? i don't know what is...

      SO mexico is Paying for the wall, one way or another.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. More news about the cadre of "Best" people chosen by the President, to work for US.

      Sebastian Gorka was White House aide while a fugitive from Hungarian justice

      Deputy assistant to president was wanted on weapons charges

      Gorka left White House after John Kelly became Chief of Staff.

    2. Gorka is just a strong defender of the 2nd Amendment and the US Constitution at home and abroad.

    3. Gorka should know ...
      Rhe 2nd Amendment is not a part of Hungarian law.

      Even Stupid Stanley would know that

  3. Not an ‘oops’ button: Missile alert took many clicks, long scroll state never mentioned

    First officials said one click sent the doomsday message. Then it was two clicks, with the second click to confirm.

    But Always Investigating has learned it was far more complex than that, and the crisis could have been averted at many screen views along that process.

    AlertSense agreed to walk Always Investigating through how its system should be used by any customer, using a generic example interface.

  4. .

    The Budget Deal

    Three weeks?

    We'll be lucky if the 2018 budget process is complete before the preliminary 2019 FY budget is sent to Congress.

    - If a deal isn't reached on immigration by the Senate in the next 3 weeks we are back to square one.
    - If it is passed in the Senate, there is no guarantee it will be approved in the House when it goes there or that all the president's men (Kelly, Miller, McCarthy) will agree to let Trump agree with it.
    - If it is approved by the Senate and the House and agreed to by the White House, it begins the appropriations process.
    - And it starts over again.
    - No matter what is included in the budget deal it doesn't matter if the votes aren't there to allocate the money to pay for it.
    - A wall? Sure, I can agree with that 'in princible'.
    - An agreement in principle is merely a stepping stone towards the contract.


    1. Vat dis cuntry needts isst goooooot KING !

    2. Three weeks until Mr Trump tries to shut the govrmernment again, pressuring the Congress for the money Mexico is not providing US for the Wall

    3. Like it or not? that's "President Trump" to you, even if you are not a citizen of the United States of America you should be able to recognize his lawful title and use it.

      I hate it when non-citizens fail to show respect for the highest office in our nation.

  5. That's an amazing result in that Harvard poll.

    Other polls I've seen are of the same order but not quite so high.

    It's a winning issue for whoever sticks with it.

    That wouldn't be the Democrats.

  6. Scientific American again exploring where others have feared to go -

    Why Do Some Dogs Eat Poop?

    But here’s the thing: eaters weren’t vastly different from non-eaters. In Hart and colleagues’ survey, some young dogs ate stool, some didn’t, some old did, and some didn’t. Coprophagy wasn’t associated with dog age, sex, neuter status, age of separation from the mother, ease of house training, or numerous owner-described problem behaviors.

    Eaters and non-eaters also didn’t differ in diet, which is notable as diet can be linked to coprophagy. It’s also possible survey questions alone wouldn’t pick up the nuances needed to explore a relationship between diet and coprophagy. And while Hart and colleagues’ study didn’t identify a relationship between coprophagy and compulsive or anxiety behaviors, an earlier 2010 study by Broox Boze in the Journal of Applied Companion Animal Behavior did. Also in that study, neutered males were more likely to eat poop than intact males, a finding that didn’t appear in Hart and colleagues’ survey. Maybe these differences can be attributed to differences between the two studies, such as the studies using different definitions of what constitutes a coprophagic dog. But the bigger point is: if it’s feeling a bit murky about who eats poop, it’s probably because it is murky. Looking at a dog, even with the above information, it would be difficult to correctly guess whether he or she eats poop...

    1. You got an eater these days, Quirk ?

      Our Raul eats 100% dog food.

    2. .

      That's it. Keep it up with the poop posts and I report you to Deuce again.


    3. Don't go off the handle. It was just part of my voluntary pseudo-scientific dog survey.

      You are not compelled to answer.

    4. 'continuing voluntary pseudo-scientific dog survey'

      I've been working on it for years.

    5. .

      All my dogs are civilized.


    6. It's part of Robert "Take a Knee" Peterson"s sexual perversion diversion.

      He just thinks and discusses eatibg shit. Kinda wierd, but then, again, he thinks pedophilia is part of Christian Culture.

      Christians and Muzzies ... Mothers love 'emm.

  7. Federal Bureau of Investigation officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page discussed in text messages a “secret society” set up within the Justice Department and the FBI after the 2016 election, according to two House Judiciary Committee members who have seen the latest release of text messages between them.

    “We learned today about information that after — in the immediate aftermath of [Trump’s] election, that there may have been a secret society of folks within the Department of Justice and the FBI, to include Page and Strzok, that would be working against them,” Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) said Monday on Fox News’s The Story.

    “I’m not saying that actually happened, but when folks speak in those terms, they need to come forward to explain the context with which they used those terms,” he added.

    House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said the “secret society” discussion began the day after the election.

    “There’s a text exchange between these two FBI agents, these two supposedly objective facts-centric FBI agents, that perhaps this is the first meeting of the ‘secret society,'” Gowdy said.



    1. Har de har har

      It's the Illuminati ...
      Or maybe the Templers ...

      Wonder if there is a secret handshake, too?

  8. SNAKE

    “I’m going to want to know what secret society are you talking about, because you are supposed to be investigating objectively the person who just won [by] the electoral college,” he added. “I’m going to want to know.”

    On Friday, the Justice Department released 384 more pages of text messages between Strzok and Page to Congress. The text messages were first discovered by the Justice Department inspector general, who is looking into whether political bias tainted either the Clinton email investigation or the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign.

    Hundreds of text messages between Strzok and Page — who were engaged in an extramarital affair — showed that they detested then-candidate Donald Trump, supported Hillary Clinton, and that they feared his election and discussed an “insurance policy” in case he won.

    Gowdy said he saw “more manifest bias” in the latest batch of texts against President Trump “all the way through the election into the transition.” He said he also saw “an interesting text” about FBI Director James Comey going to update then-President Obama about an investigation.

    “I don’t know if it was the Hillary Clinton investigation, because remember that had been reopened in the fall of 2016, or whether it was the Trump investigation. I just find it interesting a head of the FBI was going to update the president of the United States, who at that point would have been President Obama,” said Gowdy.

  9. Replies
    1. Bigly?

      That's right after Don Jr is indictrd, or right before?

  10. The Democrats and their fuck buddies in the crooked media cracking.

    1. The Trumpettess are running about, like their hair is on fire

      They know when Don Jr is indicted, Sr will have a stroke. Old fat men often do, when stressed.

    2. Jack, I know you don't know much about the American system but President Trump could, at the stroke of a pen, pardon his son in a flash. President Obama pardoned terrorists, murderers, drug deals and such with no out cry. President Clinton also pardoned many, it's a perk of the office. So I doubt President Trump will have a stroke, more likely? In the unlikely occurrence of "charges" against his son? The President will pardon him and the LEFT of this nation will have a stroke. Oh and I will laugh.

  11. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), and Gowdy said in a statement that they met over the weekend to discuss the text messages and possible next steps in their oversight of the DOJ and FBI.

    “The contents of these text messages between top FBI officials are extremely troubling in terms of when certain key decisions were made by the Department of Justice and the FBI, by whom these decisions were made, and the evident bias exhibited by those in charge of the investigation,” they said.

    The Justice Department also notified lawmakers on Friday that texts between Strzok and Page between mid-December 2016 and May 17, 2017 could not be found, due to technical problems. May 17, 2017 is also the date that the special counsel was convened.

    “For former prosecutors like Chairman Gowdy and myself that worked at the Department and FBI, it makes it harder for us to explain away one exchange coincidence after another,” Ratcliffe said.

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Monday that there is a review underway into the missing text messages and to determine whether they can be recovered in any other way.

    He added that if any wrongdoing were to be found to have caused the gap, appropriate legal disciplinary action measures would be taken.

    “We will leave no stone unturned to confirm with certainty why these text messages are not now available to be produced and will use every technology available to determine whether the missing messages are recoverable from another source,” he said.

    Gowdy said he hoped the Justice Department inspector general will find the missing texts, and suggested law enforcement could get involved.

    “Either the Bureau needs to find them, or we need to have someone who has really easy access to these text messages, and it may be law enforcement,” he said.


    1. The Presidents men find that creating a fresh start at the FBI, just to much hassle.

      Promises Made - Promises Broken

  12. Donald Trump is one tough SOB

    Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan told Newsmax TV Friday that President Donald Trump has "done an awful lot of things" in his first year — and a great achievement was "having survived" the fierce attacks in the media and from Democrats and other detractors.

    "I've never seen a president in my lifetime take a worse beating from the media and from his adversaries and politics as Donald Trump every single day," Buchanan, who served in the Nixon and Reagan administrations, told host Bill Tucker in a "Newsmax Now" interview.

    "One of his great achievements, frankly, is having survived that and getting up every morning and going out and doing battle for what he believes in.

    "I don't agree with everything the president is doing, but I've never seen somebody who's taken such a beating and really conducted himself as someone who will really fight back."

    Read Full Article Here Pat Buchanan on Key President Donald Trump Victory: 'Having Survived' Media Attacks

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    3. Eaten a lot of Big Macs.
      Told 2,000 documented lies


      So. Much. Winning

    4. Yeah it's been a great year Jack, I love the fact (as you loved to say when President Obama did something I disagreed with) that it is policy of the United States. So I see you all the executive orders that President Trump is issuing that are undoing President Obama's and I raise you Jerusalem Israel, with our embassy there...


      Loving this President..

  13. President Trump struck an optimistic tone on Twitter after he signed a bill to reopen the government late Monday night after a 69-hour federal government shutdown that led to Senate Democrats backing off their opposition.

    Earlier in the day, Congress agreed on a measure that will fund the government for three weeks. The agreement will keep the government funded until Feb. 8.

    “Big win for Republicans as Democrats cave on Shutdown,” Trump tweeted, after he kept a low profile during the weekend. “Now I want a big win for everyone, including Republicans, Democrats and DACA, but especially for our Great Military and Border Security. Should be able to get there. See you at the negotiating table.”

    1. Big Win.

      The comedic style is dry.

    2. The shutdown? covers 17% of government workers.

      Hardly noticed the effects...

      Maybe we need more, and since the most important folks affected by a shut down, our military can be taken care of via private means? shut er down

      USAA offers military members no-interest loans during the shutdown

  14. Sessions says he is going to get to the bottom of the missing FBI emails, etc.

    Go Jeff.

    1. He is the "Best" AG, ever.

      He'll get Mr Wray right on that.
      Who will assign it to Duddly Doright.


  15. More news from Turkey.

    The US remains emasculated.

    Humiliation mounts at the White House as US munitions wreck havoc on US foreign policy.

    Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, he is not backing down, he is hunting terrorists.

    1. US funded terrorism is still terrorism.

      “Terrorists in Manbij are constantly firing provocation shots. If the United States doesn’t stop this, we will stop it,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

      “Our goal is not to clash with Russians, the Syrian regime or the United States, it is to battle the terrorist organisation,”

      One must wonder, does the new and improved State Department even have an Ambassador in Turkey?

      Maybe Jarod should fly over there and "Take Charge"?

      Our proxies are dying, while Mr Teump has been flummoxed trying to get traction for a fresh start at the FBI.

      The Kurds burn while Mr Trump is distracted by the DoJ's interest in his treasonous kids and exCampaign Manager.

    2. Sec Def Mattis has weighed in on the subject of Turkey decimating US proxies ...


      Accurate, if terse.

    3. .


      How does the US condemn Turkey when it to has declared the PKK a terrorist organization?


    4. ... Mr Trump is distracted...

      I think you assume too much, Jack.

      Tell me, if you will, is it morally wrong to lie to the grieving families of those that were killed in Benghazi?

    5. .


      How does the US condemn Turkey when the US also has declared the PKK a terrorist organization?


    6. Morally ?

      Who lied, to who, when, and about what?

      Is lying to protect classified covert operations really lying?

      Or is it protecting vital security interests?

      Bow you may thunk arming terrorists in Syria to be immoral, others may think it is the right thing to do.

      Both the Obama Administration and the Trumo Administrarion haved armed international terrorists.

      That is who the US has used as a military oroxy ub Syria. Terrorists.

      They have killed a lot more than four oeople.

      Is that moral?

    7. Is lying to protect classified covert operations really lying?

      If "buzzed driving" is considered drunken driving than yes, lying is lying. Especially for the most transparent administration,...oops, there's another lie.

    8. .


      I wasn't talking morality. I was talking having no shame. I was talking hypocrisy. I was talking having the chickens come home to roost.


  16. Not an April Fools Joke -

    January 23, 2018
    Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1
    By Peter Barry Chowka

    Starting on April 1, 2018, illegal aliens in California who have recently obtained state driver's licenses legally, or obtained them previously by lying about their immigration status, will automatically be registered to vote. Since January 2015, according to the California DMV, A.B. 60, a law passed by the California Assembly, "allows illegal immigrants to the United States to apply for a California driver's license with the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)" [emphasis original]. As of December 2016, more than 800,000 California driver's licenses were issued to illegal aliens under the A.B. 60 law. Additional thousands of illegals may have been granted licenses prior to 2015 because they lied on their driver's license application forms and claimed they were in the country legally. (No proof of legal residence has been required by the California DMV in recent years.)

    An editorial in the Victorville Daily Press on January 22 summarized the situation:..

    Read more:

    1. ScottFreitas • 2 hours ago
      It is a violation of numerous federal statutes for non-citizens to vote in any federal election.

      Meaning: any election involving congressmen, senators, or the President.

      Logical conclusion: the federal government will announce they will throw out--discard, ignore--ALL votes in federal elections from states which allow non-citizens to vote.

      Californication will be unable to seat any congressmen or senators. None of their electoral votes will be counted in any Presidential race.

      We'll see how long they're willing to have only a STATE government, with no say whatsoever in national politics--no representatives in Washington, DC.

      I'm betting they won't hold out for long.

    2. pap ScottFreitas • an hour ago
      "Logical conclusion: the federal government will announce they will throw out--discard, ignore--ALL votes in federal elections from states which allow non-citizens to vote"

      The POTUS should drop that bomb at his upcoming State of the Union address next Tuesday. Can you imagine the splody heads hyperventilating !


      •Reply•Share ›
      AtomicIgor ScottFreitas • an hour ago
      And what happens when California defies the Federal government? What then?

      Why, that would be the time to dust off the Insurrection Act. The Insurrection Act empowers the President to us Federal troops to restore order when local authorities are defying Federal law. Lincoln invoked it in 1861 to respond to Fort Sumter. Eisenhower invoked it in 1957 to force Governor Faubus in Arkansas to back down and desegregate Little Rock schools. G.W. Bush threatened to use it on Governor Blanco in Louisiana in 2005 when her response to Hurricane Katrina was so lethargic.

      As amended in 2006, the Insurrection Act states that "... the President may also deploy troops as a police force during a natural disaster, epidemic, serious public health emergency, terrorist attack, or other condition, when the President determines that the authorities of the state are incapable of maintaining public order. The bill also modified Sec. 334 of the Insurrection Act, giving the President authority to order the dispersal of either insurgents or 'those obstructing the enforcement of the laws' [emphasis provided]." (Wikipedia).

      A showdown is coming.

      •Reply•Share ›
      Bitter Klinger ScottFreitas • 2 hours ago
      I hope you're right. I'm tired of seeing California get away with its s--t-hole politics.

      •Reply•Share ›
      whorton ScottFreitas • an hour ago
      From my perspective, for the average mexican citizen in California, all they need do is show and vote. All that needs happen for voting precinct workers to hand out federal ballots WITH the LOCAL ballots. Who is to know any different? According to SFgate:

      "Californians who apply for driver’s licenses or state ID cards will be automatically registered to vote starting in April unless they opt out, a state lawyer said in court Thursday."

      Perhaps during the next election, the Justice department should place multiple ICE agents checking ID's at EVERY parking lot entrance.

      Otherwise, I suspect that I am not the only one who is not assured by the protestations that all will be kosher.

      •Reply•Share ›
      Kate whorton • an hour ago
      A voting van pulls up, and the drunks, addicts, felons, and illegals loitering about are offered $5 to vote, no questions asked. As a result, many vote as often as possible.

      •Reply•Share ›
      AtomicIgor ScottFreitas • an hour ago
      Only each House of the Congress is "... the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members..." That's from Article 1 Section 5 of the Constitution.

      When you say, "federal government," I believe that means the Congress only. I don't think that the Executive Branch has any authority to act in this regard.

      Unless, of course, it invokes the Insurrection Act? See my other comment on that subject.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. .

    The Democrats and their fuck buddies in the crooked media cracking.

    Evidently, the GOP also has fuck buddies in their crooked media.

    Yesterday, I read an article in the Times of Israel talking about Mike Pence and his address to the Knesset while on his ME trip. It had a video showing Palestinian MK's being thrown out of the Knesset by ushers for holding up signs condemning the US, Trump, and Pence for the announcement that the US recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

    Quite a row.

    You can imagine my surprise when watching the local FOX affiliate here yesterday evening when I saw the same scene only after all of the Palestinian MKs had been cleared out.

    On the video, Pence finished his speech to widespread applause. The announcer made a point of saying how warmly Pence was received in Israel and at the Knesset. No mention of the Palestinian MK protesters who had been thrown out. (Though the video did show the block of empty chairs they had been booted from.) No mention that Arab Christians had also condemned the US move. No mention that there has not been widespread joy throughout the ME in having Pence there or that the Palestinians have refused to talk to him and no longer consider the US an honest broker.

    In other words, no context provided.

    One could almost think it was edited to tell a tale. But we know that only happens with the Dems and their crooked media.


    1. I watch Fox all the time. I saw the coverage. I doubt there is any bigger Fox Watcher here than I.

      Maybe you watch some other Fox but the Fox I watch showed all the Arabs raising hell and getting kicked out of the Knesset.

    2. Fox just had on a summary of the coverage of the latest news about the missing text messages.

      MSNBC - zero coverage
      CNN - zero coverage
      Same with CBS and the other alphebet outlets.

      I TRIED to watch MSNBC and CNN for awhile but just couldn't keep going with it.

      What a hoot.

      Say Quirk you should subscribe to the NYT and THE Washington Compost.

    3. Maybe you've been watching FOXY rather than FOX ?

    4. A whopping 7% of American journalists are registered Republicans, according to a study.

      The % of negative coverage of The Donald hovers between 85%-90%.

    5. .

      I watch Fox all the time. I saw the coverage. I doubt there is any bigger Fox Watcher here than I.

      Maybe you watch some other Fox but the Fox I watch showed all the Arabs raising hell and getting kicked out of the Knesset.

      Having not seen that, I can't dispute it. However, as Pew surveys have indicated most Americans get their political news off of 'local' news stations. I gave you what I saw on my local news station, yesterday.

      Try and keep up.


    6. .

      Fox just had on a summary of the coverage of the latest news about the missing text messages.

      MSNBC - zero coverage
      CNN - zero coverage
      Same with CBS and the other alphebet outlets.


      You are the only one here who watches MSNBC so I can't answer to that, but I've seen the story mentioned on both CNN and ABC. I haven't seen the others so can't comment but given your source for this blockbuster news pardon me if I remain skeptical.



    7. .

      The % of negative coverage of The Donald hovers between 85%-90%.

      What's unusual about that? About 85%-90% of the things you can honestly say about Trump are negative.



    8. .

      A whopping 7% of American journalists are registered Republicans, according to a study.


      Did you bother going back and taking a look at the actual study? Or, did you just grab the headlines off Drudge? Never mind, silly of me to ask.

      Using one number and adding no context is what is known as 'lying with statistics'.

      The latest breakdown from the study shows the following party affiliation...

      Democratic 28%
      Republican 7%
      Independent 50%
      Other 15%

      So a full 65% claim no party affiliation.

      Between 2002 and 2013, those claiming party affiliation with the Dems has dropped from 36% to 28% (a 22% drop) while those claiming Republican affiliation have dropped from 28% to 7% (a 75% drop). Put whatever spin you want on that but I don't find it strange. In 2002, I was a Republican. By 2003, I wasn't. By 2006, nobody wanted to be. George W. Bush will have that effect on you.

      However, the real pattern seen in the survey is the same one we see in the broader population, dissatisfaction with the two major parties and a move to the other two categories, independents and other. Independents went from 32% to 50%, a 56% increase from a much larger base.

      The big Whine we get from the Trumpkins is suspect given that when it comes to political news and commentary they dominate talk radio, Fox news dominates cable, as noted above Americans get most of their political news from local programming and huge conservatives groups like Sinclair Communications have a dominant place there. You talk about the NYT and WaPo as if they are the only papers around. You ignore conservative papers like the WSJ and the New York Post. I've put up the circulation numbers here before.

      Quit whining. You sound like Doug.



  18. Trump vs. Kelly


    With the president and his chief of staff arguing in public, Ivanka Trump takes charge of finding a replacement.

    Ivanka might just choose herself.

    1. Sarah Huckabee though says she expects Kelly to be in The White House for the next 7 years.

  19. .

    Great Recession Redux?

    After the 2008 meltdown, it is generally believed that risky debt products driven by algorithms and designed to provide higher leverage and resultant higher profits was a major cause. After the bubble burst and the economy tanked and the US taxpayer was asked to bailout banks that were too big to fail, there was much argument over whose fault it all was.

    Luckily (?) when the next crisis occurs, there should be little argument. It likely will be pretty clear whose fault it was.

    Trump’s Regulators Want to Kill a Key Financial Rule That Even Republicans Support

    Conservatives who are working to undo Obama-era Wall Street reforms do have one regulation they’d like to keep in place: high capital requirements for financial institutions, so that big banks can pay for their own losses if they run into trouble instead of needing a government bailout. The House Republicans’ Financial CHOICE Act follows this model, gutting scores of rules created by the 2010 Dodd-Frank law in favor of a simple capital buffer.

    That legislation, which passed the House along party lines but is not expected to pass the Senate, would be a disaster: Its buffer is too low, and there’s no mechanism to enforce it. But conservatives have been interested for years in regulating capital. Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown carried bipartisan legislation through two Congresses calling for higher capital requirements. Conservative economists, central bankers and academics all share this view.
    But Randal Quarles, the most important regulatory official at the Federal Reserve, announced last week that reducing capital requirements is a top priority—and Fed Chair nominee Jerome Powell supports the idea. So Donald Trump’s two biggest appointments to the central bank not only agree on dismantling the relatively more stringent regulatory apparatus in place since the Great Recession, but are taking the one policy conservatives have long supported in financial regulation and targeting it for degradation...



    1. {…}

      Quarles, Trump’s choice to direct bank regulation at the Fed, took over in October, and on Friday he gave one of his first speeches outlining his plans. “I am not advocating an enervation of the regulatory capital regime,” Quarles insisted, but went on to recommend precisely that. The two key areas marked for change include a “simplification” of capital rules for smaller banks, and a “recalibration” of the leverage ratio for all firms. Bloomberg reports that Fed staffers are already rewriting the leverage rule, “a move that could free up billions of dollars for some Wall Street giants.” Quarles promised a formal proposal on leverage “relatively soon.”

      This shift would mean abandoning America’s post–financial crisis strategy of going beyond the Basel III framework in its regulation of leverage and capital. European banks have significantly lower requirements, and Powell, who is awaiting confirmation as Fed chairman, said in June that lowering leverage “could help to reduce the cost that the largest banks face.”

      Reducing leverage increases risk almost by definition...

      Since the 2008 fiasco, there has been an attempt to bring some sanity to the financial industry and banks. Dodd-Frank is one weak example of that; yet, it has been mocked and condemned by the usual suspects since it was first talked about. And even with these efforts going on, the big banks have grown more profitable, bigger, and even more ‘too big to fail’. Now, the Trump administration is setting the stage for an even larger fiasco than that in 2008.

      One more bone for the wealthy and the big banks, one more promise broken to the middle class.

      The fact that the Trumpkins still support Trump after all the promises broken reminds of the way blacks continue to support the Dems even though they have kept few promises made to them since Bill Clinton’s 'reset' in the 90's.


  20. what a friggin' circus is Trump's America!

    1. Stock market is up, Ash.

      And Hillary is not President.

      Look on the bright side, Young Lad.

      And the USA is producing bunches and bunches of oil.

    2. And ISIS is gone from Iraq and Syria.

    3. And we get a tax cut.

      Hillary was into raising taxes.

      "We'll go where the money is" was Hillary's money quote.

  21. Fox News is reporting that three House Committees are severing relations to the FBI and DOJ cause the O'bozo/Hillary holdovers ain't honest.

    1. Think on that Ash, Young Lad.

    2. FBI 'Secret Society' Met Day After Election...

    3. .

      Fox News is reporting that three House Committees are severing relations to the FBI and DOJ cause the O'bozo/Hillary holdovers ain't honest.

      More of the Trump/GOP 'fake news' effort to destroy America's faith in the integrity of government agencies and institutions.

      It makes it so much easier to convince their base that anything coming out of these agencies can't be believed. So much easier to get away with figurative murder as this administration rapes the middle class and poor while paying off their real constituency, the wealthy, the Big Banks, corporations and the 1% (including Trump himself).

      That the Trumpkins believe all this, that they are willing to take it in the ass over and over to support their guy, that they are loyal to a man who doesn't know what the word even means, is sadly predictable but still troubling.


  22. Quirk, watch Fox News here:

    1. A well informed citizenry is the basis of Western Democracy, dude.

    2. is the most reliable for Fox is my experience.

    3. .


      Stop it, you're killing me.


    4. I certainly hope not.

      In my mind I'm just lookin' out for you, as always.

  23. Sessions: We’ll “Leave No Stone Unturned” In Finding The Strzok-Page Texts
    ED MORRISSEYPosted at 8:41 am on January 23, 2018

    All 50,000 of them? That’s how many texts the FBI apparently “lost” in their retention system during the period of time in which agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page carried on an extramarital affair — and might have injected partisan bias into the probe of Russian interference in the election. The bureau previously turned over 375 messages to congressional investigators, but when the panels asked for a broader range of messages, the FBI discovered that the messages had been deleted.

    SEE ALSO: Boston Mayor moves to cripple Airbnb in Beantown

    Jeff Sessions pledged to “leave no stone unturned” in getting those texts back, while Donald Trump continued to slam the FBI for its performance issues:...

  24. .

    Mike Pence Visits Western Wall: Israeli Officials Don't Get the Message

    Women journalists separated from male colleagues and forced to stand on chairs to see Pence

    'I don't like being restricted in my job just because I'm a woman. I can't stand it and it's unacceptable in the modern world'

    Female journalists accompanying U.S. Vice President Mike Pence at the Western Wall on Tuesday were separated from their male colleagues and sent away to a fenced and covered area in the back of the Western Wall compound.

    After they were separated, the female journalists were placed in an area behind their male colleagues, without a line of sight to the Western Wall and therefore unable to see Pence approaching the Kotel.

    The incident provoked outrage among the American female journalists accompanying him. Following their protest, White House personnel have commenced removing the covering as part of a compromise, so the journalists could stand atop chairs and catch a view of the visit.

    One of the female journalists present, Globes reporter Tal Schneider, told Haaretz: "I don't like being restricted in my job just because I'm a woman. I can't stand it and it's unacceptable in the modern world. This discriminatory attitude towards women is infuriating and inappropriate in a modern country." Other female journalists present used the #PenceFence hashtag when discussing the event on social media...

    Interesting that the WH team did nothing until the women started protesting and even then it was merely to let the women stand on chairs behind their male colleagues to watch.



    1. nonsense. women can and do stand on the plaza that is in front of BOTH the men's and women's sections. There is no viewing problem for men to view women and women to view men at the actual wall. If you look at the photos of pence at the wall you will see it's completely emptied of all people. Men were excluded from being at the wall near the VP, maybe it's a security issue.

      Distortion in the press is still rampant.

  25. DOJ Reopening Clinton Email Investigation

    The investigators also confirmed that the FBI began drafting a statement exonerating Clinton of any crimes while evidence responsive to subpoenas was still outstanding and before agents had interviewed more than a dozen key witnesses.

    "Nothing about that investigation was right," Chris Swecker, former assistant director of the FBI, told Fox News' Tucker Carlson Wednesday night. "Those of us who have conducted federal criminal investigations know that you use the grand jury, you use search warrants, you don't hand out immunities like candy. I mean -- everything in that investigation runs contrary to the way a real, credible and thorough FBI investigation is conducted."

    Swecker added that the FBI doesn't normally go to witnesses and say "mother, may I?" to obtain information.

    1. Email Evidence From McCabe Indicates that Hillary Clinton Was Going to Get an 'HQ Special'

      A Republican congressman on the House Judiciary Committee says Hillary Clinton received special treatment during the email investigation in 2016 while she was running for president.

      "We have email evidence from Andrew McCabe indicating that Hillary Clinton was going to get an 'HQ Special,' a headquarters special," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) alleged on Fox News' "America's Newsroom" Friday.

      FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe met with both the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees in closed-door hearings on Thursday.

      "The Judiciary Committee is engaged in an investigation, particularly as it relates to the handling of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and any potential investigations of the Clinton Foundation and the handling of bribes or other types of improper payments," Gaetz said.

      He explained that the "headquarter special" was an indication that "the normal processes at the Washington field office weren't followed and he had a very small group of people that had a pro-Hillary Clinton bias who had a direct role in changing the outcome of that investigation from one that likely should have been criminal to one where she was able to walk."

      Gaetz added, "We've gotta ensure that that never happens again, that the same processes that would apply to any American would also apply to people who were running for president of the United States."


    2. .

      The Media and the FBI are pure as the the wind driven snow.


    3. .

      Gaetz added, "We've gotta ensure that that never happens again, that the same processes that would apply to any American would also apply to people who were running for president of the United States."

      Perhaps, the process could start with Nunes releasing the information in The Report to the FBI as they requested in order to do the very thing Gaetz is suggesting.


    4. .

      QuirkMon Jan 22, 02:22:00 PM EST

      Deuce: "You will be better informed after you watch the video"

      I watched the video. It wasn't worth my time. Anyone who isn't familiar with the arguments the GOP, right-wing media, and the Trumpkins have been making doesn't deserve to be commenting on the matter. Opinions, speculations, and accusations. Repetition is not evidence. We've seen the arguments before. Not worth going over again with this clown.

      Half the stuff is just silly.

      Example: His charge that the argument that it takes 9 people to approve the deal doesn't hold water because it only takes one person to stop the deal and that one person was Hillary who had been bought. His evidence? His opinion. He ignores the fact that those other 8 people are from different areas of expertise, intelligence, national security, military, commercial, diplomatic and they supported the deal. Even if he is correct, it would mean that all these others were either stupid, complicit, or negligent. He ignores this as not important enough to mention. If he believes it, he offers no proof.

      This isn't the first time this deal has been reviewed. Even if he is correct on every point he makes, he would play hell trying to get any court, criminal or civil, to convict her of anything associated with Uranium One based on the 'evidence' that he has presented

      Bring on The Report.

      We have heard about it for over a week.

      Release the Report.

      Right now, all we are seeing is the big stall, its purpose to invalidate the Mueller investigation by a dick who has pulled this before. The longer it can be dragged out the better in terms of stirring up the base.
      They talk about releasing the report. Do it.

      Release The Report.

      Once released, this will be the first time the full Dem caucus in Congress will have seen the report. It will be the first time the Mueller team has seen the report though they have asked to see it. It will be the first time the FBI has seen the report despite the fact that it has a new Director that Trump just appointed and has asked to see the report to implement any changes that are necessary. It will be the first time the American public has seen the report though they have been hearing about it for some time.

      Until the report is released, The Report remains simply a set of political talking points to be shared among the choir and talked about like a big foot sighting.

      Release The Report.

      Or, wait until the IG releases the IG Report on their investigation of the same things and see what a real investigation says about these matters.

      Prediction: Once The Report, a report drawn up by Nunes staff, is released, we will play hell ever getting to see any actual evidence to back up its claims. Nunes is after all the only guy other than the president that can allow it to be declassified and released. And we have seen how he operates in the past.



  26. FBI:

    Backup system, what backup system?

    The World's greatest never heard of such a thing.

    ...maybe it was Hillary's server.

    ...on the Personal Business Sector.

  27. "Perhaps, the process could start with Nunes releasing the information in The Report to the FBI as they requested in order to do the very thing Gaetz is suggesting."


    Right, help the perps avoid discovery.


    1. A secret memo and missing emails give off the stink of corruption in Obama's Justice Department.


      What smell?


    2. The FBI declined to comment on the physical whereabouts of the couple's government-issued Samsung Galaxy S5 devices or whether additional forensic recovery steps are being taken.

      ...but Nunes should bend over and spread his legs for them.

    3. .

      Right, help the perps avoid discovery.

      Hey, dipshit, Gaetz was the one who said he wanted to make changes in the system.

      Wray, the guy Trump put in the office '6 months ago', the guy Trump described has having 'impeccable credentials', the guy unanimously approved by Senate Judiciary Committee, the guy confirmed 95-2 by the Senate, the guy who only faced objections in the confirmation process from Democrats concerned with his history of Republican activism and his job as lawyer and advisor to GOP politicians like Chris Christie, yea, that Christopher Wray and the organization he now runs, the same people Nunes is accusing of being corrupt have asked to see The Report (a report by the way that contains no evidence but simply accusations) in order to see if there are changes that can be made.

      And the blog's legal eagle says they are only trying to avoid discovery.


      Avoid discovery of what? No evidence has been presented. Nunes has been making the same charges for months. All anyone knows about The Report (other than the GOP in the House) are the innuendos the GOP has been leaking to the press. Why the FBI would want to see it is beyond me other than it's kind of hard to deny a formal charge when no one will tell you what that charge is.

      But perhaps, that is the point of what has become the Nunes Kabuki, full of sound and fury but signifying nothing.



    4. You seem to have seen The Report:

      The Report (a report by the way that contains no evidence but simply accusations) Q

      Where'd you get your copy ?

      Can you send me a copy ?

      I want one too.

    5. The Report (other than the GOP in the House) are the innuendos the GOP has been leaking to the press.


    6. .

      Where'd you get your copy ?

      You idiot. You dolts have been talking for a week about everything in this report and now you are going to accuse me of doing it.

      Christ, Bob, if you were any younger I'd worry about the future of our nation and your effect on it.

      The Report is only 4 friggin pages long (likely double-spaced). The Dems on the Intelligence Committee, the only ones other than the House GOP to see The Report, have said it contains no evidence merely charges. Nunes and the GOP after four or five days have yet to deny what the Dems charge. As a matter of fact, Nunes has been quiet as a mouse.

      Remember, it's better to be thought a fool than opening your mouth and proving it.



    7. You nitwit Quirk,only a dunce would believe the Dems.

      What is wrong with you anyways ?

      You are off your feed.

  28. Quirk is compiling an extensive list of MSM coverage of the missing texts.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Quirk is being deconstructed by Doug.

      When the deconstruction is done I volunteer to reconstruct the scattered parts in a better order than before.

      This is called creative deconstruction and creative reconstruction.

      What else can be done for The Quirkster ?

    2. Always looking out for you Quirk and your best interests.

  30. The Democrats of today simply cannot be trusted.

  31. I lost 175,000 texts and 400,000 emails and I can't find one of 'em, dangit !

    1. Good idea.

      It's possible I sent the whole mess of them to Wayne by mistake.

  32. .

    Well that didn't take long.

    Schumer withdraws offer to Trump on border wall

    The Senate's top Democrat has withdrawn an offer that would allow President Trump to fulfill a signature campaign pledge: Construction of a wall along the U.S-Mexico border.

    Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) took back his offer late Sunday through an aide, according to a person familiar with the situation, who was granted anonymity to speak frankly about ongoing talks.

    The decision to withdraw the offer to negotiate over the construction of a border wall comes as Schumer is facing strong criticism within his ranks and from liberal organizations angered that he didn't push harder for an immigration deal as part of an agreement to reopen the federal government.

    By signaling a willingness to pay for construction of a border wall, Schumer was offering to help Trump fulfill a cornerstone campaign pledge — after little consultation with most Democrats.


    1. No surprise there. He's a wandering ne'er do well and turd.

      That's what his name means in German.

      What does schumer mean - Definition of schumer - Word finder
      Schumer is a Middle Low German word meaning "good-for-nothing" or "vagabond".1. It may also refer to: Persons. Amy Schumer, American comedian and actress; Chuck Schumer, American senator; Fern Schumer Chapman, American author; Justin Schumer, baseball player. Accounting. Schumer box, the summary of the ...

    2. .

      They are all dicks.

      Trump did the same thing when badgered by the three Amigos, Kelly, Miller and McCarthy.

      Though, Trump at least has an excuse. He's dumb as a rock, knows little and usually rolls with the latest position he is given by his advisors.


    3. Mr Trump had his shut down, as he promised ...

      Schumer offered funding for the Wall

      Trump couldn't take YES for an answer.

      Trump couldn't close the deal, and it frittered away in the wind.

    4. Jack, you still play loose and fast with facts.

      Schumer's offer was a joke. Most rational people see the game the democrat's tried to play and failed.

      My prediction? The democrats are losing... They cannot shut the government down for illegals... The mask is off the ass...

      People now know that the Dem's are trading in the blacks for the browns and boy are they getting pissed.

      Funny thing? Latino Americans like Trump, strong family values, no to abortion, good work ethic... Natural Republicans..

  33. Quirk is compiling an extensive list of MSM coverage of the missing texts.

    1. .

      Doug is stuttering again.

      You should have that checked out, son.



    2. If the MSM is as unbiased as you claim, that list should be a piece of cake.

      Put up or shut up.

    3. .

      As I mentioned to Bob, I saw the story mentioned on both CNN and ABC when it first came out. I ran out of my monthly free stories at the WaPo ad NYT so I don't know what they are actually saying on it. I know two of the major news services, AP and Reuters, have run stories on it.

      I ran a quick google search on the subject. This is what popped on what I think you might mean by the MSM...

      There were also posts by FOX, The Daily Caller, and a few other conservative sites. There were also links to dozens of sites no one has ever heard which may be a mix (liberal and conservative) but are likely mostly conservative. I noticed that all he sites (with the exception of Politico) only showed up once in this particular search. I'm sure you can re-word the search and come up with additional sources but I'm not going to waste my time.


      As I sit here typing this prose, my wife has CNN on running in the background. Erin Burnett is on right now and she just started talking about this story (expanded to include the additional GOP concerns about FBI impartiality). How fucking serendipitous is that?


    4. That's one fucking yuuuge serendipity.

    5. .

      Reminds me of another story (stop me if I've told it before)...

      In my early twenties, I had small solid state radio that I used all the time because you could use it with an electrical outlet or at the beach or outside with battery power. Anyway, I ended up dropping it and evidently shaking something loose. I tried it a couple times and couldn't get it to work. Looked inside but couldn't see anything obvious.

      I just tossed it in the corner of my closet thinking I'd check it out one more time later.

      [Here comes the serendipitous part...]

      I'm listening to a small transistor radio one night as I'm doing bills. Whatever show I was listening to has Uri Geller on that night.

      [For those who don't remember Uri Geller,


      Uri Geller is an Israeli illusionist, magician, television personality, and self-proclaimed psychic. He is known for his trademark television performances of spoon bending and other illusions. It has been frequently claimed that Geller has used conjuring tricks to simulate the effects of psychokinesis and telepathy, which Geller has consistently denied. Geller's career a…+]

      Anyway, the guy interviewing Geller asks him to do one of his 'tricks'. Geller instructs the audience that if they have any appliances at home that aren't working to go get them. I grabbed the radio. He said put your hand on the appliance. I did. He said now concentrate as you listen to my voice. I did. Then he shouted, 'Now' or some such thing. Then he said try it now, it should work. I did and it did.

      Friggin cool, man.

      I still have the radio in one of the bathrooms and turn it on to listen to the sports channel each morning while I'm cleaning up. Still works 40-50 years later.

      Hooooooo, baby.


  34. .

    What the Hell is Happening to this Country?

    It's turning into a country of girly-men, Millennials and snowflakes and Trumpkin's.

    he king of beers has officially been dethroned.

    Budweiser no longer is among the top three best-selling beers in the U.S., according to Beer Marketer's Insights, as people drink less beer or switch to craft brews, wine or spirits.

    Miller Lite has supplanted Budweiser as the No. 3 favorite beer, behind No. 1 Bud Light and No. 2 Coors Light, according to 2017 estimates from the trade publication, which has tracked the industry for more than 40 years.

    The King of Beers is officially dead. Long live the Queens.


    1. Budweiser is liquid shit.

      MillerLite a little better.

      Coors much much better.

      In the past I used to grow brewing barley once in a while.

      That barley had to be weeds, no sprout AT ALL.....nice little bonus though and it always worked out for me.

      I consider myself a Master Brewing Barley Farmer.

      Out this way now there are a good number of small breweries. Lots of wineries down around Walla Walla, Washington too. Most of the old stoop and pick crops are gone and now into grapes.

    2. .

      As I said, girly-men and Trumpkins.

      Lord, help us.


    3. YOU want to go out and pick strawberries all day in 105 degrees ?

    4. .


      Only girly-men and Trumpkins pick strawberries.


  35. Put "missing fbi text messages"

    in Google and tell me the MSM is well represented.

    Even this long after the story broke elsewhere.

    1. I like this headline!

      Trump overstates missing texts involving FBI agent - ABC News


      Unbiased my ass.

      Only an asshole would believe such nonsense.

    2. .

      I plugged in and got the same ones I listed, WaPo, USA Today...

      As a matter of fact the WaPo was the first story listed.


  36. Quirk probly thinks more people read Politico than watch CBS, NBC, or ABC.

  37. One of Quirks unbiased links:

    More texts turned over from FBI agent taken off Mueller team

    he Justice Department has turned over to Congress additional text messages involving an FBI agent who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigative team following the discovery of derogatory comments about President Donald Trump.

    But the department also said in a letter to lawmakers that its record of messages sent to and from the agent, Peter Strzok, was incomplete because the FBI, for technical reasons, had been unable to preserve and retrieve about five months' worth of communications.

    New text messages highlighted in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray by Sen. Ron Johnson, the Republican chairman of the Senate's Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, are from the spring and summer of 2016 and involve discussion of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. They reference Attorney General Loretta Lynch's decision to accept the FBI's conclusion in that case and a draft statement that former FBI Director James Comey had prepared in anticipation of closing out the Clinton investigation without criminal charges...

    Yep, that's how ABC would set it up if Trump had trashed 500 texts.

    1. Read the headline and you'd think the FBI is just doin their job.

    2. .

      Ooooo, poor baby.

      Not only do they have to run the story, now they have to word to show the same amount of indignant umbrage affected by the Trumpkins.

      Too funny.



    3. A corrupt FBI in action is no big deal.

      To some.

  38. We have no choice but to continue our efforts to educate Quirk.

    What else can we do ?

    Slowly, the gentle finger of the Lord brings up even the laggards.

    We must persevere.

    1. IIRC Quirk was of the opinion that The Donald shut down the govmint, not the Dems, and that Schumer, that vagabond ne'er do well, had made an honest offer to fund the wall.

    2. I'm not a believer where Quirk's concerned.

    3. Hannity is talking about "MuellerGate".

      I can't miss this.....

    4. .

      IIRC Quirk was of the opinion that The Donald shut down the govmint, not the Dems, and that Schumer, that vagabond ne'er do well, had made an honest offer to fund the wall.

      Every time you put up inane bullshit like this you show how totally vacuous you are. From the beginning, I've blamed everyone involved in this fiasco, GOP and Dems alike. Now, if you are saying Trump and the GOP had nothing to do with the shutdown, the conversation is at an end. I don't converse with chimps.


    5. .

      Well, I mean with the exception of Doug.


    6. .

      What else can we do ?

      Go piss up a rope?


    7. Oops, I was wrong it wasn't you.


    8. No one can piss UP a rope.

      It defies the laws of physics.

    9. .

      Surely, at this point in your recovery you can manage a little pressure in the old hose.


  39. FBI Director Christopher Wray, who has been under political pressure to remove top officials at the bureau, is filling two senior positions previously held by people who served under former director James Comey.

    Dana Boente, the US attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia who is acting head of the Justice Department's national security division, has been selected to be the FBI's next general counsel, according to three people familiar with the matter. He replaces James Baker, who was reassigned late last year.

    Boente is a veteran federal prosecutor who has led multiple US attorneys' offices around the country and has risen to prominence in a variety of acting roles in the Trump administration. When President Donald Trump fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates over her refusal to defend his travel ban, Boente took over and said he would defend the measure.


  40. In addition, Johnson revealed new text messages between Strzok and Page. In the newly released exchanges, Page informs Strzok that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) had dropped out of the race and that Trump would be the GOP nominee.

    “What?!?!?!?!” Strzok responds.

    “Now the pressure really starts to finish the MYE,” he says.

    Johnson said “MYE” stands for “midyear exam,” which was the FBI’s case name for the Clinton investigation.

    Johnson also sought to raise new questions about communication between the FBI and the Justice Department at a critical juncture in the Clinton investigation.

    Following a controversial meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Lynch said that she would follow the recommendation of then-FBI Director James Comey about whether to bring charges against Hillary Clinton.

    “It’s a real profile in courage, since she knows no charges will be brought,” Page says in a text.

  41. .

    The Trump Effect”>Man allegedly threatens mass murder at CNN headquarters, is arrested

    ATLANTA -- A Michigan man has been accused of threatening to travel to Atlanta to commit mass murder at CNN headquarters, reports CBS Atlanta affiliate WGCL-TV. He was arrested after an FBI investigation, the station says.
    According to federal court documents, the man, from a Detroit suburb, made 22 calls to CNN about a week ago.
    They began with claims of "fake news" and ended with threats of violence.

    The man told a CNN operator, among other things, "Fake news. I'm coming to gun you all down."
    He then called again, saying "I'm smarter than you. More powerful than you. I have more guns than you. More manpower. Your cast is about to get gunned down in a matter of hours."

    He continued, "I am coming to Georgia right now to go to the CNN headquarters to f---ing gun every single last one of you."

    Investigators traced the calls and stopped the suspect before he was able to carry out any of his threats.

    Authorities are refusing to comment on the case at this point; however, rumors hold that the MSM is reporting that some unnamed sources have indicated that the suspect was carrying numerous weapons and a one-way ticket from Atlanta to Maui in his underwear when arrested.


    1. Heading for Doug's lava tube hideout.

    2. .

      Mere speculation, Sam. Mere speculation.

      And yet...

      And yet, there is something compelling about the idea.


    3. A Michigan man has been accused of threatening to travel to Atlanta to commit mass murder at CNN headquarters, reports CBS Atlanta affiliate WGCL-TV. He was arrested after an FBI investigation, the station says.
      According to federal court documents, the man, from a Detroit suburb...

      We all know that there are a lot of whacked out dudes in Detroit's suburbs.

      Thankfully most are harmless, spending their time gazing into 8-Balls and hanging around barber shops and being told what to do by their wives.

  42. An informant had told lawmakers that a group of FBI officials "were holding secret meetings off-site," Johnson, the Senate Homeland Security Committee chairman, said on "Special Report."

    He declined to elaborate on what he had learned, saying that lawmakers "have to dig into it."

    In a letter sent by Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, the senators said the IG's office had indicated Dec. 13 that it possessed every message Strzok and Page sent to each other between Nov. 30, 2016, and July 28 of last year.

    However, the Justice Department admitted to lawmakers Friday that it had not preserved any texts that were sent between Dec. 14, 2016, and May 17 of last year. The FBI blamed technical issues, saying the Samsung 5 mobile phones it provided to employees "did not capture or store text messages due to misconfiguration issues related to rollouts, provisioning, and software upgrades that conflicted with the FBI's collection capabilities."

  43. Good Advice

    Mueller Wants To Question Trump About Flynn, Comey Firings. Trump Should Say No.

    ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 10:01 pm on January 23, 2018

    I realize how it’ll look if he says no. I realize what his critics will say. But the hard fact remains that only a chump would cooperate with a federal investigation when he has reason to believe he’s a target of it. The Fifth Amendment’s there for a reason. Take advantage.

    Maybe, if you were a person of extraordinary intelligence, memory, and discipline, coached by an excellent attorney on which facts it’s safe to admit and which it absolutely isn’t, you might roll the dice and agree to an interview. (Even then, though, why? Why gamble with your freedom?) Needless to say, President Ragetweet is not that person. Any knowingly false statement of material fact to a federal officer is a crime. Unless you think Trump’s prepared to handle hours of questioning from the Mueller dream team without telling a single lie — and we’re talking here about a guy who sometimes seems like he’d have trouble ordering a sandwich without telling a fib or two — he’s practically begging for a perjury charge.

    The president’s legal team hopes to provide Trump’s testimony in a hybrid form — answering some questions in a face-to-face interview and others in a written statement…

    Within the past two weeks, the special counsel’s office has indicated to the White House that the two central subjects that investigators wish to discuss with the president are the departures of Flynn and Comey and the events surrounding their firings…

    Mueller has also expressed interest in Trump’s efforts to remove Jeff Sessions as attorney general or pressure him into quitting, according to a person familiar with the probe who said the special counsel was seeking to determine whether there was a “pattern” of behavior by the president…

    1. However, some of Trump’s close advisers and friends fear a face-to-face interview with Mueller could put the president in legal jeopardy. A central worry, they say, is Trump’s lack of precision in his speech and his penchant for hyperbole.

      “I find it to be a death wish,” Roger Stone told WaPo. “Why would you walk into a perjury trap?” Why indeed. The good news for Trump fans *if* WaPo’s reporting is accurate is that it sounds like the “collusion” angle of the Russiagate probe is a dry well, at least as it applies to the president himself. If Mueller had evidence of Trump conspiring with Russia to drop hacked oppo on Hillary, that would be the key line of questioning. The obstruction issue is derivative — still dangerous and potentially impeachable, but a step down from the grand suspicion that’s driven the past year of media interest in the probe, that Trump and Putin were in cahoots to get him elected.

      If he does an interview, obviously written answers are preferable to a face-to-face meeting since that would allow Trump and his legal team to precisely craft his answers. It doesn’t guarantee that he’ll avoid the perjury trap but it makes it less likely. Ask yourself, though: What would he gain by doing that? If he does anything short of a sitdown interview with Mueller, Democrats will screech that he’s hiding behind the Fifth Amendment because he’s guilty as sin and has something to hide. All of his deputies have agreed to sitdown interviews with Mueller, haven’t they? Why shouldn’t he do the same? Written answers in lieu of a meeting won’t do much to quiet that. The price of pleading the Fifth, as always, is suspicion and in this case the suspicion will be rocket-fueled due to the partisan political interest in damaging him. In a true worst-case scenario, Mueller could conceivably drag Trump before a grand jury and force the president to plead the Fifth in court, a moment that would be revisited by his enemies for the rest of his presidency.

      Take the Fifth and he’ll operate under a cloud forever. Do the interview and get snared in a perjury trap, though, and he might be impeached, indicted, and/or crippled politically. There are no “good” options but taking the Fifth is clearly better. Besides, Trump has some ready-made spin available if he declines to meet with Mueller: It’s a witch hunt! He’s been saying that for months, hasn’t he? Peter Strzok and his mistress were in the tank, weren’t they? I was fully intent on cooperating with the special counsel, Trump could say, but the sheer accumulation of suspicion about the DOJ’s impartiality over the last few months has sadly led me to conclude that I can’t trust I’ll be treated fairly by Mueller and his team. No interview. All of right-wing media would back him up on that. Democrats will howl but they’re going to howl about everything until Trump is either indicted or removed from office. Meanwhile, the primetime line-up of the most-watched cable news network in the country will happily circle the wagons around him if he tells Mueller to get lost. Tucker Carlson already routinely does segments under the banner “Tainted Probes,” for cripes sake. If the probes are tainted then only a fool would comply with them. That’s Trump’s get-out-of-interview-free card. Why doesn’t he take it?

      To further prove the point, here’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders at today’s briefing telling reporters that Trump’s extremely concerned that FBI agents like Peter Strzok are biased against him. Tainted probe!



    2. Trump cannot "Say No" Robert "Take a Knee" Peterson.

      The law was settled during the Clinton era.

      If subpoenaed, the President MUST appear. Guess Mr Trump could "Take the Fifth"

      That would certainly "Play wellin Peoria" ... NOT !!!

      It is only a "Perjury Trap" if Mr Trump commits perjury.

      To bad Mr Trump does not have an Auntie he can institutionalize, aye.

  44. Your tax dollars paid this Republican shithole's sexual harassment settlement.

    But it wasn't "REALLY" harassment he claims ... She was his 'soul mate', so...

    He just 'gifted' her thousands of dollars in taxpayer funds ..

    For LOVE !!!

    Pat Meehan says he saw younger aide as 'a soul mate' but denies harassment

    U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan acknowledged Tuesday that he had a deep “affection” for a younger aide and told her last year that he saw her as “a soul mate,” but said he never pursued a romantic relationship with the woman and, despite paying her a secret settlement, denied her claims of sexual harassment.

    Meehan, a Delaware County Republican, also said that he initially reacted “poorly” when he found out that the longtime aide, decades younger, had begun a serious relationship with another man and might leave his office. He released a heartfelt letter he wrote to her in May in which he wished her well, thanked God “for putting you into my life,” and signed it, “With all my heart, Patrick.”

    His comments in an interview with the Inquirer and Daily News were his first extensive response to a report Saturday that he used thousands of taxpayer dollars to quietly settle the harassment claim brought by the former aide.

    Pat Meehan, he was one of the fellas the PA legisature tried to "protect" with that ILLIGAL gerrymandering.

    One positive thing ..
    At least the work place subordinate he harassed was an adult.


  45. The USD indexes are at a 3 year low ...
    Yet US trade deficits continue to soar.

    Currency manipulation will not make US great.

  46. Taverner has been drinking too much Canadian beer -

    Toronto: Random shooter of 7 is likely Muslim, cops say “We haven’t been able to determine any motive whatsoever”
    JAN 23, 2018 12:41 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    Abdi means servant, as in servant of Allah, and is a common name for Muslims worldwide. Adam Abdi is, therefore, likely Muslim, and could be carrying out the Islamic State’s call to murder civilians in Western countries, or simply the Qur’an’s injunctions to “kill them wherever you find them” (2:191, 4:89, 9:5).

    If Adam Abdi is not Muslim, but some random psychopath, Supt. Ron Taverner of the Toronto Police should say so, so as to allay suspicions among the people that these could be jihad attacks. But Taverner cannot do that, because to do so would be to acknowledge that Muslims do sometimes kill in the name of Islam and in accord with its teachings, and it is impossible for Taverner to acknowledge such a thing, however obvious a fact it may be, in today’s atmosphere of totalitarian radio silence about such facts in Canada.

    And if Adam Abdi is indeed a Muslim, then Taverner and his team should begin investigating whether or not he was motivated by jihad imperative. But that also he cannot do, because it, too, would be tantamount to admitting that there is a jihad imperative in the first place.

    So we get this: a man who is likely a Muslim shoots random people at a time when a major international Islamic jihad terror organization has called for the killing of random people, and the police tell us nothing about the man, and say they’re scratching their heads as to his motive — something we have seen police forces around the world do when confronted with jihad attacks and plots that they don’t want to admit to be what they are. And we may never know what really happened with Adam Abdi and these shootings.

    The victims deserve better, but in Canada, as in many quarters all over the West, Islam’s image must be protected at all costs, and that is the first and foremost priority that all authorities must pursue. The victims’ rights and well-being can go hang, as far as the authorities are concerned.

    1. “Man accused of 7 attempted murders in random Toronto shootings,” Canadian Press, January 23, 2018 (thanks to Blazing Cat Fur):

      TORONTO — A 20-year-old Brampton man is facing dozens of charges, including seven counts of attempted murder, in what police describe as a string of unprovoked, random shootings in Toronto that narrowly missed being fatal.

      Toronto Police said Tuesday that the man, who is currently in custody, allegedly worked his way through neighbourhoods in the northwest corner of the city over the past two weeks, opening fire on a total of seven victims ranging in age from four to 47.

      None of the victims were known to each other or the accused, said Supt. Ron Taverner, describing the case as “disturbing” but saying the force is breathing a sigh of relief that things didn’t turn out worse.

      “We’re lucky that we’re not dealing with potentially seven homicides or more,” Taverner said in a telephone interview. “I wish we could say we had a motive, but we don’t.”

      Toronto Police released this image of a gun seized in the arrest of Adam Abdi, who is accused in five shootings and seven attempted murders.

      Taverner said the string of shootings began on Jan. 9 as two teenagers were entering a residential building.

      Taverner alleged that the accused, 20-year-old Adam Abdi , fired multiple shots at the 19-year-old man and 15-year-old girl as they stood in the hallway. The girl was not hurt, while the man sustained undisclosed injuries, he said.

      One week later on Jan. 16, Taverner alleged Abdi struck again as a 47-year-old man was standing on the sidewalk outside his home. Police allege Abdi walked up and shot him before fleeing the scene.

      The next shooting took place five days later as a 20-year-old man was walking past a vehicle in which Abdi was allegedly seated. Police said he came out of the car shooting at the alleged victim before driving away from the scene.

      The following day, Taverner said a 35-year-old man and his four-year-old daughter were sitting in their vehicle after dropping someone off when the next alleged attack came.

      Taverner alleged Abdi exited a nearby vehicle and fired multiple close-range shots at the father and daughter before fleeing. Neither the father nor daughter were hurt.

      One hour later, however, a 19-year-old man was less fortunate, police said. Taverner alleged Abdi drove up beside the teen as he walked down the street, rolled down the window and opened fire. The 19-year-old suffered life-threatening injuries and remains in hospital, Taverner said.

      “It’s mind-boggling, quite frankly,” Taverner said. “We haven’t been able to determine any motive whatsoever that these are other than random shootings.".

      This young muzzie turd - see picture, see if you don't agreed - has the look of a Somalian muzzie turd to me.

    2. Canada: Muslim charged in multiple shootings of 4 year-old girl and other random strangers at in ‘outrageous’ shooting spree

      By Pamela Geller - on January 23, 2018

  47. More winning -

    January 24, 2018
    2017 Job Gains Were Far Better Than We've Been Told
    By Joseph Toomey

    Read more:

  48. HEY DOUG, you old diviner of truth in the media, how's Hillary's Parkinson's progressing?

  49. You didn't ask me but I'll give my opinion anyway, which is that the MSM is continuing to cover for her.

    I have a suspicion she's already died and her part is being play, per contract, by her body double for some years.

    She most certainly didn't write that book "What Happened".

    She didn't die of Parkinson's, she died of heart failure immediately after the news of her election loss was given to her.

    She went out with a shriek and "no no no no noooooooo".

    It's been a body double gig ever since.

    1. Ash, you been keeping up on the news ?

      A few headlines tell the story:

      GOODWIN: Evidence suggests massive scandal brewing at FBI...
      'Jaw-Dropping' revelations...
      Attorney General Orders Probe...
      Knives Out for Bureau...


  50. What American feminist writer wrote "there's no there there" ?

    To what was she referring ?

  51. Vagabond ne'er do wells raise hell outside of - who else ? - Chuck Schumer's home.


    Damn they can use their lungs.


  52. I see "Take a Knee" Peterson has grown extremely interested in Canada ...

    Perhaps he is planning on emigrating.

    We can only hope our cowardly descendent of the Swedeish Shithole Surrender Monkeys moves on quickly.


  53. The PUBLIC HUMILIATION of Donald Trump, the US Military and the United States continues unabated.

    President Tayyip Erdogan warned on Wednesday that Turkey would extend its military operation in Syria to the town of Manbij, a move that could potentially bring Turkish forces into confrontation with those of their NATO ally the United States.

    This is just a truly pitiful situation that Mr Trump has put US in.

    No. Winning. Here.

    1. .

      Ultimately, the responsibility for US foreign policy rest with the president, god and bad. The higher you go the harder the wind blows.

      That said, you are giving Trump too much credit for developing the policy in Syria. As in most instances, Trump's inexperience is easily perceived (not unexpected in his first year) and he depends on his advisors as to what he should do. He recognized this in Syria by turning the situation over to the 'experts', mainly Mattis and the generals on the ground (don't even remember who the current one is there have been so many).

      Regardless of who is calling the shot, the policy there goes against another one of Trump's campaign promises.


    2. Nonsense.

      That little blurb is the result of TDS.

    3. The Donald ought to tell Mad Dog to get over their and help the Kurds establish a State.

    4. .

      Please, offer us your alternate analysis. Don't do as you usually do, piss and moan and whine. Give us a legitimate argument. Don't just complain. Explain the basis of that complaint.

      Throw us a bone here, Bob. I'm sure there is more to you than you have shown so far over the years. The brief and fleeting moments of insight and humor that pop through, infrequent and unexpected though they may be, tells me so. Concentrate. Give us something more than the facile pap you repeat about TDS.


    5. I show some promise once in a full moon ?

      That makes me happy, Quirko.

      Lamentably I haven't detected any promise nor development in you yet.

      Usual stuff about cocoa puffs.

      Syria ?

      The Donald has had precious little to do with Syria. He's not making motions like he's going to invade Syria and kick out Assad.

      We're sending some ammo to the Kurds. I think we ought to be doing much more.

      I don't see what you are complaining about with Syria.

      If you want to bitch, bitch about Afghanistan.

      Would you like a pork, or fish, bone ?

      We had pork chops the other night, and I think the garbage guys haven't picked up the dumpster yet.

      We're having salmon soon.

      Your choice.

      You pay the UPS.

    6. What's a four letter word for:

      'performed a glissade' ?

      I'm stumped.

    “This is dangerous territory”
    Paul Joseph Watson | - JANUARY 24, 2018 875 Comments

    Report: Missing FBI Text Messages Include Threats of Violence Against Trump

    A number of the 50,000 missing FBI text messages contain threats of physical violence aimed at President Trump, according to a new report.

    True Pundit, a website that purports to have contacts within the U.S. government, claims that a high level FBI agent called on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to launch an investigation into the FBI and the Justice Department specifically concentrated on the threatening messages.

    “This is dangerous territory and all FBI text messages and personal phones should be examined,” the FBI official said. “It would reveal some frightening conversations.”

    The source said that many of the messages merely discussed harming Trump politically, but that some “go deeper” and that, “This is much larger than just texts between two FBI agents.”

    The notion of the deep state taking action to physically remove Trump from office is no far flung conspiracy theory.

    During an appearance on CNN, counterterrorism analyst and former CIA agent Philip Mudd said on air “the government’s gonna kill” Donald Trump because he disrespected the deep state.....

    1. .

      1. If there are credible threats to the president there, they should they should be exposed, the perps fired and, if there is an actable case, prosecuted.

      2. Let's remember this is Infowars reporting here.

      “This is dangerous territory and all FBI text messages and personal phones should be examined,” the FBI official said. “It would reveal some frightening conversations.”

      3. In the absence of major hypocrisy, for those who defend Flynn on the basis that his privacy was abused contrary to the 1st amendment, the umbrage should run rampant, an entire organization being accused and their rights infringed because of what? What two left wing nuts were doing? Stupid.

      The notion of the deep state taking action to physically remove Trump from office is no far flung conspiracy theory.

      During an appearance on CNN, counterterrorism analyst and former CIA agent Philip Mudd said on air “the government’s gonna kill” Donald Trump because he disrespected the deep state.....

      Yes, Mr. Mudd, it is a conspiracy theory. Sounds like one you are looking to build a book around. The idea that there is a grand conspiracy within the FBI to kill Donald Trump because he insulted something as nebulous as the 'deep state' is cuckoo as cocoa puffs.


    2. It would be tough to get to President Trump. Not that it couldn't happen. But security is much better than in the old days of JFK.

    3. You got something against cocoa puffs ?

      Kids like them.

    4. You don't like cuckoo ?

      What wrong with you ?

  55. .

    For coffee lovers this may convince them of the dangers of climate change

    Coffee Has Become an Endangered Species

    LAUSANNE — A few decades from now, that steaming cup of coffee you enjoy (and rely on) every morning won't taste the same. Climate change, a multitude of alarming forecasts tell us, is threatening the precious bean, prompting researchers and industrialists alike to work on ways to make the plant more adaptable. The trick is to do so without decreasing the quality. Their mission? To save the species while keeping things as flavorful as possible.

    The Climate Institute of Australia predicts that the land area deemed suitable for coffee growing could be reduced by half by 2050, and that wild coffee may disappear by 2080. A study by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in England, shows that in Ethiopia — the world's fifth largest coffee producer and the origin of Arabica coffee — nearly 60% of the current coffee-growing area could become uncultivable by the end of the century. If wild coffee plants disappear, great genetic diversity will be lost, especially for the development of new varieties.
    The coffee bush is a fragile plant. A few imbalances and the quality and quantity of the crop can be significantly affected...


    1. Ask the Israelis to grow coffee in greenhouses.

      They are great at making things grow, in the open, or in greenhouses.

      As for me I'm gonna worry about 2020, not 2080.

      In 2020 we might have Fauxcohantes to worry about.

      Now THAT is really scary.

      People drink too much coffee anyway.

  56. .

    Pence's Ghostwriter

    Mike Pence, the country's Evangelical-in-Chief gave a well received speech in the Israeli Knesset. It said everything the Knesset and the Israeli people could have wanted. With all the interspersed biblical references it could have been written by a Jewish rabbi.

    In fact, it was.

    The Times of Israel reports that in speaking of former British Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathon Sacks...

    White House officials told The Times of Israel on Tuesday that Sacks played a major role in drafting the speech, which was laden with passages bearing a clear resemblance to his own public speeches and published works.


    1. .

      What Would the End Times be Without Israel

      IMO, Trump's support for Israel is cynical and calculated. However, his statements and decisions are widely cheered among his base. It might no be pretty but it has a logical basis.

      Pence's support of Israel is an article of faith, a necessity for validating end-time prophecy and millennial expectations.

      [Some suspect Pence has stashed a 'go-bag' in preparation for the Rapture]

      Trump's position may be cynical and self-serving but Pence's position is much more scary.


    2. What do these type of folks put in the 'go-bag' ?

      Is it some kind of sleeping bag, maybe ?

      Is it some kind of piss container if the trip is more than one expected ?

      Bag for credit cards maybe ?

    3. What's any Chief Rabbi doing with an English name like Lord Jonathon Sacks ?

    4. .

      What do these type of folks put in the 'go-bag' ?

      A Bible, a bagel, and magic underwear (the last is just in case).


    5. Sorry Quirk, Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel. It's a fact, deniers can deny all they want, they can believe in fairy tales, unicorns and Xanadu.

      But the fact is clear, Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel.

      If you wish to not give historic credence to 3000 years? Give any weight to the Jewish people's claim from a historic and or religious view? Fine.

      Jerusalem IS the Capital of the Jewish State.

      Israel controls it, Israel's Knesset, Court and such are all in Jerusalem. there is no "palestinian" troops, no palestinian governmental presence. There is one building, closed called the orient house.

      Now if I were a palestinian? I'd get to making a state in whatever lands I could, since my leaders have failed me in every way shape or form for 60+ years.

      But making a state is not the goal of the people who call themselves "palestinian", their goal is the destruction of the Jewish state.

      So therein lies the rub. The Jews? Are there, they aint going anywhere and the arabs in Ramallah have worn out their shoes clicking their heels together and getting nowhere.

      The sad truth? The Palestinians are a fake national project and once the west stops throwing billions of dollars at them a year? They will go back to being arabs from wherever.

      Sure there will be a small murderous group that will claim "Palestine" but they will join the ISIS Caliphate's dreams...


  57. .

    The Fox and the Hen House

    Senate confirms Alex Azar as new head of Health and Human Services

    Following a pattern set at the beginning of his presidency, Trump appoints a former pharmaceutical executive to run HHS.


    1. The position should have gone to an advertising man, or a farmer.
