Monday, November 20, 2017

I wonder why Charlie Rose was SOO quiet with his Tina Brown Interview?

Women Using Their Voice:

“CBS This Morning” co-host and longtime PBS star Charlie Rose has been accused by eight women of making unwanted sexual advances toward them and admitted to some of the misconduct in a statement, according to the Washington Post. Both PBS and CBS suspended him.
Rose’s alleged misconduct includes making lewd phone calls, walking around naked and groping the womens breasts, buttocks or genital areas, according to the Post. Rose’s accusers were employees or “aspired to work for Rose at The Charlie Rose show’ on PBS from the late 1990s to as recently as 2011.”
“CBS This Morning” has been growing rapidly since it launched in 2012, but still struggles to match the viewership of rivals “Today” and “Good Morning America,” while Rose’s show on PBS has aired regularly since 1991. Rose’s PBS show is filmed at the Bloomberg LP headquarters, making three major media organizations tied up in the latest harassment scandal.
"PBS was shocked to learn today of these deeply disturbing allegations. We are immediately suspending distribution of 'Charlie Rose,'" PBS said in a statement.


  1. Another one bites the dust.

    The Culture is Changing ...
    Along with the Times

  2. No, wrong again, Rat. The culture hasn’t changed. Men have been acting like pigs since the beginning of time. Women have been acting like sirens since the beginning of time. Ole Charlie’s boat sailed right into the rocks like many others before him, and more after.

    Women are becoming embolded by recent outs by others and are coming forward. Many men, famous and not are searching their memories of women they have mistreated, and hoping and praying none come forward to RAT them out.

    Sometimes It’s good to thin the herd.

    1. What I find troubling is the current power of mere accusation.

    2. There has not been this type of purge of entertainment types in my memory.
      Roger Ailes
      The "Factor" of Faux News
      The other Faux News opiner that lost his son
      Charles Payne, for a time
      Charlie Rose
      Harvey Weinstein
      That Spacey fella
      Al Franken

      That is a major cultural change when compared to the Bill Clinton and Anita Hill era.

      Or so I would contend, vehemently

    3. If Roy Moore is not elected to the Senate, resulting from the claim of child molestation dating back decades, corroborated by multiple other stories of similar activities with 16 year olds.

      If a Democrat is elected because of Roy Moore's sexual proclivities, which are in tune with old school Alabama culture, according to Robert Peterson, a self proclaimed expert on such matters.

      Well then, that would be proof positive of a cultural change, at least in Alabama.

      That the Democrat is even competitive, in Alabama ...

      Evidence of Cultural Change


    4. Charges are made
      The accused are fired.
      TV Shows are immediately cancelled
      Senate Ethics investigations are instigated
      Movies reshot to edit out the accused.

      Not the historic norm

      This type of reaction, a wave of indignation, as it were, is an indicator of a cultural sea change.

    5. There was the McCarthy era...

  3. It could be worse:

    The group became lost and confused. After two more days without food, Patrick Dolan proposed that one of them should volunteer to die in order to feed the others.

    Some suggested a duel, while another account describes an attempt to create a lottery to choose a member to sacrifice.

    Eddy suggested that they keep moving until someone simply fell, but a blizzard forced the group to halt. Antonio the animal handler was the first to die; Franklin Graves was the next casualty.

    As the blizzard progressed, Patrick Dolan began to rant deliriously, stripped off his clothes, and ran into the woods. He returned shortly afterwards and died a few hours later. Not long after, possibly because 12-year-old Lemuel Murphy was near death, some of the group began to eat flesh from Dolan's body.

    Lemuel's sister tried to feed some to her brother, but he died shortly afterwards. Eddy, Salvador, and Luis refused to eat. The next morning, the group stripped the muscle and organs from the bodies of Antonio, Dolan, Graves, and Murphy and dried it to store for the days ahead, taking care to ensure that nobody would have to eat his or her relatives.

    1. Patrick Dolan inspired Charlie to strip off his clothes.

  4. .

    I notice John Conyers has been accused of sexual harassment.

    Now that the genie is out of the bottle, I wouldn't be surprised to see it go on for years. Whenever you have people (men or women) in positions of power, you are going to have instances of intimidation and harassment, sexual or otherwise.

    What we won't see is the millions of times it has happened over the years to non-celebrities.

    To counter an opinion upstream, I would argue that the culture has changed. When it's changed among a large percentage of the majority of the population, it has changed.

    I wouldn't want to be out trying to navigate the dating scene these days.

    Some of the abuse is obvious as in sexual harassment, when a person objects to your advances and you keep it up you're harassing them.

    1. It's always best to have a settled trusted harem one knows one can rely on, rather to have to face the current crap shoot out there 'on the street', 'in society'.

      These days one could always wear a wire I suppose. Have hidden cameras in the home, etc.

      My prostate cancer gave my libido such a hit the whole topic is not of much concern to me at this time. My purchase of MY PILLOW has also helped. Once my head hits MY PILLOW I'm out for the night.

      I could have Me-Me in bed with me and I'd just be there snoozing away, regardless.

  5. In extreme cases some young immigrant women, even those you have just given birth in the USA, immediately flee with the baby back to their home country to get away from the father and verbal and physical abuser.

  6. My father who was a lawyer always maintained that there needs be at least one physical corroborating piece of evidence, or an independent witness to convict.

    That was the standard when he started out in the law.

    I remember he and mom discussing it when it changed.

    I think it's been shown over time that women do indeed lie in some circumstances.

    So I think the statement that women have 'a right to be believed' might go too far.

    Their accusations should be taken seriously, but not automatically at face value.

    Remember the Duke Lacrosse Players case ?

    Turned out they were all innocent.

    Other such cases abound.

  7. AshMon Nov 20, 10:11:00 PM EST
    What I find troubling is the current power of mere accusation.

    You are correct to be concerned.

    My father was, and he was a lawyer.

    The fact is women lie about things at least as much as men.

    And these days it is often used as a pathway to a monetary settlement.

    We could introduce mandatory lie detection tests though this might not pass constitutional muster.

    I've been married now closer to 40 years than 30, my only marriage, and, having kept my nose clean, have never lost any sleep over these issues personally.

  8. I always get a yuckckle out of Hillary statement that the women have the right to be believed.

    She and her bimbo eruption team should have thought that one over a little more closely before opening her pie hole.

  9. Celebrity Perv Apology Generator

    1. :)


      A true public service, that generator.

      Just click along until you find the one that fits best.

  10. If Joe Scarborough got accused by a bimbo Mika would be really pissed, and I'd be having a good laugh.

    That self righteous Mika really has a stick up her ass, as used to be said out this way.

    1. I said it in such an offensive way, Deuce deleted it!

    2. He did ? He deleted something of yours ?

      Deuce would do better to target his deletions towards the SW USA.

      It's in that area our commentariate that really needs cleaning up.

  11. Jeffrey Tambor exits ‘Transparent’ amid sexual harassment claims

  12. "As the father of daughters, harassment is completely unacceptable, especially when people find out about it. I imagined that any woman would have been thrilled to see a tiny penis peeking out from below my pasty, middle-aged paunch like the head of a geriatric albino turtle moments from death, and of course now I realize my behavior was wrong. In conclusion, I will wait 2-3 years before reappearing in film and TV and just sort of hope you all forget about this."

    1. Honest, forthright, sincere, heartfelt.....just what that situation obviously called for.

      2-3 years is way too long though.

      2-3 weeks is plenty, the nation's attention span being what it is these days.

      Even 2-3 days might be enough.

    2. As a male feminist, I feel tremendously guilty now that the things I did have been made public.
      I was intoxicated at the time, and of course now I realize my behavior was wrong.

      In conclusion, I have chosen to live my life as a gay man so if you say anything bad about me now you’re homophobic.

    3. Couple hours it might blow over....

    4. Average American JoeTue Nov 21, 01:24:00 AM EST

      She asked for a fondle, I complied, then she sqawks about it.

      I told her I ain't got no money, the sqawking stopped.

      So did our dating.

      She flew out of here fast as a witch on a broomstick.

    5. An intelligent dater should have a behavior checklist chart, a signature line, and two witnesses.

      This seems like a lot of trouble but may be a real check account saver.

    6. Become a 'gay muzz', then you're really safe, at least in Canada.

  13. I've never seen any sexual misbehavior on the streets of Truckee.

    Whatever may be going on there it's not going down at the corner of 1st and Main.

  14. Then there is the obvious pile on phenomena.

    One or two accusers, then all of a sudden, 8 or 10

    Then before one wakes up the next morning other accusations are breaking out in waves all over the nation.

    The solution for you, the individual wishing to date but living in fear of doing so ? -

    Quirk's Quality Chaperon Services,LLC, fighting phony sex allegations out of Detroit, Michigan.

    *All sexes, ages, persuasions welcome - prepayment required
    **Complete indiscretion guaranteed
    ***100% exoneration record in court actions

    For my Sexual Accusation Services go to Quirk's Sexual Accusation Services, LLC also working out of Detroit, Michigan.

    *Only 65% of any monies recovered as fees. Lowest fee rate in the industry.

    From Alabama to Idaho to Michigan to Russia to Denmark

    No kidding. We had one out this way. No one could ever even get a hint of what caused it. No aircraft in the area, civilian or military.

    No earth bound explosions reported anywhere.

    Has the first responders completely stumped

    On the other hand Bogan's Oasis, a beer joint and fish fry of decades long standing on the Grand Rhonde River, burned down the other day. We know what caused that - left the stove on.

  16. Transgender Transgressions:

    According to Deadline, which first broke the news on Sunday, the first allegation against Tambor was made by his former assistant and transgender actress Van Barnes. In a private Facebook post earlier this month, Barnes claimed her former boss, without naming Tambor, had sexually harassed and groped her, prompting Amazon Studios officials to open an investigation into the matter.

    Just more than a week later, his transgender co-star Trace Lysette released a statement that Tambor "made many sexual advances and comments at me, but one time it got physical." She proceeds to describe an instance in which he pressed up against the actress and "began quick, discreet thrusts back and forth" against her, in between filming.


    2. Not a problem at Quirk's Sexual Accusation Services, LLC or over at Quirk's Quality Chaperon Services,LLC.

      Every type of gay goose welcome.

      All the client need do is determine which services one needs.

      Quirk has many clients signed up for his 'full coverage complaints and complaints defense' program.

      Quirk says many clients like the feeling of having one's ass covered no matter the situation.

      *10% discount on the 'full coverage complaints and complaints defense' program

      Experience the full bliss of a fully covered sex/dating life.

  17. Nice Ears

  18. State school board to take up certification of teacher accused of rape

    A proposal to revoke the certification of a Yukon high school teacher accused of having sex with a student is expected go before the Oklahoma State Board of Education next month.

    Canadian County deputies arrested Hunter Day, 22, about 5 p.m. Wednesday on complaints of rape, possession of child pornography and soliciting sex from a minor.

    Day was a first-year, emergency certified teacher. Deana Silk, a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma State Department of Education, said the board is expected to take up the matter of Day's certification in executive session at a December 19 meeting.

    The student's parents became suspicious that their son was having sex with his chemistry teacher after they found nude photos of a woman they thought was the teacher on his phone.

    Investigators determined Day and the boy had already had a sexual relationship and were planning to have sex again at Day's home Wednesday afternoon. Using the boy's phone, investigators contacted Day and asked if "the meeting was still on." Day replied that it was, and said the boy should hurry to her home before her husband came home from work.

    Investigators texted day again, saying they were at the home. Day replied "the door is unlocked as usual." Inside the home, investigators found Day waiting on the living room floor with candles lit.

    1. "and said the boy should hurry to her home before her husband came home from work."


    2. A Yukon teacher arrested bu Canada County deputies going before the Oklahoma State Depart of Education had me confused there for a minute.

    3. Female teachers always get off easy in these types of things.

      A male would be going before a court, not before the Oklahoma State Depart of Education.

  19. Man accused of killing jogger details final moments of torture

    Alleged jogger killer no longer pursuing insanity defense

    Slain jogger's mom had daughter's face tattooed on arm

    Dad of slain jogger vents at accused killer in court

    Sharpton aide blasts NYPD escort for dead jogger's parents
    The family of Queens jogger Karina Vetrano broke down in court Monday as they for the first time watched her accused killer detail to cops the tortured final minutes of their daughter’s life.

    Cathie Vetrano let out an anguished moan in between sobs as she heard Chanel Lewis calmly confess to the brutal August 2016 beating, in which he broke her daughter’s teeth and kept beating her until she lost consciousness before strangling her.

    At one point, the mom brought the foot-long, golden crucifix she routinely totes to court to her face, watching the footage through tears. Her sister Tana Vetrano sat frozen, her teeth bared at Lewis as she cried.

    “I was mad, I saw red,” the accused killer tells cops in the video, which was played during a pre-trial hearing Monday to determine whether or not it’ll be deemed admissible as evidence.

    Lewis says he grabbed Vetrano as she ran past him through the marshy swamp, adding she clawed at his face as he hit her five times before she was knocked unconscious.

    “She didn’t yell. She was finished.”

    “I finished her off, I strangled her. She fell into the puddle and drowned,” he says coolly in the footage. “I got up and wiped off the blood. And she was calm, she was in the pool [of water].”

    “It was like all the way over [her face],” he says of the puddle, gesturing across his own face.

    Incredibly, after telling cops how he “finished her off,” the 21-year-old seemed to think he could pay his way out of murder charges.

    “I can straighten out my stuff?” Lewis asks the befuddled prosecutor after he spills his guts during the Feb. 2017 interview. “Well, you’re the DA, right? Where do we go from here? Is there a restitution program or something?”

    Before confessing, he’d told Det. Barry Brown “I want to change my life, I’m sorry for what I did.”

    But he insisted he didn’t molest her, even though her jogging shorts had been pulled down. “I didn’t do any of the stuff they said, sexual assault and stuff like that,” he told cops, according to the tape.

    He said he then walked home up the bike path, “shaken up,” hoping to get napkins to stop the bleeding from the scratches she’d left on his face.

    When asked why he attacked the jogger, Lewis confusingly responded that he killed Vetrano “because a guy moved into my house and the neighborhood.”

    Her father, Philip Vetrano, said he was feeling “a lot of anger” and lashed into Lewis’ relatives before he and his family left court in an unmarked police car.

    “His family left the room,” he said brusquely. “They couldn’t listen to his confession. We know where the coward got his cowardliness from.

    “The truth hurts,” he added. “It’s pathetic. “It’s just so tomorrow they can say their offspring is not guilty.”

    Lewis’ family ignored questions.

    1. Sharpton aide blasts NYPD escort for dead jogger’s parents

      An aide to the Rev. Al Sharpton raged against the NYPD police escort that slain jogger Karina Vetrano‘s parents received to and from Queens court Tuesday for the arraignment of their daughter’s accused killer.

      “How dare [Mayor] de Blasio and the Police Commissioner allow the Police Department to protect this family?” seethed the Rev. Kevin McCall of Sharpton’s National Action Network, after Chanel Lewis pleaded “not guilty” to various charges, including first-degree murder.

      McCall had escorted Lewis’ distressed mother, Veta, to the proceeding.

      “We had taxpayer dollars used in the courtroom sitting as we speak,” he griped. “We had officers in the courtroom protecting the family.”

    2. Lewis’s father Richard was accompanied by state Assemblyman Charles Barron.

      Vetrano’s parents Cathie and Phil were still crying after the hearing as they walked down the block and got into a cruiser.

      Other friends and family of the 30-year-old beauty piled into a police van.

    3. Sharpie and everyone around Sharpie they all be Reverends.

    4. All Reverend Sharpies, all from the National Action Network.

  20. Producer Adam Fields accused of sexual harassment

    Melissa Gilbert accuses Oliver Stone of sexual harassment

  21. Sweden’s Rape Jihad: Sexual Offenses Reach Record

    By Pamela Geller - on November 20, 2017

    New Year’s Eve mass rapes, music festivals sex attacks, women attacked in open markets, concert bombings, truck attacks on parades, and now Halloween: every cherished Western tradition and Western mores are becoming associated with fear and terror. These mass sex attacks are a form of terror — we may still be taking our shoes off because of Richard Reid’s failed incendiary shoe attack in 2001, but the global jihad is protean, constantly evolving and “inventing” new forms of savagery and terror. Reacting is a strategy for defeat. We must get ahead of the enemy, not play catch up.

    Sex slavery is sanctioned under Islam. At the risk of repeating myself for the umpteenth time, sex slavery and rape of the infidel is sanctioned and rewarded under Islam. Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an — the word of Allah. Politicians and courts of law keep turning a blind eye, law enforcement keeps ignoring it, so this pox on our communities will continue to get worse.

    Following a victory, Muhammad would usually distribute the captives, both male and female, as slaves to his soldiers. And Muhammad is the “perfect example for Muslims.” According to Islamic law, Muslim men can take “captives of the right hand” (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 33:50). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war” (33:50). 4:3 and 4:24 extend this privilege to Muslim men in general. The Qur’an says that a man may have sex with his wives and with these slave girls: “The believers must (eventually) win through, those who humble themselves in their prayers; who avoid vain talk; who are active in deeds of charity; who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess, for (in their case) they are free from blame.” (Qur’an 23:1-6) A manual of Islamic law directs: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled” (Reliance of the Traveller, o9.13). (Source)


      By Niklas Magnusson, Bloomberg, November 16, 2017:

      The number of Swedes who were victims of crimes such as fraud and sexual offenses jumped to the highest level on record last year.

      A survey by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention showed that 15.6 percent of people suffered one or more offences against the person (defined in the survey as assault, threats, sexual offences, robbery, fraud or harassment) last year. That’s up from 13.3 percent in 2015 and the highest number recorded since the annual Swedish Crime Survey started in 2006.

      The number of offences against individuals “was at a relatively stable level 2005 to 2014, at 11.3 percent to 13.1 percent, but the last two years show an increase,” the council said in the report published this week. The crimes “that have had the clearest development in the past few years are harassment, fraud and sexual offences,” the agency said.

      Of the six types of offences against the person, five of six rose to their highest level on record last year. The number of assault cases reached its second-highest level.

      The number of victims of sexual offences rose to 1.7 percent in 2015 and to 2.4 percent in 2016 from an average of 0.9 percent between 2005 and 2014.

      “Young women aged between 16 and 24 is the group that’s most subject to sexual offences, with 14 percent of young women stating that they were victims of at least one such crime during 2016,” the council said. “Among men in the same age group, 1.2 percent said they had been victims.”

      Young women are also subject to harassment to a greater extent, the council said. They survey contains no answers as to why a certain type of crime increases, and analysis is needed to improve understanding of the reasons for the increase, it said.

      Fewer than half of the crimes in the survey were reported to the police. Sexual offences, harassment and threats were the least reported while people most often notified the police of burglaries, the survey showed.

      The number of property crimes against households, such as car theft and burglaries, rose slightly last year but is down compared with the level in 2006.

  22. If I were the informant I'd hire some bodyguards -

    Undercover Informant Confronted FBI Handlers About Uranium One Deal, Was Told ‘Politics’ Was Involved
    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 9:21 pm on November 20, 2017

    The Hill has a follow-up report on the blockbuster from last month about the FBI’s uncovering of a Russian bribery and extortion plot to gain access to the U.S. nuclear market. The new report rebuts claims that the undercover investigation had no connection to the Uranium One sale to Russia’s Rosatom. As an example, Reuters reported last week that undercover informant William Campbell never mentioned the Rosatom purchase of Uranium One during interviews:

    SEE ALSO: “Walking Dead” grumble thread: Rick vs. Daryl in the World Series of love

    Some people who know Campbell are skeptical that he can shed much light on Uranium One. Two law enforcement officials with direct involvement in the Rosatom bribery case in which Campbell was an informant said they had no recollection or record of him mentioning the deal during their repeated interviews with him.

    Also, although both Uranium One and the bribery cases involved Rosatom, the two cases involved different business units, executives and allegations, with little other apparent overlap, Reuters found in a review of the court records of the bribery case.
    But after reviewing 5,000 documents, Hill reporter John Solomon says he is absolutely certain Campbell was aware of the sale. In fact, he was asked to help respond to political opposition to it:

    Campbell’s FBI informant file shows Uranium One came up several times in 2010 as the sale was pending, partly because Tenex was Rosatom’s commercial arm and would be charged with finding markets for the new uranium being mined and enriched both in the United States and abroad.

    Campbell himself was directly solicited by his colleagues to help overcome opposition to the Uranium One deal, the FBI informant files show. In an Oct. 6, 2010, email with the subject line “ARMZ + Uranium One,” Fisk forwarded a news article outlining Republican efforts to derail the sale.

    “The referenced article may present a very good opportunity for Sigma [Campbell’s company] to try and remove the opposing influences, if that is something you can do,” Fisk wrote the informant, who was also a paid consultant for the company at the time.
    Despite this, it’s not clear that the information Campbell gave the FBI starting in 2009 (a year before the sale) was passed up the chain. If it was, it’s not clear why it had no impact on members of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) who were asked to approve the Uranium One deal in 2010.

    1. In any case, despite the Russian bribery scheme, the Uranium One deal was approved. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was one of the people voting to approve it. After the approval, Solomon reports Cambell confronted his FBI handlers about why it had been allowed. He was told the approval was political.

      Campbell engaged in conversations with his Russian colleagues about the efforts of the Washington entity and others to gain influence with the Clintons and the Obama administration. He also listened as visiting Russians used racially tinged insults to boast about how easy they found it to win uranium business under Obama, according to a source familiar with Campbell’s planned testimony to Congress.

      Uranium One was a large enough concern for the informant that he confronted one of his FBI handlers after learning CFIUS had approved the sale and that the U.S. had given Mikerin a work visa despite the extensive evidence of his criminal activity, source said.

      The agent responded back to the informant with a comment suggesting “politics” was involved, the source familiar with Campbell’s planned testimony said.
      As presented, all of this stinks. Even if Rosatom and Tenex were separate entities on paper, the fact that Russia was making a serious move to enter the U.S. uranium market should have been a red flag when the Uranium One deal came up a year later. The fact that the undercover investigation wasn’t mentioned at the time and stayed hidden for years afterward suggests that this was being handled in an extraordinary way. Perhaps we’ll learn more about the politics at play after Campbell testifies in a closed hearing before members of Congress. The date of Cambell’s planned testimony is not known.

  23. The Great One, Mark Levin, is coming to Fox News.

  24. Source of "extremely high" radiation in Russia a mystery

    A member of the Russian branch of Greenpeace protests against nuclear power at the headquarters of the Russian atomic agency Rosatom in Moscow, in an April 19, 2011 file photo. AP

    MOSCOW -- Russian authorities on Tuesday confirmed reports of a spike in radioactivity in the air over the Ural Mountains.

    The Russian Meteorological Service said in a statement Tuesday that it recorded the release of Ruthenium-106 in the southern Urals in late September and classified it as "extremely high contamination."

    France's nuclear safety agency earlier this month said that it recorded radioactivity in the area between the Volga River and the Ural Mountains from a suspected accident involving nuclear fuel or the production of radioactive material. It said the release of the isotope Ruthenium-106 posed no health or environmental risks to European countries.

    At the time, Russia's state-controlled Rosatom corporation said in a statement that there had been no radiation leak from its facilities.

    The Russian meteorological office's report, however, noted high levels of radiation in the villages adjacent to Rosatom's Mayak plant for spent nuclear fuel.

    Mayak in a statement on Tuesday denied being the source of contamination. The plant said it has not conducted any work on extracting Ruthenium-106 from spent nuclear fuel "for several years."

    Radiation sickness: 8 terrifying symptoms

    Mayak, in the Chelyabinsk region, has been responsible for at least two of Russia's biggest radioactive accidents. In 2004 it was confirmed that waste was being dumped in the local river. Nuclear regulators say that no longer happens, but anti-nuclear activists say it's impossible to tell given the level of state secrecy.

    Environmental pressure group Greenpeace said in a statement on Tuesday that it would petition the Russian Prosecutor General's office to investigate "a possible concealment of a radiation accident" and check whether public health was sufficiently protected.

    1. My sources are telling me they have tracked the provenance back to Uranium One in North America.

  25. I need to give you guys a heads up:

    Joy Behar, Rosie O'Donnell and Whoopie Goldberg are fiing a complaint against me for trying to hit on them during a white water river rafting outing on the Pacuare River in Costa Rica. I swear I did not think I had that much to drink. I deeply regret my actions and intend to go into rehab

    1. What actions ?

      You didn't do ANYTHING wrong.

      And REMEMBER that.

      You need the services of:

      Quirk's Sexual Accusation Defense Services,

      He can provide a whole boatload of female witnesses to challenge Joy, Rosie, and Whoopie. He will overwhelm the court with defense witnesses. I've seen him do it. I've seen this guy work. You can't go wrong.

      He's the very best.

      Those three bimbos are just out for a payday.

      Don't let them have it.

      If I were in your shoes I would turn to Quirk's immediately.

    2. Me an Felony an MisDemenoir, an Da Da and all the others will testify for ya.

      We always do. We're good at it now.

      Quirkie pays us stuff.

      You two fellas just tell us what to say.

      I saw that fatassed Rosie try to put her hands down in your pants. Fooling up your zipper too, and more, right through the rapids.

    3. I'll testify I had my eyes on you all trip long, and nothin' happened between you and those three hags.

      I'll testify I had you all to myself the whole trip.

    4. Not when we stopped floating for lunch.

      I had him in the bushes then, Sal.

    5. WE had Deuce in the bushes then, Felony, if you can recall.

      I'm not letting you have all the salad dressing.

    6. WEll !, it was me, Me-Me, that ate his hot dog, I can testify to that.

    7. Have no fear.

      Quirk will be able to coordinate all these disparate voices into one Choir of Innocence.

    8. hopefully, you showered afterwards.

    9. We all swam nudie in the river together, all of us, a lot, Deuce too, so it was all OK.

      It was fun.

  26. Why Zimbabwe's next dictator will be even worse than Mugabe

    ....So who is Mnangagwa?

    He was involved in Mugabe's Zimbabwe rebellion from the time he was a teenager. He rose through the rebellion as Mugabe's bodyguard and then through the Zimbabwe regime as his intelligence chief and enforcer. He received his training in the dark arts of political repression in China in the era of Mao. His nickname is "the Crocodile."....

    Happy Days Are Here Again in Zimbabwe.

  27. .

    Now I hear Trump is planning on doing away with Net Neutrality.

    If I knew then what I know now, I would have voted for Hillary.

    I repeat, if I knew then what I know now, I would have voted for Hillary.

    Hillary was annoying. Trump is a crude embarrassment, tiresome and obnoxious.

    Keeping us out of war? She sure couldn't have done any worse than Trump. Trump's been pushing the edge for months. He has gutted the State Department and belittled the SOS while at the same time asking for huge increases in military spending. $1.7 trillion for upgraded nuclear arms. Madness (no pun intended).

    Environment, and health and safety? You've got to be kidding. The man has gutted the EPA and cancelled 'every' regulation Obama ever put in place including the smart ones. He quit the 'nonbinding' Paris Accords because he could, a meaningless gesture that put the US on the outs with the rest of the world and further diminished America's claim to leadership.

    Healthcare? He singlehandedly destroyed Obamacare and replaced it with...nothing.

    Things like net neutrality, pipelines, etc., he does these things because some millionaire complements him and whispers in his ear.

    Trade? He's a pariah around the world.

    His promised 'tax cut for the middle class'? A joke. It's another giveaway to the rich and wall street, the same people he railed against as he lied to his base, the same people he likes to hang with if they let him, his real constituency.

    Budget deficit? He's on track to surpass by a large margin what both Bush and Obama added to the national debt. This is especially galling given that the economy is humming along and we have no major wars at the moment. Bush had two major wars to pay for. Obama had to respond to the 2008 financial crisis. Trump's got none of that.

    Hillary's corruption? She's a piker compared to Trump. The tax plan alone will give Trump millions. His relatives and friends stand to make billions.

    I could go on but you probably get the point.


    1. Hillary has blood on her hands and lied to the grieving families faces.

      That doesn't play well to the serious patriots.

    2. ah gee Quirk, you aren't a SERIOUS PATRIOT!

    3. Truth doesn't play well to Quirk.

    4. Quirk, can I get you some Tums or Gas-X or something ?

      You're so over bloated up today I'm beginning to worry.

      Spewing so much hot air and just making a wheezing sound, you are.

      I could poke you in the tummy with one of those cattle pokers we used out on farm when they got bloated up sometimes.

      Doesn't hurt all that much, the gas passes out real fast, and it only make an itty bitty hole.

      Always concerned for you.....

    5. .

      Hillary has blood on her hands and lied to the grieving families faces.

      That doesn't play well to the serious patriots.

      Nonsense, Doug. Trump has blood on his hands too and he lied to the whole nation. As for your second comment, remember patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels. I consider your patriot comment to be in the same vein as your Arnaud Almalric comments on god's will when it comes to killing.

      As for the other Doug,

      Truth doesn't play well to Quirk.

      you offer up the same bullshit you always do, generalized insults with no specifics. Get specific.

      Had Hillary won, I would probably be saying many of the same things about her; however, that would be because I wasn't aware of how bad Trump really is.

      Time to wake up and smell the coffee, girls.



    6. .

      Ah, as I wrote the last post, I see the third Stooge showed up and said nothing but as is his wont did it at excruciating length.


    7. Trump has blood on his hands too and he lied to the whole nation.

      What blood, and what lie ?

      ISIS blood ?

      He always said he would get rid of ISIS.

      Please, be specific.

      Stooge ?

      Urban Dictionary: stooge
      A stooge is a person who will try and take every dollar you have, and then save those dollars for any cause that doesnt involve giving it to friends, or family.

      That sounds like you.

      This, however, does sound a little like me, always watching you sad ass to keep it out of trouble -

      a person who serves merely to support or assist others, particularly in doing unpleasant work.

      And, yes, it is often unpleasant cleaning up the social and legal messes you so often make.

    8. (quirk will disregard this question as he knows I have him trapped by his balls)

    9. .

      a person who serves merely to support or assist others, particularly in doing unpleasant work.

      As in enabling and making up excuses to justify Trump's gutting of the American middle class, his destroying of healthcare for millions, his collusion with the GOP to pay off their debts to the wealthy and Wall Street through tax giveaways, his busting of the bank on the national debt, his crude and vulgar 'diplomacy', and stuff like that there.


  28. The Sexual Banter Between Charlie Rose and His ‘CBS This Morning’ Co-Anchors Was Always Creepy

  29. Pixar chief taking leave after sexual misconduct allegations

  30. New York Times killed Weinstein sexual misconduct story in 2004

    A former New York Times reporter claims the paper ordered up a story in 2004 about Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual misconduct — but then “stripped” it of any reference to the accusations after being pressured by him to do so.

    “After intense pressure from Weinstein … the story was gutted,” Sharon Waxman wrote Sunday in an article for The Wrap, a site she founded in 2009.

    “I was told at the time that Weinstein had visited the newsroom in person to make his displeasure known,” Waxman added. “I knew he was a major advertiser in the Times, and that he was a powerful person overall.”

    The Times did not return a request for comment Sunday night.

  31. .

    Round Earthers Beware

    Mike Hughes Denounces Astronauts and MSM and Vows to Launch His Own Home Built Steam Powered Rocket in Order to Disprove Their Crazy Round-earth Memes

    Seeking to prove that a conspiracy of astronauts fabricated the shape of the Earth, a California man intends to launch himself 1,800 feet high on Saturday in a rocket he built from scrap metal.

    Assuming the 500-mph, mile-long flight through the Mojave Desert does not kill him, Mike Hughes told the Associated Press, his journey into the atmosflat will mark the first phase of his ambitious flat-Earth space program.

    Hughes’s ultimate goal is a subsequent launch that puts him miles above the Earth, where the 61-year-old limousine driver hopes to photograph proof of the disc we all live on.

    “It’ll shut the door on this ball earth,” Hughes said in a fundraising interview with a flat-Earth group for Saturday’s flight. Theories discussed during the interview included NASA being controlled by round-Earth Freemasons and Elon Musk making fake rockets from blimps.

    Hughes promised the flat-Earth community that he would expose the conspiracy with his steam-powered rocket, which will launch from a heavily modified mobile home — though he acknowledged that he still had much to learn about rocket science.

    Since this launch will merely be the first in an expected series of flights to disprove the round earth myth, he is looking for additional expert help in his venture. Since as he says, he has much to learn about rocket science, he is looking for like minds who are also people who are technically and scientifically attuned to the vagaries of steam propulsion and hard landings, someone like a faux farmer for instance. He is also looking for a PR man to get his story out to the world, someone who like himself is dismissive of the MSM and their fake news stories. If one of these candidates is also proficient in letters such as an English major for instance that would be ideal as Mr. Hughes indicates ‘he don’t write too good’.


    1. Didn't you already accomplish that mission in your Q's Ultra-Light Flat Earth Flyer ?

      I thought you were busy writing up the results for the Journal Nature.

      Don't tell me they have declined to publish it.

      I wouldn't believe it.

      What have you been doing with your time ?

    2. I recall you saying:

      "I flew for days and days, Bobo, and it all looked flat to me. And it seemed to go on forever."

  32. Disney Animation head John Lasseter is taking a leave of absence from Pixar after acknowledging "painful" conversations and unspecified "missteps," he wrote in a memo to staff on Tuesday obtained by The Hollywood Reporter.


    Lasseter's full memo to employees is below.

    I have always wanted our animation studios to be places where creators can explore their vision with the support and collaboration of other gifted animators and storytellers. This kind of creative culture takes constant vigilance to maintain.


    I’ve recently had a number of difficult conversations that have been very painful for me. It’s never easy to face your missteps, but it’s the only way to learn from them.

    As a result, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the leader I am today compared to the mentor, advocate and champion I want to be. It’s been brought to my attention that I have made some of you feel disrespected or uncomfortable.


  33. None of this sexual misbehavior would not be going on if the women were wearing burkas and not out in public driving us mad with desire !

    1. This is said 'tongue in cheek', please understand.

    2. .

      Thanks, for the clarification.

      I thought it was your foot again.


  34. The former employee who witnessed co-workers being kissed on the mouth said she hoped Lasseter would seek treatment.

    “I don’t see taking a six-month vacation, which I’m sure he’ll be paid for, is really gonna be a solution,” she said. “I would hope he would individually apologize to people and get some help.”

    Disney did not respond to an email request for comment about whether Lasseter was taking a paid leave.

    1. Cut his lips off and his tongue out.

      That would slow him down.

      Make an example of the swinish oaf.

  35. Russian radioactivity 986x higher than usual...

    Toxic cloud sparks nuclear accident fears....DRUDGE

    Damn Russians.

    These nuclear plant jobs are kind of boring, and they get to drinking vodka.....

    1. Whoa !

      When I read that I read 96x.

      They are looking at 986x....

  36. Tuesday’s announcement raises new questions about Russia’s commitment to transparency over nuclear issues and whether authorities have adequately dealt with this latest incident. It has prompted demands by Greenpeace’s Russian branch for a more “in-depth inquiry.”

    Radio Free Europe quoted local officials as saying that authorities did not inform them about a possible nuclear incident at the time.

    Had a similar spike in radiation occurred in Europe, the French researchers wrote in the assessment this month, the government would likely have ordered a local evacuation.

  37. Fauxcohantes won't say Franken should resign. Thereby proving she's nothing but a stooge in skirts.

    Sen. Warren Won’t Say Al Franken Should Resign
    JOHN SEXTONPosted at 3:01 pm on November 21, 2017

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren was on the Stephen Colbert show Monday night. During this appearance, she was asked whether or not Al Franken should resign in the wake of sexual harassment allegations against him. Warren dodged the question and instead argued that real change isn’t going after famous harassers but going after the non-famous ones.

    “So, look, I was just enormously disappointed about this,” Warren said. She continued, “I knew Sen. Franken long before he was Sen. Franken and his wife Franni. These allegations are serious, and women have a right to be heard and listened to on this.

    “Al is going to be subjected to a hearing in the United States Senate, an investigation. We have had, for a long time now in the Senate, long before I got there, a bipartisan ethics committee that meets on a regular basis, and he’s going to go in and answer.”

    In other words, Warren doesn’t think Franken should resign. She thinks he should go before the toothless ethics committee where he’ll likely be given a slap on the wrist. In order to disguise the fact that she wants to give Franken a pass, Warren then changed the subject.....

    1. .

      I guess the same applies to Kellyanne.

      When asked whether Moore should step aside...

      All she would say was, well, We REALLY want to get this tax package passed. (wink, wink)


    2. 12 women have accused Mr Trump of sexual harassment ...

      Little Bobbie Peterson won't say Trump should resign. Thereby proving he's nothing but a stooge in a skirt

      But you gotta admit, bobbie looks good in a skirt.

  38. The Department of Justice on Tuesday filed lawsuits to revoke the U.S. citizenship of five immigrants who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing minors in incidents determined to have taken place before they became naturalized, Fox News has learned.


    “The Department of Justice has a duty to prosecute these crimes vigorously, particularly so for individuals who commit fraud in the naturalization process,” Sessions said.

  39. Vivian Bercovici: You can thank Obama for the looming Mideast war against Iran

    As ISIL filled the vacuum left by the abdication of American power by the Obama administration, so now Iran will occupy the space left by ISIL.

    Former U.S. president Barack Obama.Alex Wong/Getty Images
    Special to National Post

    November 20, 2017
    7:21 AM EST

    It has been a particularly busy few weeks here in the Middle East, even by the chaotic standards of the region.

    As the world welcomed the demise of ISIL’s reign of terror in the Mideast, it largely missed a more spectacular development: the entrenchment of Iranian power and control, from Tehran to the Mediterranean Sea, controlling large swaths of Syria and all of Lebanon, and strategic outposts in Yemen and Libya. As ISIL filled the vacuum left by the abdication of American power by the Obama administration, so now Iran will occupy the space left by ISIL.

    Iran openly brays its desire for the destruction of Israel and its intention to spread its extreme, radical and violent brand of Islam throughout the region. In Iran’s sights are Jordan, the Gulf states and Saudi Arabia.

    The Obama administration romanced Iran, but snubbed and even humiliated traditional American allies, like Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and Kuwait. As a result, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, two significant powers threatened and marginalized by Obama’s pro-Iranian policy, have become close and unlikely allies of Israel. Strategic, political, military and intelligence co-operation among these countries is reported to be deeply entrenched and close.....

  40. Quirk is nearly crying in his ale for blowing his chance to vote for Crooked Hillary - he voted for Jill Stein instead and is coming to regret it -

    Uranium One noose is tightening

    Now that the FBI's informant on the Uranium One deal has been outed and the nondisclosure agreement formerly muzzling him abrogated, it is possible to see the outlines of the devastating case to be made against not just Hillary Clinton, but the entire Obama administration. More

    1. .

      Let me know when any indictments are issued.


  41. Rouhani expressed his gratitude to the armed forces and peoples of Iran, Iraq, Syria as well as Lebanon for their endeavors to set the stage for the ultimate victory over the IS.

    The extremist groups "brought nothing but misery, destruction, massacre and barbarism" to the region, he was quoted as saying.


    "We never imagined that the criminals, supported by the West, Americans and the evil Zionist regime (of Israel), would commit such crimes in the 21st century," said the Iranian president.

    Rouhani also congratulated Iran's Supreme Leader over the "final defeat" of the IS militants in Iraq and Syria.

  42. Mark Steyn, sitting in for Hannity, played a hilarious video of Maxine Waters praising the efforts of Rep John Conyers
    for his work with and on.... behalf of......women.

    1. .

      they Truly are All Dicks

      Umbrage was rampant when we found out about that secret congressional fund that paid out millions in hush money to keep discrimination and sexual harassment claims against its members quiet. what didn't get enough press was the hell it put the victims through, waiting periods to file, non-disclosure agreements, the fact that the victims were the ones that were forced to go to therapy sessions. All of it paid for on the taxpayers dime.

      Now, with John Conyers we see this corruption taken to even new levels. Old John didn't bother with that Congressional slush fund, he paid for it himself. Well, that is he paid for it out of the office budget account he was allocated by his unindicted co-conspirators.

      The question now becomes was it legal.


    2. If the behavior was illegal, the hush/slush fund would be illegal too. It would be aiding and abetting a crime.

      Maybe they could all be RICOed.

      Heh, there's a thought

    3. Any unwanted touching is an assault.

      If one says "Do not touch me" and the other person does anyway it is an assault.

    4. Though it may be termed a battery.

      What is Assault and Battery?

  43. In the minds of many conservatives, Democrats have arrived late at the “sexual assault allegations” party.

    One such conservative is author and Fox News contributor Mark Steyn.


    Steyn being Steyn, he didn't pull any punches:

    "They all knew what Clinton was doing... Why shouldn't Al Franken grope a woman? It's because the media told us it doesn't matter being a pig because character doesn't matter.


    They've got respected PBS anchors walking around naked, and I don't mean Big Bird."

  44. Nonsense, Doug

    That response rates right up there with the intellectual reply like "Are you nuts?"

    You're slipping, Quirk.

    What part of the blood on Hillary's hands is nonsense?
    When you agree with the fact in the very next sentence.

    1. That should read ".. your very next sentence"

    2. .

      That response rates right up there with the intellectual reply like "Are you nuts?"

      Are you nuts?


    3. Possibly.
      I wouldn't accept you as the judge of who is or isn't though.

    4. .

      Of course, you wouldn't.

      My nonsense comment applied to the totality of your comment. Your bringing patriotism into the argument was IMO asinine.


    5. Whose blood is on Hillary's hands?

      The answer to that is needed by rhe Judge, before a decision on "mental state" can be made.

      No Court or Congressional inquiry has found her hands bloodied.

      She denies her gands are bloody.
      Just as Roy Moore denies he is a Child Molester.

      Mr Trump has said we must honor the denials of those accimused but not convicted.

      So did Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

  45. Quirk is beginning to show signs of feeling remorse that he didn't vote for Hillary.


    He thrashes out wildly at The Donald and all Republicans.

    He is becoming more than usually unfocused.

    I am beginning to worry. These are not good signs.

    Is there anything anyone can do to help, Quirk ?

    Eat lots of turkey tomorrow and maybe some really good rest and snoozing will help.

    1. Make sure to eat some dark meat along with the white, Quirk.

    2. Stay off the boozing. What we are seeking here is a healthy restful Thanksgiving with lots of sleep after eating. Later in the evening before real bed time go to the fridge and make and eat a couple late night turkey sandwiches. Take a couple tabs of melatonin too, and a little warm water or milk.

    3. No coffee or tea for you tomorrow either.

  46. GREAT AGAIN: Jobless claims fall as record run persists...

    Christmas bonuses jump 66%....DRUDGE

    Merry Christmas ! And Happy Thanksgiving ! And Happy New Year !

  47. And, Quirk, I know I've warned you before, but don't use gasoline to deep fry your turkey.

    1. And keep away from your favorite rag Newsweek until after the New Year.

      The left ties Manson to Trump - 11/22/17
      Using convoluted logic, the left is claiming Charles Manson is really all about Donald Trump. No, it's not antifa's rabid denizens saying so. The New York Times and ((((Newsweek)))) lead the way. More

      We'll try to wean you off slowly.

    2. Supply the kinks to the NY Times and Newsweak, Robert "Draft Dodger" Peterson.

      Yours lies cannot ve substantiated

    3. There's something really wrong with you, rat.


      Serial killer Charles Manson has died, so it was probably inevitable that Democrats would try to connect him–somehow!–with Donald Trump. It was Newsweek that did the dirty deed: “HOW MURDERER CHARLES MANSON AND DONALD TRUMP USED LANGUAGE TO GAIN FOLLOWERS.” I suppose they could have written, “HOW MURDERER CHARLES MANSON AND BARACK OBAMA USED LANGUAGE TO GAIN FOLLOWERS.” But they didn’t.

      The death of cult leader and convicted murderer Charles Manson resurfaces tales from his twisted family’s killing spree after nearly four decades. Manson orchestrated the brutal deaths of actress Sharon Tate and six other innocent people in the 1960s according to historical reports, which leave many wondering how he convinced followers, made up of a former Sunday school teacher, a church choir singer and a one-time homecoming princess, into committing such brutal acts.

      Just a bunch of all-American, drug-addled mass murderers!

      It would be hard to find two people born in the U.S. in the 20th century with less in common than Charles Manson and Donald Trump. Nevertheless, Newsweek absurdly tries to tie them together:

      According to psychoanalyst Mark Smaller, past president of the American Psychoanalytic Association, part of Manson’s power lay in the type of language he used. Notably, Manson was able to speak in a way that engaged those who felt marginalized or alienated.

      But wait! Weren’t his followers best described as Sunday School teachers and homecoming princesses? (Actually, no.)

      Smaller is clear that he does not believe President Donald Trump is similar to the convicted killer, or that their followers have any shared beliefs or characteristics, but he did say we can look to the current president to see how language is used to form a bond with followers.

      “Our current president speaks in an emotional or affective way to large numbers of people in our country who feel a kind of alienation or disconnection from the government,” he said. “They feel very responded to and become his political base.”

      This is idiotic. One could say of virtually any political leader that “language is used to form a bond with followers.” Newsweek put out this reprehensible tweet, which confirms that the whole purpose of this foolish article was to smear President Trump through a fanciful association with Charles Manson:

      View image on Twitter
      View image on Twitter


      How murderer Charles Manson and President Donald Trump used similar language to gain followers
      1:10 PM - Nov 20, 2017
      4,704 4,704 Replies 709 709 Retweets 744 744 likes
      Twitter Ads info and privacy
      “Similar language.” Really? President Trump advocates LSD use, a hippie lifestyle and mass murder? It is hard to imagine anything more reprehensible, but Newsweek long ago abandoned any pretense of being a respectable news organ.

      The funny thing about this is that there is a prominent American politician to whom a direct line to Charles Manson can be drawn. His name is Barack Obama. Obama’s first political campaign was launched in the living room of his close friend Bernardine Dohrn, the wife of unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. For what is Ms. Dohrn best known? She cheered on the Manson murders, considering them “groovy.” As Daniel Flynn reminds us:

      The charismatic Bernardine Dohrn, later a friend of Barack and Michelle Obama, feverishly told Weatherman followers: “Dig it: first they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach. Wild!”

      Barack Obama’s friend Bernadine Dohrn later claimed that her endorsement of the Manson murders was an “ironic joke.” You can always trust a Communist to have a sense of humor.

      So, there actually is a link between the cult leader Charles Manson and a major American political figure. But don’t expect Newsweek, or any other “mainstream” news source, to mention it.

  48. The Trummp "Tax Cuts" will raise taxes on 50% of US by 2027

    Mr Trump has lied to US.

    Pure and Simple.

    1. You don't have any income so your tax bill will remain the same - $0.00.


  49. Since the crapper has arrived it's a good time to drive into and shop the list.


    Cheers to all you others !

  50. Contra-Quirk

    The Donald is bringing peace to the world

    November 22, 2017
    Trump: The End of Jihad?
    By James Lewis

    The Sunni equivalent of the pope, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, a revered figure in half the Muslim world, has just declared that it is forbidden to kill Jews. This is the culmination of years of delicate diplomacy between Israel and Saudi Arabia, with the active aid and support of Egypt, Jordan, and other peaceful forces in the world, including the United States.

    This high-level Islamic declaration of peace comes as a climax after a thunderous avalanche of strategic events, culminating in the Saudi purge by King Salman and his heir apparent, Mohammed bin Salman, which has kept opposition figures like billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal locked up in a hotel, along with dozens of other power-holders in Arabia, to force them to give vast amounts of money to the kingdom, which is facing economic disaster with the fall of oil prices. The militant war faction in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states is under attack from within, and it may be crumbling.

    This entire strategic event has been carefully planned and orchestrated by the duly elected president of the United States, one Donald J. Trump, with the active help of Israel, Egypt, and some Saudi royals. Even as you read this, Donald Trump is still hated and pursued by a posse of corrupt leftists in Washington, D.C., now holding an empty bag.

    In this major, strategic campaign Trump was diplomatically aided by Egypt's President El-Sisi, who has openly declared the need for deep reform in Islam. The current tremendous opening for peace in the world has been consistently opposed by the Obama-Hillary Democratic Party....

  51. .

    What nonsense. Anyone who would believe Trump has anything to do with this is tone-deaf to reality. Saudi Arabia is looking for allies wherever it can get them even if it's Israel. It's a move to counter the growing rise of Iran. One hegemon worried about the rise of a second hegemon.

    In addition, SA has been running large deficits for a few years now. Their assault on Yemen is costing them in money and influence around the world. It's led to the introduction of ISIS there and the growth of al Queda to the point that it now controls about 25% of the country and by all reports is governing more effectively than any of the other parties there.

    The Saudi attack on Qatar has been futile up to this point.

    Internally, they are been torn by political and demographic problems. They are used to using slave (or the nearest thing to it) labor from Africa as their biggest labor force and have simply bribed the rest of the population into compliance. Now, they can't afford it, they are cutting back on the giveaways and the natives are getting restless. Their recent guns AND butter policy hasn't worked out too well for them (possibly the reason they are thinking about letting all those princes they arrested ransom themselves out of prison). Their policy to cut prices on oil to drive out the shale suppliers hasn't work which complicates their problems massively.

    They bought around $84 billion in arms last year and because of their wars and their proxies wars they are still running out of ammo. The Houthi recently fired a missile at Riyadh.

    The US is an afterthought. We are their main supplier of arms but we have been for decades through both Dems and GOP administrations.

    As for Trump, they recognize him for what he is, a rather crude narcissist and publicity whore. You want something from him all you have to do is invite him to your palace, lay out the red carpet, fawn over him, let him do a little sword dancing or something similar, laugh at his jokes, maybe mention some business deal where he can dip his beak, tell him what a great friend he is, and that he's a genius. Easy peasy. You've just trained him like you would your favorite pet.


    1. With such a severe and hate filled attitude as that guiding your writing you will never have a good thing to say about the man.

      Your loss.

    2. The Saudi Israeli Alliance dates back to Obama.

      Then it was touted as a sign of US weakness.
      Now the same brain dead commenters tell us it is a sign of US strength

      The hypocrisy is palpable

    3. .

      Your loss.

      My loss? Don't you mean all of our loss?

      What exactly do you disagree with in what I said?


    4. Your loss of perspective is, indeed, a loss for us all.

      He's really not such a fat guy. He's no Chris Christie.

      His energy level is truly remarkable for such an old fart.

      You're right, he doesn't seem to sweat much, now that you mention it. Maybe because he doesn't drink, do drugs, or smoke.

      He's got a hot daughter. Sam is right. That puts him in another world from Bill Clinton.

      He doesn't cheat at golf as both Obama and Gary Johnson were caught doing.

      Hillary doesn't even play golf. What kind of American is she ?

      Never trust a President that doesn't play golf.

      Tomorrow is the next day of his Presidency, and as long as this is so we all have something to which we may look forward.

      He says 'Merry Christmas' and not 'Happy Holidays'.

      His advantages to us all as President are endless.

      Fatso Kim III has piped down.

      For all these things and many more we all should be thankful The Donald is our President this Thanksgiving Day !

      The Lord Has Blessed Us Indeed !

    5. .

      Lordy, talk about thanking god for small favors.

      You sir, are something else.


  52. .

    With such a severe and hate filled attitude as that guiding your writing you will never have a good thing to say about the man.

    Nonsense, I can think of two...

    1. For a fat guy, he doesn't sweat much, and

    2. Well, yesterday was Trump's last day in office.


    1. .

      Today was a typical Trump day.

      He starts are sending out a tweet continuing his ongoing feud with Lavar Bell, a fight he can't win (very presidential). Then he brags about a busy day filled with meetings right before he takes off for a round of golf.


    2. 3. He's got a hot daughter.

    3. Many international agreements have been agreed to between 14th and 18th holes of Trump International Golf Courses.

      Just because he is golfing doesn't mean he is not working.

      There is a word for this that you may not be familiar with - multitasking.

    4. Besides, he's got a hot daughter.

    5. And have you noticed how little Baron is growing !

      He has really thrived in The White House.

      Inches taller already than he was during the campaign.

  53. Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, on Wednesday said he expects to see a new U.S. president in 2021 and advised Democrats to come up with a "pro-free enterprise" agenda for jobs and economic growth.


    He also cautioned that the political weakness of German Chancellor Angela Merkel is bad for all of us. Talks on forming a governing coalition including Merkel's Christian Democratic Union collapsed earlier this week, casting doubt on her future after 12 years in power.


    Fine. Let’s Talk About That Flat Earth Guy And His Rocket
    JAZZ SHAWPosted at 6:01 pm on November 22, 2017

    Guy has a little of the rugged Lee Marvin look about him.

    Nice lookin' rocket.


      Assuming the 500-mph, mile-long flight through the Mojave Desert does not kill him, Mike Hughes told the Associated Press, his journey into the atmosflat will mark the first phase of his ambitious flat-Earth space program.

      Hughes’s ultimate goal is a subsequent launch that puts him miles above the Earth, where the 61-year-old limousine driver hopes to photograph proof of the disc we all live on.

      “It’ll shut the door on this ball earth,” Hughes said in a fundraising interview with a flat-Earth group for Saturday’s flight. Theories discussed during the interview included NASA being controlled by round-Earth Freemasons and Elon Musk making fake rockets from blimps.

      Just to be clear, this isn’t Hughs’ first attempt. He’s been building steam-powered rockets for a while now. Check out this flight he took in 2014. It actually worked. Sort of. Well… kind of. Aside from nearly being killed. (Video is only a minute long.)

      Mike Hughes World Record !!

    2. Top Ten Amateur Rockets Here:

    3. CHECK OUT No. 2 The "Q"-U8K !!

      128,000 ft. in 8 seconds !

  55. The southwestern United States was gripped by a heat wave on Wednesday as experts warned of temperatures that would smash century-old records over the Thanksgiving weekend.

    Temperatures are expected to rise to 91 degrees Fahrenheit (33C) in parts of southern California on Wednesday and Thursday, while Phoenix, Arizona, is predicted to swelter in 88F heat -- about 20 degrees above seasonal norms.


    President Donald Trump authorized an increase in federal funding available for emergency protective measures in California as a result of the wildfires, which broke out on October 8 and are continuing to scorch around half a dozen parts of the state.

  56. 88 is warm ... But not sweltering.

    122, now that is sweltering

  57. While Quirk Snores The Donald Scores

    November 22, 2017
    Trump: The End of Jihad?
    By James Lewis

    This entire strategic event has been carefully planned and orchestrated by the duly elected president of the United States, one Donald J. Trump, with the active help of Israel, Egypt, and some Saudi royals. Even as you read this, Donald Trump is still hated and pursued by a posse of corrupt leftists in Washington, D.C., now holding an empty bag.

    1. Thank God we've finally got a winner in The White House !

      That is my Thanks To The Lord this Thanksgiving Day.

    2. Trump and his allies in the Muslim world, in Israel, and in the saner parts of Asia and the West have worked this strategy based on his decades of experience and deep intelligence in the international hotel business, where survival depends on accurate knowledge. Good business and peace go together.



      Let's see you top that, Quirko.

    3. .

      Let's see how many times his this guy filed for bankruptcy?


    4. Quirk lives and moves in the lower levels of the Motel 6 world where there is not even a courtesy complimentary breakfast and you have to pay for the morning paper out of the box, where the clients consist of bikers, hookers, and folks on the lamb from the law, and you best take your concealed weapon with you to the swimming pool, if, indeed, there even is a swimming pool. He knows nothing of the deep intelligence found among the clientele of the International Hotel Business nor of what goes on there.

    5. .

      While dimwits and dolts settle down to Thanksgiving dinner and offer thanks for a president that can play golf and argue (though not well) with Lavar Bell, their world (though not Trump's) is on its way to the shitter.

      That they don't realize it is one of the sad stories of Christmas and will be replayed for many a Christmas to come like replays of It's a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story only with no happy ending.


    6. We will be thanking the President that peace is breaking forth in the world, that the stock market is soaring, and our tax breaks will be here by Christmas, that the unemployment rate is at a record low, inflation is still under control, that we are finally getting a grip on our borders, and we will be praying that he sees the light and aids the Kurds.

      We will be thanking the President that the entire tone of the nation's conversation is changing, hope and life are now on our lips, a new jaunt and spring is seen in the walk of everyone, that Hillary has been vanquished forever, and Fatso Kim III has piped down.

      Competence, ethics, grace and good sense have finally returned to our nation's affairs, indeed we have much to be thankful for.....

    7. .

      Turkey Day - No Pun Intended

      Every day some new revelation comes out concerning the cynical, self-serving moves being perpetrated by this administration against the people of the US and all the while the sheeple yawn.

      This week, stories were printed showing the extend of the GOP plan to stack the courts.

      Two days ago, it was news that the FCC under Trump was getting ready to gut net neutrality rules an action that will affect everyone in the US that uses a communication device using the internet.

      Yesterday, Trump comes to the defense of Judge Moore.

      Today, it's reported the FCC is at it again with plans to do away with rules regarding media ownership that were put in place to prevent monopoly and promote competing views in broadcasting.

      Also today, we see the NY state AG has been probing a ‘massive scheme’ to influence FCC with fake net neutrality comments. AG Schneiderman said in a tweet his office has been investigating a "massive scheme" over the last six months to "corrupt the FCC's comment process on net neutrality by impersonating 100,000s of real Americans."

      Bad enough, but in his letter Schneiderman wrote that the process the FCC has "employed to consider potentially sweeping alterations to current net neutrality rules has been corrupted by the fraudulent use of Americans' identities - and the FCC has been unwilling to assist my office in our efforts to investigate this unlawful activity."

      Trump's vow to cut out US foreign intervention? President Donald Trump has increased the number of U.S. troops and civilians working for the Department of Defense in the Middle East to 54,180 from 40,517 in the past four months, representing a 33 percent rise.

      This number doesn't even account for the big rise in troops stationed in Afghanistan since Trump announced his new strategy for the fight against the Taliban in late August...

      While all this is going on Trump plays golf and keeps up his continuing cat fights with Lavar Bell and Goodell.

      And the Idaho Spud says, "Pass the gravy."


    8. :)

      ISIS is gone.

      Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia are all friends.

      Fatso Kim III has had a sock shoved in his mouth by the Chinese.

      Just the thought of a possible President Trump sent our stocks skyward, as ascent that continues to this day.

      Decorum, grace and beauty, and intelligent life has returned to The White House.

      Only the burning of Boggan's Oases breaks into the bracing news, a tragedy for an elite few, meaningless to the restless urban ignorant non-fishing masses across the country, urban captives like our Quirk, for instance, who wouldn't know a rod from a reel.

  58. The vast majority of the so-called “mainstream media” has gone completely communist in its support for the most anti-American figures of our time, as evidenced by their continued hero worship of figures who are trying to destroy our culture.

    GQ Magazine became the latest collection of libtards to throw traditional values out the window by naming failed former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick as their “Citizen of the Year,” while honoring pro-Sharia law Islamic radical Linda Sarsour to a list of honorees as well.

    As reported by PJ Media:

    While Kaepernick remains without a team, his act of protest in kneeling for the national anthem has continued, and sparked a Veterans Day boycott of the NFL this past weekend. Furthermore, GQ also reported that Kaepernick would team up with Muslim activist Linda Sarsour, who supports a political enshrinement of sharia law and declared a “jihad” against President Donald Trump.

    1. Kaepernick needs a hair cut, his hair is way to long.

      He looks like some kind of Martian that just put his finger in an electrical outlet.

    2. Kaepernick could use an education, too.

  59. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un did not meet with a senior Chinese envoy who visited Pyongyang recently, and some in the diplomatic community are viewing it as a deliberate slap in the face to Beijing at a time when the relationship between the countries is under significant strained.


    Trump, who returned from a 12-day trip to Asia last Tuesday, seemed to hope the Chinese envoy's visit would bring results. "China is sending an Envoy and Delegation to North Korea - A big move, we'll see what happens!" Trump tweeted on November 16.

  60. It is with true sadness that I inform the Bar of the destruction by fire of Boggan's Oasis:

    Boggan's Oasis

    Set on the banks of the Grande Rhonde River in the heart of salmon and steelhead country it was always a favortie haunt of fishermen.

    Mr. and Mrs. Boggan seems to have retired late this night, having been out visiting friends or some such.

    Mrs. Boggan was still awake when she heard to popping sounds made by the fire from her bedroom. Going to investigate she encountered the kitchen complex becoming engulfed in flames.

    By the time the one and only rural fire department water truck had arrived Boggan's had been reduced to a pile of glowing ashes by the inferno.

    It shall be missed by myself and so many other fishermen who often stopped there for food and drink.

    Go to the website to view Boggan's Oasis as it once was and as I shall always remember it.

    1. Fire ravages Boggan's Oasis, iconic Grande Ronde River cafe and pit ...
      3 days ago - Boggan's Oasis a popular cafe on the Grande Ronde River at SR 129 near Anatone, Wash., pictured here in summer of 2016, burned to the ground on Nov. 19, 2017. ... RIVERS -- Boggan's Oasis, an iconic cafe and fishing staging area on the Grande Ronde at SR 129 near Anatone, Wash ...

      Fire ravages Boggan's Oasis, iconic Grande Ronde River cafe and pit ...
      3 days ago - RIVERS – Boggan’s Oasis, an iconic cafe and fishing staging area on the Grande Ronde at state Route 129 in Asotin County burned to the ground Saturday night into Sunday morning. ... The site near Anatone, Washington, is located at the only highway crossing of the river, which is ...
      Popular rural eatery burns to the ground | |

      3 days ago - ANATONE — Boggan's Oasis, a popular stopping point for outdoor recreationists at the bottom of Rattlesnake Grade, was destroyed by fire ...
      Roadside eatery burns to the ground | |

      2 days ago - SOUTHERN ASOTIN COUNTY — Boggan's Oasis owners Farrel and Bill Vail say Gonzaga basketball might have saved their lives late ...
      Community reaction to Boggan's Oasis fire | KLEW

      2 days ago - Boggan's Oasis is a popular stop for people out hunting and fishing ... on November 16, and before

  61. EXCLUSIVE: 'American mercenaries are torturing' Saudi elite rounded up by new crown prince - and billionaire Prince Alwaleed was hung upside down 'just to send a message'
    Source in Saudi Arabia says American private security contractors are carrying out'interrogations' on princes and billionaires arrested in crackdown
    Detained members of Saudi elite have been hung by their feet and beaten by interrogates, source says
    Among those hung upside down are Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, an investor worth at least $7 billion who is being held at Riyadh's Ritz Carlton
    Arrests were ordered three weeks ago by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
    Source claims mercenaries are from 'Blackwater', a claim also made by Lebanese president
    But its successor firm denies it has any operations in Saudi Arabia whatsoever and says its staff abide by U.S. law
    Americans who commit torture abroad can be jailed for up to 20 years

    By Ryan Parry, West Coast Correspondent For and Josh Boswell For
    PUBLISHED: 21:24 GMT, 22 November 2017 | UPDATED: 00:36 GMT, 23 November 2017

    Saudi princes and billionaire businessmen arrested in a power grab earlier this month are being strung up by their feet and beaten by American private security contractors, a source in the country tells

    The group of the country's most powerful figures were arrested in a crackdown ordered by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman three weeks ago as he ordered the detention of at least 11 fellow princes and hundreds of businessmen and government officials over claims of corruption. can disclose that the arrests have been followed by 'interrogations' which a source said were being carried out by 'American mercenaries' brought in to work for the 32-year-old crown prince, who is now the kingdom's most powerful figure.

    'They are beating them, torturing them, slapping them, insulting them. They want to break them down,' the source told

    'Blackwater' has been named by's source as the firm involved, and the claim of its presence in Saudi Arabia has also been made on Arabic social media, and by Lebanon's president.

    The firm's successor, Academi, strongly denies even being in Saudi Arabia and says it does not engage in torture, which it is illegal for any U.S. citizen to commit anywhere in the world.

    The Saudi crown prince, according to the source, has also confiscated more than $194 billion from the bank accounts and seized assets of those arrested.....

  62. Kris Paronto-

    Really Hillary Clinton?.... Wish we could've gotten a couple of hours of sleep that night...or a fly over ...some help......or something important like that..... #neverforgetBenghazi #whosleepsduringbattle #yousnoozeyoulose

    Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that she has no regrets about leaving State Department headquarters during the 2012 Benghazi raid that left four Americans dead, a decision that exposed her to criticism during years of investigations into the terror attack.

    "You know, I was there until 9, 10 o'clock. We had done a number of what are called SVTC’s, you know, satellite conferences," Clinton told radio host Hugh Hewitt during an interview that aired Wednesday. "I had talked on the phone. I had talked over satellite with our team in Libya. I had talked with members of our government, Defense and Intel and others, obviously the White House."

    Blood on her hands.
    Did Charles Manson have blood on his hands before he was charged or convicted with any crime, Jack?
