Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Yada, Yada, Yada, Another Allah 'akbar

  • More thoughts and prayers
  • It will only make us stronger
  • The parade must go on (It's a fucking Halloween Parade)
  • They still hate our freedoms
  • Don't mention who "they" are
  • Yada, Yada, Yada,
  • Allah is the greatest

No one is going to do shit. No one is going to say anything intelligent.

Trick or treat assholes


  1. Sayfullo Saipov

    The last sounds something like a Russkie name.

    He was from that south Russia area somewhere.

    Immigrated in here a few years ago.

    We should not have let him set foot here.

    Then this would not have happened.

  2. Got in here in the days of O'bozo I think.

    Had a 'green card' I heard.

  3. Too bad Ted Kennedy was not the first Kennedy to be clipped.

  4. Suspect in Tribeca Truck Attack Identified as Uzbek National: Sources

    By Jonathan Dienst

    Suspect in Tribeca Truck Attack Identified as Uzbek National: Sources

    Terror in Tribeca as Man Mows Down Pedestrians

    The 29-year-old man detained after a flatbed truck drove down a popular lower Manhattan bike path, killing at least 8 people and injuring more than a dozen more, has been identified as an Uzbek national living in New Jersey.

    Authorities said the man, identified by sources as Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, is thought to be a "lone actor" in the attack in the Hudson River Greenway on Tuesday afternoon. Authorities said he shouted "Allahu Akbar" at some point as he sped down the bike path and apparently deliberately rammed into a school bus for children with disabilities.

    He got out of that truck afterward and was seen running through traffic on West Street with a BB gun and a paintball gun before being shot in the abdomen by police and taken into custody. He's being treated at Bellevue Hospital, where he remains in custody.

    Sources said Saipov lives in Paterson, New Jersey, but he had a Florida license with a Tampa address when he was arrested. Police and federal agents were seen swarming the neighborhood street where he was thought to live on Tuesday evening.

    U.S. intelligence officials said they had no knowledge of any terror groups claiming responsibility for the violence.
    Saipov also pleaded guilty to two traffic offenses in Pennsylvania between 2012 and 2015, according to records from the Keystone State. There was no other information on whether the man had any other criminal record.

    Source: Suspect in Tribeca Truck Attack Identified as Uzbek National: Sources - NBC New York



  5. .

    Our Strength is Our Diversity.



    1. .

      I volunteer to welcome a Moslem into my home.



    2. .

      I offer my 7 month old granddaughter to become one of his wives.



    3. .

      I offer my sons to death by jihad.


    4. Gonna get him out of Walgreens, aye

      Probably a good career move for him

      From a dead end job to just plain dead

    5. .

      It's the twins, rat, a couple of sick puppies.


  6. MSNBC is back to hitting on Trump.

    A terror attack in New York City doesn't hold their attention for long.

    1. Trump didn't stop it.

      But it was a 'small' casualty event, as terror attacks in New York gp.

  7. Sounds like a happy well adjusted guy -

    Suspect Claimed He Committed NYC Truck Attack for ISIS: Sources

    By Jonathan Dienst, Brian Thompson and R. Darren Price

    The 29-year-old man detained after a flatbed truck drove down a popular lower Manhattan bike path, killing at least 8 people and injuring more than a dozen more, left a note in the truck claiming he committed the attack for ISIS, according to law enforcement sources.

    Authorities said the man, identified by sources as Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, is thought to be a "lone actor" in the attack in the Hudson River Greenway on Tuesday afternoon. Authorities said he shouted "Allahu Akbar" at some point as he sped down the bike path and apparently deliberately rammed into a school bus for children with disabilities.
    The Uzbek national living in New Jersey got out of that truck afterward and was seen running through traffic on West Street with a BB gun and a paintball gun before being shot in the abdomen by police and taken into custody. He's being treated at Bellevue Hospital, where he remains in custody.

    Sources said Saipov lives in Paterson, New Jersey, but he had a Florida license with a Tampa address on him when he was arrested. Police and federal agents were seen swarming the neighborhood street where he was thought to live on Tuesday evening.

    Residents in the area said that Saipov had a wife and two young children.

    Kobiljon Matkarov, a Facebook friend of Saipov's, told NBC News that the two met while they were both living in Florida. He said his friend was working as a truck and Uber driver.

    "He was very happy guy," said Matkarov, who is also from Uzbekistan. "he liked the US, he is no terrorist. He's all the time happy, smiling all the time."


  8. The last attack with a vehicle against a crowd was responded to with the removal of Confederate monuments.

    Way past time time to remove the mosques.


    1. 800,000 Muslims in NYCity
      1,000 NYPD officers are Muslims

      The horses are loose, no reason to shut the gate, now.

    2. 175 Mosques in New York City and counting. Muslims in New ...

      There are no reliable figures for the population of Muslims in New York City. Estimates range from 200,000 to 1,000,000. Based on our study, we would estimate that there are about 600,000 Muslims in the city.
      How many Muslims in NYC? › A Journey through NYC religions

      There are three sources for estimates of the Muslim population. First, the recently released American Values Atlas survey found that 2% of the adults in the New York City metropolitan area identify their religion as Islam in 2014. With a NYC metro area population of 20,092,883, this would mean that there are about 402,000 Muslims.
      How many Muslims live in New York state? - Quora

      , lives in New York City. According to the 2000 census, roughly 3.5% of the state's population is Islamic equalling +- 700,000 people, representing about 16% of the Muslim population in the US (second only to California, which is home to about 20%).

    3. Sergeant Inspector KluesnoTue Oct 31, 10:21:00 PM EDT

      Way too many by any count.

    4. Sergeant Inspector KluesnoTue Oct 31, 11:04:00 PM EDT

      Why add to the herd ?


  9. House Republicans will miss their self-imposed deadline to release a bill to overhaul the US tax system Wednesday.

    As night fell and trick-or-treaters took the streets -- as well as the halls of the Capitol -- GOP leaders and the White House were still discussing the parameters of the tax legislation Tuesday night, multiple sources told CNN, hours before it was originally scheduled to be unveiled. Two House GOP aides confirm the plan is now to unveil the tax bill Thursday.

    The delay is a setback for Republican leaders who have been laser-focused on tax reform


    A Pill to Make Exercise Obsolete

    What if a drug could give you all the benefits of a workout?

    By Nicola Twilley

    The molecular changes caused by physical exertion are still poorly understood.Illustration by Jack Sachs
    It was late summer, and the gray towers of the Salk Institute, in San Diego, shaded seamlessly into ocean fog. The austere, marble-paved central courtyard was silent and deserted. The south lawn, a peaceful retreat often used for Tai Chi and yoga classes, was likewise devoid of life, but through vents built into its concrete border one could detect a slight ammoniac whiff from more than two thousand cages of laboratory rodents below. In a teak-lined office overlooking the ocean, the biologist Ron Evans introduced me to two specimens: Couch Potato Mouse and Lance Armstrong Mouse.
    Couch Potato Mouse had been raised to serve as a proxy for the average American. Its daily exercise was limited to an occasional waddle toward a bowl brimming with pellets of laboratory standard “Western Diet,” which consists almost entirely of fat and sugar and is said to taste like cookie dough. The mouse was lethargic, lolling in a fresh layer of bedding, rolls of fat visible beneath thinning, greasy-looking fur. Lance Armstrong Mouse had been raised under exactly the same conditions, yet, despite its poor diet and lack of exercise, it was lean and taut, its eyes and coat shiny as it snuffled around its cage. The secret to its healthy appearance and youthful energy, Evans explained, lay in a daily dose of GW501516: a drug that confers the beneficial effects of exercise without the need to move a muscle....


  11. Quirking Interlude -

    Dick Fired from Movie Over Sexual Harassment Claims...

    Grabbing Genitals, Licking Faces....


    1. Sergeant Inspector KluesnoTue Oct 31, 11:21:00 PM EDT

      There are too many dicks in Hollywood.

    2. Andy licked Dick

      Andy Dick denies groping, admits to licking allegations after being fired for harassment



  12. Bergdahl produced a ‘gold mine’ of intelligence for the government, experts testify


  13. Being hit with a false licking allegation is the worst thing that can happen to any Dick.

  14. 'There is no compulsion in Islam'

    We've all heard this quoted from time to time.

    Trouble is, it's any early saying of Mo.

    The violent sayings come later, according to muzz reading an jurisprudence.

    And, like a US Supreme Court ruling, the later rulings/sayings makes null and void the earlier.

    Islam wants to replace our secular government, which cannot establish a religion, with a theocratic government which mandates Islam.

    Hence, most muzz can rightfully be thought of as treasonous to our settled way of life here in the USA.

    1. according to muzz reading and jurisprudence

    2. If you object to the word 'most' in the above you can substitute the word 'many' if you wish.

  15. Sluts, Herpes, and Hillary Clinton

    “I’m a slut, and I have herpes. I still am a person who deserves respect,” blogger Ella Dawson tweeted as part of her campaign to remove the “cultural stigma” surrounding sexually transmitted diseases. The Wesleyan grad gained notoriety and celebrity online after writing an article in Women’s Health titled “Why I Love Telling People I Have Herpes.” A follow-up article at Medium defended her position.

    Some -- like Hillary Clinton -- praised Dawson for being “brave and insightful,” while others condemned her for being “stupid.”

    In the words of the ever-candid Dr. House:

    Yesterday’s sluts are today’s empowered women. Today’s sluts are celebrities. If that isn’t progress ...
    Hillary Clinton certainly agrees with House. She even sent Dawson a thank you note praising her for speaking out against the “stigma” and for standing up to her critics:


    1. It's always something to watch the prudes be put in their place by the sluts.


    But don’t be concerned: Governor Cuomo says there is no “ongoing threat.”

    November 1, 2017 Robert Spencer

    In lower Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon, a Muslim named Sayfullo Saipov, screaming “Allah akbar,” drove a rented truck along a bicycle path, killing at least eight people and injuring numerous others. According to Al Arabiya, “New York state governor Andrew Cuomo told media that there is no evidence to suggest wider plot or wider scheme.” And Time.com reported that Cuomo said that there was no “evidence of an ongoing threat or any additional threat.”

    No evidence to suggest a wider plot or an ongoing threat? Really, Governor? Here’s some: last June, the Islamic State published a poster depicting an SUV driving over a heap of skulls and bearing the legend “Run Over Them Without Mercy.”

    Also, the Islamic State issued this call in September 2014:

    So O muwahhid, do not let this battle pass you by wherever you may be. You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawaghit. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents. Destroy their beds. Embitter their lives for them and busy them with themselves. If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be….If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him….

    Many Muslims in the West have heeded this call. Last August, there was a vehicular jihad attack in Barcelona. The week before that in France, a Muslim named Hamou Bachir hit six French soldiers with his car in Levallois-Perret, where the headquarters of the DGSI (General Directorate for Internal Security), the country’s primary counter-terrorism intelligence agency, are located. In June, a Muslim drove his car into a crowd on the London Bridge and then jumped out and started stabbing people. We have seen several other vehicular jihadis get out of the car after they plowed into pedestrians, and start stabbing people. In June 2015, a Muslim in Austria drove his car into a crowd, killing three, and then got out and stabbed passersby. Then in November 2016, a Muslim student at Ohio State University named Abdul Razak Ali Artan drove his car into a crowd, then got out and stabbed several others.

    1. There have been many others in 2016 and this year: in Nice, in Berlin, in Jerusalem, in Paris, and elsewhere. Yet Andrew Cuomo and others among the political elites resolutely refuse to connect the dots between these jihad attacks, which have an obvious connection with one another in sharing the same motivating ideology and the same goal.

      Saipov, meanwhile, has been identified as a native of Uzbekistan. It has not yet been revealed under what circumstances Saipov entered the United States, but however he came here, his actions today indicate the crying need for immigration reform, and the correctness of the underlying principle behind President Trump’s much-maligned travel bans.

      No doubt when Saipov came here, he was deemed a “moderate.” The current immigration and refugee apparatuses do not even make any serious attempt to determine whether or not a Muslim entering the United States has jihad sentiments – an enterprise which would be essentially impossible in any case. The unpleasant fact remains that it is impossible to distinguish jihadis from peaceful Muslim refugees. If, however, President Trump tries to use this incident in order to broaden his travel ban, the response will be the familiar cries of “bigotry” and “Islamophobia,” and the Hate-America Left will go into high gear again to stop his action in the courts.

      And so it goes in the daily life of the contemporary West: another jihad massacre, and more denial and willful ignorance.

      Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. Coming in November is his new book Confessions of an Islamophobe. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.


    Leftists who refuse to stop Islamic terrorism want people to die.
    November 1, 2017 Daniel Greenfield


    Islamic terror strikes in New York City.
    November 1, 2017 Judith Miller and Seth Barron


  18. Choices -

    "We either have to let in some harmful people, or keep out some harmless people"

    Robert Spencer

  19. And -


    Revisiting one of the unintended consequences of the Protestant Reformation.

    November 1, 2017 Raymond Ibrahim

    Five-hundred years ago yesterday, on October 31, 1517, a Catholic monk named Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of a German church, thereby launching what would come to be known as the Protestant Reformation. Whatever else can be said of him, Luther unwittingly initiated something else that is often overlooked. “The Reformation produced one logical if unexpected result,” explains European historian Franco Cardini: “a definite boost to the positive evaluation of Islam, and therefore to the birth and development of an often conventional and mannered pro-Islamic stance” in the West.

    Thus, although Luther maintained the traditional Christian view of Islam—denouncing the Koran as a “cursed, shameful, desperate” book filled with “dreadful abominations”—he condemned the concept of crusading, which had been essential for the survival of some European Christians, such as those of Spain: since its conquest by Islam in the eighth century, the Iberian Peninsula had faced wave after wave of Islamic incursions emanating from North Africa (especially at the hands of the Almoravids and the Almohads, whose jihadi zeal and barbarous means far surpassed anything ISIS can come up with).

    Nor was Luther merely against crusading “over there” (e.g., to liberate the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, etc.). In 1517, the same year that he nailed his theses, history’s greatest jihadi empire—that of the Ottoman Turks—absorbed the vast domains of the Mameluke sultanate in the Middle East and North Africa and, having already conquered much of the Balkans, prepared to renew the jihad into the heart of Europe. Against this, Luther originally preached passivity—going so far as to say that, although the Muslim sultan “rages most intensely by murdering Christians in the body … he, after all, does nothing by this but fill heaven with saints.” When the Turks marched to and besieged the walls of Vienna in 1529, rebellious Lutheran soldiers were heard to cry out that the “Unbaptized Turk” (meaning the sultan) was preferable to the “Baptized Turk.”

    By portraying the Catholic pope as more of an “Antichrist” figure than Europe’s hitherto traditional Antichrist figure, the Turkish sultan—an office held by Muslim leaders who had been responsible for the slaughter and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Christians in the name of jihad—men such as Luther and John Calvin, who held that Islamic prophet Muhammad and the Pope were “the two horns of Antichrist,” ushered in a sort of relativism that prevails to this day in the West; one which instinctively cites (often distorted) episodes from Catholic history to relativize and minimize ongoing Muslim atrocities.

    To be sure, the Catholic Church responded with its own invective “and frequently tried to discredit Protestant doctrine by likening it to Islam—Muhammad was an early Protestant and the Protestants were latter day Saracens,” explains Bernard Lewis. Cardini elaborates:.....


  20. WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange slammed the CIA, saying the deadly terrorist attack in New York might not have happened if the agency investigated terrorists instead of training and arming them.

    “If the CIA spent more time investigating terrorists and less time training and arming them we might not have had today’s truck attack in New York,” the whistleblower tweeted following the attack in lower Manhattan that left eight people dead and a dozen injured on Tuesday.

  21. Governor Cuomo is dumb as dirt.

  22. Sergeant Inspector KluesnoWed Nov 01, 03:47:00 AM EDT

    FARCE !

    Inspector Clouseau pounces!
    James Lewis
    Americans are watching this Robert Mueller versus Paul Manafort farce. They are not laughing. More


    1. Sergeant Inspector KluesnoWed Nov 01, 03:52:00 AM EDT

      Shazam! The crack legal team of Herr Robert Mueller have pounced on a real crime (they say), and all the loudest voices in today's politics have agreed on this farce, just as if it were the real thing. Liberals around the country are getting chills up their spines as the official Master Sleuths close in on...whom, exactly? And why, exactly? And in obedience to what principle in the Constitution, or in common law, or in common sense, for that matter?

      The answer is that there is no legal, moral, or sane principle to be seen. None whatsoever. This is pure, emotional mob scapegoating under color of law – but not any law that adheres to the U.S. Constitution. The American Founders were steeped in the Western Enlightenment of the 18th century, and they would chew up and spit out all the rationalizations of all the liberal witch hunts since Watergate. This is all made up legal fiction, in direct violation of the very basis of civilized legality.

    2. Sergeant Inspector KluesnoWed Nov 01, 03:59:00 AM EDT

      Outside a French bedroom farce, nobody believes this stuff. Mueller and his team are the most expensive script-writing and amateur acting team in human history, just like Shakespeare in the Park, which recently stabbed the duly elected president of the United States in effigy, in front of a roaring mob of stoned liberals, today's version of the old Klan rallies of the antebellum South. Why, Kathy Griffin even cut a symbolic mask of Donald Trump "at the neck," as prescribed in the Holy Quran, and paraded the nasty thing in front of even more howling liberals.

      You can't make this stuff up.

      Is it even worth saying that real liberals, like Jack Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, and Ronald Reagan (an FDR liberal), would be puking at this sight? The liberals of 2017 have fallen back on the Stalinist past, before the AFL-CIO threw out the totalitarians. But that would take some history, and it's lost on today's Democrats.

      Still, the American people are watching. Judging by the last election, they are quietly watching this farce.

      They aren't laughing.


    3. .

      You just wait: Comey and Mueller will prosecute the Uranium One affair as soon as they get a round tuit.


    4. Look at this, Doug -

      NYC jihad mass murderer entered US via Diversity Visa Program
      By Robert Spencer on Oct 31, 2017 10:00 pm

      NYC jihad mass murderer entered US via Diversity Visa Program

      And look how wonderfully diverse he has made us. “Report: NYC Foreign Terror Suspect Entered U.S. with ‘Diversity Visa’ Trump Wants to End,” by John Binder, Breitbart, October 31, 2017: The suspected foreign national terrorist behind the New York City attack that has left at least eight individuals dead came to the United States years ago through […]
      Read in browser »


    5. Bringing magical foreign cultural ways to enrich the USA !


    6. .

      Xenophobic thought crimes are the worst.



    7. .

      I'll bet Kate Stienle's Dad is a Xenophobe.


  23. Trump should invite Assange to live in the USA.

    He's already done his time.


  24. The Brilliance of Señor Byron Lopez:

    Byron Lopez, a student at Santa Ana College, said he hopes to transfer to Cal State Fullerton and doesn’t want to see people such as Yiannopoulos given a platform.

    “He peddles alt-right ideas that are inherently dangerous,” Lopez said. “You look back to Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, this is how it all began. You have to stop fascism now when it’s still disorganized.”



    1. .

      alt-right bad, Señor Byron Lopez good.


  25. “Tired Mountain Syndrome,”

    Up to 200 workers could have been killed after a tunnel collapsed at North Korea’s nuclear test site, according to a media report.

    Japanese broadcaster TV Asahi said around 100 people were trapped when the unfinished tunnel caved in at the Punggye-ri site, which lies south of the Mantapsan mountain, 50 miles from the border with China.

    The Telegraph reported that the incident occurred on Oct. 10, citing South Korean news agency Yonhap.

    Another 100 people could have died in a second collapse as they attempted to rescue their trapped colleagues, TV Asahi reported.

    The report couldn’t be verified by USA TODAY.

    In September, Chinese scientists briefed a North Korean delegation in Beijing of the danger of a collapse at the nuclear test site, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported.

    North Korea said it tested a hydrogen bomb at Punggye-ri on Sept. 3 — its sixth and most powerful nuclear test. A day later, a Chinese nuclear scientist warned that future tests at the facility could blow the top off the mountain and leak radioactive waste, the SCMP reported.

    Several small earthquakes occurred following the Sept. 3 test. North Korea monitoring website site 38 North reported that there were suggestions following the quakes that the site may not be suitable for more nuclear testing.

    However the report, by Frank V. Pabian and Jack Liu, said,"even in the face of what has been dubbed “Tired Mountain Syndrome,” abandonment of the site for nuclear testing should not be expected."


  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. .


    No, not the movie but the blogspot. The IQ's are dropping and the dullards are once again running amok.

    They condemn all Muslims and demand no Muslim be allowed into the country an idea that would be impossible to implement (except in the wet dreams of these nuts), is unconstitutional, and would be detrimental on a number of levels.

    They ignore the fact that this guy has been in the US for seven years, was radicalized here, and was hoping to die a martyr. Where the supporters somehow to get their wishes on a Muslim ban and the terrorist attacks continue, as they would, it's likely the next step the brain trust here would demand would be that all Muslim residents of the US be deported.

    They ignore any affect their suggestions would have on relations with allies including Uzbekistan, the country the guy came from, a country that has been a huge supporter of the US and its fight on terror.

    Luckily, Trump is there to be presidential at times like these. Oh sorry, it appears Trump has been watching Sean Hannity again and as is his wont decided to immediately begin politicizing this tragedy by tweeting out a condemnation of Chuck Schumer and the 'Diversity Visa' program, a program included in Immigration Act of 1990, one that received wide bi-partisan support and was signed off by George H. W. Bush.

    Of course, Trump's move was political as is everything he does. For those who doubt simply look at the fact Trump picks and chooses when and where he speaks about terrorists. There's his relative silence on the soldiers killed in Niger and failure to mention the ISIS connection. The fact that his travel ban doesn't include the biggest promoter of terrorism in the world, Saudi Arabia, a country whose Wahhabi version of Islam is the fountainhead for many radicals terrorist groups around the world. The fact that it doesn't cover the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia.

    Maybe the mensa bank here will finally become consistent and given recent events and their claims they are trying to eliminate domestic terrorism here will insist that we also set up a relocation program for all white millionaires who hang out with Asian girlfriends.


    1. "is unconstitutional"

      What US Supreme Court ruling are you relying on to make this assertion, Quirk ?

    2. My first step would be to end the Diversity Visa Program, which I read is the way this turd got in here.

    3. Or if we keep the Diversity Visa Program, I'd amend it to require a sponsor for the diverse, someone they must live with to show them the wisdom of our ways.

      If I were running things I would have dropped Saipov in your lap.

      This would also make YOU legally responsible for his behavior.

      Able also to be sued for damages, etc., caused by your charge.

      Some responsible USA adult needs to be liable here, and that would be YOU.

      Good idea, eh ?

    4. It's a little early for Doug to be checking in but I think he might accept the idea too.

      Maybe he will see this and reply.

    5. .

      Right, Bob, probably best if you wait for the passive aggressive haole. You need all the support you can get. That way rather than standing out as one sick puppy, you can be part of a badly impaired litter.


    6. :)

      Again, I ask you to cite the Supreme Court ruling that says the United States cannot control its own borders.

      When you do, I will read it carefully and then comment.

    7. At his point I think I can say you don't sound so hot on the idea of being a legally liable sponsor to the diverse.

      That shows more wisdom than you usually display on such matters.

      I call it progress.

      I hope I am not wrong.

    8. "the 'Diversity Visa' program, a program included in Immigration Act of 1990, one that received wide bi-partisan support and was signed off by George H. W. Bush."


      I immediately bent over and spread my cheeks.


    9. Are you real?

      ...of course you are.

      A real MSM repeater drone.

    10. .

      Are you drooling again, Doug?

      What's wrong with you? Try looking up 'diversity visa program' in Wikipedia.

      You are fixated. The NYT could say Trump is the 45th president of the US and you would deny it.

      You're nutz.


    11. .

      I immediately bent over and spread my cheeks.

      Did you get any takers? You might want to check with Kevin Spacey.


    12. .

      Again, I ask you to cite the Supreme Court ruling that says the United States cannot control its own borders.

      Ruling? Check the Constitution. Hint: if you get to the 2nd Amendment you went too far.


    13. "wide bi-partisan support"

      That's certainly good enough for me.

    14. oops, that would be you, the Dick Lover.

    15. The 'Diversity Visa' program was the brain child of Chuckie Schumer, I believe.

      Quirk, I offer to get you a modern day 'Guide for the Perplexed'.

      I offer to buy you 'Borders, Language, Culture' by Michael Savage.

      The 1st Amendment says we can't control our borders ?

      Really ?

    16. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    17. For a free ride into the USA call Quirk Law Firm, LLC, practicing out of Detroit, Michigan.

      Payment in advance required. *

      1-800- Qirklaw

      Call now !

    18. (Foreign currency exchange available for a slight fee)

    19. Teddy figured he hadn't done enough damage with his turn the USA into Mexico program, so he came up with the diversity visa program:

      "The Diversity Visa Program was established by the Immigration Act of 1990. Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, was the lead sponsor of the legislation and it was co-sponsored by Sen. Al D'Amato, R-New York, whom Schumer would later defeat. Schumer voted in favor of the bill in the House, which passed 264-118 and passed the Senate overwhelmingly in a 89-8 vote."


    20. Thanks for the clarification.

      Looks like nearly everyone is guilty.

    21. George HW Bush signed the legislation into law

    22. ...but nobody matched Kennedy:

      Ted Kennedy surely was one of the most influential Senators in our history.

      His influence on immigration alone brought more change to America than the work of any other Senator during my lifetime.

      Just as a reminder, let's make a short list of the immigration policies that Kennedy and his extremely talented staff put into effect:

      The 1965 revamp of the entire immigration system. It ended 40 years of low immigration, got rid of solid numerical caps and opened up chain migration into every overpopulated country in the world, exploding annual immigration numbers.

      Massive expansion of the refugee programs in the late 1970s, opening up massive loopholes and encouraging a domestic resettlement industry that became a major lobby for more and more overall immigration.
      The 1986 blanket amnesty. Kennedy's skills may have been best seen here where he got legislators on our side to agree to the amnesty in exchange for enforcement rules that he made sure were written in a way that would not work.
      Within a decade, he would be using the inability to enforce the 1986 rules as an excuse for why we needed more green cards and more amnesties. An example of Kennedy's great skill was that he persuaded Ronald Reagan to enthusiastically support this bill.

      The 1990 immigration act, which increased overall immigration by another 35%. The first Pres. Bush was Kennedy's co-partner, just as the second Pres. Bush was Kennedy's eager co-partner in trying to force through another blanket amnesty 2001-2008.

      The 1990 act also established the lottery whereby we randomly give away 50,000 green cards a year to people in countries picked because they have the least ties and c

      ultural association with the United States, and which disproportionately are terrorist-sponsoring countries. This was something of a compromise for Kennedy who was able to ensure that during the first few years, much of the lottery winners would be illegal aliens from Ireland -- his own ethnic group.

      The H-1B visas which have enabled corporations to keep hundreds of thousands of American kids from getting a foothold in the high tech industry.

      The total defeat of liberal civil rights champion Barbara Jordan's blue-ribbon commission recommendations to reduce overall immigration and eliminate chain migration and the lottery in 1996.

      Six mini-amnesties that passed in the 1990s, primarily aimed at specific nationalities.


    23. November 1, 2017
      I’m not celebrating diversity visas
      By Thomas Lifson

      Does America owe everyone in the world a lottery ticket chance to gain entry to our homeland? Sayfullo Saipov, the jihadi who mowed down bikers and pedestrians in New York City, shouting “Allahu akbar!” (“Allah is supreme!”) before being shot and captured, was in this country thanks to the Diversity Visa Process that operates as if our first duty is to make sure everyone has a shot at immigrating here, instead of picking who will benefit Americans.

      The State Department instructs applicants (as Saipov was years ago):

      Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provides for a class of immigrants known as “diversity immigrants,” from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States. A limited number of visas are available each fiscal year. The DVs are distributed among six geographic regions and no single country may receive more than seven percent of the available DVs in any one year.

      This program blindly prefers ethnic fragmentation (aka, diversity). There is zero weight placed on benefit to Americans. Let public schools try to find teachers who can instruct students in languages like Khmer, Turkish, and Sinhala (languages in which it is possible to apply for diversity visas) and It is the opposite of President Trump’s injunction of “America first,” and unsurprisingly President Trump has proposed ending it.

      Neil Munro wrote on August 2:

      President Donald Trump today joined with two GOP Senators to introduce his merit-based immigration reform.......


  28. "There are many ways to interpret the flood of accusations that the Weinstein exposé unleashed. Its possible to suggest that a disgruntlement with Donald Trump has led to the exposure of figures who are symbolic surrogates for the U.S. President, and some sort of instinctive cultural cleansing is unfolding. It's possible to joke bitterly that, since Spacey plays a scheming, ruthless president in House of Cards, the public has higher standards for fictional presidents than real ones."


    1. Pc9el as3k l8uje osge9m=, s99ekc: Xxisxo.

  29. .

    "There are many ways to interpret the flood of accusations that the Weinstein exposé unleashed. Its possible to suggest that a disgruntlement with Donald Trump has led to the exposure of figures who are symbolic surrogates for the U.S. President...


    Sure it's possible to suggest that, John, you just did; however, I doubt many would.


  30. For Quirk:

    Geller and Gorka


    1. I worry he may not have the attention span required.

    2. .


      Geller and Gorka?

      What's wrong with you tonight, Doug?


  31. .

    I offer to buy you 'Borders, Language, Culture' by Michael Savage.

    No personal checks. Please send the list price for the book to me through Paypal.

    The 1st Amendment says we can't control our borders ?

    Your comments had little to do with controlling our borders. Your first comment was...

    BobTue Oct 31, 07:06:00 PM EDT
    End Moslem Immigration To USA NOW !

    A different matter all together.


    1. Your comments had little to do with controlling our borders. Your first comment was...

      BobTue Oct 31, 07:06:00 PM EDT
      End Moslem Immigration To USA NOW !

      A different matter all together.


      I admit my rural Mensa qualifications are not sufficient to enable me to comprehend the above comment.

    2. .

      I understand. And Sympathize.

      Had you made some comment about the need for controlling our borders you would have been on solid ground. When you singled out one religion to be banned, while you might be on firm ground with the rest of your ilk you weren't on solid ground with the Constitution.


    3. "Bring me your tired, your poor, your Amerika hating Muslim Scumbags."

    4. Quirk, you really are impossible.

  32. California has also become a battleground in the resistance to “the resistance,” the informal liberal opposition to Mr. Trump. Right-wing speakers like Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannopoulos and Mr. Shapiro have all chosen the deeply liberal campus of the University of California at Berkeley as a place to speak, despite the threat of violence from leftist demonstrators.


    In August, liberal Angelenos were outraged when the Santa Monica Symphony Orchestra invited Dennis Prager, a conservative writer and radio host based in Los Angeles, to be a guest conductor. Seven symphony members said they would refuse to play under his direction.

    But the uproar made Mr. Prager, a classical music aficionado who has argued that Mr. Trump’s election “may have saved the country,” into a cause célèbre on the right. The event sold out.

    1. :)

      Prager's a good guy, but sometimes it seems to take forever for him to make his point.

    2. When he speaks in public, he's almost normal.

      On his radio show, he constantly tests the patience of anyone willing to wait for the point.

    3. https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/fy8wz-3f16d/Radio+Show+Archive+%E2%80%93+Dennis+Prager+Show+%E2%80%93+Pragertopia

    4. :)

      I decline.

      I've been there already.

      I've had enough.

      I'll wait for a public appearance.

  33. November 1, 2017
    Replacing the Ideological Spectrum
    By Bruce Walker

    Most of the problems conservatives and other normal people have in understanding the language of modern politics comes from the idea that political beliefs can be defined by an ideological spectrum, a geometrical model that requires all conservatives as somehow clumped together in a narrow region of a flat two-dimensional line....

    ....But if someone must have geometry to describe ideology, then there is a superior way to do it. Totalitarians are crowded together by infinite compression into a black hole, a place from which there is no hope of escape. In that black hole are Marxists, Nazis, and all the other allies against individuality and morality who have so easily changed colors over the years. This explains why Marxists in and out of Germany so eagerly supported Nazism in the eight years from 1933 to 1941 and why Nazis were so genuinely welcomed into prominent roles in the Warsaw Pact nations after 1945. It also explains why feminists are so reluctant to condemn radical Islam, another incarnation of totalitarianism, and why these same feminists are so vehement in their condemnation of Christianity, the best ally of women in human history.

    I have called all these totalitarians simply "Sinisterists,"....


  34. American Moslems Fear Backlash From Tomorrow's Terrorist Attack

    Mark Steyn parodying recent Moslem friendly headlines in the papers.

  35. The Islamic radical who mowed down pedestrians in Manhattan is a Uzbek migrant who entered the United States on a Diversity Visa in 2010.

    Supposedly the Diversity Visa program is a lottery of sorts where people from obscure countries can throw their names into a hat in hopes of winning entry.


    This country has to return to sanity. And that means a return to merit-based immigration.

    It’s time to shut down the Diversity Visa program and stop playing Russian Roulette with American lives.

    Russian Roulette


  36. .

    Mueller and Comey are just warming up for their assault, in concert with the MSM, on the Clintons and the DNC.



  37. Mayor DeBlasio is a turd, and a liar.

    He shut down the muzz surveillance program in NYC.

    There were over a thousand muzz being watched, including Saipov, by the police.

    Can we say DeBlasio has blood on his hands ?


  38. Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov celebrates deadly Manhattan truck attack while at hospital: 'He feels accomplished'

    The terrorist truck driver who carved a 14-block path of destruction along a lower Manhattan bike path was celebrating the deadly attack, sources said Wednesday.

    Sayfullo Saipov, 29, was rejoicing in his room at Bellevue Hospital after killing eight people and injuring 13 others along the Hudson River Tuesday, sources told the Daily News.

    “He’s talking. He’s laughing. He’s very happy with what he did,” said a source who was briefed by a hospital staffer on the floor. “He feels accomplished.”

    A second source said Saipov, in his interviews with investigators, showed “no remorse” and was “glad that he did what he set out to do.”



    1. .

      He's exercising his First Amendment Rights.


    2. Does New York have the death penalty ?

      If not, send him to Gitmo, and a military tribunal.

      Wait, even if it does, send him to Gitmo and a military tribunal.


    3. .

      The 1st Amendment says specifically he can enter the USA on a 'diversity visa'. We must follow our Constitution.



    4. .

      I'm just thankful he got the medical attention he's entitled to.


    5. ...and that he didn't do this:


    6. (turns out the guy had beat an 80 year old veteran to death 3 days before)

      ...vet was trying to help him.

  39. Thornton Police Dept @ThorntonPolice

    Shooting just occurred at Walmart, 9900 Grant St, multiple parties down. Please stay away from the area.



  40. .

    We need stringent TRUCK CONTROL!



    1. .

      It's our lax control of rental trucks that is causing all the mayhem, not the muzzies.



    2. .

      Home Depot is a right wint cabal.


  41. Pam Geller just ripped Geraldo a new one on the Hannity program.

    It was wonderful to watch.

  42. Police and other emergency services in Colorado are responding to reports of an active shooter at a Walmart in Thornton, police and witnesses say. There are multiple victims and the area is being evacuated.

  43. New Hollywood 'predator' unmasked: Rush Hour director Brett Ratner 'sexually assaulted a teenage Natasha Henstridge and masturbated in front of Olivia Munn' - as six women make allegations against him

